How to open a household appliance repair shop. Business plan for a service center for repairing household appliances. How to open a service center for repairing household appliances

Nowadays, in almost any apartment or house there is a huge amount of equipment that tends to fail and break down. Many people do not understand this issue at all, and therefore often cannot do anything about breakdowns on their own. And very often such breakdowns can be easily eliminated, and this is much more profitable in financially than buying new equipment.

Therefore, at all times, people who could solve these problems were valued, as they say, worth their weight in gold, and were constantly in demand for their services. The situation in this field today is no exception. And therefore, we will open our own business for repairing all kinds of equipment, and make sure that this business is universal and includes equipment of various directions. In addition, this type of business must be universal in terms of equipment manufacturers and work with everyone. And if all these conditions are met, then we have every chance of building a promising and profitable business.

Like every type of business, the equipment repair business has its own problems and nuances that need to be effectively resolved. The main problem In this area, there is strong competition in this market, and a large number of companies and individual craftsmen who work from home. Such competition forces the latter to greatly reduce prices for their services, and therefore strong rivalry appears. And perhaps in big city It will not be possible to make this business profitable due to the presence of many competitors.

On the other hand, some companies not only do not compete with each other, but are, so to speak, partners in this business, and share their clients with each other. This is possible if these firms occupy a certain niche in this area, and then a clear division of labor and differentiation arises. And the competition is no longer so strong. Therefore, before opening this type of business, you need to carefully analyze the entire market, and only then make a final decision on its prospects.

Generally a repair business household appliances can be implemented in two different formats. The first business format involves working with only one specific equipment manufacturer, and it is called a mono-brand salon. Often, such service centers are partners of some showrooms or equipment stores, and provide warranty and post-warranty service. There are nuances in this direction, and there are both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the fact that when collaborating with a salon or manufacturer, there will be a constant availability of orders, and you will definitely not be left without work. The disadvantages include the fact that the same salons or companies will pay you, and they will set the final prices for the work.

As a rule, your direct clients will be those buyers of equipment from a given dealership whose warranty period has expired, and in this case you can count on a more serious payment for your services, and even then from the submission of the same equipment dealerships. Another important factor when choosing the direction of this activity is that stores and showrooms place very high demands on service centers, and because of this they have to be equipped according to all modern standards, which of course entails considerable costs. And in order to recoup them you need to have a constant workload, and often the same salon cannot provide this.

The second format of this type of business is the opposite of the first, and includes repair of equipment from various manufacturers in its services. So to speak, multi-brand service center. But in principle, such a service center does not depend on the brand of equipment at all and is simply a workshop that eliminates product malfunctions. And it is precisely this moment that is the most difficult in this direction, since the master must know design features different household appliances, and they very often differ from each other. Even the same type. The main question here is the search for such universal specialists who are able to work with different techniques various brands.

And just in this case, it is possible to work quite successfully independently, setting your own prices for repairs and dictating your own terms. This is how this business format differs from the previous one. And the demand for repairs will fluctuate greatly and depend on various factors. It’s up to you to decide which format to choose for yourself, but before making a final decision, you need to conduct research and find out all the conditions that stores and home appliance showrooms offer, and only after that make the final choice in favor of one option or another. Depending on the city in which this business will be organized, the format of your workshop will depend. In one case the first option is better, in another the second.

After choosing the form of your business, you need to register with the state registration authorities. For your work, the easiest way is to register an individual entrepreneur, as it takes a minimum of time and financial investment. If you choose the form of a legal entity, then in this case it is advisable to register an LLC, since only in this case you will be able to pay a fixed tax rate. It is advisable to register an LLC if you plan to engage in this business with a partner in order to eliminate all disagreements.

In addition, the individual entrepreneur is personally responsible for all debts arising in the course of his activities, and therefore is liable with his property to the court, but in this case, debts most often do not arise, so it will be easier to register an individual entrepreneur. When registering you must indicate correct code your activity, and it is (OKPD 2) 95.2 Repair of personal consumption items and household appliances.

After all the legal issues, and when we have finally decided on the format of our business, we begin to search for suitable premises for the workshop. When looking for a location, the first thing you need to look for is whether there are competitors nearby. And build on your specifics. If you are planning to renovate small equipment, such as mobile phones and others having oversized dimensions, then an area of ​​10 square meters will be quite enough for one master. This is where the advantage lies when you are busy repairing small equipment. You won't have to pay expensive rent.

If you plan to repair equipment such as refrigerators, washing machines, and so on, then for such a workshop you need a lot more space. At least in order to store all the finished equipment, and equipment that is in line for repair.

When choosing a room, you need to take into account such nuances as the availability of electricity and a bathroom, as well as the opportunity to relax during your lunch break. If you can find a suitable premises in the city center, then great, but if the rent is very expensive, then no problem, look for premises in the residential areas of your city. This works great for large equipment, as people won't want to take it too far into the city center. Also consider comprehensive options for providing services, such as when you go to the client’s home. Therefore, you can work comprehensively and rent a small space, and repair large equipment at home.

Ideally, of course, to have your own large room in which all the equipment will be stored, since not all issues can be resolved at the client’s home. But if on initial stage you don't have a job necessary funds, then you can work with a minimal workshop in which you will repair small equipment. And once you have built up your client base, you will expand your business.

If you are just starting out and you have absolutely no money to rent a room, then you can work at the client’s home, and take small equipment, such as mobile phones, home for repair. Thus, you can completely work autonomously without renting a room, but this is only if you yourself are such a specialist. In other cases, you are required to have your own, at least minimal, space for work.

At the very beginning, when you are just starting this business, if you are a specialist, then you can work independently. But after a while, you will still reach a point where you need to delegate work. Therefore, look for specialists in advance who will subsequently work for you. There should be two, and at the initial stage even one master who understands all the equipment. This must be a generalist and a specialist in his field. You need to outsource all issues not directly related to work, or deal with them yourself.

When working with large household appliances baths will need the help of loaders who will deliver it directly to the workshop. And most likely you may need to purchase your own car in which you will transport equipment. A domestic car of this type costs about 200 thousand rubles, and it is quite enough to start in this business. When the car is not directly involved in the process itself, you can use it to carry out cargo transportation, which will be an additional type of income. But then, when registering, you must indicate the OKPD code, and when registering, think through everything carefully for the future.

On the back of your truck, you can place advertisements for your services, and then you can attract additional customers, because a large number of people will see the car in the city. That is, we can conclude that buying a car will definitely pay for itself over time.

Working with different equipment requires a different approach to business. There are types of equipment that are easier to replace than to try to repair. These are various hair dryers, small electrical appliances and so on. It is advisable to repair expensive mobile phones, since not many people will want to buy a new one, for example, for 10,000 rubles, but would rather repair the old one for 1,000 rubles. Although if the phone is inexpensive, then a person will not repair it, since often the components are expensive, and there is no particular benefit in repairing it.

One of the most popular areas is the repair of large and expensive household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines. Almost any specialist can cope with such repairs, but replacing such equipment with new ones is very expensive, and therefore people prefer to have it repaired. Moreover, refrigerators and washing machines They are not as demanding in their functions as, for example, telephones, and satisfy their owners even after the end of the warranty period. But for example, a phone that is already three or more years old is obsolete, and therefore no one will repair it.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that repairing, for example, phones is only worth it as an additional service, or if you can offer the client inexpensive solution Problems. For example, change the speaker, or some other minor breakdown. Something that will be much cheaper to repair than to buy new. In any case, focus on the demand and market of your city, because in different regions Russia and the demand are completely different.

For different types works, and various types For repaired equipment, you will need to purchase appropriate equipment. For small equipment you need a computer with a special software, with which faults will be tested. You will also need special tool sets, small soldering irons and other devices.

The cost of semi-professional equipment starts from 10 thousand rubles, and can reach 100 thousand with a professional version. When working as a mono-brand center, you need to purchase appropriate professional equipment, which can be omitted in a multi-brand salon. For such large equipment as refrigerators and washing machines, you will need, among other things, other special tools, and first of all, professional devices that check and test the electrical system.

Such equipment is not very expensive, unless, of course, you use ordinary semi-professional equipment, but if you decide to purchase professional samples, then the cost of one tester can be 10 thousand rubles. All costs for purchasing equipment depend entirely on what you plan to do and your budget.
This type of business is characterized by low entry costs, but also low profits. Since often the cost of the entire repair comes down to replacing a worthless part, for one repair the amount of work rarely amounts to more than 2000 rubles, and very often it is equal to 500 rubles. When the cost of repairs is very high, it is often easier for a person to buy new equipment.

The most profitable option There are a large number of minor breakdowns in which there is no need to replace the part. But often it doesn’t work out that way and you have to be content with what you have.

Advertising of this type of business needs to be given special attention, since in the absence of a sufficient number of clients, you will not even be able to recoup the rental of the premises, not to mention making money. And this business needs to be run by a person who can repair equipment himself and loves to do it. Otherwise, you will not earn anything from this, and quite possibly even lose. Good luck with your business!

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Are you interested in how to open your own business? Then here you go:

Not suitable for everyone. To operate successfully in this area, you need specific knowledge and experience. If you plan to open a small service center, you can additionally attract people who are versed in technology.

Repairing household appliances does not require major investments. The main cost item will be tools and components. We will consider the features of work in this area in more detail in the article.

Selecting the right format

Household appliance repair as a business has several directions. If the master himself wants to work in this area, then he has the following options for work:

  1. Private home repairs. The cost of services will be low, but you can significantly save on costs in the form of rent. You won't need spare parts for household appliances here either - you can buy them as needed. True, not all components are easy to find.
  2. Collaboration with the service center. The point is to receive orders. The businessman himself is not involved in promoting and finding clients. And for the provision of relevant services, he pays the service center a certain percentage or a fixed amount.
  3. Opening your own service center. But here the entrepreneur will have to do his business from scratch, faced with the problems of finding clients, personnel, using effective methods advertising.

Is it profitable or not to open your own repair shop? This niche covers a fairly large market volume - it accounts for about 20-25% of the service sector. The level of income received does not depend on seasonal fluctuations, weather or the income of citizens, because broken equipment must be repaired in order to be able to use it in the future.

It is also worth deciding whether the organization will repair equipment from a specific company or all brands existing on the market at once.




Mono-brand company

These are subsidiaries in essence. They are representatives of a certain brand and provide repairs and warranty service only for branded equipment.

Assistance in promotion from the parent company, collecting a customer base. High cost of service, fairly high income. Possibility of concluding an agreement with the parent company on the purchase of components at low prices.

A narrow circle of consumers, determined by the number of owners of branded equipment. Dependence on the parent organization (at least in that the demand for goods will directly proportionally affect the volume of services provided by the company). The need to make deductions for work under the brand of the main company.

Multi-brand company

Repairs equipment from various brands.

High profitability, wide range of services, coverage large quantity clients.

The need to start from scratch business reputation, lower cost for the services provided.

Monobrand companies, in turn, are divided into two categories:

  1. affiliated (in close cooperation with the parent company);
  2. independent (they are equal partners of the parent organizations).

If a businessman does not have serious work experience, then it makes sense to start working with a mono-brand company as an affiliate, and only later work in new directions.

Beginning entrepreneurs often don’t know where to start a home appliance repair business. Here it is necessary to clearly define the list of services provided and to whom they can be provided.

If you plan to open a small workshop at home, then it is better to focus on serving ordinary citizens. If the company has a sufficient number of qualified personnel, then it is possible to establish work with organizations. You can sign contracts with them for equipment maintenance or work on a one-time basis. The first option will provide a guaranteed income. Work with legal entities It is also promising because they often use elite equipment, the repair of which is quite expensive.

It is necessary to decide on a clear list of services. As a rule, service centers repair refrigerators, washing machines, ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers. It is not necessary to stop only at working with household appliances. You can expand your range of services:

  • Appliances;
  • video and audio equipment;
  • office equipment;
  • repair of heating systems.

To attract as many clients as possible, you should focus on the following features of your work:

  1. quality;
  2. speed of troubleshooting;
  3. warranty service;
  4. home visit.

What is required to open a repair shop?

For a household appliance repair business to be truly successful, you need to think through all the nuances in advance. To work you will need:

  • Specialized tools and other equipment. You need soldering irons, testers, screwdrivers, power supplies. It will not be possible to do without specialized tools. Their purchase will require about 30-40 thousand rubles. If there are several employees in the organization, then it is better to purchase several sets of tools at once.
  • Repair parts. It's better to find a company that delivers them in bulk. This will significantly speed up the repair process, which is a definite plus for the job. Additionally, you can sell spare parts at retail, which will allow you to earn additional profit.
  • Room. This will be required if the company will not carry out home visits. You may also need a place to resuscitate equipment that could not be quickly repaired in the client’s apartment. You will need to store tools and components somewhere. Rentals small room for a start it will be quite enough. Subsequently, you will need to think about opening an office and hiring a secretary.
  • Register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The first option involves a simpler registration procedure. You will also have to choose a taxation system. It is most profitable to pay UTII in the field of repairing household appliances. At the same time, you don’t have to buy a cash register - it will be enough to fill out strict reporting forms (SRF). When working with legal entities, you can choose the taxation system and the simplified tax system.

Promotion methods

The customer base directly affects the company's income level. To attract people, you need to use the right advertising methods. “Word of mouth” in this case will allow you to promote truly high-quality services completely free of charge. You can use the following methods yourself.

The proposed business plan for the repair of household, video, audio and office equipment is an example ready-made business plan and can be used by you in the future to develop your own business plan for an equipment repair shop.

Business plan for a repair shop for household, video, audio and office equipment

The purpose of the business plan is to substantiate the financial and economic feasibility of creating a workshop for the repair of household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment.

The study showed the presence of a potential market for services, in particular the repair of household, TV, video, audio and office equipment. It should be noted that the provision of repair services, as a rule, is carried out by organizations that represent one manufacturer and are not interested in expanding the range of services provided.

This business plan for a workshop for the repair of household appliances, audio and video equipment and office equipment involves the creation of an additional market for services by expanding the range of serviced products and providing service for technical equipment at home at the request of the client. At the initial stage, one workshop was opened, and subsequently it is planned to open a network of workshops throughout Moscow.

The project is low-budget and therefore quite mobile, which avoids many risks. At the same time, a workshop for repairing household, video, audio and office equipment quickly pays for itself and brings a fairly high profit. The income received from the repair of technical equipment is stable, since it does not depend on the season and other natural factors. This is one of the reasons for choosing a business area.

The services are designed for residents of areas close to the location of the repair shop. A technician can be called to any area of ​​the city. The main consumers are individuals(about 90%), and the rest (10%) are legal entities.

The amount of authorized capital is 10,000 rubles.

Organizational and legal form - limited liability company.
Form of ownership - private.

During the development of the business plan, an analysis of possible risks was also carried out and efforts were made to reduce them.

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Business plan for a repair shop for household, video, audio and office equipment
in Word format (WinRar archive, 194 kb)

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It is quite difficult to imagine at least one apartment in which there would be absolutely no household appliances. Kettles, irons, vacuum cleaners, food processors and many other appliances are found in almost every family. And even the most modern and reliable of them sooner or later break down and require repair. That is why the question of how to open a workshop for repairing household appliances is so relevant for those who love and know how to work with their hands and have a little knowledge of electrical appliances.

Brief business analysis:
Costs of setting up a business: 30-50 thousand rubles
Relevant for cities with the population:from 20 thousand people
Industry situation:high competition
Difficulty of organizing a business: 2/5
Payback: 2-3 months

For whom is this business idea relevant?

Of course, repairing, especially electrical and electronic devices, is an activity that requires special skills and experience. And if the latter, as they say, is a profitable business, then without a wealth of knowledge it is unlikely to be possible to organize a business for repairing household appliances. On the other hand, no one is born with the ability to hold a screwdriver in their hands, so if you have the desire, you can always learn everything.

On the Internet you can now find a lot of training courses and books on repairing household appliances. All you have to do is make an effort and start own business, bringing stable income, will be quite real.

Services market analysis

The relevance of this topic for business is difficult to underestimate. Repairing household appliances as a business does not require studying the solvency of the population, because household appliances are almost always easier to repair than to buy new ones. This business is not subject to seasonal fluctuations - equipment breaks down regardless of the time of year. The range of services provided can expand in proportion to the appearance of new products on the market.

You can open a service center for repairing household appliances in any locality with a population of over 20 thousand people. This figure is due to the need to receive orders all year round.

Services provided by the repair shop

In the broadest sense of the word, household appliances include all electrical and electronic appliances and devices that a person uses in everyday life, that is, he uses almost every day. Of course, each category of household appliances requires an individual approach to repairs. Therefore, before starting a business, it would be advisable to decide in which direction the future workshop will offer repair services:

  • Repair of office equipment - printers, scanners, copiers, MFPs, plotters, laser and other engraving machines, etc.
  • Repair of audio and video equipment - televisions, set-top boxes, DVD players, audio speakers, amplifiers, receivers, etc.
  • Exclusively household appliances - microwaves, microwave ovens, washing machines and dishwashers, refrigerators and freezers, irons, vacuum cleaners, air conditioners and others.

One of the most common and profitable repair options for both the client and the master is express repair at the customer’s home. Transporting bulky household appliances - refrigerators, washing machines, etc. to a workshop for repairs is unnecessary trouble and expense. Of course, sometimes you can’t do without them, but most often repairs of such things are carried out at home.

In case the complexity of the repair still requires the delivery of large and heavy equipment to the workshop, you need to find a company with inexpensive freight transportation services (if you do not have your own freight transport). There are also options in which the technician diagnoses the equipment at the client’s home and takes the device to the workshop for repair only if necessary.

Another business format for repairing household appliances is opening an authorized service center that will work with appliances of only one brand, for example, repairing only Samsung or Kenwood appliances. In this case, the circle of clients is significantly narrowed, but at all stages of the development of your business you can count on consulting and technical assistance from the company’s head office.

Optimal registration option entrepreneurial activity– status of an individual entrepreneur. How to register as an individual entrepreneur can be found at this link. Another important stage in registering a business is choosing the most suitable taxation system. Most private entrepreneurs prefer the “simplified tax regime” - a simplified tax regime.

Another question of interest to novice entrepreneurs is whether it is necessary to draw up a business plan for such a relatively small business How to repair household appliances? The practice and experience of successfully operating organizations shows that competent planning of one’s actions when organizing a business, financial and other calculations greatly increases the likelihood of successful development of one’s business. Why you need a business plan and how to draw it up yourself, you can find out by following the links provided.

Finding a workshop space

Workshop space is one of the most important, and perhaps costly, items when organizing a business. Despite the fact that priority in work is given to field activities, workshop space is still necessary.

A large room is not required; most often the area depends on the number of employees working on it, the calculation of the warehouse space for storing spare parts and the order receiving area.

Typically, such services with one to three employees occupy premises with an area of ​​20 to 30 square meters. meters. The most advantageous location of the workshop is in residential areas. If the main direction of repair is the maintenance of office equipment, then the best option will find premises closer to the business center of the city.

Since you will have to be in the workshop throughout the working day, the main criteria in finding a suitable room will be: the presence of a bathroom and the necessary utilities - electricity, heating, water supply.

The interior is not so important; in extreme cases, you can carry out inexpensive cosmetic repairs, install racks for storing spare parts, broken and repaired equipment, put work tables and chairs or armchairs for clients. All this can be either purchased used or brought old furniture from home.

Some workshops are expanding the geography of their business by opening small order collection points in various points city, while repairs are carried out in one workshop. This method worked well when creating your own brand for a network of workshops.

Almost always, the quality of the repairs performed depends on the equipment, so save on purchasing the necessary tool not worth it.

The minimum “standard” set of equipment and tools that any household appliance repair shop should have is shown in the table:

Some types of repairs require special equipment and tools, which can be purchased after a small “promotion” of the business and receiving the first profit.

Is staff needed?

Whether additional staff is needed in the workshop depends on the number of orders. If the owner, who is also a master, copes well with the orders received on his own, why spend extra money? And if the number of orders is steadily growing, then you need to hire an assistant.

This may not necessarily be a specialist in repairing household appliances. It is quite possible to get by with a young student who wants to learn the basics of the profession in practice. In any case, it is absolutely forbidden to refuse orders, citing the fact that the technician does not have time to carry out repairs. Next time, people will simply choose another workshop.

Delivery of spare parts

Purchasing spare parts for household appliances is the main headache for any repair shop owner. Finding a reliable supplier of quality spare parts is not an easy task. The main criteria should be based on reliability, punctuality (to avoid delays in repairs) and the quality of the supplied spare parts (you can’t prove to the client that the second time his equipment broke down a month later because the replaced spare part was of poor quality).

For your part, you must guarantee the supplier monthly purchases of goods for a certain amount, otherwise it will simply be uninteresting and unprofitable for him to work with you. Of course, the selling price of spare parts should be lower than the retail price. It makes no sense to order spare parts, as they say, “for future use.” You can never guess which device will be brought in for repair next time. Therefore, the repair period should be set based on the delivery of spare parts from the supplier.

Another option for obtaining the necessary parts and elements for household appliances is their repair after replacement. Many customers choose the option of replacing a broken part of the device, instead of possibly repairing it; after all, new is new, so repair shops often accumulate whole piles of broken spare parts, some of which are completely repairable, and with proper use, can last for quite a long time .

An alternative may also be to buy old household appliances. Currently, new products are released literally every six months to a year, and after a while it can be almost impossible to find spare parts for outdated models, so creating a warehouse of rare spare parts is a great idea for a workshop.

Advertising and Marketing

Of course, the most best advertising in this type of activity it is “word of mouth”, so the main emphasis must be placed on the quality of the services provided. But you don’t need to neglect the “classic” ways of advertising your workshop, such as:

  • Creating your own website, group on social networks;
  • Distribution of leaflets and business cards;
  • A bright sign that attracts attention, pillars placed on the street, etc.;
  • Publishing advertisements on such giant websites as Avito, etc.;
  • Offering clients a system of discounts, free diagnostics and a technician visiting your home.

The main task of the master is to make sure that, if necessary, the client contacts you again (preferably with a different problem), therefore, a responsible attitude to work and attentive attitude towards the client are the main components of success.

Costs, profits and payback calculations

It should be noted right away that for those who expect to make a quick profit after opening a household appliance repair shop, it is better to find another business idea. “Promotion” of a business in this case may take several months. In addition, the provision of services in the field of repair of household appliances has never been distinguished by any excess profits.

Every year more and more complex and expensive household appliances appear on the market. It requires constant diagnostics, preventive maintenance and, of course, repairs. Therefore, opening a workshop for repairing household appliances is always a relevant idea. The only thing is that in order to open such a business, you need to understand this technology yourself, otherwise you simply will not survive in a competitive environment.

You can start a business with small investment, visiting clients' homes. But if you want to build a serious business, you should think about opening a full-fledged household appliance repair shop.

Workshop concept

It’s pretty clear what your workshop will be dealing with. It will offer repair and preventative care services for large and small household appliances:

  • dishwashers;
  • refrigerators;
  • washing machines;
  • boilers;
  • ovens,
  • microwave ovens;
  • TVs and so on.

But there is another criterion on the basis of which the specialization of the workshop is determined: the relationship with manufacturing companies.

You can specialize in servicing one particular brand of home appliance. In this case, your workshop becomes a representative of a specific manufacturer and receives from him the appropriate permission to service his product: warranty and post-warranty service.

You can work with manufacturers in two directions: become an affiliated workshop or relatively independent. In the first case, you will be completely dependent on the requirements of the manufacturing company, in the second you will have relative freedom of action. In addition, the right to work under the name of a well-known brand is extremely expensive and often does not justify the investment.

It is possible to open a multi-brand workshop. In this case, you can also specialize in a specific type of equipment, or accept for service any equipment of any brand, which significantly expands your potential circle of clients. But you will have to independently promote your business and gain a name for yourself in the market.


First of all, the business plan must include a clause on registering a company for repairing household appliances. For it to work, just register as individual entrepreneur, choosing UTII as the taxation system. But for working with organizations and other legal entities, it is more convenient to work using the simplified tax system.

To register you will need 800 rubles. to pay the state fee and five working days to review the documents. When registering, you must indicate OKVED 52.72: Repair of household electrical products.

The specific nature of the work of a household appliance repair shop allows you to avoid spending money on a cash register and its registration with the tax authorities. Often, craftsmen go to the client’s home, where the calculation is made. It is simply impossible to use a cash register for this. Therefore, you can get by with strict reporting forms, which also need to be registered with the tax office.


As for the premises for the work of a household appliance repair company, at a minimum it should be divided into two zones:

  • reception point;
  • the workshop itself.

If you work in big city and you are planning to expand a large business, it would be advisable to include the opening of several reception points in your business plan.

The workshop space depends on the type of household appliances you plan to work on - the larger it is, the more spacious the room should be. It should have space for storing orders that are awaiting repair, repaired ones and the master’s workplace.


At the start, a business can get by with a minimum set of equipment: an oscilloscope, a soldering iron, a tester and hand tools. But to operate a full-fledged workshop with a constant flow of orders, you will need an impressive set of equipment. In addition, the business plan must include the purchase of a vehicle that will be used to deliver equipment from collection points or from the customer to the workshop.

On average, the equipment procurement plan looks like this:

Name Number of units Price per piece (RUB) Total price (RUB)
1. Ampere-voltmeter1 800 800
2. Spectrum Analysis1 28 000 28 000
3. Frequency meter1 15 000 15 000
4. Hand tool set2 3 000 6 000
5. Master's desk3 3 000 9 000
6. Other furniture 16 200
7. Air conditioner1 5 000 5 000
8. Car (pickup)1 80 000 80 000

It is mandatory to conclude agreements for the supply of spare parts with manufacturing companies. It is advisable to have a certain amount of stock in stock, since repair speed and quality are the only indicators that can set you apart from your competitors.


In the staffing plan except general director whose duties can be performed by the owner of the company, the following positions must be included:

  • chief master;
  • masters (2 people);
  • accountant.

Hiring a customer service manager doesn't make much sense. A good advertising campaign will bring new customers. A call center can receive calls, with which you must first conclude an agreement. Operators will accept orders and give contacts to the craftsmen, who will further contact the client.


The success of a home appliance repair company depends on quality advertising. At the start of a business, experts recommend investing up to 50% of the allocated budget in it. Plan advertising campaign should include the use of such means:

  1. Business cards that must be left with all clients. If they are satisfied with your work, they will definitely call you again if necessary.
  2. A sign above the entrance to the workshop or in a visible place. True, you have to pay an official fee for the right to display it.
  3. Ads. We need to use all possible options. This includes pasting stationary advertising boards at entrances and around the city, as well as posting advertisements on the Internet on free boards.
  4. Printed publications. Any publication that places this type of advertisement must have information about your company.
  5. Internet site. Today, most clients are looking for companies that provide this type of service over the Internet. Therefore, it is important to allocate enough funds to create a good website and promote it.

Additional services

To increase the profitability of the workshop, you can include a number of related services in your business plan. For example, the sale of spare parts. Sometimes the repair is so simple that clients can do it themselves. But this is not a reason to lose contact with them. Offer them the necessary spare parts.

You can also offer spare parts to craftsmen who work independently. Discounts can be provided for them and special conditions purchases.


The cost plan for opening a full-fledged workshop will be about 100 thousand dollars. At the same time, the profitability of the business idea does not exceed 6%. The difficulty is that technology quickly becomes outdated. Sometimes it is almost impossible to find spare parts for a five-year-old product, and if they are found, the work can cost half the actual cost of the product. Therefore, people prefer to buy new equipment rather than pay for the repair of old ones.

Most often, repair shops specialize in repairing refrigerators. They are rarely changed and do not become outdated so quickly. The cost of services remains on average at the following level:

As for business promotion, according to experts, in just six months it is possible to form a sufficient customer base.

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