What it looks like to be or without a mask. Literature project "Pseudonyms, or Who is hiding behind the mask". Sasha Black

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Medium comprehensive school № 16

Pseudonyms, or Who is hiding under the mask.

Ogly Liana

Krasnodar region, Krymsky district,

Moldavanskoe village

MBOU secondary school No. 16

5 "B" class

Scientific director

Baeva Evgeniya Borisovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 16



From the early childhood and throughout life, not a single word is heard by a person as often as his name. When we get to know someone, we first get to know their name. We ask you to sign your work, in any document, in order to know to whom they are related. But there are situations when a person does not want or cannot give his name. And then he hides behind a fantasy. Such a name is called an alias.

Pseudonyms are used by writers and poets, politicians and criminals, actors, directors and other people who would not like their real name to be known.

Translated from the Greek "onyma" means "name", and "pseudo" means "falsehood".

In the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov, the word "pseudonym" means the fictitious name of a writer, artist, politician.

The literary encyclopedia gives the following definition of a pseudonym - a fictitious name that replaces the real one, which, for one reason or another, must be hidden.

Target research work:

Investigate, identify and systematize the reasons for the use of pseudonyms.

Research tasks:

Collect material on the topic;

Find definitions for the word "pseudonym";

Give examples of aliases.

And as a result of the study, establish the reasons for choosing pseudonyms.

Object of study are pseudonyms of famous literary figures and modern pop stars.

Relevance undertaken research appears to be that modern man does not imagine his life without a computer. At work, at home, while relaxing - there is a friend-computer nearby. We communicate via the Internet using "logins", passwords and "Nicks" (the so-called pseudonyms).

Research novelty in the fact that a person easily replaces his own name, without even thinking about the positive or negative impact on the fate of a fictitious name.

Why did I choose this topic?

Firstly, because it seemed to me quite interesting and feasible.

Secondly, the object of study is a term known in science, but not fully explored.

To achieve the goal I used the following methods:

The study of theoretical material on the topic;

Analysis, generalization and systematization of the obtained information;

Use of Internet resources and published sources on this topic.

Hypothesis research: Let's assume that the reason for using a pseudonym is that when fake names are adopted, a certain personality is formed, associated with the combination of the last name, first name and patronymic. That is, it turns out, choosing a pseudonym for himself, a person chooses a new destiny for himself.

ChapterI. From the history of pseudonyms

The custom of replacing one's name with another arose long ago, even before the invention of printing. Our ancestors believed in the mysterious power of the name over the fate of a person. It was believed that the name could protect a person from evil spirits, so it turns out that the first pseudonyms appeared along with the name. The child was given two names: one, by which everyone called him, and the second, the real one, which was known only to the priests (clergymen), parents and the person himself. Thus, all the names that were in use were actually pseudonyms.

Often the life of a pseudonym was short: a fictitious name, under which a novice author, out of caution or for other reasons, entered the literary field, turned out to be unnecessary and discarded. But sometimes, and not so rarely, the pseudonym completely replaced the real surname both on the pages of books and in life.

ChapterII. The Science of Nicknames

The science of pseudonyms, which, by analogy with onomastics (the science of names), is called pseudomastics or pseudonyms, that is, the science of fictitious names, arose in the Renaissance.

ChapterIII. What are aliases

The well-known bibliographer Valentin Grigorievich Dmitriev classified pseudonyms according to the way they were formed. He divided pseudonyms into two types: 1) pseudonyms in which the true name is hidden in various ways, but it can be deciphered; 2) pseudonyms that characterize the author from one side or another; representing the author not as he really is (literary masks); providing incognito.

Aliases of the first type

Encryption of signatures - cryptonym (from the Greek. "cryptos"-"secret")- could be done through anagram- permutations of letters. For example, one of the pseudonyms of V.Ya. Bryusov was Aurelius(an anagram of his name Valery).

Quite often used paronyms (from the Greek. "para"- "near", "near")- pseudonyms formed by the similarity of sound with real name. Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichuk formed his literary name and surname from his surname Korney Chukovsky.

Writers often took as a pseudonym patronym (from lat. "Pater" - "father")- formed from the name of the author's father. So, for example, the pseudonym brought world fame to Alexei Peshkov Maksim Gorky. Andrei Platonovich Klimentov chose a pseudonym for himself Andrey Platonov, formed from patronymic.

Sometimes the basis for the pseudonym was her mother's maiden name or her first name - matronym (from the Latin "mater" - "mother"). Also, the names of the author's more distant ancestors could be used when choosing a pseudonym. So, for example, Anna Akhmatova, it occurred to her to take a pseudonym for herself - the Tatar surname of her grandmother, descended from ancient family Khan Akhmat.

Aliases of the second type

However, pseudonyms were taken not only to hide the name, but also to emphasize one or another quality of the author, for example, nationality, appearance, field or residence, the main character trait or his work, title, position, social status and much more.

Writers often use geronyms- the names of literary and mythological heroes, which were put instead of the name in order to emphasize the ideological closeness of this character to the author. So, for example, M. Gorky in Samarskaya Gazeta signed feuilletons Samara in all respects with the subtitle Letters of a wandering knight Don Quixote.

Also, to create a pseudonym, colors were used - chromatonyms (from the Greek "chroma" - "color"). For example, the literary surname of B.N. Bugaev is A. Bely.

ChapterIV. Reasons for using aliases

The reasons for forcing people to remain incognito are very diverse. Some are forced to keep their names secret for fear of persecution for their writings.

People who often appear in public (actors, directors, singers, politicians) may abandon their surname because of its dissonance. There are also authors who, out of modesty or indifference to fame, did not want to put their name on display. Some famous people invented pseudonyms for themselves because of the presence of namesakes, namesakes.

Sometimes, taking a pseudonym, a person did not aim to hide his name, but to emphasize his profession, nationality, place of birth, residence, the main feature of his character or the direction of his work.

With the help of a pseudonym, the number of authors was also masked: what was written by several was presented as the work of one or vice versa.

Nickname - difference from namesakes and relatives

Often the choice of a pseudonym was caused by the desire to be different from relatives.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's brother also appeared in print. His initials were the same as those of Anton Pavlovich, and he wrote under pseudonyms: A. Sedov, AgafopodEdinitsyn, Gusev, Aloe and others.

Attempt at writing

A debut in the literary field may be unsuccessful. It can be disguised by signing with a pseudonym or by leaving the work unsigned.

Vladimir Mayakovsky, at the age of 14, signed poems in the gymnasium journal of 1907 b , the last letter of his name. In the same magazine, his pen, apparently, also belongs to the humoresque "Gymnasium students", signed Konstantin. Mayakovsky's grandfather's name was Konstantin. But already under the verses of 1912, Mayakovsky put his full name and surname.

ChapterV. How Aliases Appear

Sometimes the pseudonym is based on some external sign of the author, for example, Nason (“nosy”), Flakk (“lop-eared”) or Tacitus (“silent”).

Often pseudonyms contain an indication of the nationality of their authors or their place of birth - Lesya Ukrainka, Anatole France.

An additional word could indicate the place of his birth of the author.

Arkady Gaidar

Arkady Petrovich himself did not write unequivocally and clearly about the origin of the pseudonym "Gaidar". A school friend of Arkady A.M. managed to solve the riddle of the pseudonym "Gaidar". Goldin:

"G" - the first letter in the surname "Golikov "," AI " -first and last letter name, "D" - in French "from", "AR" - the first letters of the name of the native city of Arzamas. Thus, the name "Gaidar" stands for "Golikov Arkady from Arzamas" .

Jack London

London signed his literary works with the pseudonym "Jack London". This pseudonym is connected with the fact that the boy did not like the name John. As a child, London's nanny Virginia Prentiss and her husband Alonso affectionately called the boy Jackie (in English language name Jack - diminutive form on behalf of John).

Maksim Gorky

Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov invented his pseudonym himself. This pseudonym characterizes not only his fate, but also his work. The life of young Alyosha Peshkov "in people" was bitter, and he wrote about the bitter fate of the destitute.

Kir Bulychev

Orientalist Igor Mozheiko is famous as science fiction writer Kir Bulychev. The pseudonym is formed from the name of the wife of Kira Alekseevna Soshinskaya and maiden name the writer's mother, Maria Mikhailovna Bulycheva. The writer kept his real name secret until 1982, because he believed that the leadership of the Institute of Oriental Studies would not consider science fiction a serious occupation.

Anna Akhmatova

Her real surname is Gorenko, and the surname of her grandmother, who descended from the Tatar Khan Akhmat, became her pseudonym. Later, Anna Akhmatova said: “Only a seventeen-year-old crazy girl could choose a Tatar surname for a Russian poetess ... That’s why it occurred to me to take a pseudonym for myself, because dad, having learned about my poems, said:“ Don’t shame my name. ”-“ And I don’t need your name!" I said.

Alexander Pushkin

Pushkin often used pseudonyms. In 1814 Vestnik Evropy published four works of the poet. He used either the single letter "P." or the digit name "1...14-16". Alexander Sergeevich often signed with digit names. For example:

"1 ... 14-16", deciphered as - A ... n-P - Alexander n .... P - Alexander Pushkin;

"1...17-14", i.e. A ... district - Alexander ..... n - Alexander Pushkin.

Another playful and, by the way, Pushkin's favorite pseudonym is known: Feofilakt Kosichkin.

Mark Twain

His real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens. The pseudonym "Mark Twain" was taken by Clemens when he began his literary career in earnest. Mark Twain (marktwain, “measure-two”) is a running pilot term on the Mississippi. "Mark Twain!" - the lot sailor shouted at the river rift, making sure that the depth reached two fathoms (about four meters) and the steamer could safely follow its course. Twain himself clarified this pilot term in a footnote to an 1875 magazine publication of Old Times on the Mississippi.


Aliases are worth studying, as one of important factors literary and social life. The name has a greater influence on the life and character of its bearer. And when adopting fake names, a certain personality is formed, associated with a combination of surname, name and patronymic. That is, it turns out, choosing a pseudonym for himself, a person chooses his own fate.

The sound of any name carries a large flow of information. It can sound harmonious, pleasant, sublime, affectionate, but it can also alert, intimidate, cause hostility. A pseudonym can influence a person psychologically, evoke certain associations, creating a certain image.

Aliases continue to live their lives. A sonorous and original name for a creative person, sometimes half of his success. The rest depends on the author himself.

List of used literature

    V.G.Dmitriev. Hidden their name: 2nd edition, supplemented, M .: Nauka, 1997.

    I.F.Masanov. Dictionary of pseudonyms: in 3 volumes - V.1, M: All-Union Book Chamber.

    Aliases// Large soviet encyclopedia/ 3rd ed. - T.21

    Materials from the Internet. http://rudocs.exdat.com; http://www.proshkolu.ru/user/ignatenko52/file/575943/;

    Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Russian language, 1996.

    Literary encyclopedia. M., 1929-1939, T. 1-11

    Kolosova S. encyclopedic Dictionary aliases.

Andrey Rodionov | 03/28/2012

Tear off the mask and show your real human face to most people
It's hard enough. Much easier to keep playing an imaginary role in which
you seem better, more interesting, happier. It's too bad you're just talking.

After all, how hard it is then to be alone with yourself and realize that this is far from being the case.
Realize that there is no turning back. And to be the one who played for so many years, it does not work.


A strong desire to get a quick result without putting in due effort,
makes many people put on a "false mask" of well-being and friendliness. So
in a very simple, at first glance, way to win the attention of others.

An easy win, at the initial stage, makes the "actor" continue to play the role.
But the more time passes, the more noticeable the difference between the true
the face of a person as he is, and the way he wants to appear to other people.

There comes a period of disappointment. The person himself sees that he lacks resources
in order to fit the assigned role. Lack of internal
resources: emotional, intellectual and others. Lack of inner strength
and character. Others also notice the discrepancy, understanding the essence of the “actor”.


Because of pretense and posturing, relationships are often destroyed. Not only
interpersonal, but also professional. Confirming examples, unfortunately,
great multitude. And it doesn't get smaller every day, it gets bigger.

A young couple "plays" people in love and sympathetic, unaware of shortcomings
each other. And a year after the wedding, reproaches, scandals and resentment begin.

The employer hires a hard-working, cheerful and experienced manager,
who after a few months turns into a lazy, gloomy, unlearned
employee. But he showed himself so well and showed himself at the interview.


The Internet today allows anyone who wants to play any role that only
you can imagine. We do not need to go far, just look into any
social network. Avatars say a lot about their owners. And hide behind a picture
always easier, thus removing all responsibility for words and actions,
playing a role that a person is not able to play in real life according to a number of well-known
only reasons for him. Therefore, virtual communication so rarely turns into real.


Disputes about what is better, to be or to seem, have been going on for many centuries. There is a feeling
that these disputes will go on forever. Therefore, everyone must decide for himself,
which way to go in life. For me, it's better to be than to seem. If it seems
then who you really are. But that's just my opinion, what do you think?

MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 2"


Why are aliases needed?

Who is behind the mask?


10-B class student

MBOU "Komsomolskaya secondary school No. 2

Kozlova Julia



With. Komsomolskoye-2012

1. Introduction. ………………………………………………………….. 2

2. The main part. …………………………………………………….. 3

What is an alias? From the history of pseudonyms. ………….. 3-4

Why are aliases needed? ……………………………………..5-

What are aliases? 4

3. Who is behind the mask?

Kozma Prutkov

M Gorky

4. Conclusion. 9

5. List of references and sources used 10

when preparing the material.

6. Application. 11-14


Every Russian writer

consists of body, soul and alias.

G. Plekhanov.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, almost every young writer invented a pseudonym for himself. Pseudonyms - adjectives - have come into fashion. These are, for example, A. Bely (B. Bugaev), Demyan Bedny (A. Pridvorov), A. Krainiy (Z. Gippius), P. Mirny (A. Rudchenko) and others.

How do you calculate, pseudonyms are a tribute to fashion? For what reasons did many writers and poets take pseudonyms for themselves?

The object of my research is a poetic pseudonym. I decided to take this topic because I always wondered why creative people, that is, writers, poets, artists, artists and singers often take pseudonyms for themselves. It is the field of literature that is close to me, so I decided to try to find out what are the reasons that prompted writers and poets to invent pseudonyms for themselves, what is hidden under the mask of an assumed name?

So, the purpose of my research is to show what is a pseudonym? Why do creative people take pseudonyms for themselves? To trace the most typical cases of the formation and functioning of a pseudonym.

The topic of pseudonyms, it seems to me, has always been relevant, and it is still relevant now, since on the Internet I often come across the same pseudonyms, only they are called differently. These are nicknames and nicknames.

What is an alias? From the history of pseudonyms.

Pseudonym (pseudos - lie, onima - name; Greek) - a fictitious name or symbol with which the author signs his work. A pseudonym replaces the real name or surname of the author, sometimes both.

The law does not allow the disclosure of a pseudonym without the consent of the author, except in cases where the pseudonym is used to falsify authorship. The science of pseudonyms is sometimes called pseudoonomastics.

The custom of replacing one's name with another arose long ago, even before the invention of printing. Who was the first writer to use a pseudonym is not known for certain. But nicknames are even older than pseudonyms. Sometimes nicknames became literary names, regardless of the will of their bearers.

The real names of the creators of many wonderful epic works have not come down to us, but we know the nicknames of their authors. So, one of the first Indian poets who wrote the Ramayana (5th century BC) is known as Valmiki, i.e. "anthill" (in Sanskrit). Where does such a strange nickname come from? The legend says that in his youth he was engaged in robbery, and in his old age, having repented and becoming a hermit, long years sat so motionless that the ants built their dwelling on it ...

We do not know the real name of the ancient Indian poet, whose drama "Shakuntala" (about the love of a king and a simple girl) gained worldwide fame. We know only the nickname of the author - Kalidasa, that is, the slave of Kali, the goddess who personified the birth and death of all living things.

Some nicknames have been associated with appearance author. So, the first ancient Roman poet, whose works have survived to our time, is known not as Appius Claudius, but as. The name of the famous Roman speaker - Cicero - a nickname received for a wart (cicero - pea), the Ancient Roman poets Ovid and Horace also had third names that marked the features of their appearance: the first - Nason (nosed); the second - Flakk (lop-eared).

Sometimes the nickname emphasized some trait in the character of the author, his life or work. So, the Roman fabulist, who first introduced the genre of satire into literature, where people were depicted under the guise of animals, was nicknamed Phaedrus (in Greek - cheerful). He lived in the first century AD. e.

In ancient times, when surnames did not yet exist, the names of the authors could coincide, which caused confusion. So, in ancient Greek literature there are as many as four Philostratus, which have to be distinguished by numbers: Philostratus I, Philostratus II, etc.

To avoid confusion, we used various ways. One of them was founded

on the use of the name of the father or grandfather. The famous scientist of the 11th-12th centuries, who lived in Bukhara, went down in history as Ibn-Sina, that is, the son of Sina (in the Latinized form, this name turned into Avicenna). In essence, it was the germ of a family name: after all, the Ivanovs and Petrovs appeared among us because one of the more or less distant ancestors was called Ivan or Peter.

The first pseudonym dictionaries appeared in the 17th century. At the same time, a treatise was written by the Frenchman Andrien Baye, which for the first time described the reasons for the replacement of their names by other writers, as well as the ways in which these replacements were made.

In Russia, this issue was studied somewhat later. In 1874, the "List of Russians" was born anonymous books with the names of their authors and translators", compiled by N. Golitsyn.

- Orest Golovnin. Under this name, the professor of philology issued in 1910. book of his fables.
- Uluro Ado (Yukaghir name)
R. Jacobson - alYagrov

Presence of namesakes

Quite an objective reason for changing the name.

- Burnet. The poet of the 19th century, who did not dare to keep the famous name of the author of "Svetlana"
- Lev Losev
V. Nabokov - Sirin
- the son of the poet Sluchevsky, whom we have already mentioned, who inherited not only the same surname, but also a first name with a patronymic, served in the Navy and also wrote poetry.

There were also so-called literary namesakes. In Masanov's dictionary, for example, 10 Seasoned, 11 Gadflies and 30 Philistines are mentioned (of course, not only poets are mentioned in this case).

Irregularity and routine.

Once Chekhov was offered to read the poems of the lyric poet Gusochkin. He refused: “What kind of surname is this for a lyric poet - Gusochkin ?! I won't read it!"

surname, or he was guided by other considerations. After all, in

certain periods of time (the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century) it was simply fashionable. And yet I offer my list of names, which, first of all, included the so-called pretentious pseudonyms.

B. Gordeev - Bozhidar
- Eduard Bagritsky
Lezhankin - Petr Neznamov
-Tarshis - Ry Nikonov
- Demyan Poor
Yakov Satunovsky - Yan Satunovsky
V. Sidorov - Vadim Bayan
- Allegro
- Fedor Sologub
- Tatyana Vechorka certain associations.

Pseudonyms of this kind are intended to emphasize the spiritual closeness of the poet to something. They can also be called "speaking pseudonyms". This group is very broad. Let's break it down into subcategories.

a) geographic:

- Shiryaevets. This funny-sounding pseudonym in modern times comes from the name of the village of Shiryaevo, the poet's homeland.
V. Zagoryansky - real name unknown (from Zagoryanka station near Moscow
V. Makhnin - Sayanov (born at the foot of the Sayan Mountains).
-Sitnianovich - Simeon of Polotsk. The famous monk was a native of Polotsk and served in the monastery there.

b) national:

- Uluro Ado (Yukaghir name)
G. Lisin - G. Aigi (from the Chuvash "haykhi" - "that's the one")
P. Stepanov - Lamutsy (Even poet, Lamuts - the former name of the Evens)

c) ideological:

Almost all proletarian poets fall here.

- Eduard Bagritsky
- Demyan Poor

There is also an opposite example - when the real name evokes negative associations and it has to be encrypted:

- Dmitry C.

comic effect.

Pseudonyms, the purpose of which was to create a comic effect, are called paizonyms (from the Greek paizein - to joke). As a rule, they were temporary and arose not so much to hide the real name as a joke, or to emphasize the satirical nature of the work.

- Maremyan Danilovich Zhukovyatnikov, Chairman of the Commission on

4) Churmen 5) Literary exchange broker Nazar Vymochkin.
- 1) Fedor Konyukh 2) 3). Hoax.

Kozma Prutkov is the collective pseudonym of the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers and A. Tolstoy.
- 1) I. 2) Belkin
– Niruzam

Internet influence.

On this reason, as on the least studied, we will dwell in more detail.

The owner of the nickname, Christoph Lindenberg (“Internet. Browser”), states: “Soon there will be no names. There will be emails and nicknames. People will gain real freedom. In the world of portals and e-shopping, you don't need a real name." Freedom in choosing a name, character, biography on the Internet is really not limited, and we are with you, and millions of people like us are used to this freedom and willingly use it. However, in the case of online poets (by those we mean those who received their first recognition on the Internet), rather, the opposite trend is observed - most of them do not see any need to hide their name. True, for simplicity and convenience when communicating in guest books or on forums, they often use nicknames:

Alexey Andreev - Lexa

Diana Efendieva - Dee

Igor Petrov - Labas
Mikhail Baru - Minya

Galya Anni - Fita, Ezhinka

Mikhail Sazonov - Michel
Sergey Boychenko - sergio
Olga Rodionova (Dashkevich) - Verochka, Wolf, Annabelle Lee
Evgenia Chuprina - FEM

The real names of the poets of the second group are unknown to the general public, these are pseudonyms clean water. But to consider the temptation of the Internet (creating your own virtual mask) as the reason for this choice would not be entirely true. I presume that the main reasons lie outside the network: the first attempt at writing, the unwillingness to "shine" in front of off-line acquaintances and in front of my superiors, the routine or apparent dissonance of my own name, that is, everything that we talked about above.

Some of the examples:

Eter Comte de Pagny
Scaramouche (Cruiser, Brad, Junk, Gena)
Tibul Kamchatsky

What are aliases?

Above, we analyzed the general reasons for choosing a pseudonym, that is, we tried to answer the question “why?” Now let's dwell on the other side of the problem - “how? how? ”, i.e. what is the meaning of this or that pseudonym and how is it formed?

According to the method of formation, the following groups of aliases can be distinguished:

- Sasha Cherny

2. Antonyms- emphasize nationality

- Uluro Ado (Yukaghir name)
3. Pseudo-antonyms- an imaginary antonym is chosen

Derzhavin - Tatar Murza, who has long settled in Moscow, and lives on business in St. Petersburg.

4. Geonyms- indicate the place of birth or residence

-Sitnianovich - Simeon Polotsky
- Igor Severyanin

5. Frenonims(phren - mind, Greek) - from one or another trait of character or creativity

- Sergey Sad
- Nicola Sadness
- Gorky (as we see, Peshkov was not the first Gorky)
- Lonely
- Sorrowful Poet
- Boritskaya (revolutionary, published in Zvezda and Pravda)
I. Krivenko - Ivan Grave
D. Minaev - 1) Accusatory poet 2) Modern satirist
- New Poet
- Andrei Skorbny
- Unsociable (poet-"pravdist")

6. Titlonims- indicate the occupation, rank or social position.

- 1) Poet-soldier 2) Poet-proletarian
- Peasant

7. Allonyms or heteronyms- the name of a real person (often deceased) is chosen as a signature.

- (so he signed his early revolutionary poems)

- (under the name of the deceased Venevitinov, Semevsky published a denunciatory poem "Russia")
Vl. Sidorov - Vadim Bayan (from the old Russian poet Boyan)

In some cases, the real name was preceded by the initial letter of the name of the real author:

Vl. Gippius - 1) Vl. Bestuzhev 2) Vl. Neledinsky (both surnames were found in Russian literature)
(Korney Chukovsky) - N. Radishchev

8.Geronyms- the names of literary and mythological heroes, emphasizing the ideological closeness of this character to the author.

- Vladimir Lensky (under the same pseudonym he was going to publish his youthful poems)
- Aduev ( main character novel by Goncharov ordinary story")
- Demyan Bedny (in this case, the hero created by the author himself served as the prototype)

9. Latinisms- formed from Latin words.

(A. Bely) - also used the pseudonyms Alter Ego (second self), Cunctator (slow), Spiritus (spirit), Taciturno (silent)

10. Chromatonyms - from the names of paints

(Olympov) - Akaki Orange (signed humorous poems like this)

N. Shor - Anatoly Fioletov

11.Phytonyms- from the names of plants and trees

Lotarev (I. Severyanin) - Mimosa

12.Zoonyms- from the names of animals

- 1) Deev-Khomyakovsky (born in the village of Khomyakovsky) 2) Hamster

13. Anagrams- permutation of letters in the real name

- Aurelius (an anagram of his name Valery)
A. Kantemir - Khariton Maketin (this is how his "Letter containing the rules of Russian versification" is signed, 1743)

A variation of an anagram is an anagram-shifter (palinonym):

I. Krylov - Navi Volyrk (in "Pleasant and useful pastime")
- Nurizam (book "Strophes of Nurizam", 1901)

14. A woman under a male name, a man - under a female

E. Bagritsky - Nina Voskresenskaya

V. Bryusov - Nelly
Z. Gippius - A. Extreme
- L. Shelgunova
Vl. Khodasevich - Elena Arbatskaya

15. Factonyms- from biographical facts

1) Arz. 2) Art. are. (in his youth he was a member of the literary circle "Arzamasets") 3) St ... h. k (from his lyceum nickname "Cricket") 4) Krs (abbreviated palinonym for "Cricket")

16. Collective aliases

Elizabeth and Maria Moskvin - Mrs. *** (under the book of poems "Aonia", 1802)
The Zhemchuzhnikov brothers and A. Tolstoy - Kozma Prutkov
Group of poets "Literaturnaya Gazeta" - Yevgeny Sazonov

Husband and wife Tkhorzhevsky - Ivan da Marya (under translations of Beranger's songs and own poems).

Who is behind the mask?

Pseudonyms of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Like any writer-humorist, Chekhov used dozens of various pseudonyms. Until now, they are far from being fully disclosed, since Chekhov himself could not remember the belongings of all his early stories. The function of the humorist's pseudonym was not so much to hide the true authorship, but to amuse the reader, the desire to intrigue him, hence the variability, deliberate confusion - the reader had to try to guess the authorship of the story himself. Often a pseudonym is a necessary element of the composition of a particular story, part of a literary farce and cannot be correctly revealed outside of its context. IN rare cases the background of one or another pseudonym of Chekhov could be known only to a narrow circle of his acquaintances and required additional decoding.
The first place in the series of pseudonyms he used is undoubtedly occupied by the signature of Antosh Chekhonte (options: Antosha Ch***, A-n Ch-te, Anche, A. Chekhonte, Chekhonte, Don Antonio Chekhonte, Ch. Khonte, etc.). It was with this signature that the young medical student sent his first works to comic magazines. The history of this signature is quite well known: it comes from the “school” witticism of the father-teacher of the Taganrog gymnasium, who used to jokingly change the names of students. This not very witty gymnasium “teaser”, invented “at the dawn of a foggy youth”, became the main pseudonym of Chekhov the humorist. He not only used it in magazines and newspapers, but also put it on the cover of the first two author's collections ("Tales of Melpomene", 1884, and "Colorful Stories", 1886).
The origin of the pseudonym Brother of my brother is due to the fact that since 1883 Chekhov began to be published in the same humorous magazines in which his older brother Alexander began to appear a little earlier. The desire to get away from the "brotherly" confusion forced Chekhov to title page in his book “At Twilight” (1887) to put his last name with corrected initials: “An. P. Chekhov”. The rest of Chekhov's pseudonyms were, as a rule, short-lived and were used solely for comic effect: Makar Baldastov, Doctor without Patients, Nut No. 6, Nut No. 9, Nettle, Prose Poet, Ruver, Champagne, etc.
And only the pseudonym Man without a spleen had, in addition to the not fully revealed “comic” sound, a serious semantic component of a “medical” nature. Chekhov used this pseudonym for more than ten years: the first work signed in this way - the article "Hamlet" - was published in January 1882; the last - the story "Fish Love" - ​​in June 1892. In total, under this pseudonym (and its variants: Ch. without s., Ch. B. S., S. B. Ch.) 119 stories and humoresques and 5 articles and feuilletons were published.

Only 42 pseudonyms of the writer are known, below we provide a list of some of them:


A. P,


An. Ch.


Antosha C.

Antosha Chekhonte

G. Baldastov

My brother's brother

doctor without patients

hot man

prose poet

Nut No. 6


Don Antonio Chekhonte



M. Kovrov




Ruver and RevourUlysses

Man without a spleen

Ch. Honte

Chekhov begins to publish his "serious" works under the full name, while continuing the tradition of a literary pseudonym in humorous journalism.

Pseudonyms of Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol.

I have had several aliases. He began his literary career as a poet. At the age of 20, signed by V. Alov, the poem "Hanz Kühelgarten" was published, which received negative feedback criticism. The frustrated author bought all the remaining copies of the poem from the booksellers and destroyed them.
Pletnev advised Gogol to publish the book under a different pseudonym. It is necessary to appear to the public as a new author, so that the wrong impression of his talent does not interfere with the success of the stories. The collection of short stories "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" Gogol signs with another pseudonym. The writer leads the reader by the nose, pretending that these stories were written down by the beekeeper Rudy Panko. The pseudonym itself did not arise from scratch - Gogol had light red hair, and "ore" means red.

Kozma Prutkov.
It is known that the literary personality of Kozma Prutkov was created and developed by three persons, namely: Alexei Mikhailovich and Vladimir Mikhailovich Zhemchuzhnikov
and their cousin Count Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy. Also, the third of the Zhemchuzhnikovs, Alexander Mikhailovich, took part in the work on some poems and comedies. So this is also a unique case of using a collective pseudonym. The name itself was borrowed from a valet who served with the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers.

Maksim Gorky

Real name - Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov. Born 16 (28) March 1868 in Nizhny Novgorod, died June 18, 1936 in Gorki, Moscow Region. Russian Soviet writer, literary critic and publicist, founder of Soviet literature, active participant in the revolutionary movement, public figure. One of the most popular authors of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Nickname Aleksey Maksimovich invented himself. Subsequently, he said: "Don't write to me in literature - Peshkov ...".

Maksim Gorky - This pseudonym- phrenon, that ispseudonym indicating the main character trait of the author or main feature his creativity.

Characterizes not only his fate, but also the direction of his work. So, the life of young Alyosha Peshkov "in people" was bitter, and he wrote about the bitter fate of the destitute.

With his literary name, Alexei made the name of his father, whom he loved very much and lost early. By the same name he named his son, whom he also lost very early. There is a version that the name Maxim was borrowed from the criminal who killed Gorky's great-grandfather, Maxim Bashlyk, about whom Alyosha liked to talk about in childhood. It is also worth noting that the stepfather of A. Peshkov had the surname Maksimov. Therefore, be that as it may, Gorky had a lot in life with the name Maxim, and the choice of such a pseudonym is not accidental.

Maksim Gorky- this deeply symbolic signature first appeared under the story "Makar Chudra" in the Tiflis newspaper "Kavkaz" on September 12, 1892. The 24-year-old author then served as a clerk in railway workshops. It was the literary debut of Alexei Peshkov. Subsequently, he used a number of pseudonyms, but the very first of them brought worldwide fame.

M. Gorky under the notes in Samarskaya Gazeta and Nizhny Novgorod Leaflet (1896) he put Pacatus (peaceful), and in the collection Red Panorama (1928) he signed Unicus (the only one). In Samarskaya Gazeta, the feuilletons Samara in All Relationships, with the subtitle Letters from a Knight-Errant, were signed by Don Quixote (1896). Writer in captions to feuilletons, he often used the incogniton name N. Kh., which should have read: “Someone X”.

A number of notes by Alexei Maksimovich in Samarskaya Gazeta (1895-1896), as well as the story "The Nightingale" were signed by Dvaga, that is, two "G" - Gorky and Gusev (the journalist who gave materials for the notes).

To hide authorship, M. Gorky, in addition to the above pseudonyms, used neutral names (neutronyms- pseudonyms that do not cause any associations), so "The Story of a Novel" (1924) he signed Vasily Sizov.

It happened that Bitter performed under the name of a character in his own work. Once he used as an alias the name of a self-created literary hero. One of his feuilletons in "The Eccentric" (1928) was signed by Samokritik Slovotekov. This surname was borne by the character of Gorky's satirical play "Hard worker Slovotekov", written by him in 1920 for the Theater of People's Comedy. About this alias Bitter told the editors of Eccentric the following: “I can hardly find the time to personally contribute to your journal, but allow me to recommend to you my friend, Self-criticist Kirillovich Slovotekov. Self-critic is his true name, given by his parents at birth. He is quite an old man, but a “beginner”. Non-partisan. Attitude towards alcohol is moderate.

To make readers laugh Bitter came up with comic pseudonyms, choosing old names that had long been out of use, combined with an intricate surname. In his youth, in the Samara and Saratov newspapers of the late 90s, Yehudiel Khlamida was signed. Under one of the letters to his 15-year-old son is: Your father Polikarp Unesibozhenozhkin. On the pages of his home hand-written journal Sorrento Pravda (1924), he signed Metranpage Goryachkin, Disabled Muses, Osip Tikhovoyev, Aristid Balyk.

In literary biography Gorky there were also cases of plagiarism, or rather plagiarism “for good”, that is, the desire of an already popular writer to help his novice colleague, without any selfish motives. In 1918, a signed name was published in Novaya Zhizn. M. Gorky story "Lanpochka". But it would be in vain to look for this story in Gorky's collected works. In 1933, he told the editors of Siberian Lights: “The story “Lanpochka”, about which you ask, was not written by me, but by my son Maxim, who was in Siberia in 1918 and saw this light bulb in action.”

eshkov was not the first Russian writer to invent pseudonym Gorky. According to the Russian writer and poet

, the same was one of the poet's early pseudonyms.

Later derivatives of the pseudonym began to appear Maksim Gorky. Maxim Leonov, father of the Soviet writer Leonid Leonov, poet and journalist, a man of difficult fate, signed Maxim Goremyka. In honor of Gorky The outstanding Belarusian poet Maxim Tank (autonym Yevgeny Skurko) also named himself.

It's interesting that when pseudonym Maxim Gorky was supposed to be used with a patronymic, then they used the real name and patronymic - Alexei Maksimovich.


Thus, as a result of the analysis of the material, we learned how and where pseudonyms arose, for what reasons talented and creative people choose pseudonyms for themselves.

I think it was interesting for you to find out with me what meaning this or that pseudonym carries and how it is formed.

Knowing why the writer chose this or that fictitious name for himself, we, it seems to me, will better understand his life, and his fate, and his work.

List of references and sources used in preparation

project material.

1. "Dictionary of pseudonyms of Russian writers, scientists and

public figures", M.1956

2., "Hiding their name", M, "Science", 1977

3. . "Invented names", M. "Contemporary", 1986

4. psevdonim.hotsq. info/index. php

5. literus. people. ru/Tables/Literatura/psevdonim. htm
www. uic. unn. ru/~zni/pages/people/psevdon. shtml

7. starybarin. ru/b/pseudonym_writers. html

8. ask site. en/?question=41099918&ord=2&sourse=0


Fantômas is a fictional character created by the imagination of French writers Marcel Allain and Pierre Souvestre. How did director André Hunebelle transform the gloomy atmosphere of the Phantom Masiada in his cult films? And why did the world never see the painting "Fantômas in Moscow"?

One of the most popular characters in the history of the French detective, Fantômas was "born" in 1911 and appeared, in total, in 32 works written in collaboration. Eleven more stories were released by Alain after Suverst's death. Fantômas has become the main character in many films, television films and comics. In the history of detective fiction, he is presented as the villain of the Gothic novels of the 19th century, who migrated in the form serial killer Nowadays.

Books and films about Fantomas, released like hot cakes, can be considered a forerunner modern methods production in Hollywood. First, the authors determined the main plot twists, after which they worked independently on alternative chapters. Marcel and Pierre then met each other to connect the two halves of the story in the final chapter. This approach allowed the authors to release one novel almost every month. Secondly, the rights to film adaptation of works were bought out immediately. This system allowed the film industry not to worry about problems with the production of sequels.

Fantomas (or phantom man), hiding his face behind a mask, entered the world stage a few years after the appearance of the famous "gentleman robber" Arsène Lupin (Arsène Lupin). However, if Lupin is in many ways reminiscent of a "noble robber", then Fantômas, without a share of a doubt, is perceived as a sociopath who enjoys the sadistic ways of destroying his victims.

Fantomas is a ruthless and merciless element, ready to do away with even his own children. He is a real master of reincarnation, constantly appearing under false names. Most often, the villain pretends to be a person whom he himself killed. Fantomas uses rather strange and eccentric means and methods to carry out his crimes, whether they are plague-infected rat packs, giant snakes or sand-filled rooms.

Fantomas' past remains very vague. His ancestry may have been British and/or French. He was probably born in 1867. The original books say that in 1892, b. someone who later became Fantomas styled himself Archduke Juan North and ran the German principality of Hesse-Weimar. In these parts, his son Vladimir was born from an aristocrat. Under unclear circumstances, the Archduke was under arrest.

In 1895 Fantomas is in India (India). Here, a certain European woman becomes the mother of Helen, probably conceived by Fantômas or by an Indian prince who served as the priest of Fantômas. Helen grows up South Africa(South Africa).

In 1897 Fantomas visited the United States (USA) and Mexico (Mexico). His main mission is to ruin the then business partner Etienne Rambert. In 1899 Fantomas fought in the Second Boer War in South Africa using the name Gurn. He fought in the Transvaal as an artillery sergeant under Lord Roberts. Fantomas received the rank of adjutant to Lord Edward Beltham and fell in love with his young wife, Lady Maud Beltham.

Upon the return of the plot to Europe, shortly before the events of the first Fantomas novel, Lord Edward learns about the connection between Gurn and his wife, having seen them on Lever Street in Paris, where the lovers "made" a love nest. Husband tries to shoot Maud, but Gurn hits him with a hammer and strangles him.

Posing as Etienne Rambert, Fantômas sets up the son of a business partner, young Charles. He tells him to go underground, but the hidden Charles is found by the French police detective Juve, obsessed with capturing Fantômas. Knowing that Juve was set up, the detective hides the young man and helps him change his identity - to the journalist Jerome Fandor, employed in the Capital newspaper.

Juve later arrests Gurn. During the trial, convincing arguments are put forward that Gurn and Fantômas are the same person. On the eve of his execution, Fantômas manages to escape from custody, when instead of himself, in the form of Gurn, he gives out a disguised actor, to whom they cut off his head.

Lady Beltham is constantly torn between passion for Fantômas and horror at his heinous criminal deeds. In 1910, she commits suicide. Journalist Fandor falls in love with Fantomas' daughter, Helene. Despite all the attempts of the villain to separate the lovers, Jerome and Helen play a wedding. In 1911, the malicious son of Fantômas, Vladimir, appears. Vladimir's girlfriend is killed by Fantômas, and Vladimir himself is ultimately eliminated by Juve.

A film trilogy about the "elusive criminal" Fantômas, directed by André Hunebel, achieved particular success in the USSR film distribution (USSR). The main roles were approved by Jean Marais (Jean Marais) and Louis De Funes (Louis de Funes). The gloomy idea of ​​Alain and Suverst was filmed in a comedy style that looked like a parody of phantom and Bond.

The action of three paintings is transferred to the 1960s. At the disposal of the characters are all sorts of gadgets and transforming equipment, for example, Fantômas' Cossack turning into an airplane. After the grandiose success of the trilogy in the USSR, the idea arose to shoot the film "Fantômas in Moscow", but the project was not implemented. One of the reasons for the failure was Mare, who played Fantômas and Fandor at the same time, to the green makeup and rubber masks that caused acne on his face.

As a minor hero, Fantômas appears in many projects. It can be seen in episodes of the Soviet films "Seven Old Men and One Girl" and "Old Robbers". Even in the novel by N. Nosov (Nikolay Nosov) "Dunno on the Moon" one of the cities is called Fantomas.

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