General structure of exam tasks in biology. Points for each USE biology task. To be or not to be the Unified State Exam

In 2017, the Unified State Examination in Biology will see big changes. The upcoming reform is being carried out in accordance with the plans of the Ministry of Education, announced several years ago. The goal of the reform is to move away from the usual test system, which, according to the officials themselves, gives rather unreliable results. And in 2017, biology became another subject from which all test questions were removed.

the date of the

  • 03.2017 – first stage, early;
  • 04.2017 – reserve day of the first stage;
  • 06.2017 – second stage, main;
  • 06.2017 – reserve day of the second stage;
  • 06.2017 – reserve day for all subjects.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Biology in 2017

In 2017, schoolchildren will face reforms in three subjects at once: chemistry, physics, and biology. What changes have been made to the Unified State Examination in Biology? First of all, this is removing the test part and replacing it with blocks with short answers.

  • Changing the number of tasks. The Unified State Exam 2017 will have 28 tasks, not 40 as before.
  • Introduction of new types of tasks. Instead of tasks with choosing one correct answer from four proposed options, the exam included tasks on adding or restoring tables and diagrams. Testing your skills in working with graphic material - drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs - becomes an important part of the biology exam.
  • Increased exam duration. The time allotted for the Unified State Examination in Biology 2017 will increase to 210 minus (versus 180 last year).
  • Decrease passing score. The primary/threshold score for biology in 2017 was reduced to 59 (versus 61 last year).

Exam structure:

  • Review of data in a table or graph – 1 task
  • Filling out tables - 1 task
  • Filling out diagrams – 1 task
  • Solving problems in genetics/cytology – 2 tasks
  • Determining the sequence in processes/phenomena – task 3
  • Matching – 6 tasks

The approximate structure of the exam is followed in all databases and demo versions of the Unified State Examination, which significantly facilitates preparation. It is especially worth noting that new model CMM is similar to version of the OGE in biology, taken in ninth grade. So future graduates do not have to worry - the structure of the exam will not be something fundamentally new for them.

Unified State Examination score

The minimum number of points that must be scored in biology is 36, and the primary score is 59. For correct answers to some questions, a student can receive one point, and for others - three.

  • Questions 1, 3, 6 – answers to them are worth 1 point;
  • Questions 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – for correct answers you can get 2 points;
  • Questions 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 – correct answers are worth 3 points.

According to FIPI warnings, some issues are deliberately complicated. Only those who know biology perfectly can answer them. Such questions will require not just a short answer, but a presentation of arguments in favor of the chosen version and a detailed explanation of the train of thought.

How to prepare for the exam

To help schoolchildren pass the Unified State Exam in biology easily and without problems, FIPI publishes auxiliary and methodological materials.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology 2017 must necessarily include working with demo versions of the exam. Today, there are 36 variants of CMMs, all of them with a similar structure, that is, for preparation you can take any of the options proposed by FIPI.

Methodists assure that preparing for the exam will take quite a long time, and to successfully master the material, it is best to create a schedule and stick to it. Recommendations created by FIPI specialists will certainly help schoolchildren in their preparation:

  1. Based on the topics published by FIPI, make a list of subsections that need to be repeated. Based on the volume and complexity of the topic, draw up a schedule for studying them, while complex topics It is necessary to allocate more time than for simple and easy ones.
  2. It is best to study the material using a school textbook. As additional sources, you can use methodological materials recommended by the department and information from the World Wide Web.
  3. To make it easier to study the topic and make it easier to memorize the material, summarize the data on the topic being studied in a table or schematic outline.
  4. Use the KIMs published on the FIPI website for preparation. This will help you identify knowledge gaps on certain topics.
  5. When studying new topics, periodically return to old ones, repeating and refreshing your memory of the material covered.

Exam demos will help you prepare for your exams. In addition to the already mentioned opportunity to discover poorly studied topics, online versions help to become familiar with the very structure of the exam.


Considering all the changes made, we come to a disappointing (for some schoolchildren) conclusion - the Unified State Exam in Biology in 2017 will be much more difficult to pass than in 2016. It will be more difficult to obtain both the minimum number of points, that is, to reach the pass threshold, and to score the maximum value. The chance to get points for guessing disappears; you will have to really prepare for the exam and study the subject thoroughly.

In 2017, a new model of the KIM Unified State Examination in Biology was adopted, aimed at increasing the diversity of tested aspects of biological training of graduates.

Each version of the examination paper consists of two parts. The tasks in the variant are presented in continuous numbering mode. The structure of the examination paper has been optimized:

1. The number of tasks in the examination paper has been reduced from 40 to 28.
2. Part 1 proposes new types of tasks that differ significantly in type educational activities: to fill in the missing elements of a diagram or table, to find errors in a drawing, to analyze and synthesize information, to analyze graphs and tables with statistical data.
3. The maximum number of primary points has been slightly reduced: from 61 in 2016 to 59 in 2017.
4. The time to complete the job has been increased from 180 to 210 minutes.

In Part 2, the number and types of tasks with detailed answers remained unchanged - 7 tasks.

Particular emphasis is placed on the formation of methods of activity: mastering methodological skills; application of knowledge in explaining biological processes and phenomena, mastering the skills to solve biological problems. Testing the skills of working with information of biological content is carried out through its presentation different ways(in the form of texts, pictures, diagrams, tables, graphs, diagrams).

In 2017, it is planned to exclude all tasks with a choice of one answer from the Unified State Examination in Biology. This is explained by the presence in them of the following significant shortcomings: monotony of the form of presentation of the tested content, inability to create tasks of a problematic or creative nature; lack of capacity to test students' practical skills; difficulty in identifying true gaps in mastering the content among Unified State Examination participants. A significant disadvantage of tasks with a choice of one answer is also the presence of an element of chance, guessing the correct answer.

As shown comparative analysis Unified State Exam results Over the past two years, the reduction in the number of tasks in the examination paper with the choice of one correct answer from 36 to 25 has not led to a noticeable decrease in the Unified State Examination results. The share of USE participants in biology who did not score the minimum number of points remains approximately at the same level, within the limits of statistically acceptable errors.

Significant modernization in the form and structure of the CMM required adjusting the approaches to constructing the examination paper and including tasks of a new format.

In Part 1 of the new format exam paper, only short-answer tasks have been retained, but their number has been increased, and in some cases the form of their presentation has been significantly changed compared to previous years. It is known that tasks with a short answer allow not only to test a larger volume of content of an academic subject, but most importantly, to provide for the assessment of general educational and subject skills (comparison, generalization, classification, systematization, explanation, solution of educational and practical problems etc.), which corresponds modern trends development of general education.

Along with the preservation of existing tasks, new biological tasks appeared, and the range of tasks with drawings expanded.

As an example of a modernized task, we give task 3 (here and below are tasks from the project demo version KIM).

This is a computational biological problem. The task was created on the basis of tasks with a choice of one answer that are traditional for the KIM Unified State Exam in biology. In the new edition, Unified State Exam participant based on knowledge genetic information and the chromosomal set of somatic and germ cells, independently carries out all the necessary calculations.

As an example of a task for working with a drawing, we give task 4.

The peculiarity of this task model is that the person being certified is asked to use a “blind” image of an object (there are no captions for the picture) to deduce two of it characteristic signs. Moreover, one of the signs given in the task tests knowledge of the morphology of the object, while the second tests knowledge of properties or functions. Such tasks test, in addition to the ability to work with visual information, knowledge in the field of the cell and its vital functions.

Along with well-known or modernized types of tasks, the examination paper includes completely new tasks that test the mastery of the conceptual apparatus by filling in gaps in diagrams, tables, working with graphs, tables, histograms, etc. All of them are aimed at strengthening the activity basis and making the examination work more practice-oriented.

As an example of such tasks, task 1 can serve.

This task allows you to test not only knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of the biology course, but also the ability to establish the subordination and hierarchy of terms (concepts), as well as their internal logical connection.

Let's consider examples of tasks (task 21) for working with information presented in graphical or tabular form, a task for analyzing research results.

It seems that with the help of such tasks it is possible to ensure that graduates have developed the fundamentals of a holistic scientific picture of the world and the ability to analyze, evaluate and generalize scientific information.

The new model of the KIM Unified State Exam is consistent with the existing model of the Unified State Exam 9 in biology. Certain types of tasks, which in a modernized form will be included in the KIM in 2017, have successfully passed many years of testing during the certification of students in basic general education programs and are available in open jar OGE tasks. They can become the basis for preparing students for the Unified State Exam in biology in the coming academic year.

As an example of continuity, task 9 can serve.

In the OGE, with the help of such tasks, knowledge of the structure, life activity and significance of animal and plant organisms is tested. In the new model of the Unified State Exam KIM, bacteria and viruses will be added to these objects.

In general, in the exam model of the Unified State Exam 2017, the objects of control, as in previous years, are the knowledge and skills that form the invariant core of the content of the biology course in primary and secondary schools, its sections “Plants”, “Bacteria, fungi, lichens”, “Animals” ", "Man and his health", " General biology" These sections are presented in the Codifier in the form of seven content blocks and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational organizations for the 2017 unified state exam in biology.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Chemistry 2017.

chemistry teacher of the highest category Popova O.A.

What remains the same?

The document defining the content of KIMs remained unchanged - the Federal Component of the State Standard LLC, which was published in 2004 and all subsequent years of the Unified State Examination and was determined precisely by this document.

Testing and measuring materials (the abbreviation KIM, which is already familiar to us) are aimed specifically at checking the assimilation of the knowledge system presented in the standard in the form of requirements for the training of graduates. These requirements correspond to the level of content elements being tested in the CMM. In order to ensure the possibility of differentiated assessment of the educational achievements of KIM Unified State Examination graduates, they check the mastery of the basic educational programs in chemistry at three levels of difficulty: basic, advanced and high. And what is very important, the assignments are based on the material of those main sections of the chemistry course that are invariant regardless of the teaching materials on which the teacher works, regardless of programs, textbooks and manuals. All requirements for the level of training of graduates at the exit are the same and contain this invariant core. Educational material, on the basis of which the assignments are based, is selected on the basis of its significance for the general education training of high school graduates.

Completing the tasks of the examination work involves the implementation of a certain set of actions. Among them, the most indicative are, for example, the following: identify classification characteristics of substances and reactions; determine the oxidation state chemical elements according to the formulas of their compounds; explain the essence of a particular process, the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of substances. The ability of the examinee to carry out various actions when performing work is considered as an indicator of assimilation of the studied material with the necessary depth of understanding.

The equivalence of all versions of the examination work is ensured by strict adherence to the same ratio of the number of tasks testing the mastery of the basic elements of the content of various sections of the chemistry course.

At the level of assessing the educational achievements of graduates, the following are checked:

Knowledge of the conceptual apparatus of chemistry and general laws substance research,

Application of chemistry knowledge in Everyday life,

Development of intellectual skills that allow you to comprehend real life situations, use your experience to gain new knowledge, find and explain the necessary solutions.

As part of the Unified State Exam 2017, the object of control is the system of knowledge of the fundamentals of inorganic, general and organic chemistry. And the tasks are based on this material. It is presented in the codifier. You have already been able to meet him. Nothing has changed there compared to previous years. 56 content elements are tested and of these 42 elements are tested at the basic level. Assignments on inorganic, general and organic chemistry make up 65% of the total number of assignments, and on “Methods of knowledge in chemistry. Chemistry and life" and "Calculations according to chemical formulas and reaction equations” accounts for 35% of all tasks.

So, this year’s work consists of 2 parts.

Part 2 has not undergone any changes. It contains 5 tasks high level difficulties, as they were, and they are actually the same as they were in previous years.

All changes affected 1 part of the work. Total tasks were reduced from 40 to 34. This is due to the fact that tasks of similar types of activities were excluded. In general, changes in USE tasks are associated with strengthening the activity basis and practice-oriented orientation of these tasks.

In addition, the structure has changed. If we look at part 1, out of 29 short-answer tasks, there are 20 tasks of a basic level of difficulty, but they are not arranged in a row, but by topic. First there are tasks of a basic level of complexity, then - of an increased one; again – basic and advanced, which was not the case in previous years. This is due to the fact that the structure of KIM by thematic blocks has been changed and each thematic block is built from simple to complex and the tasks are arranged in increasing complexity.

All CMM options can be classified according to the following criteria:

According to the form for presenting conditions (there are changes)

By type of required answer (there are changes)

By difficulty level (no changes)

There are no changes in the assessment methods, but there are differences in the assessments themselves.

Evaluation system for Unified State Examination tasks 2017

Tasks 1-8, 12-16, 20,21, 27-29 are considered completed correctly if the student gave the correct answer in the idea of ​​a sequence of numbers or numbers with a given degree of accuracy.

Tasks 9-11, 17-19, 22-26 are considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers is indicated correctly. For a complete and correct answer in these tasks, 2 points are given, if the student made one mistake - 1 point, if more than 1 mistake or no answer - 0 points.

To assess the formation of higher level intellectual skills, such asinstall cause-and-effect relationships between individual elements of knowledge (for example, between the composition, structure and properties of substances),formulate answer in a certain logic with argumentation of the conclusions and conclusions made, are usedtasks of a high level of complexity, with a detailed answer .

Tasks with a detailed answer , unlike tasks of the two previous types, provide for a comprehensive test of mastery of profile level several (two or more) content elements from different content blocks. They are divided into the following types:

tasks that test mastery essential elements content, such as “redox reactions”;

tasks that test the assimilation of knowledge about the relationship of substances of different classes (using examples of transformations of inorganic and organic substances);

calculation tasks.

Tasks with a detailed answer focused on testing skills:

explain the dependence of the properties and uses of substances on their composition and structure, the nature of the mutual influence of atoms in molecules organic compounds, the relationship between inorganic and organic substances, the essence and pattern of the studied types of reactions;

conduct combined calculations using chemical equations.

Maximum amount points for tasks 30-34 are respectively 3,4,5,4,4.

Basic level tasks. If earlier they were with the choice of 1 answer, now there can be tasks with the choice of 2 correct answers out of 5 proposed and tasks to establish correspondence between the positions of 2 sets that have 3 digital answers.

Tasks higher level difficulties with a short answer, which is written according to the instructions in the form of 4 numbers. That's how it was. There's nothing new here.

Advanced-level tasks are tasks with a detailed answer, which is checked by experts. There is nothing new for us here either.

Based on elements that are tested by tasks of various levels.

Basic level tasks, regardless of whether their wording has changed, they only test 1 specific element of content. But, if we talk about the activity characteristics, then a thorough analysis of the condition and the application of knowledge in the system are required.

Advanced and advanced level tasks test elements of basic and advanced level content and provide for a greater variety of actions to apply knowledge in a non-standard situation, as well as the ability to systematize and generalize acquired knowledge. For the advanced and in-depth level, these were the requirements. Nothing changes here. The changes only affected basic level tasks.

The duration of the Unified State Exam in Chemistry in 2017 is the same as in 2016 - 3.5 hours (210 minutes). On average, 2-3 minutes are allotted for each task of a basic level of complexity, 5-7 minutes for a task of an increased level of complexity, and 10-15 minutes for a task of a high level of complexity. If you calculate the maximum number of tasks, it turns out that the student still has about 20 minutes to check his work.

The connection between the examination models of the OGE and the Unified State Exam in chemistry is that the approaches to assessing the educational achievements of students in the main and high school united. The most important principle that is taken into account when developing tasks is the continuity of the KIM OGE and the Unified State Exam. The implementation of this principle is ensured by:

The uniformity of requirements for the selection of content in OGE and Unified State Examination tasks,

The similarity of the structures of CMM options for the OGE and the Unified State Exam,

Using similar task models,

The identity of assessment systems for tasks of similar types used in both the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

Methodological approaches in organizing the preparation of students for the Unified State Exam in chemistry.

Methodological assistance to teachers and students in preparing for the Unified State Exam can be provided by materials from the FIPI website, documents defining the structure and content of KIM (codifier, specification, demo version), an open task bank, educational materials for chairmen and members of regional subject commissions for checking the completion of tasks with detailed answers to examination papers, guidelines previous years.

Examples of Unified State Examination tasks.

Among the Unified State Exam disciplines to choose from, biology is consistently popular among today's eleventh-graders - for example, last year 25% of students signed up for it, and this is a full 5% more than in 2017.

Future doctors, biologists, ecologists and veterinarians, agronomists, biomedics and pharmacists choose this subject as a key subject for themselves and, of course, do not go wrong - these professions are not only highly paid and in demand, but also extremely interesting. And, they will certainly be interested that, unlike other subjects, in 2019, it seems that changes will not affect biology at all.

On the one hand, this is, of course, good - you don’t have to urgently radically rebuild your training, you can successfully use last year’s materials for training. Although, on the other hand, this exam, like many others, has been subject to serious criticism for several years now, and the fact that they don’t want to change anything about it, of course, does not please the public. But, be that as it may, we will have to work with what we have, so let’s find out the rules and news and roll up our sleeves and start preparing!

Rules for passing and changing the Unified State Exam in biology in 2019

First of all, graduates of 2019 are interested, of course, in the dates of exams - in fact, when is the day of execution? Traditionally, three weeks are chosen for the main stage of writing the Unified State Examination at the end of May - the first half of June. And in 2018 it was from May 29 to June 19. And biology, by the way, fell on the 13th (Careful: it is usually put with something else on the same day - this time it was history. So, if you are thinking of going to both, consider the option early delivery in the spring, or sign up for reserve days from June 20 to July 1).

Since no special office equipment, tools, or tables are required to write this exam (all the initial data necessary for the calculation will be directly in the CIMs), you can only take a black pen, documents, medicines and food, if necessary. Everything else will be printed and issued on site.

The time allotted for biology, as always, will be three and a half hours, and it begins exactly at ten o’clock. But, as we know, you have to be at the delivery center from nine in the morning to get checked and assigned to offices. Naturally, cheating in any form, using communication means, communicating with fellow sufferers in the process is prohibited - all those who have signed up for the Unified State Exam are informed about these and other rules in advance.

In total, for this subject, for all 28 tasks, one could score 59 points: 39 points for the first part and 20 for the second. The first, traditionally, is designed for a short answer, and the last - for a detailed answer. For tasks the first, third and sixth you can get a maximum of one point. For all others - 2-3.

What will happen in KIMs?

As we remember, starting in 2018, there was a rejection of simple test tasks with the banal arrangement of “tic-tac-toe” in the right cells, giving preference to tasks with a complex selection system, where you need to work with the text, analyze it and answer it questions by choosing the correct statements, or with charts, tables and even graphs for the same purpose.

In the initial section (21 questions) there will be a choice from a variety, checking correspondence, building sequences, problems on genetics and cytology, filling in gaps in texts, diagrams, tables, and data analysis. And for the following questions you will need to write down your arguments, describe something in detail, describe the task.

For ease of repetition, FIPI provides specific list sections submitted for testing. This:

  • Biology as a science (achievements, research methods, levels of organization of nature);
  • Cell (structure, vital activity, functions of organelles, comparison of cells different organisms, the course of cellular processes);
  • The organism as a biosystem (heredity, variability, reproduction, ontogenesis, selection, biotechnology, problems in genetics);
  • Systematization organic world(structure, life activity and reproduction of all kingdoms and viruses, comparison of them, characteristics and classification);
  • Human body (structure and functioning of the human body);
  • Evolution (driving forces, results and directions, characteristics of different aromorphoses);
  • Ecosystems (ecological patterns, circulation of substances, relationships in the biosphere, ecosystems, development and stability, changes in ecosystems).

Of all the topics in the second part there will be an assignment. In the first part, the first topic is presented with one question, the second and third with four or five questions each, as a rule, the fourth, sixth and seventh with four, and the fifth with five. In terms of difficulty in the initial section, 12 tasks belong to the basic level of knowledge, and 9 – to the advanced level.

How to prepare well for passing biology? Some useful tips

In fact, biology is a very logical and consistent science, so understanding its structure, understanding and memorizing all the definitions, terms and other important things is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to do this regularly and consistently, at least starting to do it several months before the test, gradually loading the brain topic by topic, be sure to polish the absorbed volume of theory with repeated training on Unified State Exam options in biology from previous years.

Those who enter this specialty, of course, do not have to learn everything from scratch - they know where they are going and why, and adequately assess their chances of success. Therefore, at first it is better to take several practice tests, assessing which topics need maximum attention, and which ones you just need to repeat or deepen your knowledge. Of course, it is better to take such testing with a teacher or tutor - they will designate a plan for correcting shortcomings and monitor the effectiveness of the preparation. But, in principle, biology is not a science that is absolutely impossible to learn without the constant supervision of a teacher, therefore, almost anyone can master it all on their own.

When repeating topics, it is recommended to record information in the utmost summary(literally - only what you need to know by heart: formulas, connections, basic definitions, diagrams, etc.). It is very convenient to memorize everything from these notes, repeat them, taking them with you anywhere, and even if you fail this year, next year it will be much easier and faster to resume everything from them in memory. But, without a doubt, it is better not to bring such “cheat sheets” with you to the exam, because it will be very disappointing to fail because of them and lose the opportunity to enter the coveted university this year.

Directly during the exam, it is important to remember that the answer to the first part will be a word (phrase), a sequence of numbers or a number. Moreover, the entry must be without missing cells or symbols. The following 7 tasks require a detailed answer, according to accepted school curriculum normal For other nuances, you should carefully read the task itself: there are often cases when quite successful students have their points reduced for things they haven’t completed completely, and answers that were not received to exactly the questions that were asked are cancelled.

Otherwise, I would like to wish tomorrow’s graduates successful self-discipline, strength, patience and self-confidence. And also, of course, a little luck. Break a leg!


The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/

In 2017, the Unified State Examination in Biology will see big changes. The upcoming reform is being carried out in accordance with the plans of the Ministry of Education, announced several years ago. The goal of the reform is to move away from the usual test system, which, according to the officials themselves, gives rather unreliable results. And in 2017, biology became another subject from which all test questions were removed.

the date of the

  • 03.2017 – first stage, early;
  • 04.2017 – reserve day of the first stage;
  • 06.2017 – second stage, main;
  • 06.2017 – reserve day of the second stage;
  • 06.2017 – reserve day for all subjects.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Biology in 2017

In 2017, schoolchildren will face reforms in three subjects at once: chemistry, physics, and biology. What changes have been made to the Unified State Examination in Biology? First of all, this is removing the test part and replacing it with blocks with short answers.

  • Changing the number of tasks. The Unified State Exam 2017 will have 28 tasks, not 40 as before.
  • Introduction of new types of tasks. Instead of tasks with choosing one correct answer from four proposed options, the exam included tasks on adding or restoring tables and diagrams. Testing your skills in working with graphic material - drawings, diagrams, tables, graphs - becomes an important part of the biology exam.
  • Increased exam duration. The time allotted for the Unified State Examination in Biology 2017 will increase to 210 minus (versus 180 last year).
  • Reduced passing score. The primary/threshold score for biology in 2017 was reduced to 59 (versus 61 last year).

Exam structure:

  • Review of data in a table or graph – 1 task
  • Filling out tables - 1 task
  • Filling out diagrams – 1 task
  • Solving problems in genetics/cytology – 2 tasks
  • Determining the sequence in processes/phenomena – task 3
  • Matching – 6 tasks

The approximate structure of the exam is followed in all databases and demo versions of the Unified State Examination, which significantly facilitates preparation. It is especially worth noting that the new KIM model is similar to the version of the OGE in biology, taken in the ninth grade. So future graduates do not have to worry - the structure of the exam will not be something fundamentally new for them.

Unified State Examination score

The minimum number of points that must be scored in biology is 36, and the primary score is 59. For correct answers to some questions, a student can receive one point, and for others - three.

  • Questions 1, 3, 6 – answers to them are worth 1 point;
  • Questions 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – for correct answers you can get 2 points;
  • Questions 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 – correct answers are worth 3 points.

According to FIPI warnings, some issues are deliberately complicated. Only those who know biology perfectly can answer them. Such questions will require not just a short answer, but a presentation of arguments in favor of the chosen version and a detailed explanation of the train of thought.

How to prepare for the exam

To help schoolchildren pass the Unified State Exam in biology easily and without problems, FIPI publishes auxiliary and methodological materials.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology 2017 must necessarily include working with demo versions of the exam. Today, there are 36 variants of CMMs, all of them with a similar structure, that is, for preparation you can take any of the options proposed by FIPI.

Methodists assure that preparing for the exam will take quite a long time, and to successfully master the material, it is best to create a schedule and stick to it. Recommendations created by FIPI specialists will certainly help schoolchildren in their preparation:

  • Based on the topics published by FIPI, make a list of subsections that need to be repeated. Based on the volume and complexity of the topic, make a schedule for studying them, while more time should be allocated to complex topics than to simple and easy ones.
  • It is best to study the material using a school textbook. As additional sources, you can use methodological materials recommended by the department and information from the World Wide Web.
  • To make it easier to study the topic and make it easier to memorize the material, summarize the data on the topic being studied in a table or schematic outline.
  • Use the KIMs published on the FIPI website for preparation. This will help you identify knowledge gaps on certain topics.
  • When studying new topics, periodically return to old ones, repeating and refreshing your memory of the material covered.

Exam demos will help you prepare for your exams. In addition to the already mentioned opportunity to discover poorly studied topics, online versions help to become familiar with the very structure of the exam.


Considering all the changes made, we come to a disappointing (for some schoolchildren) conclusion - the Unified State Exam in Biology in 2017 will be much more difficult to pass than in 2016. It will be more difficult to obtain both the minimum number of points, that is, to reach the pass threshold, and to score the maximum value. The chance to get points for guessing disappears; you will have to really prepare for the exam and study the subject thoroughly.

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