Boa constrictor - photo, description, types, what it eats, where it lives. Common boa constrictor What does an imperial boa constrictor look like?

Thanks to its frequent mention in adventure stories and its very beautiful pattern, which can vary significantly, the boa constrictor (Boa constrictor) is one of the most famous snakes in the whole world. Its other names, such as “sacred snake” or “snake of the gods,” are associated with the cults of the indigenous people of South America and Africa. Although there is a lot of talk about the common boa constrictor terrible legends, V South America it has never been considered a source of danger to humans.


The common boa constrictor is native to the region located between Southern Mexico and Argentina, as well as the Lesser Antilles. It prefers to be found on the ground near bodies of water in arid areas, open forests, savanna-like forests and dense bushes.

The common boa constrictor is a cold-blooded animal, that is, it expends extremely little energy for its metabolism, since it does not need to constantly maintain body temperature; Moreover, it depends on the ambient temperature. The length of its body is significantly greater in relation to its volume. Therefore, when stretched out, they can heat up very quickly, receiving thermal energy. A snake can compensate for heat loss by curling up into a ball, thereby reducing its surface area. The shape of the hose also gives snakes other advantages: it helps with escape, for example, since the animals can hide in narrow crevices.


The head shape is main drawback: The mouths of animals are very small compared to the amount of food required. To compensate, snakes have extremely extensible and flexible jaws, allowing them to catch and swallow prey that is huge in comparison to their body size. The food requirement of common boas, whose length can be over 4 m, is very high. They feed exclusively on vertebrates, their largest prey being boar-like peccaries and Patagonian maras. In order to swallow such prey, they can separate the upper and lower jaws. In addition, halves lower jaw They do not grow firmly together with one another, but are connected by a very elastic ligament. The bones of the skull are reduced to a minimum, and the trachea is mobile enough to allow animals to breathe during meals, which sometimes last for hours.

After a meal, the common boa constrictor takes a pause that sometimes lasts a whole week, during which it tries to move as little as possible. The digestion process takes place, the next meal will be needed only in a few weeks or months. The common boa constrictor begins hunting at nightfall. In order to catch prey even in complete darkness, it has a special heat-sensitive organ that detects thermal radiation. This allows the boa constrictor to accurately sense temperature differences and distinguish potential prey from the environment. Unlike other snakes, boas do not lay eggs, but give birth to live young. The female produces up to 60 eggs in her body, which remain in the womb until the small snakes hatch. Young animals 20-50 cm long immediately become independent.


Common boa constrictor ( Boa constrictor)

Reptile class.
Squad Scaly.
Family of constrictor snakes.
Distribution: South to .
Length: over 4 m.
Weight: up to 60 kg.
Diet: birds, lizards, mammals.
Duration of pregnancy: 5-7 months.
Number of cubs: up to 60.
Life expectancy: no information.

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Close relative The Central Asian hamster, unfortunately, can be very rarely found in Central Europe. Despite this, the common hamster...

Boa(Boa constrictor) is native to the forests of Central and South America. The length of the boa constrictor rarely exceeds 3 meters. He feels good in a very spacious, comfortable terrarium with local soil heating, climbing trunks and a large container of water. The temperature during the day should be between 25-32"C, at night it can drop to 20-22"C.

Healthy boas have an excellent appetite, which can lead to obesity. And obese boas are practically unable to reproduce. Therefore, they should be fed little by little and as varied as possible. Thus, young boas eat domestic and white mice, voles, young rats, hamsters, sparrows, chickens, chicks, pigeons; adults - rats, guinea pigs, kittens, puppies, rabbits. It should be noted that when feeding boas with feral domestic pigeons, there is a risk of salmonellosis.

Common boa constrictors have already bred several times in the terrarium. To do this, you need to keep the most common forms of this species. About obtaining offspring from Boa constrictor occidentaens And Boa constrictor ottoni, as well as cases of hybridization of subspecies have been reported less frequently. This terrarium boa has almost become a domestic animal, but, unfortunately, the purebred subspecies is very rare.

No special preparation is required for breeding boas. They mate from August to September and from February to May. Mating lasts several hours after restless climbing around the terrarium, sometimes for a whole day. The gestation period is defined differently by terrariumists - from 17 to 42 weeks. Finally, the female begins to lay eggs - approximately every three minutes, a transparent egg, inside of which young boas are visible. Some snakes immediately poke their heads out of the egg and begin to vividly explore their surroundings with their tongues.

Childbirth lasts 2 - 3 hours. As a result, the female boa constrictor loses about half of her weight (about 4 kilograms). There are usually 20 - 30 snakes in a litter (but there can be over 60). The number of unfertilized eggs or dead fruits also varies.

There are very productive producers. One female gave birth to about 350 live boas over 9 years. Naturally, important role The animal’s strong constitution and good conditions played a role here.

Most newborn boas are released from the shell very quickly, and without any help from humans. But some help may be useful. Sometimes it is necessary to help tear the shell of the egg. If newborn snakes, connected to the yolk sac by an umbilical cord about 15 centimeters long, cannot immediately bite it on their own, the umbilical cord should be cut with scissors. The part of it that remains with the animal (about 10 centimeters) soon dries out and disappears after a few days. Swimming in warm water immediately after birth, it helps the snake free itself from the mucus that covered it at birth.

Newborn boas are 35 - 55 centimeters long and weigh 45 - 95 grams. In most cases, their length is 50 centimeters and their weight is about 60 grams. The characteristic coloring remains throughout life.

Growing boas, as a rule, does not present any particular difficulties. Already 5 hours after birth, they make their first attempt to catch a mouse, but do not eat it. At three weeks of age, the first molt occurs and the skin becomes firm and yellowish in color. After this, the strongest boas begin to eat adult mice. Sparrow chicks are a special delicacy.

At first, boas grow slowly, and by the age of one year they reach a length of about 80 centimeters and a weight of 300 grams. IN good conditions they can become sexually mature at three years of age.

Imperial boa(Boa constrictor emperor)

Class - reptiles
Order - scaly

Family - pseudopods

Genus – common boa constrictors


A spectacularly colored snake 2-3 m long. The main light brown, reddish or coffee background of the back is covered with wide dark brown interceptions with bright yellow spots inside, and on the sides there are diamond-shaped dark spots, bordered by a light rim and with yellow spot inside.

Differences between the sexes: There are no fundamental differences in the size and color of males and females. In males, the tail is long with a characteristic thickening at the base; from the anus it is cylindrical, then turns into a cone. Females have a shorter tail, without thickening at the base, and cone-shaped. In males, relatively large, claw-like rudiments of the hind limbs are clearly visible, located on the sides of the anus; in females they are smaller and less prominent. Females are usually more massive and larger than males.


Distribution: Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, all Central American countries and Mexico

The imperial boa constrictor is found in forests and among bushes, in dry places, and enters the middle zones of the mountains.


The imperial boa constrictor is a calm, phlegmatic animal, easily becomes tame, and does not bite unless it is hungry.

It climbs trees well, in some parts of its range it leads a semi-arboreal lifestyle, and in others it is purely terrestrial. Spends the day in crevices, forest rubble and other shelters, hunting in twilight, night and morning hours. It swims well and can stay in water for a very long time. Residents of cities and towns keep boa constrictors in their houses, where they hunt rodents.


During the breeding season, imperial boa constrictor brings 15 to 64 live young up to 50 cm long. In two years they grow up to 3 m long and become sexually mature.

There are no difficulties with breeding the imperial boa constrictor. If the snakes are healthy, after preparation (lowering the temperature to 18 C, shortening the duration daylight hours up to 6-8 hours) or even without it they mate in February - March. Up to 60 young, with a length of 35 to 50 cm, are born 150-210 days after the first mating. They molt for the first time 1-3 weeks after birth. There are no problems with raising young animals - immediately after the first moult, boas begin to eat mice, grow quickly and reach maturity by 3 years.

Boas live in captivity for about 10 years, but sometimes much longer - up to 23 years.

Description and indications for use of a homeopathic medicine

BOA CONSTRICTOR(Boa constrictor) - Boa constrictor. Similar to Lach. (Lach. will quarrel people, will intrigue, will tell lies about others. Malicious). Boa will call you on the phone many times, chatty. He will cry out: “Help me, help me!” It seems to surround you on all sides. He will come to your work or home. Will rent an apartment near you. He wants to have dinner with you. “It wraps itself around a person and suffocates him.”

Boa constrictor Common boa constrictor Boa, Royal Boa Habitats: Mexico, Argentina, Caribbean Islands.
Reptile class Squamata
Snake suborder Serpentes
Family of pseudopods (boa constrictors) snakes Boidae
Eating disorder
This is tender night snake. Its obedience and beauty make it a popular pet, and it has gorgeous skin. He was worshiped as an idol in South America. The family Boidae, which also includes Python, is primitive form snakes. Some species have tiny residual hind legs. They are non-venomous and kill by wrapping themselves around their prey and squeezing them to death. They have well-developed senses; their branched tongue and Jacobson's organs allow them to sense aromas very accurately and in stereo. They have infrared sensors in the pits between their nostrils and eyes, which give them an accurate picture of the warm-blooded creatures around them, even in complete darkness. The boa constrictor tends to hunt at night, where it has the advantage of its vision high temperature. Prey is usually ambushed during hours of darkness, they swallow it whole and spend several days quietly digesting it. Boas engage in sexual intercourse for at least an hour. the male grabs the female with small spurs, which are the remains of the hind legs. Ovulation occurs two months after union and pregnancy occurs 108 days after that. The boa constrictor is viviparous.
Snake oil was proven by Uta Santos-Konig in Vienna in 1996.
Uta Santos-Konig, while studying the Boa Constrictor and especially the Mayan mythology associated with it, was amazed. It would seem that Boa Constrictor, as a means, is trying to hold together, compress a world that is breaking up or spinning out of control.
This need for control is as in all remedies of the Cancer miasm and is perhaps most clearly expressed in Arsenicum. While the reaction in Arsenicum is restlessness, timidity and “fussiness”; in Boa there are more animal reactions - anger, irritability and resistance.
Boas seem to have no sophistication in their anger or their malice, which is found in poisonous snakes. They are not as controllable and do not seem to be able to disguise their feelings with the attractive charm that we are used to seeing in the snake's means. One subject stated: “My dark side It turns out I’m terrible at everything, impatient.” The effort put into compressing and manipulating the environment itself limits activity and behavior and becomes compression.
In Python, the feelings are similar, but they are more focused and clearly directed. An area where Python comes out: the feeling of needing control and being smothered comes particularly from relationships and camaraderie and not so much from the general environment.
The need to control the environment is a strategy that takes a lot of energy and attention, and it will always tend to lead to exhaustion and the desire to hide, which is clearly seen in the Boa Constrictor. This tendency to close down has its roots in the inability to keep environment under control and is a form of refusal and is accompanied by despair. This despair and sense of failure is overwhelming and can lead to suicidal feelings: the urge to jump from a high place or throw yourself in front of a train.
Another strong mental feature of the remedy is the fear of being watched or followed. There is great fear that she will be violently attacked. This fear is much worse at night and is accompanied by physical trembling.
The most important feature of the dreams was also the fear of being chased and attacked, especially by violent men and especially at night. There were dreams about genocide. Dreams about dead relatives and especially her dead father. Envy and jealousy, common among snakes, were more evident in dreams than in Everyday life. The most important word in the description of sensations and pain – “stretches”. Shifting pains and shifting sensations are experienced in almost all parts. Mentally it was expressed in lethargy and procrastination, aversion to perform her duties.
The primary proximity of the drug to the gastrointestinal tract. Hunger and nausea were common and there were also dreams about food. The feeling was that she had to eat now in case there wasn't enough food later.
The abdomen and stomach were distended with cramping pain and there was diarrhea with painful, incomplete stools that were frequent and caused a burning sensation in the anus.
Specific sensations
That he was being chased in the dark.
As if the right side of the face did not belong to him, with numbness.
Empty feeling in my head.
Feeling as if lips were bloody.
The anus burns as if the stool were a hot coal.
Worse on right side, at night (fear), from chewing (ear pain)
Better from crying
Confident. Dictator. Wants to solve everything. Swears. Irritable and moody. Impatient and assertive. Disobedient and resentful of his wife. Starts quickly. Explosive character. Grumbling and moaning.
Laziness. Aversion to performing duties. No desire to get out. Craving for peace and silence. Averse to company, no desire to talk. Forgetful. Difficulty concentrating due to fatigue. Loses the thread of conversation. Feeling like he should keep his thoughts to himself. No desire for sex.
Sadness. Hopelessness. Crying during the day,> after crying. Despair. suicidal thoughts, desire to jump from a height, throwing himself in front of a train.
Cheerful late at night.
Feeling of being pursued, with trembling. Feeling of being pursued in the dark with great fear. Fear that she is always being watched and pursued by a man with a knife,

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