Signs and beliefs for September 23. What does the autumnal equinox mean? History and traditions. What happens on the autumn equinox

On September 23, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Bishops Peter and Paul, who lived in the Byzantine city of Nicaea in the 9th century and suffered for the Christian faith. Saint Peter, under Tsar Leo the Isaurian (813-820), defended the Orthodox faith, fought against the iconoclasts, for which he suffered. He died after 823.

September 23: traditions and customs of the day

On this day, in the old days, the name day of the mountain ash was celebrated. According to popular belief, she could protect from evil spirits: “ If evil spirits torment someone, enters the chest, suffocates, does not give sleep, you need to take a rowan branch and draw a circle around you with it. Then the evil spirit will rot and the person will be freed.". Therefore, windows for the winter were decorated with rowan clusters, and berries brought from the frost helped get rid of a headache.

The collection of mountain ash is dated for this day. Usually at this time, when the first morning frosts have already passed, the berries become sweet. They were torn down and hung with tassels under the roof. It was believed that this would bring happiness for the coming year. However, not all rowan was plucked, some was left on the bush - for bullfinches, thrushes and other birds.

A good rowan harvest portends a cold winter. Peasants harvested rowan kvass from berries - a refreshing and anti-inflammatory drink that will help with various colds.

Rowan was widely used in folk medicine and as a talisman in magic. For example, it was believed that the goblin was afraid of a rowan twig and could not step over it. In some places, a mountain ash tree was planted near the house to protect against the goblin. Our ancestors, returning from the cemetery, hung rowan rods over the front door so that the deceased could not return home. To prevent damage to the groom during the wedding, rowan roots were poured over his tops.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that an ill person needs to climb three times over a mountain ash bush or a mountain ash tree, split in two, then the disease will pass to the plant, and the patient will return to his former health.

Rowan was considered a good remedy for toothache. If your teeth hurt, then you need to go to the tree and gnaw it several times, while saying: “ Rowan, rowan, cure my teeth, but you won’t cure me, I’ll gnaw you all out". They also believed that the teeth of the person who harms the mountain ash (breaks or cuts branches, uses it for firewood, etc.) will definitely hurt. People suffering from toothache often came to the tree themselves, hugged it, knelt before it and said: “ Rowan-rowan, take away my disease, I will never eat you again”, after which they returned home without looking back. Such a vow was almost never broken.

In folk songs and ditties, mountain ash is often a symbol of a yearning woman, a betrayal of a loved one, a joyless life. This is due to the perception of a contrasting combination of white (tree in flowering) and red (ripe berries) colors and bitterness of berries.

In medicine, mountain ash is used for insomnia, nervous and eye diseases. Decoctions and fruit drinks from fresh berries are great for colds.

September 23: signs and beliefs

  1. Few mountain ash - for a dry autumn, a lot - for a rainy one.
  2. A good harvest of mountain ash - by a frosty winter.
  3. Rowan plucked on this day will protect against evil spirits and colds.
  4. So that the house hay did not spoil, several berries were poured into the hayloft.
  5. A sprig of rowan on the table - fortunately in the house.
  6. Things started today will be successfully completed.
  7. On this day, intuition is especially aggravated, which you need to listen to.

The person who was born23 September, has a balanced disposition. He is patient and hardworking. He should wear a sapphire.

Video: September 23 - Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki


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  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future by dominoes, this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes both on tea and coffee thick, on the palm of your hand, and on the Chinese Book of Changes. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune-telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, take them not as an indisputable truth, but as a warning. Using divination, you predict your fate, but with some effort, you can change it."> Divination67

September 23 according to the folk calendar: Peter-Paul - fieldfare, name day of mountain ash, autumn equinox.

Traditions. It is believed that at this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweet, and it can be harvested, and be sure to leave some berries on each tree - for birds. This berry was used not only for making compotes and liqueurs - it was believed that if a person is tormented by insomnia, it hurts in the chest, there is not enough air, you need to take a rowan branch, draw a circle around you, and evil spirits will perish, as it never happened. At the same time, clusters of mountain ash also helped - it was not without reason that in Central Russia they were traditionally laid between window frames. They hung them under the roof of the house - for good luck. On this day, it was supposed to prepare special kvass from mountain ash, which enjoyed well-deserved fame as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, most suitable for the season of autumn colds. It was believed that from that day the sun falls asleep and can no longer protect people, and therefore the human race is attacked by ailments, colds, diseases.

Conspiracies September 23

Protective spell for a pregnant mother

If a pregnant woman reads this protective conspiracy for a young month, then nothing bad will happen to her during the time that she is carrying a child. The spoken words are:

mother intercessor,
Stand up for my stomach, for my child,
Save, save and protect me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Signs September 23

  • In Rus', there are two Peter and Paul - big and small, summer and autumn.
  • Few mountain ash - dry autumn, and a lot - harsh winter.

Day of the autumnal equinox. The Earth occupies a strictly vertical position relative to the Sun, this happens only 2 times a year in spring and autumn. The sun will cross the celestial equator and move from the northern hemisphere of the celestial sphere to the southern.

(In science, the spring and autumn equinoxes are distinguished. The autumnal equinox occurs on September 22 or 23, when the Sun moves from the northern hemisphere to the southern. In 2016, this happened on September 22 at 14:21 (Coordinated Universal Time. The abbreviation UTC has no specific decoding. UTC was introduced instead of the obsolete Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Samara is part of the UTC + 4 time zone. Samara time (SAMT) - the informal name of the local time of the time zone in which the city of Samara is located - the administrative center of the Samara region Samara time is 4 hours ahead of coordinated universal time and 1 hour ahead of Moscow time (UTC + 4, MSK + 1. This is the official time in Astrakhan, Samara , Ulyanovsk regions and Udmurtia. Therefore, astronomical autumn came on September 22, 2016 at 18 hours 21 minutes.)

On this day, the duration of day and night on the whole Earth is the same and equal to 12 hours. However, due to refraction, which, as it were, “raises” the Sun above the horizon, daylight hours still last a little longer.

In Rus', the day of the autumn solstice was considered a holiday and was always celebrated with pies with cabbage, lingonberries and meat, as well as folk festivals.

According to the folk calendar, on this day autumn passes into the second stage - golden autumn. This beautiful time, which took the classics of pen and brush for a living, will last until October 14th. 23 September ( Autumn Peter and Pavel - Fieldfare) Our ancestors honored the sun, prayed to accumulate strength and drive away the approaching darkness.

More about the history of this day:

Peter and Pavel Ryabinniki

This day marks the memory of Saints Peter and Paul, Bishops of Nicaea. In the 9th century, under Tsar Leo the Isaver, Saint Peter defended the Orthodox faith from iconoclasts and suffered for it.

Four letters of St. Theodore the Studite to St. Peter are known. No information has been preserved about the life of Paul, who also preached Orthodoxy in Nicaea.

By the day of Peter and Paul, the ripened mountain ash from autumn frosts became sweet (they said that the tree celebrates its name day).

“From Peter's day in summer, eat strawberries, and from autumn - mountain ash,” they said among the people. Berries began to be harvested for the future, compotes and medicinal kvass were cooked from them.

Rowan was considered an excellent remedy against diseases and evil spirits; an infusion of it was used to cure colds. Rowan was also credited with miraculous properties. They believed that a simple ritual helps with insomnia: you need to take a rowan branch and draw a circle around you with it.

Since the mountain ash was considered a means of expelling evil spirits, all the windows in the house were decorated with bunches of it before the onset of winter. From mountain ash they also made tinctures and liqueurs, beloved by the people. To do this, it was necessary to collect berries after the first frosts, carefully sort them out, put them in a bottle, pour vodka over them and put them in a dark place for two to three months.

Shake the bottle every three or four days. The mountain ash was also used to judge what the next months would be like. The abundance of berries foreshadowed a damp autumn and a harsh winter.


In Rus', Peter and Paul were called twice, the big one in the summer, and the small one on the days of the autumn equinox. By this time, two matinees had time to ride on the ground on ice sleds of hoarfrost: Mikhailovsky and Luppovsky. Yes, and the Indian summer was ending, yielding its powers to autumn with its prolonged rains, cold winds, mudslides.

But "September is a wet season, and above all fertile." Yes, and in terms of the number of holidays, Father September will yield to few. For example, on September 23, mountain ash celebrates its name day, calling everyone who wants to eat berries and stock up for the future. After all, they, frozen by frost, are especially good. There will be something to please the little guys and support the old people.

In the Orthodox Church on September 23, the memory of Saints Paul and Peter, Bishops of Nicaea, is venerated. According to legend, they lived in the 9th century during the reign of King Leo the Isaver. Saint Peter always fought with the pagans, because of which he died a martyr's death. It is known that Peter corresponded with St. Theodore. As for Paul, he preached in the territory of Nicaea, and no information has been preserved about his life.

Usually, it was on Peter and Pavel Ryabinnik that it was customary to pluck mountain ash and hang clusters over the roofs of houses. The Slavs believed that this would help them protect themselves from evil forces, save not only themselves, but also domestic animals from diseases. However, on September 23, it was impossible to pluck all the mountain ash from the trees - they also left berries for birds. In the old days, delicious kvass was prepared from mountain ash. They said that it was by September 23 that the mountain ash becomes the most delicious, and therefore, they went to gather it. This is not surprising, since night frosts just contributed to the fact that the mountain ash acquired the so-called "candied" taste. Special medicinal infusions were prepared from mountain ash, because they knew that this berry has anti-inflammatory properties.

There was a rather interesting way to deal with insomnia. So, they took a rowan branch and outlined a circle around them. Since mountain ash has long been considered a means that, according to signs, helps to exorcise evil spirits, bunches of it were also hung not only over houses, but also near vegetable gardens and fields. To prepare liqueurs and infusions, the berries were carefully sorted out, poured into bottles, filled with vodka and sent to a dark place for 2-3 months. After that, it was supposed to shake the bottle every 3-4 days.

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Knowledge is mental food and is the same food for the mind as food for the body (the only difference is that the mind needs a variety of food, while knowledge is only one of the many kinds of its food), and is subject to the same abuses. It can be mixed and tampered with so that it becomes unhealthy, it can be so refined, sweetened and tasty that in the end it loses all nutritional value. And even the best mental food can be satiated so that you acquire illness and death. (John Ruskin)

vernacular name: Peter-Paul - fieldfare, name day of mountain ash, autumn equinox.

Traditions for September 23

It is believed that at this time, after the first frosts, the mountain ash becomes sweet, and it can be harvested, and be sure to leave some berries on each tree - for birds.

This berry was used not only for making compotes and liqueurs - it was believed that if a person is tormented by insomnia, it aches in the chest, there is not enough air, you need to take a rowan branch, draw a circle around you, and evil spirits will perish, as it never happened. At the same time, bunches of mountain ash also helped - it was not without reason that in Central Russia they were traditionally laid between window frames. They hung them under the roof of the house - for good luck.

On this day, it was supposed to prepare special kvass from mountain ash, which enjoyed well-deserved fame as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent, most suitable for the season of autumn colds. It was believed that from that day the sun falls asleep and can no longer protect people, and therefore the human race is attacked by ailments, colds, diseases. In honor of the autumn equinox, a holiday was organized, festivities, tables were laid in the villages, the main dish on which were pies with a wide variety of autumn fillings - cabbage, lingonberries, mushrooms.

Signs for September 23

In Rus', there are two Peter and Paul - big and small, summer and autumn.

Few mountain ash - dry autumn, and a lot - harsh winter.

Peter-Paul - fieldfare calls to sour mountain ash and stock up for the future.

Name day on September 23 is celebrated by: Peter. Andrei, Vasily, Gabriel, Gleb, Eugene, Ivan, Clement, Konstantin, Nikolai, Pavel.

The name of the day is Peter. Characteristics of a person named Petya

This name is of ancient Greek origin and means "cliff", "stone block". This person is interested in everything - he is incredibly inquisitive, it is he who knows which of the Dolce and Gabbana couple is called Stefano, what the metagalaxy is and how the phone works. In addition, this person is musically gifted, and if he himself does not play any musical instrument and does not sing, then he collects musical recordings.

Peter, who was born in the fall, is persistent in his studies, he strives to continue his education after graduation. He pays special attention to professional training. Most often, he chooses professions that involve the analysis and systematization of information, so it is best for him to choose the professions of an investigator, mathematician, engineer, doctor, psychologist. Peter is an excellent scientist.

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