Kate Middleton after 3 births. The strangest rumors about Kate Middleton's pregnancy. A surrogate mother gives birth to Kate

A joyful event took place in Great Britain. On April 23, Kate Middleton gave birth to her third child. The prince was born at St Mary's Private Hospital in Paddington at 11am. Fans of the royal family are interested to know everything about the newborn prince - what is his weight and what was the boy’s name.

Best anniversary gift

The birth of another child in the royal family was a wonderful gift for the reigning Queen Elizabeth II. After all, two days before the joyful event, April 21, was her birthday. Plus, it can be said that Kate gave the perfect anniversary gift to her husband, William. After all, on April 29 it will be seven years since they got married.

According to the press, about large family Kate has always dreamed of. She herself was born into a simple family with three children. She is very friendly with her sister and brother.

Despite the fact that Kate now bears the title of Duchess of Cambridge, many call her the “Cinderella” of our time. Middleton has no close relatives among noble people. But this circumstance did not prevent her from marrying a real prince. Perhaps this is why she was able to win the hearts of the people of Great Britain. Few have succeeded since his death in 1997.

Perhaps the reason for people's love is also that Kate has proven herself to be a wonderful mother. And besides, she pays attention to charity.

The girl has an excellent reputation, not overshadowed by scandals and gossip. Therefore, she is worthy of the title of princess and the honorary title of mother of royal heirs.

Introducing the baby to his subjects

Soon after the boy was born, his parents came out with him to journalists and ordinary people. Photos from this event are already on the Internet. Prince William went ahead to pick up his eldest children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte. And together they went to meet the new family member.

The fact that the residents of Great Britain took their places next to the maternity hospital the night before, expecting good news, is not surprising. The news of an addition to the royal family was a real event for them. After all, he is the heir to the throne, the great-grandson of the current ruler, Elizabeth.

The princess appeared before her subjects in a luxurious scarlet dress with a white lace collar from designer Jenny Packham. Her cute look was perfectly complemented by heels, a neat hairstyle and delicate daytime makeup. Prince William was wearing a formal suit of blue color and a blue shirt. It was noticeable that William and Kate were very happy about the birth of the baby.

As the press notes, Middleton was wearing a dress very similar to the one Princess Diana previously wore after her birth. youngest son. This is not a mere coincidence, but a sign of respect for the memory of the untimely deceased mother of Princes William and Harry.

By the way, on the birthday of her first son, George, in 2013, Middleton came out to her subjects in a modest blue dress. It was very reminiscent of the one Diana wore after William was born.

Kate Middleton helped Kate Middleton create a festive look for her third child, her friend and stylist, Natasha Archer. She arrived at the hospital early in the morning.

Coming out to the public and journalists, the baby’s parents waved to them. And just two minutes after presenting the baby to the admiring crowd, they went to their home at Kensington Palace.

In honor of the newborn prince, coins were minted with his date of birth. Contrary to expectations, they are not distributed as souvenirs, but sold to royal subjects.

Disputes about the name of the heir

According to tradition, residents of the state made bookmaker bets on who Prince William and Kate Middleton would have - a boy or a girl? After the baby is born, controversy erupts over the baby's name. Most assume that the baby will be named Arthur. There are also suggestions that he may be named Albert and James. But the name William is the most rare option. It is unlikely that the prince will be named after his own father.

It is also interesting that the third child in the family of William and Kate was born in big celebration- St. George's Day. this saint is the patron saint of England. Many assumed that the boy would be born on this day. But it is almost impossible that the child will be named George, in honor of St. George. After all, that’s the name of William and Kate’s eldest child.

Some suggest that the heir will have an unusual and even exotic name. But these predictions are unlikely to come true. After all, the royal family has always been very conservative, and they closely monitor the observance of decency.

According to tradition, the baby’s name will be announced only a few days after his birth, but the weight of the baby is already known - 3.8 kilograms.

A representative of the British royalist community, Alexander Sheily, has already spoken about the birth of an heir. He is sure that a little prince will occupy an important place in the governance of the country. Although it is not known for sure whether this boy will become king.

Englishwomen who recently gave birth are indignant; they cannot believe that Kate took the time to do her hair and makeup. They are jealous that the Duchess of Cambridge went home that same day.


Katie Hill, a British radio presenter, expressed her dissatisfaction with Middleton's condition, the Daily Mail reports. The woman posted in social network your photo after giving birth. Soon other Englishwomen joined the flash mob.


“No, Kate! I don’t want to see a woman immediately after the birth of a child in tights, high heels and jewelry!”, “What about the first hours spent with my son? She spent it on hair styling and makeup,” “What kind of circus? Why is there such pressure on women to always look perfect?”, “And eighteen hours after giving birth, I looked like death: bleeding, emergency surgery, exhaustion,”- network users wrote in their microblogs.


Journalists decided to make sure whether it was possible to be discharged from the hospital so quickly.


Elena Buntova, head of the hospital at the MEDSI CDC on Belorusskaya, says that if the birth went without complications, then you can get up in a couple of hours. It is worth noting that Kate Middleton gave birth surrounded by 20 doctors, and later a stylist arrived to do her hair and makeup.

Perhaps the Duchess of Cambridge wanted to see her children, which is why she hurried home.

    Most recently, Duchess Catherine gave birth to her third child. People in Britain and around the world were eagerly awaiting the arrival of this baby, and Prince George and the Duchess of Cambridge duly introduced him to the world. Kate Middleton, as always, was well-groomed and beautiful, and her face was shining, despite the fact that just a few hours ago she gave birth to a child.

    Some people were shocked by how flawless she looked - with perfect makeup and heels. Opinions varied, but the most interesting part was the photographs. ordinary women a few hours after birth. Not everyone can afford a team of professional cosmetologists, makeup artists and hairdressers. Most women, after such a difficult process, simply dreamed of well-deserved rest and hearty food. Keep scrolling to see these funny photos of everyday women. They admire no less than Duchess Catherine.

    1. Kate Middleton is known for performing excellently in any situation and the birth of a child was no exception. This is what she looked like after giving birth to her third child

    2. Of course, people began to express their surprise. After all, these are some kind of miracles

    Kate Middleton after childbirth and me after childbirth

    3. Other moms started sharing photos of themselves immediately after giving birth. And the women look completely different in them

    4. "Expectation and reality"

    5. “I looked something like this.”

    6. "I look as good as Kate"

    7. “When Kate copied your style and looked flawless right after giving birth.”

    8. Another postpartum look from a young mother named Priscilla

    9. "Me and my little boy, whom I labored for 40 hours. He was born by emergency Caesarean. Where is my designer dress and hairdresser?"

    10. “I wish I looked like Duchess Catherine after giving birth, but alas. Thanks to the hospital staff for their care after a difficult birth.”

    11. "Kate and I 7 hours after giving birth. I'm on the right, in case you didn't understand."

    12. “I was swollen and ugly after 3 days of labor, which ended in an emergency Caesarean section.”

    13. “This is me after an emergency Caesarean section under general anesthesia. There were complications during labor. The photo was taken 24 hours later. I am not holding my daughter because I physically cannot do it.”

    14. "Comparisons are unnecessary"

    15. Some said that they would like to look like Kate Middleton in at least a few years as a young mother, let alone in a few hours

    16. Some women, on the contrary, sympathized with Kate Middleton, saying that she had to get out of bed so quickly, get dressed, put on makeup and go out in public in full regalia

    17. For other women, Kate Middleton became a motivator and they set new goals for themselves - to look just like Kate Middleton after giving birth.

    On April 23 at 11:01, the third child of the Dukes of Cambridge was born. Just six hours later, Kate Middleton, along with her husband and the newborn prince, walked onto the porch of St. Mary's Hospital to introduce the new royal descendant to the whole world.

    The Duchess of Cambridge was in full dress: a neat hairstyle, a red Jenny Packham dress with a white lace collar and stiletto heels. Women are always amazed at how you can look so great just a few hours after giving birth? Today we will reveal the Duchess's secret!

    We are accustomed to the fact that if the birth goes well, without complications, the mother and baby are healthy, they will be discharged from the hospital on the third day. In the UK, under similar circumstances, discharge occurs within 36 hours.

    As you can see, Kate left even earlier. Yes, no one argues that nannies are already waiting for her at Kensington Palace, who will take care of her and the child no worse than in a hospital, nevertheless, one can only envy her radiant appearance.

    Good health, proper diet, no complications during childbirth, support from loved ones and medical staff - this, according to experts, is the success of the Duchess of Cambridge.

    Obstetrician-gynecologist Cheryl Ross dispelled the popular myth among women that an easy birth is compensation for severe toxicosis suffered during pregnancy. early stage pregnancy.

    Members royal family They are well aware of the attention that is focused on the hospital where Kate gives birth, and how this affects her work. Therefore, they try to leave the hospital as soon as possible so that the noise created by journalists and fans under the windows does not disturb women in labor.

    By the way, after the birth of the second son of Prince Charles and Lady Di, Prince Harry, .

    Meanwhile, a real flash mob began on social networks. Women publish pictures of the Duchess after giving birth and their own in a similar situation. The contrast is, of course, huge. Kate's latest photos have already turned into a meme like the son of his mother's friend, who does everything better than others.

    "What the heck? Yes, when I gave birth to my child, I could barely stand, but she looks like nothing happened,”- women write in the comments under Kate’s photos.

    “She looks amazing! Simply amazing, as usual! And how can one imagine that a few hours ago she gave birth to a child,”- commentators admire.

    Some suggested that the birth was quick and successful because it was. However, during her previous birth, she stayed in the hospital for a little longer.

    It seems, . But we are very happy for her, Prince William and the new baby boy!

    Hi all! I wonder if many married ladies wear engagement/wedding rings?
    I probably wore it for the first month. I can’t stand it - it’s kind of yellow and wide. And for me all these attributes mean nothing.
    Moreover, I can’t remember if my friends and acquaintances wear these attributes. I never paid attention.


    To live well!

    Our city is currently hosting an annual trade exhibition, which is easier to call just a fair. By the way. The most cozy and familiar Russian fair has German roots and comes from Jahr - year and Markt - market, bazaar.
    I invite you to take a walk through the German province in the rain, where would we be without it?

    This announcement in the children's pavilion made my day_ "Please. Don't forget to pick up the children!"



    We are talking about mother-in-law and sister-in-law. I was very tired of the annoying visits to our dacha without an invitation and staying there for a month or two. It would be nice if we had common points contact, there was something to talk about or at least some kind of family relationship, but everything was muted there.

    The mother-in-law comes to her home, hangs out her towels, plants and digs up trees at her own discretion, brings some fragrant fertilizers, in general everything is “just the way I like it.” You can’t leave a child with her, there’s no trust, because she’s “wonderful” - she can leave a five-year-old child alone at home while she goes off on business, I haven’t heard about hygiene: her hands and nails are always black, she doesn’t wash her hands after using the toilet, all the dishes are done after it in greasy and sticky spots. This is so disgusting girls!

    According to the first one, I tried to build a respectful relationship: I invited her into the house, set the table, gave me expensive wine, but in the conversation I heard that the cutlets were a bit dry and that I was still a bitch! And I decided that she and I didn’t need to sit at the same table. Apparently I can’t save my family, no matter how much I want to. I'm not ready for such impudent attacks on my country house.

    We live in the city in my apartment: me, my husband, and my 5-year-old daughter. The house was built by my husband. I would like to hear opinions on what I can do in this situation so as not to be upset anymore. I haven’t slept for two nights... I can’t do anything... She’s sitting there at our dacha, and we’re toiling in the stuffy city, and on the weekend my husband suggested (apparently that mommy should stay there) that we go to his friend’s dacha (who he doesn’t call and doesn’t even pick up the phone when his husband calls him).

    I am not interested in being a poor relative, especially since I have a good position and earn normal money. I can theoretically rent a dacha in the Moscow region myself, but it’s such a shame that I do everything myself. And I take my child to the sea myself, because he is sorry for the money - there is a village, and now it has been occupied.

    Next week, my sister-in-law is sending her children to us... So that they can live there for another month... The house, I tell you, is not made of rubber, and all of us will not fit there even if I get over my disgust towards my mother-in-law's sloppiness...


    Fairy, just Fairy

    Many letters.
    Sasha and Dasha met as students, were friends for 4 years, got married. She said that you don’t need to get married right away, so who would listen ((
    The problem was Dasha. More precisely, it’s not a problem, the person just had to be allowed to live independently, and only then build his own family. Her mother has big, big bells and whistles, she crushed Dasha when Sasha introduced us to her, the first impression is a thin, thin sprout that is just crawling out of the ground. She would like to live at least a year without her mother, just alone, but love is carrots, we ran to the registry office.
    After the wedding, they united the premarital, bought three rubles in a new building, got pregnant, it’s like live and be happy. After the birth, a paragraph began ((((Sasha from a family with the model “father is the breadwinner, mother is the keeper of the hearth,” and mother’s Dasha, who transferred her own cockroaches to family life daughter, instead of help, a daily lecture that a good wife has her husband’s dirty socks washed on the same day and for her husband there should always be first, second and compote. They inserted Sashka’s brain, he began to actively help Dasha, and his mother-in-law began to come only in his presence, but it was too late,
    It ended sadly. When Andryushka was 9 months old, Dashka had a breakdown. During the next scandal, she rushed out of the house in only a robe at 3 a.m. and left. Thanks to her friend, she took her, but she had to call an ambulance, emergency hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital. Dasha stayed in the ICU for almost six months, was discharged, and never returned to her family. She moved to the metropolis, got a job, 2 years later she got married a second time and gave birth to a daughter. She was widowed while pregnant, inherited her husband’s business, and now everything is fine with her. I started communicating with my son as soon as I left the hospital.
    Sasha also got married. Nadya, a little older, her first marriage broke up due to her infertility, was purposefully looking for a man with children. She accepted Andryushka as one of her own and adopted her as a common child.
    When Sasha was filing for divorce, she said that they should determine the child’s place of residence with you, but again, who would listen ((
    Andryushka is happy with everything and calls them both mothers. He is almost 7 and is going to school this year. There is mom Nadya, who is always with him, dad and his adored little brother, dad and mom promise to buy a little sister. And holiday mother Dasha, who takes her with her on weekends and on all sorts of trips across the seas and oceans, plus her beloved little sister too.
    The problem is that Dasha decided that she needed to take Andryushka. Sasha and his family live in small town, she is in the regional center, she wants to give it to good school. Sasha, of course, categorically does not want to give up his son.
    People are sane, so far everything is quiet and peaceful, but a scandal is brewing.
    The question is - what is best for the child? Should I leave my dad in the family or give it to my mom, where there will be more opportunities for education?


    Maria Sukhova

    Girls, this is a chatty topic)

    I have a friend; in December she had a complex, paid operation; she was on sick leave for a long time. I went back to work in April, and after 1.5 months they were sent on unpaid leave. She found new job from 1.07. But apparently it’s difficult to live financially, although she doesn’t complain or ask.

    Her parents did not offer her financial help, although they have such an opportunity. She has grandparents, a sister, aunts and uncles and their children (cousins). Everyone lives normally. Although if my friend had asked, they would have helped her. I offered to help her, she thanked her and said that she would probably contact her in July, because... The first salary will be in August.

    Moreover, yesterday she met ex-husband and he also proposed to her, knowing about her difficulties (they have a normal relationship). She didn’t take it, she also left it as a last resort. My friend and I chatted about this topic. But this just pretty shining example about this theme, we are not talking about a friend and her family.

    Are your family offering you help without your request? Do you yourself offer help to your relatives without their request? In what situations?


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