Children's dentistry. Pediatric dentistry Children's dental clinic in Maryino state

Our clinic uses the most modern methods of dental treatment for children, which have successfully proven themselves in pediatric dental practice. Your child will receive therapeutic, surgical and orthodontic care without leaving a comfortable chair or leaving a cozy office. If you are faced with the need to remove a baby tooth, which happens quite often, this procedure will cause minimal discomfort in the child, because we use modern, highly effective anesthetics. The psychological attitude is also very important, because the task of a pediatric dentist is not only to carry out a treatment procedure, but also to be able to relieve fear of treatment. This is precisely the specificity of paid pediatric dentistry. Our specialists have completed special professional training courses on working with young patients, which ensures excellent results even if your child is very afraid of visiting a medical facility. Services such as teeth extensions for children are also provided in our clinic. This procedure is used to correct a damaged tooth, allowing it to fully restore its functionality and aesthetics. appearance. If your child is injured, do not delay visiting a specialist, because modern technologies treatment, the professionalism of our pediatric dentists and high-quality materials will help restore charm and attractiveness to your baby’s smile.

Of course, this type of dentistry is intended for emergency cases, but due to lack of time and so as not to turn a small hole into big problem, many people use private 24-hour dentistry. Dentists working around the clock are divided into paid and free. You can get help in paid dentistry wide range: from whitening to dental prosthetics. Paid 24-hour dentistry, as we wrote above, is a great opportunity to treat teeth for very busy people. 24-hour free dentistry mainly specializes in emergency procedures. Free 24-hour dentistry in Moscow is available in almost all districts of the city. In the "Doctors" section you can also find a specific 24-hour dentist in Moscow. Before coming to the doctor, you must first call the blade reception. The telephone number and address of the 24-hour dentistry can be found on the Internet, as well as the route. Many people choose dentistry close to home or near work - this is very convenient and saves time.

Children's Dental Clinic No. 6 in Maryino is a state budgetary institution within the structure of the Moscow Health Department. Clinic – specialized medical institution, which provides medical care in all areas of the dental profile. Here, therapeutic treatment of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity is carried out, surgical operations are performed to remove them, eliminate foci of inflammation and cysts in the gums and jaw bones. The clinic’s specialists provide assistance in correcting defects in the dentition and oral cavity, performing partial dentures and whitening.

Children's Dental Clinic No. 6 is a large medical institution that serves over 54,000 children in the Moscow Maryino district, which is assigned to the clinic. The facility's capacity is 335 visits per shift.

The clinic's staff consists of qualified specialists, including doctors of the highest and first categories.

Structure of children's dental clinic No. 6 in Maryino

The structure of the clinic consists of three departments - therapeutic, surgical and orthodontic.

Dentist therapists treat both permanent and baby teeth of children, starting from the age of 2. Many parents do not attach importance to diseases of baby teeth, although each of them plays important role in the formation and growth of the maxillofacial region and any loss of it can lead to growth disturbances permanent teeth and the formation of malocclusion. the main task such a dentist-therapist is to eliminate the primary focus of caries infection in the child’s mouth.

For young patients, a dentist is also a psychologist who senses the child’s mood and establishes contact with him before treatment begins. Otherwise, the child may become frightened and then constantly fear the dentist. An important part of the work of a dentist-therapist is the prevention of diseases of the teeth and oral cavity. He must instill in every child the skills of proper oral care and right attitude for dental treatment. The doctor must see early signs the occurrence of improper formation of teeth and lack of mineralization and give advice to parents on proper and balanced nutrition for the child.

A dental surgeon performs various operations and treats inflammatory processes, defects in the dentition and jaws, removes jaw cysts and tumors, peri-maxillary abscesses, diseases such as gingivitis, alveolitis, fractures and dislocations of the jaws, fluxes and much more. In addition, the tasks of the dental surgeon include the elimination of cords in the oral cavity - plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue and upper lip, as well as plastic surgery of the small vestibule of the oral cavity.

Orthodontists work in close collaboration with surgeons. They treat a child’s malocclusion, eliminate the causes that interfere with the correct eruption of permanent teeth, and carry out work to prepare for implantation and prosthetics.

Physiotherapy and X-ray diagnostics in children's dental clinic No. 6 in Maryino, Moscow

The clinic has its own physiotherapy room. At its base, children with various diseases in the field of dentistry undergo restorative treatment. Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment help to consolidate the effect after the therapeutic and surgical treatment. Physiotherapeutic effects help restore the proper functioning of tissues and reduce pain syndrome. The physiotherapy room at the clinic has equipment for phonophoresis, magnetic laser therapy and ultrasound.

In the X-ray room of children's dental clinic No. 6 in Maryino, digital devices for radiology diagnostics of diseases are installed oral cavity and jaw apparatus. The office is equipped with all the necessary protective equipment that does not allow unnecessary irradiation of the thyroid gland and other organs of the child’s body.

Opening hours of the city children's dental clinic No. 6 in Maryino

Monday to Thursday from 8.30 to 19 hours;
- Friday until 18:00;
- Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Children's Dental Clinic No. 6 is a specialized medical institution that provides treatment and prevention various diseases teeth and oral cavity in the children's population of the Maryino region.

Even adults don’t like to visit the dentist, let alone little patients – for many of them, a visit to the dentist’s office turns into real stress. In order to effectively treat teeth, it is necessary to provide not only technical equipment and use high-quality materials and tools. It is important to create a pleasant atmosphere and put the baby at ease, which our doctors successfully achieve. Application modern methods treatment of caries and other diseases, as well as effective painkillers designed for use in children, allow visits to young patients with comfort. The effectiveness of treatment is ensured by the use of modern equipment and techniques - in some cases it is possible to use a method of treating caries without drilling, which allows the child to go to the doctor without fear.

Prevention of diseases in pediatric dentistry

In what cases does visiting the dentist not cause discomfort? Then, when a visit to the doctor is needed only for an examination. Warn possible diseases Children's teeth can be treated at any age; all you need to do is visit a specialist for advice on care. Compliance with the rules of brushing teeth, timely and regular professional cleaning, strengthening the enamel with the help of mineral-containing preparations - all this is the key to a healthy smile for a child and eliminates many unpleasant consequences. A pediatric dentist in the South-Eastern Administrative District (Maryino) is ready to accept even the smallest patients who have only recently acquired their first tooth. From its appearance, it is important to begin careful oral care and regularly show new teeth to the doctor; this will allow you to assess the correct position of the teeth, the condition of the enamel, and promptly determine the absence of tooth buds in the presence of such an ailment.

Correction of bite in children

Malocclusion is perhaps one of the most common disorders of jaw formation in children. It is caused by many factors - prolonged sucking of pacifiers and bottles, impaired metabolism of calcium and some vitamins, injuries and falls. However, correct the bite in childhood much easier than doing this as an adult. The arsenal of tools that a children's orthodontist uses today is very wide - these include not only braces (which, by the way, are installed no earlier than 12-14 years), but also mouthguards and other structures. Today it seems possible not only to change the bite, but also to correct the position of individual teeth. In some cases, a collegial approach may be required - for example, when deciding to remove a baby tooth that does not fall out, thereby interfering with the growth of its radical “replacement”. You can also receive the services of a pediatric dentist-surgeon at our Medical Club center. Our clinic is also conveniently located for those who are looking for pediatric dentistry in Lyublino (metro station Bratislavskaya, etc.), Brateevo, as well as other areas of the South-East Administrative District of Moscow. A complex approach to the treatment of oral diseases is the key to a beautiful and healthy child’s smile.

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