Barrier for parties in the State Duma. Tsik refused to register the party "Great Fatherland" in the elections to the State Duma

The Center for Scientific Political Thought and Ideology (Sulakshin Center) carried out a mathematical reconstruction of the true, scientifically substantiated voting results.

Mathematics provides a way to prove not only the very fact of falsification, but also its scale, nature and organization of the management of the falsification process, and, in addition, allows you to reconstruct the true results of voting; results both in terms of turnout and in terms of the number of votes actually received by parties and candidates;

I.Analysis Methodology

The initial data for the analysis are data officially published on the website of the CEC of Russia for all more than 95,000 polling stations.

The methodology for revealing the truth of elections is based on the following principles.

If the distribution deviates from the gaussoid, then there was interference in the elections (Fig. 2).

Elections to the State Duma 2016 (party list)

Fig.2 The deviation from the gaussoid in favor of the candidates (parties) from the government - United Russia - is shaded in black. The ratio of the black area under the curve and the white area under the gaussoid gives the falsification coefficient

Citizens' preferences of different parties or candidates in "fair" elections do not depend on turnout. If you see a Gaussian “honest” cloud of votes, but at an increasing turnout, an increase in votes in favor of a candidate and a party from power and a fall in votes for the opposition, then this is clearly a falsification, which is clearly seen in the example of the 2016 elections in Penza region(Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 An honest “cloud” of the opposition is higher than the “cloud” of the United Russia party. The rest is thrown in and attributed in favor of the United Russia party and at a loss to the opposition

If at many polling stations in the region the result of the party in power is the same with an accuracy of hundredths of a percent, then this means that the command was given to “get” just such a result. This is especially clearly seen in the Saratov region for the United Russia party at 100 polling stations - the result is 62.15%.

If the falsification coefficients for the regions of Russia coincide with statistical accuracy both for the falsification of the results on the party list and on the majoritarian districts, then this proves centralized x falsification management character.

II. The scale of fraud in the elections of the State Duma 2016

The official results of the elections on September 18, 2016 to the State Duma, published by the CEC of Russia, are as follows.

Turnout according to the CEC of Russia was 47.88%.

Based on the above methodology of mathematical reconstruction, we will analyze the results of voting in the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 18, 2016 and identify their real results.

As can be seen from the above data, the Gaussian “cloud” for both party list voting and majoritarian districts indicates that the “fair” turnout of real voting is 35%, but not the 47.88% recorded by the Russian Central Election Commission.

Thus, based on the scientific methodology of mathematical reconstruction of the analysis of the voting results in the elections of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on September 18, 2016 first conclusion is as follows: in the organic Gaussian cloud of votes, the average turnout was 35% for both types of voting. Increase in official turnout to 47.88%, recorded by the CEC of Russia is unreliable and is the result of falsifications, which is clearly seen on the right wing of the Gaussian distribution, which goes beyond the boundaries of the pure Gaussian curve.

Second . From Fig. 4 - the results of voting by party lists and Fig. 5 - the results of voting by majoritarian districts, it can be seen that in the organic Gaussian cloud, that is, in truly fair elections, the United Russia party received fewer votes than the opposition.

Third . On the right wing of the results of voting on party lists and majoritarian districts (see Figures 4 and 5), there are clear, unambiguous signs of falsification - "picks" at turnouts that are multiples of 5% and 10%. A particularly outstanding "pick" - at 95% turnout is recorded for the "United Russia" party.

Fourth . The left wing of the organic gaussoid can be clearly traced at small turnouts, and this makes it possible to reproduce the right wing symmetrically as well. From here it becomes possible to calculate the true number of "honest" votes cast in the elections, and the number of votes assigned, falsified.

Let's evaluate the election results for the United Russia party by simply comparing the areas under the gaussoid curves and the falsified long right wing. The evaluation results are shown in Table 1.

Assessment of the true outcome for the United Russia party

The coincidence of falsification coefficients for party lists and majoritarian elections for the United Russia party is not accidental. This indicates that the campaign of falsification was under a single management and with a single goal. The same tasks were set - “bars” of the result.

Instead of 343 seats in the State Duma, according to the official total, the real total for the United Russia party is 134 seats.

The falsified 209 mandates handed over to the United Russia party are in fact in a state of “seizure of power and assignment of power”, which is prohibited by the Constitution Russian Federation and the Russian Criminal Code.

On fig. Figure 6 clearly shows how much the United Russia party conceded to the opposition in both types of voting in a more or less adequate turnout area.

Rice. 6. In reality, United Russia lost to the opposition

As can be seen from the fig. 6 data, in the field of unfalsified results, the United Russia party lost to the opposition by about a third of the seats. A complete falsified bacchanalia for the United Russia party to the detriment of the opposition parties is observed in the right wing of the graph.

The next regularity that helps to uncover falsification is the law of independence from the turnout of preference for a particular candidate by the electorate (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. It is theoretically clear that voter preferences should not depend on turnout

If the distribution has a deviation from the horizontal in the angle of plus (from left to right upwards), then this indicates falsification in the form of an addition of votes. If there is a deviation from the horizontal in the minus (from left to right down) - then this is falsification, on the contrary, in the form of theft of votes.

This methodological approach makes it possible to reveal the amount of falsification in voting for parties and their candidates in all subjects of the Federation.

A quantitative measure of the degree of falsification is determined by the slope of the distribution curve - the coefficient of falsification. If it is positive, then this is a falsification in favor of the corresponding party or candidate, votes are attributed to him. If negative, then, on the contrary, falsification at a loss, votes in this case are stolen.

On fig. 8 (Voronezh region) shows a typical and almost standard form of curves, which is reproduced in almost all subjects of the Federation. Each point on these diagrams is the number of votes for a particular party or candidate in a particular PEC. In all subjects of the Federation, with rare exceptions, the winner (the United Russia party) has a deviation of "+", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation - both the main opposition leader and the rest of the opposition parties - a deviation of "-". There are dense organic clouds with a small spread (Fig. 8), i.e., a small level of dispersion. And the second, elongated cloud, which has a very high level of dispersion. It will soon be seen that one of the "clouds" corresponds to the true results, and the second - falsified.

Fig.8. A typical picture of falsifications in favor of the United Russia party and the removal of votes from other parties. Deviation angles from the horizontal - falsification factor

This example is for Voronezh region shows a typical picture. The right "tails" of distributions for "United Russia", being falsified, are always directed to the right-up. For the opposition, the direction is always the reverse "right-down".

The Report contains data on falsification in favor of the United Russia party and the withdrawal of votes from other parties in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Figure 9 shows the distribution of the falsification coefficient by constituent entities of the Federation (comparative data) for voting on the party list and in majoritarian districts.

Fig.9. Fraud coefficient for the United Russia party for all subjects of the federation for majoritarian elections and according to the party list

It can be seen from the nature of the curves that the falsifications were synchronized both according to the party list of United Russia and according to its candidates in the majoritarian districts. The correlation coefficient of the curves is very high - amounted to 0.86!

We emphasize that the average rate of falsifications in favor of candidates and parties from power in 2016 became 1.9 times higher than in 2011.

III. Mechanism of electoral fraud

The results of voting during the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2016 were falsified in several ways: the stuffing of false ballots; drawing up false protocols; fraud with an absentee mechanism; fraud with fake voters (the so-called carousels); machinations committed by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group, combined with bribery, coercion, the use of violence or the threat of its use; threats to teachers and other poor fellows in the precinct election commissions with dismissal in case of a low result in the elections of the favorites of the authorities.

Numerous video evidence, personal eyewitness accounts, photo and video stuffing of ballots in many polling stations by members and even chairmen of election commissions testify to the facts of falsification.

In fair elections, citizens' preferences do not depend on turnout: that is, the ratio of the number of votes for one party to the number of votes for another, votes for one candidate to votes for another does not depend on turnout. In the direct exit pool conducted by VTsIOM, which you cannot suspect of opposition to the authorities and the CEC of Russia, at the exit from polling stations, there is no dependence on turnout!

The previous figures show that before the turnout of 47%, the United Russia party is seriously losing to the opposition. But, starting with a turnout of 47%, the opposite is true. And the greater the turnout, the more the United Russia party begins to "win" over the opposition. Moreover, the curves practically coincide for voting on the party list and on majoritarian districts. It is important that in the range of turnouts of 25-40%, which corresponds to the organic cloud of "fair" voting, the ratio does not really depend on the turnout. This means that the data here can be relatively trusted. In this range, the United Russia party lost to the opposition by 1.42 times. The average turnout in this range is 32.5%.

For this turnout, the number of voters who voted in the elections is 35,690 thousand people. The true ratio of votes for the United Russia party and the total opposition (1.42 times) revealed above makes it possible to obtain the true absolute number of votes for the United Russia party and the corresponding result (percentage). It turns out that the United Russia party actually received 14,750,000 votes. Officially, the CEC of Russia declared 28,525,000 votes for the United Russia party. And this corresponds to 54.28%. And the true result is 27.9%.

Results of the reconstruction of the true election results

As a result, we come to the conclusion that the United Russia party was supported by a little more than 13% of all registered voters and less than 10% of the country's population. The falsifiers illegally increased its result by more than 1.5 times! More than 200 people entered the State Duma of the Russian Federation "to work" on the basis of misappropriated powers! In other words, there was an illegal seizure of power!

Meanwhile, in the Constitution of the Russian Federation It is fixed that “no one has the right to appropriate power in the Russian Federation. The seizure of power or the appropriation of power is punishable under federal law” - the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In particular, article 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Forcible seizure of power or forcible retention of power - states that "actions aimed at the forcible seizure of power or the forcible retention of power in violation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation ... are punishable by imprisonment for a term of twelve to twenty years.. .".

Falsification of elections of a federal body of state power State Duma RF is also a part of a criminal offense. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 142. Falsification of election documents, referendum documents.

"1. Falsification of election documents ... if this act is committed by a member of the election commission ... shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of one hundred thousand to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or by forced labor for a term of up to four years, or by deprivation of liberty for the same term….

2. Forgery of signatures of voters, ... or certification of deliberately forged signatures (signature sheets), committed by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group, or combined with bribery, coercion, the use of violence or the threat of its use, ... shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand ... either by forced labor for up to three years, or by imprisonment for the same term ...

3. Illegal production of ... ballot papers ..., absentee certificates is punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles ... or imprisonment for a term of 2 to 5 years.”

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 142.1. Falsification of voting results. “The inclusion of unaccounted ballots in the number of ballots used in voting, or the presentation of deliberately incorrect information about voters, or the knowingly incorrect compilation of voter lists, ... or the falsification of voters' signatures, ... or the replacement of valid ballots with voters' marks, leading to the inability to determine the will of voters, ... or deliberately incorrect counting of votes of voters, ... or signing by members of the election commission ... of the protocol on the results of voting before the counting of votes or establishing the results of voting, or knowingly incorrect (not corresponding to the actual results of voting) drawing up the protocol on the results of voting, or illegally entering the protocol on the results of voting changes after it has been filled in, or knowingly incorrect determination of the voting results, determination of the election results ... - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles ... or by compulsory labor for a term of up to four years, or by imprisonment for the same term.

Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Article 141

« 1. Preventing a citizen from freely exercising his electoral rights, violating the secrecy of voting, ... obstructing the work of election commissions, ... the activities of a member of an election commission, ... is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to eighty thousand rubles ... or ... by corrective labor for up to one year.

2. The same acts:

a) combined with bribery, deceit, coercion, use of violence or with the threat of its use;

b) committed by a person using his official position;

c) committed by a group of persons by prior agreement or by an organized group - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of 100,000 to 300,000 ... or by imprisonment for up to 5 years.

3. Interference, using official or official position, in the exercise by the election commission ... of its powers, ... with the aim of influencing its decisions, namely the requirement or instruction official on issues of registration of candidates, lists of candidates, counting of votes of voters ... shall be punished by a fine in the amount of two hundred thousand to five hundred thousand ... or by imprisonment for up to four years.

I.Y. conclusions

1. The official turnout of 48%, recorded by the CEC of Russia, is unreliable and does not exceed 35% for both party list and majoritarian districts, or the turnout recorded by the CEC of Russia was falsified and overestimated by 1.45 times.

2. During the voting, the United Russia party actually received not 54% on the party list, as recorded by the Central Election Commission of Russia, but 27.9% of those who voted, or 13.2% of the number of registered voters and less than 10% of the country's population . The falsifiers illegally increased its result by more than 1.5 times.

3. Instead of 343 seats in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, according to the official total, the real result for the United Russia party is 134 seats.

The falsified 209 mandates handed over to the United Russia party are in fact in a state of “seizure of power and appropriation of power”, which is prohibited by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of Russia.

General conclusion : a scientifically based analysis of the election process on September 18, 2016 indicates that the elections to the State Duma were held with gross violations, massive falsifications and must be canceled, and State Duma 2016 isillegal.

The saddest thing about this problem is that only individuals are actively fighting against gross violations, falsification, scandalous elections, such as, for example, T. Yurasova in Mytishchi, S. Posokhov in Krasnogorsk, R. Zinatullin in Tatarstan and a number of others, but not the opposition parties LDPR, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Just Russia, which were "robbed" during the election process and the only one from the media - Novaya Gazeta.

Meanwhile, it is the factions of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party, Just Russia in the State Duma of the Russian Federation that could bring to the meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Federation the issue of gross violations and massive fraud in the elections on September 18, 2016 in order to make a political decision - self-dissolution illegal State Duma of the Russian Federation and an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation as the guarantor of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the appointment of new elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Mass violations and falsification during the elections of the State Duma in 2016 concern a significant number of citizens and have acquired a special socio-political significance. In this regard, within the framework of its powers, the CEC of Russia has the right to apply to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the protection of the electoral rights of the majority of citizens, as well as to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee of Russia to take prosecutorial response measures and initiate a criminal case on the fact of committing crimes under Articles 141, 142, 142.1, 278 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, identifying those responsible for violating the current legislation.

Sincerely yours (Yu.Voronin)

doctor of economic sciences, professor,

Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Tatar ASSR -

Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the TASSR (1988-1990);

First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme

Council of the Russian Federation (1991-1993); Deputy of the State Duma

(second convocation); Auditor of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation.

In the fall of 2016, Russia will hold the most unusual elections in the last decade. Fundamental differences This vote from the previous ones is obvious: high competition, unprecedented scale and new rules for registering participants. The editors of our portal popularly explain what are the features of the upcoming elections.

The autumn voting in 2016 can rightly be considered the largest in modern history Russia. The reason for this was not only the annexation of Crimea and, as a result, an increase in the number of potential voters. On the same day, they will elect both State Duma deputies and heads of nine regions, as well as members of the Legislative Assembly of 38 constituent entities of the Federation and parliamentarians of representative bodies of 11 regional capitals.

The new composition of the CEC
Vladimir Churov, who served as chairman of the Central Election Commission since 2007, left the post at the end of March 2016. He was replaced by the well-known human rights activist Ella Pamfilova (formerly the Commissioner for Human Rights in Russia).

Petal model
This time, the election organizers took a new approach to the “cutting” of constituencies. A petal system was introduced, using which residents major cities found themselves in the same district with the rural population. Apparently a mixture of different social groups to achieve greater objectivity in voting.

Party competition
Representatives of 75 parties can take part in the Duma campaign in 2016. Of these, 14 political associations are exempt from the procedure for collecting signatures for nominating a candidate. Others will have to get the approval of 200 thousand inhabitants of the country.

Return of single-mandate candidates
Elections to the State Duma in 2016 will be held according to a mixed system. 225 deputies will go to vote on party lists, and 225 more - in single-mandate constituencies. According to experts, this will increase competition in elections and the level of responsibility of parliamentarians to the people.

New principle of selection of candidates
fundamental new way selection of potential deputies was used in the "United Russia". The party decided to abandon the practice of using "locomotives" and compiled a list of candidates based on the direct expression of the will of citizens - the results of the primaries. Both United Russia members and non-party members could take part in the voting.

Barrier Reduction
Political parties participating in the 2016 State Duma elections will need to collect 5% of the vote to get a seat in parliament, and not 7%, as was the case before. It will be enough for single-members to get a simple majority of votes.

Observers in the upcoming elections will be given more freedom than ever before. Thus, it will now be possible to remove an inspector from a polling station only by a court decision. In addition, the observer is allowed to take photos and videos with prior notification to the chairman of the election commission. Previously, only journalists had such a right.

New rules for campaigning
Candidates in single-member districts are required to participate in televised debates in person. According to experts, this will allow voters to get to know potential deputies better and navigate their election programs.

Crime filter
Potential State Duma deputies in the 2016 elections will have to provide information on all prior convictions. This data will appear in the newsletters.

TASS-DOSIER. Exactly six months later, on September 18, 2016, elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the seventh convocation will be held. They will be held on a single voting day in accordance with the new legislative norms. The procedure for holding is established by federal laws "On the Election of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation" of February 22, 2014, "On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" of June 12, 2002, as well as other legislative acts.

The lower house of parliament is elected for a term of five years and consists of 450 deputies.

The TASS-DOSIER editors have prepared material on the basic rules for the election of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation and some innovations of the 2016 campaign.

Postponement of the election date

In 2016, the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation for the first time will be held not in early December, but on the third Sunday of September, and will be combined with a single voting day - September 18.

The initiative to postpone the election date in the spring of 2015 was made by State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin and the leaders of three Duma factions - Vladimir Vasiliev (United Russia), Vladimir Zhirinovsky (LDPR) and Sergei Mironov (Fair Russia).

The relevant amendments to federal laws on the election of deputies and on the basic guarantees of the electoral rights of citizens of the Russian Federation were adopted in July and November 2015. The legitimacy of these changes, which shortened the term of office of the Duma of the sixth convocation, was submitted for consideration Constitutional Court RF. On June 29, 2015, the court recognized them as not contradicting the Basic Law.

Return to a mixed electoral system

The main innovation in the elections to the State Duma is the return of a mixed proportional-majority system. Corresponding amendments to the law on the election of deputies were adopted on February 22, 2014. Half of the deputy corps - 225 people - will be elected in single-member constituencies (one deputy - one constituency) formed on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The other half - in the federal electoral district, which includes the entire territory of Russia, in proportion to the number of votes cast for the lists of candidates from parties. This principle of formation legislature already used in the elections in 1993-2003. Since 2007, citizens have voted only for party lists.

The scheme of slicing single-member constituencies

In connection with the change electoral system On November 3, 2015, the head of state signed a law on the scheme for the formation of single-mandate constituencies. The entire territory of Russia is divided into 225 electoral districts, taking into account the borders of the subjects of the Federation (at least one district in each of the subjects).

During the division, the so-called "petal" model was used, when one district includes both urban and adjacent rural areas. Thus, big cities were divided into several electoral districts (according to "petals") and merged with neighboring municipalities. This cut will be valid for the next 10 years.

One district was formed in 32 subjects of the Russian Federation, two in 26, three in six subjects, four in ten, five in three. Every two subjects are divided into six, seven and eight districts. The largest number of districts was in the Moscow region (11) and Moscow (15).

Growth in the number of parties and new registration rules

Candidates in single-member districts are nominated by political parties or through self-nomination; in the federal electoral district - as part of the lists of political parties. The ban on electoral blocs has been maintained.

After the adoption on April 3, 2012 of amendments to the law "On political parties", which simplified their creation and registration, the number of parties in Russia increased 11 times: from seven in 2011 to 77 at present. Of these, 75 can participate in elections (whose regional branches are registered in at least half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

Parties represented in the State Duma and regional parliaments, as well as for the first time those who received 3% or more of the votes in the last Duma elections, are exempted from collecting voter signatures in support of their lists. Thus, 14 parties will receive benefits: United Russia, Communist Party of the Russian Federation, LDPR, Just Russia, Yabloko, Patriots of Russia, Just Cause, PARNAS, Civil Platform, Communists of Russia, Russian Party pensioners for justice, "Motherland", "Civil Force" and the Russian Ecological Party "Green". Everyone else needs to collect at least 200,000 signatures in their support (at least 150,000 in the 2011 elections), of which no more than 7,000 in each constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

A party that has registered its federal list may nominate candidates in single-mandate districts without collecting signatures. Others, as well as self-nominees, must enlist the support of at least 3% of the voters of the respective constituency, and if the number of voters there does not exceed 100,000, at least 3,000 signatures.

Compared to previous elections, the size of the federal party lists has been reduced and should include from 200 to 400 candidates (previously - up to 600). At the same time, no more than half of it can be non-partisans. The list is divided into a federal part of up to 10 people (this part may be absent) and regional groups, the minimum number of which is 35 (previously 70). The same candidate may be nominated by a party both as part of a list and in a single-mandate constituency.

Lowering the barrier

In 2016, the threshold for parties was lowered from 7% to 5% of the votes of voters who took part in the elections. Candidates in single-member districts only need a simple majority of votes. The rule envisaged in the 2011 elections that parties that received from 5% to 7% of the votes can also get one or two seats in parliament has been excluded.

New restrictions for candidates

In the elections to the State Duma in 2016, for the first time, the so-called "criminal filter" will be applied to candidates for deputies. The applicant will have to indicate information not only about the presence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction, but about all that he had previously.

It is forbidden to run for former convicted of serious or especially serious crimes: the first - within 10 years from the date of serving the sentence, the second - within 15 years.

In addition, candidates are now required to report to the CEC information about their accounts, deposits, etc. abroad, and in case of registration, close them or transfer them to banks located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Reduction of observers from parties

Compared to the 2011 campaign, the number of election observers will be reduced. According to the amendments to the electoral legislation adopted on February 15, 2015, one or two observers from a party or candidate are allowed to be present at the polling station. At the same time, they are given the right to take photographs and videos in the polling station, and it is possible to remove observers from the polling station only by a court decision.

Previously, only media representatives were allowed to shoot, and the precinct commission had the right to remove it. According to the CEC, 269,000 observers from Russian parties followed the voting in 2011. Of these, 93 thousand - from United Russia, 70 thousand - from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, 50 thousand - from the Just Russia, 33.5 thousand - from the LDPR, 7 thousand - from Yabloko, 6 thousand - from "Right Cause" and "Patriots of Russia".

Complaint deadline changes

It will be possible to challenge the results of voting in court within 10 days after the election commission makes a decision on the results, and to challenge the results of the elections - up to three months. Previously, a year was allotted for filing such applications with the court.

At the same time, citizens can appeal the decisions of the election commission only at the polling station where they voted.

On Sunday, September 18, 2016, Russia will host Single voting day in which the elections will take place.

Who will be elected on the Single Voting Day - 2016

This is the election of deputies State Duma, heads of several subjects of the Federation, as well as the election of deputies legislatures authorities in 38 subjects of the Russian Federation.

Elections to the State Duma - 2016

The main thing in this is the elections to the State Duma, the President of Russia emphasized in his pre-election televised address. Vladimir Putin.

"Of course, key event These are elections to the State Duma. I am convinced that we are all interested in seeing worthy, competent, energetic and honest people who are able to fulfill the will of the people and justify their trust, ensure stability, development and national harmony, ready to be united in defending the interests of Russia, come to the State Duma.

How are the elections to the State Duma - 2016

Elections of deputies of the State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation will be held throughout the entire territory of Russia, including Crimea.

Elections will be held mixed system: out of 450 deputies - 225 will be elected according to party lists according to a single federal district(proportional system), and another 225 in single-member constituencies (majority system). Candidates in single-mandate districts can be nominated both by parties and without being tied to any political associations. Independent candidates are called "self-nominated".

To get into the State Duma under the proportional system, parties need to overcome the 5% barrier, and candidates in the districts must receive a relative majority of votes.

Previously mixed system was used in the elections of 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2003.

How many voters in Russia

As of January 1, 2016, 109 million 820 thousand 679 voters were registered in the Russian Federation (including the territory of Crimea), and taking into account Russians who have the right to vote and live abroad - 111 million 724 thousand 534 voters.

What should be the minimum attendance

According to the current legislation, the elections will be recognized as valid for any turnout, since its lower threshold is not set. Nevertheless, in order for the parliament to be as representative as possible, both the authorities and all parties participating in the elections are interested in the turnout being as high as possible.

Which parties participate in the elections to the State Duma - 2016

There are 14 parties participating in the 2016 State Duma elections. On the ballot, according to the results of the draw, they will be in this order:

  1. "Motherland";
  2. "Communists of Russia";
  3. Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice;
  4. "United Russia";
  5. "Greens";
  6. "Civil Platform";
  7. LDPR;
  8. People's Freedom Party (PARNAS);
  9. Growth Party;
  10. "Civil Force";
  11. "Apple";
  12. Communist Party;
  13. "Patriots of Russia";
  14. "Fair Russia".

Is there a column "against all"

No, there is currently no such column.

What happens if you spoil or take away the ballot

The ballot is considered spoiled and does not take part in the voting if no party (candidate) is marked in it, or more than one party (candidate) is marked, or signs are affixed in all columns. Nevertheless, such a ballot is included in the total count of those who took part in the elections. A ballot taken from a polling station shall not be taken into account when counting votes. In any case, such a strategy either does not affect the election result at all, or its influence is extremely small.

Is it possible not to take part in the elections

Yes, a citizen may not go to the polls, the law does not provide for any sanctions for this. But in this way, the “truant” removes himself from making decisions about the path of development of his country and gives an advantage, perhaps, to parties that are not close to him, the electorate of which is traditionally the most disciplined. In addition, it cannot be completely ruled out that someone else uses the ballot of an absent voter.

How to vote for the voter you like if you are registered in another district

No way. In single-member constituencies, you can only vote at the place of residence. If you take an absentee ballot, then in someone else's precinct you can only vote on party lists.

Is it possible to become an observer in these elections

No, now it's too late to "fit" into the work at the polling station in any capacity. The only thing you can do is to come to the polling station on September 18 and cast your vote for the chosen party or candidate.

How to watch elections online

Get to know all official information on elections, find out your constituency, candidates and other useful information you can on the website Central Election Commission. You can also watch the process there.

MOSCOW, July 14 - RIA Novosti. The Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has completed the acceptance of documents from Russian parties that have put forward lists of candidates for elections to the State Duma of the seventh convocation. Documents were submitted to the CEC by 22 parties out of 24 that wished to nominate lists, however, one of the parties that submitted documents, after the identified shortcomings, refused to continue the struggle for deputy mandates.

The CEC calculated how much video surveillance would cost in electionsOn Wednesday, the CEC is hosting a joint meeting with the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation, the election commissions of the country's constituent entities and regional ombudsmen take part in it via video link.

Thus, no more than 21 parties will be able to take part in the next stages of the parliamentary elections, while the struggle of the federal lists will unfold between only 18 of them, since three parties nominated only single-mandate candidates.

On July 13, at 23:59 Moscow time, the CEC of Russia completed the acceptance of documents to certify the lists. Two of the 24 parties that put forward their lists of candidates at the congresses decided not to submit them for certification - these are the People Against Corruption and the Good Deeds, Protection of Children, Women, Freedom, Nature and Pensioners party, RIA Novosti was told in the Central Election Commission.

Member of the CEC of Russia, Deputy Head working group Yevgeny Shevchenko said that the CEC had completed the acceptance of documents. "Documents were submitted by 22 parties," he added.

No problem

Of these parties, 14 have the right to participate in the upcoming federal elections without collecting signatures of voters in their support: this is the "parliamentary four", which has representation in the State Duma of the current convocation (LDPR, "Fair Russia", the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and "United Russia"), as well as ten more non-parliamentary parties. It's about about the parties "Communists of Russia", "Patriots of Russia", "Party of People's Freedom" (PARNAS), "Civic Platform", "Rodina", "Green", "Party of Growth", "Yabloko", "Civil Force" and "Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice" (RPPS).

Those who need to collect voters' signatures to take part in the elections were also quite active: ten small parties put forward lists of candidates for the Duma elections. Eight of them submitted documents to the CEC for certification. These are the "Party of Social Reforms", "Party of Parents of the Future", "Rural Revival Party", "Union of Labor", "Will", "Native Party", "Revival of Agrarian Russia" and the "Great Fatherland" party.

Among these eight parties, three (Party of Parents of the Future, Party of Rural Revival, and Revival of Agrarian Russia) put forward only lists of single-mandate candidates. Thus, no more than 18 parties can compete in the Duma elections in a federal district.

On the second try

The "Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice" brought the documents to the CEC on the last day of acceptance - July 13, but later on that day, at the request of the party, the Central Election Commission returned them, since the RPPS submitted an incomplete package of documents. However, by the end of the day, the representatives of the party still managed to correct the shortcomings and re-submit the documents to the commission, RIA Novosti was told in the CEC.

For the first time, the Central Election Commission refused to certify the list of single-seat candidates to the "Party of the Parents of the Future" because it violated the procedure for nominating the list of candidates. The notice of the congress indicated that the event should take place on June 26 at 19.30, however, the CEC representatives sent to the congress recorded that at the time and address indicated in the notice, the congress political party was not carried out.

At the same time, representatives of the party then said that a misprint was made in the notification, and the congress was held on the indicated day, but not at 19.30, but at 09.30. The CEC advised the party members to re-hold the congress in accordance with the law, and on July 11, the Parents of the Future Party, following the advice of the Central Election Commission, was able to re-submit documents.

Not for this campaign

In the documents of the "Party of Social Reforms" the CEC revealed shortcomings that turned out to be incompatible with the party's further participation in the elections. Several norms of the law on the election of State Duma deputies were violated in terms of the formation of lists, the party recognized these violations and stated that it was not going to appeal the decision of the CEC, therefore, it actually dropped out of the election race. Nevertheless, the party expressed its desire to correct the mistakes and participate in the next election campaigns.

The Party of Good Deeds, Protection of Children, Women, Freedom, Nature and Pensioners and the People Against Corruption, having held pre-election congresses, nevertheless abandoned plans to participate in elections on party lists.

The situation with the Green Alliance party, which did not notify the commission of the holding of its congress, was not completely cleared up, which is a violation and deprives the party of the opportunity to certify the lists. The party, however, claims that they sent the relevant document to the CEC. After that, the Central Election Commission conducted an internal check, but no "traces" of the notification were found.

After that, the party was asked to provide materials confirming the sending of the notification to the commission, but the representatives of the party, as reported, did not get in touch with the Central Election Commission. The Alliance of the Greens said that the party refuses to participate in the Duma elections on the basis of lists, the party chairman intends to run in a single-mandate constituency in self-nomination.

Invited to register

According to the law, the Central Election Commission must, within seven days from the date of submission of documents, consider the issue of certifying party lists. Thus, by July 20, the CEC will make a decision regarding each of the parties that have come forward and submitted documents.

At the same time, the lists of five parties (LDPR, KPRF, "Fair Russia", "Communists of Russia" and "Great Fatherland") have already been certified by the Central Election Commission. As expected, at a meeting on Thursday, the Central Election Commission will consider issues of certification of the lists of "Patriots of Russia" and "Union of Labor", follows from the draft agenda of the meeting.

The next stage after certification will be the registration of the lists. Since July 4, the CEC has opened the acceptance of documents for registration of the federal list of candidates. Parties, whose lists are certified, from this day until 18.00 Moscow time on August 3, have the opportunity to submit the relevant documents. In particular, parties must submit a certificate of opening a special electoral account and a personal notification from each candidate that he does not have accounts, deposits, Money in foreign banks outside the Russian Federation.

14 Russian parties have the right not to collect signatures of voters to participate in parliamentary elections. The rest of the parties and their single-mandate candidates need to collect a certain number of signatures in order to participate: 200,000 for a party and at least 3% of the population of the district for single-mandate members. In addition to these documents, they will also have to provide signature sheets and a number of documents related to the signature collection procedure for registration.

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