The sun is closest to the earth. Which star is closest to Earth

The suns are three stars in the Alpha Centauri system. The two main stars of Alpha Centauri, A and B, form a binary system. Its distance from Earth is an average of 4.3 light years. The third star is Proxima Centauri (Alpha Centauri C). It is located 4.22 light years from Earth and is the closest star to it.

A and B Centauri revolve around a common center of gravity every 80 years. The average distance between them is about 11 astronomical units (AU) - that is, about the same as from the Sun to Uranus. Proxima Centauri is about one-fifth light year or 13,000 AU from two other stars, leading some astronomers to question whether it should be considered part of the same system.

Proxima Centauri may pass through the system and leave its vicinity in a few million years, or it may be gravitationally bound to a binary pair. If there is a connection, Proxima's orbital period around the other two stars in the system should be about 500,000 years.

Potentially habitable planet

They announced in August 2016 that they had discovered an Earth-sized planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. New world, known as Proxima B, is about 1.3 times as massive as , suggesting that this exoplanet is a rocky world, the researchers say.

The planet is in the habitable zone of the star, that is, at the right distance for the existence of liquid water on its surface. Proxima B is 7.5 million kilometers from its star and orbits once every 11.2 Earth days. As a result, it is likely tidally locked, meaning that it always faces the same side of its star, much like , which only shows one side of the Earth.

However, it is not yet clear whether Proxima B could be habitable, based on data obtained from modern telescopes. Astronomers will have to create models and conduct comparative studies to better understand how habitable this planet can be. This world needs a closer look of researchers, who should look for signs of the presence of an atmosphere. If this atmosphere is present, does it allow liquid water to flow over the surface? The temperature of the planet's surface also depends on the atmosphere, and will undoubtedly play a role in assessing the characteristics of the suitability of Proxima B for life.

Since Proxima B is very close to its red dwarf star, the problems of modeling its properties are already on the minds of scientists. First, the planet is so close to the star that, most likely, as mentioned above, it is tidally locked by it. This means that one side of the planet is always facing the star. Therefore, one side of the planet must be very warm, while the opposite side must be very cold - if the winds do not distribute heat evenly throughout the planet. This would make it difficult for life to exist.

The close distance of the planet from the red dwarf also brings other problems. Red dwarfs are unstable stars, especially when they are young - they have a lot of stellar activity and emit , which can provoke intense radiation on nearby planets. According to a 2017 study by NASA's Space Flight Center. Goddard in Greenbelt, Maryland, some of these radiations can destroy molecules in the planet's upper atmosphere, thinning it out over time.

To better understand the suitability of Proxima B for the existence of life, scientists continue to study red dwarf stars. In November 2017, another planet was discovered in the habitable zone of a red dwarf, which is almost as close to the earth as Proxima B. It has been named Ross 128B, and this planet orbits a red dwarf star. It seems to be a much calmer place than Proxima B. Research group said that in order to learn more about its atmosphere, next-generation telescopes such as the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT), the Giant Magellanic Telescope (GMT) and the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) are expected to be active in 2020s. ( space telescope them. James Webb (JWST), launched in 2019, cannot perform such a search because the planet does not cross the surface of its star.)

double star

To the naked eye, the system's two main stars shine as one, making them the third brightest "star" in our night sky. Individual stars can be seen through a small telescope; it's one of the best binary systems you can watch. Proxima Centauri is too faint to see unaided, and in a telescope it appears at a distance of about four diameters. full moon from two other stars.

On its own, Alpha Centauri A, also known as Rigel Kentaurus, is the third brightest star in the night sky; it is slightly dimmer, at 0.02 magnitude, than Arcturus. It is a yellow star of the same type (G2) as the Sun and is about 25 percent larger than it. Alpha Centauri B is an orange K2 star, slightly smaller than the Sun. Proxima Centauri is a red dwarf seven times smaller than the Sun, and one and a half times larger than. All three stars are older—about 4.85 billion years old—than the Sun, which is about 4.6 billion years old.

As a child, glasses annoyed me! He lifted his head to look at the stars - they will definitely fall off the nose, and then look for them in the grass, but wipe them off from dew and dirt. Therefore, in order to admire the starry sky, I always took them off. But here another problem arose - without glasses it was possible to see only the brightest stars. Oh, who would tell me then, which star is actually closest to Earth, You definitely wouldn't need glasses to look at her!

Which star is closest to Earth

The closest star to us is our Sun.

Yes Yes, it Same is a star and not by herself big in space. But it seems to us so huge relative to other stars just because of the relatively small distance.

It is not yet so far from us by space standards Alpha Centauri system. From her Three stars are closest to us:

  • Alpha Centauri A.
  • Alpha Centauri B.
  • And in third place - no, not Alpha Centauri C, as you might think, but Proxima Centauri:)

Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, on this list ranks only seventh. And the North Star is not included even in the first fifty.

Why You Shouldn't Look at the Sun for a Long Time

Alas, although you can see the Sun even with poor eyesight, you should not stare at it for a long time. The reason lies in the structure of the human eye - If you look at a too bright light source for more than 3 seconds, you can damage the retina.- and either spoil vision, or completely lose him.

Even during solar eclipses, when the brightness of our heavenly body drops sharply, it is necessary take precautions:

But if, even using any protection, you feel Pain in the eyes or just desire look away- it's better to play it safe and look away from the sun. If, when closing the eyelids, some spots blink in the eyes, this is a sure sign that the eyes need to rest.

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Looking at the starry sky at night is the coolest thing to do! It cannot be compared to anything. Once I was at sea for three long months. Missed my family very much. Looking into the sky, I imagined that on another piece of the continent, someone close to me was looking into the sky. I mentally conveyed greetings to them with the stars. I was very sad at times like this. And during the day I wanted to convey the same hello with a ray of the Sun.

Which star is closest to our planet

Guys, to everyone who answered the question, thank you very much. I really was going to google this topic! Now, I think, I’ll read a lot about the stars, and I’ll flash with genius. And here, here it is. Sun. Immediately comes to mind: “Come on! And all? So simple?".

And then I remember the stories of the pope that stars differ from planets in that they glow, and the planets are only capable of reflecting the light of stars. And suddenly you realize that the Sun is the most great heavenly body which we can see.

What gives the sun

If you think globally, you want to cry. After all Sun, Earth, air, water - this is our life. Love nature or not, we are nature. We are part of this world. And we could not live if the planet did not attract us to itself, if it were always dark and cold, if there was nothing to breathe.

Amusing experiments I remember from school biology. We created air. Not by yourself, of course. We just watered the flowers on the windowsill. As you know, everything hgreen plants produce oxygen. For them it is a by-product, but for us it is an integral part of life. Remember how the reaction with chlorophyll occurs? Exactly. Assisted by the light of the sun.

divine gift

The sun helps plants germinate from seeds, animals help gives warmth and lightT. No wonder the sun is equated with a deity. In all religions peace There is solar deity, or Sun God:

  • Ra- V Ancient Egypt;
  • Yarilo- V Slavic mythology;
  • Helios- among the Greeks;
  • Surya- in ancient Indonesia;
  • Amaterasu- the Japanese
  • Inti– in South Mesoamerica, etc.

Religions of the One God are also associated with the Sun. After all, liturgical holidays coincide with the days of the solstice and the ancient calendar-ritual holidays of sun worship.

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Who among you does not like to look at the starry sky? These shining dots seem to whisper to us: "The universe is infinite. You are not alone in this world." Every summer, being with my grandmother in the village, I tried to count the number of stars, but my attempts were in vain. Now I understand that there is no answer to this riddle, trusting only my visual apparatus and the absence of clouds in the sky.

How many stars are in our galaxy

Planet Earth belongs to a galaxy called Milky Way. There are many stars in it, and only a small part of them is available to our gaze through a telescope. Let's tell you why counting the number of stars poses the following problem:

  • the distance from the Earth to the stars refracts the color spectrum of the latter (there is redshift), because of which they disappear from the field of view.
  • Air pollution and any light changes (sunset) affect the view.
  • Size and weight stars are directly dependent on its ability to be found from the distance of our planet.

What is the closest star to our planet?

The answer lies, so to speak, on the surface. The most close to earth - star by name Sun.

Yes, this is exactly the object that we do not see in the night sky. Second and third place shared Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B. They can only be seen from the Southern Hemisphere. What will we see in the Northern Hemisphere? Only seen from here Bernard's star, which is located at a distance of 5.9 light years from the planet Earth. I'm sure you'll be interested to know these data about such an object familiar to us as the Sun:

  • it is only in 150 ml km from the earth.
  • Weight sun is 99.8 % from the entire mass of its system.
  • On 74% comprises hydrogen.
  • This star is big enough to fit inside 1.3 million planets the size of ours.

Now temperature on the surface of the sun is about 5 778 K. But, unfortunately, every year this figure increases, which leads to changes in our ecosystem. Existence on the planet depends on the Sun, so the significance of this very close star cannot be underestimated.

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You probably know that we all live in a place called solar system. It's such small plot in the Milky Way galaxy, where the most important celestial body is the Sun star. More for school desks we were told about the structure of the cosmos and I know for sure that our planet is just a grain in the boundless and infinite Universe. All living things that exists on Earth is the result of multimillion-dollar processes of evolution, but none of this would have happened if it were not for the star nearby to us, which everyone knows as the Sun.

Which star is closest to our planet?

It is known for certain that even in the observable universe there are thousands of stars of different sizes and spectral types, not to mention outer space in general, where there are trillions of them. It so happened that the closest star relative to our planet is G2V (yellow dwarf) c Latin name Solar, Russian-speaking people call her Sun. The composition of the star includes for the most part hydrogen and helium, which causes chemical fusion, called a thermonuclear reaction. However, it also contains other substances, for example:

  1. Iron.
  2. Silicon.
  3. Nitrogen.
  4. Calcium.
  5. Chrome, etc.

Data concentration chemical elements very and very insignificant. Based scientific research The sun is burning for about 5 billion years, it lived exactly half of its cycle, because the resources of a star are not infinite, which means that in a few billion years it will begin to evolve, dooming life on Earth to a tragic ending.

Sun evolution

Because of hydrogen is getting smaller, and the quantity helium, respectively, increases, the star will begin to shine 10% brighter in 1 billion years, which will make it difficult for the development of carbon-based life forms on Earth, due to a serious greenhouse effect. Further, everything will only get worse in the same direction, after 3 billion years the star will become 40% brighter, which rules out the possibility of water in liquid aggregate condition on our planet. In the end, Earth become what it is today Venus, and the Sun will grow in size, turning into red giant, and then only one core will remain, which will cool down for a very long time.

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At school, I really liked the lessons of astronomy. After all, everything connected with space, with galaxies, with stars is shrouded in many secrets, and this is always interesting! In the evenings, after dark, I still love to look at the starry sky, peer into tiny stars and admire the twinkling of larger stars. And have you ever thought about Which star is closest to Earth? I learned the answer to this question back in school, and it surprised me a little!

closest star to earth

This star is the Sun! When I found out, due to my age, I was a little perplexed. After all, everyone knows that the stars appear in the sky at night, and the Sun shines during the day! So what is this star? In fact, the Sun is indeed a star, and even the closest to our planet.

Sun characteristics:

  • Sun differs from other stars in its composition. It is made up of hot plasma. That's why its temperature is so great that not a single creature can be near it!
  • It accounts for 99.8% of the total mass of the solar system.
  • The sun is so big that it would fit 1300 planets comparable in size to the Earth.
  • The sun works like a magnet. It attracts all objects to itself. solar system, as well as asteroids and space debris.

The emergence of the sun

It originated about 5 billion years ago from a vast molecular cloud. Whirlwinds formed in this cloud, resembling tornadoes. In the central part, hydrogen began to gradually condense. The result was the sun.

It is believed that stars like the Sun function for 10 billion years. It means that our luminary has already lived half its life.

The sun emits light and heat through thermonuclear reactions in its core. Hydrogen atoms are converted into atoms of more significant elements. Until, while these reactions are taking place, the sun will for us the source of life. But as soon as all hydrogen will be converted, the sun will cool down and will start to grow in size. After a while, it will throw off the extra shells, and in place of a bright star, an extinct dwarf star will remain. This is the usual life cycle all stars.

Which star is closest to Earth

Is our Sun It has double - star Alpha Centauri. She is also called Toliman. Generally, this star system, which consists of:

  • Alpha Centauri A;
  • Alpha Centauri B;
  • Proxima Centauri (red dwarf).

Exactly Proxima is nearest to us. And just recently in 2012 scientists found near the dwarf planet Very similar to Earth. Tam there water. The surface temperature is -40°C. And it receives 65% of the energy that the Earth receives. Therefore, there are enough high chance, What on this the planet has life. Perhaps humanity will finally find brothers in mind. Especially since to the planet not so far. Only 4.24 light years.

But back to our sheep, that is, to the stars. Alpha Centauri older our Sun for 2 billion years. Alpha A and Alpha B are almost impossible to tell apart. In order to get there before these two sisters travel nearly 1 million years. We are waiting for the invention of fast ships.

On the verge of fantasy

Although I am an ardent skeptic, it would be a crime not to tell about the mystery of Alpha Centauri. As shown computer modelling, in water on the planet Proxima Centauri b live shell scorpions, once inhabiting our earth. Many scholars today agree that people are aliens and come just from Alpha Centauri. Unlike our smaller brothers, We are completely unsuited to life on Earth.

  1. People are not protected from the sun's rays.
  2. gravityEarth big for a man therefore we systematically suffer from pain in the legs.
  3. In human DNA present unknown genes.
  4. The biological clock human are designed for 25 hours.

As some eccentric scientists say, green men were brought to Earth, who were crossed with humanoids. This is how modern man appeared. I don’t know if there is any truth in this, but no matter where people come from, Earth is our home. And the star Alpha Centauri is still waiting for us.

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> > > closest star to Earth

closest star to earth- Sun. Study a star outside the solar system - the bright Alpha Centauri and the 20 closest stars to Earth with distances.

To catch your friends, you can ask them about the star closest to the Earth. Most immediately start talking about Betelgeuse or Sirius. But here lies the catch. Of course, the closest to the Earth is the Sun (150 million km). But what celestial body, besides the Sun, is closest star to earth?

Which star is closest to Earth?

The closest star to Earth besides the Sun is Alpha Centauri. It ranks third in terms of brightness and lives only 4.37 light years away. But this is not a single object, but a triple system. First of all, we see a binary pair making revolutions around a common center of gravity in 80 years. Alpha Centauri A brighter than the sun, and Alpha Centauri B is slightly inferior. The third member of this system is Proxima Centauri. Remember this name, since it is she who is the closest star to Earth (4.24 light years).

The Alpha Centauri system is located in the constellation Centaurus, which can only be observed from the southern hemisphere. But even there it will not be possible to discern this star. The fact is that it is too weak and you will need a fairly powerful telescope. To give you an idea, it would take New Horizons 78,000 years to fly to Proxima Centauri.

Proxima Centauri has been the closest star to Earth for 32,000 years and will stay at this position for another 33,000 years. After 26700 years, it will reduce the distance to 3.11 light years. After it, the closest star to Earth is Ross 248.

The closest star to Earth in the Northern Hemisphere

The closest star to Earth in the northern hemisphere is Barnard's Star, a red dwarf in the constellation Ophiucus. But it is also dim and not visible to the naked eye. If we take only the stars available for observation without the use of special equipment, then Sirius is the closest (8.6 light years). It is twice ahead of the Sun in size and mass.

How are distances to stars measured?

Parallax is used to determine the distance of a star from Earth. What's the point? Extend your hand and place your finger against a distant object. Close your eyes one by one and you will realize that the object seems to be shifting. This is parallax.

It is necessary to calculate the distance to the star when our planet is in one of the orbits (in summer), and then wait 6 months until it is on the opposite side, and measure again. After we measure the angle already in relation to another object. This scheme works for any object living within 100 light years.

There are 45 stars at a distance of 17 light years from the system. There may be 200 billion in total in the galaxy. Some are so weak that they cannot be detected.

List of 20 closest stars to Earth

This list shows the nearest stars and star systems, as well as the distance from Earth in light years. Some of them have several stars, but are part of a particular system. So:

  1. Alpha Centauri - 4.2;
  2. Bernard's Star - 5.9;
  3. Wolf 359 - 7.8;
  4. Lalande 21185 - 8.3;
  5. Sirius - 8.6;
  6. Leiten 726-8 - 8.7;
  7. Ross 154 - 9.7;
  8. Ross 248 - 10.3;
  9. Epsilon Eridani - 10.5;
  10. Lecaille 9352 - 10.7;
  11. Ross 128 - 10.9;
  12. EZ Aquarius - 11.3;
  13. Procyon - 11.4;
  14. 61 Swans - 11.4;
  15. Struve 2398 - 11.5;
  16. Groombridge 34 - 11.6;
  17. Epsilon Indian - 11.8;
  18. Dx Cancer - 11.8;
  19. Tau Ceti - 11.9;
  20. GJ 106 - 11.9.

According to NASA, there are 45 more stars that are within 17 light-years of the Sun. Some of them are so small and dim that they are almost impossible to detect. Who knows, maybe with the improvement of technological capabilities, scientists will be able to find even closer systems of stars.

Do you know which stars are closest to us?

The distances to the nearest stars to us were first determined in 1838 by the trigonometric parallax method, which is still in use. Of the approximately 100 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy, only about 2.5 million are close enough to us for their parallaxes to be measured with accuracy. Only three stars - Alpha Centauri, Procyon and Sirius - are on the list of the 20 brightest stars. Most relatively nearby stars are dimmer than the Sun and are invisible without the help of a telescope.


Stars closest to us: Sun

When asked what is the closest star to us, the answer is very simple, it is the Sun. The star around which our planet revolves, and all the others that make up the solar system. The sun is a star with a diameter of about 1,392,000 kilometers and by itself makes up 98.2% of total weight solar system.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth depends on its relative position, but the average is 149,600,000 km. Sunlight travels this distance in 8 minutes and 19 seconds, so if you look at the Sun, you will see it roughly as it was eight minutes ago. Imagine: if, for some bizarre reason, the Sun disappears at this exact moment, we will have sunlight within 8 minutes and 19 seconds.

Alpha Centauri

Stars closest to us: Alpha Centauri

Alpha Centauri (also known as Rigel Centauri) is the closest star system to the Sun, at a distance of 4.37 light-years (41.3 billion kilometers).

It consists of a system of three stars, gravitationally bound. A binary system of stars orbiting their center of mass, Alpha Centauri A and Alpha Centauri B, plus a third red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri, which orbits the 2 stars Alpha Centauri A and B.

The system also contains at least two Earth-sized planets Alpha Centauri Bb with approximately 113% of Earth's mass with a rotation period of 3236 days. In an orbit 6 million kilometers away from a star at 1 or 4% of the Earth-Sun distance, the planet has an estimated surface temperature of at least 1500 K (approximately 1200 °C).

Star Barnard

Stars closest to us: Star Bernard

Diameter: 0.20 sun
Brightness: 0.000441 sun
Class: M4V
Temperature: 3000ºC
Orbital period: 4 days
Distance to Earth: 5.9 light years
Mass: 0.15 suns
Age: 10.000 million years

Barnard's Star, at 5.94 light-years (1.82 parsecs), is the fourth closest star to us and the second closest star system to our Sun after the trianic system of Alpha Centauri. It lies in the northernmost part of the constellation Ophiuchus, west of Chebelar (Beta Officers) and was discovered in 1916 by Edward E. Barnard.

Because it is a red dwarf, it cannot be seen from Earth without a powerful telescope.

Barnard's Star is approaching us at an unusual speed of 108 kilometers per second, so every century the distance decreases by 0.036 light years. Barnard's Star also features the largest movement of any star, about 10.4 arcseconds per year, or the equivalent of a lunar diameter every 180 years. This and its proximity make it an ideal candidate for extrasolar planetary exploration, as any wobble motion in its passage across the sky caused by orbiting worlds will be relatively large. However, planets around Barnard's Star have not been confirmed.

Luhman 16

Stars closest to us: Luhman 16

WISE 1049-5319 (its full official name is WISE J104915.57-531906), also called Luhman 16, is a binary brown dwarf located in the southern constellation Parus, 6.5 light-years from the Sun, making these brown dwarfs the third star closest to the solar system, after Alpha Centauri (known since antiquity) and Barnard's Star (discovered in 1916).
The primary element, Luhman 16A, has a star rating of L8 ± 1, while the secondary element, Luhman 16B, is likely nearby. The pair orbit each other at a distance of about 3 AU. with an orbital period of about 25 years.

WISE 0855–0714

Stars closest to us: WISE-0855-0714

WISE 0855-0714 is one of the closest stars to our planet, and one of the coldest objects of this type in space.

WISE 0855-0714 was discovered in 2014 by American astronomer Kevin Luhmann using the WISE infrared telescope, after which it was named. By its type, it belongs to the class of subbrown dwarfs - stars that, in terms of their weight, are below the limit of brown dwarfs. This star is located in the constellation Hydra and is a single star.

The distance from WISE 0855–0714 to Earth is only 7.27 light years. This star is the fourth of the closest stars to us, after the Alpha Centauri system, Barnard's Star and the binary star Luhmann 16. The exact age of this star is unknown. It is believed to be between 1 and 10 billion years old.

WISE 0855-0714 has the coldest temperature in space among objects of its type. Astronomical studies have shown that the temperature of WISE 0855-0714 is in the range of 245 Kelvin, which is approximately -30 degrees Celsius. Further research on WISE 0855–0714 continues to this day.

Wolf 359

Stars closest to us: Wolf 359

This extremely faint star is located just 7.8 light years from Earth in the constellation Leo. Like red dwarf stars in Earth's night sky, the star is too hazy to be seen by the naked human eye. Its correct motion was discovered by Max (Maximilian Franz Joseph Cornelius) Wolf (1863-1932), a pioneer of astrophotography, who discovered hundreds of variable stars and asteroids and about 5,000 nebulae by analyzing photographic plates.

Laland 21185

Stars closest to us: Laland 21185

Lalande 21185 is a red dwarf of spectral type M2.0V, whose effective temperature is 3526 K.2 It has a mass and diameter less than half that of the Sun. Its brightness just corresponds to 2% of the brightness of the sun and its relative abundance of elements that are heavier than helium is 52% of the sun (= -0.28). It moves perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy at a speed of 47 km/s. Although much older than the Sun, which is about 4600 million years old, Lalande 21185 is thought to be no more than 10,000 million years old.

Lalande 21185 is 8.31 light-years from the solar system and within 20,000 years, is only 4.7 light-years from Earth.


Stars closest to us: Sirius

Sirius is the only bright star in the night sky.

It is located at a distance of 8.60 light years (2.64 parsecs) from Earth, in the constellation Canis Major. Sirius is not the brightest star, but more visible than other stars because it is so close to the solar system.

Sirius is slowly approaching Earth and will gradually increase in brightness over the next 60,000 years before it begins to recede. However, it will remain the brightest star seen on Earth for the next 210,000 years.

Sirius can be observed from almost any inhabited place on Earth. Only those who live beyond the parallel of 73º, a few degrees above the arctic circle, cannot see this, for example, in St. Petersburg, where it reaches only 13º.93.

If not the Sun, then what?

It seems that the stars are both far and close. We see them as "little spittles" (as the famous poet put it) when in fact they are huge - just like the distance to them. There are, however, different indicators of this very distance, and, along with the most distant, there is also the star closest to the Earth.

Of course, many will immediately think of the Sun. And they will be right. However, in this article we will focus on a star called Proxima Centauri. It was discovered in 1915 by an English astronomer. Until that time, it was believed that Alpha Centauri was closest to us. True, physically these stars are one - double.

red dwarf

The closest star to Earth is a red dwarf. And they, as you know, are small in size and low in temperature. True, over time they shrink even more, and also heat up. Eventually, these stars turn into white dwarfs. Many years later, Proxima Centauri will suffer the same fate.

In addition, Proxima Centauri is a periodically flashing star. In the second half of the 20th century, she was considered even the most active in this regard.

This star, however, is relatively dim, so it is impossible to observe it without a telescope. Also important is the fact that the star Proxima Centauri cannot be seen in the northern hemisphere. This can be done only starting from 27 degrees north latitude.

From the planet Earth to the described star, the distance is about 4.2 light years. Interestingly, the closest star to the Earth is about 7 times smaller than the size of the Sun.

double star

Proxima Centauri is part of a binary star that also includes the famous Alpha Centauri. The latter, by the way, for a long time bore the title of the closest star relative to our planet.

Among the titles of the "most" it is important to mention the fact which is the largest star. This is VY in the constellation Big Dog. In this constellation is a dwarf elliptical cluster - the closest to Milky Way galaxy. Partially, she intersects with him. It also includes Sirius, considered the brightest star. In addition, it can be put on a par with the stars located closest to the Earth (including Proxima Centauri).

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