Which statue is the tallest in the world. The most famous statues in the world. The tallest statues in the world


The majestic statue of the three-faced goddess is located on an artificially created island. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the interior of the island, and the faces of the other two towards the South China Sea, to represent the blessing and protection from Guanyin from China and around the world. One aspect depicts Guanyin holding a sutra in her left hand and making a mudra gesture with her right; the second - from the palm to the leg, holding the rosary; and the third is in the lotus position. The statue is the personification of peace, wisdom and mercy, and the name of the goddess means "looking at the suffering of the world."

The number 108 is sacred in Buddhism, so the total height of the statue - 108 meters - is not surprising. The number of beads in the rosary is also 108. The opening, after six years of construction, was attended by 108 chief monks from various Buddhist groups in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau and mainland China, as well as tens of thousands of pilgrims.


"Motherland is calling!" - the compositional center of the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan. One of the highest statues in the world, the highest statue in Russia and Europe (without a pedestal - the highest statue in the world at the time of construction for 22 years). The statue is an allegorical image of the Motherland, calling its sons to battle with the enemy.

The sculpture is the central part of the triptych, which includes the “Rear to Front” monument in Magnitogorsk, in which the Worker hands over to the Warrior a sword forged in the Urals; this monument, symbolizing that this smashing sword was raised in Stalingrad, and the monument "Warrior-Liberator" in Berlin, in which the sword of war was lowered by the Soldier.

The construction of the monument began in May 1959 and was completed on October 15, 1967. The sculpture at the time of creation was the tallest sculpture in the world. Restoration work on the Main Monument of the monument-ensemble was carried out twice: in 1972 and 1986; in particular, in 1972 the sword was replaced.

The sculpture is made of prestressed concrete - 5500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons metal structures(without the foundation on which it stands). It is the tallest non-religious statue in the world.


Near the city of Ashibetsu is one of the statues of the goddess of mercy Kannon, 88 meters tall. But it was opened in 1989, and one of the features of this building is the presence on the top of the statue observation deck from where you can enjoy a truly breathtaking view.


The bronze Buddha statue depicting Shakyamuni Buddha is located on Lingshan Hill, near the city of Wuxi (Jiangsu Province, China) and has a height of 8 meters. Considered the largest bronze statue in the world. The first stone was laid on April 20, 1994, and the opening took place three and a half years later - on November 15, 1997. The weight of the statue is about 800 tons.


This statue is known throughout the world under the name "Great Buddha". You can find it near the city of Angthong. The seated figure occupies a platform 63 meters wide and at the same time has a height of 92 meters. It took 18 years to create it, and it is made of cement, covered with gold paint on top.


Goddess Guanyin is a female and maternal deity in Chinese, Korean and Japanese mythology (goddess Kannon). She is revered as an assistant, patroness and intercessor, rewarding mothers and children with special guardianship.

Behind the image of the goddess depicted in this sculpture lies ancient legend. Guanyin was so kind and sympathetic that she wanted to help every living being on earth. The supreme deities heard her and gave a thousand hands to help and a thousand eyes to see who needs it. From here the popular name of the statue spread - “Thousand hands and eyes of Guanyin”.


The Goddess of Mercy Kannon is an important figure in mythology and contemporary culture Japan. The world famous company Canon, by the way, is named after her. The statue of the merciful goddess rises on the territory of the temple, where services are held in honor of the goddess. Inside the monument - a staircase and an elevator. Those who wish can go through the gate in the form of a dragon's mouth, go up to the 12th floor and enjoy the view of the city of Sendai and its surroundings from this height.


Ushiku Daibutsu is a statue of Buddha Amitabha in the Japanese city of Ushiku. It is the third largest Buddha statue in the world. Its height is 100 meters, and with a lotus-shaped plinth and platform - 120 meters. It is located in the middle of Usyku Arcadia Park. "Arcadia" in English spelling in this case, it means an anagram of the sutra "Amida's holiness and mercy elevate and sanctify this place" - "Amida's Radiance and Compassion Actually Developing and Illuminating Area." In the past, this area was called Yodo Teien and was a place of self-awareness on the path of the bodhisattva Dharmakara, which after a long period of self-contemplation, he attained enlightenment here and became the Buddha Amitabha.

The Ushiku Daibutsu inside is made up of over 6,000 bronze plates. The weight of the statue is 4000 tons. The length of the left arm is 18 meters. Ear length - 10 meters, face - 20 meters. The length of the mouth is 4 meters, the eyes are 2.5 meters, the nose is 1.2 meters.


The Spring Temple Buddha depicts the Vairochana Buddha, one of the five Buddhas of Wisdom in Vajrayana Buddhism. The idea of ​​erecting a shrine arose after the Taliban blew up two huge Buddha statues in Afghanistan. The Chinese reacted very sharply to this event. Then they decided to erect a majestic statue in the province of Henan, which would fully convey the respectful attitude of the Chinese to the Buddhist heritage. The construction ended quite soon - in 2002. In 2010, the hill on which the statue was erected was transformed into two large stone steps, so the height of the entire structure from top to bottom is 208 meters.

For the manufacture of the statue itself, 33 tons of copper, 108 kilograms of gold and 15 thousand tons of special steel were used. It was created from separate parts, which were then assembled into one whole, in total there were approximately 1100 such pieces. The cost of the Spring Buddha is about $18 million, and the cost of the entire project is $55 million.


The first place is occupied by the statue of Buddha Shakyamuni - Lezhun-Sasachzha. The construction of this monument began in 1996 and lasted for a long 12 years, its official opening took place in February 2008. So for a long time construction, among other things, can be explained by the remarkable fact that the statue was built solely on donations local residents. Also of interest is the fact that the statue of Lezhong Sasazha is distinguished by a rather complex structure: the standing statue of the Buddha is equipped with 27 floors and a special elevator, and the temple is located in the recumbent statue.

Many countries and states today can boast enough a large number attractions that amaze not only local residents, but also tourist guests who come for vivid and unforgettable memories and emotions. Special indeed magical property majestic giant statues have to surprise and evoke admiring glances. These creations of ancient and modern sculptors are real wonders of the world and amaze with their scope and size. The tallest statue in the world is not alone. There are a lot of them, and each has its own interesting story creation.

The tallest statues in the world

Buddha statues, giant Christ statues, mesmerizing statues of the Motherland - all these structures, the size of a decent skyscraper, are really impressive! Sometimes there are doubts about the reality of what you see: is it really possible? As you can see, quite. The very existence of these creations proves their reality and tangibility.

largest buddha statue

Today, one of the tallest and largest Buddha statues is the one that was created in China. Henan Province became famous among the inhabitants of the whole world for this particular creation. The height of the deity, enclosed in bronze, is as much as 1-8 meters. Add here 20 m of a pedestal in the form of lotus petals and 25 m of a pedestal. Now you can really imagine the full scale of the Buddha statue of the Spring Temple, which, in total, is equal to 153 meters. Sometimes size matters!

This giant was erected in 2002, but in 2010 a small reconstruction was required. As a result, a couple more steps of the pedestal were added to the already existing 215, which made the gigantic statue even larger. Now its height from the base to the highest point is 208 meters. The Buddha in China was assembled from more than 1,000 fragments, and its cost to the state was $55 million. Expensive, but worth it!

Glorious monuments in honor of the Great Victory

No less honorable second place can be awarded to a unique monument in the capital of Russia, which is located on Poklonnaya Hill. The Victory Monument was erected in Moscow in the 90s of the last century in honor of all the soldiers who died in the battles for peace on our mother earth. The height of this structure, including the pedestal, is slightly less than 142 m. The huge trihedral bayonet is covered with bronze bas-reliefs on all sides. At a height of 100 meters there is a sculpture in the form of the mythical goddess of victory Nike and a pair of cupids.

The total mass of this monument is 1000 tons. This obelisk stele, which adorns Victory Park, is deservedly considered unique, as it has the property of aerodynamic instability. About spent on this project means of exact specificity does not exist, but, apparently, this is not a small amount.

It is impossible not to mention the statues of the Motherland in the list of the highest and largest creations. One of them is "The Motherland is calling!" located on Mamaev Kurgan in the city of military glory Volgograd. This monument was erected to the glory of the memory of all participants in the terrible battle of Stalingrad. The size of the building is truly amazing. Only the length of the arm is 20 m, and the sword, 33 m long, has a mass of 14 tons! The total mass of the entire monument exceeds 8000 tons.

In Kyiv, on the picturesque bank of the Dnieper, there is another majestic and monumental statue of the Motherland. The creation, 102 m high, depicts a woman with a sword and was created in memory of the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Every year, the descendants of those brave warriors go to these shrines to bow to the eternal rest and memory of their fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers.

And again about the Buddha

There are a lot of Buddha statues in the world, but China, Taiwan and Japan are famous for the largest number of such creations. The third and fourth places, respectively, in this ranking of the highest statues in the world can rightly be awarded to the religious sculptures of this deity in Myanmar and Japan. For 12 years, the construction of the Shakyamuni Buddha Statue in Myanmar continued. This monument, which was opened at the end of 2008, has a very decent height for sculpture - 130 m and attracts the attention of not only adherents of the Buddhist worldview, but also of many other confessions and religions.

In the town of Ushiku in Japan, there is another monument to the interpreter of the teachings of the drachma - the statue of Buddha Amitabha. The total height of the creation is 120 m. Made of bronze plates, the number of which is more than 6 thousand pieces, this statue was solemnly opened in early 1995 and for several years was considered the tallest Buddha statue, until the championship passed to sculpture from China. But the scale of the structure is very impressive: the length of the Buddha's ear is 10 m, and the nose is more than 1 m!

In one of the provinces of Thailand, on the territory of a beautiful park, there is a statue of Buddha sitting in a lotus position. The height of the monument is 92 m, and the width is almost 63 m. The sculpture is made of concrete and covered with a layer of gold. Construction lasted a long 18 years, and was completed in mid-2008. At the bottom of this creation is a museum, which is visited annually by thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The largest statues of Christ

In September 2006 in Polish city Swiebodzin, the local council decided to start building a sculpture that is unique in its scope - the statue of Christ the King. For some reason, it dragged on for 4 years, and the opening of the monumental monument took place only in November 2010. The height of the statue, together with a gilded crown, is 36 m, but together with an earthen hill-pedestal, reinforced with stones, it reaches 52 meters.

In its composition, the sculpture resembles one of the main symbols of Christianity - the cross. Jesus stands with his arms outstretched, dressed in a concrete flowing robe. Just imagine: the arm span of the statue from the fingertips of one to the fingertips of the other is 25 meters! To clearly imagine the scale of the design, you should pay attention to the size of the crown. Its diameter is 3.5 m, and its height is 3 m. The mass of this statue is also impressive - 440 tons.

The history of the creation of the symbol of Brazil - the statue of Christ the Redeemer goes back to 1859, when a Catholic priest was on a visit to the country and admired the grandeur of Mount Corcovado. It was he who proposed to build a monument to Jesus there. But his plans were destined to come true only a few decades later, in 1931. The construction of the sculpture lasted 9 years and required huge efforts and financial investments. At that time, the amount of 250,000 dollars, namely, how much was collected for the creation of the monument, was simply colossal. Today, the 38 meter statue of Christ the Redeemer is one of the most recognizable and popular attractions in Rio de Janeiro and Brazil in general.

high and famous

Speaking of colossal sculptures, one cannot ignore the Statue of Liberty, which has long become a symbol of America. It was presented to all Americans by the inhabitants of France as a sign of strong friendship and solidarity between the peoples of these two countries. The grand opening of the 93-meter monument, embodying the independence of the United States, took place in October 1886. Thousands of enthusiastic spectators gathered at the ceremony, waiting for this moment for 4 months, while the structure was assembled on a pedestal. Throughout its existence, the Statue of Liberty remains the most visited tourist attraction in the country.

One of the most ambitious and controversial monuments of modern sculpture is the statue of Peter I. This 98-meter creation of Tsereteli was erected on an artificial island of the Moskva River in honor of the 300th anniversary of the Russian fleet, but still causes some disapproval from Muscovites. Several tons of bronze of the highest quality and a gilded scroll in Peter's hand cost the government a pretty tidy sum, but this monument never became a much-loved landmark of the capital. Nevertheless, numerous guests of the city are happy to pose in front of the lenses of photo and video cameras in order to capture themselves against the backdrop of this colossal in scale and height monument to the Russian ruler and sailors.

All these and other truly gigantic sculptural creations cannot but arouse admiration and some awe. After all, not a single skyscraper will make you stand at its base with a bit of timidity, as the tallest and most monumental statues of the world will do.

Recently, the tallest statue in the world was unearthed in India. The monument to the leader of the national liberation movement Villabhai Patel reaches 182 m, and the total height of the building with the pedestal is 240 m. This statue is almost twice as tall as the Statue of Liberty in New York. The monument is able to withstand powerful winds up to 180 km/h and an earthquake with a magnitude of up to 6.5.

1. 30 meters

The famous statue of Jesus Christ with outstretched arms on top of the Corcovado mountain in Rio de Janeiro. It is a symbol of Rio de Janeiro and Brazil in general. Chosen as one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. (Photo by Matthew Stockman):

2. 40 meters

The equestrian statue of Genghis Khan is located 54 km southeast of the center of Ulaanbaatar. The statue is covered with stainless steel weighing 250 tons and surrounded by 36 columns, symbolizing the khans of the Mongol Empire from Genghis to Ligden Khan. (Photo by Joel Saget):

3. 46 meters

Neoclassical Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island. Since 1984, the Statue of Liberty has been on the List world heritage UNESCO. The total weight of the copper used to cast the statue is 31 tons, while the total weight of its steel structure is 125 tons. The total weight of the concrete base is 27,000 tons. The thickness of the copper coating of the statue is 2.57 mm. (Photo by Gary Hershorn):

4. 49 meters

"Renaissance of Africa" ​​- a monument in the city of Dakar, the capital of Senegal. The monument is made of bronze sheets 3 cm thick. The composition is based on a man, he holds a child on his left shoulder, pointing in the direction of the ocean, right hand embraces a young woman. (Photo by Seyllou):

5. 58 meters

A huge statue of the ancient Chinese warrior Guan Yu in a park in Jingzhou city in Hubei province. It depicts the great hero of the 3rd century BC, holding formidable weapon- the legendary Green Dragon Sword. The 48-meter giant stands on a 10-meter support and weighs more than 1,320 tons. (Photo by Lim Xiu Xiu):

6. 75 meters

Statue of Garuda Vishnu Kenchan in Bali. (Photo by Liem Men Sang):

7. 76 meters

Tz Shan Monastery from afar - the world's tallest statue of the goddess of mercy Guan Yin, also known as Kuan Yum, was erected on its territory. The height of the statue standing on a 6-meter podium is as much as 76 meters. (Photo by Tommy Honlhong Lee):

8. 76 meters

Bronze statue at Jiuhua Mountain, Anhui, China. (Photo by Lao Ma):

9. 78 meters

Statue of Guanyin (Nanshan). Located near the Nanshan Temple in the city of Sanya on the island of Hainan in the province of the same name, China. The statue has three aspects: the face of one is directed towards the interior of the island, and the faces of the other two towards the South China Sea, to represent the blessing and protection from Guanyin from China and around the world. One aspect depicts Guanyin holding a sutra in her left hand and making a mudra gesture with her right; the second - from the palm to the leg, holding the rosary; and the third is in the lotus position.

10. 79 meters

Large bronze statue of Buddha, located in Hong Kong, on Lantau Island, near Po Lin Monastery. It symbolizes the harmony of the relationship between man and nature, between people and religion.

11. 80 meters

Statue of Heiwa Kannon.

12. 85 meters

Sculpture "Motherland is calling!" - the compositional center of the monument-ensemble "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd. One of the highest statues in the world, the highest statue in Russia and Europe. The sculpture is made of prestressed concrete - 5500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons of metal structures (without the base on which it stands). (Photo by Alexey Filippov):

13. 88 meters

Statue at Kita-Miyako Park in Takasaki City, Japan. (Photo by Jyugem):

14. 92 meters

Big Buddha in Ang Thong province, Thailand.

15.99 meters

Statue of Guanyin with a thousand hands and eyes.

16. 100 meters

The statue of Sendai Daikannon - the goddess Kannon in the city of Sendai (Japan), exactly 100 meters high, was built in 1991. (Photo B-hide the scene):

17. 100 meters

Statue of Buddha Amitabha in the Japanese city of Ushiku. The statue was created in 1995 and installed in the city of Ushiku, Ibaraki Prefecture, 50 kilometers northeast of Tokyo.

18. 116 meters

Buddha statue in Hatakan Taung, Myanmar.

19. 128 meters

Zhongyuan Buddha statue. The cost of the project as a whole is about $55 million, of which $18 million is for the statue. Initially it was supposed that the statue would include 1100 pieces of cast copper, with a total weight of 1000 tons.

20. 182 meters

October 31 unveiled the tallest statue on this moment. The Statue of Unity on Sadhu Island on the Narbada River in Gujarat, India. The construction cost $430 million. The monument to the leader of the national liberation movement Villabhai Patel, together with its surroundings, occupies more than 20 thousand m² and is surrounded by an artificial lake with an area of ​​12 km². There are two high-speed elevators inside the statue. At an altitude of 150 m, an observation gallery is equipped that can accommodate 200 tourists at the same time. At the foot of the monument, a museum dedicated to the politician was opened.

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional image of a human figure, animal, and sometimes fantastic. Most of the tallest statues in the world are located in China, but Russia also has its record holders.

Lenin monument

Location: Volgograd, Russia Total height of the monument: 57 meters Year: 1973
Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin at the entrance to the Volga-Don shipping canal. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest monument erected to a real person.

Worker and collective farmer

Location: Moscow, Russia Total height of the monument: 58 meters Year: 1937
"Ideal and symbol of the Soviet era". The famous sculptural group of two figures with a sickle and a hammer raised above their heads

According to the idea of ​​the sculptor, a young man and a girl personify the owners of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry

"Worker and Collective Farm Girl" is the symbol of the film studio "Mosfilm". (Photo by Andrey Ulyashev)

Monument of Independence

Location: Kyiv, Ukraine Total height of the monument: 61 meters Year: 2000-2001
Monument dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. The monument is located in the center of Kyiv on Maidan Nezalezhnosti.

Maitreya Buddha statue in Leshan

Location: Leshan, China Total height of the monument: 71 meters Year: 713
The statue of Buddha is carved into the thickness of the rock in Mount Lingyunshan at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan and for more than a millennium was the tallest sculptural work in the world.

Statue of Guanyin in China

Location: Foshan, China Total height of the monument: 77 meters

buddha statue in wuxi

Location: Wuxi, China Total height of the monument: 88 meters Year: 1996
Considered the largest bronze statue in the world

Buddha statue in Ang Thong

Location: Ang Thong, Thailand Total height of the monument: 92 meters Year: 2008

Statue of Liberty

Location: New York, USA Total height of the monument: 93 meters Year: 1886
She is one of the most famous sculptures in the US and in the world. From the day of its discovery, the statue served as a navigational landmark and was used as a lighthouse.

Accessible by a 365-step staircase, the crown offers expansive views of New York Harbor

Monument to Peter I

Location: Moscow, Russia Total height of the monument: 98 meters Year: 1997
The work of Zurab Tsereteli, commissioned by the Government of Moscow, on an artificial island, poured at the division of the Moscow River. (Photo by Yuri Dmitrienko)

Then the monument caused almost unanimous rejection in the circles of the public and architects in connection with its appearance and lack of value for the city.

Statue of Guanyin with a thousand arms and eyes

Location: Changsha, China Total height of the monument: 99 meters Year: 2009

Sendai Daikannon

Location: Sendai, Japan Total height of the monument: 100 meters Year: 1991
Statue of the bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

There is an elevator inside the statue, where you can climb to the very top.


Location: Kyiv, Ukraine Total height of the monument: 102 meters Year: 1981
The monument-sculpture "Motherland" is located on the high right bank of the Dnieper

In one hand, the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons. (Photo by Constantine Zuev):

Motherland is calling!

Location: Volgograd, Russia Total height of the monument: 102 meters Year: 1967
Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamaev Kurgan. The dimensions of the sculpture can be estimated by the people nearby

She was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest sculpture-statue in the world at the time of construction. The length of the arm is 20 meters and the length of the sword is 33 meters. The weight of the sculpture is 8,000 tons, and that of the sword is 14 tons.

Cristo Rey

Location: Almada, Portugal Total height of the monument: 103 meters Year: 1959
Statue of Christ in Almada, Portugal.

Portugal did not participate in the Second World War, so women donated money to the statue of Christ, as he saved their sons, husbands and fathers from death, preventing Portugal from participating in hostilities.

Emperors Yang and Huang

Location: Zhengzhou, China Total height of the monument: 106 meters Year: 2007
Depicts the first two emperors of China. Construction lasted 20 years and was completed in 2007

Mankind has always sought to perpetuate its best representatives. This tradition has been preserved since ancient times. It was then that man began to create huge monuments. And today there are creations of human hands that are impressive in their size. Among them is the tallest monument in the world. About him and others like him will be discussed in the article.

Whose tallest monument in the world is?

Before giving the palm, we note that the heroes who have found their embodiment in the form of giant statues, as a rule, are deities. For example, only about ten Buddha statues are among the highest. Sometimes it collective images or the figures of prominent figures who left a mark in the history of their people, country or the whole world.

In such an incarnation of a revered or, at times, beloved hero, there is a hidden desire for him to remain in our lives even after his death. But at the same time, it is also obvious - to preserve his image in the memory of not one people or generation, but many who are coming after him. All of them are cultural monuments of their era.

Monument to Buddha

Today, the highest sculpture on earth is the Spring Temple Buddha. Its height is 128 meters. The monument is quite young - he is only thirteen years old. It was erected in China, in a province called Hennan, which is located in the Pingdingshan district.

The Buddha of the spring temple owes its name to the hot healing spring, which is located nearby. Its name literally translated into Russian means "hot spring". This fact is confirmed by the 60-degree water of the source.

In addition to the world-famous name, there are also such as Buddha Vairochan ("the one that personifies the wisest"), and Buddha Foshan (on behalf of the temple located here).

The Chinese are very proud of their creation and strive in every possible way to maintain superiority in height. That is why the monument is constantly gaining height. But since it is practically quite difficult to do this from above, the restless Chinese make up for it from below, gaining Buddha's height at the expense of pedestals. Initially, it was only a lotus flower, twenty meters high. Then a 25-meter pedestal was added. Later, two more steps were built up, fifteen meters each. Fearing competition from India, which also built its tall Buddha, the Chinese transformed the hill at the foot of the monument into a huge pedestal. The ascent to it consists of twelve spans, and the total number of steps is equal to the number of days in a year.

Monument of the future

It is supposed to be the tallest monument in the world, and its construction began in 2013 in India, in the state of Gujarat. The monument, which will reach a height of 182 meters, and together with the pedestal will rise to all 240, will immortalize one of the Indian politicians - Vallabhai Patel. His name is better known in the world as Sardar. In translation, this word means "leader". So Patel called the Indian people for those invaluable merits that made it possible to preserve the integrity of India as a state. Perhaps that is why the name of the monument is the statue of Unity. He will rise above Indian river Narmada. You can get to it by boat.

So in India they decided to pay tribute national hero and at the same time remind contemporaries what a real politician should be. The launch of the project was announced by Narendra Modi, Chief Minister of Gujarat. As the leader of the Indian people's party in 2013, he was just preparing to go to the parliamentary elections and was named among the candidates for the post of prime minister.

The success of his party in the 2014 elections was evident. This was preceded by a huge work of both party members and Modi himself. In May 2014, Narendra Modi became the Prime Minister of India. There is hope that, having taken the coveted seat, the politician will continue the announced construction and remain true to his election promises.

Memory of Jesus Christ

Christians have their highest monument in the world. It is located in the Polish town of Swiebodzin and was built in 2010, although the proposal for construction was received back in 2001.

It was initiated by one of the local priests - Sylvester Zavadsky. Later, in 2006, local councils, given that the townspeople chose Jesus Christ as a patron, they decided to embody it in the form of the largest monument. However, its construction started only in 2009. And in the autumn of 2010 it was completed.

The height of Jesus from Swiebodzin is 53 meters. In terms of its size, it bypassed the world-famous Brazilian statue of Jesus (30 meters).

The tallest monuments

One of the tallest monuments in the world is the Victory Monument located in the heart of Moscow on Poklonnaya Hill. Its height is more than 141.8 meters. These dimensions were not chosen by chance. They symbolize the duration of the entire Great Patriotic War- ten centimeters for each day, which in total amounted to a figure of 14,180 centimeters. Today it is the highest monument in Russia and the second in the world.

It is preceded by the Washington Monument, which reaches 169 meters in size.

It was opened in 1995, to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the event of the same name, and is part of the whole Victory memorial complex.

Noteworthy is the design of the obelisk. It is presented in the form trihedral bayonet, the surface of which is covered with continuous bas-reliefs. They depict warriors, military scenes and inscriptions of the names of cities subjected to fascist attacks. The material for the obelisk was a special steel, which is not subject to corrosion.

At a height of more than a hundred meters, a figure symbolizing Victory is fixed on a bayonet. At the same time, such an original execution of the obelisk is also very problematic due to the fact that the statue located at a great height shifts its center of gravity and requires special reinforcements to ensure the stability of the thousand-ton monument. This is done by a whole service, located in the depths of the hill on which this monument rises.

The most famous tall monuments

Among them are world-famous in Brazil, the Statue of Liberty in the USA, the Motherland in Russia and Ukraine. These historical monuments have already become widely known far beyond the borders of their states. The territory in which they are located has become a wonderful addition. For example, the Brazilian Jesus stands on which offers stunning views of the surroundings of Rio de Janeiro. His figure with arms spread wide seems to be trying to embrace the whole world. Thanks to this, from a distance, the outlines of the statue resemble a cross.

The world-famous Statue of Liberty in the United States has become a kind of symbol of this country, although it was originally presented to the state as a gift from French citizens. The height of the figure of this statue is 46 meters.

Domestic sculptures are no less interesting in this regard. in Kyiv is also one of the highest. The height of this sculpture from the foot to the tip of the gun is 62 meters. The famous Volgograd monument, which is called "The Motherland Calls", is somewhat smaller in size. Its height is 52 meters.

All these monuments of culture and history were considered differently when compared. It should be noted that, as a rule, the dimensions of the sculpture take into account the height of the pedestal on which it is located. When comparing the monuments, the latter was not taken into account.

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