Nekrasov N - Moral man (Art. Read. I. Ilyinsky). Nikolai Nekrasov - Moral Man: Verse

“Living in accordance with strict morals, I have never harmed anyone in my life.” This is how a person brags about something that is impossible to achieve. It's absolutely impossible. This is the main character of Nekrasov’s poem, a moral person. He has strict morals. Just what good is it if this person’s mere touch turns everything into rot?

When you read this work, you get the impression that you are looking at moldy bread. No that's not a kind person, although perhaps he considers himself kind. Society certainly supports him. But he is dangerous. He does evil without realizing it, and only because of strict morality, which a truly decent person does not need. Remember how Christ destroyed the church?

Here, the hero of the poem’s wife left for her lover. Immoral? Maybe. A deceived moral person incriminates them and calls the police. The police are on his side, of course. They also maintain morality, no matter what they do outside of work hours. But the wife could not stand the shame. She fell ill and died. But it seems as if a moral person doesn’t care. He continues to say that he has never done harm to anyone in his life.

A friend didn’t repay his debt on time. A moral man did not tolerate this and put him in prison. There is a reason to be angry, but our bearer of strict morality is not angry. And my friend died in prison. On the same day, a moral person forgave him the debt. Strict morality, you need to forgive, nothing can be done. But he has never done harm to anyone in his life.

Here is a moral person who gives a peasant a job as a cook. And he turned out to be a good cook! One problem - I learned to read and began to reason. Why is there such a smart guy at court? We need to stop hunting! It was not possible to do this with a word, and a moral man flogged the cook. He did not survive the humiliation and drowned himself. This is how immorality is overcome. This is how evil is not done.

My daughter fell in love with her teacher. I fell in love and fell in love, but that was not the end of it. She wanted to run away with him, and this seems to be not an empty fantasy - although it’s even worse if it was them. Our moral man forcibly marries her to a rich man. What else can you do with immorality? But my daughter fell ill with tuberculosis and died. Unloved and unhappy. But a moral person boasts: he has strict morals and a complete non-commitment of evil.

After reading this poem several times, you feel truly disgusted. This evil person, but angry as if accidentally, unconsciously. He is driven only by strict morality, but he does not like people and does not know how to forgive. And he commits evil, although he himself says that he has never done evil to anyone in his life. Disgusting.

Picture for the poem Moral Man

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“Moral Man” Nikolai Nekrasov

Living according to strict morals,

My wife, covering her face with a veil,
In the evening I went to see my lover.
I sneaked into his house with the police
And he caught... He called - I didn’t fight!
She went to bed and died
Tormented by shame and sadness...

I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

My friend did not present the debt to me on time.
I hinted to him in a friendly way,
I left it to the law to judge us;
The law sentenced him to prison.
He died in it without paying altyn,
But I’m not angry, even though I have a reason to be angry!
I forgave him the debt on the same date,
Honoring him with tears and sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

I gave the peasant as a cook,
It was a success; a good cook is happiness!
But he often left the yard
And I call it an indecent addiction
Had: loved to read and reason.
I, tired of threatening and scolding,
Fatherly flogged him with a canal;
He drowned himself, he was crazy!
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

I had a daughter; fell in love with the teacher
And she wanted to run away with him rashly.
I threatened her with a curse: she resigned herself
And she married a gray-haired rich man.
And the house was brilliant and full like a cup;
But suddenly Masha began to turn pale and fade away
And a year later she died of consumption,
Having struck the whole house with deep sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life...

Analysis of Nekrasov’s poem “The Moral Man”

In the mid-forties, Nekrasov began to depict contemporary reality in his lyrics and fell in love with portraying notorious scoundrels as the main characters, telling their biographies in poems. The first such portrait was given in “Modern Ode” (1845). Its hero is a scoundrel and a careerist who shamelessly robs defenseless citizens and is ready to sacrifice honor for the sake of promotion. own daughter. In the same year, 1845, the poems “Official” (about a bribe taker) and “Lullaby Song” (about a hereditary thief) were born. A couple of years later, Nikolai Alekseevich wrote “A Moral Man,” thereby continuing the gallery of images of scoundrels. Main character works - a man who believes that he lives “according to strict morality” and does no harm to anyone.

The text is divided into four parts. Each stanza is a first-person story. In the first ten lines, the character talks about how he treated his own wife. His wife cheated on him, and he decided to take revenge. As a result, the disgraced woman fell ill from grief and died. In the second part, the hero talks about his daughter. The girl had the imprudence to fall in love with the teacher, and even wanted to run away with him. Her father threatened her with a curse and forced her to marry a wealthy old man. The result was that the unfortunate girl died of consumption. In the third stanza we're talking about about a peasant whom the hero of the poem helped to become a cook. The serf learned to cook well, but here’s the catch - he became too addicted to reading, began to think and reason a lot. For educational purposes, the “moral man” flogged him. The ending of the story is that the cook drowned himself. In the fourth and final part, the character talks about a friend to whom he first lent money, and then put him in prison for debts. The borrower died there.

At the end of each stanza two lines are repeated:
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.
The hero of the poem sincerely believes that his actions are completely justified, that there is nothing wrong with them. The logic of the character’s thoughts is easy to understand: if his wife had not cheated, he would not have had to die disgraced; my daughter would not fall in love with someone who is inferior social status, would live happily in unequal marriage; If the peasant would not have argued with the master, he would not have drowned himself; If my friend had repaid his debt, he would not have gone to prison. Nekrasov’s “moral person” does not consider himself to blame for other people’s troubles, but that’s not what’s scary. The scary thing is that society supports him and others like him.

Every time gives birth to its poet. In the second half of the last century there was no more popular poet than N. A. Nekrasov. He not only sympathized with the people, but identified himself with peasant Russia, shocked the hearts of his contemporaries with pictures of slavery and poverty, and notes of sincere bitter repentance. In one of his speeches about Pushkin, Dostoevsky spoke about the “worldwide responsiveness” of the poet, who knew how to feel someone else’s as if he were his own. The same can be said about N.A. Nekrasov. Moreover, his muse is surprisingly responsive to other people’s joy and pain.
Nekrasov's creativity is varied in subject matter. But whatever it may be, one thing remains unchanged: in all poems the moral credo of the poet is clearly expressed. In his works, he puts the hero before a choice, but does not turn away at this difficult moment for him, but tries to imbue him with his outlook on life. Nekrasov is not afraid to let the hero look into his inner world and evaluate your actions and actions. Thus, the most hidden corners are revealed human soul, moral and moral principles of man.
Thus, in the poem “A Moral Man,” the hero considers himself a person with high morals. But his “high morality” brings deep suffering to those who are close to him: his wife died, “tormented by shame and sadness”; a friend dies, unable to endure debt prison; a peasant drowned himself after he had flogged him; My daughter, married to an unloved man, became unhappy.

Nikolay Nekrasov
Moral man

My wife, covering her face with a veil,
In the evening I went to my lover;
I sneaked into his house with the police
And he convicted... He called out: I didn’t fight!
She went to bed and died
Tormented by shame and sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

I had a daughter; fell in love with the teacher
And she wanted to run away with him rashly.
I threatened her with a curse: she resigned herself
And she married a gray-haired rich man.
Their house was brilliant and full like a cup;
But suddenly Masha began to turn pale and fade away
And a year later she died of consumption,
Having struck the whole house with deep sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life...

I gave the peasant as a cook:
It was a success; a good cook is happiness!
But he often left the yard
And I call it an indecent addiction
Had: loved to read and reason.
I, tired of threatening and scolding,
Fatherly flogged him with a canal,
He drowned himself: he was crazy!
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

My friend did not present the debt to me on time.
I hinted to him in a friendly way,
I left it to the law to judge us:
The law sentenced him to prison.
He died in it without paying altyn,
But I’m not angry, even though I have a reason to be angry!
I forgave him the debt on the same date,
Honoring him with tears and sadness...
Living according to strict morals,
I have never done harm to anyone in my life.

First half of 1847

Ilyinsky Igor Vladimirovich. July 11 (24), 1901, Moscow - January 13, 1987, Moscow. Soviet theater and film artist, master of artistic expression, director.

In our difficult times, problems of morality, in my opinion, become particularly acute and relevant. It pains me to see how people not only lose, but also cease to appreciate such qualities as kindness, loyalty, decency, sincerity and especially love for their homeland, its morals, customs, traditions. How easily and simply we adopt everything that is foreign! How I would like to advise my generation: “Pick up a volume of Nekrasov! Stay alone with him! Read, think about his lines and look into your soul!” And everyone will find in his lines a response to what worries us, will help us understand the meaning and value of high moral ideals in human life.

What is morality? On the one hand, it is very difficult philosophical question, requiring serious thought. On the other hand, we can usually quite clearly determine whether a person acted morally or not. Well, let's speculate.

If we dig deep, we will understand that from time immemorial the source of morality has been scriptures. In Christianity, it was the ten commandments of Christ that determined the moral code of man. Why do I speak in the past tense? Probably because there are not so many believing people now, religion no longer permeates all spheres of human existence as before. In addition, as culture and humanity develop, new moral and ethical standards appear in society.

But what is morality? Perhaps it should be understood as the spiritual qualities of a person, which are based on high ideals of goodness, duty, honor, justice and are manifested in relation to other people and nature. Morality is how the person himself evaluates his actions and behavior from the point of view of good. But everyone understands good in their own way. What is good for one is completely unacceptable for another. And where is the truth? I think morality lies precisely in seeing your actions not only as acceptable, but also as good for society. Immoral behavior makes a person promiscuous, ethically ugly and unworthy.

Is it possible to talk about the actions of children from a moral point of view? I’m afraid not, because the concept of “good” at a tender age is very vague, a child is simply not interested in analyzing his behavior and looking at it from the angle of some obscure morality. Children's actions are determined by a single criterion - “like”, “dislike”. And it is absolutely not a fact that, as a child grows up, he will acquire moral traits. Here a lot depends on upbringing and environment. Parents and schools become the first teachers of morality for children. I don't think morality can't be learned. On the contrary, it is possible and necessary. A person learns all his life, and it is not only about broadening his horizons, but also about self-education, changing priorities, and mastering new values.

You need to control your every step. As experience shows, someone who has committed an immoral act once cannot resist in the future. And here antimorality is born: a person becomes a liar, an opportunist, or even an outright rogue. Therefore, it seems to me that there is no need to shout about moral standards - it is better to behave in accordance with them. The moral principles of one person will become the moral principles of society only if he is guided by positive intentions and lives according to his conscience.

Morality and corresponding moral standards are the basis of civilization and humanity of any society. When morality and moral foundations collapse, society collapses and people degrade, which we can observe in our modern civilization, which is increasingly drowning in.

- this is following certain Spiritual (moral) Principles: the principles of Honor, Conscience, Duty, Justice, Love, etc. Morality is the essence of the true Dignity of Man. A truly Worthy Person is a person whom one cannot help but respect; with all his manifestations he evokes respect, reverence, approval, and love.

- this is the one who implements these spiritual principles in his life and they are embodied in himself in the knowledge of the corresponding beliefs and personal qualities such as honor, honesty, etc.

To paraphrase, morality can be defined as follows. – this is the conformity of ideas, beliefs, values, actions and all manifestations of a person with moral norms, universal human values ​​(kindness, non-violence, honesty, respect, etc.), and ideally with all Spiritual Laws.

It is Morality that is an indicator of the degree of spirituality of a Person and Society. What is Spirituality - .

Morality and the morality it generates (rules of conduct, etc.) were previously formed by Religion, commandments (Spiritual Laws in a religious interpretation), but are now largely destroyed. Of course, it needs to be revived and formed purposefully.

What is the basis of Morality? What gives birth to morality and what destroys it

The basis of morality is the distinction between and and the choice of the path of Good. About whether Good and Evil exist -. It is the understanding of what is Good, what is considered Worthy, and what is Bad, what is unworthy, shameful, unacceptable for a Man, that determines moral standards.

It is precisely because of the lack of adequate ideas about Good and Evil in modern society that morality is in decline, people are stricken with vices and ignorance, and society as a whole is rapidly decomposing.

There is also a misconception that Morality is a set of restrictions that encroach on a person’s freedom, restrain and block the manifestation of his individuality. This huge stupidity! Morality provides the vector, path and conditions for upward movement under which a person can grow, develop at the greatest speed, be protected from vices, possible moral decay and degradation, and be invulnerable to evil. Exactly at highest periods the flourishing of spirituality, when the moral standard was realized to the maximum extent in society, in the education of personnel, citizens, in culture, education, in the traditions of society, the great empires and states achieved their highest level development, civilization, culture, which even many modern states still have a long way to go.

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