Black transplants. “People have a distorted idea of ​​cadaveric donation How Black Transplanters Choose Victims

The press service of the prosecutor's office of the Kyiv region on October 2 announced the arrest of four people who were taking Ukrainian citizens abroad, where they were seized for kidney transplantation. “Two citizens of Turkey and two citizens of Ukraine from September 2015 to April 2017 through worldwide network The Internet was looking for victims with a difficult financial situation and persuaded the latter to sell their organ for a monetary reward, ”the official statement says.

After being tested for AIDS and viral hepatitis, all those who agreed to donate a kidney were taken to Turkey and France, where illegal transplants were performed. People were not warned about the negative consequences of kidney deprivation.

Organ donors were promised to pay between $10,000 and $15,000 for a kidney, but after the removal of the organ, they were given much less money. The price of a donor kidney in the global transplantation market ranges from $40,000 to $60,000.

Those arrested face 8 to 15 years in prison.

Appointed acting Minister of Health, Ulana Suprun made no secret from the very beginning that one of her main goals was the adoption of a law on organ transplantation. Upon taking office, she stated: “This is very important point. I have good friend, who has been waiting for a transplant for 16 years. I personally will make every effort to pass this law as soon as possible. Now people are dying, getting sick, and they need some kind of action. I will work with the Verkhovna Rada (Verkhovna Rada - ed.) to ensure that this law is adopted as soon as possible.” Now the law on cadaveric donation has already been prepared and is waiting for its approval. However, there is one detail in it that turns Ukrainian citizens into a disenfranchised herd of donor organ suppliers. Article 4 says: “If an international treaty of Ukraine, the consent to be bound by which is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, establishes other norms than those provided for by this Law, then the norms of the international treaty shall apply.” It means that adopted law turns into a simple piece of paper, and the wishes of Western partners will act.

There is already tacit information that in the war zone in the Donbass and Ukrainian clinics in Dnipro (decommunized Dnepropetrovsk) and Kyiv, teams of foreign doctors are working, carrying out organ sampling from the seriously wounded and dying.

After the adoption of the law on transplantation of organs and other human anatomical materials, human organs may become the most demanded Ukrainian export product in the near future. The man in the "dismantling" is worth more than a million dollars. Everything is used, from the heart, which costs about $150,000, to bones and cartilage.

Ukraine is among the top ten countries leading in human trafficking. In 2016, Ukraine was placed at risk for human trafficking in the Trafficking in Persons Report published by the US State Department. The authors of the Report placed Ukraine in the second group with the note “needs attention”. In addition to Ukraine, it includes Afghanistan, Bulgaria, Congo, Cuba, Pakistan, Serbia, Thailand and Tunisia.

Ukraine is seen as "a country whose government does not fully comply with the standards of the law on the protection of victims of trafficking in human beings, while making efforts to get closer to meeting the standards."

Trafficking in living people and donor organs in Ukraine can become a Klondike for all kinds of swindlers. Only during the first half of 2017, the police of Ukraine revealed almost 150 crimes that are related to the facts of human trafficking. This is twice as much as last year. There is no doubt that the detained group of “black transplantologists” is not the only one, and after the adoption of the law that Suprun pedaled, their number will increase significantly.

Inc. Correspondent "One Motherland"

Announcements for the purchase and sale of human organs appear on specialized websites and in relevant groups on social networks every day. At the same time, there is not a single criminal case about “black transplantologists” in the Russian legal field. "Snob" studied how the human organ market works in Russia and the post-Soviet space

Photo: Romeo Ranoco/Reuters


Asiam ready to sell a kidney or a liver, anyway. She thought for a month before writing an ad. “I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I need money.” The text came up quickly. Two years ago, she could not have imagined that she would have to think about this. “My husband and I lived for ten years in Almaty, without knowing grief, we raised two children. And then he was laid off from the car dealership where he worked,” says Aziyam. The husband tried for several months to get a job, but to no avail. “We had a loan for renovations we were doing on the house. They took another one to pay it off, but in the end it was still not enough to live on. The husband decided to take a chance - he began to play slot machines and cards. And he got sucked in. And after some time, he lost more than we should have - 9 thousand dollars. In general, I signed a mortgage on the house in which we lived,” says Aziyam. When the bandits came to take away their house for debts, Asia managed to find intermediaries who took another loan for her. Six months later, she managed to pay off the debt. Around the same time, the husband again squandered the house in the cards. “So I stayed on the street with two children. My husband disappeared when we were evicted.” Asiam does not know where he is - maybe he found another family, or maybe he committed suicide. “I’m tired, I don’t have strength,” says Asiam. “Can you help me find who needs a kidney or a liver?” I understand that everyone has their own problems, and there are a million like me. I do not know what to do. Hoping for something good."

Andrey ready to sell any organ, "the absence of which will not bring problems later, if it does not exist." You can sell a lot of things: the cornea of ​​the eye, part of the bone marrow, a testicle, a kidney or a liver, earn from it - from 3 to 100 thousand dollars. Rates vary greatly. Andrey needs about 15 thousand dollars for the operation that his sick mother needs. Relatives are not aware of his attempts. "I can't make money any other way."

Orhan looking for money to start own business- he was banned from entering Russia for three years, and in Baku, where he now lives, he cannot earn money. “The bank does not give 15 million, but in order to win, you have to take a risk. There is no fear, we all die at some point. I believe in Allah, everything will be as he wants. My victory is my paradise. And besides, I don't have anyone. After I lost my brother, I was left alone.”

Sergey hopes to get an education. “Last year I entered a Moscow university. I studied the first months, although it was difficult. Somehow, a blogger from Japan, whom I follow, came to Moscow to meet with subscribers, ”says Sergey. At the meeting there were representatives of educational institutions from Japan, they told how everything works. Sergei was eager to go. “Of course, it cost a lot of money. I started filling my head with all sorts of ideas about making money, before I had time to look back, how the 1st semester ended, and I didn’t pass a single exam - more precisely, I wasn’t even admitted to them, - says Sergey. “And recently I saw a headline on the Internet about organ donation and decided to donate something to pay for my studies. Perhaps then there may be health problems, but I think this is at the beginning, and then I will get better. Still, it depends on the health of the person. How many people live with one organ is quite normal!”

Each author of ads posted on numerous "exchanges" has his own sad story. It is unlikely that most of these people will be able to sell their organ: even if they themselves decide to go all the way, they will fall for scammers who will lure money from them for mediation, but will not bring them to the buyer. These scammers contemptuously call them "dodik". Real buyers, who, however, also call them rather contemptuously - "spare parts", are much more difficult to find.


In March of this year, Asiam found buyers for her kidney - she was offered 4 million rubles. She contacted the client by e-mail. “What you told about your problems and debts, sorry for being blunt, is of the least interest to me,” a person with the nickname vstranechudesaliska wrote to Asiam. “You come to us in Irkutsk, yourself. At the same time, you should not be lost at home for about a week. Links with outside world will not be. We will meet you and take you to the right place. You take tests for four days, and if everything is fine, then we will cut you out.

Two months have passed since this conversation. Despite fatigue from debts, Asiam still cannot decide whether to go to Irkutsk or not. Her interlocutor did not give any guarantees, and refused to pay the advance. Asiam is afraid to return without money or not to return at all: acquaintances say that she can be sold into sexual slavery. However, stories about kidnappings of people who want to sell their kidneys are from the realm of rumors; the leader of the Alternative movement, Oleg Melnikov, who rescues people, for example, from brick factories in Dagestan, told Snob that he had not encountered such cases in his long practice.

Konstantin from Bratsk tried to sell a kidney four times: he needed money to buy enough powerful computer to work as a web designer; with the rest of the money he wants to buy a tent in Irkutsk, which he will rent out. Konstantin is an orphan, a visually impaired childhood. On the Internet, he negotiated services with intermediaries. “All four times for some reason I trusted the girls, I don’t know why. They all turned out to be scammers. I even understand that, most likely, these are not their photographs, maybe, in general, a man is sitting at a computer. They explained that they were providing services - they were meeting with a doctor. You have to pay money for this. In just six months, I gave 18 thousand. Every time after the payment, the person disappeared. I don't even know how I, such an idiot, did it so many times. However, I continue to look for opportunities, I didn’t have any money, and I still got into debt. Can you help me sell a kidney?”

Of the several dozen people who appear on the Internet as intermediaries, Marina () is the only one who agreed to talk to Snob. Marina has several fake VK accounts - she bought them in bulk, about fifteen at once, on one of the exchanges of hacked pages. “Buy already with friends. I fill out my profile so you can see what I'm doing active life. I'll repost all sorts of quotes. I choose photos that are pretty, but not too much - just a nice, pretty girl. So that both men and women lead." Marina says that she is approached with requests for help to sell a kidney several times every day. For acquaintance with a doctor who performs such operations, she asks from three to five thousand rubles. “Most refuse, but up to seven people a month are recruited. After the transfer of money, I either immediately block the person, or feed him breakfast for some time. These dodiks are so tired of life that, as a rule, they have no strength to complain. If they block it, don't worry. Accounts are worth a penny, and there are too many who want to.” Marina lives in small town in the Urals and one brings up small child. Earned money is enough to give him everything. “We have few options: either as a saleswoman or on the track. So I settled down just fine,” she says. Marina does not feel remorse: “People want easy money instead of working. I want too, only I'm smarter. Everything is fair." In her opinion, it is impossible to find a real intermediary through the Internet. “I have never heard that someone could really sell. I just don't think it's like that."

According to transplant doctor Mogeli Khubutia, this business simply cannot exist. “It’s all fiction, just stories, you know? The profession of a transplantologist is so rare that doctors simply do not need it. After all, it is dangerous for the reputation. The professional world is very narrow, everyone knows each other in it. This is first. The conditions for the operation must be appropriate - this is second. Qualification again. Have you ever heard of this yourself? There were no criminal cases, nothing like that. If someone did this, they would definitely get caught,” Khubutia believes.

Photo: Keith Bedford/Reuters

Spare parts

Sergey from Ukhta found a real intermediary after he gave money to two scammers. Sergei did not sell a kidney, he was looking for where to buy it for his wife, who really needed it.

“I would be happy to tell you, but you yourself must understand that all this is illegal. I'm afraid, - Sergey begins the conversation. “I have already burned myself several times on these intermediaries. Then I saw one agency, I decided to contact them. I don’t know why I decided - it’s just that the situation was already becoming hopeless. ”

"Snob" turned to several agencies offering similar services in Russia. The standard answer looks something like this: “The cost of the liver is from 4 million rubles. The cost of a kidney is from 6 million rubles. Our clinic provides e-tickets for Express train or plane, it all depends on your location. For cooperation, it is necessary to make a registration fee of 12,300 rubles. This contribution is made by a potential donor for the preparation of documents and is a guarantee of seriousness for your decision. Upon admission to the clinic, you will begin to undergo an examination from the first day, after which, based on all the indicators, the fee will be announced.”

Sergey was very worried if he would be deceived again, since first of all it was required to pay. “In general, I wasn’t, I sent the spouse’s data. I waited a week, then they answered me that they had found it. They offered two candidates - we chose the one who asks less. After that, Sergei paid half the amount - 15 thousand dollars. He was told the city and the date when he should arrive. “We arrived with my wife in the city of N, where we were met. Those who met did not hide their faces. We were put in a car and taken to the clinic, which was located within the city. They took tests, and the next day the operation. Doctors are intellectuals, in masks, I did not see their faces. After the operation, I paid the balance, that's basically all. The kidney has taken root, everything is fine.

Ludmila Lazareva- one of the few who publicly spoke about having gone through such an operation in Russia. In 2014, in order to pay off her foreign currency mortgage, she took a desperate step and sold her kidney. The operation was helped to organize by familiar doctors in one of the clinics near Moscow, the name of which Lazareva did not specify in an interview with reporters. According to her, they were looking for a buyer for about two weeks, then she underwent an operation, after which she "was lying in an ordinary ward with some usual drawn diagnosis." A week later, Lazareva was discharged. For the organ, she received only 150 thousand rubles, which was barely enough for a monthly mortgage payment.

“My health is the same as it was. Only now the hair stopped growing, and she lost a lot of teeth, ”she said in an interview two years after the operation. After several TV shows that Lazareva visited in 2016, her traces are lost.

Torpedoes and donkeys

There are no mentions of criminal cases under article 127.1 of the Criminal Code, paragraph “G” – human trafficking for the purpose of removing human organs – in any database of court verdicts. Those who sell organs, as Snob found out, are not too afraid of persecution by the law. "Snob" managed to find a real intermediary who explained why. Arseny Potapov (fictitious name in VK. — Approx. ed.) lives in one of the neighboring countries. “You may have heard that a group of people who facilitated donation were detained? From each for 35 thousand dollars, and we again work in a world where everything is bought and sold,” explains Potapov. Let's say you decide to sell your kidney. There are very few intermediaries, I know five more people, all of them do not live in Russia. So 96% that you will be deceived. People are led to exorbitant amounts, they are offered, for example, 400 thousand dollars of a fee and half at once. So recently one woman got 500 dollars. There are a lot of scammers, however, I also did not immediately become an intermediary.

A few years ago, Potapov was in dire need of money, and he was offered to work as a "torpedo". “This is a job that involves transporting drugs, most often in one's own body; I hid in other places. They paid well, but six months later I was offered to go to a less dangerous job - an intermediary, or a donkey. "Ishak" is the one who picks up the client from his city and takes him to the clinic. Now two to four people pass through Potapov every month. He charges fifteen hundred dollars for his services. Potapov sends me the price list of one of the Moscow clinics. “In Russia, the liver is not transplanted, for this operation we provide the opportunity to fly abroad. All other procedures: kidney, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation are performed in our clinic. Stem cell transplant - $10,000, bone marrow - $70,000, liver - from $130,000 to $300,000 (including flight), kidney - $200,000."

“Of course, even if you find a real intermediary, you will receive 30 thousand dollars for a liver or kidney. The rest goes to pay for the operation, part of the amount is taken by an intermediary, part goes to doctors and those who turn a blind eye to this matter. The donor himself will never find anyone without an intermediary, so the money is gone, ”explains Potapov. In addition to donation, he is engaged in several other "related" businesses. “Young girls who have been dumped by a boyfriend or simply disappointed in life, I take them to India for egg donation. It's better than cutting out a kidney, and the fee is in the range of 7 thousand dollars. Plus it's legal. There is one more know-how, you will laugh. Wealthy ladies are willing to pay for young guys with good looks. Now a woman from Estonia, 57 years old, asked to find young guy according to her criteria. Looking for a dandy - tall, weight no more than 90 kilograms, athletic build.

At the end of the conversation, Potapov promises to send me a video in which there is a "real major intermediary." This is a recording of the 2014 program for Ukrainian television. He will also advise how to reach him - posing as a donor, write a letter to the administrator on a specialized site.

First thing Alexander G. tells me that most of what the media says about him is a lie. “I got into this story, like most. At first I wanted to sell a kidney. In most cases, people are used to searching through the Internet, but I read an ad in an Israeli paper newspaper in Russian. We were looking for a kidney donor for a fee. I was young, graduated from the medical faculty at the University of Tel Aviv. I didn’t have an apartment, I didn’t have a car, I had to work as a doctor for more than 10 years to earn money for all this.”

G. was born in Ukraine and is now about 30 years old. He is considered an ex-member of the international criminal gang of the Turkish doctor "Doctor Zis" - the main player in this business in the post-Soviet space and in Europe. G. himself admitted this in a conversation with "Snob". In 2008, he called the number indicated in the newspaper, where he was offered to meet. “I met with a group member Boris Volfman, he said that there are people who need a transplant, and if I'm ready, I can be a donor. I was promised 80 thousand dollars. I gave good. Conducted a survey, they paid an advance.

Alexander was saved from donation by the fact that the buyer of his kidney died while he was doing a Canadian visa - the operation was supposed to take place there. “Wolfman told me to wait and they will find another person. After some time, I assessed the situation, understood how these people make money, and persuaded Wolfman to take me into business. At first I wanted to look for donors, but Boris said that there were no problems with this and that we should look for buyers. I know Hebrew, Russian, Ukrainian, English, and even before studying medical, I worked as an IT specialist. I found several American forums where people who needed a transplant gathered. I looked at the data of these people, sent them letters, said that I knew about their problem and I could help. 8 out of 10 agreed to the services. This is how I found my first clients. From each I was promised 10 thousand dollars. I figured it was great option earn money to buy an apartment in Tel Aviv.

Photo: Pierre-Philippe Marcou/AFP

Doctors and bosses

Then Alexander came up with a more reliable scheme for finding clients - to get his doctors to work in hemodialysis departments in expensive private clinics in Europe. The plan was implemented. “It was very important to know who you were dealing with. They charged 80,000 dollars from someone for a transplant, but if they understood that a person could pay 150,000 dollars, then they took one hundred and fifty,” says G. “There were 25 people in our group. Some were engaged in the search for donors, others - analyzes, and others - support. Everyone had their own duties, but no one knew each other, so that if one was pulled, then nothing would happen to the rest. Some were freeloaders who did nothing, but received money.

At some point, according to Alexander, they began to pay him less and less, and his dissatisfaction with Wolfman's methods of work also accumulated. “I didn't know how much donors really get. They were usually paid after the operation. Over time, I learned that the donors were not paid the promised money, they received 10-15 thousand dollars in their hands, it happened that they did not receive it at all. People were afraid to complain, they thought they were breaking the law. I understood that this was wrong and sooner or later it would all crack. I decided to leave and went to Wolfman to talk. As a result, I was taken to the desert by 10 people and beaten for wrong thoughts. They said that I would not leave the case. Then I had to go to the police. Everyone was detained, there was a scandal.”

Alexander temporarily moved to Egypt and thought about what to do next. During his work, he understood well how the business works, and decided to deal with it on his own. “There is a lower link - “donkeys” - the only people who risk falling under criminal prosecution. They transport people across the border and get a penny for it. Next come a variety of intermediaries - those who are looking for customers and work on organizing the process. The highest level is the doctor for whom we work. He personally operates or negotiates with other doctors. There are about six such doctors - Albania, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kosovo," explains G.

From the moment of the meeting to the operation, it takes about a month. “I need to find a buyer, negotiate with him, many want a personal meeting, I have to fly, these are expenses,” says G. “At this time, the donor leaves an advance, I give him a list of tests that need to be taken. Then I call the doctor and send the donor there at my own expense. Further, it is necessary to calculate before the operation, then the operation. This is where my services end.

To prevent the donor from running away, G. takes his passport and receipt, where he indicates that he received money for the upcoming donation and understands that he is breaking the law ( V different countries the law is different, but the sale is prohibited everywhere. — Approx. ed.). “It never got to the point that I applied somewhere with a receipt. But there are guys who, if something happens, will break their legs.

In this business, according to G., everyone is somehow connected with Wolfman or with Zis. “There is really no competition - just pay money, bring normal clients, and you will be welcome,” says G. “I know that Wolfman works in Albania. Nothing prevents me from coming there and agreeing on the operation. He won’t say a word to me – the main thing is money.”

He himself does not feel ashamed for being in this business. “I always warn people how this can turn out for them. Moreover, I always force people to sign a paper that describes the consequences. In the worst scenario, a person can then look for a donor for himself, which he will not be able to pay for. But this is such a business when everything cannot be clean. However, like any other. It's like having a shop."

It just seems that serfdom and slavery are horror stories from the history books. International observers count more than 40 million slaves all over the planet. These unfortunates serve for sexual pleasures in brothels, work for food in heavy production, die with weapons in their hands for the interests of others. The most terrible manifestation of this unlimited power is the removal of the internal organs that are given to man by nature. At $ 600 million, international observers of the market of illegal transplantation at the first regional congress on trafficking in human beings opened in Guatemala. Specialists of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) closely associate this business with the slave trade. Where vital organs are taken from people today, Izvestia found out.

Buy with giblets

Officially, the fight against the illegal exploitation of people and the accompanying phenomena arising from it has been going on for 130 years. The first International Congress to Combat the Traffic in Women was held in London in 1899.

The latest data on this disaster on the planet suggests that at least 40.8 million people do not belong to themselves in the truest sense of the word. Problem regions, according to the website of the Global Slavery Index (GSI), remain several countries in South and Central America, Central and East Africa, Middle East and Southeast Asia.

More than half of all crimes related to the oppression of people on the planet, according to the GIR, occur in five countries: India, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Uzbekistan.

In the Middle East and Southeast Asia, international enclaves of illicit organ transplants tend to find the majority of transplant donors as well.

This information should be considered from a critical point of view, since international statistics can be biased due to the current political situation.

Thus, a number of human rights organizations accused the PRC of persecuting adherents of the Falun Gong movement (some Russian researchers consider the organization destructive sect). In particular, since 2001, conflicting reports and publications in the media have been made public that hundreds of thousands of followers of the teachings were thrown into prisons without trial or investigation, where they were tortured and killed. The massacres were allegedly preceded by the removal of organs. These facts have been repeatedly verified by public observers, international organizations, diplomats, but have not been confirmed.

In 2013-2014, the US FBI uncovered more than 1,900 fabricated stories about the persecution of the Chinese for dissent with the aim of immigration fraud. The deception was dictated by the desire to obtain refugee status or a residence permit in the United States.

Nevertheless, the situation with the volume of donor organs in the Celestial Empire is alarming human rights activists around the world. The country has become famous for the shortest waiting list for a donor organ (in some cases, the period does not exceed only two weeks). In 2006, the country's authorities admitted that they were using the organs of executed prisoners in transplantation. This practice began in the country in 1984 - then the Ministry of State Security decided to help the Chinese in need of a transplant. Now the country is trying to get away from this practice.

Australian doctors recently called for a boycott of all Chinese transplant research papers due to a violation professional ethics. Until information about specific donors is provided in the proceedings.

"Hot" kidneys

Donors are always where there is war, famine, unrest - in terrible events, accounting human lives not conducted. This is used by intermediaries that supply clinics around the world with human organs.

According to the UN website, up to 20% of the treasury of ISIS (an organization banned in Russia) is replenished through human trafficking. It is estimated that in 2014 alone terrorists made between $35 million and $45 million from kidnapping - and we are talking only about a few people redeemed from the organization. A sad fate awaits the "unclaimed" prisoners. Some, mostly girls, serve as the currency with which the militants pay each other, others go to hard work.

But the worst of all is the fate of those who are placed on the operating table. The captives are gutted by teams of "black" transplantologists. This criminal experience in crime appeared during the fighting in the Balkans.

The trade in the internal organs of kidnapped Serbs was one of the items of financial income for the terrorist organization Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). A terrible detail - a person deprived of one kidney was forced to suffer for some time while waiting for a buyer to be found for his second kidney. In addition to the kidneys, the hearts were often taken away from the captives. Former prosecutor of the Hague Tribunal Carla del Ponte found evidence of massacres for the purpose of taking internal organs from ethnic Serbs, Gypsies and Albanians disloyal to the KLA. In particular, a house was found in the vicinity of Bourrel, adapted for a surgical department - medicines, traces of blood, bandages were left there, indicating specific operations. International Tribunal for former Yugoslavia did not investigate these crimes. Del Ponte confessed in her book “Hunting. Me and war criminals” that the UN mission for the interim administration in Kosovo prevented the completion of the investigation of the crimes. This mission was headed by a French doctor, one of the founders of Doctors Without Borders, a diplomat (he was the Minister of Foreign Affairs of France) Bernard Kouchner.

According to the Italian edition of L'Espresso, they lose their internal organs, including by deception. Amid the fighting in the Middle East, so-called organ theft is rampant. When a wounded person is “robbed” during a bombing or under fire, for example, by one kidney under anesthesia. The hero of the publication is a soldier from Sulaymaniyah (northern Iraq), who was blown up by a terrorist bomb. He was sent for treatment to Turkey, where the "theft" of the organ took place in a private clinic in Ankara.

According to the publication, such trade brings profits of up to $1.7 billion to beneficiaries. Crises in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, North Africa only into the hands of the bigwigs of illegal business.

Clinics of "black" transplantologists are located in Turkey and Egypt. The most frequent clients of these medical institutions are wealthy citizens from the United States, countries Persian Gulf, European Union, Israel and ... Russia. Of the 4 million Lebanese refugees, 20,000 (since 2012) have sold their kidneys. But the circumstances of these transactions are highly questionable.

The fight against the top management of the transnational criminal community by international law enforcement services is carried out carelessly, the publication states. If you wish, it is not difficult to find the roots of evil - from the whole scheme of tissue turnover, only the operation itself is legal. Buying and selling is illegal in most countries. But powerful medical, business structures and political forces are included in the cycle of human tissues.

Issue price

Today, there is an unusually high demand for organs for transplantation in the world, which is satisfied only from 5 to 10%. Moreover, not in every country the legislation provides for the possibility of using procedures of this kind, while people need donor organs everywhere.

The deficit is made up by shadowy transnational criminal groups, which include highly qualified doctors.

Prices on the black market for organs vary. The price of a kidney ranges from $50,000 to $150,000, while its owner, in the case of voluntary donation, receives only $5,000-15,000. A liver, or rather part of it, costs half as much. A part of the cornea costs 10 times less than a kidney.

Transplantation in Russian

Russia has quite progressive legislation in terms of organ donation. But we're talking about dead people. According to the law, there is a presumption of consent to transplantation. That is, any adult citizen is ready to be a donor after death, unless otherwise stated. Such a prohibition can be expressed by a person both orally and in a documentary, notarized form. These data are entered into the patient's medical record. Spouses or one of close relatives, which are mentioned in the law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens,” can also oppose after death.

Nevertheless, in Russia there are examples of these monstrous crimes, the victims of which are also children. The point is that, in accordance with Art. 47 of the same law, the removal of organs and tissues for transplantation is not allowed from a living person who has not reached the age of 18 (except in cases of bone marrow transplantation) or who has been recognized incapacitated in the manner prescribed by law. But for the sake of their sick child, parents are sometimes ready to commit any crime and even mutilate someone else's.

The criminal circulation of organs for transplantation is a topic closed in the country for wide coverage. But, of course, this does not mean at all that the trouble has bypassed us. Russia - important element in the international traffic of donor organs and tissues.

Reports of gangs of criminals operating in various regions kidnapping children in shopping centers flooded instant messengers in 2014. And, although most of them, as claimed officials, turned out to be fake, Izvestia's sources in law enforcement agencies confirmed at least one case of forced removal of a kidney from a child in one of shopping centers without giving details.

It is known that after the mother reported about the disappearance of her son, big forces police. As a result, a sleeping boy with traces of surgical intervention was found in the technical rooms of one of the buildings.

The version was repeatedly expressed in the press that it was impossible to remove an organ by hand. In particular, Pavel Vladimirov, an angiosurgeon of the Department of Vascular Surgery and Kidney Transplantation of the Regional Clinical Hospital of St. Petersburg, stated this to

- This is impossible, it's a fairy tale! Of course, in five hours you can “cut out” a lot of things, but to recover from the operation, the child would need at least a week, the doctor said.

Nevertheless, world practice proves that this is quite feasible. The capital actor experienced a terrible tragedy in February 2015. He, being tipsy, met a girl, after which he ended up with her in the sauna. He does not remember further events - the companion made him drunk with a potent substance. He came to himself at the bus stop public transport with severe pain in the abdomen. At home, he examined himself and found a fresh stitch on the scrotum. The pain was unbearable, and he called an ambulance. In intensive care, he was told that someone had cut out his testicles.

What unites the cases when an adult man and a child were deprived of organs? Both of these cases remain unsolved. In any case, no official statements followed.

Why the transplantologist is not under jurisdiction

It is worth saying that today the fight against “black” transplantation in Russia has been curtailed also because the security forces lost a number of battles at the very beginning of this war.

A landmark criminal process on this topic can be called an investigation against surgeons of the Moscow Coordinating Center for Organ Donation. The case against them was initiated by the Khoroshevskaya Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office of Moscow for preparing for a murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy in order to use the organs of the victim.

A citizen with a severe brain injury was admitted to the 20th hospital. The still alive man was taken to an operation to remove his kidneys. By the beginning of the operation, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs broke into the department. Facts were recorded that testify to the intent of the doctors to take the kidneys: the place of the autopsy was marked on the body with iodopyrone, and the unfortunate hands were tightly tied behind his head. According to a forensic medical examination, a drug was introduced into the man's blood that slows down blood clotting. The doctors were also seized the acts of ascertaining biological death and the removal of organs for transplantation with the signatures of medical experts. The patient died some time later without regaining consciousness.

The process regarding transplantologists dragged on for years. The Moscow City Court twice acquitted doctors. The defense clung to the fact that the exact moment of the patient's death could not be established, thus, attempted murder was difficult to prove.

The medical community also put pressure on the court - prominent doctors and politicians accused the police and the prosecutor's office of incompetence. Information was published through the media that because of the process, transplantologists are afraid to do their job, and people who are waiting for a kidney die. The Supreme Court twice canceled the decisions of the Moscow City Court and sent the cases for a new trial at the request of the prosecutor's office.

Meanwhile, the position of the prosecution was not properly covered in the media. The fact is that the monstrous situation with the removal of organs from living people (it was forbidden by law) was reported to the homicide department of the MUR by colleagues of transplantologists. One of the resuscitators said that the victims of such shady schemes were asocial people, alcoholics, for whose rights there was no one to stand up for. According to the law then in force, only a person whose brain had died could be used for transplantation, which must be confirmed by a council of medical specialists. No one ascertained the death of a man in the 20th city hospital. Nevertheless, the result of the litigation was the acquittal of the defendants.

After such a decision, a number of similar processes in the regions ended in nothing - in the Khabarovsk Territory, Novgorod, the department of organ donation and kidney transplantation of the St. Petersburg Research Institute for Emergency Medicine named after Dzhanelidze, as well as in the famous Moscow Regional Research Institute. M.F. Vladimirsky.

The prosecutor's office had to apologize to all the defendants and stop the case. The legal victory became possible under the pretext of not obstructing the progress of domestic science and helping those in need. But the interests of donors and multimillion-dollar profits from operations were dropped from the accounts.

Perhaps the situation will be corrected in connection with the creation of a specialized unit in the TFR to investigate iatrogenic (against human health) crimes.


Have you ever wondered how much you can earn by selling your whole body, including blood, hair, internal organs and DNA?

But in vain! It turns out that we are all insanely expensive!

True, it must be borne in mind that the sale of human organs is illegal in all countries of the world, except for Iran. “Offal is sold and bought on the market, while organs for living people are distributed through specially organized institutions,” doctors at a Moscow transplant clinic say.

The main difficulty of transplantology is that legal sources are not always able to provide the required number of organs and tissues for transplantation in a timely manner. For example, in the United States, more than 110,000 patients are waiting in the queue for organs, and less than 15,000 people are provided by donors per year. And even in America, 18 people die every hour without waiting for a transplant.

Plus, bodies and organs are also necessary for scientific purposes: according to current estimates, medical and biological research require tens of thousands of bodies annually. Scarcity creates demand, and demand creates supply, and many patients, waiting for a transplant, are ready to pay considerable sums for new organs.

But already on the black market.

And the black market is good only for criminals, and for normal people he always threatens with problems, often fatal. Patients risk getting not only an organ, but also a new disease: AIDS and hepatitis are common companions of “black transplantation”. Unfortunate donors, often driven to such a step by banal poverty, receive only a small part of the proceeds. The lion's share of the money goes to intermediaries. For example, the average global cost of a kidney on the black market is about $150,000, of which the donor receives on average only about $5,000. In 2010, a liver in China could be purchased for $21,900 and sold for 3.7 thousand

According to some reports, more than 2 million drugs illegally obtained from human organs, fluids and tissues are sold and bought annually in the United States alone. There are persistent rumors about the existence of entire “blood farms”, the “workers” of which are only engaged in the production and donation of blood.

How much can you get for your own body? Now you will know about it, just keep in mind that the prices indicated in different sources, differ by an order of magnitude. Much depends on the legality of the operation itself, on the country of origin of the organ and, of course, on the physical condition of the donor. These are just indicative numbers.

Renewable resources

Blood: up to $400 per liter (only $25 in India)

Practice has shown that volunteers bring much more “healthy” blood than forced donors, so you won’t earn serious money on blood. Moscow blood transfusion stations offer for her monetary compensation food (or a food package), two days off from work, and "a high sense of self-awareness from having helped other people." However, about 5 liters of blood can be squeezed out of an average person - and in a good scenario, this is already $ 2,000.

Plasma: $200 per month

The yellowish liquid part of the blood is noticeably more expensive than itself, and the cells filtered from the plasma will be returned to the donor's bloodstream.

Hair: from 100 to 4 thousand dollars per 1 kg

It all depends on the natural color of the hair and on their length. Red and light ones are more expensive, and if they are longer than 50 cm, then you can earn quite a lot on them. For firms, such a business brings considerable income - it is enough to recall that in 2011, the stocks of one of the beauty salons even attracted robbers who stole hair for 150 thousand dollars. It is often mentioned that the Hindu temple of Sri Tirumalai, where believers traditionally donate hair, annually helps out more than 12 million dollars for them.

Eggs: $8,000 each

In the US, a woman can sell up to six of her eggs during her lifetime, and the income received is taxed.

Sperms: $100 per "serving"

Note that this simple way to make money is fraught with unexpected dangers: in the summer of 2015, the court ordered the sperm donor to pay child support from an unknown woman.

Bone marrow: $3,000 per "serving" (about $23,000 per gram)

A unique source of hematopoietic stem cells - one of the hematopoietic organs of our body - is highly valued. In Russia, the sale of bone marrow is completely illegal, and in the United States it is allowed only in a few states, and the amount of remuneration is often not given to the donor in the hands, but is transferred directly to pay for real estate, education or charity expenses. Considering that the body has about 1,000 g of bone marrow, this is a very valuable resource for our body: it can bring up to $ 23 million. But even if you find a doctor who is ready for an illegal operation, this will be the last income in your life.

Placenta: cost unknown

It is in great demand on the black market, as it is part of some means of "folk" oriental medicine and cosmetics.

Human milk: $30 to $60 per liter

A popular means of feeding babies whose mothers have problems with milk. Many wet nurses who have a surplus of milk prefer to sell it - there is a known case when one of them earned $ 20,000 in this way in a year.

Uterus (surrogacy): $50,000 to carry someone else's embryo

Banned in some countries and in a number of US states, legal in Russia.

Feces: $50 to $200

Yes, yes, money can be made even from ... waste! The procedure of fecal transplantation (bacteriotherapy) is gaining popularity last years: medical practice has shown that it allows you to restore the intestinal microflora in severe violations and dysbacteriosis.

A loud scandal erupted in 2005 in the state of New Jersey, when, after the replacement of a couple of vertebrae for a patient with donor ones, it turned out that they were obtained illegally - they were simply removed from a dead man. Even more famous is the story of 2010: a Southwest Airlines employee accidentally discovered a refrigerated container with dozens of human heads. Criminal cases against "black transplantologists" were initiated in Ukraine and Latvia. IN Russian history so far there has been no such scandal.

Partially renewable resources

Cornea of ​​the eye (one): from 4 thousand dollars

An organ that is easy to transport and transplant - operations have been put on stream for more than half a century ago. Today, donor corneas are rapidly being replaced by artificial counterparts.

Kidney (one) from 15 thousand dollars in India to 262 thousand in the USA

The most demanded organ for transplantation - it accounts for about 75% of the world market. However, many patients never live to see a donor organ: the queue is too long. Replacement may be required for patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a variety of other problems.

Liver (part): $54,000

The liver has an amazing ability to regenerate - to destroy it to a state of non-recovery, you need to try very hard. However, for the same reason, only a portion of a healthy liver from a donor is usually sufficient for a transplant.

Intestine (fragment): about 69 thousand dollars

As a rule, a part is used for transplantation small intestine, but in case of serious violations, it may be required along with other organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Bones and Ligaments: $5,500 for an ACL Replacement "Kit"

Unlike other organs, which become useless for transplantation in a matter of hours or even minutes after the death of a donor, bones and tendons last much longer. Therefore, criminal cases against doctors and mortuary workers who “collect” bundles from unclaimed corpses appear especially often. For example, in 2005, the company Biomedical Tissue Services was closed, and its head received a 50-year prison term: it turned out that its employees illegally used and sold bone tissue obtained from 244 bodies.

Leather (section): $10 per square inch (6.5 cm2)

Skin tissue grafting is usually required for severe burns of various nature - thermal, chemical, electrical. Often, for this, it is possible to use the skin of the patient himself, but sometimes they also resort to the help of donors - usually these are dead people who, during their lifetime, agreed to use their body for the benefit of the living.

Lung (single): $58,000

A donor can be a person who is either a non-smoker or smokes no more than 20 packs a year. On the other hand, non-smokers have every chance of enriching themselves: with especially serious diseases, the patient may need to transplant a whole complex of organs - both lungs along with the heart - and the cost of transplantation will be almost astronomical. Such an operation in the United States is estimated at 1.5-2 million dollars.

Non-renewable resources

Heart: from 57 thousand dollars

Hearts are almost unavailable on the black market: organ transplants are so complex that they require a large team of specialists and expensive equipment, and the cost of the operation (legal) is close to $1 million.

Pancreas: up to $44,000

Organ replacement may be required in severe forms of diabetes. And although not all of the iron can be used for transplantation, it is removed entirely, and even together with the liver and duodenum.

Skeleton: $3,000 to $5,000

Until 1985, the famous "skeletal workshops" of Calcutta supplied the world market with tens of thousands of samples annually. However, today this practice is banned, and there are not so many legitimate sources of skeletons left - far less than the real needs of medical students for the education of students. India remains the leader in the market: numerous bodies of beggars are boiled or cleaned in an acidic environment - and sold illegally. Fragments of the skeleton can also be sold separately - already for transplantation: the shoulder joint, for example, will bring up to a thousand dollars.

Whole body: from $45,000

The plastination procedure was invented in the 1970s and is used to create specimens of organs and systems for the study of anatomy, as well as simply exhibition pieces for the curious. The body is immersed in ice-cold acetone, which replaces water in the tissues, and then the acetone is replaced in a vacuum with a biopolymer. Plated samples today are quite a profitable area of ​​business; hundreds of laboratories around the world are engaged in their creation.

Maximum Profit

A few years ago, a columnist for Wired magazine found that the most reasonable thing would be to put on sale not organs and tissues, but complex chemical compounds that they produce. Hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes - many of them are extremely difficult to synthesize and can boast of a corresponding cost. If you look at the high prices of 2003 and squeeze everything you can out of your body, you can get some serious money: according to the magazine's calculations, the total amount will exceed $ 46 million. Here are just a few important examples.

Resource Price per gram, USD
Apolipoproteins 496,000
Ceruloplasmin 179 240
Cell DNA 1,290,000
Prolactin 4 662 500
Immunoglobulin (IgG) 67,000
Prothrombin 71 400
Sphingomyelin 960
Cerebrospinal fluid 47 500
Thyrotropic hormone 55 650
Insulin 3 500 000
Progesterone 508
Transferrins 18 900

Apparently, illegal transplantation was, is and will be ...

The doctor told how the Russians became kidney incubators for the Turks
The specialist frankly voiced all the nuances of the black market of transplantation in Russia.
05:03, April 23, 2016 19252
organ transplant
Andrey Zvonkov, therapist emergency care one of the capital's polyclinics, exclusive interview REN TV told how the black market for human organ transplantation developed in Russia.
According to him, at some point the Russian capital turned into a donor appendage. Those wishing to receive, for example, a donor kidney went to Moscow weekly.
The heyday of the criminal business came in the dashing 90s, when the hospital where Andrei worked, kidney transplantation to the Turks was put on stream.
"I graduated from a medical institute in 1991 and immediately went to an internship. An internship in anesthesiology and resuscitation. I worked in one of the Moscow clinics and saw myself as a resuscitator in the cardio intensive care unit. So, in the intensive care unit, since this hospital was associated with neurosurgery , brought a car injury to in large numbers. Including car injuries incompatible with life. These are severe craniocerebral injuries, when the patient still seems to be alive formally, his heart is beating, it seems like he is even trying to breathe, but the brain is already gone. And in this case, the head of the department simply dialed the phone of transplantologists, the group-team that left, came. In fact, they carried out the diagnosis of biological death, they already made it out as a corpse. And they carried out the so-called first stage of the autopsy, taking everything that could be taken away," says Zvonkov.
According to him, no one asked for any permission, of course.
“The carcass was then sent to the morgue, already partially opened, partially freed from the organs that burdened it,” he adds. “Actually, I did not interfere in this. I am an intern, bribes are smooth from me. "Our doctors were earning a little extra money. To be honest, I don't know what kind of money was spinning around this. Surely, everything was not free. Someone was paid something. But how much - I won't say, I don't know. I won't lie."
Rates, at least partially, Andrey learned when he moved to work in another clinic in 1992, at the most difficult time for Russia.
“The earnings were minimal, minimal. Naturally, for a doctor without experience. And what is an intern? This is a doctor of zero, zero level. The salary was very small, 900 rubles, less than 1000 at the then prices. 900 was very hard... I moved to a private company "Russian Hospital" in one of the Moscow clinics, where we organized paid medical care on the basis of a regular department. We had a completely normal office in this sense, absolutely law-abiding. But we we all know each other. The department on the second (floor) ... I know that one of the departments was engaged in kidney transplantation, - says the doctor. - And for some reason, the Turks came to them, to whom these kidneys were transplanted. Where did these kidneys come from - "I don't know. The living or the dead. Well, in general, there was a company that organized such medical tours for the Turks who came, paid for the tour itself, treatment, transplantation, organs. I know that the department was given an amount, the cost of this transplantation was about 2000 dollars. Whether for the operation, or for the kidney - I do not know. But this figure sounded.
Andrey Zvonkov
“Technically, transplanting a kidney is not as difficult as any other organ, the initial rehabilitation after surgery for a patient took even then a week, after which the operated person could be returned to their homeland,” Zvonkov explains.
“I started working there somewhere in the spring of 1992. And in the spring of 1993, we had already moved to a different address, and I no longer dealt with them,” says the doctor. “Mechanics itself can still exist. There is nothing complicated about it, and, in general, illegal too, because officially everything was formalized as a tourist trip. Soviet Union was getting medical care in full, regardless of their citizenship. They actually used it."
Why exactly Turkish citizens mastered the so-called transplant tourism, Zvonkov can only speculate: “I don’t know if they were from other countries. Maybe. You see, there is one more nuance here. Europe would not go for this. They have their own characteristics. their rules, their zealots. The doctors there are very sensitive to the fact that someone leaves and is treated somewhere other than by them. It is always very painfully perceived. The Turks, apparently, had no problems with this."
In the clinic where Andrei Zvonkov worked, according to him, kidney transplant operations were performed once or twice a week:
“I talked to the guys there. They said that they (the patients) are waiting. They are waiting there at home. even in the middle of the night. That is, he flew in, he was immediately taken from the plane to the car, taken to the clinic. A brigade immediately appeared, immediately brought the organ. I believe that this was still the result of an accident. In the 90s, we also had a lot of shootings ... In general, there were materials."

Such a business would not be possible without connections on the "customer" side.
“There must be a partner on the other side. Someone is sitting in Turkey. The partner on this side is the coordinator who holds the information field in his hands. An agreement with the department and the brigade, which are always ready to accept here. And with the specialists who are engaged in the procurement of organs "And there is some kind of queue. Surely people sign up there, wait, sit on hemodialysis. And when information comes to them, the only task is to get a visa. A tourist visa, most likely. Everything is issued very quickly, in an organized manner. They arrive by the nearest plane. There were channels for hospitalization What are our main channels for hospitalization? Ambulance, the so-called RGV is the order of the chief physician, Zvonkov explains. I don't know if it still exists or not. Then there was. It was possible to write a statement "please be hospitalized", and chief physician made the signature "put in such and such a department if there are places," and the places were in advance. Here on such channels somehow worked. Well, we paid off with all interested people at the same time. And the brigade received its own, and the chief, apparently, had something too. Without this, it would not be interesting for him to do this in his clinic, and he would be left out."
In previous publications, we talked about how REN TV journalists managed to find an intermediary who is ready to send anyone who wishes to such an operation to Pakistan. The film crew was also lucky to talk to the happy owner of a donor kidney bought in this country. More recently, a scandal erupted in Moscow over a kidney transplant in one of the capital's clinics, which a woman was forced to sell due to mortgage debts. According to Andrei Zvonkov, the black market for transplantation is thriving.
“With the kidneys, yes, now they are reaching the same level. Only the price is in millions. I think that the scheme will be exactly the same,” he says. “The black market develops when the white market cannot cope. If the white market is not able to fulfill certain tasks, a black market always arises in parallel. This is the law of the market. You see, if we cannot do something legally, then there is an opportunity to do it illegally. The question is different - who to blame? In this case, here a person went and passed He says I want to donate, but I don't want to give it away for free. Why am I ... On the other hand, left with one kidney, I am disabled. And he cannot go to apply for disability. So, in order to explain, where did his kidney go, why did he stay with one, it is necessary to falsify the problem and justify the removal of the kidney with some kind of disease. Here is the edge of the law for you. Some kind of forgery is already beginning. A healthy person, and we are making a patient out of him. How else? On what grounds would the organ be taken away from him? On the other hand, this organ must be healthy in order to be transplanted. Again, to somehow justify that a good organ has appeared, found somewhere on the street. We walked past, suddenly lying around, we saw. Well, how? So it's not his body. Whose? Some found a corpse, it was seized. All. Issued. It's not his kidney anymore. And so on. Guilty is the one who organizes this case. And who is taking over. Here at this link you can say: you are to blame for breaking the law. Because here there is a registration of forged documents and falsification of data. Everything else is legal. These are waiting for the organ, the organ arrives, the organ is transplanted. And people say we don't know anything. The donor himself says he is also satisfied, he received his own. The main thing is not to be deceived. All. But those who took this organ, they are under attack and are to blame."
Watch a special investigation about black transplantologists on REN TV on Sunday, April 23 at 23:00 in the Dobrov on Air program.

The first rocket launch from the Vostochny Cosmodrome - 04/27/2016 was canceled.
The automation signaled the launch of the Soyuz-2.1a space rocket from the Vostochny cosmodrome 1.5 minutes before launch. The reserve launch date, April 28, is retained. The commission is studying the reasons for the release of the launch. The commission's findings will be announced later.

A loud scandal is unfolding in Ukraine: some unidentified corpses were burned in the Kiev morgue on Oranzhereinaya Street for a whole month, The Russian Times reports.

The bodies were destroyed by the 24th "hundred" self-defense of the Maidan, not allowing strangers into the premises. According to the investigation, about fifty people passed through the hands of Ukrainian “black transplantologists”. At the same time, there is evidence that the dead were previously “gutted”, removing their organs. And they also say that organs are seized there not only from the dead, but also from still living people. It is impossible to check, doctors and law enforcement officers are not allowed into the territory. And in general, it is not clear why the nationalists needed this crematorium - right now, when power has been seized and the country has returned to peaceful life, according to the Ukrainian authorities. The “revolution” is over, but the flow of its victims is not yet? I remember that in Kosovo, local nationalists, having seized power, organized real fairs of human "spare parts" for foreigners in morgues and maternity hospitals - are the Kiev impostors repeating the sad experience of the Kosovars?

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