Seeing shit in a dream. Seeing human shit

Not all dreams in our lives are pleasant. Fortunately or unfortunately, you can dream about anything, including excrement. If you saw shit in a dream, then don’t rush to get upset. First, understand the sacred meaning of this symbol.

Any dream book without exception will call shit a symbol of money and wealth. After all, dreams are most often shapeshifters, and all negative and unpleasant images promise something good.

So, to understand why you dream about shit, you need to take into account a number of points.

  • Whose excrement?
  • Where were they seen?
  • What did they do?

If the shit in your vision is human, it means that in your environment there are ill-wishers who weave intrigues and gossip. Try to limit your interaction with these people and, most importantly, do not be like them: there is no need to judge them and worry about this once again.

If the shit in your dream was cow shit or you simply dreamed of dung, then this is very good dream, which predicts a wonderful and bountiful harvest this year (the harvest can be understood as the number of vegetables harvested and the number of signed contracts with business partners, for example).

If the shit in your dreams is childish, then this promises you a new addition to your family. Apparently, you are already waiting, or in the near future there will be a suitable day for conception. If the baby’s shit was liquid, then the dream recommends: don’t waste money thoughtlessly, because soon you will probably need a large amount for a serious purchase.

If you dream about dog or cat shit, then this has a special meaning:

  • shit indicates that in your close circle there is a not entirely honest person who acts and lives based only on his own desires and needs.
  • shit says the opposite: that in your environment there is a real, devoted friend whom you can always rely on.

If in a vision you saw feces of a horse or, then you should prepare for a long trip, perhaps you will go on the desired journey. Seeing excrement in night dreams is a sign of minor obstacles that may arise on the way to achieving your goal.

Where did you see it?

If you see excrement in the toilet, it means that everything in your life will happen on time and in the right place.

  • If there is so much crap in the toilet that all attempts to flush it are unsuccessful, then such a vision speaks of serious financial income, perhaps an inheritance or a win.
  • And, on the contrary, if there is little excrement in the toilet, then most likely you will receive a small reward or a pleasant surprise gift.

If you see human feces in your home, but not in a specially designated place, this means that not all of your loved ones are able to appreciate your hospitality. Soon you will be receiving guests who will not be as friendly towards you as you would like. Don't pay attention to it, the dog barks - the caravan moves on.

If you dreamed of shit that has dried up a long time ago, then this speaks of your inner experiences. Apparently, an old grudge does not allow you to live in peace, and you return to recent events over and over again. Try to forgive the offender and move on with your life.

To see cow shit in your house in your night dreams means that higher power they remember you and soon you will receive a reward for all your work and efforts. If the walls of your home are stained with excrement, then expect good news - you will soon learn something good.

What did you do?

Seeing yourself soiled in human feces in a dream means that you will soon have an excellent opportunity to increase your income. If you get dirty, but no matter what you do, you can’t wash off the dirt, then you can not only increase your income, but also consolidate your success for several years to come.

If you smell feces, it means that your boyfriend will soon delight you with an incredible gift that will surprise both you and your loved ones. Seeing how in your night dreams you share shit with someone means that you will be able to help one of your friends and relatives.

Cleaning up feces in a dream means depriving oneself of the opportunity to earn money. Do not exclude extraordinary and unexpected options for earning money from your life, because some of them will be able to “shoot” and you will receive a big reward.

If you step in a “pile”, it means you made a mistake somewhere, you are doing something wrong in life, which is why you regret, and perhaps suffer. Try to reconsider your views and foundations, perhaps even small changes will bring you peace of mind.

If you dreamed that there was a lot of feces around you, and you seemed to be in a sewer, then such a dream indicates that you are beginning deep personal work. Typically, such dreams occur during therapeutic work or after prolonged self-analysis.

Thus, visions in which shit or feces appear to you, despite all their unseemlyness, do not bode well. Most often, such dreams occur on the eve of great successes and successes. Visions in which you see shit, even the most famous dream book Miller is considered a harbinger of wealth, so get ready to swim in money.

In addition to terrible dreams, there are not very pleasant dreams. One of them is a dream in which you dreamed of shit. Immediately there is a feeling of disgust and a desire for no one to find out about the spectacle they saw. Want to know what exactly? Then read the interpretation.

Shit in a dream is most often interpreted as an unexpected receipt of a large sum of money, perhaps an inheritance, an extraordinary bonus, or a lottery win. But sometimes the dream book deciphers feces as a harbinger of problems and troubles.

Miller's Predictions

Saw a large pile of human feces on the street or in another public place- Expect imminent misfortune. The dream book warns: you will be unfairly accused, the planned trip will be disrupted, and business will stagnate.

If you devoured shit with gusto, Miller foresees an unexpected, effortless gain of wealth. Most likely, you will be made the main heir.

Other versions

Why do you dream of animal feces? Pleasant surprises will happen in the near future. For farmers and farmers, the dream promises a good harvest.

In some cases, feces in a dream means that you will be thrown mud, and it will be extremely difficult to justify yourself. It is also possible that in reality you will find yourself in a stupid position and disgrace yourself in front of everyone.

The dream book deciphers a large pile of shit as well-invested money. But if you cleaned the bathroom, get ready for serious losses or bankruptcy. And soiled clothes are interpreted as gossip and rumors.

In a dream, you try to wipe dirty stains from a suit - in reality you will become a laughing stock as a result of the publication of some compromising information. According to another version, the dream book predicts: you will learn a colleague’s secret, revealing his negative sides. But people will not guess about your awareness.

Other interpretations

Loffa identifies the appearance of feces with financial stability and prosperity. But in some cases they only mean the desire to live in luxury without bothering with work.

The esoteric dream book gives a non-standard interpretation of a dream with feces: if you saw feces or stepped into it, expect a lot of anxieties, problems and all kinds of troubles.

Why do you dream about shit according to opinion Muslim dream book? What used to be of great importance to you will lose its attractiveness - material values, relationships with people, beliefs. If you ate feces in a dream, negative events will happen in reality and your anxiety level will increase. Try not to panic and adequately assess the situation.

Freud's dream book, if feces appeared in a dream, indicates strong feelings. In reality it will be revealed serious problem, which cannot be solved. But you have no desire to talk to the person who created it.

Who belonged to

Depending on whose feces you saw in a dream, the interpretation of the dream also changes.

  • Cow patties - multiple chores will end with a pleasant reward.
  • Dog shit - today there will be an opportunity to make easy money and find yourself in the center of interesting events.
  • Chicken droppings - your financial situation will improve. And if in a dream you touched it with your hands, it means you will get rich and will no longer experience need.
  • Why do you dream about cat shit? After completing complex and hard work, you will get a good profit.

Ours and others'

If you had to see your shit in a dream, then the dream book predicts financial profit for you. Money will literally fall on your head, and it will happen when you don’t expect it at all. For example, a sudden inheritance or winning the lottery. Be prepared to “swim” in money.

As the dream book explains, shit presented in the form of animal feces promises you a pleasant surprise, for example, a rich harvest.

In addition, the shit in large quantities, according to the dream book, means for you a successful investment of your savings. But if you cleaned the shit out of the toilet, it means you will become a victim of a scam and lose all your money.

Seeing yourself covered in excrement

Why dream of getting dirty in other people's excrement means that your close friend wants to denigrate your good name and almost already achieved it. Wiping soiled parts of the body or clothes means an upcoming ridiculous situation in which you will suddenly find yourself. The reason may be information that you tell others, and they use it against you.

Loff’s dream book will help you find out why you dream about shit, which interprets what you see as a desire to live richly and be financially independent. Success and advancement await you in any endeavor. But if you slip on a poop, be careful. It's time for you to change your outlook on life, otherwise you may suffer significant financial losses.

Looking for shit in a dream

It happens that you can look for shit in a room and just can’t find it. The dream book suggests that strangers are constantly interfering in your personal life. The sooner you stop giving everyone details, the sooner your relationship with your loved one will improve.

Abundant bowel movements in a dream speaks of the efforts you will have to expend to achieve success in business. If you see worms, this is a small influx of money into family budget, but not from your side. Why dream of feces with blood - the dream book foretells you an illness, it’s time to drop everything and take care of your health.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look into moon calendar- what and what lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

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Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. The abundance of happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus speaks...

Shit in a dream is definitely very good sign, which is a harbinger of financial profit and prosperity. Literally, money will fall on you out of the blue, completely unexpectedly. There is a high probability of receiving an unexpected inheritance or winning the lottery; in general, get ready to make a profit.

If you dreamed of shit in the form of animal feces, be prepared for pleasant surprises; for a farmer, such a dream foreshadows a rich harvest. Why else do you dream about shit? This symbol can also predict that in reality someone will throw mud at you or you will be very disgraced.

If in a dream you saw a large pile of shit, it means that in reality you will be able to profitably invest your savings.

If you dreamed that you were cleaning shit out of the toilet, it means that all your money will be scammed out of you. If in a dream you get dirty in shit, it means that in reality some ill-wisher is trying to tarnish your good name.

If in a dream you saw yourself smeared with shit and are trying to wipe them off, it means that in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation in which you will find yourself unexpectedly, most likely due to the discovery of some information that you did not plan to share with others.

Also, such a dream may foretell you a “skeleton” in the closet of your work colleague; most likely you will learn some secret or find incriminating evidence on him, but he will not know at all about your dedication.

Interpretation of dreams from Azar's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Shit and toilets

Everyone should dream about it and often) I mean shit and toilets. Despite the fact that shit is not even pleasant to look at, this dream is one of the good harbingers.

Why do you dream about shit? It’s very simple.. Dreaming of shit means profit, money! If you dream of toilets, but there is no shit in them, let’s say, then profit is also inevitable, but not today, but let’s say in 2-3 days.

It happens that you are looking for toilets in a dream to relieve yourself, then this is a different case: you just want to go to the toilet during sleep, but you are sleeping and this dictates your dream about the toilet.

Moreover, it often happens that you seem to have entered a stall and cannot urinate, which means your “alarm clock” simply has not rung yet.

Strictly speaking, a dream about shit and toilets is entirely subject to the principle of inversion in interpretation.

Roughly speaking, what is disgusting in a dream is pleasant in real life, such a leapfrog) and of course, the more shit you see in a dream, the greater the profit awaits you in real life!

Interpretation of dreams from

Evolution has changed man quite a lot. Now we, unlike animals, perceive excrement as something unpleasant and unaesthetic. However, this situation only occurs in real life. Seeing a pile of shit in a dream usually means wealth, prosperity or success. However, not everything is so good. Some interpreters do not accept general values. They believe that any vision has both positive and negative side, you just have to remember the details of the dream. So, is seeing shit in a dream a sign of joy or sadness? How do the most popular dream books interpret this dream?

Esoteric dream book

Seeing shit in a dream, according to this publication, portends the dreamer various troubles and meanness. Moreover, the origin of feces is great importance. For example, seeing cat shit in a dream means a serious illness. If the dreamer removes the tray with cat excrement, then this, on the contrary, indicates a speedy recovery of the patient. Seeing shit with worms in a dream and emitting an unpleasant odor means that the dreamer is being fooled by his colleagues. It is possible that one of his colleagues is trying to take his place at work. If the dreamer feels some discomfort while defecating in a dream, it means that more time needs to be devoted to current affairs, and more influential people may have to be involved in solving problems.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a lot of shit in a dream indicates that the dreamer has many different problems that relate to his personal life. However, he does not want to involve an outsider to solve them, because he is afraid of betrayal or gossip. If the dreamer has to not only see shit in a dream, but also wipe it off himself, it means that some unscrupulous person has found out about his secrets and is able to tell everyone about it. Also, such a dream can speak of gossip spread by an acquaintance or relative.

To smear yourself in someone else's excrement means to find out someone's secret. Seeing worms swarming in feces means quick changes in your personal life. If the dreamer experiences constipation in a dream or the act of defecation is accompanied by painful sensations, it means that something does not suit him in his relationship with his partner. To prevent strong quarrel, the dreamer should be more careful in his statements or, conversely, discuss the differences that have arisen with his lover.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing human shit in a dream means unexpected profit, inheritance or gift. In the future, the dreamer should not worry about the financial situation; here he will be favored by happiness and good luck. It is best, according to this publication, to see children's shit in a dream, since this means that any operations, even obviously losing ones, will bring profit to the dreamer.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

According to the interpretation of this publication, shit in a dream portends enrichment. However, wealth will not fall from the sky; the dreamer will have to put a lot of effort into this.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Feces in a dream reflect the real essence of the dreamer. If you dreamed of a large, neatly decorated pile of excrement, then you should expect pleasant changes in the service in the future. Dense feces that do not emit a foul odor - to wealth and stability in life. If the act of defecation is accompanied by pain or any other unpleasant sensations, then in reality there will be a black streak. Moreover, problems will haunt the dreamer for a long time. Seeing liquid feces in a dream means new problems will be added to existing troubles. Perhaps the dreamer should not rely only on his own strength, it is better to turn to friends and colleagues for help. Relieving yourself in the wrong place in a dream means that the dreamer’s project will be rejected at work. Most likely, more was expected of him, but the dreamer did not live up to the hopes placed on him.

Noble dream book

The noble dream book considers seeing shit in a dream a good sign, especially if the pile does not cause disgust. According to his interpretation, the dreamer should expect profit in the near future. Moreover, this money, one might say, will fall from the sky. Of course, you shouldn't take this phrase literally. Most likely, the dreamer will have his old debt returned, or it will be an unexpected bonus at work. Stepping into shit in a dream means a change for the better; if the dreamer has recently quit his job, one can only rejoice, because in the near future he will be offered a more prestigious position.

Dream Interpretation Maya

Dreaming about your own excrement promises changes in relationships. Moreover, the culprit of the quarrel will be the dreamer himself. If a bird shits on a person sleeping in a dream, it means that in real life one should expect a monetary reward. True, it will not be too big.

Ancient English dream book

Seeing your own feces in a dream is a bad sign. If they do not cause disgust, it means that the dreamer will have to receive a reprimand at work, although the punishment will be well deserved. Accidentally stepping into a pile of excrement means receiving a small monetary reward for a job well done. Defecating in a dream means changes in life, but nothing good should be expected from this. To see a large pile of manure in a dream - to good health. If the dreamer is surrounded by a seriously ill relative, then one can hope for a favorable outcome: the person will recover and live a long life.

To be smeared in feces means a strong decline in the dreamer's status. Many acquaintances will turn away from him, but you must try to survive this period and get rid of the troubles that have piled up as quickly as possible. If feces are scattered around the sleeping person, but he does not get dirty in them, it means that in life there will be an opportunity to make good money. However, the dreamer most likely will not take advantage of this opportunity. If in a dream you cannot dry yourself properly after defecation, it means that in reality a person will get into trouble and will have to answer for the sins he has committed for quite a long time. Dreaming of shit in your hands means good profit, financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

According to the interpretation of this publication, defecating in a dream means rejecting something. Most likely, the dreamer is dissatisfied with his life and considers his existence meaningless and his actions useless. The best solution after such a dream is to visit a psychologist.

Oddly enough, but seeing feces in a dream is a good sign. It’s even better if you dreamed that you had to clean up shit with your own hands or with a rag. A dream means the arrival of easy money, replenishment of the household, and the onset of happy family holidays. You can figure out why you dream of wiping off feces and getting dirty in it thanks to modern dream books.

What does Miller's dream book promise?

Practicing psychologists reduce the interpretation of a dream with excrement to the successful completion of even the most hopeless cases. All transactions according to Gustav Miller’s dream book will definitely turn out to be profitable, controversial cases will be considered in favor of the dreamer. Large amounts of income will allow you to forget about work and take a break for a short period of time.

A famous psychoanalyst explains why one dreams of cleaning up shit as follows:

  • with your hands - to a large stable income;
  • with a rag - to an unexpected modest influx of funds;
  • flushing down the toilet - for a planned vacation;
  • hearing the smell means meeting a philanthropist, a rich admirer.

Just have time to open your wallets

To understand why you dream of cleaning up people’s shit, remember how you did it. Wiping with a rag means being happy in reality for your loved ones. To tear it off with your hands means receiving a tidy sum from a philanthropist or sponsor.

It’s especially good if you dreamed that you were unable to remove excrement in your dream. Dream books predict acquaintance with the right people, which will help increase capital in a short time.

Long-awaited meetings and dates are ahead

Cleaning up shit after animals in a dream, seeing others do it, means a visit from old friends, the return of large sums of money. A dream in which you happened to wipe away cat excrement means the dreamer’s enviable position among his loved ones.

Currently, you are able to help friends with money, help colleagues valuable advice, please your beloved with an expensive gift. It’s especially good if you dreamed of dog, cat, or other pet feces.

Get ready to travel

Seeing horse manure and shoveling it in a dream means interesting trips, trips to places where the dreamer has never been before.

Luxurious hotels, a well-deserved vacation, adventures - this is exactly what dreams of cleaning up the shit after our little brothers mean. Cat, dog poop esoteric dream book- a sign of friendly meetings, interesting parties, get-togethers with friends.

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