Decorative aquarium shrimps. Overview of all types of freshwater aquarium shrimp How to breed and care for aquarium shrimp

Majority freshwater shrimp, kept in our aquariums, come from Asia. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed 6-8 cm. Almost all of them are omnivores, but prefer lower aquatic vegetation. Shrimp are generally quite hardy creatures. Shrimp are interesting mainly during the day, when they lead an active lifestyle, quickly moving along the bottom in search of food and crawling along the leaves of plants. In a moment of danger, they make jerky swimming movements in the water column using contractions of the tail fan.

Shrimp molt regularly. Throwing off the chitinous shell. During molting (two to three days before molting and one or two after), they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, the shrimp's integument is soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young individuals this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually.

Shrimp are peaceful. They do not attack their own kind or other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Although, when kept with fish, they themselves can become quite tasty food.

All types of aquarium shrimp are not picky about their living conditions. With the exception of some, for example, Sulawesi shrimp.
An aquarium of 10 liters or more is suitable for successful maintenance. In which you can place 10-15 shrimp. But you need to remember that sooner or later they will multiply and choosing a fry will not be so easy. Therefore, we advise you to start immediately with large aquarium volumes.

Aquarium shrimp Looks better on black soil. Although this is a matter of taste.
Amazingly, they live in temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. So, if the temperature in your apartment does not drop below 17 degrees, you can safely keep a shrimp tank without heating means. Although the ideal temperature for them would be 24-25 C.

Thus, you can save on heating, but aeration will not do this. It is imperative to install aeration in the shrimp tank. Krill, unlike fish, is very sensitive to oxygen saturation in water.

Very good for shrimp the presence of living plants is important in their habitat - an aquarium. It would be ideal to plant Java moss. Shrimp need it for hiding and cleaning. Of course, any plants will do for a start, even hornwort and pistia.

Water filtration for shrimp. It is necessary to put a nylon stocking on the internal filter; there must be a pre-filter on the intake pipe of the external filter, otherwise the shrimp will be sucked in.

Lighting for shrimp not really necessary, except to see the food :). But the plants that will be in the shrimp tank simply need it.

And now the unpleasant moment when keeping shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very sensitive to the chemical composition of water. The water that is replaced must be clean and well settled. You also need to keep an eye on environment, the use of various kinds of sprays and fresheners in the room where there is an aquarium with shrimp is unacceptable; surface gas exchange has not yet been canceled. Be very careful when changing water and ventilate the room. In addition, shrimp do not tolerate high concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium.

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Everyone eats shrimp! In the literal sense of the word. They are constantly searching for food. They clean up dead parts of plants, the corpses of other residents (if there are any) and the smallest particles of everything that can be eaten. These arthropods need to be fed, or rather fed, no more than once every two days. However, it is not advisable to feed them on the day when the water is changed. Hungry shrimp are better able to withstand stress or other unwanted changes.

You can feed them with any food, from dry daphnia to live and concentrated and balanced branded food.

You can feed them with Tetra shrimp food. The food should be balanced and varied. Try to alternate feeds.

Shrimp tank maintenance.

Maintaining a shrimp tank is not particularly different from maintaining an aquarium with fish.
Water changes should be done once a week ~ 1/3 of the total volume. It is advisable to do a light siphon of soil every few months. Remove dead plant parts and shells from the coils. We emphasize! Everything must be done very carefully. Shrimp much fewer fish and it is possible to inadvertently injure or even kill them. But in general there is nothing complicated or unusual.

Breeding aquarium shrimp.

There is no need to help shrimp in breeding! They do everything well themselves.
If the conditions are favorable and your shrimp are good, then the offspring will not be long in coming.
During the period when the female is ready to reproduce, she releases pheromones into the water. All males begin to frantically chase around the aquarium and look for a female. Mating lasts no more than a second. Although the process of searching for a female usually lasts for hours. Soon after mating, the female develops a so-called saddle on her back. Cherry shrimp are yellow, special shrimp are drunken gray. This is caviar at a certain stage. Subsequently, the female molts and the eggs move under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry will appear.
Juveniles do not need special care. He immediately eats what his parents eat. It hides in the thickets and swims jerkily. The above applies only to shrimp: neocardina cherry and neocardina special. There are complex types of shrimp that a beginner will not be able to breed, because... they need a special approach and a lot of knowledge and experience, for example, Amano shrimp, filter feeders.

Aquarium shrimp are no less popular than fish or aquatic plants. A transparent container with these arthropods will be a wonderful interior decoration, but before you get them, you need to figure out how much care they will require. This will largely depend on the species purchased, so it is better for beginners and experienced owners to purchase different representatives of arthropods.

Aquarium shrimp exist different types and the complexity of the content, so it is better to study them better before purchasing

general description

Although there are many types of aquarium shrimp, they all have common feature- identical body structure. They have a well-developed tail, eyes with a wide viewing angle, and long mustaches that perform the function of touch. Instead of claws, they have three pairs of jaws that perform a motor function. The entire body is covered with a layer of chitin. In addition, females are usually almost one and a half times larger than males.

In all other respects, these arthropods are not similar to each other. They differ in origin and belonging to a particular family, in size, color and habitat. Therefore, there are several types of aquarium shrimp. Some do not require special care, while others can only be kept by an experienced breeder.

Types for beginners

For those who are getting shrimp for the first time, it is better to pay attention to attractive, but unpretentious representatives who will not need to create special conditions life. These include the following varieties:

All these species are non-aggressive and do not cause trouble to their owner.

For experienced breeders

If you have successfully dealt with unpretentious creatures, you can try to get shrimp that require more careful attention. For example, one of these types:

Such decorative shrimps require professional care under the supervision of an experienced aquarist. To maintain them, special soil treatment and installation of a reverse osmosis system are required.

Basic conditions of detention

Shrimp in an aquarium require proper care. To ensure this, even before acquiring arthropods, you need to prepare their home and think about what they will need for comfortable life further.

Choosing an aquarium

For shrimp, you need to choose a container of a suitable volume, where each representative will have about 0.5 liters of water. Of course, some species feel fine in more cramped conditions, but sufficient space will be the key to peaceful coexistence between neighbors.

You need to calculate the volume of the aquarium based on the number of shrimp. For each shrimp 0.5 liters of water

The shape of the container is not of paramount importance, but for beginners it will be more convenient to care for a rectangular wide tank that is easy to clean. You also need to remember to close the container with a lid to prevent its inhabitants from jumping out.

The optimal solution would be to start a shrimp tank, that is, a special aquarium where only arthropods will be settled. If fish live in the same container, hunting for small shrimp is inevitable, so they will need a large number of shelters, such as decorations, stones or moss.

Water preparation

Arthropods are more sensitive to water characteristics than fish. They usually do well in temperatures between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises to 32 degrees, they will die. If it drops to 15, they will stop reproducing and lose mobility, but there is no mortal threat. The previous behavior is quickly restored when the liquid is brought to normal temperature.

For unpretentious shrimp, you can use the most ordinary tap water. It’s even good if it has slightly increased rigidity, since the shrimp will build a shell from the elements included in it when molting. But too hard water will be uncomfortable and will stop reproduction.

Most shrimp do well in water 20-28C

More demanding creatures will need water with a nearly neutral pH and zero hardness. This is achieved by passing the liquid through a reverse osmosis unit. After this, you will need to add special salt to the water for a comfortable life for the shrimp.

Before pouring into the aquarium, the water must settle and reach room temperature. You can change the fluid only once a week, pouring out 1/5 of it and replacing it with fresh one.

Necessary equipment

As for aquarium equipment, the first thing you will need is a compressor, since a large number of shrimp may not have enough oxygen.

If there are a lot of shrimp, you definitely need a compressor for the aquarium.

Filtration systems are usually installed in aquariums where both arthropods and fish live, so the shrimper can do without it. But if there are a lot of inhabitants and few plants, then it is still better to purchase an external canister or internal sponge filter. To prevent small shrimp from being sucked in, you will need to put a sponge on the pipe of the device.

Crustaceans need lighting to form daily biological rhythms. In addition, aquarium plants cannot do without light. Fluorescent or LED sources are well suited for this purpose. They will work efficiently and economically, and the water will not heat up.

To maintain the desired temperature you will have to get a heater. It is better if it is equipped with a thermostat that maintains the set value. But you can’t always completely trust the device, so sometimes you need to control the temperature it sets using a thermometer.

If the days are hot and the water in the aquarium gets very hot, you will need to install a fan or refrigeration unit that reduces the temperature to acceptable values.

Waste must be removed regularly so that the ammonia released from it does not lead to diseases of the shrimp. To do this, you will have to carefully siphon the soil.

Suitable nutrition

Nutrition - important point in keeping aquarium shrimp. They eat everything: algae buds, fish food, plant leaves. But they also need to be given boiled vegetables or special food purchased at a pet store. In the latter case, you need to pay attention to the composition. It must contain calcium, which is necessary for building the shell. Otherwise, the shrimp may begin to eat their own shell.

As food for shrimp will do frozen brine shrimp

Good choice frozen food made from bloodworms, brine shrimp or even cod meat is considered.

There is no need to feed arthropods more than 1-3 times a week, since they will already eat up the plants in the aquarium, and increased feeding can harm them. In addition, in nature they often go without food for 7-10 days.

Breeding rules

Reproduction occurs when the female reaches sexual maturity. At this time, she begins to secrete enzymes that attract the male. He fertilizes the eggs that appear under her tail, and after 4-6 weeks larvae emerge from them. As soon as they emerge from the eggs, they will immediately be able to feed on their own and, in general, lead a lifestyle characteristic of adults.

But for this process to occur, conditions for mating must be created. The female's achievement of sexual maturity can be accelerated by frequently replacing the water with fresh water. In this case, the shrimp molt faster, preceding the release of pheromones.

Shrimp fry immediately lead an independent lifestyle, like adults

After successful fertilization, you need to be even more careful about the characteristics of the water. Under any unfavorable factors, the female may shed her eggs and a new generation will not appear.

It is worth considering that up to 40 new larvae can appear at a time, but overpopulation usually does not occur, since with a lack of space and food, large individuals begin to feed on small ones, thereby regulating their numbers.

Compatibility with fish

If you don’t want to have a separate shrimp tank, you can add arthropods to snails or small non-aggressive fish. Shrimp get along well with the following species:

  • micro-assessments;

Neon fish can be a good aquarium mate for shrimp

However, even these fish will be interested in their too small neighbors and some of the shrimp will still be eaten. This can be avoided by introducing large enough arthropods to small fish so that they cannot swallow them.

For check-in to be successful, you must adhere to the following rules:

Thus, by taking your time and monitoring the well-being of your new pets, you can successfully place them in a new place of residence.

Common mistakes

Those who decide to keep shrimp for the first time often encounter certain difficulties. Their pets get sick or even die, although it would seem that everything was done correctly: an aquarium was selected, water and food were prepared, everything was purchased necessary equipment.

Aquarium shrimp can get sick and die if the water in the aquarium is too stagnant

The thing is that small arthropods are very sensitive to various components of the environment. The owner should be aware that the following factors have a detrimental effect on them:

  1. Insufficiently settled water. Fresh liquid, in which microflora has not yet developed, is detrimental to shrimp, so before the first fill, the water should stand in a dark place for several weeks.
  2. Tobacco smoke. If you smoke in a room with an aquarium, aquatic inhabitants will not live long in such conditions. Shrimp are so sensitive to smell that they can be harmed even if you put food in them with an unwashed hand that was holding a cigarette.
  3. Medicines and water stabilizers. Any chemicals, which contain the slightest traces of copper, have a detrimental effect on arthropods.

Thus, the owner may accidentally make a mistake that will lead to the death of his pets. To prevent this from happening, you need to take responsibility for caring for the inhabitants of the aquarium, and then they will delight you with their beauty and health.

Water expanses home aquarium You can diversify not only with unique varieties of fish or snails, but also place aquarium shrimp in its depths. And you should not associate this species with ordinary monotonous marine inhabitants, since special shrimp for the aquarium, unlike their non-freshwater relatives, are distinguished by their bright colorful color and unique body shape. But not only the unique original color attracts the attention of aquarists, these species have great endurance, are unpretentious in keeping, omnivores, and their interesting image life attracts the attention of others. That is why aquarium shrimp are increasingly found in home ponds not only among real aquarists, but also among novice lovers of the aquatic world.

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Area and description

In its natural habitat, the aquarium shrimp is found in almost all freshwater and saltwater bodies of water in the world. However, it is worth emphasizing that each species has its own specific deposit. For example, the colorful rednose shrimp inhabits the rivers of Venezuela, the fan species are found in the cool freshwater waters of Panama, and the Amano shrimp lives only in the cold mountain rivers Japan and Korea. But, as a rule, all individuals of this species living in a home pond come from some regions of Asia.

These species belong to the crustacean variety of the arthropod type. But compared to their marine crustacean counterparts, they have jaws that not only perform a motor function, but are also designed for holding and capturing food. Also, these individuals have five pairs of legs and a very massive tail, with the help of which these individuals, in case of danger from other aggressive inhabitants of the water, escape by making spasmodic movements.

Despite their small size, aquarium shrimp have a good sense of smell and touch, all thanks to their long antennae, more like antennas. And rotating eyes contribute to a wide viewing range, which allows you to hide from the enemy and quickly find food.

The oral apparatus is complex in shape and consists of three jaws that grind food, and also consists of jaws that hold food at the mouth. To crawl along the bottom of the aquarium and grab food, shrimp use other limbs. The size of shrimp depends on gender and variety, but ranges from 3 to 8 cm.

Living conditions in a home aquarium

A shrimp living in an aquarium will not bring much trouble to its owner, and caring for this individual is no different from caring for other inhabitants of a home pond. However, in order for an individual to please with its bright color and active behavior every day, it is necessary to create special conditions and adhere to certain rules. In addition, some decorative individuals are quite capricious and require additional care.

Excellent macro photography about the life of shrimp in an aquarium.

  • The smallest aquarium and even the largest are perfect for shrimp. And in order not to get lost in the calculations, you should rely on a simple solution and select your future living space on a one-to-one basis, that is, one liter of water per aquarium shrimp. However, size should be taken into account if the shrimp are medium or big size, you need about 2 or 4 liters of water.
  • Optimal temperature regime for almost all species living in the reservoir it ranges from 17°C to 30°C. Of course, more are allowed low temperature, but in this case the pets may become sedentary. In addition, it is worth considering that during sudden temperature fluctuations life cycle is significantly reduced and the individual may die.
  • Weekly water changes are a must for the normal development of pets. You can easily add regular tap water, but preferably one that has been settled and warmed to room temperature.
  • Should be checked periodically chemical composition water, the main requirement is the complete absence of copper, which will burn and cause death of both adults and larvae. The water hardness is as high as possible so that during molting the shrimp can obtain the necessary substances to renew their shell.
  • The presence of a compressor, filter and lighting is considered an optional requirement, but desirable.
  • The presence of all kinds of living ornamental plants is important, because aquarium shrimp, whose keeping is combined with other individuals, can, if necessary, hide from large fish in their green shelter. Java moss, hornwort, pistia, cladaphora and other plants intended for the aquarium are perfect for landscaping.


All types of shrimp living in an aquarium are omnivorous; they will gladly feast on food left uneaten by the fish or eat special food. But if by chance there isn’t enough dry food for them, don’t be upset, aquarium cleaners, because this is also the name of shrimp, will snack on algal growths located on stones, plants and soil.

If aquarium shrimp live in a separate container without the presence of fish, they need to be fed with shrimp food, which is sold in any pet store. But it is worth noting that many aquarists make do with regular fish food or feed their unusual pets with pieces of zucchini, pepper, lettuce and even pasta.

However, you should not overfeed shrimp, since these types of crustaceans large quantities foodies begin to get lazy and stop cleaning the aquarium. Experts recommend feeding your pets once or twice a week; this amount of artificial food will be enough for them for a long time.


Peaceful and friendly aquarium inhabitants lead a secretive life, and it is not surprising, because very often they can become a tasty treat for their neighbors living in the aquarium. And in order to save these individuals from death, you need to choose the right neighbors for them.

Look at the aquarium shrimp and acanthophthalmus.

The ideal option is small fish, such as neons, guppies or zebrafish. Shrimp in an aquarium with a company of snails, too perfect option, in which the crustaceans will remain safe and sound. But barbs, angelfish, some types of cichlids, loaches and even swordtails are dangerous to keep together.

But according to akariumists, in the presence of various plant shelters and decorative elements, even these aggressive fish will not be a hindrance to shrimp.


Breeding these individuals is quite possible, but only in a vessel separate from the fish. Otherwise, all future offspring will become nutritious food for the fish living in the home pond. In addition, aquarists recommend breeding only those shrimp that do not have a traditional larval phase. Indeed, in this case, the newly hatched offspring are exactly similar to adult individuals of this species, which can easily eat regular food and do not require additional care.

But even shrimp that have a standard larval stage do not need additional conditions. Since at the moment of reproduction the female emits a special substance that attracts an individual of the opposite sex. After fertilization, a saddle is formed on the back, inside of which the eggs are located, literally after a week it smoothly moves to the lower part of the abdomen, and after 3 or 4 weeks the fry appear.

Diseases of domestic crustaceans

Even after placing the shrimp in an aquarium with clean water and compliance with all parameters does not exclude the possibility that these individuals may contract fungal diseases. And although such a disease does not seem frightening, it can also cause fatal outcome. After all, a fungus that appears on the body of an individual sucks everything from it nutrients and poisons the body with toxic substances. In addition to fungal diseases, these aquarium inhabitants are also affected by ordinary viral infections, which are very difficult to cure.

However, in any case, infected shrimp should be isolated, and the water in the general aquarium must be changed. Then consult with specialists and take the necessary measures.

Every year everything more lovers home aquariums are interested in keeping freshwater shrimp in its waters. This interest is justified by the unusual nature of these crustaceans, their unpretentiousness, as well as the huge abundance of diverse, unique colors.


Aquarium freshwater shrimp differ from each other in their size and color variations. However, the body structure is identical in all species. Thanks to their long antennae, they have a very good sense of touch and smell. The eyes rotate in different directions, which provides a wide view. The anterior thoracic segments are fused to the head and have reliable protection in the form of a shell. Movement along the bottom in search of food is carried out using walking legs. They, like crayfish, have a well-developed tail. With its help, they can perform movements reminiscent of jumping, thus escaping from predators. The size of a freshwater shrimp for an aquarium depends on the species, and ranges from two to fifteen centimeters. Shrimp live in aquarium conditions, on average 1.5 years.

Types of freshwater shrimp

Aquarium shrimp are represented by a huge variety of species, the ranks of which are replenished with new ones almost every month.

Types that are the most popular and unusual:

Conditions of detention

Aquarium shrimp and the conditions for keeping them completely depend on their species. Most of which are not very picky. But there are a number of certain parameters that need to be monitored and maintained at the required level.

The most important criteria for existence are comfortable temperature water and its oxygen saturation. To increase oxygen saturation, you need to use aerators and compressors. The aquarium should have a water temperature between 21 and 30 degrees. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, the crustaceans become very lethargic, and if it exceeds 31 degrees, they will simply die.

To prevent small specimens from being sucked into the filter, you need to use filters with a sponge. It is also very important to carefully monitor the water replacement process. You should change the water at least once a week in the amount of 1/5 of the total volume of the aquarium. Although most species are not picky about their living conditions, you should not be irresponsible about the parameters of their habitat. Otherwise, if you lose sight of something, you may face bad consequences.

The aquarium must be equipped with a lid, as some species easily crawl outside of it.


Shrimp can hardly be called gourmet; you can offer them a variety of foods. While in search of food, they eat absolutely everything, from decomposed parts of algae to the corpses of other inhabitants of the aquarium. It is necessary to feed once every few days, with daphnia or canned or live food. Feed should be alternated with each other for a balanced diet. It is worth knowing that under no circumstances should you feed shrimp with cheap dry food that contains grains.


In order for shrimp to reproduce, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. The female, when ready to reproduce, releases peculiar pheromones into the water to attract males. Males, sensing such pheromones, begin to look for the seductress, who is hiding in a shelter, from her admirers. Reproduction itself occurs quite quickly, literally in a few seconds. Then, on the back of the female, spots of yellow or gray, this is caviar from which fry will appear in a few weeks. After hatching, the fry immediately become independent, just like adults. The fry eat the same thing as adults, move in the same jerky fashion, and also hide under pebbles and in vegetation.

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Most of the freshwater shrimp kept in our aquariums come from Asia. Their length, as a rule, does not exceed 6-8 cm. Almost all of them are omnivores, but prefer lower aquatic vegetation. Shrimp are generally quite hardy creatures. Shrimp are interesting mainly during the day, when they lead an active lifestyle, quickly moving along the bottom in search of food and crawling along the leaves of plants. In a moment of danger, they make jerky swimming movements in the water column using contractions of the tail fan.

Shrimp molt regularly. Throwing off the chitinous shell. During molting (two to three days before molting and one or two after), they do not feed. Having freed themselves from the old shell, the shrimp take refuge in thickets of plants, under stones or in other shelters. After molting, the shrimp's integument is soft, and for some time, until the shell becomes hard, the animals are defenseless. After molting, shrimp recover damaged and lost limbs. In young individuals this happens faster, in adults it happens gradually.

Shrimp are peaceful. They do not attack their own kind or other inhabitants of the aquarium.
Although, when kept with fish, they themselves can become quite tasty food.

All types of aquarium shrimp are not picky about their living conditions. With the exception of some, for example, Sulawesi shrimp.
An aquarium of 10 liters or more is suitable for successful maintenance. In which you can place 10-15 shrimp. But you need to remember that sooner or later they will multiply and choosing a fry will not be so easy. Therefore, we advise you to start immediately with large aquarium volumes.

Aquarium shrimp Looks better on black soil. Although this is a matter of taste.
Amazingly, they live in temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius. So, if the temperature in your apartment does not drop below 17 degrees, you can safely keep a shrimp tank without heating means. Although the ideal temperature for them would be 24-25 C.

Thus, you can save on heating, but aeration will not do this. It is imperative to install aeration in the shrimp tank. Krill, unlike fish, is very sensitive to oxygen saturation in water.

Very good for shrimp the presence of living plants is important in their habitat - an aquarium. It would be ideal to plant Java moss. Shrimp need it for hiding and cleaning. Of course, any plants will do for a start, even hornwort and pistia.

Water filtration for shrimp. It is necessary to put a nylon stocking on the internal filter; there must be a pre-filter on the intake pipe of the external filter, otherwise the shrimp will be sucked in.

Lighting for shrimp not really necessary, except to see the food :). But the plants that will be in the shrimp tank simply need it.

And now the unpleasant moment when keeping shrimp.

Aquarium shrimp are very sensitive to the chemical composition of water. The water that is replaced must be clean and well settled. You also need to monitor the environment; the use of various types of sprays and fresheners in the room where there is an aquarium with shrimp is unacceptable; surface gas exchange has not yet been canceled. Be very careful when changing water and ventilate the room. In addition, shrimp do not tolerate high concentrations of nitrogen compounds in the aquarium.

Nutrition of aquarium shrimp

Everyone eats shrimp! In the literal sense of the word. They are constantly searching for food. They clean up dead parts of plants, the corpses of other residents (if there are any) and the smallest particles of everything that can be eaten. These arthropods need to be fed, or rather fed, no more than once every two days. However, it is not advisable to feed them on the day when the water is changed. Hungry shrimp are better able to withstand stress or other unwanted changes.

You can feed them with any food, from dry daphnia to live and concentrated and balanced branded food.

You can feed them with Tetra shrimp food. The food should be balanced and varied. Try to alternate feeds.

Shrimp tank maintenance.

Maintaining a shrimp tank is not particularly different from maintaining an aquarium with fish.
Water changes should be done once a week ~ 1/3 of the total volume. It is advisable to do a light siphon of soil every few months. Remove dead plant parts and shells from the coils. We emphasize! Everything must be done very carefully. Shrimp are much smaller than fish and can be accidentally injured or even killed. But in general there is nothing complicated or unusual.

Breeding aquarium shrimp.

There is no need to help shrimp in breeding! They do everything well themselves.
If the conditions are favorable and your shrimp are good, then the offspring will not be long in coming.
During the period when the female is ready to reproduce, she releases pheromones into the water. All males begin to frantically chase around the aquarium and look for a female. Mating lasts no more than a second. Although the process of searching for a female usually lasts for hours. Soon after mating, the female develops a so-called saddle on her back. Cherry shrimp are yellow, special shrimp are drunken gray. This is caviar at a certain stage. Subsequently, the female molts and the eggs move under the abdomen, and after 3-4 weeks the fry will appear.
Juveniles do not need special care. He immediately eats what his parents eat. It hides in the thickets and swims jerkily. The above applies only to shrimp: neocardina cherry and neocardina special. There are complex types of shrimp that a beginner will not be able to breed, because... they need a special approach and a lot of knowledge and experience, for example, Amano shrimp, filter feeders.

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