Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Miraculous icon. Description of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

On the Vladimir icon, the Mother of God is depicted in a dark red maforia with a scarlet border. In his arms is the baby Jesus, hugging his mother by the neck, firmly leaning his cheek against her cheek. Clave is applied on the Savior's clothes - a green stripe symbolizing royal power. The background of the icon is golden. This color is a symbol of divine light. On the sides are the monograms MP FV (short for the Greek "Mother of God") and IC XC ("Jesus Christ").

The iconographic type of the icon is "Tenderness". A similar way of depicting the Mother of God symbolizes her tenderness, love, care, which Mary conveys not only to the Son of the Lord, but to all of us. After all, every person, one might say, is her child.

If you ask an iconographer about the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, he will briefly give the following description:

  • Production materials - gesso, gold leaf, tempera, crafted gold, wood.
  • Dimensions - 71x57 centimeters.
  • Written around the 12th century. This statement is at odds with giving about the origin of the shrine.
  • The lines are smooth, the proportions are elongated.
  • The clothes are decorated, there are many small details.

Giving about the creation of the icon and its appearance in Rus'

According to the legend, the original of the icon was written by Luke on the tabletop, at which Jesus, the Virgin Mary and Joseph dined. Seeing the portrait, the Mother of God said: “From now on, all generations will bless Me. The Grace of the One Born of Me and Mine will be with this icon.” After that, a list was made in Byzantium, which stayed there until 450. It was sent to one of the kings of Constantinople.

In 1131, Patriarch Luke Chrysoverg decides to donate the list to Yuri Dolgoruky. His son named Andrei, better known in church history as Bogolyubsky, sets off from the south of Rus' to the north. The purpose of the campaign is the creation of a state independent of Kyiv with a center in Muscovy. During the journey, he visits Vladimir and stays there for several days. After leaving with the icon for several kilometers from the city, miracles began to happen. The horses refused to move on. It was not a matter of fatigue or hunger - the change of horses did not give a result. Then Bogolyubsky began to pray fervently in front of the icon. The Mother of God herself appeared to him and said that the shrine should remain in Vladimir. A temple should be built in her honor. The prince obeyed long years the icon remained in the city, healed the sick, helped those who asked in their troubles. Since then, the list began to be called Vladimir.

Today the icon is kept in the church-museum of St. Nicholas. It is located in Tolmachi, Tver region.

Detailed description

The iconographic scheme, the basis of the list, includes the figure of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Jesus. The son clung to the mother with his face, hugging her by the neck. Mary's head is bowed towards the baby. The Vladimir icon differs, from the point of view of iconography, from others in that the sole of the Savior's foot is clearly visible on it.

Many experts believe that the icon was originally two-sided. This is evidenced by the geometry of the canvas, the applied details of the image. In Byzantium, such images were often created.

The symbolism of the icon is deep and multifaceted. The Mother of God is a symbol of the soul, which is close to God. The way the Son embraces Mary leads connoisseurs to think about his future suffering for all of humanity.


From a theological point of view, the icon is interpreted as the predestination of the Infant to sacrifice in the name of all mankind. Such an interpretation is due to the fact that the symbol of the Passion is depicted on the back: the throne with the holy spirit in the form of a dove. Behind the throne are symbols of the suffering of Jesus (cross, spear, cane with a sponge). Mary, caressing the baby, and the symbol of passions together give the icon the following meaning: the mother is imbued with love for her son, but voluntarily gives him to torment, makes her sacrifice in the name of humanity.


The period of icon painting in Byzantine art is characterized by the dematerialization of painting. The images are blurry, there are practically no exact lines. There are many details in this. The clothes of the baby and the Mother of God have a lot of lines, powerless engines, ornamentally laid down on the drawing.

The Vladimir icon is an almost canonical example of painting of those times. There is no deliberate graphics in it, lines are not opposed to volume. The main means of expression is the connection of weakly induced lines. This creates an impression of incompetence.

Created miracles

The Vladimir icon quickly became famous in Rus' as miraculous. It has become one of the most significant shrines in the history of the state and the church. Through this image, the Mother of God was addressed as simple people, and the highest spiritual ranks, princes and monarchs. The Virgin Mary heard everyone who came to her with pure intentions, prayed sincerely, from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that this image is in special attention of the Heavenly Queen herself. More than once she herself indicated where he should stay, where to move. In addition to the case with Prince Bogolyubsky, when he was unable to take the shrine from Vladimir, another miracle was witnessed. The list moved arbitrarily in the temple. This was noticed three times, after which they prayed before the icon and took it to the Rostov Territory.

Recorded in the annals of miraculous healing and salvation:

  • The priest's wife, being pregnant, prayed at the image of the Virgin Mary. She asked for protection for her and the child, women's happiness, health. One day a horse went berserk in the stable. She rushed about, crushed everything around, threw herself at all people. It was only by a miracle that the woman who was there was saved from her.
  • Maria, one of the abbesses of the monastery, was pardoned - the Mother of God delivered her from blindness. The woman, reading a prayer, washed her eyes with water from the icon.
  • Once, the Golden Gate of the tower, which controlled the entrance, fell down. There were 12 people under them. While people were gathering, preparing to raise the structure, Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky diligently read a prayer. In the end, none of the people were hurt. They didn't even get seriously injured.
  • A certain Yefimia suffered from heart disease. Having learned about the miraculous icon, she sent a priest to Vladimir with rich gifts (gold, jewelry, jewelry). From the monastery they gave her the water that washed the shrine. After the woman drank it, read the prayer, the disease receded and never returned.

Days of celebration and related events

In Russia, the days of the icon are celebrated three times. Each of the days of veneration is associated with a major event in the history of the state.

The shrine gained fame not only for miraculous healings. Through her, the Mother of God spoke God's will, punished for sins, granted pardon. Three times she heard the sincere prayers of the people and the government, she defended Russia from numerous troops of foreign invaders.

Celebrations take place:

  • June 3 (old style - May 21). 1521: Khan Mehmet Giray gathered an army and went to Moscow, burning settlements along the way, killing or capturing the inhabitants. His army was huge - the city could not stand, it would fall during the blockade or battle. Metropolitan Varlaam gathered a prayer service dedicated to the request for forgiveness, forgiveness of sins, protection from the invader. One of the nuns had a dream in which the icon was being taken out of the city. She realized that in no case should this be done and told about her vision. She did it just in time: the clergy were just about to leave Moscow, saving the shrine. They were stopped by Varlaam Khutynsky and Sergei Radonezhsky. Together they read a prayer, after which they returned the list to its place. At the same time, the khan had a dream: the Heavenly Queen with a huge army advancing on him. Mehmet Giray realized that she was the intercessor of the Slavs. On the same day, the troops retreated.
  • July 6 (old style - June 23). 1480: Khan Akhmat gathered a large army to capture Moscow. He stopped on the banks of the Ugra River, then called the “Girdle of the Virgin”. On the other hand gathered Russian army. It was significantly outnumbered by the regiments of the invader. The highest spiritual and government officials, all Orthodox people prayed to the Vladimir Icon for salvation. The Mother of God appeared to Metropolitan Gerontius. She said that the attack is God's punishment for sins. But with sincere prayers, the Slavs atoned for their guilt. Gerontius immediately informed the prince that he could attack - the Virgin Mary would help in the battle. But the fight never took place. The Russian troops did not stretch across the river, but, on the contrary, retreated, taking up convenient positions for defense. Khan was afraid that he was being lured into a trap. On the night of June 23 (old style) he retreated.
  • On September 8 (August 26) a solemn veneration of the shrine takes place. 1359: Khan Tamerlane captured Ryazan, nearby settlements and went to Moscow. A huge army swept away everything in its path. The Russian army could have dealt with it only with huge losses. Then the higher clergy of Vladimir organized a liturgy, a prayer ceremony and a religious procession with an icon to Moscow. Christians gathered on both sides of the road. They fell on their faces and asked the Mother of God for only one thing: to save Moscow. At the same time, Tamerlane had a dream: a huge mountain from which priests descend. In their hands are golden staffs, the Mother of God hovers over their heads. The priests of the khan, having learned about the dream, unanimously declared that he was prophetic and advised to retreat.

It is believed that to this day, through the Vladimir icon, the Mother of God protects Russia.

The image of the Mother of God is especially revered by all Orthodox Christians. The Vladimir icon is notable for its special power: prayers before it more than once saved entire cities from inevitable death.

History of the icon

According to legend, the Vladimir icon was painted during the life of the Mother of God by the apostle and evangelist Luke. During the meal, the apostle had a wonderful vision of the future of the Christian people, and he, taking a board from the table, began to write the image of the Mother of God with the Infant Jesus in her arms. The Virgin Mary did not interfere with the apostle, for she saw that he was moved by the Will of the Lord.

Where is the holy image

For a long time The Vladimir icon was located in the holy city of Jerusalem. In the middle of the 12th century, the image was donated to Kievan Rus and kept in the Bogorodichny Monastery in the city of Vyshgorod. A little later, Andrei Bogolyubsky moved the icon to Vladimir, where it remained for a long time. On this moment miraculous image of Vladimirskaya Mother of God located in Moscow, in the church of St. Nicholas.

Description of the icon

The Vladimir icon depicts the Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms. The look of the Mother of God is directed directly at the person praying standing in front of the icon, the face is serious and full of sorrow for the sins of this world.

The Mother of God firmly presses the Infant Jesus to her, and His gaze is directed upwards, at the Mother of God. Thus the image shows great love Lord to his Mother, whom all believing people should be equal to.

What helps the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The Vladimir image of the Mother of God saved Russia from invaders more than once. That is why the image is prayed for the well-being of the country, for salvation in difficult and dangerous life situations, as well as for the preservation of peace.

There are known cases of miraculous healings that occurred during a common prayer in front of the icon. Therefore, the Vladimir image of the Virgin Mary is prayed for healing from bodily and mental illnesses.

Prayers before the Vladimir Icon

“All-merciful Intercessor, Protector and Protector! We humbly pray to You, bowing before You in tears: expel, Mistress, death, trampling the souls of the faithful servants of the Lord, turn the enemies and deliver our land from all evil! O Lady, we hope in You, and our prayer flies to You, for we trust only in You and pray to save our lives and souls. Amen".

“Queen of Heaven, merciful Intercessor, I humbly pray to You: do not leave my cry unanswered, hear me, a sinful and unworthy servant of God, take trouble, sickness and infirmity away from me. May my soul not turn away from the Lord, and prayer to the Most High will send grace on my forehead. Be merciful, Mother of God, and send miraculous healing to my soul and body. Amen".

honor days Vladimir icon Mother of God - June 3, July 6 and September 8 according to the new style. At this time, any prayers to the Mother of God can completely change your life and destiny. We wish you peace of mind and strong faith in God. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.07.2017 05:36

The icon "Protection of the Virgin" is one of the most significant shrines among all Orthodox images. This icon...

One of the most ancient and revered sacred images in Russia has always been an icon Our Lady of Vladimir. It is believed that it was written by the Evangelist Luke on a board that once served as a table at which Jesus, the son of God, ate with his parents, the Virgin Mary and the elder Joseph.

The image is written in the lyrical iconographic type "Tenderness". A similar style of depiction of the Mother of God with the Child personifies the tenderness, love and affection that the Immaculate Virgin shows to her Son. The infant Jesus sits on the right hand of the Mother of God, clinging to the face of the Queen of Heaven. The son of the Blessed Mary reaches out to her right hand, the other gently hugging the neck. Vladimirskaya is the only image on which the heel of the Infant Jesus is turned outward so that it is clearly visible.

On the image you can also see two inscriptions - monograms, which mean those depicted on the icon - Jesus Christ and the Mother of God.

Journey Through the Ages

The icon of Our Lady of Vladimir dates back more than 2000 years. For all the time of its existence, this image has repeatedly saved the Russian people. Until the 5th century A.D. e. the icon was in Jerusalem, then transported to Byzantium. And only in the 12th century it came to the Russian land, having been donated by the Patriarch of Constantinople. In turn, the prince placed the icon in one of the monasteries, located not far from Kyiv. It is believed that since that time the image has performed real miracles - at night the icon changed its location, and even flew through the air. Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, soon learned about this. It was then that the young prince decided that this needed its own, separate place.

Andrei takes the image of the Mother of God and goes to the Suzdal land. On the way, the prince serves a prayer service before the icon. In response, the image of the Blessed Virgin shows many miracles: the servant of Andrei Bogolyubsky, having fallen into the abyss, remains unharmed, and the priest, who went on the road with him, survives after he was trampled by a horse.

The path of the prince lay through the Vladimir land, having passed which, he could not go further. The horses, as if rooted to the spot, stood up and did not move. When the prince and his travelers tried to harness other blacks, the same thing happened. Andrei Bogolyubsky took this as a sign from above. The prince began to earnestly pray to the Mother of God, who descended to him with a scroll in her hand, commanding him to leave the icon in Vladimir, and to found a church on the site of Her appearance.

Thus, the Queen of Heaven herself chose the place of residence of her image - not far from the city of Vladimir, since then the icon has become known as Vladimirskaya in honor of the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God.

Assumption Cathedral

Construction of a temple in honor Holy Mother of God was completed in just 2 years. The erected cathedral amazed everyone with its splendor and surpassed even the St. Sophia Cathedral in its beauty.

During the construction of the Golden Gate in Vladimir, a misfortune happened: during the laying, the stone wall fell on the workers. The prince, having learned about this, began to pray earnestly before the Vladimir icon, which saved him more than once. And then the Mother of God did not leave Andrei Bogolyubsky: when all the rubble was dismantled, the people under them turned out to be safe and sound.

This accident turned out to be a harbinger of future events that awaited the Assumption Cathedral - the temple burned to the ground 25 years later.

Campaign of Andrei Bogolyubsky

The further history of the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir is very interesting and full of miracles. She protected the prince until his death. So, once Andrei Bogolyubsky went on a campaign against the Volga Bulgars, taking with him a holy image. Before the battle, the prince and the soldiers performed a prayer service. Spiritualized, they went into battle, where they were able to win. After the battle, the prince and the soldiers read - and a miracle happened: from the icon and the Cross of the Lord a light descended, illuminating everyone. On the same day in Constantinople, Emperor Manuel saw the same divine phenomenon. After a miraculous vision, he was able to defeat the army of the Saracens. In honor of this manifestation heavenly powers A holiday was established in honor of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, celebrated on August 14.

When Andrei Bogolyubsky was killed in 1175, a rebellion broke out in Moscow. It was possible to stop him only by the grace of the Almighty forces: the rector of one of the temples took the image of the Vladimir Mother of God and carried it around the city, after which the unrest subsided.

Patronal feast - September 8

Memory this image celebrated 3 times a year. The first date is September 8 according to the new style. On this day, the monastery was founded and began to be erected in honor of the meeting of the Vladimir Icon by the Russian troops. At that time, Rus' was subjected to Tatar raids. Tamerlane, who led them, was a strong opponent. Russian troops could only hope for a miracle. Grand Duke Basil asked the Metropolitan of Rus' to transfer the sacred image from Vladimir to Moscow. While the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir was on the road, Tamerlane, confident in his victory, had a dream: as if a shining maiden was coming at him with 12 angels piercing him with a sword. In fear, waking up from what he saw, the warrior told about his dream to the wise men who were with him on the campaign. They explained to Tamerlane that the dreaming Virgin is the Mother of the Christian God and the Intercessor of the Russian land. At that moment, the Tatar commander realized with horror that his campaign was doomed to failure. He ordered to leave Rus' and left with his troops.

"Silent" victory

The next holiday dedicated to the Vladimir Icon is celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church on July 6. On this day, an event occurred that was long awaited - hordes of Tatars fled after 9 months of standing on the river. Acne. As you know, before the battle, Russian troops came ashore with the Vladimir icon. On the opposite side were the Tatars, who did not dare to move. So for a long time, both sides were inactive. As a result, the Tatars fled. The Russian people attributed this "quiet" victory not to themselves, but to the Queen of Heaven, thanks to whom the last battle with the Tatar hordes cost no casualties.

Amazing dream of a nun

But the enemies did not calm down for long. Already 40 years later, in 1521, the Tatars again rushed to Moscow. Tsar Vasily went with his army to the Oka River. In an unequal battle, the Russians began to retreat. Tatars besieged Moscow. On the same night, one of the nuns of the Resurrection Convent had an amazing dream - as if Saints Peter and Alexei rushed through the closed door of the Assumption Cathedral, taking the icon with them. Having overcome the Kremlin gates, the metropolitans met on their way Sergius of Radonezh and Varlaam Khutynsky. The saints asked where Alexei and Peter were going. They answered that they needed to leave the city along with the Vladimir icon, since the inhabitants of Moscow had forgotten the commandments of the Lord. Hearing this, the saints fell at the feet of the saints, tearfully begging not to leave the city. As a result, Alexei and Peter returned to the Assumption Church through the closed door.

In the morning, the nun hurried to tell everyone about the dream she had seen. People learning about prophetic vision, gathered in the temple and began to pray incessantly, after which the Tatar troops retreated. The great day of saving Moscow is now imprinted for centuries - Orthodox Church celebrates this day on June 3 in a new style.

What to pray for in front of the Vladimir Icon?

It is believed that this image should be in every home. Praying before the Vladimir icon, we ask for the reconciliation of enemies, the strengthening of faith, protection from the split of the country and the invasion of foreigners.

Akathist before the icon

In prayer before the Vladimir Icon, we ask for peace in our country and in all cities, for the strengthening of Orthodoxy and deliverance from wars, hunger and disease. “Be our Intercessor and intercede for us before the Lord,” we say, reading the akathist. In prayer we acknowledge that Holy Virgin- our only Hope and Salvation, whose requests are always heard by Her son. Before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, we ask you to soften our evil hearts and deliver us from sin. At the end of the prayer, we glorify our Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal God.

Lists from the image

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God has come a long way in time. At the moment, it is in the Tretyakov Gallery, and only on holidays it is taken out for the procession. However, during its existence, the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, the photo of which you can see in this article, was used to create miraculous lists, each of which received an additional name. For example, the Vladimir-Volokolamsk icon was presented to the monastery of this city by Malyuta Skuratov. Now the image is in the Andrei Rublev Museum. Also among the miraculous lists can be noted Vladimir-Seligerskaya, transferred to Seliger by Nil Stolbensky.

Temple in honor of the Vladimir Icon

This cathedral is located in Moscow, in the village of Vinogradovo. This building is unique because the temple has a triangular shape. Many attribute the creation of the cathedral to the famous Russian architect Bazhenov.

The Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was erected in 1777. An interesting fact is that even during the years of persecution, the cathedral was never closed.

During the Great Patriotic War the temple of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God protected within its walls a true shrine - the head of Sergius of Radonezh. After the victory, she was returned to the monastery of the saint, where she remains to this day. For the preservation of the relic, the Temple of the Vladimir Mother of God was presented with a particle of the relics of the reverend.

Cathedral of the Vladimir Icon in St. Petersburg

This temple was built in the 18th century on the site of a former wooden church. The main shrines of its decoration today are the image of Our Lady of Vladimir, the icon of Seraphim of Sarov with a particle of his relics and the image of our Lord " Holy Savior". The Church of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God functions to this day. Several centuries earlier, F. M. Dostoevsky was its regular parishioner.

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, whose history goes back to distant centuries, has always protected Rus', and now Russia, from enemies and troubles. After all, that is why our country is sacred and God-chosen.

The Most Holy Theotokos is the protector and patroness of the entire Russian people. They turned to her for help in the most difficult life situations. Often believers ask themselves the question: “The Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God: what helps and how to pray?”. The answer to it can be found in this article.

The history of the creation of the icon

An old legend says that the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir was painted by the Evangelist Luke during the life of the Virgin. For a long time (until 405) she remained in Jerusalem. And in the XII century, Andrei Bogolyubsky took her from Kyiv to the city of Vladimir. There she got her name - Vladimirskaya. Having traveled the path of wandering around Europe and Rus', only in the XIV century did the face of the Mother of God come to Moscow. At the moment, the icon is in the church of St. Nicholas. Now her miraculous lists are in almost every Orthodox church.

Initially, this image of the Virgin was addressed with a prayer for victory over the enemies and conquerors of the Russian land. And all subsequent years, more than once, the Fatherland was saved by such a prayer.

strong Prayer of the Mother of God of Vladimir

Each of the revered images of the Most Holy Theotokos is great and priceless. The icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir is one of the main Russian shrines that can work a miracle. The prayer addressed to her was at all times one of the most powerful.

In total, 8 variants of prayer texts can be read in front of the Vladimir Icon. If there is any important request, it is better to pray on memorable dates - June 3, July 6 and September 8. These days, words addressed to the image of the Mother of God acquire special power.

In the home iconostasis, it is necessary to have this icon along with the image of Christ.

How and in what way does an icon help?

The power of prayer before the face of the Virgin Mary is limitless. According to believers, there are a lot of cases of incredible healings and miracles. Before the image of the Mother of God they ask:

  • protect the state Hard times from enemies, strengthen the country and unite the people;
  • soften hearts and pacify anger and malice in a person;
  • help in the cure of female diseases;
  • about easy pregnancy and happy delivery;
  • about patronage over small children from troubles;
  • for a speedy recovery.

Since the family has always been a stronghold of a strong Russian state, the icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir is addressed with prayers for a happy marriage.

Many women in tears and sorrows come to the face of the Lady, and return from the temple already spiritualized and filled with light. The Mother of God will not leave the suffering, and this must be remembered even in the most difficult times.

Among Russian believers, the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is considered the most beloved and revered. Its significance for Rus' is enormous. She saved the country from enemy attacks more than once, thanks to her the Russians escaped enslavement.

History of the icon

Church tradition says that the Holy Face was written by the apostle and evangelist Luke after the Ascension of the Lord into Heaven on an ordinary board from the table at which Mary, Joseph and Jesus ate. Until 450, the image rested on Jerusalem land, and then was transferred to Constantinople. In the 12th century, the icon was presented as a gift by Patriarch Luka Khrysoverkh to Grand Duke Yuri Dolgoruky.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In the monastic monastery in the city of Vyshgorod, Lik became famous for many miraculous events. But in 1155 Andrei Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, moved the icon to Vladimir. On this occasion, the shrine became known as Vladimirskaya. The image was decorated with gold and silver, pearls and precious stones.

In 1164, during the military campaign of Prince Andrei against the Bulgarians, the Mother of God helped the Russians defeat the enemy. Her Face was preserved even in the strongest conflagration that raged in the cathedral. She remained safe and sound during the ruin of the city of Batu in 1237.

In 1395, the icon began to be kept in Moscow, so that it would survive during the invasion of Tamerlane. He invaded the Ryazan lands, devastating them, and soon went to Moscow, destroying and ruining everything that was on his way. Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich gathered troops, at the same time Metropolitan Cyprian was blessed for the post and ministry. The Moscow prince and the metropolitan decided to use spiritual powers, so the image of the Blessed Virgin was transferred from Vladimir to Moscow. The icon was kept in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. A miracle happened and Tamerlane left Moscow. As it turned out, during the procession with the Vladimir Mother of God to Moscow, pilgrims and people standing on both sides of the road along the path of the procession prayed to the Mother of God for the grant of peace to the Russian Land.

In turn, Tamerlane had a vision: he saw a huge mountain, from its top saints descended, holding golden rods in their hands. The radiant Virgin towered above the saints, commanding him to leave the Russian borders. Later, he realized that the Wife is the Mother of God, the Christian protector and intercessor. He understood everything and ordered his army to go back. In memory of this event, a church celebration of the icon was established.

In 1480, the Mother of God saved Russia from the invasion of the troops of the Khan of the Golden Horde Akhmat. Russian troops met with the Tatars near the Ugra River. The fighters settled down on both sides of the river and waited for the attack to begin. Russian soldiers held the Vladimir icon in their hands and the Queen of Heaven put the Horde horde to flight. In honor of the miraculous event, a second celebration of the image was established.

In 1521, the Kazan Khan Makhmet Giray moved to Moscow. The area through which the Tatars passed was a terrible sight: ruins could be seen on the site of cities and villages, the property of the inhabitants was looted, old people and children were mercilessly beaten, and then killed or sold into slavery. The attack was unexpected and people were very afraid that Moscow would also be ruined. Meanwhile, the khan reached the limits of Moscow and began to burn the city. But suddenly a miracle happened and the enemy troops began to retreat from the capital. And again the Mother of God helped. On this occasion, the Church established a third celebration.

Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir

Important events in Russia took place before the Vladimir face:

  • election of patriarchs;
  • taking an oath of allegiance to the Fatherland;
  • prayers before military campaigns.

And at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, people day and night begged the Queen of Heaven for the intercession of Christ. Even Stalin himself at night, furtively from prying eyes, came to the temple and prayed to the Mother of God for help, and then gave the order to load the Holy Face on a plane and personally flew with him around the capital.

Iconography of the image

The icon depicts the tender "communication" of the Mother of God with the Son - the human side of family relationships. The Mother of God and the Child are in close contact, Jesus hugs Mary by the neck.

A feature of the Vladimir icon is the image of the heel of the Infant.

The icon has two sides, the second depicts the throne and the symbols of passions. This idea is not accidental and means the forthcoming sacrifice of Christ and the mourning of the Son by the Mother.

This is interesting! Ancient icons similar to the Vladimir one have not survived to this day. Over the centuries, the image has been restored several times, several layers of paint have been applied to it. But what is surprising - the faces of Christ and the Virgin Mary still remain in their original form.

During the entire existence of the image, none of the icon painters dared to tint or correct them.

What helps Vladimirsky Lik

The main thing is sincere faith in the power and mercy of the Queen of Heaven, which She reveals to humanity through the icon-painting. The Blessed Virgin helps:

  • prayer before the icon affirms orthodox spirit and gives it stamina;
  • saves the prayer book from heretical attacks;
  • protects Rus' from enemies, instilling courage and courage in the hearts of warriors;
  • protects from military conflicts, external threats and internal troubles;
  • promotes reconciliation with the enemy;
  • admonishes before making a difficult decision;
  • relieves uncertainty and doubt;
  • gives peace and tranquility;
  • protects marriage and family from contention;
  • grants spouses love, unity, understanding and respect;
  • heals diseases;
  • grants spiritual and physical insight;
  • helps in difficult childbirth;
  • protects mothers and their children in a special way;
  • heals from infertility and ailments of the female genital organs.

The image of the Mother of God of Vladimir is the greatest fruit of reflection on the life of Christ on earth, the great humility of His Most Pure Mother, the earthly path they traveled and sacrificial love.

Important! The Miraculous Face is kept in the Moscow church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is commemorated annually on June 3, July 6 and September 8.

Video about the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

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