When you dream about your grandmother being dead. Why does the deceased grandmother dream about her granddaughter? The dream of a dead grandmother is a living dream

When it appears to us in a dream close person, especially a deceased person, this leads to certain thoughts and one cannot do without a dream book. There will be many interpretations of the dream, and in order to choose the right one for your situation, you need to pay attention to the details of the dream. In a dream, to see a deceased grandmother - it is likely that this is at the same time the wisdom of past years, advice, warmth, support and the most Nice memories your childhood and youth. On the other hand, why does grandma dream? Is it really possible to show illness, old age?

The vision of living and dead grandmother in a dream, whether she is dear or not. Dream books from different authors will help us approach the interpretation from different angles.

Star dream book

Home dream book

A dead grandmother appears in a dream to awaken your desire for spirituality. The time has come for you to appreciate everything you have: family, work, health, skills, knowledge, talents, environment, prospects in life, and so on.

Big dream book

To see in a dream living grandmother- receive a reward for your work. If you talk to her, then get ready to meet difficulties with which you will have to “fight”; seeing a dead grandmother in a dream means remembering sorrows and a change in the weather. Seeing your grandmother sick means understanding your powerlessness and not being able to do anything about it.

Assyrian dream book

Granny in a dream is a symbol of wisdom and care. Her image may indicate that your life lessons are not in vain and you are beginning to follow them faithfully in your life. It is also possible that you need to return to the needs of childhood and realize your old aspirations.

Dream Interpretation of Shark Healer

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother: you will get valuable advice from a wise and mature person. You should listen to the advice of your elders.

The dead grandmother also explicitly asks you to remember her, and if she is alive, then visit her. A dream about a deceased grandmother can also be a harbinger of cloudy weather, rain, and cold weather.

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

What this dream book tells us: the grandmother foretells difficulties in the near future, they will be difficult to overcome, but the participation of relatives and advice will serve well. This dream book gives another interpretation: a living grandmother can talk to you and ask for something. This should not be taken as a guide to action, unless she repeats it over and over again. Just visit her and tell her this dream.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

A dreaming grandmother speaks of upcoming difficulties in life, the resolution of which will come soon, but not without the advice and participation of friends. Often, meeting your grandmother (not only, but in general) means a reduced payment for your work. ? You are unable to change anything in the current difficult situation. And if you see tears on her face, expect a quarrel with her family. If a girl dreams of a grandmother, then she is waiting for long love. And if a guy sees his grandmother, he can expect troubles in his personal life.

Autumn dream book

Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about my grandmother, but I couldn’t see her face, which means expect noticeable financial support. The dream book about grandma's house says the following: you are haunted by memories from childhood, and there is a feeling of guilt. Visit her (or remember her), it will become easier.

Spring dream book

The dream book interprets seeing a grandmother as a sign of back pain. She also appears at an important period in life, when making a choice is difficult, but critically important. The dream book also says that the blessing and warning may be unclear and only real circumstances will show what the dream itself was about.

Summer dream book

Dream Interpretation: a deceased grandmother is alive and is not interpreted in any way except for the help from loved ones and relatives that you need. The dead always visit us alive, we can communicate with them, they give us advice, ask meaningful questions and always warn.

Children's dream book

Do you have a dream about “the grandmother comes and looks at the child reproachfully”? Apparently he goes to bed on an empty stomach. Do you remember how your grandmother got you out of it - and did you eat? Is everyone finished? Don't need any supplements? The interpretation of the dream is very simple and even humorous. So let the child not anger his grandmother, but eat well. Especially at night.

Dream book of the 21st century

What the dream book will tell you: a deceased grandmother came in a dream and started a conversation - this indicates that the intended enterprise will be crowned with success. It should also be expected before important events and changes in life. Such a dream can be both a warning and a blessing. So it’s better to always have a couple of plans in reserve - for case A and case B.

Most the best option- if your grandmother showed up at the cemetery in a dream, this only means good changes.

Dream book for family

Family dream book, when interpreting dreams, “grandmother” always shows vagueness and some ambiguity in the entire vision. He says that the dream of "grandmother" can mean that your experience will help you get out of the most difficult situation; tears on her face will tell about resentment and quarrel with loved ones; Seeing your grandmother alive in a dream and talking to her means favorable achievements. What these achievements will be depends on your flexibility.

Modern dream book

The dream “deceased grandmother” will only lead to great joy and promises changes for the better.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Hugging your grandmother in a dream means understanding your powerlessness and accepting it, or receiving incomplete payment for your work.

Women's dream book

I dreamed about grandma in a dream - you cannot avoid difficulties, but with good advice you will overcome these difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream “granny” has the same interpretation: difficulties, advice and then everything will return to normal.

Intelligent dream book

The dream “grandmother” says that you will, as they say, be “worked up” at work and you will receive, at best, half of what you are owed. But it’s best to look at it in relation to the days of the week.

Dream book for those getting married

Seeing your beloved grandmother in a dream means that you will soon find your pier, where you will finally settle down and live a peaceful life. Allegorically, this suggests that married people should wait for a new addition to the family, and unmarried people should wait for a wedding.


Grandmother comes in a dream for two reasons: to warn about something or to bless you for some undertaking. In any case, this is a positive sign that promises a positive outcome only if she is presented in a good light in the dream. Even if she died long ago, this dream will not bring anything bad. It’s another matter if your grandmother lamented or complained to you in a dream - in this case, expect dissatisfaction from life, inconvenience, trouble. It is always worth having two options for action - either accept the good changes and thank them for it, or prepare for difficulties and stock up on advice and support from your family.

From Friday to Saturday I dreamed that my grandmother died a long time ago. She seems to be alive, but she’s sick, and it’s obvious to everyone around her that she’s dying, but I accidentally pass by her house, beautifully dressed, and I come there, but I don’t go into the house. My sister stopped me on the way and started to occupy me with posters (younger cousin). And the next day I walk past again, dressed up (long White dress with red peas), it seems like a holiday in the city, and I see my grandmother’s funeral in the park, I go up and everyone is looking at me, I go up to my grandmother and she is undressed, lying on a sheet and covered with a sheet, they give me flowers and I lay them down for her, she is still alive , opens his eyes, sees me and says, “ best gift and you can’t imagine” closes and dies. I start to cry. And in the crowd of people I can’t find my dad (her son) because he wasn’t there. PS I have a bad relationship with my relatives. We don't communicate with anyone. Help me understand.

I dreamed about our apartment with my parents. My grandmother on my mother's side died a long time ago (she is not birth mother) as if she was visiting us. But the whole strange thing was that in the corridor (next to the kitchen) there was a small sculpture of some other deceased with his living head, or an urn with the ashes of that deceased (by the same head, how it was held on this urn), which I don’t know (woman in her fifties). And I associated this urn (or statue) with a very living person with whom my grandmother was talking. They were whispering about something, or rather, this woman was saying something to my grandmother almost in a whisper. I was interested in what the conversation was about, and so I tried my best to eavesdrop while still in my room. Then I approach the door, then somehow I begin to hear it through our rather old tape recorder (with a radio), which usually is not in my room, but in our kitchen. And I hear this phrase from him, before waking up: “Be careful, someone might hear us.” The only person besides them in the apartment was me; my parents, apparently, were at work (it was during the day, and at this time they are usually not at home). I remembered some details of the appearance (face) of an unknown woman, but I have no idea who it could be.

One of the worst dreams is to see your dead grandmother, talk to her, realizing how her body has decayed. Dream books do not bode well. As they said before, a dead man came for a man’s soul. In practice, such a dream can result in illness - yours and dear people, sudden obstacles that will interfere with the implementation of your plans. Life can go downhill. I had a dream where my grandmother, who had died long ago, seemed to come back to life, but at the same time she bore the mark of death - rather visit her grave, remember her, light a candle to “appease” the deceased.

I dream about my grandmother very often, but it’s a breakthrough and almost always I see her alive, young and joyful. But in my dream I know that she died. This time I dreamed that I opened the door to my mother’s apartment and she came in. We were in the bathroom and I cried as hard as I had ever cried from happiness that she was back, and my husband said: we are so glad that you are back, everyone would come back like that. When I woke up, I cried and there was this pain in my soul from joy and the tears flowed straight. Tell me, what does this dream mean?

Anastasia, life never ends completely, the soul lives forever. And people often dream about the death of already deceased relatives. Especially on memorial dates. Your dream does not contain any forecast and your grandmother may well dream of you more than once and even help you.

Hello. My mother died six months ago. I dream about it often, but today I didn’t dream about it. I remember that the whole dream I was looking for a place for her to die. The doctor said that we need to put her in a large room with many beds. I need to choose a place. I was worried that there were only seats left by the old window, and it was drafty there. On other beds lay dead women. They suddenly started talking and one of them handed me apples and a banana. She said that she didn’t need them anymore, but I would need them. I took.

Hello, help me understand the dream, I dreamed that I came to my mother’s house and there the late grandfather was sitting in the bed of the late grandmother and how to evoke her soul, but I didn’t see her, then the multi-story building began to shake and tilted, I ran and suddenly the door closed itself with rooms, the house is already starting to fall, I’m calling my grandfather outside the door so that we can escape, but he let me know that he’ll be left and I ran away.

Today I dreamed about the late grandmother Asya on my mother’s side (she died in 2005 under New Year). I enter the room and see her sitting on the sofa and crying. But her face looks like Grandma Galya on her father’s side (she’s alive, pah-pah-pah). I go up to her and ask what happened? She tells me: I have a presentiment of my death! (How, after all, she died, although for some reason I didn’t remember this in the dream) Here in the room I see that my eldest of the youngest niece is with her, and I immediately tell her, “Anya come out,” I tell her this very strictly said. And she asked me to call my mother, who is Asya’s grandmother’s daughter. However, emotionally I did not feel that it was Grandma Asya, rather Grandma Galya, we are not very close with her. Mom came and silently looked at me and the crying grandmother very coldly and restrainedly. When she stood in the doorway, I occupied my grandmother (she continued to cry) and calmed her down. I told her how much she means to me (grandmother Asya, not Galya), and she was surprised at these words of mine, I think, why are you surprised if I told you many times. And the feeling of some kind of alienation did not go away. I didn’t have the feelings that I feel for my boyfriend Asya, everything was somehow distant. Other times when I dream about her, everything happens more and more warmly. Now something strange! And this afternoon???? b. Galya called my dad (her son) to congratulate my sister on her birthday (her daughters were in the room in the dream). B. Galya usually calls on a city phone number, but here she calls dad on his mobile phone. How can you understand a dream, otherwise your soul is not very happy.

Today I had a dream that I met my late grandmother. Initially, strangely enough, she didn’t recognize me, but when I said that it was me, her granddaughter was delighted and hugged me. I asked her a lot of questions, the main questions were as follows “Why don’t you come when I call you? Why don’t I dream about you when I need you? Why do you ignore my whelping?” And in general, she answered this question like this: “It’s not heard, not seen,” she seemed to be hinting to me that this is a myth about the fact that the deceased is always with the person_I’m very interested in what this means. It seems to me that this is the true answer. Because when the grandmother was killed, the investigation closed the case. and they didn’t want to open a case. And I wrote a question to my grandmother on a napkin. I asked her. I asked her to come to me in a dream and tell me how she was killed. I was simply in shock and therefore went to extremes that I would never have done. Please advise. Or what does this even mean?

I have a good grandmother... she died of a stroke, I was 6 years old, we had a very warm relationship with her, and so I dreamed tonight, or rather in the morning, that it’s like now, that I’m 17 years old just like now, I I come to her in the hospital, she is recovering, she smiles at me, we are hugging... I’m glad that she has recovered and this is it... I don’t remember what happened next, but I remembered this fragment of a dream... what could this mean? Mom says it's because the weather is changing...

And I dreamed about the late grandmother that she was in a coffin and in some basement, I went up to her and started talking in the dream, but I don’t remember what, but at that moment she was also dead and here I was touching her hands, they were cold and cold and I began to warm them, warmed them and you, too, grandma has come to life and I say kiss me on the bottom and I say I won’t. She says kiss me on the bottom again. I go up to her feet and they are all glenlin and the worms eat them and I felt disgusted and I left...

In the "Russian Dream Book" a dream in which the sleeper sees a deceased grandmother explains how good sign. Such knowledge suggests that in the near future this person will find his own place where he will feel good and calm. If you are single, such a dream foretells a quick marriage, and for married people the addition of offspring. Although, as in any dream, one should not lose sight of the little things.

What can a dream portend in which a person communicates with a deceased grandmother? First of all, change, both good and bad. Very often the dead dream of a change in weather and bad weather, especially if you kiss the deceased. Just seeing it means the fulfillment of a secret desire or unexpected help in predicament. A subconscious factor may also be involved. In this case, the old woman symbolizes the internal contradictions of the dream. For a young girl, this will mean dissatisfaction with her appearance and lack of confidence in her abilities. For a guy, doubts about his own strengths and abilities. For a mature person, about missed opportunities and “uselessly” lived years.

Since in many interpreters the grandmother symbolizes wisdom and maturity, one must listen to her speeches. Dreams about a grandmother who died earlier take on a different meaning if she talked about something. It is generally accepted that everything that the deceased said in a dream comes true in reality. If grandma teaches, then you should definitely listen to her and try to take advantage of the information. Communication with older people promises obstacles in business and changes in life, and how a person gets out of them will depend on his wisdom and ability to trust the advice of loved ones.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the appearance of a deceased grandmother in dreams can bring both good and not so good changes. But the result of events still depends on the person. After all, a dream is only a warning that should not be ignored.

If you dreamed that you were meeting your grandparents and talking with them, then in reality you will face difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, they will give you helpful advice, and you will successfully get out of the situation.

Granny Movies - Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother in your dream foreshadow undeserved insults and quarrels with loved ones. If your grandmother, who died long ago, advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you become a grandmother, it means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream Interpretation Grandmother - Seeing a grandmother in a dream or talking to her means that something good that you have planned will succeed. Grandmother died in a dream before significant changes. Such a dream is a blessing or a warning. It is very good if you meet him in a cemetery.

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without sexual partner.

For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss. sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

Seeing your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream means getting rid of difficulties and problems.

Seeing living loved ones people dead, means their life will be extended.

A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin.

Whoever sees that he has found a dead person will soon become rich.

If the deceased whom you see in a dream does something bad, then he warns you against doing it.

Seeing a single deceased means marriage, and seeing a married deceased means separation from relatives or divorce.

If the deceased whom you saw in a dream did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar.

Seeing a dead person alive in a dream and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world.

The Koran says: “No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord.” (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks to the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended.

If the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person in a dream, he will receive benefits and wealth from where he did not expect.

And if he does this with a deceased person he knows, he will gain from him necessary knowledge or the money he left behind.

Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased will achieve what he has long lost hope for.

Who sees in a dream that deceased woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him, she will be successful in all her endeavors.

Seeing a dead person silent in a dream means that he from the other world treats the person who saw this dream favorably.

Anyone who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing in life from the side from which he did not expect.

And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad act in the future.

Seeing a deceased person rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world.

Welcome to dream of the deceased receiving favor from Allah.

If a deceased person is naked in a dream, it means that he has not done any good deeds in life.

If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then he will really die soon.

The blackened face of a deceased person in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah.

The Koran says: “And to those whose faces turn black, (it will be said): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106).

Whoever sees that he enters the house with the deceased and does not come out will be on the verge of death, but then will be saved.

Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping in the same bed with the deceased man - to longevity.

Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die in the same way as the deceased died.

Seeing a deceased person performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his life in a dream means that he is in afterlife not very good.

Seeing him performing Namaz in a different place than where he performed it during his life means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for his earthly deeds.

A dream in which the deceased is in a mosque indicates that he is deprived of torment, for a mosque in a dream means peace and security.

If in a dream a deceased person leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the lives of these people will be shortened, because in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead person.

If someone sees in a dream how in some place some previously deceased righteous people came to life, this will mean that goodness, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the residents of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go well.

Interpretation of dreams from

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of a deceased Grandmother alive in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    In reality, my grandmother died 2 years ago. I dreamed we were preparing a funeral for my still living grandmother, we sat down to remember my grandmother, poured a glass of juice, she gave it away and took another glass of soda, I drank it, I intended it for her, she left, we sat down at the table next to the guy sitting, I loved him, I felt it that there was my boyfriend, but I had never seen him in my life, I asked him where my grandmother was, and not the woman I knew, sitting opposite me, dressed in black, she said why did she die a few minutes ago, I laid my head on the table, burst into tears, I woke up in real tears

    My grandmother died 3 years ago on Easter, or rather in the morning when the eggs and Easter cakes are illuminated. I didn’t go to the funeral, she lived in Belarus, and my mother and I were in Russia, the child was small, so I didn’t go. I had never dreamed of my grandmother before, nor of the dead in general. Dream: I’m walking from home to the post office next door, it’s summer outside, there’s sunshine, birds, flowers. I go to the post office, I don’t remember what I did, I had some kind of receipt, but I didn’t pay any money. And next to me I see my grandmother, young, beautiful, fashionably dressed, and as if she works there. I look at her, and she pretends that she doesn’t know me. I know that she seems to have moved and doesn’t live nearby. I left the post office and cried, I could see my tears, I was offended that she didn’t recognize me.

    At night during the shelling (we live in Donetsk), my daughter dreamed of my mother, her grandmother, who died 5 years ago. She asks my daughter to give her a child (great-grandson) for protection and security. The daughter gives the grandmother a son.

    Hello! Please explain, I dreamed about my late grandmother, as if she was alive and giving me the keys to the apartment, while trying to open it with her keys and they didn’t fit, but the keys she gave me fit and I managed to open the lock

    Hello. Today I dreamed about my grandmother (on my mother’s side) who died 3 years ago. During her life, she loved me more than anyone. I dreamed that she gave me a banknote. I didn't want to, but I took it. Maybe because now I have small financial problems. Then we walked around the market with her. She went ahead and I stopped to look at things. And I lost sight of her. I searched all the rows of the bazaar, but never found it. I tried to dial her phone number, which she never had, and of course without success. The number was unclear and long. Then I saw my mother-in-law at the market. I don’t really remember what I dreamed next and then I woke up. In general, when I dream about her (I rarely dream), these dreams are pleasant for me.

    I dreamed of Grandma, who died 20 years ago, as if she was sleeping in her apartment, there were a lot of flowers in vases nearby, I understand that she died a long time ago and I am very surprised by this. I want to sweep the apartment, since it’s not very tidy, I see a vacuum cleaner and a broom, I take a broom to wake up my grandmother, I collect the garbage, but there’s no dustpan, I collect it in some kind of piece of paper... I don’t remember further.

    Hello. I dreamed about my deceased grandmother. I was near the hospital and saw her, approached her, said that what a fool I was, that I did not appreciate the time spent with her and did not visit her often. He hugged her, she silently put her hand on her head and smiled. Then she went to the hospital, I talked to her on the way, then as if the grandmother began to swell, I said I’ll help her and dragged her onto the bed, but not in a hospital bed, but like in a house. Then he said goodbye and said that I’d write it off and need to run on business. My grandmother had problems with her legs and often became numb. Before that, I also had a dream, as if I saw my grandmother and the hospital. After she died, a month later he ended up in traffic accident and miraculously survived, without receiving more than one fracture, he simply flew out of the car. Could this be related? The first dream was a month and a half ago, the second yesterday. 3.5 months have passed since the accident. What could this mean? Thanks in advance.

    My husband's grandmother died after a serious illness. I dreamed that we came to my husband, and my grandmother was alive and fell out of bed, I picked her up and carried her to the bed in my arms and put a pillow under her head.

    I dreamed that my long-dead grandmother on my father’s side was alive, beautiful, kind and sitting on a chair with a half-smile in my house. I’m glad, I hugged her, kissed her, I was surprised to feel the cold on my lips, once again, again - a cold cheek (pink in appearance), I remembered - she’s not alive. I really wanted to hear what she started to say (calmly, slowly) But my mother began to talk a lot herself, turning attention to herself. My husband saw this, we tried to attract attention to ourselves, But (the feeling was up) the grandmother...disappeared. I sobbed bitterly on the floor, even screamed like a groan. And she waved her mother away (or maybe she tried to beat her with small movements). And from the words that everything my grandmother said would be important to me, even if she just loves me, I woke up with mixed emotions. That kiss on the cheek?! And today is January 8, if you can, help me explain.

    I dreamed of a dead grandmother who had been dead for 40 days. We go with her on the bus. I stand in front on my knees, cry a lot and hug her. She pats me on the head and says that everything will be fine, that everything will work out and that she will help me.

    She saw in me how I came to my own sister I was looking for her grandmother in her house. And I found my grandmother, who was lying on the bed and sleeping with her mouth open. I woke her up, as soon as she saw me she said “you have arrived” and began to hug me tightly and cry. I also hugged her and cried. And in the dream there was a feeling of saturation from the fact that I saw Her.

    Hello! My step-grandmother died a long time ago. In a dream I found myself in her house, then she appeared, took my hand and we walked out of the house into the backyard the whole time she was silent, she just walked and I followed behind. We walked to the barns. In reality, everything is the same, only the barn where you led should be to the left, but we went to the right. We went into the barn, there was an open cellar and there was a ladder downstairs, she let me go and went down. I didn't even dare look there. Although there was a wire with a light bulb nearby. And when she came down it became light there! Tell me what to expect.

    My grandmother died and I dreamed about it yesterday, April 20, 2017, I was standing in the courtyard of the house near her entrance, and from the balcony my grandmother called me to eat, and another grandmother of mine (still alive) stood nearby and also called me to eat, then I woke up in anxious state.

    Good afternoon. !I dreamed that my grandmother was alive, although she died! That I came up to her and asked if she was okay and if she wanted water, etc., and she smiled and said that everything was fine with her and she didn’t need anything!! Why this dream? ?

    In a week, it will be 5 years since my grandmother died. I dreamed that I was running out onto the road and at that moment my grandmother was walking, in the same clothes as she was buried, she just looked at me and I ran after her, but I ran, somehow strangely, at the same time I was running and as if I was flying, and once!
    white flash. I find myself in some kind of black place and in front of me is some kind of screen, and there is a guy, his photographs. Grandma tells me, either you will be him or you will be back. I grinned, said that he was not handsome and that I would be better at myself, and then I woke up.

    I dreamed that my deceased grandmother was alive and smiling. I'm bad at walking this moment after an injury on crutches and asked her to hold my hand. I went and stumbled. I fell, and then my grandmother fell on top of me. It turned out that I sort of pulled her along with me. And I woke up. I have knee surgery ahead of me. But this is still in question. What is the reason for such a dream? Please tell me.

    Hello! I had a dream today. In a dream, I dreamed that my beloved deceased Grandmother was alive! She and I were driving to my aunt’s house, but on the way, I can’t remember, I found myself behind the wheel, I stopped at a red light, the traffic cops were closing the road as the president was about to pass, the car began to drive slowly back and the handbrake was completely stuck! We got out of the car with my grandmother and walked along the alley, and then onto the highway, there were a lot of people, everyone stopped a taxi, my grandmother was very old, she was 84. A car stopped for us, there were 3 guys and 1 girl there, they asked what time it was and drove back. We were the very first and stopped a taxi, but young girls wanted to get ahead of us and blocked our way. I was very angry because of the disrespect towards my grandmother. So, in general)) a very beautiful white car stopped, a very sempotic young man was driving, he stopped when he saw my grandmother) so I put a white pillow in front, I don’t know how it ended up with me, and sat back with my grandmother. He took us to his aunt's house. Grandmother was very grateful to him. The next day we again ended up there with my grandmother and again this young man picked us up, but it was no longer he who was driving, but his friend. He was sitting in the passenger seat. I forgot to indicate the address where we were going and it so happened that we drove along a different road, there were hundreds of beautiful shops and cafes, I showed my grandmother the opening of a new cafe, he said that we tried it in another city (smiling) and I kissed her (((you won’t believe it as if she was alive))) soft, gentle face)) Grandma took great care of herself)) so)) the guys said let’s go in and have something to eat, but we were in a hurry, my aunt had to fly away. We refused) at that moment Mom called me, I told her everything, she was angry with me and didn’t believe me. (The guy smiled) I was very upset and complained to my grandmother, saying that she doesn’t believe me, how can Granny do that. She said the main thing is that my granddaughter is nearby and I see everything. Do not worry. And at that moment my mother woke me up and I woke up (((I hope you will answer me))) please)) because if Grandma were alive she would not have walked with me like that)) she was very old and strict ((( but I was her most beloved granddaughter!(

    I came to my grandmother myself, I was not alone with the children; the dog (there were 2 of them) did not let us through, but only one growled at the children. Then I got strict and she retreated. Then my grandmother came out, she was silent, and we followed her, but we didn’t go into the house, we were on the veranda (there was bird poop all over it). Sparrows, many sparrow chicks just hatched (bald). In addition to my boys, there were (little) nephews there, although they are now adults. And they broke one egg, with a chick that had not yet hatched, for which I scolded them. After which I woke up. We were still riding the motorcycle backwards. And my grandmother died a long time ago.

    I dreamed that I was looking for my grandmother in her house, but in the dream she was still alive, I just couldn’t figure out where she was (the moment in time when she was already a little sick and she was locked at home, if she was alone, that’s why I can’t in the dream understand where she is)

    I dreamed of a deceased grandmother alive in her yard and asking me to fix the roof. I replied that it was necessary to change the boards, she replied that if she knew, she would have done it, I said why would one of the brothers bring it. I saw a new board in her hands.

    We were gathering at someone's house (unfamiliar), my relatives came there - my uncle, his wife, my grandfather (alive in reality), but for some reason almost all of them were slightly thinner. We had a family gathering, and my other grandmother, who is also alive, was also present. A few minutes later I was informed that my (deceased) grandmother would come and that all this time she had been alive, she had simply gone to live in another house. I was very shocked. My grandmother came in from another room and I saw her alive, I jumped on her with hugs and started crying, kissed her (sort of) on the cheek and then started crying, and then said, “I knew that she was alive all this time, I knew that she just left." I don’t remember her reaction to my hugs or words. I don’t remember that she hugged me back, or even said anything. The dream was in warm colors, was pleasant and very joyful for me.

    I dreamed about my grandmother for the second time in my life, the first time after my operation and I immediately felt better, and today she was very happy with me in my dream, I hugged her and called her home with me, but she refused. My grandmother lived in Ukraine and I saw her several times when my father took me there, and she could talk people out of the evil eye and heal animals. I also dreamed of my dead mother and father, and together I came to my grandmother. For what? My grandmother had small and larger turtles running around on the floor, and some guy was playing with one of the turtles and she reprimanded him not to leave the turtle alone, saying let it crawl.

    I am in a situation now. Today I dreamed of living relatives, I remember exactly that the grandfather is the father on the father’s side and the father and grandmother on the mother’s side, and I also dreamed about the late grandmother and great-grandmother on the father’s side. My great-grandmother was sick in a dream and very poor condition she was lying in bed on white bed linen and they asked me to take her to the toilet and put some drops in her nose, but I didn’t do it, and my grandmother was sitting next to my grandfather, then I went to the attic, and there was my grandmother on my mother’s side and she gave me slippers, I returned to the house and I put them on but then quickly took them off and said that I wouldn’t wear them. The whole action took place in our village house, which burned down, and my grandmother was in it... this was about 9 years ago.

    Hello!I dreamed about my grandmother twice. She died 7 years ago. In the first dream, she stood in the distance, we did not communicate. In the second dream, she was preparing something from dough (pies or dumplings) and complained that she was alone and no one was helping her.

Why does the deceased grandmother dream, and is such a dream a harbinger of something terrible? This question can only be answered with the help of dream books, the interpretation of which does not always have an unambiguous meaning.

Interpretation in various dream books

Many who had to see their late grandmother in a dream wake up with a heavy feeling and pain in their souls. But such dreams are not always negative character, and the proof of this is various dream books.

  1. Vanga's dream book. The clairvoyant always interpreted such dreams differently, taking into account how long ago the grandmother left this world. Up to 40 days, a close relative can come only because you miss her. Therefore, this vision cannot foretell anything. After this time, the Bulgarian sorceress gives other explanations for the dreams. If in a dream you happened to hug and talk with your grandmother, then this is a reminder that the promise you made during her life was not fulfilled. Did it happen that two mothers of your parents came at once in a dream? They are guardian angels who protect your peace. A bad sign It is considered that when a grandmother calls her grandchildren with her, it is even worse to follow this call. Such a vision can promise many health problems and even death. The absence of pathologies and problems with your physical condition promises a dream in which you yourself hug your grandmother. A dream where your grandmother holds your hand or shoulder speaks of a mistake made and the opportunity to correct it.
  2. Dream book of Tsvetkov. Kissing a living deceased grandmother in a dream means betrayal on the part of your significant other. A dream in which you happened to kiss a relative lying in a coffin promises to solve the problem with debts. A vision of a grandmother in the arms of strangers can promise material expenses and losses.
  3. Miller gives such dreams the following interpretation: it’s time to take care of the health of your loved ones, visit relatives, help them financially and morally. The infidelity of the other half is indicated by a grandmother lying in a coffin, which she dreamed about on any day of the week except Friday.

Dream interpreters often urge you to reconsider your life views. Perhaps your grandmother appeared to warn you about the inadmissibility of such behavior, about the possible troubles that could arise due to harmful hobbies.

  1. A grandmother who appears to an unmarried lady or a bachelor in a dream promises a quick, reliable and strong family union.
  2. If some business is planned, then a relative can tell her grandson or granddaughter how best to proceed. She can directly say this in her sleep. Therefore, it is worth remembering all her words.
  3. In someone else's guise, a granny can come to warn about the danger posed by loved ones. You need to take a closer look at your surroundings; perhaps someone is weaving intrigues and only in appearance seems to be a benevolent person.
  4. If your grandmother was alive in a dream and held your hand, this means that most problems will be resolved. All secret desires may soon come true.
  5. When a granny reads moral teachings in a dream, this is a sign that cats are scratching at the dreamer’s soul, there is a negative residue from some action, or his conscience is tormenting him. It is worth trying to change the situation, asking for forgiveness from the offended.
  6. Longevity and good health are foreshadowed by a dream in which a deceased relative came in the guise of a living person and hugs the dreamer.
  7. A kiss from an ancestress in a dream may be a symbol of troubles in your personal life or an upcoming illness.
  8. If you happen to kiss your grandmother on the forehead, you will have to be separated from someone for a while. A sudden trip, business trip or just a short breakup is possible.
  9. If the deceased gets up from the coffin, this is a sign that the other half of the sleeping person may have someone closer than himself. It’s worth taking a closer look and trying to eliminate the homewrecker.
  10. If you happened to see your grandmother among the people who came to her funeral, this is good news. The essence of the news depends on what the weather was like at that time. Sunny and clear - good news, cloudy and gloomy - bad.
  11. It is considered a good sign to see a deceased pregnant granny in a dream. If you happened to meet an old woman about to give birth in a dream, you can expect quick profits.

Many dreams about a deceased grandmother can be quite unusual. For example, you can see a relative in childhood, which suggests that there will be an addition to the family in the near future.

See a relative in a coffin

  1. For a young girl, it means that it is worth taking a closer look at her surroundings. Many girlfriends, in fact, are not and can cause harm and cause a lot of trouble.
  2. For young guy it is a harbinger of danger. You should not get involved in extreme sports, you need to be as careful as possible.
  3. For married woman- a sign that her husband has someone else.
  4. For a married person - a symbol of imminent decay family union for reasons beyond his control.
  5. If you dreamed of someone else’s grandmother in a coffin, you should urgently take care of your health.

Important. If the deceased lies calmly, then the situation can be changed. If she has no peace in the coffin, all attempts will be in vain.

Frequently recurring dream

Most often, the same dream in which a deceased grandmother appears to you indicates that her soul is restless. In this case, you need to visit a cemetery, light a candle in a church, or simply remember her.

Also, such a vision may be a sign of your own anxiety. If no action dear person does not produce anything in a dream, you do not communicate, but simply see the deceased, which means you need to change something in your life, find a new hobby or make new acquaintances.

Grandma is crying

If a deceased grandmother cries in a dream, this portends many quarrels in real life. In this dream, you need to pay special attention to such little things as the situation and the place of her grief.

  1. A relative crying in your home means discord in the family.
  2. She sheds tears in his home - he regrets unfulfilled promises.
  3. Crying in the cemetery - grieving for relatives.
  4. Hugs you and cries - reconsider your behavior, you are hurting many.

A grandmother's crying in a dream can also symbolize a change in the weather.

A living relative died in her sleep

If you happen to see your grandmother, who is still alive and well in reality, dying in a dream, this is a sign of upcoming events that can be of a different nature.

  1. A relative dies under tragic circumstances - a person will appear in your life who can turn it around.
  2. Grandmother dies of illness in her home - gossip and intrigue will envelop your home. Think carefully about who comes to visit you; you should not allow two-faced people onto your doorstep.
  3. Granny leaves the world of her own free will - quick profit and possible career growth.

Most dream books claim that to see in dead in my sleep a person who is still alive is a good sign. This means he still has to long years good health and a happy life.

I dreamed about my dead grandmother's house

When you dream about your late grandmother's house, it speaks about the state of her soul. Therefore, you need to clearly remember not only the situation in the house, but also the actions of the deceased.

  1. A clean and comfortable room in which the grandmother sits or stands calmly is a sign that her soul has found peace. It may also indicate that everything will be fine in your life.
  2. The disorder in the house and the anxiety of the relative indicate the opposite.

If you wake up from such a dream in a cold sweat, remember the deceased.

Communication with the deceased

If you had a chance to communicate with a deceased grandmother in a dream, then this could be a prophetic omen.

  1. Hugging a deceased grandmother in a dream with joy means a quick resolution of all problems and troubles.
  2. Talking about something important for the dreamer is a sign of what to do in a given situation.
  3. Looking at photographs with your grandmother is a bad omen. Perhaps one of those depicted in the photographs will die.
  4. Communicating in writing is a resentment that remains in your soul. You need to forgive your grandmother.
  5. Walking down the street holding hands means you will soon have to suffer a heavy blow from fate.
  6. Going to the call of a relative means death.
  7. If your grandmother screams in a dream, but you don’t hear her, she says that you shouldn’t do mean things to achieve your goals.

Regardless of the form in which a loved one appears in a dream, he will never wish harm on his grandchildren. Therefore, most often all dreams are advisory and protective in nature.

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