Mexico when it is better to rest in what month. The best time to travel to Mexico. When is the best time to visit the land of the Mayans and the Aztecs?

The climate of Mexico cannot be defined in one word - in its vast territory it is very different, it all depends on the region, distance from the coast, altitude above sea level. In addition, the country is divided into two parts by the Tropic of Cancer: to the north of it there is a temperate zone, to the south - a tropical one.

Also in Mexico, three altitudinal zones are distinguished: the coastal territories of "tierras caliengues" (height up to 1000 m above sea level, tropical vegetation is characteristic, the rainy season is pronounced, mean annual temperature+24 - +28 ° C), "tierras templadas" (altitude from 1000 to 1800 m, the climate is more moderate, with cool winters, on average the air warms up to +18 - +20 ° C) and the highest central part of the "tierras frias” (above 1800 m, a cool climate is typical, sometimes snow is possible, the average annual temperature is not more than +15 degrees).

In the north of the country it is drier, some regions are even arid (in the northern part of the Mexican states of Chihuahua, Coahuila and Durango there is a huge Chihuahua desert). The level of precipitation here does not exceed 300 - 600 mm per year. The most humid is the south of the country - here falls 2000 mm or more of precipitation per year. Two main seasons stand out sharply: dry and wet (it is formed due to tropical cyclones). In the rainy season (from June to September), which is especially pronounced off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, destructive hurricanes, storms, and showers are possible here.

January weather

January is usually dry and quite warm, on the coasts the air temperature is between +27 - +30 °C, the water warms up to +25 °C, there is almost no rain. In the central regions it is cooler in January, at night thermometers can show 10 degrees Celsius or even less, snow and frost are possible in high mountainous areas.

At this time, it is good to go to any region of Mexico, to seaside resorts, to the capital and to the center of the country.

At the beginning of January, there are cheerful and bright New Year celebrations, on January 6 they celebrate Holy Kings Day or Catholic Epiphany. For several years now, in the most popular resort of Playa del Carmen, in early January (in 2014 from 3.01 to 12.01) there has been a "BPM Festival" - a large-scale electronic music festival. And on the 20th of January, an international festival is held annually at the same resort. tequila festival.

Weather in February

The last month of winter in Mexico pleases with warm and sunny weather and gives excellent opportunities for a beach holiday. In coastal areas, the air temperature is kept at +27 degrees and above, the warmest in Acapulco on the Pacific coast - up to +31 degrees. It is cooler in the central regions and in the capital in February, during the day the air warms up to +20 - +22 °C.

This month, a vacation in Mexico will be pleasant, no matter which region you go to, but you need to remember that the water in the Caribbean Sea at this time can be cool (about +21 ° C), and in the northeastern part of the country weather can be affected by cold cyclones.

The brightest and most colorful event in February is, of course, mexican carnival. It takes place in the last week before Great Lent in all major cities and resorts of the country and attracts thousands of guests and participants.

March weather

In the first spring month, warm, even hot weather reigns in the resorts of Mexico, there is almost no rain. The air temperature in both Cancun and Acapulco often exceeds +30 °C, the water warms up to +24 °C. It is quite warm in the capital during the day (up to +25 °C), but in the evenings it can get colder (up to +12 °C).

Both beach and sightseeing vacation March will be nice.

It is especially interesting to try to get to the resort of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo (near Acapulco) from March 3 to March 10 - at this time guitar music festival, and from 14 to 17 March in Cancun, Riviera Maya - wine and food festival, which will be attended by famous chefs from 8 countries.

April weather

It is still pleasant to relax in Mexican resorts in April: the air temperature does not fall below +28 °C, the water warms up to +24 °C.

It must be remembered that at the end of April in southern regions Rain is already possible - be sure to have an umbrella with you!

This month in all cities of Mexico are colorful easter celebrations, from 3 to 7 April in Mazatlán on the Pacific coast takes place biker week, and from 10.04 to 14.04 in Mexico City - the largest art fair "Zona Maco".

May weather

In May, the weather is warm, but from the middle of the month, it begins to rain almost throughout Mexico (there are not very many of them yet). The air temperature stays around +30 on the coast and +27 in the central regions, the humidity rises greatly, it becomes stuffy.

This month it is most pleasant to relax in Playa del Carmen, Puerto Morelos and other resorts of the Riviera Maya.

On May 5, Mexico celebrates a big holiday - Cinco de Mayo or Victory Day at Pueblo, there are festivals and celebrations everywhere. From 9 to 19 May, Mexico City hosts art festival"Festival de Mexico en el Centro Historico".

June weather

In June, the weather on the coasts is very changeable: it can pass three times in a day heavy rain after which the sun will shine again. The air temperature rises to +33 - +34 ° C, the water warms up to +28, the main inconvenience is high humidity.

There is a possibility of hurricanes (especially on the east coast).

This month, the Pacific coast is more popular, which offers excellent conditions for surfers (especially in the resort of Puerto Escondido).

In the central part of the country, in Guanajuato, from June 1 to June 9, an annual food festival, and from 3 to 8 June in Guadalajara everyone is invited to wine festival.

July weather

Showers, storms, hurricanes in July on the coasts of Mexico are not uncommon, however, sunny days quite a lot happens. Yes, and the rains are usually, though very strong, but short-lived.

High humidity remains, the air temperature rises to +34, the water warms up to +30 in some places. In the central regions, in Mexico City, it is cooler in July, during the day the air warms up to +24 ° C, in the evening it gets cold to +15 ° C, it also often rains here.

In June, it is pleasant to visit the central regions of the country - at this time they are covered with greenery and look very attractive.

Every year on the last two Mondays of July, the city of Oaxaca in southern Mexico hosts colorful holiday Gelagetza or "Monday on the Hill". From 10 to 14 June in Cabo San Lucas takes place wine and food festival"Taste of Capella", and from 19.07 to 28.07 in Guanajuato there is the largest in Mexico film festival Guanajuato Film Festival.

August weather

August can be called the height of the rainy season - showers go along the entire coast, in the east and on the Yucatan Peninsula, the likelihood of strong hurricanes is especially high.

The air temperature is kept within +32 - +34 ° C, the humidity is still very high. At this time, it is good to travel to Mexico City, to cities located in the center of the country - the air here warms up to +23, and there is relatively little rain.

For almost a whole month, from August 1 to August 25, in the city of San Luis Potosi, cultural festival with exhibitions, concerts, performances and a large fair. Wine lovers should definitely visit the festival dedicated to grape harvest in the city of Encinada, which takes place from 3 to 19 August.

September weather

The weather in September remains rainy, the likelihood of hurricanes is still high. The air temperature drops slightly (up to +31 ° C on the coast), the water warms up to +28 degrees. In the capital of the country, the temperature is kept at +20 °C.

From the second half of September, rest on seaside resorts country is the most pleasant - it is believed that at this time, guests from Russia and Europe need a minimum of time for acclimatization.

From August 28 to September 8, Guadalajara hosts the most important cultural event of the region - music Festival "Mariachi Festival", and from September 10 to 15 in Oaxaca they hold a big food festival.

October weather

In October, showers and hurricanes are already much less, but they are still possible. In the resorts, the air warms up to +30 ° C, in the central regions it is cooler - about +20 degrees.

It is in October that the so-called “golden season” for holidays in Mexico begins - the best conditions at this time are on the Pacific coast.

Very interesting to visit tequila festival"Expo Tequila", which runs from October 9 to 13 in Tijuana, and also held in Merida from October 17 to November 3, is an international mayan culture festival.

November weather

In November, the rains almost do not happen, hurricanes are also rare.

The daytime temperature is kept at +28 °C, at night it is cooler - about +22 °C. It is most hot in November in Acapulco - the air warms up to +32. It is warm in the central part of the country, about +22.

In Aguascalientes, north of Mexico City, from November 1 to November 10, a colorful skeleton festival, and from 13 to 17 November in the highlands of San Miguel de Allende an international jazz festival.

December weather

In December, the weather is excellent both on the Pacific coast and on the coast. caribbean.

The air temperature in seaside resorts does not fall below +26 ° C, the water temperature is about +24 degrees. It is colder in the central and northern regions, in Mexico City, even during the day, the air does not warm up to more than +20 ° C, in the mountains it can get colder to +5.

On December 1, Cancun hosts a spectacular parade of boats and yachts, December 12 is celebrated throughout the country Day of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, December 25 - Catholic Christmas. Early winter - great time for a holiday in any of the Mexican resorts.

The most popular questions of potential tourists before leaving for Mexico!

7 Question
. What is the weather like in Mexico by month? Mexico Cancun weather January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December?


My dears! The weather forecast in Cancun is not a thankful task) Still, on our Mother Earth, there are constantly climate change, so I will lean towards at least two years of experience observing the weather in Cancun Mexico.

(Please ask clarifying additional questions about the weather in Mexico using the contacts at the bottom of the article)

Weather in January in Cancun Mexico

January in Kaknun is the most expensive and most attractive month for a vacation on the Caribbean coast. It can easily be classified as a velvet season in the Crimea. There is no sweltering heat and humidity, but the temperature allows you to sunbathe

There is no sweltering heat and humidity, but the temperature allows you to sunbathe (sometimes even burn) on the beach, as well as in the shade of trees! The weather at this time is sunny and the sea is gently warm and without waves.

January weather in Mexico:

  • Humidity and precipitation are consistently low and do not exceed 80 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is +27C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +31C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +24C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +20.
  • Water temperature in Cancun +24C (may increase by 1-2C on cloudless days)

Such low average annual water and air temperatures in Mexico do not yet mean that you can condescendingly treat the preservation of your unprepared skin from burns. Be sure to purchase a sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 at home or directly upon arrival in Mexico.

Cool weather on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Cancun. January.

Weather in February in Cancun Mexico

February weather in Cancun is one of the most calm and measured winter months in Mexico. The noisy pre-New Year Catholic Christmas, New Year and our favorite 10-day New Year holidays are ending with the normalization of Cancun's tourist life and turning it into an excellent Caribbean resort with the most ideal temperature conditions for all categories of vacationers!

February weather in Mexico:

  • February breaks all records for anti-humidity - it is minimal this month.
  • The amount of precipitation tends to zero (usually does not exceed 50 mm / month).
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable +27C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +30C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +19C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +25C.

Weather in March in Cancun Mexico

March in Cancun is like a continuation of a velvety and calm February. Temperature regime balanced, there are no sharp changes in day and night temperatures. characteristic low humidity and gradually rising average daily temperatures.

Weather in Mexico in March:

  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable + 28C. On clear days it warms up to +31C.
  • The air temperature at night in Cancun is +23C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +20C.

April weather in Cancun Mexico

April in Cancun is the crown of the dry season in Cancun Mexico. The weather in this harmonious balance of air and water temperatures can last until mid-May. The temperature is comfortable for families with children. At this time, as a rule, there are no waves, and the continuation of the dry season allows the water in the water area to warm up to respectable + 28C.

Weather in Mexico in April:

  • The amount of precipitation does not exceed 60 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable + 29C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +23C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +21C.

Weather in May in Cancun Mexico

May in Cancun is a change of seasons. It can happen both abruptly and suddenly, and blurry at ease). During this period, high cumulus clouds appear, the direction of the wind changes and the direction of the waves changes throughout the month, the first short precipitation falls.

Weather in Mexico in May:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 110 mm/month.

Weather in June in Cancun Mexico

June in Cancun is the first month of the wet season. Cumulus clouds can appear suddenly and pour warm rain. Immediately after the rain - heat and fresh milk instead of the sea! The direction of the wind and waves finally changes making rain surprises day by day)

Weather in Mexico in June:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 140 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is steadily rising + 31C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +34C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +25C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

Weather in July in Cancun Mexico

July in Cancun is the second month of the wet season. And as the locals say: "July gives us a head start." All the same cumulus clouds come from nowhere and pour warm rain. Immediately after the rain - heat and fresh milk instead of the sea! But, the humidity is significantly reduced, the air warms up to the highest rates of the year.

Weather in Mexico in July:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage decreases to 90 mm/month.
  • The air temperature during the day in Cancun is steadily growing + 33C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +36C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +27C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

Weather in August in Cancun Mexico

August in Cancun is the third month of the wet season. The month gives a reminder of precipitation by its duration. No longer considered an exception for precipitation of 2 or 3 days per two weeks of rest. Cumulus clouds on such days come rain front. If you managed to get upset, then I will say that August is a month of holidays for us. There are very few tourists and I allow myself to relax on the beach more often) and …. I call this month the month of burnt noses!

Weather in Mexico in August:

    • The amount of precipitation at this stage rises to 140 mm/month.
    • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is steadily growing + 33 + 34C.
    • On clear days it warms up to +37C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +27C.
    • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
    • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

September weather in Cancun Mexico

September in Cancun is the fourth month of the wet season. According to all the canons, September is the month of rain orgies, and the reminder is no longer the presence of precipitation, but their minimal absence. In order not to scare you at all, I will say this - this is the most whiny month of the year. In terms of rainfall, it can exceed 3 months of the dry season. But his tearfulness is expressed from year to year in different ways. Rains can spoil the impression of tourists going on a morning excursion, while during the day the bright sun can shine, baking the earth up to +32, and in the late afternoon somewhere it will rain again.

Weather in Mexico in September:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage rises to 190 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun drops to +29+30C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +25C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +28C.

Weather in October in Cancun Mexico

October in Cancun is a change of seasons. Precipitation may still occur at the beginning of October, but in the second half of October, precipitation will already be an exception to the rule. The temperature regime stabilizes and more sunny days appear compared to September. Humidity is decreasing, which indicates a change in the wind to a different direction. Mexico in October Cancun.

Weather in November in Cancun Mexico

November in Cancun is the beginning of the dry season. The beginning of November is characterized by an increasing flow of tourists from Russia. The temperature regime becomes more gentle, there is more sun during the day, but the length of the day inevitably decreases, which gives a refreshing coolness in the evenings. Humidity levels and rainfall are decreasing.

Weather in Mexico in November:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage is reduced to 100 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is slightly below +29C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +24C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +21C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +27C.

Cancun beach in November. Cancun. Mexico.

December weather in Cancun Mexico

December in Cancun is dominated by the dry season. The days are getting even shorter, which affects the evening coolness, daytime water and air temperature. This is the beginning velvet season with the invariably coming euphoria of pre-Christmas gatherings for rest.

Weather in Mexico in December:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage decreases to 70 mm/month.
  • Daytime air temperature in Cancun is slightly below +28C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +22C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +20C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +26C.

Many people dream of visiting the homeland of cacti, sombreros and tacos. And this is quite understandable, because the whole of Latin America and the entourage surrounding it won our hearts from childhood. A stunning ocean, majestic jungles, dormant volcanoes, the remains of ancient civilizations - epochs met in an amazing way. You can visit the pyramids of Teotihuacan and Chichen Itza, the ruins of Mayan cities without a time machine: you just need to want to.

Some people know, and some only guess, but the Mexican States is a real paradise for gourmets. If the mere thought of a quesadilla or an enchilada makes you crave a "brutal" appetite, then you're on the right track - Mexican chefs know their stuff. And what about the opportunity to carelessly sip refreshing tequila-based cocktails, basking in the sun on the chic beaches of Puerto Vallarta ... Do you urgently want to visit the country? Then find out.


For most people, when planning a vacation, there are two main questions: which resort and what time of the year to go. Explore in detail climatic features country and region, clearly define the purpose of travel. It's hot in Mexico all year round, however, temperatures in different parts of the country can vary significantly. We are not talking about coastal resorts, where there is a comparative stability of the climate, and only the amount of precipitation affects the general background. In some places, for example, in the central part of the country, it can be quite cool in the evenings.

To decide exactlyWhen is the best time to visit Mexico?just for you, get acquainted with regional climatic features.

  • Pacific coast. rainy season lasts from June to October. The sky is covered with clouds closer to the night, and the next morning it becomes clear again.
  • Gulf of Mexico. The area is famous maximum level air humidity. The weather is always hot and tropical showers are common in summer.
  • Yucatan Peninsula. Mild, warm weather all year round is a pleasant feature of the resort region. The only negative that affects the popularity of the destination is the risk of hurricanes in the summer and early autumn months.
  • Central regions. Inside the country reigns temperate climate reminiscent of a warm spring. True, the highlands can surprise you with unexpected cold at night.

Holidays and festivals

When planning a vacation, one part of the tourists usually hunts for great deals, while the other part studies the list of interesting activities and events taking place in the country. They are united by the desire to relax so that only positive memories remain. Excursions, shopping or beach idleness - that's not all! Fortunately, in Mexico there is always something to diversify your leisure time.

Dias de los Muertos. The name of the most popular Mexican festival is translated as "Day of the Dead". Latin Americans celebrate the annual celebration of the memory of the dead in the first days of November on a traditional scale, rolling up a feast with music and dancing.

carnival. Impossible to imagine latin america no carnivals. Of course, Mexico is no exception. At the end of February, the streets of Velacruz are flooded with crowds of people who want to have fun, enjoy music shows, delicious snacks and, of course, impressive costumes.

Cinco de Mayo. The annual event commemorates the Mexican victory over the French at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The joy of celebration is manifested in noisy street festivities, parades, costumed performances.

BPM Festival. The legendary ten-day electronic music festival gathers thousands of fans of the genre in Playa del Carmen in the first half of January.

Note to the tourist

  • The coast is generally dry and sunny from mid-November to late April. The hot weather typical for this time of the year attracts a huge flow of tourists.
  • In the mountainous regions in the north of the country, snow falls during the winter months. If you are attracted by the prospect of alternating heat and cold, then book a tour for December, January or February. In addition, the period is ideal for bird watching, of which there is a great variety in these parts.
  • The rainy season dominates the southern territories from May to October. rainfall is abundant, but it is at this time of the year that the forests and valleys are covered with lush greenery. Lost in the jungle, the ruins become incredibly attractive and relatively free from crowds of tourists.
  • Admire the breathtaking spectacle when the whales - giant inhabitants planet Earth - leave the waters of the Arctic and sail to the Mexican coast, it is possible from the beginning of February to the end of April.
  • Hurricanes occur, although quite rarely, from June to November.
  • Hot, humid July and August are among the favorites of only a small percentage of foreigners. There are several main reasons: the high probability of hurricane winds, heavy rains and the holiday season for Mexicans, which overwhelm beaches and tourist spots.
  • School holidays, Christmas, Easter are the peak periods. At this time in public transport there is nowhere for an apple to fall, and the hotels "stand on the foot."
  • Do you want to know, When is the best time to visit Mexico?lovers of peace and tranquility? Absolute privacy is unlikely to be achieved, but a relatively peaceful atmosphere reigns on the Riviera Maya in May, September and December.

Everyone chooses the ideal time to visit the country for himself. Want to save money on travel? Avoid the high season when prices are at their peak. Do you love fun? Plan your vacation around the carnival date. If you set out to freely see the sights, and then enjoy plenty solar heat choose the off-season.

There is not much difference when to go to Mexico, since almost all year round the weather here will delight you with its warm climate. However, in this country there are certain periods when it is better to relax in Mexico.

High season in Mexico it starts from November to April. Exactly at winter time year, the number of tourists who want to soak up the rays warm sun, increases several times. The air temperature at this time reaches + 30 ° C, and water - + 28 ° C.

As such low season not in Mexico, as a high influx of tourists to this country is observed throughout the year. And yet from May to October there is a high chance of rain and strong winds. Because of this, severe storms and tornadoes can break out on the coast. If they don't stop you weather At this time, you can significantly save on flights.

Holidays in Mexico in winter

Winter for Mexico is the onset of a warm and dry period. You can forget about tropical showers at this time, so a vacation in Mexico in winter will turn out to be unusually comfortable. Relatively cool remains only in the central part of the country, where the air temperature reaches only +24°C.

The weather in Mexico in winter can vary depending on the region you are visiting. For example, in, the thermometer will not rise above + 21 ° C, and in the resort it can reach + 27 ° C. February is considered the month when it is best to go to Mexico.

Read also:

Features of holidays in Mexico in the spring

The weather in Mexico in spring fluctuates around +17-30°C. The transition from winter to spring is practically not felt here. April is considered a transitional month from dry to humid climate. Since May, the rainy season begins throughout the country, so holidays in Mexico in the spring are not very popular.

The only resort in the country that does not suffer from daily showers is Playa del Carmen. The air temperature in spring in the country reaches +29°C in Acapulco and +27°C in Mexico City.

Read also:

Holidays in Mexico in the summer

Holidays in Mexico in the summer are characterized by heavy rains. However, do not assume that constant rains in the country go all day. rain cloud can come as unexpectedly as it leaves. Throughout a sunny and clear day It is raining about half an hour, but very strong.

July is considered the peak of the Doge season. With its onset, heavy rains can go continuously for up to 2 hours. The weather in Mexico in summer is very unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Powerful hurricanes begin in August. The east coast suffers the most from them. This time of the year is considered the period when flying to Mexico is the most dangerous.

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