Sergey Svetlakov: “If a man needs another, betrayal cannot be avoided. Sergey Svetlakov: We have a classic family: Tosya is in charge of the household, and I am in charge! Svetlakov Sergey with his wife

It's no secret that the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful is changing the biographies of the participants, sometimes drastically. The fate of the "Ural dumpling" by Sergei Svetlakov confirms this.

Now a producer, actor and screenwriter, a holiday man has escaped the fate of "office plankton". The showman believes that the minimum male program has been completed: "I built everything, planted it, gave birth." Happiness in Svetlakov's personal life is combined with success in show business, and now the plans are aimed only forward, for the future.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Svetlakov was born on December 12, 1977 in the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Parents Galina Grigorievna and Yuri Venediktovich hoped that they would have a daughter, they even came up with the name Anastasia for her, but were not at all upset about the appearance of the boy.

The Svetlakov family, where Seryozha was youngest child, lived together in a large and spacious three-room apartment, where there was enough space for everyone (in the future, parents will exchange living space in order to give their sons their own “odnushki”).

From the age of 4, Sergey began to go fishing with his father. Once this passion almost led to the death of the child: the boy lost his balance and fell into the water, but thanks to the quick reaction of his father, the misfortune bypassed the family. The incident did not affect Sergey's love for fishing, and the artist continued to pursue his favorite hobby in adulthood.

When Svetlakov turned 7, he went to a regular Yekaterinburg school. From childhood, Sergei demonstrated leadership qualities, became the initiator of absenteeism from classes and jokes on teachers. Despite the mischief and hooligan antics, the boy studied quite well and was a typical "good boy".

Even as a child, Svetlakov knew how to draw attention to himself and bring a smile to the face of the interlocutor, and everyone laughed at his jokes - from students to teachers. On graduation party the future artist staged a show of parodies of the teaching staff and presented a tablecloth with the wishes of the students written on it.

At school, Svetlakov was seriously interested in sports - football, basketball and handball. The young man dreamed of becoming a professional athlete and even played in the handball team of the Sverdlovsk region. 13-year-old Sergei was offered to play for the reserve team of the First League, according to the contract, the boy was even entitled to his own apartment. However, here the parents intervened, who were tired of their son's endless sports injuries, and advised the guy to leave this idea in order to then enter the University of Communications.

Yielding to the persuasion of relatives, in 1995 Svetlakov entered the university with a degree in commerce. First time young man I never left my dream to become a professional athlete one day. The guy tried himself as a coach of a handball team, but at the competition the wards lost with a devastating score. After this failure, Sergei finally put an end to his sports career.


In his 1st year, Svetlakov participated in the Knight of the Institute tournament, where he won. This event instilled confidence in Sergei and determined his fate for many years to come. In the same year, the future artist signed up for the local KVN team "Barabashki" and soon became a captain. In 1997, "Barabashki" changed their name to "Park of the Current Period" and went to Sochi for the first serious performance under the "roof" of this KVN. The team was not successful, but the team members began to be recognized on the streets of their native city. After the next performance, Svetlakov was offered to become the author of jokes for the eminent KVN team "Ural dumplings".

Sergey Svetlakov as part of the KVN team "Ural dumplings"

In 2000 Sergey graduated from the university. The television star initially continued the family business, going to work in the railway customs. There, the young man was engaged in filling out declarations on the arrival of goods.

After several years, Sergei was invited to the "Ural dumplings" as a full-fledged member of the team. He faced a difficult choice: a job that brings a stable income, or KVN with constant traveling around the country and a "floating" fee. Svetlakov decided to take a chance, and, as his later career showed, this decision turned out to be the right one.

Sergey Svetlakov on the stage of KVN

As part of the "Ural dumplings" Svetlakov met many famous cavalry officers of that time, in the future these acquaintances were useful to him. Svetlakov's team became the champion of the Major League of KVN in 2000, and in 2002 won the Big KiViN in Gold and the KVN Summer Cup awards.

In 2001, Sergey, along with his colleagues in KVN, David Kurbanov, Artur Tumasyan, moved to Moscow. Friends rented a small 2-room apartment on Smolenka, where they wrote jokes and came up with numbers for KVN teams. It got to the point that comedians wrote texts for teams competing within the same game. In addition, the guys earned money by inventing slogans and creative names for companies. A year later, they began composing numbers for the popular Comedy Club show.

In 2004, Svetlakov was offered a position as a screenwriter on Channel One, where he met a popular TV presenter.

Films and television

In 2005, Sergei Svetlakov's debut project, the sketch show Our Russia, started on TNT, where the artist performed funny roles along with. The show "Our Russia" gained considerable popularity among the audience, but was subjected to harsh criticism. The program was accused of inciting ethnic hatred, and under pressure public figures some scenes had to be deleted.

Sergey Svetlakov and Mikhail Galustyan in the show "Our Russia"

In 2008, the artist became the host of the new ProjectorParisHilton program produced by Channel One. At the same table with Ivan Urgant, Garik Martirosyan and Svetlakov, he discussed and commented on events and news from the world of politics, culture, economics in a humorous manner. Most of the jokes were invented right in the process of shooting. Although the show was popular, the show had to be canceled in 2012.

According to the contract signed with TNT, the presenters did not have the right to work on other channels. Svetlakov and Martirosyan decided to leave the project.

Sergey Svetlakov at the show "ProjectorParisHilton"

The scandalous fame of the Our Russia program and the fame of ProjectorParisHilton only benefited Svetlakov, and invitations to act in films followed. In 2009, the newly-minted actor participated in the filming of the film Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny. At the same time, he played in the film "Christmas Trees", where Ivan Urgant and became his partners. Svetlakov appeared in the comedy "Jungle" and the film "Crack".

In 2011, Sergey surprised everyone by playing leading role in the crime drama "Stone" directed by Vyacheslav Kaminsky. In the picture, he appeared in a completely new role for himself - the kidnapper of a child. In addition, the actor acted as a producer of the picture.

Trailer of the film "Stone"

In 2013, the cooperation of the actor and showman with the Beeline mobile operator began. Since then, Svetlakov has been the face of the brand, and viewers often jokingly call him a “smartphone man.” A well-known TV presenter also appeared in the role of "the worst Internet" in advertising.

In the same year, the film "Bitter!" was released, in which Sergei Svetlakov played himself. The picture, which was described in detail about the features of the Russian wedding, received mixed reviews: from "vulgar and disgusting" to extremely truthful and original.

One way or another, the picture won people's love, because the characters were as if written off from relatives and neighbors.

Later, the second part of the comedy "Bitter!", the tapes "Graduation", "Quick Moscow - Russia", numerous continuations of "Yolok" come out. The films in which Svetlakov plays can hardly be called masterpieces of cinema, but almost everyone receives popular love.

It was about folk cinema that Svetlakov spoke in a conversation with the famous, when he, on behalf of the soloist, told the showman that he did not want to write music for such films. Svetlakov passionately defended his projects, while noting that for some other reason he shared the opinion of his opponent. In particular, he did not respond in the best way to the tape "The Best Movie".

In 2016, the showman starred in the next sequel to "Christmas Trees" and his friend's comedy "Groom". IN last Sergey Svetlakov played the role of a simple village guy Tolya, trying to return his ex-wife, who decided to marry a German and go to live in Germany. Svetlakov's partners in the film were an actress and a KVN star.

Trailer for the comedy "Groom"

In 2017, Svetlakov joined the jury of another well-known television competition. After judging the Comedy Battle, in which Sergey Nastya's daughter tried more than once, as well as participating in the Dancing on TNT project (with and), Svetlakov was invited to judge the anniversary season of the Minute of Glory program along with, and.

Personal life

With his first wife, Yulia Svetlakova (nee - Malikova), the artist met while studying at the university. The girl was younger than Sergei for 2 years and had just entered the institute when the third-year student Svetlakov made a marriage proposal. Julia traveled with her husband when he toured the country as part of the Ural dumplings, and moved to Moscow with him.

Pair for a long time could not have children, but luck finally turned to face the Svetlakov family, and on December 12, 2008, daughter Anastasia appeared. The couple divorced in August 2012. The reason for the divorce is banal: Svetlakov, loaded with projects, began to pay less attention to his wife, as a result of which the relationship became different.

In 2013, Sergei Svetlakov secretly signed with Antonina Chebotareva, whom he met in Krasnodar. The lovers spent their holidays in Riga and unexpectedly stopped at the Russian Embassy, ​​where they registered their marriage. On July 18 of the same year, the couple had a son, whom the happy couple named Ivan. At the age of 4, the boy became interested in hockey, goes to training. The head of the family is proud that Vanya already knows the KHL players by last name.

Communication with Nastya was not interrupted. The girl lives in new family father, Sergei takes care of his daughter after school, takes him to tennis, to electives in literature and the Russian language, arranges holidays.

Sergei Svetlakov remains one of the country's most popular showmen. To the artist's page "Instagram" signed by millions of people. However, a man does not get pleasure from publishing photos and posts on social networks. This process for Sergei is just a way to connect with fans, akin to associated gas.

“One thing is happening in the mine, the well is working, and associated gas must be used correctly so that it does not just fly away, but at least a little, but brings benefits.”

And to put pictures of children on public display is a disease that Svetlakova, by her own admission, has not yet struck.

Sergey saved his love for sports. Form (weight 86 kg with a height of 187 cm) supports, riding a bicycle. In addition, the humorist is a fan of the football Lokomotiv and hockey club"Dynamo". Watching the matches of your favorite teams, Svetlakov said, is accompanied by conversations with the TV. It happens that obscene language slips, and the sandwich falls out of the hands. In 2016, the humorist became the ambassador of the World Cup, which took place in Russia a couple of years later.

Sergey Svetlakov now

In 2017, the filmography of Sergei Svetlakov was replenished with the continuation of the comedy "Christmas Trees". The fourth and fifth parts, according to the actor, turned out to be weaker than the previous ones. The participants did not feel optimistic about further filming, but when producer Timur Bekmambetov announced a complete renewal of the team, faith in the project was revived.

New Year Trees combine stories that happened to the residents of Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Khabarovsk, Tyumen on the eve of the New Year celebrations. Heroes performed by Sergei Svetlakov and Ivan Urgant entered into a confrontation with the character.

The final picture from the popular franchise called "The Last Christmas Trees" is released on the screens on the eve of 2019. In the movie almanac, he appeared in the role of a grumpy grandfather, who migrated from the first "Yolki" and appeared in the form of athletes. played a metropolitan celebrity, whom a provincial girl dreams of meeting.

The action of the comedy "Groom 2: To Berlin" takes place six months after the events that were discussed in the first part of the picture. Director and co-screenwriter Alexander Nezlobin opposed the film's sequel. But then he agreed that the idea of ​​moving the plot to Germany is not so bad. This time the hero found happiness in his homeland, and reconciled Svetlakov and Martsinkevich go to visit a German friend.

Sergei Svetlakov in the comedy "Groom"

In addition to the Swiss actor, familiar to the Russian audience from the drama "" and the thriller "Survive After", a Hollywood star was attracted to participate in a fun film. The action hero will play Philip's father.

In the fall of 2018, Svetlakov and Nezlobin, as well as those who joined them, became co-hosts of the show “Thank God you came!” Revived on the STS channel. Alexander also acts as a creative producer of the program.

With the arrival of former KVN players, the channel's management is counting on a new look, a change in format, and enrichment of content. Sergey said that parodies of comedians, versus battles and even a direct line with the president would be added, and people who were unaware of their comedic talent would become guests in the studio.


  • 2010 - "Christmas Trees"
  • 2011 - "Yolki 2"
  • 2012 - "Stone"
  • 2013 - "Bitter!"
  • 2013 - "Yolki 3"
  • 2014 - “Bitter! 2"
  • 2014 - "Ambulance" Moscow-Russia "
  • 2014 - "Yolki 1914"
  • 2016 - "Groom"
  • 2016 - "Yolki 5"
  • 2017 - New Christmas Trees
  • 2018 - "If the last"

Sergey Svetlakov is a talented KVN player, famous actor, a successful screenwriter and producer, was born on 12/12/1977 in Sverdlovsk.


Sergei was the youngest child in the family. He has a brother who is 7 years older. Parents decided on a second child, hoping very much that a daughter would be born in the family. But Sergei did not justify their hopes. But the elder brother was very glad that he had a brother, and not a sister.

Both parents were railroad workers by education. His father worked as a machinist at a large elevator, his mother held an engineering position. They had nothing to do with art, and the older brother did not show acting talents, with which Sergei shone almost from birth.

Sergei as a child

But Sergei himself did not notice his artistry at all. But he with early childhood I became interested in sports, preferring team sports: football, handball, volleyball. Also in high school he passed the candidate's standards and dreamed of a sports career. But the parents were categorically against it, believing that a man should have a serious profession.

At school, Sergei studied well, but did not feel much interest in the learning process. He tried just enough so that his parents would not grumble too much. But with great pleasure he took part in all extracurricular activities. He was especially good at parodies of students and teachers - fun and not offensive. Among peers, he has always been the soul of the company.


At the insistence of his parents, Sergei nevertheless ended his sports career and entered the transport institute at the commercial department. There he first appeared on the stage of KVN as part of a student team. After a short time, Svetlakov was already her captain, especially since he managed to win the title of “Knight of the Institute” almost without any problems.

Having gained stage experience, the team applied for the Sochi festival Voting KIVIN, organized by the permanent host of the television version of KVN. Of course, the debutant team had no chance of winning, but in general they performed quite well and returned to their hometown as celebrities.

Svetlakov himself was invited by the "Ural dumplings" as the author of jokes, and gladly accepted this offer. Since then, KVN has become main part his life. And to such an extent that he almost flew out of the institute. But again, his parents intervened and forced him to settle the problems and still get a higher education.

According to the distribution (not without parental ties), Sergey gets to work for customs. The work was quite prestigious and well paid. Anyone else would be absolutely content with life. IN free time Svetlakov continued to write jokes for his favorite team and thus realized his talent.

But unexpectedly for himself, he receives from the captain of the Ural dumplings an offer to enter the main team as a member. But then I would have to leave work, as the team was promoted and toured a lot.

Sergei faced a very difficult choice: to become a professional KVN or continue to build a career at customs. Naturally, Sergei still chose KVN.


During his work as part of the Ural dumplings, Svetlakov became a real celebrity and acquired many useful acquaintances. The team repeatedly reached the finals of KVN, several times became the champion.

In 2001, on the advice of Maslyakov, Sergey and several other team members moved to Moscow, where they live in a small rented apartment and actively cooperate with KVN and the new popular Comedy Club project.

Gradually, they reached a decent level of income and thought about their own comedy show. But before its release on the screens was still far away. In 2004, the leadership of Channel One invites Svetlakov to the position of screenwriter. And this is what becomes the "golden key" to launching your own project.

In 2005, the first series of Svetlakov's author's show "Our Russia" appeared on the screens, in which he himself played one of the roles, and Mikhail Galustyan was his constant partner. The audience accepted the project with a bang - the guys became real stars. But critics rated it extremely unfriendly.

Some episodes were categorically banned from showing. And yet Svetlakov defended the right of "Our Rashi" to life on the screen. His next, no less popular and successful project was ProjectorParisHilton.

Currently, Svetlakov is one of the most popular and highly paid comedians in the country. He continues active cooperation with KVN and other comedy programs. Since 2011, often acted in films. Moreover, he is also great at serious multifaceted characters. He is often invited to the jury of various competitions and popular TV shows.

Personal life

In his personal life, Sergei has established himself as good husband and a wonderful father. Although his first marriage still ended in divorce. WITH future wife he met at the university and almost immediately proposed to her. Julia went through with him all the difficulties of becoming Sergey as a KVN, often accompanied him on tour.

With first wife Julia

Julia dreamed of children, but this did not work out for a long time. Only after several years of marriage, in 2008, the long-awaited Anastasia Sergeevna Svetlakova was finally born. Alas, in 2012 the marriage still broke up. Julia could not stand the constant traveling of her husband and the fact that they almost never were together. After the appearance of the baby, she could no longer accompany him so often.

But a year later, Svetlakov married again. Antonina Chebotareva became his new chosen one.

With Antonina Chebotareva

The reason for the rapid registration of a new marriage was the unexpected pregnancy of Antonina, as a result of which Svetlakov Jr., Ivan, was born in July 2013. Sergei has excellent relations with both children.

The famous showman Sergei Svetlakov was rarely seen in his wife's campaign, because he always tries to protect his family from prying eyes.

Svetlakov's ex-wife was always next to her husband

Yulia Svetlakova, like a true Decembrist, followed her husband everywhere. Apparently, the woman has such a character, because from the very first meeting she tried to obey Sergey in everything. Their acquaintance happened while studying at the institute, at a disco. The candy-bouquet period lasted three years, after which the future showman decided to propose to his chosen one. Everything was somehow special for this couple, and even a declaration of love happened in the elevator. Sergey loved to remember this moment when he and Yulia were still together. Then he said: “Or you marry me and we move on. Or I stop the elevator and get out!” She replied: "Let's move on!" It was such determination that won the heart of a man. Julia has always been distinguished by her principles, combined with infinite softness in her heart. The young people got married and stayed to work in Yekaterinburg. Julia even tried to make a career, because she was predicted to be the head of the department at railway. But fate decreed otherwise, and in order to provide for the family and become what Sergey is now, the spouses had to decide to move to Moscow. Julia couldn't resist long separation with her husband, dropped everything and moved in with him. Since then, they have not parted for more than a week before the discord in the relationship. If the tour dragged on, then his wife and daughter always accompanied Sergei. At the slightest opportunity, Yulia tried to visit her relatives in Yekaterinburg and Kirov, as a true mother and daughter of her parents, she could not allow the long separation of her grandparents from her granddaughter Nastya.

Svetlakov's ex-wife, Yulia, completely pleased Sergey

Julia is simple ideal woman for family relationships. She grew up in a simple family, where traditions were always honored, brought up in modesty, instilled best qualities virtues. Since childhood, Julia has absorbed the axiom that the main man in the house; and the role of a woman is to maintain warm family relationships and be a moral support to her husband. That is why patriarchy reigned in the Svetlakov family. Nevertheless, the whole life lay on the shoulders of Julia. Of course, she had a housekeeper and a nanny who worked with Nastya. But this did not relieve Sergei's wife of the duties of a hostess. Julia cooks with pleasure, she tried to please her husband, pamper him with homemade dishes and pastries. She also took care of her husband's image: once every three months, Sergei and Yulia flew shopping in various countries. A young mother does a lot with Nastya: she goes to theaters, museums, and exhibitions. With great pleasure, Yulia received guests in the house, who often turn out to be Sergei's colleagues in the workshop. The family was very friendly with the Tsekalo couple, Garik Martirosyan and his wife Zhanna, as well as with Ivan Urgant and Natalia Kiknadze.

With all the publicity of her husband, Julia was a completely closed person from everyone. And not because Sergei did not want this, but because she herself is not interested in parties and their soulless public. This woman feels much more comfortable outside the city, in a small cozy house on the river bank. Julia knows the value of time, and tries to spend every minute for the benefit of the family. She cares nothing more than the well-being of loved ones. Own career ex-wife Svetlakov A she didn’t build, because her main job was to be a good mother to her daughter and a faithful wife to her chosen one.

Julia was a good wife, but it happens - after 12 years of marriage, Sergei Svetlakov divorced her in 2012. The divorce was very painful for both spouses. After the divorce, Sergei met for some time with Anastasia Adaladova, we wrote about this in the article ““. Now Sergey married a second time. The second wife of Sergei Svetlakov is Antonina Chebotareva. You can read about it in the article

Sergei Svetlakov is a popular Russian comedian, presenter and actor. The showman began his career with KVN, like many of his other colleagues. Later, he joined the Ural dumplings team, but did not stay there for a long time. He decided that he needed something more, and he moved to Moscow.

Sergey Svetlakov with ex-wife

In the capital, our hero met Garik Martirosyan, Semyon Slepakov and others. The guys decided to create a team and play in the big leagues. Later, this idea grew into the Comedy Club project.

Later, Sergey assembled a team and began working on the Our Russia project, in which he and Mikhail Galustyan began to apply various humorous images to themselves. This mini-series immediately gained success among viewers.

Now Svetlakov not only shoots humorous programs, but also acts in films himself. So he managed to work in such films as "Christmas Trees", "Stone", "Jungle", as well as in the films "Ambulance: Moscow-Vladivostok" and "Bitter". Sergey is also one of the hosts of the ProjectorParisHilton program on Channel One.

Sergey Svetlakov with Yulia (wedding photo)

Also, the actor has long established his personal life. So while still a student, he met a girl, Yulia, whom he fell in love with at first sight. The couple soon got married. Julia has always supported her husband in his aspirations, she has always been by his side. After moving to Moscow, the girl was not a little worried, but she easily settled down and found herself a job as a realtor.

In 2008, Yulia gave birth to Sergey's daughter Nastya, she was born on the same day as her father. Sergey personally took care of his daughter and even got up at night and changed her diapers. It is a great joy for him to help his wife.

Sergei Svetlakov with his ex-wife and child

But in 2012, Svetlakov and Yulia divorced, which was the reason for the divorce is unknown. But now Sergey is married to Antonina Chebotareva. And in 2013, a son, Ivan, was born in their family. The couple are very happy together.

Our today's hero is comedian Sergei Svetlakov, whose filmography and biography are of interest to many fans. Do you want to get the most truthful information about his person? Then you should read the article.

Sergey Svetlakov: biography

The famous humorist was born on December 12, 1977. He is a native of the city of Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). In what family was our hero brought up? Let's start with the fact that his parents are not related to the stage and humor. Sergei's father and mother are hereditary railway workers. They love their job very much.

Serezha grew up as a mischievous and active boy. In the summer, he, along with his older brother Dima, rested in the village with his grandparents. The boys caught butterflies with a net and fished on the local river.

School years

Film career

Sergey Svetlakov also agrees with this expression. His filmography begins in 2010. It was then that the comedy “Our Russia. Eggs of Destiny. The audience had the opportunity to watch the adventures of famous characters - guest workers Ravshan and Jumshud, as well as their boss (foreman).

In 2010, a modern version of the painting "The Diamond Arm" was released. Semyon Semenovich Gorbunkov was played by Sergei Svetlakov. The films in which he starred always bring only positive emotions. This is noted by both the audience and film critics.

We list the most striking and memorable films with Sergei Svetlakov:

  • "Christmas Trees" (2010) - Eugene;
  • "Bedouin" (2011) - doctor;
  • "Stone" (2012) - Peter Naydenov;
  • "Bitterly!" (2013) - toastmaster;
  • "Ambulance" Moscow-Russia "(2014) - Seryozha;
  • "Christmas Trees 1914" (2014) - Zhenya.

Sergei Svetlakov: personal life

A tall and handsome blonde has always attracted the attention of the opposite sex. Even in high school, he was in full swing novels with beautiful girls. ABOUT serious relationship at that time there was no talk.

With my future wife Sergey met within the walls of the university. Julia immediately captivated him with her natural beauty and amazing sense of humor. Svetlakov courted her for a long time and persistently. As a result, the girl's heart melted. Serezha offered her a joint residence. Julia agreed.

Soon the couple got married and moved to Moscow. Svetlakov was the main earner in the family. And Julia took over the responsibilities of housekeeping.

In December 2008, the couple had their first child - a charming daughter. The baby was named Anastasia. Sergey showed himself as loving and caring father. He himself swaddled her and bathed her.

The relationship between Nastya and Serezha has been tested by lack of money, everyday life and fame. At some point, the wife realized that she did not want to share her husband with millions of his fans. And our hero was not going to give up the success to which he had been going for so long. As a result, the couple went to different apartments. Julia took her daughter Nastya with her. And Seryozha suddenly became a Sunday dad. At the end of each week, he saw the baby, walked with her and played. In 2012, the official divorce of the spouses took place.


The comedian did not have the status of a bachelor for long. In 2012, in Krasnodar, he met a spectacular brunette. The girl worked as a deputy director of a film company. As you can see, everything is no coincidence. After all, Svetlakov began to cooperate with this company in 2012. He brought his film "Stone" to Krasnodar. At the premiere of this picture, he met Antonina. But their relationship began a few months later, during the second visit of Sergei. He moved his beloved to Moscow and made her a marriage proposal.

The couple secretly got married at the Riga embassy. Even close friends and relatives of the young did not know about this. They also hid interesting position» Antonina. On July 18, 2013, a replenishment happened in the Svetlakov family. An heir was born - son Ivan.


Now you know where he was born, studied and with whom Seryozha Svetlakov lives today. The filmography of this actor was also announced in the article. We wish him good health, creative inspiration And family happiness! May everything that Sergei Svetlakov dreams of come true. Films with his participation should be released more often.

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