Brian Tracy - Flight Plan: How to reach heights you never dreamed of. Animals you didn't even know existed that you didn't even know

Did you know this? You definitely didn’t know about No. 13!

1. Cucumber contains everything necessary for a person vitamins: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, vitamin C; folic acid, iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, zinc.

2. Feeling tired in the afternoon? Caffeinated drinks won't help you. To restore strength, you need a product that contains B vitamins and carbohydrates. All B vitamins are found in cucumbers, but it turns out that cucumber also contains carbohydrates. It is enough to eat one cucumber to restore strength.

3. Are you tired of wiping your foggy bathroom mirror after taking a shower? Before taking a bath, lubricate the mirror with a circle of cucumber - it will not fog up, and there will be a pleasant smell in the bathroom.

4. If your garden is frequently visited by harmful insects, place cucumber slices in a disposable aluminum bowl. The combination of cucumber with aluminum will cause chemical reaction, the result will be a smell that humans cannot smell, but which is unbearable for insects.

5. Are you ready to go to the pool, but are you embarrassed by the cellulite on your legs? Take 1-2 slices of cucumber and grease these places. Cucumber has the cosmetic property of tightening the skin for a while. Wrinkles on the face are also smoothed out with the help of cucumber for a while, the skin becomes more elastic.

6. You drank an alcoholic drink and got a severe headache. Don't drink anymore - firstly, and secondly, eat a cucumber and go to bed. In the morning you will wake up fresh, without headaches. Cucumber contains both sugar and electrolyte, which, together with vitamin B, regulate metabolism, disturbed by alcohol intake and causing headaches.

7. Do you want to get rid of bad habit snack before bed? Cucumbers served travelers, hunters and peddlers well, who needed nutritious food in a hurry.

8. Do you have an important meeting coming up, but don't have time to polish your shoes? Take a cucumber slice and rub it over the surface of the shoe once. The boots will immediately shine like new. In addition, cucumber contains water-resistant substances, and in case of rain, your feet will not get wet.

9. A wheel or door squeaks and you are out of WD-40 oil. Take a cucumber, lubricate the axle and the squeaking will stop.

10. Are you nervous before an exam? Take a cucumber, cut it into slices and pour boiling water on it and breathe in the steam - calm down immediately.

11. You have bad breath. Take a cucumber slice and chew it for 30 seconds. The smell will disappear.

12. Cranes and gas stove need cleaning. Take a cucumber slice and rub the desired area several times. The surface will not only shine, but there will be no traces left. In addition, your hands and nails will come into contact with natural material, not chemistry.

13. Have you written something with a pen and made a mistake? Take a cucumber skin and carefully erase the unnecessary letter. Even a felt-tip pen can erase a cucumber.

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Have you ever wondered when looking at logos and names famous brands, what inspired the designers to create them, what is their history? Or maybe they even appeared by chance?

We are in website we asked ourselves this question and today we will tell you about the most interesting of them.

The logo of the most famous animation studio in the world has always featured a fairytale castle. Initially, its prototype was the German Neuschwanstein. But in 2006 it was replaced by Cinderella Castle from Disneyland Paris.

The name of the Danish toy company LEGO comes from an abbreviation of the Danish phrase "leg godt" - "play well."

Max Kite, who was responsible for the work of the Coca-Cola division in Germany during the Second World War, decided to create a new product. The name of the drink was the result of a group discussion that began with Kite's call for participants to "use your imagination" (in German - "Fantasie"), to which one of those present, Joe Knipp, immediately said "Fanta!"

There is some mythology in the name of the Danish-based jewelry house Pandora. From ancient Greek it is translated as “gifted by all.” According to mythology, Pandora was the first woman, created at the behest of Zeus as a punishment to people for Prometheus stealing the divine fire for them.

The Cadillac luxury car brand got its name from the ancestor of the company's founder, mechanic Henry Leland, the French colonial administrator and military leader Antoine Laumé de Lamothe de Cadillac.

British contraceptive brand Durex is an acronym for Durable, Reliable, Excellence (durability, reliability, superiority).

The goal of some companies is to communicate that using their brand will improve part of our lives. What did Levi do with the logo to convey this message? He creatively hid the part of the body that most of us want to highlight when wearing jeans. If you haven't seen this before, now you will always see it.

The company's founder, Pierre Omidyar, created an analogue of the site while he was working for the Echo Bay Technology Group, whose office was located in Echo Bay (Nevada). Omidyar wanted to register the site “”, but then it turned out that the name was already taken, and he shortened it to “”. However, many people think that ebay is short for “Electronic Bay”.

Ecology of life. Kids: You won't find words like "too-too-too-too-mama" or "fuzzy" in any dictionary (yet!), but trust us: these parenting terms are a must-know. If only to laugh heartily at your pedagogical mistakes and failures in the difficult task of raising children.

You won't find words like "too-too-too-too-mama" or "fuzzy" in any dictionary (yet!), but trust us: these parenting terms are a must-know. If only to laugh heartily at your pedagogical mistakes and failures in the difficult task of raising children.


A self-title for a mom who is slowly but inevitably accepting the hard fact that she can't help her child with his math homework. Because no matter what decade she went to high school, all the formulas to the last squiggle disappeared from her head. Clean. And it seems like forever.


When you share with your friends on Facebook the incredible wisdom that your four-year-old child has revealed, and the next day you re-read your post and realize that you wrote nonsense because you were simply exhausted to the point of completely shutting down your critical perception of reality.

*PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder

Ice cream girl

It's completely normal to stuff premium ice cream deeper into the freezer. Doesn't matter taste buds your children are not yet developed enough to appreciate the difference between ice cream at $5 for 500 ml and cheap.


A sharp and acute attack of jealousy about the competitiveness of your youngest in the eyes of another mother, when she remembers that her child of the same age is already programming with the Scratch program, and yours is just playing Minecraft.

Mom clarification

That perfectly age-appropriate, measured, honest, and yet humiliating definition that you give to an “adult” word that a child asks you about, and then discover that he meant “prostration” and not “prostitution.”


The sound you make from the depths of your tormented soul when your second grader no longer fits into the expensive blue jacket that cost a third of his salary that you bought him a month ago for a spring concert.

Bluff cara

That huge relief you feel when your child has finally collected all the LEGO pieces scattered around the house. Because you threatened to confiscate it all electronic games, if he does not do this, and in fact you do not have the courage to carry out such an ominous threat.


When you force a child to apologize for some rudeness or tactlessness (for example, for remarking that grandpa's new girl silicone breasts), although they secretly completely agree with him.


A groan of frustration after you finally pack your two-year-old in all layers. winter clothes and suddenly they felt... a smell. First you decide to go for a walk as is, and then you sigh and start unpacking it to wash it. As a result, by the time you finally finish, your baby is ready to take a nap.

SBEP (Thank God It's Monday!)

The acronym is every working mom's prayer.

Does your family come up with similar terms? Share your unique parenting “vocabulary” with us. Perhaps it’s your neologisms that someone really needs here! published

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Brian Tracy


How to reach heights you never dreamed of

Tracy B.

T66 Flight Plan: How to reach heights you never dreamed of / Brian Tracy; Per. from English - M.: Alpina Business Books, 2008. - 168 p.

ISBN 978-5-9614-0903-1

People who have managed to rise to the heights of success and wealth are often thought to have known some secret that allowed them to quickly and without hindrance achieve their desired goal. Tracy honestly states that lasting success comes only to those who are willing to work hard and hard.

The author compares the path that leads to becoming successful business, with the flight of an air liner. This comparison surprisingly successfully shows all the stages of the journey, all the problems that may arise along the way, and how to solve them. Tracy teaches not only ideology, but also the “technology” of success. He explains in detail the importance of preparation, detailed development of the route and choice of goal - the final point of the journey. After reading the book “Flight Plan,” you want to immediately make a plan and take action.

Preface. The real secret success

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.


We live in wonderful times. Never before in the history of mankind have such amazing opportunities opened up for people as today: you can set truly audacious goals and achieve them, live life to the fullest and literally turn your dreams into reality. And every year this state of affairs will only improve. Your responsibility to yourself and to people in general is not to remain on the sidelines of what economists call the “golden age” of human civilization.

Everyone in our world wants to become happy, healthy and rich - and preferably as quickly as possible and without much effort. In response to the almost universal desire to get everything at once, people at all times have tried to invent magical formulas, special techniques and esoteric strategies that guarantee immediate success and happiness.

About once every one or two years, another book like “The Secret” appears on bookstore shelves [the author is referring to the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne. - Per.], which offers another simple and quick way become happy and earn a lot of money. According to the authors of these books, all that is required of you is to tune in to a positive mood, mentally imagine what you want, and all your desires will come true by themselves. This approach is very attractive for those who are not ready to work hard and hard, but without work it is impossible to achieve anything worthwhile in this world.

The real secret to success is that there are no secrets. There are universal principles and eternal truths that each generation of people discovers anew. Happiness, health and material well-being do not come by chance. It is the result of conscious design and effort, and is subject to the inviolable law of cause and effect.

This law states: “Every cause has its effect.” And vice versa: “There are no effects without causes.” This means that when you take certain actions, you get certain results. The Bible says, “Whatever a man sows, that will he also reap.” And Sir Isaac Newton expressed this idea this way: “For every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction.”

There is one simple rule: if you do everything that successful people do, and do it consistently and persistently, you can eventually achieve the same results as them. And if you don’t do this, you won’t achieve anything. Success is not an accident. It is not based on luck or luck, but on a thoughtful plan and hard work. Simply put, success is a consequence of very specific reasons.

Great discovery

Perhaps the greatest discovery in human history is fundamental principle any religion, philosophy, metaphysics and psychology - is that thoughts are causes, and external conditions there are consequences. In other words, the reality you live in is created by your thoughts. You see the world not as it is, but as you are. Everywhere you look, you see yourself. To a certain extent, the world as you see it is a reflection of you. inner world. Whatever you think about, your thoughts will come back to you in the form of real things or events. To find out what is going on in a person’s soul, you just need to look at what is happening to him in life.

This law of correspondence is “ external world of a person corresponds to his inner world” - acts inexorably, at least in the long term. You will never be able to acquire and hold for a long time what you are not internally ready for or what you do not deserve.

There is an opinion that in order to succeed, you need to prepare the ground. Indeed, for this you need to prepare the ground - namely, create within yourself mental equivalent what you want to have or experience in real world. To change your life, you need to start with your inner world. Listen to Goethe’s words: “In order to have more, you must first become something more.”

In other words, to change any aspect of your life for the better, you need to change for the better yourself. For your life to be as beautiful as your dreams, you must continually develop and improve yourself, and consciously seek experiences that give you wisdom and understanding. And there are no shortcuts here.

Based on these fundamental laws, I created my own model of success, which I outline in detail in this book. Over the years, I have shared my discovery with thousands of people around to the globe, and that's all successful people, with whom I had the opportunity to meet, unanimously said: “Yes, this is exactly what led me to success.”

Life is a journey

Due to the nature of my work, I had to fly a lot. One day I found out amazing fact: When you're on a plane to any destination, 99% of the time you're off course! For reasons beyond the control of the pilot, such as updrafts and downdrafts, air pockets, head and cross winds, thunderstorms and lightning, turbulence and the Earth's magnetic field, the aircraft constantly deviates from the intended course.

However, before the flight begins, say from Los Angeles to New York, the crew chief says something like this over the speakerphone to passengers: “Ladies and gentlemen, we thank you for choosing to fly with us. Our flight will take approximately five hours and twenty minutes, and we plan to arrive at LaGuardia Airport (New York) at 5:20 p.m. Enjoy your flight." And you can be sure that exactly five hours and twenty minutes later - minute to minute, as promised - the plane will land at New York airport.

1. The average person consists of 70000000000000000000000000000 (seven octillion) atoms.

2. We make all our decisions under the influence external sensations– the smells, sounds and sensations of flowers. And you can’t even imagine how effectively marketers use this when selling us products.

3. The feeling of sleep can be self-suggested. If you were unable to sleep, but need to be in full combat readiness, this is quite easy to do. You need to imagine that you slept for 8-10 hours and had a great night's sleep. Then all that remains is to convince yourself of this.

4. Smart people often suffer from an inferiority complex - underestimating themselves, and the stupider ones, in turn, on the contrary, are too arrogant and prone to overestimating their abilities.

5. Humans are the best marathon runners on the planet. There is not a single creature capable of competing with us in covering long distances at high speed. According to scientists, it was this advantage that helped our ancestors evolve the fastest.

6. 90 percent of human cells are various microorganisms and fungi. So you and I are a fairly successful form of confederation.

7. When we feel love, our brain produces the hormones oxytocin and vasopressin. By the way, it produces them when using the drug amphetamine.

8. We are 50% bananas, at least by DNA. That's how much it matches genetic code man and this fruit.

9. Human muscles use no more than 30% of their potential. True, this figure doubles with the injection of adrenaline into the blood. That is why, in critical situation, a person is able to lift a car independently.

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