Valery Solovey professor mgimo twitter. Valery Solovey and his pages on social networks. - That is, the field will gradually narrow and narrow

With the participation of MGIMO professor, political scientist Valery Solovy.

- I have a question about the Telegram messenger. Why was he blocked? We understand that there is a large number of other messengers that terrorists can use, for which no one asks for keys. Why Telegram?

- Firstly. to teach an indicative lesson: “Look what happens to those who do not cooperate with government authorities.” Secondly, Telegram’s audience, even if it arranges various kinds of bypass possibilities there, as a rule in such cases is reduced anyway. And thirdly (and thirdly, this is the most important thing), this is just a taste of the pen. Because, as far as I know, the policy in this direction will be improved and developed, and should become comprehensive. The comprehensive nature of this policy is to single out the Russian segment altogether world wide web from, in fact, global space. This should happen sometime by 2020, but the technical capabilities for this must be prepared by 2020. So this is just nothing more than testing.

- So Telegram is the first one? First player get ready?

- Yes, this is not very important from the point of view of the authorities - what matters is what happens next. Now, she's watching the reaction. That’s where people rejoice: “Ah! We will go around." So please be happy. But the time will simply come when you will not be able to do anything at all; you will, behold, be in the Russian segment of the World Wide Web only exclusively. Iron curtain in the information sphere will fall.

- But if testing is underway and if there are a large number of users... Well, the officials will leave. But let’s just say that ordinary users will take advantage of the opportunity to bypass the blocking. What will this test show? That this is an ineffective measure. And then?

- Absolutely right. This is what will stimulate. If this is not an effective measure, then we must take more stringent steps that will be effective. And ultimately we will come to the point where I started, that we simply need to single out our domestic sector and limit it. And delimit and limit according to the model of the Chinese firewall. This has been discussed for several years, and the technical capabilities should be ready somewhere by the end of 2019, beginning of 2020.

- Aren’t they afraid of some protests from users? A fairly active part of society, young.

- Is anyone protesting here now?

- Now there is an opportunity to circumvent this ban. And if he hadn’t been there, maybe the reaction would have been different.

- Well, if you cook the frog gradually, there won’t be any protests.

- She doesn’t notice this?

- Certainly.

- That is, the field will gradually become narrower and narrower?

- Yes, as far as I can imagine (and the logic of events is moving in this direction), a number of measures are being prepared to expand censorship in general and censorship in the Internet space, too, in the digital space.

- Maybe Durov is wrong? Maybe, after all, it was necessary to talk, I don’t know, with the prosecutor’s office, with the State Duma? How Zuckerberg went to Congress was explained there. And he didn’t even come to court. Or would it have no effect on anything?

- Well, if he had gone, so to speak, appeared in court, his lawyers would have come. All the same, the question would be: “We need keys.” Okay, keys provided. This does not negate the movement of politics in the direction that I have outlined for you. It doesn’t matter at all whether he agrees or not, because the decision has been made, the goals have been defined, let’s get to work, comrades.

- What if he provided the keys?

- So what? All the same, the movement would continue in this direction. Well, how can you stop an asphalt roller that is picking up speed?

- And there is no way to stop this trend?

- Well, if only state power perceptions of threats and challenges will not change. From his point of view, there is an uncontrolled digital space and messenger, in particular Telegram, that is an opportunity for communication for politically disloyal sections of society, for coordinating their actions and for very fast, almost instantaneous communication within several hours, or even several tens of minutes mobilization. This is the danger.

- So, in a global sense, we should expect that in a few years the Internet will be closed for us?

- They won’t shut down the Internet, but they will limit the ability to go into a space other than Russian.

- Some attempts at judicial procedure should I protest this? Declare a violation of constitutional rights, complain to the ECHR? Will it also affect anything?

- No. I think, given the current nature and, again, development trends of the Russian judicial system, it is a completely pointless exercise.

- Fine. A hopeless story.

- No, I’m just inclined to believe that the reaction will be unexpected as always. You can't plan everything, you can't foresee everything. Garbage dumps can and do cause very strong reactions. And attempts to limit the space of the Internet, I think, will also cause a very strong reaction.

- So, some kind of mass protests are still possible?

- I have no doubt about it. But it will also depend on the context, that is, what context in which all this happens. Because these same steps - although they are being prepared, this does not mean that they are automatically launched. They are launched in a specific context. It’s easier to do this when a certain, say, external threat. This is the situation now. Well, very tentatively we can call it “ military threat", Yes? Perhaps it is exaggerated, even most likely exaggerated. With this sauce, any restrictive measures always work better.

- I think that this argument is intended for the wrong audience, because everyone understands perfectly well when our authorities talk about security measures in relation to Telegram, that... Well, this is some kind of nonsense.<...>

- Well, on TV, those who hear, believe. But 70-80% of people still get their information from television and, in general, they trust it. By the way, precisely because the Internet space is expanding, it is becoming an alternative (social networks), which is why they pose a threat. Including and even primarily a political threat. Therefore, it means we need to take control of them. Well, since it is clear that a law will be adopted there... I don’t remember its wording. ...about information, protecting reputation in in social networks, Yes? Then Facebook, for example, will be under threat. That is, he, most likely, will also not be there after some time in Russia.

- In the end, what will we be left with? Some internal networks...

- ...completely under control?

- Yes, completely controlled. By the way, they have a very large audience. VKontakte, Odnoklassniki. Facebook will disappear. As the youth say, “they’ll cut it out.” Instagram will probably remain, but that’s not a fact. And that’s not a fact. I think that even if he cooperates, this does not guarantee you anything.

- But it’s interesting. Well, how likely is it that intelligence services, even having the keys to these controlled networks, will read all this correspondence? Are they really going to study who is there, what they write to, what they communicate about, what they say? Why then all this?

- No, of course not. This is technically impossible. Well, if there is surveillance there, it is surveillance of a limited number, of course, of characters. Then, yes, this is of interest. That’s why they demand that information be stored there for a certain period of time.

- So suddenly you will come into view, and then it will be easy to find incriminating evidence?

- You came into the spotlight, and then it will be possible, yes, to restore your history. Well, incriminating evidence can be discovered this way, or it can be simply, I would say, constructed.

“The first consequences have already been played out,” Valery Solovey talks about the new sanctions packages on radio “Echo of Moscow.” “You and I have seen the fall of the ruble, the fall of stock markets. Although, our newsmakers also had an influence here - I mean the statement of Mr. Belousov. But in general, of course, the reason is the promise of American sanctions...

Ban on Aeroflot flights to the USA. How will we respond? Accordingly, we will ban... The point is not that we will ban Delta from flying to Moscow - we will ban American airlines from flying over Siberia. And this is very sensitive for them, I must say, and their airlines will lobby so that this sanction does not exist.

There we are talking about something absolutely utter nonsense, such as a complete ban on any trade relations. Well, that's also impossible. But this is the Chemical Bill that the State Department is now promoting. And there is a bipartisan bill that is, in fact, more sensitive and more dangerous than the Chemical Bill, and which will likely be passed before the midterm elections in Congress, that is, before November. But we don't know in what form. This is the bill that involves a ban on servicing the new Russian government debt (not the old one, but the new one), where we're talking about on the termination of operations of one or more banks (there is a list of 6-7 banks), one or more in the United States. Moreover, there are possible different interpretations, different readings of the formulas contained in the bill.

It is very likely that if this norm is implemented, then it will be about Promsvyazbank. Well, we actually prepared it for this, so that all wiring related to the military industry would go through it.

Well, there are personal sanctions, an investigation into the circumstances of the origin of the money, sanctions against families. And it's not very sensitive on a national scale, but that's what Russian elite very afraid.

The fact is that in those famous lists that were published... Remember, there was a lot of noise around? “So, there they took and published the telephone directory of the Presidential Administration”? There's a secret app there. There are several dozen names in it. Not several hundred, but several dozen. Nobody knows what these names are, but they really want to find out. And with hedonistic pleasure they will pull out one of these names (or maybe two or three) and impose sanctions. So to speak, keep this one Sword of Damocles suspended.

It's hard to say what the consequences will be. If we are talking about a ban on servicing new issues of government debt, well, this, in general, is also a played out story. We are preparing for this. The Ministry of Finance (I can say for sure) has been preparing for this since the spring. We knew this was coming. That is, the ruble will fall further. Now it will most likely get stronger (although, of course, it will not return to its previous values), then it will weaken. That is, in general, of course, we are in the logic of Russia’s economic degradation. We must be aware of this and look at things impartially. But this degradation will be gradual, and we will descend to more low level and adapt. We'll still go down and adapt. There is an idea to find 8 trillion rubles. Where can I get them? Now, they will be squeezed out of the population. Partly from the population, partly from the oligarchs, from those same metallurgical and chemical companies (they will, after all, be forced to fork out money). Need money. Now, they will be squeezed out. All this will, of course, worsen the economic climate and social situation.

I saw some forecasts, I would say, from an organization that can be trusted - they say that the fall of next year may be for Russian Federation very severe, because what for the world, say, for the USA and Germany will be a runny nose, for us may turn out to be a severe flu.

The Russian Federation is preparing precisely for the long term. This is not very sensitive on a national scale, but it is something that the Russian elite is very afraid of. P

On the failure of United Russia

It was predictable that United Russia would perform worse than usual in these elections. However, no one imagined that it would be so bad. Neither experts, nor members of the presidential administration, nor the candidates themselves expected this. Moreover, according to my information, during the counting of votes in many regions, the voting results were adjusted. And even despite this, United Russia candidates received significantly fewer votes than in previous years. Of course, the “party in power” was defeated in yesterday’s elections.

What happened is primarily due to the fact that changes in public sentiment began to turn into changes in political behavior. People who are dissatisfied, for example, with the pension reform, began to vote against those who are introducing this reform - the current authorities. Previously, dissatisfaction with specific phenomena or processes did not develop into dissatisfaction with those who are behind it.

On the prospects of electoral protest

Very soon, those who voted against United Russia may take to street protests to express their dissatisfaction. So far they have not done this because the social reasons are not clear enough. However, it is already clear that street protest in the regions has a core, even though it is often spontaneous in nature. In my opinion, the electoral protest could develop into a street protest within a year. It needs time to mature. Life is getting worse, pressure on citizens is increasing, and very soon Russians will think about taking part in rallies. Yesterday, many of them voted for the first time not for United Russia, and in a year they may go to the square demanding the resignation of the authorities. For example, the disconnection of the Russian Internet from the world Internet, which, according to my information, is planned by the authorities for the end of 2019, can provoke mass participation in rallies.

About the conclusions that the authorities will draw

The main thing that the elections demonstrated is that state machine it works worse and worse, its effectiveness decreases. Will the election results change anything - I think not. It is unlikely that the authorities will listen to changes in public assessments of their actions. In general, elections in Russia have long been a formality that does not seriously affect anything. I also don’t think that there will be any serious changes in the Kremlin due to the disastrous outcome of the elections. However, it is clear that the protest potential is growing and will continue to grow, which means people will use other means to inform the authorities of their dissatisfaction.

Historian, political analyst, publicist Valery Solovey published new book- “The ultimate weapon. Basics psychological warfare and media manipulation." Why are Russians so easily susceptible to propaganda and how to “decode” them? Based on this, how will internal political processes develop in the near future? Will our connections with outside world? Nightingale spoke about this in an interview with the publication Z

The interview turned out to be very long; for LiveJournal and its readers this is clearly not a format. Therefore, it was necessary to shorten it, especially since in some places Nightingale clearly spoke not as a professional but as a politician - i.e. actually campaigned for some political interests. I present the result to the judgment of my readers. And please take into account that my magazine has its own range of topics, and I primarily focused on it.

- You once said that the concept of the “Overton Window”, which came from the West, revealing the secret mechanisms of undermining social norms, is nothing more than a pseudo-theory. Why?
- The “Overton Window” is a propaganda myth. And this concept itself is conspiratorial in nature: they say that there is a group of people who are planning a decades-long strategy to corrupt society. Nothing like this has ever happened anywhere in history and cannot be due to imperfection human nature. I suggest that a person who adheres to the Overton Window concept plan his life for at least a month and live according to his plan. Let's see what happens. Love for this kind of conspiracy theory is typical of those who are not able to manage even their own lives, let alone manage anything at all.

Speaking about the manipulation of consciousness in our country, from what historical period can we count them? Since the time of the Bolsheviks or even earlier?
- If we talk about manipulation in general, then from the moment people learned to speak. But if we're talking about mass manipulation- since the moment the channels appeared mass communication. These are, naturally, newspapers, radio, television. And in this sense, everything is more or less the developed countries walked along the same path. Propaganda occurs in all countries without exception.

Another thing is the presence of pluralism. In the USA, there are media holdings owned by various independent owners. Therefore, different propaganda campaigns balance each other and during election “marathons” citizens have freedom of choice. Or the illusion of choice. Where there is pluralism, propaganda is necessarily more subtle and sophisticated.

In one of your interviews, you said that the BBC is one of the most objective English-language television companies. Do you still think so?
- This company confirms this reputation with its many years of work. All television companies make mistakes, they are all dependent in one way or another, but the BBC suffers from this least of all.

- And we have?
Russia has managed to create, by far, the best propaganda machine. But it is focused exclusively on its own population, since propaganda outside has not been very successful. At least in the European area. Our propaganda is carried out by very professional people.

But we must understand that any propaganda has its limits. Russian propaganda reached its limits at the turn of 2015-16. And you and I will gradually observe its fading. Or, as they often say today, the refrigerator will gradually begin to defeat the TV. I think that at the turn of 2016-17 its strength will weaken.

“Both old and young” come to Stalin, as if under a spell, with flowers. Can you tell us about the methods of decoding personal and social consciousness?
- Turn on common sense, judge people by their deeds, read more, either don’t watch TV at all, or no more than 20 minutes a day.

And then, in the future, should employees of propaganda media be lustrated? Are what they commit crimes? Should they be held accountable?
- It is known that Nuremberg trial equated propaganda with a crime against humanity. Therefore, in a sense, this question can be answered in the affirmative. As for lustration, I do not rule it out, but it is too early to say who this will affect.

- Do you see any real opposition to the regime in the country that can lead the people?
- In Russia there is an opposition that the regime allows to exist. Because any real opposition to them is destroyed, literally and figuratively.

“The ruling group is concerned about how to maintain dominance until 2035-40. But in the next couple of years
we will see the limit of their capabilities"

- Another reader’s question is appropriate here: “Which scenario is most possible in Russia?
- What I definitely don’t expect is the collapse of Russia. When they tell me this, I clearly understand what it is clean water trading in fear. I believe that Russia is facing very serious political changes. They will happen in the not so distant medium term and will change our political landscape beyond recognition. These changes will be predominantly peaceful. And then we will move, it is not very clear where. But not to civil war, it will not lead to the collapse of the state.

Do we still have sane nationalist, or rather national-democratic forces after the Ukrainian events?
- As for organized nationalism, it drags out a miserable existence. But as for nationalism in general as a kind of social mood, it certainly exists. And these sentiments will soon be in political demand.

The consignment " New power", which we founded, was frozen due to the fact that we were threatened with reprisals. But in general, I believe that both today and in the future the party format is unpromising. I think that other formats will be in demand.

- Is the “furry paw of American imperialism” visible in the break in relations between Russia and Ukraine?
- I believe that the separation of Russia and Ukraine was a natural process. It started not two years ago, but back in the early 1990s.
And after the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the war in Donbass, the point of no return has been passed. Now Ukraine will definitely never be a fraternal state with Russia. At the same time, I don’t think that the West will accept Ukraine either. But this does not mean that she will come to bow in Moscow. Anti-Moscow and anti-Russian sentiments will henceforth be the cornerstone for the formation of the national self-awareness of Ukrainians. Here the question can be closed.

- So, Russia will never be an empire again?
- Well, this was clear even in the 1990s, and not only in connection with Brzezinski’s geopolitical views. And now we are stuck in a post-Soviet existence and are not developing anywhere. True, this inertia has already exhausted itself. That's why political changes inevitable.

- What, in your opinion, awaits Ukraine in general and Donbass in particular?
- The fate of Ukraine depends on the quality of its elite. If an elite appears there, capable of leading the country onto new paths of development, then everything will be fine. I don't think it will break up or become a federation. But, one way or another, he will remain the “sick man of Europe.”

The fate of Donbass is terrible. In any situation, it is doomed to be a kind of “black hole” on the geopolitical map. Most likely, it will turn out to be a pacified territory, but neither as part of Ukraine nor as part of Russia. This will be a region where crime, corruption, economic decline will reign - a kind of European Somalia. There is no point in modernizing anything there, because no one really needs Donbass. For Ukraine and Russia, this is a stone on their feet. But people get used to everything. I have friends and relatives who live there, have already adapted to this lifestyle and don’t want to leave.

there's a lot here interesting thoughts that I would like to convey to the reader. About the absurdity of conspiracy theories and all theories of the world behind the scenes, and about the difference between propaganda in a totalitarian and pluralistic society

This is truly terrible.
When the events in Donbass were just unfolding, I spent a lot of time and effort trying to ask differently politically oriented Donetsk residents the same question. WHERE?
Where is Donbass going and what do you see as the ideal way out? You are completely aware. that you are not capable of autonomous existence, this is a subsidized region with a very narrow range of production, i.e. absolutely dependent on trade, and the only country that Donbass needs is Ukraine

And I received a lot of abuse in response from the Donetsk people - and a massive response from the Russians, whom I didn’t ask: “Donbass is fighting not to jump.”
Well, the fight is close to completion, and the result has already become clear: Putin needed Donbass as a tool of pressure on Ukraine. The national leader of Russia, and after him his subjects, were absolutely not interested in how many residents would die, how much the region would be destroyed and how unhappy it would become.
Not interested now. Donbass for Putin is still a weapon of pressure on Ukraine. And he will get rid of this weapon as soon as there is no longer a need for it.
And then Donbass will lose a significant part of the money from Russia that it now receives. And he will be able to fully enjoy complete independence from Ukraine.

Their present is difficult, and their future is simply scary. And I have never read a single word of regret about the fate of Donbass from any fighter against Bendera and for the “Russian world.” Which was organized by their country. And for which she did not feel and does not feel any even minimal responsibility.

There are Tutvins and Ukraine, first of all, Ukrainian elites - no doubt.
But of course, the maximum responsibility lies with the Donetsk people themselves, most of all those who shouted “Putin, send in the troops” - they got exactly what they fought for. Never have people who longed for foreign occupation achieved anything good for their people.
Although, of course, Zakharchenko and Plotnitsky and their inner circle received it.
And they don't care about others either.
And from the first day it was not clear to me how the Donetsk people did not understand such an obvious thing.
But even today they don’t understand. This means they have no prospects.

The identity of the scientist historian Valery Solovy causes a lot of controversy among the public. He calls himself a “nationalist” who is not indifferent to the future of Russia.


Valery was born in 1960 in the city of Shchastya, Lugansk region. We were unable to find information about his childhood or school hobbies. Therefore, we will not invent or embellish.

Most likely, the guy went to school, like all children of that time, and after receiving his primary education he entered the Moscow State University them. Lomonosov to the Faculty of History, from which he graduated in 1983.

Scientific activity

After studying, he began scientific work at the Institute of History of the USSR, and in 1987 received the title of Candidate of Historical Sciences. The topic of his dissertation was research in the field of Soviet historical science.

After the breakup Soviet Union Valery Solovey understood how important it was to develop new Country, and the main issue was sociological research.

In 1993, he became one of the experts of the Gorbachev Foundation, which researched the history of Perestroika and forecasts for the future of Russia.

In 1995, Valery Solovy was lucky enough to undergo an internship at the London School of Political Science and Economics.

In 2015 he received a Doctor of Historical Sciences.

With him scientific activities there is a scandal surrounding the defense of the dissertation of the Russian nationalist Vladimir Thor, who was accused of plagiarizing famous scientific works. And Valery Dmitrievich was precisely its leader. As a result, the candidate of sciences was awarded the Torah.


At the beginning of 2012, Valery Solovey took part in the formation of the new political party “New Force” and was even elected its chairman. But the Ministry of Justice refused to register political party in their organs.

Now Valery Dmitrievich says that the party has been frozen due to threats against them.

The sociologist and politician often appears on the radio and holds meetings and seminars. He pays special attention to the influence of the press, television and the Internet on modern Russians.

He is not afraid to talk about the fact that people need financial well-being first and foremost. And people who live in abundance are less interested in the political situation in the country.

He also believes that the media have a huge influence on a person’s mood and views. A study of the information flow suggests that the authorities are trying different ways distract people from global problems in the country.

Family and personal life

Valery Dmitrievich has Native sister- Tatyana Solovey. Who, like her brother, graduated from the history department of the same university and still works there. She has joint publications with her brother on the topic of Russian nationalism.

We were unable to find information about her personal life anywhere, but from unofficial sources it is known that Valery Solovy has a wife and children.

Social media

Judging by the information from his articles, we can say that Valery Solovey is in opposition to the current government. He is especially concerned about the information war and freedom of speech on social networks.

Valery Dmitrievich has a personal page VKontakte - More than 4 thousand people have subscribed to it here. On the wall he shares his statements about the situation in the country and his attitude towards the current government.

Dmitry's Twitter - Here, just like on VKontakte, he raises important social and political issues. He has more than 6 thousand followers on Twitter.

His page is built on a similar principle. on Facebook - Here he has 34 thousand subscribers.

His activities are connected with the online newspaper, where Valery Dmitrievich raises the most pressing issues in his articles public policy in relation to international social networks, which the authorities are trying in every possible way to differentiate. On this moment The issue of “digital sovereignty” is very relevant.

Unfortunately, we were unable to find his pages on Odnoklassniki and Instagram.

Valery Dmitrievich Solovey is a controversial personality. He understands how important it is to draw public attention to important issues in the state. And his speeches resonate not only in opposition circles, but also in the current government.

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