May June July August September. Names of the months in English. Features of the distribution of months in Britain

1st of JanuaryNew Year. They tell fortunes about the future and fumigate the house with juniper. The smoke of this magical plant removes misfortunes and illnesses, brings good luck and happiness.
December 21 - January 5- Christmas time. The corridor from Yavi to Nav has been opened. It’s good to guess, heal, plan, engage in soul and body, fast, meditate, develop abilities. You can get advice and help from your ancestors. To do this, go to the forest, light a fire, invite your ancestors to the fire, ask questions that concern you. In two or three days the answer will come in some form. You need to pay close attention to the signs. If the forest is far away, then the ritual can be performed at home with a lit candle.
6th January- Christmas Eve. They fast until the first star. Pancakes are being baked. The first pancake is given to pets.
Jan. 7- Christmas. It is advisable that all household members be at home.
January 9— Give pets water through silver for health.
January 18- Epiphany Christmas Eve. They practice protection magic. They put crosses with chalk on walls, doors, and windows. They fast until the first star.
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January 19- Baptism. After midnight they take Epiphany water from wells and springs. This water slows down and preserves all processes. Epiphany water was sprinkled throughout the house, property, and household members.
January 20th- Blessing of water. The sun enters the sign of Aquarius. On the night of January 20-21, water is taken from springs and wells for the whole year. Holy Water does not spoil, helps with nervous and mental illnesses, treats convulsions, dizziness, numbness of the limbs, and calms. Helps with strokes.
January 29— You need to change something dramatically in your life, in yourself. Transformation of the Roof. Prayers and any other magic work well on this day.
January 31- Magical day. Revelry evil spirits, holiday of witches and wizards. On this day they practice attack magic, cast spells, evil eyes, love spells, and harass enemies and competitors. For those who do not practice magic, on this day you need to work on yourself in terms of increasing love and understanding in your soul. Meditation and reflection are useful. Avoid quarrels on this day (as on any other day).


1st of February— the weather of this day predicts the weather for the whole month.
February 5th- Morena. Magical day. Spells work well on this day.
February 10- name day of the brownie. The brownie is fed specially cooked porridge. They don’t go to the forest on this day.
The 14th of February- they talk the house away from mice.
February, 15- Candlemas. The first meeting of winter and spring. It is advisable to use protection from magic. On this day you need to walk around the house from front door with a candle, sprinkle with spring water, wipe the floors and mirrors with this water. Fumigate the house with juniper, wormwood, St. John's wort, and pine resin to drive winter negative energy out of the house. Sretenskaya water counts healing agent from the evil eye. It is sprinkled against diseases of both humans and animals.

February 19- livestock is fumigated with thyme. so that the milk is tasty and the young animals are healthy.
February 20th- bake pies with onions so that there is a harvest. Until May 5, garlic and onions are actively eaten.
February 21- tidy up all the piercing and cutting tools and other utensils. They start talking.
24 February— they bring a twig from the Place of Power into the house. They ask for health livestock. They read conspiracies to increase wealth and good luck in trading. All the magic of money. On this day there is the last winter frost.
February 29— on this day they try not to go outside from the house. It is easy to become a victim of the evil eye or magical attack. They practice attack magic (combat magic).


March 1- a “chicken god” (a stone with a natural hole) is hung in the chicken coop as a talisman for chickens. On this day you need to clean the house with a candle and spring water. Smudge with juniper, wormwood or St. John's wort. This day is favorable for fortune telling and summoning spirits. Spiritualism sessions. They practice ancestral magic. Conduct magical rituals To solve various problems, they call on their ancestors for help. One of the most powerful magical days.
2nd of March- they make love spells for money. All the magic of money.
March, 6- from this day on, you need to take a walk every day. fresh air, if possible, sunbathe.
10th of March- from this day on, it is not advisable to sleep during the day - you can go into depression.
March 17- clear the house of negative energy using a candle and fumigation with herbs.
March 21-25- Red hill. You can guess, ask - the sky is open. An excellent start for any business. Energetically strong days. Any magic.
March 24- make amulets for pets. All the magic of money.


Palm Week And Palm Sunday(the week before Easter) - during the flowering of the willow, go into the forest, go up to the willow, ask for health and whip yourself and each other with willow branches, without breaking the branches, saying: “Whip the willow, beat them to tears!” I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” This energy procedure cleanses and activates the subtle karmic structures of a person. Aggression decreases, fate improves. You can get rid of magical attacks. If a person knows the rules of the game and relaxes, then along with the activation of energy, muscle tension is released. Willow pollen - male hormone and biostimulant. Willow earrings are considered healing and endowed with special powers. They are baked into bread and fed to sick cattle. Women eat willow buds and get rid of infertility. You can boil the willow and take a bath.
April 7- Annunciation. On this day it is good to guess, ask - the sky is open. On this day, salt is burned in a frying pan with prayer - it is added to food for various diseases. You can light a fire and jump over it (to cleanse your energy). Wash jewelry, talismans, and runes in the spring.
April 22-23- all love magic. For good luck in business, happiness in the home, and health, a white rooster is slaughtered (a ritual of sacrifice is performed). They turn to heaven with requests and prayers.
April 30- practice negative (power) magic. They try to resolve any issues. They go to Places of Power.

1st of May- a magical day. The night of May 1 is called Walpurgis Night and the rampant of all devilish powers, a gathering of witches and sorcerers. Women perform a ritual dance around the fire. Herbs on this night have miraculous powers for love spells, zombies and any other magic. Herbalists collect herbs to treat patients. In the morning before sunrise, healers, sorcerers and witches collect dew for their medicines and potions. This dew, like herbs, has a special magical power. On this day they bathe in rivers and lakes, thereby purifying themselves. cold water from negative energy and from diseases. On this day, no one is given anything - no money, no matches, etc., so as not to bring trouble to the house.
May 2- the house is cleaned by fumigating herbs. Or, to cleanse the energy at home, they place cut onions or garlic in the rooms.
May 3— visit graves, communicate with deceased relatives. There is contact with the afterlife. They ask questions, get answers. Weddings are never held on this day.
the 6th of May- they organize a holiday in honor of Perun ( Slavic god thunderstorms and lightning). It is useful to wash your face with rainwater during a thunderstorm (to wash away pathology). In the morning, before sunrise, they swim in ponds. They take the morning water home and throw gold and silver into it so that there is prosperity in the house. On this day in the evening it is good to sit by the fire and gain strength from the energy of Fire (Yang energy). It's good to have a snack by the fire. They wash themselves with morning dew - it is useful against the evil eye and various ailments for both people and animals. At night there is a rampant of evil spirits. Magic. Protection from magic. Sex magic. Sex on this night (May 7) harmonizes love (family) relationships.
May 8- a strong magical day. The Devil's Harvest. They do any kind of magic. Especially aggressive, aimed at suppressing the will and resolving various litigations and issues. At night they tell fortunes and bewitch. You can make a wish prophetic dream and get an answer to a question that requires a quick solution.
9th May- energetically strong day. They watch the sunrise, light fires, sing songs, make love.
May 14- on this day they don’t lend anything to anyone. Trade is not advisable. At night they light fires, burning all the rubbish that has accumulated over the winter.
May 15- the magic of money and trade. Profit-day. Traders try to sell something profitably in order to trade profitably all year. They talk about the trading place. Bringing magic to business.
22nd of May- energetically strong day. Try to be in the fresh air and gain energy. It's good to watch the sunrise and make love in nature.

June 4- they organize a holiday in honor of Yarilo. They decorate birch trees, dance in circles, sing, light fires, jump through fire, and make love. All love magic.
June 7- Healing potions are placed under the dew to imbue them with strength.
the 9th of June- on this day they don’t sweep rubbish out of the hut, they don’t do cleaning.
June 16— spring water and dew are used to wash the eyes from eye diseases.

11 September- Cornelius (truncation of the head of John the Baptist chron.) Strict fasting. It is better to generally fast from 18:00 on September 10 to 18:00 on September 11. The roots collected on this day are very strong. They eat root vegetables.
September 13— They begin to pull the root crops.
September 14— Meditation on fire. Summarizing. Planning new things.
September 21— Nativity of Zlata Maya (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) Autumn equinox, farewell to summer. Harvest Festival. Children are doused with water at the doorstep.
23 September— Collect rowan and viburnum to cleanse the liver.
September 27— SHIFTING (raising the Cross of the Lord) On this day they do not go into the forest. They allow snakes, frogs, hedgehogs, and badgers to quietly crawl into holes for winter hibernation.

October 3— Cleaning the house (see February 15).
October 13— From October 13 to October 19, the house is being prepared for the winter. At dawn or evening they go to the bend of the river or to the springs. They draw water. The first two times they pour it onto the shore, and the third time they carry it home. At home, they scoop up water with a sieve and lightly sprinkle it on the child, wishing him health.
October 14- POKROV (cover Holy Mother of God xr.) For the Intercession they washed, cleaned, and put things in order in the house. They asked for a groom.
17 October- Erofey. The goblin rages in front of hibernation. Don't go into the forest!
October 19— The spoken salt is sprinkled on homemade preparations and corners in the house.

November 7— RADOGOSCH. They light a candle and ask their ancestors for advice.
10th of November- Paraskeva. Day love magic. Conspiracies, love spells, etc. Space is open.
November 21- Michaelmas Day. Ate. We drank and walked. On this day - prophetic dreams, understanding of the situation.
November 27— Snacks are brought into the yard for the brownie.

December 4— Ban on women's work. They commemorated their ancestors.
December 7- Catherine. Fortune telling for love.
December 13th- They were telling fortunes about love. Conspiracies, divination on fire and smoke (love).
December 19th— NIKOLA. We walked and drank beer. It was not a sin to drink too much when there was plenty in the bins: “I got drunk!”

As soon as one month ends, another begins immediately. And it has never happened before that February came before January left, and May overtook April.

The months go one after another and never meet.

But people say that in the mountainous country of Bohemia there was a girl who saw all twelve months at once.

How did this happen? That's how.

In one small village there lived an evil and stingy woman with her daughter and stepdaughter. She loved her daughter, but her stepdaughter could not please her in any way. No matter what the stepdaughter does, everything is wrong, no matter how she turns, everything is in the wrong direction.

The daughter spent whole days lying on the feather bed and eating gingerbread, but the stepdaughter had no time to sit down from morning to night: either fetch water, or bring brushwood from the forest, or wash out the laundry on the river, or weed the beds in the garden.

She knew winter cold, summer heat, spring wind, and autumn rain. That’s why, perhaps, she once had the chance to see all twelve months at once.

It was winter. It was January. There was so much snow that they had to shovel it away from the doors, and in the forest on the mountain the trees stood waist-deep in snowdrifts and could not even sway when the wind blew on them.

People sat in their houses and lit their stoves.

At such and such a time, in the evening, the evil stepmother opened the door and looked at how the blizzard was sweeping, and then returned to the warm stove and said to her stepdaughter:

- You should go to the forest and pick snowdrops there. Tomorrow is your sister's birthday.

The girl looked at her stepmother: was she joking or was she really sending her into the forest? It's scary in the forest now! And what are snowdrops like in winter? They will not be born before March, no matter how much you look for them. You'll just get lost in the forest and get stuck in the snowdrifts.

And her sister tells her:

- Even if you disappear, no one will cry for you. Go and don't come back without flowers. Here's your basket.

The girl began to cry, wrapped herself in a torn scarf and walked out the door.

The wind dusts her eyes with snow and tears her scarf off. She walks, barely pulling her legs out of the snowdrifts.

It's getting darker all around. The sky is black, not a single star looks at the ground, and the ground is a little lighter. It's from the snow.

Here is the forest. It's completely dark here - you can't see your hands. The girl sat down on a fallen tree and sat. All the same, he thinks about where to freeze.

And suddenly a light flashed far between the trees - as if a star was entangled among the branches.

The girl got up and went towards this light. He drowns in snowdrifts and climbs over a windbreak. “If only,” he thinks, “the light doesn’t go out!” But it doesn’t go out, it burns brighter and brighter. You could already smell warm smoke and hear the crackling of brushwood in the fire.

The girl quickened her pace and entered the clearing. Yes, she froze.

It’s light in the clearing, as if from the sun. In the middle of the clearing a large fire is burning, almost reaching to the sky. And people are sitting around the fire - some closer to the fire, some further away. They sit and talk quietly.

The girl looks at them and thinks: who are they? They don’t seem to look like hunters, even less like woodcutters: look how smart they are - some in silver, some in gold, some in green velvet.

The young people sit near the fire, and the old people sit at a distance.

And suddenly one old man turned around - the tallest, bearded, with eyebrows - and looked in the direction where the girl stood.

She was scared and wanted to run away, but it was too late. The old man asks her loudly:

- Where did you come from, what do you want here?

The girl showed him her empty basket and said:

- I need to collect snowdrops in this basket.

The old man laughed:

- Is it snowdrops in January? What did you come up with!

“I didn’t make it up,” the girl replies, “but my stepmother sent me here for snowdrops and didn’t tell me to return home with an empty basket.”

Then all twelve looked at her and began to talk among themselves.

The girl stands there, listening, but doesn’t understand the words - as if it’s not people talking, but trees making noise.

Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. While waiting to meet your baby, it is important to know what changes are happening in the body of mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

If you are unsure whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

  • Negative test result? Perhaps it’s not time yet, try to go through it later.
  • The test showed positive result? Congratulations!

In the calendar you will find the most important information And useful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what sensations a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions she needs to be vigilant.

First, the calculator will help you calculate your gestational age and approximate due date. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Let us remind you that calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually average values ​​are taken. Fine menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, pregnancy is measured in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to. And the mother needs to get used to this, since the gynecologist will calculate the period exactly this way. In our calendar calculator, the pregnancy period is also calculated in weeks.

First trimester – 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most crucial. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed either arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization he is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother’s immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Symptoms of toxicosis often appear. By the end of the trimester, the baby already looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

Second trimester – 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis has passed; during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's belly is getting rounder. Very soon she feels the first tremors - the movements of the baby. Towards the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

Third trimester – 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. As the baby grows, his “house” also grows. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because... the uterus rises very high. This goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of birth, immunity decreases again. This is how the hormonal levels are restructured, and preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

The baby is considered full term at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, childbirth occurs at 38-40 weeks, but there are cases when pregnancy drags on to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for first-time mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the mother and baby are monitored by a doctor to monitor the slightest disturbances and deal with them in a timely manner.

Pregnancy is a touching and at the same time exciting period in the life of every family. While waiting to meet your baby, it is important to know what changes are happening in the body of mother and baby. Our pregnancy calendar will help with this.

If you are unsure whether you are pregnant or not, go through.

  • Negative test result? Perhaps it’s not time yet, try to go through it later.
  • Did the test show a positive result? Congratulations!

In the calendar you will find the most important information and useful tips. Here you will find out what happens to your baby in every week of pregnancy, in every trimester. The calendar will tell you what sensations a mother may experience during pregnancy, as well as under what conditions she needs to be vigilant.

First, the calculator will help you calculate your gestational age and approximate due date. To do this, you need to enter the first day of your last period, as well as the length of your cycle. Let us remind you that calculation of the menstrual cycle: you need to take the number of days from the first day of menstruation to the last day before the next menstruation (inclusive). Usually average values ​​are taken. The normal menstrual cycle is 28 plus/minus 7 days.

The calendar is divided into 3 stages - trimesters (1 trimester = 3 months). Each trimester includes weeks of pregnancy. Yes, pregnancy is measured in weeks, not months, as many of us are used to. And the mother needs to get used to this, since the gynecologist will calculate the period exactly this way. In our calendar calculator, the pregnancy period is also calculated in weeks.

First trimester – 1-12 weeks of pregnancy. This period is the most crucial. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy are theoretical, they are needed for ease of calculation. Fertilization has not yet occurred. But in the third week, the nuclei of germ cells merge and a small “pea” appears in the tummy. The baby has not yet formed either arms or legs, but from the moment of fertilization he is endowed with a soul. In the first weeks of the first trimester, the mother’s immunity decreases so that her body does not perceive the baby as something foreign. Symptoms of toxicosis often appear. By the end of the trimester, the baby already looks like a person, only very small. The doctor recommends an ultrasound.

Second trimester – 13-26 weeks of pregnancy. Toxicosis has passed; during this period there is less risk for the baby. Mom's belly is getting rounder. Very soon she feels the first tremors - the movements of the baby. Towards the end of the second trimester, it is recommended to repeat the ultrasound examination.

Third trimester – 27-42 weeks of pregnancy. As the baby grows, his “house” also grows. In some cases, it becomes difficult for the mother to breathe, because... the uterus rises very high. This goes away before childbirth. Closer to the cherished day of birth, immunity decreases again. This is how the hormonal levels are restructured, and preparations are underway for an exciting meeting with the baby.

The baby is considered full term at 38 weeks of pregnancy. Most often, childbirth occurs at 38-40 weeks, but there are cases when pregnancy drags on to 41-42 weeks. This is quite normal, especially for first-time mothers. We have included these weeks in the pregnancy calendar so that we can continue to be with you until the birth.

During the entire period of pregnancy, the mother and baby are monitored by a doctor to monitor the slightest disturbances and deal with them in a timely manner.

Hello! For comfortable communication on English language, it is very important to know the names of the seasons, but it is equally important, for both children and adults, to be able to name the months. In daily conversations we use these words - we name dates, birthdays, holidays, schedules. Therefore, at the very first stages of studying foreign language you need to learn this vocabulary. Names of months in English In English, as in Russian, there are 12 months in a year. But besides the difference in names, there are other significant differences. So, we have 3 months in each season. In the US it's the same, but in Britain it's different. They have two seasons of 2 months, and two seasons of 4 months, which, in general, also amounts to 12 months of the year. But for children this information is not so important, but it will be useful for you to know.

First, let's name them with translation and transcription:

In general, you will gain spelling skills over time by constantly doing practical exercises and by regularly reading English literature.

Features of the distribution of months in Britain

As I already said, in the UK the months are distributed according to the seasons differently. For them, November, December, January and February are considered winter months; March and April - spring; May, June, July, August - summer; and September and October are autumn. In America, everything is as we are used to.

Therefore, if you are going to travel to the UK, then it will be useful for you to know this information so as not to get into an awkward situation and show your competence in this matter.

A video lesson will help you understand how to correctly pronounce the names of all 12 months in English. I wish you success!

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