Sagittarius men. Everything about this sign. Sagittarius man in marriage: a horoscope of family life

  • Date of birth: from November 22 to December 21,
  • Planet: Jupiter, Element: Fire,
  • Color: turquoise, Day: Thursday,
  • Stone: Turquoise,
  • Motto: I think energy: Yang.

Astrologer's advice: The degree and type of people's education always leaves an imprint on the way certain qualities are manifested. The upbringing of people also makes its mark on the characteristics of many properties of behavior.

Zodiac Sagittarius man the adventurer of the zodiac, his symbol is a centaur who is half horse, half man, the symbol shows that Sagittarians are amazingly graceful, intuitive, filled with power and, of course, they love freedom. Bold, charming and aggressive. He loves stressful and risky situations where a quick decision can completely change his fate. He is a vagabond and a perpetual traveller. Zodiac sign Sagittarius man seeks truth, harmony, and only he can find these ideals.

Knowledge is an important goal in life for Sagittarius, in Roman mythology, centaurs were wise intellectuals, and a parallel can be drawn with the intellectual Sagittarius. He is direct, logical and has a great outlook. He has the talent and confidence of a born leader and is both generous and fair. Sagittarius tend to have a wide social circle.

Zodiac Sagittarius man optimistic and always boldly looking forward, he looks forward to a new day of adventure and travel. Sagittarius is trying to increase his knowledge base with everything he encounters, he is a seeker of truth and wants to know everything about life. He is fascinated by everything around him, Sagittarius is an open person and loves to explore controversial issues, especially in areas such as religion, morality and philosophy. When friends with a Sagittarius man, you will find yourself involved in intellectual conversations about everything. Cheerful and with a lot of friends, the Sagittarius man deserves the trust of those around him.

Astrologer's advice: Please note that for an accurate description, it is necessary to take into account information taking into account the date, time and place of birth. Refined data will help to better know yourself or understand other people.

He is generous and always ready to help his friends when they need it, but sometimes his adventurous nature makes him take on obligations that he is unable to fulfill. The Sagittarius man will always give advice, but his directness and honesty will not always give the answer you want to hear. In the life of a Sagittarius, money is not the main thing, he certainly needs it, but he is not as dependent as others. Sometimes a too optimistic attitude can fail him with financial investments and investments. Being free and independent, the intellectual Sagittarius man is casual in clothes, although he has an artistic taste, but he tries to be free in everything, including fashion trends.

Video zodiac sign Sagittarius:

The Sagittarius man is constantly in need of new challenges and goals, and is always moving forward quickly. He will make a good entrepreneur, explorer, forester, archaeologist, guide, philosopher and teacher. Highly moral, the Sagittarius man will achieve great success in the humanities, where he can see himself as a protector.

Astrologer's advice: The characteristic of the zodiac sign can be much more specific if you take into account the year of birth, and this section will help Eastern calendar. Go to the corresponding page -.

Zodiac sign Sagittarius man relationships, love and sex

Zodiac sign Sagittarius man always exudes respect, courtesy and nobility. He is a talented artist and storyteller, with a great sense of humor as the key to influencing the women around him. When it comes to love story, the Sagittarius man will never miss his goal. Zodiac Sagittarius man playful, flirtatious, and always in control. His open mind and eternal curiosity makes Sagittarius an interesting lover. During courtship, he, by virtue of his nature, tries to understand what love is and before he falls in love,

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study horoscopes for a month, a year for any signs of the zodiac. Astro forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issues. Interesting and helpful. Go to the section.

Sagittarius can sometimes demonstrate a dual personality - one minute flirting and joking and the next moment - calm, reasonable. Sagittarius man is looking for a partner who shares his passion for everything new and unusual. He wants a partner for travel and adventure, impulsive Sagittarius can book a flight departing tomorrow morning, you need to be ready for this. He is neither jealous nor possessive. Cheerful, spontaneous, and passionate in bed, the Sagittarius man is a seasoned lover. Physical satisfaction is very important to him, and he will always try to achieve it. He is confident and sex is his favorite activity because he is half human, half centaur.

Astrologer's advice: To understand deeper and better understand the nature and properties of the zodiac sign. You need to consider it from different angles and the category will help you with this.

Zodiac Sagittarius man most compatible with Aries, Leo, Libra, Aquarius.

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The Sagittarius man is straightforward, optimistic, bold, freedom-loving, expansive. He always succeeds in life, and almost always achieves his goal. He is proud of his origins, friends, home, country and talents, but feels miserable and humiliated at the slightest hint that this is unjustified. Cruelty in any manifestation is alien to his nature, and he avoids hurting others. He easily converges with people, but in close friendly relations enters very carefully. He loves sports, nature, travelling, learning and conquering the world. He likes to do everything in a company, usually among people the Sagittarius man is very open and friendly. By nature, this is a generous, good-natured and very open person. Knows how to attract attention, has a scientific mindset, optimism and flexibility. Able to make the right decision at the right time. He always tries to act according to his conscience, he has a developed sense of honor. He trusts both the heart and the voice of reason, but does not always act wisely.

Love for a Sagittarius man is an interesting adventure. He laughs at what most of us consider serious. During the courtship period, he behaves more energetically and more purposefully than his rivals, however, having reached the goal, he quickly cools down. For a Sagittarius man love life very superficial, but he is also very honest. Women often think that their relationship with him is more serious than it really is. They hope that he needs strong connections, while he only wants easy relationships, maybe even platonic ones. The Sagittarius man needs variety. Give him freedom if you want to keep him around you. Do not ask unnecessary questions, do not scare him that you will quit. If you accept life as he did, then you can expect to become his wife. He prefers passionate passionate love to stable long relationship, but this need is easily satisfied even after several years of true love.

A Sagittarius man can neither fall in love with himself nor marry himself. He will choose himself. And if you want to conquer it, you need to show maximum patience and ingenuity. Getting married is an indicator of the seriousness and maturity of the Sagittarius man. And he will dare to do it already being a mature person who appreciates a stable and sustainable relationship. Do not try to tie the Sagittarius man to the house, otherwise he will run away from you headlong. Offer him support, do not consider him your property after the prenuptial agreement is signed and things are moved. He loves to live in an imaginary world, and if you manage to create the right atmosphere in the house, your marriage will be happy. He believes that the house is a place where you can look if it's time to change clothes or take a shower.

In contact with a woman, her youth, beauty and charms completely capture him, giving him versatile sensual sensations, which he intensely enjoys. He leads an intense sex life. It's no surprise that he can date several women at the same time. The problem is that he does not lie, does not play and does not cheat, but expresses what he feels in this moment. IN sexual life there are a lot of restrictions for him. A one night stand does not scare him, but for a more serious relationship, he wants to have a partner whom he can completely trust. Sex plays for him very much important role. He is ready to give a lot to his loved ones. Just don't play sex and don't use sexual relations like a weapon. He won't like it, he can pack his things and leave.

The ideal of a woman
The Sagittarius man himself is very often unable to describe what she is - the woman of his dreams. There is only the image of a mysterious stranger. However, we can immediately say that this lady is not complexed, inquisitive, sociable and has a sense of humor. Boring, limited, jealous and suspicious persons will immediately turn away the Sagittarius man. If you like to experiment, explore and travel, then you will fit into the Sagittarius man's idea of ​​the ideal. He pays attention to physical attractiveness, but most of all he is drawn to intelligence. As a rule, he chooses a wife from his social circle. Often pays attention to the ability of his wife to maintain an intellectual conversation much more than sexuality and domesticity. And he considers his wife more as a friend than the mistress of his house and the mother of his children. It is very important for him that his wife shares his interests and beliefs, and can easily find mutual language with his buddies. Immediacy is the key to his heart.

The Sagittarius man is a cheerful, optimistic, sincere person. He is a pleasant conversationalist. In any company is the center of attention. Loves and appreciates freedom. Has varied interests. Able to achieve success in any field of activity. Its disadvantage is the tendency to quickly light up and cool down. He does not like to bind himself with obligations, therefore he prefers an open relationship.

Love and family

Love for a Sagittarius man is in the background. The main thing for him is the embodiment of his ideas. Most of all, he is satisfied with easy, easy relationships. The chosen one of the representative of this zodiac sign has a hard time. She needs to support all the undertakings of her partner and endure the directness and harshness of his statements. If she succeeds, then the Sagittarius man sincerely loves his wife. In bed, this is an experimenter who can deliver pleasure to his partner. He becomes a good father, able to organize interesting leisure activities for children.


The Sagittarius man has good compatibility with representatives of such zodiac signs: Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Aquarius. He has low compatibility with Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.

Sagittarius man and Aries woman: high compatibility thanks to the similarity of characters. Partners consider needs and support each other. A common cause helps strengthen relationships.

Sagittarius man and Taurus woman: an unpromising union due to the complete opposite of characters and goals in life. Partners stay together if from the very beginning family relations distribute their responsibilities.

Sagittarius man and Gemini woman: a successful union due to the proximity of partners in spirit. Constant diversity and mutual trust help strengthen relationships.

Sagittarius man and Cancer woman: unpredictable union due to the inconsistency of characters. To strengthen relationships, partners should be more interested in each other's lives.

Sagittarius man and Leo woman: a promising couple due to similar characters and goals in life. Partners are happy together with the correct distribution of roles in the family. Strengthening the union helps to diversify the relationship.

Sagittarius man and Virgo woman: a difficult union due to the dissimilarity of characters and worldviews. Family happiness perhaps if the partners do not try to remake each other.

Sagittarius man and Libra woman: promising couple. Representatives of these zodiac signs complement each other. Traveling together helps strengthen relationships.

Sagittarius man and Scorpio woman: an uneasy union due to different views on family and marriage. Relationships become happy if partners focus on similar character traits and do not start quarrels over trifles.

Sagittarius man and Sagittarius woman: a promising alliance due to the excellent mutual understanding of partners. Joint trips help to refresh relationships.

Sagittarius man and Capricorn woman: difficult union due to the dissimilarity of characters and life priorities. To build happy relationship, partners need to moderate their ambitions and learn to understand each other.

Sagittarius man and Aquarius woman: harmonious union due to excellent mutual understanding. The main thing for such a couple is not to wallow in boredom. Saturation helps refresh relationships family life new experiences.

Sagittarius man and Pisces woman: ambiguous alliance. His future depends on the degree of similarity of life views of partners or the presence of mutual benefit. Emphasis on mutual merits and attentive attitude to each other's desires helps to strengthen relationships.

Career and profession

The Sagittarius man is the owner of a sharp mind and a creative streak. Being slightly "windy", he does not tolerate rigid frameworks and restrictions. Does not recognize authorities and does not like being commanded. But if the task arouses his interest, then he willingly and efficiently performs it. The representative of this zodiac sign is in dire need of praise from the authorities. As a leader, the Sagittarius man is demanding, but democratic. Subordinates are not bored to work under him. Professions related to communication and active work are suitable for him: a journalist, a sales agent, an actor. He can also realize himself in extreme sports.


It is common for an active Sagittarius man to ignore the first signals of the body about an illness. He suffers many diseases "on his feet." The best medicine for a representative of this zodiac sign is positive attitude. He is advised to devote more time to preventive measures and be less careless. Due to the passion for risk, the Sagittarius man is more prone to injury than others. Its weak spots include the arms, thighs, shoulders, lungs, liver, and intestines. To avoid possible problems with the gastrointestinal tract helps control nutrition and alcohol consumption.

With him, no one will ever be bored. This is a very impulsive, cheerful and restless person who is full of all sorts of ideas and fantasies. In love, he opens up to his partner and does not know how to hide any secrets and secrets. Before his childish spontaneity, huge heart and idealism, not a single woman who is also looking for an open and trusting relationship can resist.

Sagittarius man in love or what kind of love is Sagittarius?

He needs constant novelty, bright events and active life. Therefore, he is almost always in search of his other half, who could also share his interests. It is easy to build relationships with him, as he simply does not pay attention to various minor troubles. Feelings such as jealousy, possessiveness and pressure are alien to him and therefore he will rarely torment his partner with suspicions.

Regardless of his affection and love, the most important thing for him will still be his freedom. He does not believe that relationships should in any way bind him and force him to do anything. Therefore, if he notices an encroachment on his personal freedom, then the relationship will cease to develop further. In view of this, despite his love of leadership, he will often give all the initiative to his soulmate.

Sagittarius man in love - In search of Perfection!

A free lifestyle and personal relationships cannot be tied together. Therefore, building relationships, he needs to learn to sacrifice one thing. Do not forget about your obligations, as well as the responsibilities that appear in such a relationship. But at the same time, love is not a cage where all dreams end. On the contrary, it new platform to develop their talents, invaluable support and constant enthusiasm.

If he learns to perceive relationships in this way, he will be able to achieve complete harmony with his beloved. It is undesirable to hurry with the promises that he, in a fit of feelings, can give to others. First you need to test your strength and evaluate all the possibilities, so that later there will be no difficulties with their implementation. It is worth forgetting about your straightforwardness, which can hurt him loved one.

Sagittarius man in love - The other side of the coin!

It is very difficult for him to make responsible decisions regarding personal relationships. He prefers more free and non-binding relationships. However, this behavior scares off his partners and can lead to him missing out on his love and being left alone in the end. Fortunately, in more adulthood he is more in search of something stable, reliable and permanent.

It is impossible not to note his pronounced selfishness, when he can give up everything just to catch up with his dream or realize any fantasy. He always plunges headlong into new activity so that he can completely forget about the people around him. It is undesirable to play with him, tease and get angry. To defend himself, he can put on a mask of sarcasm and greatly offend his beloved with sharp and caustic remarks.

The most important! The secret of the Sagittarius man in love!

He should pay more attention to his partner, who needs support and constant attention. In relationships, it is also worth learning to make decisions without fear of responsibility for your actions. A more serious attitude will help him build relationships that suit him and allow everyone to remain themselves. His partner should not strongly fetter him, as he will definitely break free.

Sagittarius man of those that people like, attractive to women. It is romantic, it has a lot of fantasies, a rich imagination.

Sagittarius he says what he thinks, in his statements he is direct, and it is difficult to be offended by him: he has a captivating smile, he is sincere, frank and easy to communicate. It is impossible to get bored and yawn next to Sagittarius: he is an interesting interlocutor, able to captivate with reasoning, philosophizing, dreams, plans, ideas, he is good-natured and gentle.

He loves cheerful people who share his passions for art, music, nature, good society, innocent fun, delicious food. He is emotional, young at heart, active and passionate enthusiast of any new business.

Sagittarius man lucky like no other, he is lucky in a strange, incomprehensible way, and the one who loves him, along with him confidently and easily goes through life and also begins to believe in a happy accident and surprises of fate.

This man has diverse interests and hobbies, they are generated by his curiosity, craving for knowledge, love for adventure, for the unusual and unknown. These passions so occupy and captivate him that for ordinary, non-obsessed people, Sagittarius may seem like a strange person. He can plunge into politics, art, religion, occult sciences, history, travel, sports. Everything he does, he tends to embellish in his imagination - this further spurs him to go towards the desired goal. And his goal is to look for something new, to go to unknown horizons.

Sagittarius is a person who highly values ​​their freedom. He is free from obligations, from generally accepted norms of behavior, from marriage ties, finally. He is independent. For him, to bind himself with anything - an agreement, a promise, marriage - is to agree to an unbearable burden. A sense of duty will put pressure on him, force him to refuse interesting life holding back his dreams. He cannot allow this. He must be ready at any moment to break away, embark on a journey, give up an uninteresting business and take up a more worthwhile, new, promising one. Often this behavior is not approved of, considering him a man jumping on top. However, Sagittarius is smart, wise, intellectual.

Sagittarius does nothing out of evil, there is no pre-calculated strike tactic, deliberate cruelty, although at first glance he may seem like a person who seeks to offend, humiliate, offend someone. The fact is that he is honest - in everything. But honesty and sincerity are raised by him to such a pedestal that they are not within reach for their tactful use. Sagittarius is frank and honest to the point of obscenity and even stupidity. This hypertrophied truthfulness can put someone in an awkward position, it can seem like a show, it can cause someone's anger, push away a loved one, a beloved woman from him.

Another one of his "too": the Sagittarius man is gullible. It is difficult to convince him that not everyone is as sincere and ingenuous, not everyone needs to show their cards, not everyone can resist not to use his gullibility for their own purposes. Anyone who understands how Sagittarius is honest and trusting can directly ask questions, and Sagittarius will also lay out everything that he knows, planned and what he thinks about such and such an occasion. He does not make a secret of anything, and this can lead him to failures and mistakes. He is saved by his amazing optimism and favor of fortune.

Sagittarius man difficult to lure into a family cage. He is eager for freedom and prefers to have a mistress with whom he is not bound by any obligations, rather than a legal wife. Novels, flirting, easy relationships - this is quite enough for him. As soon as he realizes that the woman is thinking about a more serious relationship with him, he instantly leaves her. He avoids marriage intentionally, with all his might, and the woman, with her hopes for him and affection for him, disappears from his life forever.

If Sagittarius got married, then most likely the initiative to start a family came from a woman.

He does not know how to speak insincere words of love, to make false compliments, so if he has already fallen in love with a woman, then she can not doubt his real feeling. At the same time, she should be ready to listen to a long story about his "life and extraordinary adventures", in which, he will turn himself inside out: accept me as I am.

Having withstood confessions of past feelings, relationships, disappointments and mistakes, his wife should be ready to continue to understand him and accept his demands. She will have to learn to give him freedom, to participate in his affairs, to share his interests with him, even if they are purely male.

She must be elegant, beautiful, pleasant in communication, so that the husband decides to invite her to the refined society to which he belongs and gravitates. She must be talented so that he can be proud of her. She must hide jealousy deeper so that this feeling does not incinerate her: Sagittarius man he is always surrounded by pretty women and does not hide the fact that he especially liked some. At the same time, he does not mean anything that his wife can reproach him with, and will be hurt if she dares to doubt his honesty. And he is really honest, appreciating the same in his wife.

Of course, a wife who allows everything to her husband, giving him complete freedom from herself, unsuspicious, devoting herself to his interests, sharing his views, just as energetic and enthusiastic, easy-going, not calling his dreams idiotic, and remarks critical, able to soften him tactlessness in relation to others and ward off ill-wishers from him, as well as being able to forgive him for the same - such a wife is rare. But if she is found, she will be happy, because she will be loved with honest love, and her children will have a good, interesting, kind, generous, able to captivate father.

Divorce is always a threat even happy marriage with Sagittarius - such is his nature and the fate of a tramp and romance, running away from marriage networks at insane speed. If he got into them out of love, then he will swing peacefully in them, but her cells should be wide enough so that from time to time he can rest in the desired freedom. Loving Sagittarius can be released calmly: he is honest with his wife as well as with everyone in the world.

Still not the most successful husband, Sagittarius man- an excellent lover. He is very receptive and sensitive. However, he is not content with receiving only carnal sensations. In a woman, he likes her ability for friendship, her lively mind, the diversity of her interests. So he needs not only pure sex, although he strives for physical contact and gladly enters into intimate relationship receiving great pleasure from them.

Facing rejection Sagittarius man not particularly worried, and will not pursue the object of his passion. Without demanding affection, he himself does not become attached and does not dry out from love. Sagittarius is looking for diversity - and his arrows of Cupid will immediately be directed to another, since he is deeply indifferent to women.

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