What stones are suitable for fish? Which stone is suitable for fish? Which stones are contraindicated for the sign

Mysterious Pisces have strong intuition and a rich inner world. According to the zodiac sign, Pisces stones are associated with water, which is the element of this sign. Moonstone will teach Pisces women to find a balance between intuition and reason. Aquamarine, in turn, will relieve depression and sudden mood swings that are characteristic of representatives of this sign.

All minerals also have an element that protects them, one of four.

Pisces women's birthstones: Moonstone and Aquamarine

When talking about which stone is suitable for Pisces, we should first of all mention selenite, also known as moonstone. This is feldspar, which acquired its name due to its pale color. It comes in several colors: silver-white, bluish-silver, lilac, blue and milky, and there are minerals with a cat's eye effect.

Selenite is known to be a great help in love affairs. It gives real and deep feelings, is able to attract love and relieve loneliness. If you wear a ring with a moonstone on your left hand, its owner will become more resilient to stressful situations, tolerant and merciful. When such a ring is worn on right hand, the talisman promotes calm and relaxation.

With the help of moonstone, Pisces appears creative inspiration, talents that were previously hidden are revealed. Moonstone improves perseverance and concentration, so it is recommended for hyperactive children. The talisman promotes the development of intuition and penetrates the subconscious. Mineralogy specialists believe that the effect of the stone does not appear immediately, but after several years.

Medicinal properties

Bearers of the stone do not suffer from insomnia and unconscious fears. For people with epilepsy, it can help relieve seizures. Moonstone promotes good functioning of the genitourinary system, softens Negative influence The Moon, thanks to this, is a talisman stone for Pisces women and men

The main area of ​​application of moonstone is considered to be the treatment of mental disorders. The mineral perfectly restores and supports the nervous system, copes with very serious diseases, which include dropsy, epilepsy, asthma, paralysis, and blood poisoning.

Selenite can stop the course of inflammatory processes, saves from liver diseases and improves liver function digestive system. They say that during childbirth, the stone will be an assistant for a Pisces woman, making it easier and making it fleeting. It also helps to balance the hormonal process in female body and restores reproductive function.

Magic properties

Moonstone is a favorite tool for rituals among mystics and magicians.

This mineral is able to cleanse and calm the energy of the owner. To look into the future, psychics meditate while holding the lunar amulet in their mouth. The mineral will relieve nightmares and protect from negative magical entities, show prophetic dream, if you put it in bed under the pillow.

A talisman stone for a Pisces woman helps to find happiness in personal relationships. Men become more susceptible to the charm of its bearer. The gem stimulates interest in life, helps to relive feelings that have long been forgotten, and makes one look younger in body and soul. It brings peace of mind to its owner, relieves the consequences of stressful situations, prevents stress over small things, allows you to approach any problems more simply, gives positivity, peace and happiness.

The stone has the greatest power during the waxing moon, and during the full moon its energy reaches its peak. To charge selenite and increase its strength, you need to place the stone in the light of a moonbeam for some time.

It is believed that this mineral loves communication, so you need to thank it for its help, consult with it, pay attention and show your affection. There is a belief that if a person has cherished wish, he needs to wait for the moonlit night, take the stone in left hand, stand in a beam of moonlight and tell the talisman about your desire. After this, selenite will make every effort to make your dream come true.

Moonstone has a beneficial effect on Pisces, especially those who suffer from their explosive nature. Its cold shine helps you feel peace and tranquility. It also makes it possible to concentrate and promotes logical analysis. A talisman is necessary in situations where a decision needs to be made instantly. Such an amulet has a calming effect and relieves the owner from excessive self-confidence, a tendency to do bad things and anger.

It is able to connect its owner with events from the past invisible threads. This is why historians and archaeologists prefer a talisman made from this stone.

Moonstone can improve family relationships and restore love relationship. To do this, you just need to carry the talisman with you, preferably in the form of a brooch. The mineral places greater emphasis on platonic love, understanding between family members and mutual respect. A personal talisman made from this stone helps to achieve a compromise in any dispute and helps to get rid of selfish aspirations.

It will be a good mascot for lonely Pisces; its mysterious glow can attract love. The properties of selenite perfectly help people in creative professions, revealing all their abilities. To receive a powerful charge of inspiration, to revive your imagination, you need to wear a ring with a moonstone on your right hand.

Representatives of the Pisces sign, who are not always able to control their actions and are acutely sensitive to lunar cycles, definitely need to wear such a talisman. It gives its owner self-confidence and eliminates all types of addictions. This amulet suppresses the manifestation negative emotions, and vice versa, stimulates all the best.

Pisces Second Stone: Aquamarine

This gem is a variety of beryl. Its name comes from the Latin words “water” and “sea”. Its color palette ranges from light green to deep blue. This is the second suitable stone according to the sign

An aquamarine charm is said to have the ability to communicate with its owner. This communication occurs through changes in the color of the stone:

  • the color of the mineral is clear blue when a person is calm in heart and soul;
  • the stone is greenish-blue if a person is angry or irritated;
  • when the owner of the talisman loses his love and has sadness in his heart, the stone becomes dull and loses its attractiveness.

When the owner of the talisman is damaged or damaged by the evil eye, the mineral not only loses its bright shine, but may even become covered with cracks. Thanks to these features of aquamarine, an attentive owner can easily determine where danger awaits him and where there is not. If the owner of the talisman does not accept deception and lies, then the magical properties of the stone are enhanced significantly.

Medicinal properties

Aquamarine will help against thyroid diseases, calm the nervous system, and strengthen the immune system. It also helps cleanse the body of toxins and waste, and for Pisces this is more than important; they often suffer from sluggish intestinal function and weak metabolism.

If you put this mineral into earrings, it will relieve causeless phobias, relieve headaches and normalize sleep. The gem also helps its owner quit smoking and drinking alcohol; it can relieve liver, stomach and headaches, relieve seasickness, heal skin ailments of various origins, remove excess fluid from the body and improve vision.

To charge an aquamarine talisman for protection and healing, after purchasing it, you need to configure it correctly:

  • On the evening of the full moon, you need to rinse the gem under running water. You should not wipe it; it should dry on its own in the moonlight.
  • After this, you need to hold the stone near the heart area in your hands, imagining how a shining white light emanates from it, which merges with the light of your heart chakra;
  • Then you can mentally talk to the stone, you should ask it to turn on all your forces and direct their work for the benefit of the owner. You definitely need to ask the talisman to protect you from negative energy and not provoke negative reactions.
  • After these actions, you will feel that aquamarine understood and heard you.

In the future, you should wear the amulet with pleasure, as it will become a reliable protector.

Magic properties

In ancient times, aquamarine was considered a sacred and revered mineral. It is often worn as a talisman and taken on long journeys. Moreover, it is believed that the larger the stone, the stronger its influence. This gemstone is endowed with the ability to recognize deception. It is believed that it opens astral vision and directs for good internal energy. This amulet is perfect for judges and teachers, because it is a talisman of justice and wisdom.

This stone can calm raging passions, tame the elements and sharpen inner vision, that is, intuition. If you look at an alluring gem for some time, it will give you peace and help you find happiness.

Aquamarine has a beneficial effect on Pisces, makes them more self-confident, decisive, pushes them to the right choice. Those who wear jewelry with this stone have a good sense of who needs their participation and help and who does not. The gem will not allow its owner to give all his energy to others, because some are not worthy of it. And if a person treats Pisces with sincerity, gratitude, respect and love, it will be very easy for the bearer of the stone to recognize this. This talisman will give him extra courage and teach him to think and take care of himself even more.

This mineral is called a wise and fair gem that monitors morality and does not allow it to be crossed. The talisman helps to shift some of the attention to ourselves, and not to strangers. Encourages you to take care of your own interests. Adds self-confidence, courage, feeling self-esteem.

The birthstone of Pisces women according to the horoscope, aquamarine can be an excellent assistant for them in finding their other half, and will teach them to easily make acquaintances with men. It will give you courage in action and freedom. It is recommended to wear jewelry with this stone on love dates, social evenings, or just parties with friends.

And for Pisces men, the stone will become an indispensable amulet. It is very difficult for men of the Pisces sign to find mutual language with the people around them, because most often they have limitless inner world, and such decoration does not contribute to the desire to communicate with others. At work, Pisces men will especially benefit from communication skills, as they will be able to correct the team’s attitude towards themselves and advance faster in their careers.

The gem promotes spiritual development and helps determine the meaning of life. Such a talisman will open up knowledge for new discoveries, help Pisces strengthen their intuition, and allow them not to become hardened in soul and not to participate in intrigues.

You need to take into account that an aquamarine talisman is not suitable for everyone. It is not suitable for overly active people and those who cheat and lie. The stone will punish such people, therefore it will bring misfortunes and troubles upon them.

Aquamarine requires regular grooming, cleansing and care. Once a week you need to wash it in cool running water and soap. And in order to rid it of accumulated negative energy, you need to put the stone in table salt for a day. After which the mineral should be thoroughly washed, and the salt should be flushed down the drain or buried.

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics, so each representative has its own stones that are similar in energy. What stones are suitable for Pisces men? (change key)

How to choose a stone for a Pisces man?

Pisces are considered one of the most mystical signs of the zodiac. Men born under this sign are very sensitive to everything that happens around them. They know how to feel sorry for others and try to help as much as possible. Sometimes they are accused of excessive wastefulness. If a man is overcome by a strong emotion, he may withdraw into himself and stop reacting to reality.

Often, Pisces need support that is difficult to find from people. Then they resort to the help of strong amulets that can give them confidence, masculinity and strength. Minerals help to gain perseverance and become purposeful in order to achieve certain goals. Romantic people need strong amulets that will give them strength and determination.

Birthstones by date of birth

February 21 - March 1

Stones suitable for the sign are divided into groups according to date of birth. The first decade of this zodiac sign lasts from February 21 to March 1. Men born on one of these days have a romantic and dreamy character.

Pisces of the first decade is ruled by Saturn, thanks to which they are not like the others and give the impression of men “not of this world.”

These representatives of the stronger sex need powerful stones:

Eye of the Tiger

The stone is perfect for Pisces involved in business. It will protect you from dishonest partners and help you get good material profits. Tiger's eye will balance the emotions of a romantic man and enhance his intuitive sense.


The mineral symbolizes great and pure love. It bestows good luck on the owner, calms the nervous system and brings harmony to the inner world. With its help, a man can avoid a major quarrel with a loved one.


The yellowish gem represents good mood. It drives away depression, melancholy and bad thoughts, to which sensitive representatives of the first decade are so susceptible. It helps you feel deception more acutely and not get involved with dishonest people.

Bloody Jasper

The stone gives strength and masculinity. Men begin to look at things realistically, break out of their fantasies and make the right decisions. The mineral will help you get rid of complexes and gain self-confidence.

March 2 – 11

Representatives of the second ten-day period of Pisces were born from March 2 to March 11. They are ruled by Jupiter, which imparts openness and honesty to their character. Pisces of this decade are very sensitive to fame and evaluation of their achievements.

The following stones are suitable for them:


Pisces are practically the only zodiac sign that can “find a common language” with capricious pearls. For married men, the mineral helps strengthen relationships and enhance feelings. Peace and tranquility reign in the family.


The mineral increases the potential of men who are engaged in creative professions. It increases physical endurance, protects against enemies and has a beneficial effect on love relationships.


The stone is perfect for Pisces because it has maritime origin. The mineral helps men who love to travel. It protects against storms and other natural disasters.

March 12 – 20

The period of the third ten-day period lasts from March 12 to March 20. Representatives of the sign born during this period are under the protection of Mars. The character of men is quite cheerful, they know how to find a common language with everyone.

Stones for this decade:


The stone helps men overcome fears and phobias. It instills in a person self-esteem and self-confidence. A man will be able to quickly decide on a new business that will be completed successfully.


The mineral awakens a sense of justice in Pisces. It rewards hardworking men, instills harmony in the soul and helps to understand own desires. Aquamarine helps Pisces men cope with stress and depression.


An amazing gem enhances the gift of foresight, which is present in embryo in Pisces men. It develops intuition and warns the owner of dangers, acquiring a yellow tint.

Stones according to the horoscope


It is popularly called “black pearl”. helps a man overcome the craving for daydreaming and begin to look at the world soberly. The mineral protects against and gives a person invulnerability. With its help you can overcome many life trials. The gem tells Pisces where to look for the right solution.


Brings variety to a man's life. It can act as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner. With its help, a man can win an argument. In ancient times, the stone was credited with an extensive list of medicinal properties.


According to the horoscope, it suits Pisces well. It develops intuition and enhances clairvoyance abilities, if any. The mineral protects a man’s family from dangerous influences and evil spells. He has medicinal properties and adapts to the energy of the owner. Rock crystal relieves headaches, reduces fever, and helps the body return to normal after serious illnesses.

Precious and semi-precious


Protects the Pisces man from dangers, protects him from enemies, gossip and conspiracies. It is perfect for people who love to garden, as it protects the harvest from natural disasters. The stone helps to identify deception, which leaves only loyal people surrounded by a man.

Moon rock

It is a love talisman that normalizes a person’s mental state. If a man is in love, the mineral will help you find a common language with your other half and establish mutual understanding. Moonstone is suitable for people with an explosive temperament. The gem will calm a man. It is believed that moonstone can protect a person from the harmful effects of the moon. The mineral is not suitable for people with a rough nature, because it does not want to deal with negative manifestations of personality.

Chrysolite (gemstone)

Gives a man harmony in his soul and helps normalize relationships within the family. The owner becomes calm, peaceful, patient and has excellent communication with others. The stone is an excellent talisman for male representatives who work as teachers and invent new things. The mineral helps you make the right decision and eliminates all kinds of doubts.

Charms and talismans

Heliodor and jet will be excellent amulets for Pisces.

Pendant with heliodor

Jewelry with heliodor will fill a man with strength, give him optimism and hope. The talisman will help Pisces to open up and bring all their talents to life. The mineral lifts the mood, relieves depression and melancholy. The gem can be used to improve your social status and self-esteem if you purchase jewelry with heliodor.

Jet is suitable for Pisces as a talisman, because sometimes representatives of the sign cannot resist evil intentions. The mineral will protect a man from gossip, conspiracies, the evil eye and damage. He will instill confidence in Pisces, thanks to which the man will learn to defend himself. He will become wiser and more circumspect.

For wealth

Men working out creative activity, tourmaline is suitable. It activates the activities of artists, writers, musicians and performers. Coral will help Pisces involved in finance and management. It helps you concentrate, make a decision and boldly take responsibility for it. This mineral is a real salvation for a man who works in a large team. It relieves tension and protects against energy vampires.

For good health

Amethyst has a positive effect on the health of Pisces. It normalizes metabolism and evens out skin color. The mineral helps get rid of alcohol addiction. The talisman that preserves the health of Pisces men is sapphire. It helps to avoid nervous diseases and improves mood. White pearls relieve diseases.

For love

Pisces men often break women's hearts due to their romanticism, sensitivity and sensitivity. The representative of the sign is quite picky about the choice of his soulmate, since he makes many demands on her. A talisman with an amethyst will help you find a suitable soul mate.

How to wear it correctly?

To achieve the maximum effect of the stone on the Pisces man, you must follow the rules for wearing jewelry. If a representative of the stronger sex wants to achieve success at work, it is recommended to purchase cufflinks with pearls in a beautiful frame.

It is not recommended to wear several stones at once, because together they will have too strong an influence on a person. As a result, mental disorders and serious illnesses may appear. The Pisces man must choose only one stone for himself.

You should not take coral on a work trip or business trip, because it will interfere with your concentration on the task at hand. Stones cannot be worn constantly, they must be removed so that they can be freed from accumulated negative energy. It is recommended to store each piece of jewelry separately in a special bag so that different stones do not absorb each other’s energy.

Which ones are not suitable?

There are some stones that are contraindicated for Pisces men to wear. Jade increases performance, but Pisces does it too much. weak sign for such loads. He will not be able to live for long at the pace set by the stone. Pisces get upset after wearing jade nervous system and heart disease. The man has no strength left for anything, he conflicts with others and is depressed.

Minerals of red shades are not suitable for Pisces men, as they develop depression and give rise to fears. Rubies provoke men to cruelty towards loved ones, which destroys families, and also causes a split personality in spiritual terms. Pisces men are not recommended to wear onyx, sardonyx, topaz and obsidian. These stones increase self-doubt and provoke being in an uncertain state.

Extensive list suitable stones allows the Pisces man to make a choice based on his needs and his own taste.

Pisces women are perhaps the most mysterious, mystical and, at the same time, charming personalities. People born under this sign have good intuition, sensitivity and are able to see through people and understand literally everyone.

Pisces are by nature prone to magic and the occult; they believe in everything mystical and unknown. Therefore, the right choice talisman for fish, supported by their strongest faith, will truly manifest its magical and healing properties.

People born under the sign of Pisces are suited to many gemstones. However, choose exactly your stone, which will become the most powerful magical talisman, follows, relying on internal sensations.

For girls

Nice, sophisticated, sensitive Pisces girls should choose their talisman based on their own needs, because each stone has certain magical and healing properties.

For girls born under the sign of Pisces, you should choose your talisman from the list of stones, suited to their horoscope- This:

  • Pearl;
  • Aquamarine;
  • Chrysolite;
  • Moon rock.

According to tradition, it is not customary to buy pearls yourself; they must be given as a gift. Jewelry with pearls is an ideal gift for a Pisces girl on her birthday, especially on her coming of age. Pearls are very suitable as a talisman for Pisces girls. It will help them stabilize their emotional mood, give them happiness and good luck. Pearls are considered a symbol of love and among some peoples it is presented as a gift to the bride from the groom upon engagement.

Aquamarine is ideally suited for emotionally unstable fish who go “from one extreme to another”; it will help them gain stability and find inner harmony. In addition, this stone helps with work and study, improving concentration.

Chrysolite best suited for people leading an active lifestyle and professional athletes. He protects such people from possible dangers and injuries associated with increased risks in their lifestyle.

Moon rock– a talisman of creative, sensitive, emotional and easily vulnerable people. It helps to achieve great success in creativity, stabilizes emotional condition. Also, this talisman will help you find the most true love to those who sincerely desire it. You can choose these stones to make jewelry, or wear them on a chain.

The most ideal option for the strongest magical talisman for fish is a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of the preferred stone.


The Pisces woman is very easy to distinguish from other zodiac signs, as a rule, this well-groomed woman With good taste with modesty and charm.

Many Pisces women remain vulnerable and sensitive with age, as in their youth. Their character resembles the heroine Assol from the novel “ Scarlet Sails" They believe in everything ideal and strive for perfection.

For Pisces women, it is preferable to choose stones such as:

  • Emerald;
  • Sapphire;
  • Amethyst;
  • Aquamarine.

Emerald– a magical stone that is ideal for people in leadership positions. It gives success at work and attracts income, and also helps maintain family stability.

Sapphire is a very powerful magical stone that should be carefully chosen as a talisman. The fact is that sapphires do not tolerate weak, weak-willed people, so they can only be worn by women with a strong spirit, for whom the talisman will help them succeed in all their endeavors.

Amethysts ideal as a talisman for women old age. They help maintain health and promote emotional stability. This stone symbolizes goodness and peace.

Aquamarine as a talisman - this symbol of honesty, wisdom, insight and kindness, which patronizes the sign of Pisces.

For love

Pisces girls who dream of great and sincere love should wear it as a talisman, and it will help in finding their soulmate. Pearl will also help Pisces find their love and provide them with a long and happy life with your chosen one.

To find love, family happiness fish are patronized emeralds and amethysts. To attract love, you need to wear two stones in pairs, ideal option earrings will become precious stones or a pendant in the form of two fish, whose eyes are made of a talisman stone.


According to the science of the stars, Pisces are most patronized by aquamarine, pearls, peridot, and moonstone. Amethysts, emeralds, and sapphires have a beneficial effect on this zodiac sign. Jade, opal, tiger's eye, amber and garnet can also be worn as talismans.

Astrologers say that categorically not suitable for fish the following stones: rubies, diamonds, serpentine, quartz and yellow topazes.

By date of birth

Depending on the year of birth, you can determine your belonging to a particular sign. eastern horoscope. If you select a stone by date of birth, based on the recommendations of two horoscopes, then the talisman stone will have the strongest magical properties. Stones that are suitable for Pisces, according to the year of birth:

  • Rat - pomegranate;
  • Bull - tiger's eye;
  • Tiger - amethyst;
  • Rabbit - pearls;
  • Dragon – peridot;
  • Snake – chrysolite;
  • Horse – aquamarine;
  • Sheep - pomegranate;
  • Monkey – opal;
  • Rooster – aquamarine;
  • Dog is a pearl;
  • Pig is a moonstone.

Remember that you need to choose a stone intuitively, feeling warmth and inner peace when in contact with it.


People born under this sign are welcoming, sociable, friendly and sensitive, and are liked by others. They love to be around people. Thanks to their excellent intuition, Pisces are able to deeply understand others, but getting to know themselves is a very difficult task for them. They are a mystery, both to others and to themselves. Perhaps because of this, they often lack confidence, underestimate themselves and need outside approval. It is very important for them to find a life partner who would encourage and praise them.

Fish are capable of significant development and self-improvement, achieving a high social level and material well-being, but all this is available only to those who have perseverance, perseverance, self-confidence and, most importantly, a goal to strive for.
Pisces is a sign of reflection, expectation, the end of the old and the harbinger of the new. End of Winter, beginning of Spring. Winter is not giving up, but the sun is already beginning to warm, spring streams are flowing, primroses are breaking through from under the snow. The water is deep, cold and beautiful. Blue and blue-green tones predominate. Pisces Stones- pearls, corals, opals, mysteriously shimmering moonlights, green and blue crystals. These stones will not harm Pisces, no matter how insidious they may seem at first glance.

AQUAMARINE. Aquamarine stone (from lat. sea ​​water) is a variety of transparent beryl. The color of this pebble can vary from greenish to dark blue. Aquamarine is recommended to be worn during daylight hours. The stone has an interesting property: its color changes depending on the viewing angle; jewelers take this into account when cutting. This stone is associated with strengthening the human spirit and exposing deception. Previously, it was believed that it was simply contraindicated for dishonest people to wear it. Otherwise, any deception of such a person will be exposed. Now aquamarine is for all lovers of change of impressions, travelers, for passionate and very active people. Jewelry with aquamarine gives its owner prudence, a sense of justice, and courage. Aquamarine protects true friendship and true love, helps to achieve mutual understanding in relationships with loved ones. As an amulet, aquamarine protects against damage and ill-wishers. Thanks to its enormous energy, it is able to relieve pain and improve the functioning of the nervous system. If you wear aquamarine beads, you are guaranteed a good mood.
Aquamarine weakens the shortcomings of Pisces, gives them courage, self-esteem and restores justice - it teaches them to take care not only of others, but also of themselves.
Deposits are known on all continents, the most significant: Brazil, Madagascar, Russia (Urals, Transbaikalia).

BELOMORIT (Moonstone) The name "belomorite" comes from the name White Sea, located in North Karelia, it was there that this stone was first found. Technically, it is feldspar (albite) with iridescence in grey-blue, white and violet tones. The stone belongs to the opaque white moonstones. Belomorite has a bluish tint, is a very fragile stone, and breaks easily. It is difficult to make crafts from it because it is soft and flakes like mica. It is recommended for magicians who work in their sleep. This is a clairvoyant stone. Firstly, it is a remedy for insomnia. Secondly, it strengthens dreams, makes them clean, bright, and memorable. Belomorite is a talisman against dark forces, ill-wishers seeking to disrupt the course of life chosen by a person. Belomorite is a neat stone. He does not tolerate disorder, sloppiness, extra rubbish in its owner's house. It should be purchased by everyone who does not enjoy household chores. The appearance of belomorite in a house will cause a person to have an irresistible desire to disassemble cabinets and desk drawers, get rid of unnecessary things, do general cleaning (or even repairs), and purchase the necessary things.
Belomorite will also help to restore order in the head of its owner: it will force him to logically comprehend the reasons for which troubles occur in his life; will require that a person urgently take care of his health, begin to improve in his professional field of activity, and do his job conscientiously.
Belomorite does not tolerate disorder in the owner’s personal life. If the owner of the stone is prone to frequent changes of partners, petty affairs, infidelity and a wild lifestyle, the stone will force him to make a choice and abandon his previous habits.
It's good to wear ring on the little finger, cabochon cut with processed inner surface, winter and autumn. You can purchase it any day.
The main deposit is located in North Karelia.

MOTHER OF PEARL. Mother-of-pearl is a calcareous shell of some genera of mollusks and sea animals; since time immemorial, it has been used by people to decorate all kinds of objects. Mother of pearl consists mainly of carbonated lime containing a small admixture of organic, animal matter; It is located in the shell of some mollusks and covers it from the inside with a more or less thick layer. This rich substance, from which pearls are also composed, in its luminous and brilliant tints reflects the beautiful play of white, purple, emerald and blue colors.
Since ancient times, white mother-of-pearl powder has been used to prepare cosmetic creams. It was believed that this cream could whiten the skin of the face, remove freckles and remove age spots. shells were worn to improve hearing.
As a talisman, mother of pearl can help its owner bring new things into his life. It helps to develop intuition, preserve peace and tranquility in the family, and protects the house from evil spirits. It is believed that products made from mother-of-pearl can serve as an amulet that prolongs the life of its owner.
Mother of pearl helps Pisces win arguments and bets.
Mother-of-pearl is usually obtained from shells collected when searching for pearls, but sometimes mother-of-pearl shells are caught independently. Main places: Red Sea, Persian Gulf, borneo islands and Ceylon, the shores of Japan and the Philippines. As for the freshwater pearl mussels, they all died out, only a small part remained in the rivers Northern Europe and northern Russia.

As you know, Pisces is one of the most sensitive and receptive signs of the Zodiac. They easily recognize not only the mood of other people, but sometimes, as it seems to those around them, thoughts. However, they almost never use this knowledge. After all, Pisces, like no one else, are far from the image of manipulators; they do not like to act. This creative people, and often, in addition to this, they appear to like the fantasy world much more than the real one. If the Sun in the horoscope of representatives of this sign is damaged, they may try to abstract themselves from what is happening around them with the help of drugs, alcohol or virtual life. What stones are suitable for Pisces, this touching and, as a rule, defenseless sign in the face of the surrounding reality?


If representatives of other signs may be suitable for a specific type of pearl, then in the case of Pisces there are no such restrictions at all. River and sea, pink, black or white - in a word, you can choose whatever your heart desires. The main function of pearls in this case is to minimize the number of actions performed impulsively. Why does it have to be mentioned when it comes to which stones are suitable for Pisces? Quite often in life they are driven by impulses, and subsequently they begin to suffer because of their behavior, to regret some actions they have committed and their consequences. At the same time, pearls give Pisces the opportunity to become balanced, harmonious and calm. Its influence allows you to get rid of internal grievances and direct all your strength to spiritual development finally become an interesting, whole person.


What other stones are suitable for Pisces? Of course, these are all kinds of talismans and crystal products. The sensitivity of these people often becomes the reason for their touchiness; they often harbor anger, displeasure, and envy inside for a long time. And it is crystal that allows you to cleanse your soul of such negativity, learn to live positively and not spoil your mood because of little things.


Another stone that is definitely worth mentioning when studying which stones are suitable for Pisces is, undoubtedly, spinel. It's no secret that without a reliable patron who you can rely on and trust 100%, Pisces often find it difficult. Spinel can be just that, attracting financial well-being, love and good luck to a person.


People often call it a “healing stone.” When choosing which stone is suitable for Pisces men and women equally, you should opt for it. It is amethyst that protects its owner from various harmful habits, in particular from drunkenness. The healing abilities of this are also manifested in the spiritual plane: with its help, it is easier for Pisces to find and choose reliable and faithful people as friends. Like spinel, it attracts love and luck and opens up many new perspectives for a person.


When studying which stones are suitable for Pisces, it is impossible not to mention coral. After all, it is he who makes it possible to discover and develop one of the most strengths its owner - intuition, enhances the gift of clairvoyance. And in general, coral has a very good effect on the psyche.


Emerald can also be recommended to those who are looking for a stone for the sign of Pisces. It is extremely useful for memory, normal functioning of the nervous system, and maintaining internal balance. Emerald also brings happiness and prosperity to the family.

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