How many children does Vodyanova have? Vodyanovo's ex-husband Justin Portman about his marriage to Natalia. The childhood of a modern Cinderella

The world-famous model Natalia Vodianova, who became the living embodiment of the fairy tale about Cinderella, was born on the last day of winter 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod.

Her childhood with early years it was full of hardships and tests of strength which not all adults are ready to endure. Natasha never knew her father, and her mother raised her three daughters alone. The already difficult situation in the family was aggravated by the condition of one of the girls, who suffered from cerebral palsy and severe autism.

It is not surprising that the whole family was experiencing not only serious financial difficulties, but also psychological problems. In those days, it was not customary to make such diagnoses public, and no one understood how to properly raise such children or how to communicate with them.

However, the difficulties did not embitter either the mother or the girls, and in the future Natasha tried to help such families as much as possible.

Feeling a great responsibility, from an early age Natasha tried in every possible way to ease her mother’s lot: she looked after her sick sister, helped sell fruit at the market, carrying heavy boxes of food. The biggest joy for the girl was buying new clothes, since she often had to wear out old things.

The situation began to change only after a sixteen-year-old pretty girl with delicate features was noticed and invited to a local modeling agency. From that moment on, truly magical changes began to occur in Natasha’s life.

Conquering the model Olympus

While in Nizhny Novgorod, a scout from a famous modeling agency noticed Natalya, whose Slavic beauty, coupled with her tall stature and ideal proportions, captivated him. He invited her to come to Moscow for a casting, where Vodianova created a real sensation.

A couple of months later, Natalia Vodianova, who signed her first contract, went to Paris. However, at first, life in the fashion capital was not at all sweet: all the money earned was spent on food and renting modest housing, the competition was fierce.

During this difficult period, the girl was lucky in the form of an acquaintance with a wealthy French doctor, who helped the aspiring model arrange everyday problems, focus on work and study foreign languages. He became a true friend for Natalya, and later the godfather of her child.

After unimaginable castings, Natalya was lucky enough to work for week high fashion in NYC. Showing yourself with the best side, she began to receive endless offers from leading fashion houses: Calvin Klein, Ives Saint-Laurent, Gucci and others.

She also starred for such prestigious publications as Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue.

2002 was an incredibly successful year for Vodianova. At New York Fashion Week, she turned out to be the most popular model, walking in the shows of nineteen designers. During the same period, she signed a lucrative contract with Calvin Klein, becoming the face of the prestigious brand. Natalya tried her hand at cinema, but all her roles were episodic in nature.

Hereby finest hour V model biography Natalia began shooting in 2004 for the legendary Pirelli calendar. Only the most beautiful women in the world received such an honor, and among them was a simple girl from the Russian outback. By this time, Natalya had become not only the most famous, but also one of the richest models in the world, having managed to earn a fortune.

In 2008, being a mother of three children, Natalya made it official announcement of his retirement from the fashion world. She commented on her decision with a desire to devote more time to family and charitable activities. However, sometimes she could be found at fashion shows, where she was invited as a world star.

Leaving modeling career, Vodianova became an active participant in major sporting competitions and various music competitions.

In 2017, Natalia Vodianova became the face of a new eco-collection of the popular brand H&M, which began producing clothes from a special material based on recycled ocean waste. Thus, the world-famous model sought to attract public attention to the pollution of the planet.

Interesting notes:

Personal life

As in fairy tale story about Cinderella, a real prince appeared in Natalia’s life. At one of the Parisian parties, fate brought the Russian beauty together with a 33-year-old British aristocrat Justin Portman, who was fond of collecting paintings. The acquaintance was marked by an unpleasant quarrel, but the next day Justin apologized and offered to meet. Since then, the young people have not parted.

After the birth of their first child, a boy named Lucas, the lovers got married. The wedding ceremony was incredibly magnificent and took place in the Throne Room Grand Palace in Peterhof.

Already 1.5 months after the birth of her son, Natalya returned to the podium. Pregnancy and childbirth did not affect the top model’s appearance in any way, and she continued her work.
Soon the couple had a daughter, Neva, and then a son, Victor. However, the fairy tale was not destined to last forever, and the family fell apart.

According to the media, the reason for the divorce was Natalia’s affair with a charming French billionaire Antoine Arnault. The young people met back in 2007, but began dating only a few years later.

Arnault invited his beloved to move from London to Paris, and she agreed. In 2014, Antoine and Natalie had their common son, Maxim, and two years later, a son named Roman. Now Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Arnault are raising 5 children.


A dizzying career, world fame and Financial independence did not in any way affect the character of Natalia Vodianova: she remained as kind and empathetic as she was in childhood. At the same time, the girl was worried not only about the well-being of her own family: she was worried about many problems in the world around her.

A difficult, joyless childhood and her sister’s incurable illness completely changed Natalya’s consciousness. Having become successful, she o organized her own foundation called “Naked Hearts”, the main goal of which was the construction of equipped children's playgrounds in Russia.

In addition, the foundation is actively educational activities, designed to educate the public about the problems of children suffering from multiple disabilities. According to Natalya, families raising disabled people already suffer from misunderstanding and alienation from others who are simply afraid of special children.

In 2011, Natalia launched a new charity company, “Every Child Deserves a Family,” which actively raised pressing issues for children with developmental problems. The basis of this program is changing attitudes towards problem children, as well as the current situation when families abandon their children after learning a terrible diagnosis.

  • Height: 176 cm
  • She played the role of Medusa the Gorgon in American film "Clash of the Titans"
  • She was a co-host in season 1 of the project "Voice. Children"

“Cinderella” from the Russian hinterland, Natalia Vodianova the clearest example How, thanks to your perseverance and hard work, you can achieve success.
She has achieved incredible success as a supermodel. Natalia Vodianova is among the top five highest paid models in the world. Also a celebrity on the list of the richest people in the UK.

Note that the model has not been seen in any scandal. She is the face of many fashion houses, the muse of various designers. Natalia Vodianova graced many glossy magazines, which quickly sold out.
IN Lately the celebrity is increasingly involved in charity work. Natalia Vodianova actively supports children who have physical and mental disabilities. The star founded the Naked Heart charity foundation.

Her biography is more like a fairy tale. By chance she becomes one of the most successful women peace. Her life and creative path is filled with victories.

Like a real model, Natalia Vodianova always carefully monitors her figure. Her fans are interested in questions related to her physical parameters, in particular, what is her height, weight, and age. How old is Natalia Vodianova? It’s a simple question. In 2018, Natalia Vodianova celebrated her 36th birthday. Photos in his youth and now are practically the same.

Natalia Vodianova's height is 175 centimeters, she weighs no more than 50 kilograms. The model does not follow a special diet, but tries to eat healthy, excluding flour and sweets.

Biography of Natalia Vodianova

The life path of Natalia Vodianova is like a fairy tale. He was born in a very poor family, February 28, 19982. Father - Mikhail Vodyanov, mother - Larisa Kusakina. There are two more younger children in the family. Her sister, Oksana, has autism and cerebral palsy. Another sister is Christina.

Since adolescence, Natalia Vodianova had to work. The girl did not finish school. At the age of 16 she began working as a model in an agency. Yes, it has begun creative biography Natalia Vodianova.

Currently, the model is known all over the world, has starred in a small number of films and is involved in charity work.

Personal life of Natalia Vodianova

The famous model has never been left out male attention. Despite this, Natalia Vodianova’s personal life is not diverse. She was only once officially married, and now she is in a civil relationship.

Her first choice was Justin Portman, a Frenchman, a famous collector and freelance artist. Their union was short-lived.

Antoine Henrot, millionaire from France - second and real love. He was able to win her heart, wrapping her in care and attention. Their family relationships quite happy, the couple loves each other sincerely.

Family of Natalia Vodianova

In addition to her mother and sisters, Natalia Vodianova’s family consists of herself, her beloved husband and five children. Relatives are very proud of the famous model.

The mother and sisters live separately, but the star helps them in every possible way. She often comes to visit them. It is known that one of Natalia Vodianova’s sisters has cerebral palsy, so the model does a lot to somehow improve her life.

In her own family, Natalia Vodianova maintains home comfort and warmth. She is trying to spend more hours with her loved ones. It is known that at present Natalia Vodianova is less involved in the modeling business.

Children of Natalia Vodianova

The celebrity is a mother of many children; she has five children. It might seem difficult, but Natalia Vodianova successfully combines work and family relationships. She manages to shine on the catwalk, be a wonderful wife and caring mother.

She has an amazing figure, despite the fact that this woman gave birth to so many children. The model adheres to a balanced diet. She completely eliminated flour and sweet foods. Her diet includes fruits, vegetables, baked dishes, etc. Natalia Vodianova's children also focus on proper nutrition. From childhood, the model teaches them to take care of their appearance.

Son of Natalia Vodianova - Lucas Alexander Portman

Seventeen years ago, in 2001, their first child was born famous model. Natalia Vodianova's son, Lucas Alexander Portman, was born in her first marriage. He celebrates his birthday in winter, December 22.
After the divorce, the boy remained to live with his mother.

He maintains a good relationship with his stepfather.
Now the guy is already sixteen years old, he actively helps in his work charitable foundation. Lucas is preparing to enter higher education educational institution. It is known that on this moment meets with beautiful girl Nice Razafi.

Son of Natalia Vodianova - Victor Portman

In 2007, on September 13, another son of the famous model was born. Natalia Vodianova’s son is Victor Portman, also from the star’s first husband. It was decided to name the boy in honor dear grandfather Natalia Vodianova Victor.

This is a very calm boy. He studies diligently at school and, like his older brother, is in good relations by his stepfather.
Natalia Vodianova does everything to make her children look in the best possible way, had their own style. For example, the model’s second son often looks like a noble English gentleman.

Son of Natalia Vodianova - Maxim Anro

After divorcing her first husband, Natalia Vodianova is in a civil relationship with a French millionaire. In the spring of 2014, their first child was born in their family. The son of Natalia Vodianova, Maxim Anro, celebrates his birthday on May 2. Common-law spouse celebrity Antoine Henrot was not against the boy being named by a Russian name.

Now Maxim is already 4 years old. The boy is well developed and very inquisitive. Like all his brothers and sister, he looks very stylish. Natalia Vodianova very often goes out with her children.

Son of Natalia Vodianova - Roman Anro

Relatively recently, just a couple of years ago, another, fifth child of the famous model appeared. He became the son of Natalia Vodianova - Roman Anro. As you can see, the boy’s name is also Russian. Roman was born in 2016. His birthday fell on June 4th.

The boy is still very small, so Natalia Vodianova does not show him to the public. But you can be sure that they also chose their own unique style.

Natalia Vodianova tries to devote as many hours as possible to raising her children. Each of them is not deprived of her attention.

Daughter of Natalia Vodianova - Neva Portman

In the first marriage of the famous model, she was born only daughter. The daughter of Natalia Vodianova, Neva Portman, was born in 2006 on March 24. The girl was named after the Neva River.

It is known that almost immediately after the birth of her daughter, Natalia Vodianova went to work at a modeling agency. Others have to wonder how she gets into shape so quickly.

Neva Portman is now 12 years old and has already tried herself as a model. She was lucky enough to take part in a photo shoot with her star mother.

Natalia Vodianova's ex-husband - Justin Portman

The first chosen one and husband was the freelance artist and art collector Justin Portman. They met at one of the social evenings. Later, both realized that they could not live without each other.

The wedding took place after the birth of their first child, on September 1, 2002. The celebration took place in St. Petersburg. They lived together until 2010, and in 2011 they filed for divorce. The marriage produced three children - two boys and one girl.

Ex-husband Natalia Vodianova - Justin Portman, I am sure that the reason for the divorce new love models.

Natalia Vodianova's common-law husband is Antoine Henrot

The new love of employment turned out to be a French millionaire. Common-law husband Natalia Vodianova - Antoine Henrot moved his wife and children to France, to Paris, where he surrounded them with attention, care and love. He found it easily mutual language with the model’s children and treats them like family.

The couple had two children - sons, with Russian names - Maxim and Roman.

Fans are waiting for the couple to legitimize their relationship. A couple of years ago there were rumors that Natalia Vodianova and Antoine Henrot got married. Wedding photos of 2016 models have become popular queries on the Internet.

Instagram and Wikipedia Natalia Vodianova

The model a large number of fans. Instagram and Wikipedia of Natalia Vodianova are very popular among Internet users. IN social networks the celebrity often posts photos with his family, on vacation, from creative activity. And Wikipedia tells us about life and creative ways supermodels.

As you can see, Natalia Vodianova is quite a versatile person. In addition to her favorite work, a charitable foundation, she pays great attention to the upbringing and appearance of her children. She manages to combine many things and she does it successfully.

Vodianova’s story is the story of Cinderella from a Russian province who became a queen. That is why everyone is so interested in the details of her personal life - who is her husband and how many children does she have? Natalya was born in 1982 in Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod). Already in her teens, she had to work hard to help her family. She worked with her mother in the market, danced in a nightclub, and from the age of 16 worked in a modeling agency. There she was noticed by a representative of a French modeling agency and offered her a contract. So an ordinary Russian girl went to conquer Paris - and very successfully. Now the name of supermodel Natalia Vodianova is known all over the world. And, as usual, if fate is like in a fairy tale, then a prince must appear.

First husband and three children

Natalya met British aristocrat Justin Portman, who became her first husband, at the age of 19 at a private party and, despite his unequivocal signs of attention during the party, she did not like him at all. When he decided to get to know her, the girl answered quite rudely, making it clear that she was not interested in him at all. But the man did not give up and continued his courtship, and after some time he managed to win her heart.

A luxurious wedding took place in Peterhof in 2002, after the birth of their eldest son.

At first glance, the marriage was very successful. The couple clearly loved each other, as can be seen even from photographs from those years.

They had three children - son Lucas, daughter Neva (2006) and son Victor (2007).

With son Victor

Justin's prim aristocratic parents were fascinated by their daughter-in-law. Justin accompanied his beloved on almost all the trips she went on for work or charity.

But in 2010, the media began to talk about discord in the family of Vodianova and Portman, and in 2011 Natalya announced her separation from her husband.

Only a few years later, Natalia spoke about the reasons in an interview with a British magazine. The thing is that Natalya herself is a workaholic, and Justin, an aristocrat and wealthy heir, has never worked, as is customary in his family. But he was a walking encyclopedia. In general, the spouses were simply too different from each other, and over time this began to interfere.

“We loved each other, but we were separated like water and oil,” Natalya told reporters. - “Our everyday life was different. Our rhythm of life was different.”

Justin recalled his marriage to Natalia as best time in his life and one of the reasons for the separation was his passion for alcohol.

“I knew my life didn’t match her fashionable life. I thought she was ashamed of me. I looked like an old Louis Vuitton bag."

With children and mother

Natalya began dating her current husband, a major businessman and the son of a billionaire, Antoine Arnault, during divorce proceedings with Justin, although they knew each other before and crossed paths more than once at various castings and events.

At that time he was a member of the board of directors of Louis Vuitton. He recalls being shocked when he saw her for the first time:

“Of course she is beautiful. But there is something about her that cannot be defined in words - her look, her facial expression, there is an aura around her.”

When Antoine found out that Natalya was getting a divorce (and by that time he had already broken up with his previous girlfriend), he wrote to her. They met in his apartment to avoid the eyes of the paparazzi. Natalia said that they drank wine on the terrace overlooking Paris, and everything was very strange. They both acted very shy, she liked Antoine in a relaxed atmosphere, but he didn’t even try to kiss her!

“Okay, maybe he wants to just be friends?” - the girl thought, but subsequent correspondence dissuaded her of this.

Then everything developed rapidly. Natalya invited Arno to come to her home one day, and there the man met not only the children from his first marriage, but also her grandparents, who were staying there, and several friends. Antoine, according to him, immediately realized what he was getting into, but that didn’t stop him. Soon he visited her in England every weekend and then invited her and the children to move with him to France.

Antoine wanted to have his own children, and although Natalya was a little doubtful at first, because she had already been a mother three times, she also wanted to give birth to a child from her beloved man. So, in 2014 Maxim was born, and two years later Roman.

With son Maxim

With son Roman

“When you have no children, and literally in two and a half years there are five of them - it’s just wonderful!”

This is the opinion of Antoine, who easily managed to get along with the children of his beloved from his first marriage.

All five of Natalia's children live with her and Antoine in France.

In this video, watch the trip of Natalia Vodianova, her children and Antoine to Russia:

Natalya never hid her older children from the press, although she did not show her younger sons She is in no hurry to meet Roman and Maxim, she often posts photos on Instagram, but their faces are almost nowhere to be seen.

Maxim with his father

The older children - sixteen-year-old Lucas, twelve-year-old Neva and ten-year-old Victor - study at school and often attend charity events with their mother.

Lucas recently got a girlfriend and she has already met his mother.

At the party

In Natalia's homeland

Life of Natalia Vodianova today

Despite so many children, the supermodel is still beautiful and continues to be involved in modeling and philanthropy. Her Naked Heart Foundation has been helping children with special needs since 2004, and also builds playgrounds and parks, mainly in Russia.

“I continue to work even when there is no need for it”

Natalya speaks and admits that she feels guilty for being a workaholic. But she can’t do anything about it: for her, life is unthinkable both without a family and without work, and she is not ready to sacrifice either one or the other.

With daughter and grandmother

With mom

With sister

By the way, Natalya promised that if Russia wins the match with Spain at the recent World Cup, she will donate a million to Russian football, and now it has become known that she will give the money to the development of street football.

Natalia Vodianova was born on February 28, 1982 in Nizhny Novgorod. The girl was raised by one mother; Natalya Vodianova does not remember her father; besides her, 2 more sisters grew up in the family, one of whom was disabled as a child.

The family lived poorly, Natalia Vodianova was forced to wear other people's things and worked from the age of 11. Natasha does not hide the fact that she made money by selling fruit at the local market. At school, the girl studied poorly because there was no time to study; Natalya Vodianova spent almost all her days at the market, helping her mother with trading.

Star Trek supermodels

Already at the age of 15, Natalia Vodianova began an independent life, renting an apartment with her friend.

When Vodianova was 16 years old, she was noticed by a representative of a local modeling agency, and at the age of 17, Natalya Vodianova flew to Paris for the Madison agency competition. In 2001, W magazine named the former saleswoman a sensation modeling business.

Jean-Paul Gaultier drew attention to Natalia, who awarded her second place. After the model's participation in American Fashion Week, she received offers from largest representatives media market.

Natalia Vodianova began working on the catwalk for Yves Saint Laurent, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Valentino and many other fashion houses. Leading glossy magazines competed for the cover with Natalya. In 2003, Calvin Klein signed a contract with the Russian model for one million. In 2002, Vodianova became the highest paid person of the CK label in the entire history of the brand.

In 2008, Natalia Vodianova announced that she was leaving the modeling business. The girl decided to devote herself to raising children and charity. Vodianova is the founder of the Naked Hearts Foundation, which builds playgrounds in the cities of the Russian hinterland. The show of the Haute Couture Valentino collection was the last in the fashion model’s career. However, photos of Natalia Vodianova still appear on the covers of the world's leading fashion magazines - she is photographed as a guest star.

Natalia Vodianova is 176 cm tall and weighs 45 kg.

Personal life of Natalia Vodianova

In 2002, Natalia Vodianova married the English lord and artist Justin Portman. The dress for the bride was personally created by the creative director of the Gucci fashion house, Tom Ford.

In 2009, secular society and show business were shocked by rumors about Natalia’s infidelities and the impending divorce of the model and the lord. In 2011, the couple officially filed for divorce. In the summer of the same year, Vodianova began dating, the son of the owner of the luxury brand conglomerate LVMH and richest man planets of Bernard Arnault.

Children of Natalia Vodianova

In 2006, Natalia Vodianova gave birth to a daughter and named her Neva. In honor of the birth of her daughter, Natalya received a platinum ring with diamonds from Justin Portman. The couple also had two children: sons Lucas Alexander (December 22, 2001) and Victor Portman (September 13, 2007).

On May 2, 2014, the supermodel gave birth fourth child- son of Maxim from Antoine Arnault. And on June 4, 2016, the couple had another baby. The boy was named Roman.

Natalia Vodianova is one of the most famous top models of our time. In 2000, her face appeared on the covers of many magazines - French ELLE, Australian Marie Claire, Japanese High Fashion. By 2001, she was a sought-after model. It feels a strong character, which makes it different from ordinary standard models.

The most important and instructive thing in Natalia’s biography is her path to success, where she started and where she came to.

Natalia Vodianova - a girl from Nizhny Novgorod, born in 1982. Her background did not give her much chance for success. Natalya grew up in a family in dire need. Two younger sisters grew up with Natalya, and she had to go to work very early.

She helped her mother sell fruit at the market. An eleven-year-old girl had to carry heavy boxes and baskets of fruit, take care of her sick sister and do much more around the house to help her mother earn money. It was the 90s. And what those years were like in Russia was experienced by everyone who was born in the 80s, not to mention those who were born earlier.

A family with a single mother and an alcoholic father was not surprising. They barely made ends meet. This is what they say about those who did not have a penny. What was to be done? Natasha started working and growing up early. One of Natasha’s sisters was disabled from birth - cerebral palsy. All the girls were from different fathers. The mother kept trying to improve her personal life, coming to terms with her loneliness and raising her children without any relationships.

At school, Natasha studied very mediocrely, and in this state of affairs, nothing could foreshadow a brilliant future. Nobody wanted to be friends with a girl from a dysfunctional family. No one tried to help Natasha, even with a kind word. After all, people are scared away by human misfortune. People simply passed by a little girl who was carrying heavy boxes... But think about it - do we stop now when we see something like this?...

Everything began to change at the age of 15, when Natalya began working in a modeling agency. One of her friends advised Natasha to go to a modeling school, because from there models were invited to participate in advertising campaigns. And this is additional income. Natasha went, and from that moment bright colors appeared in her life, since these activities gave her pleasure, helped her turn away from the gloomy reality at least for a few hours, and feel as if she was living a completely different life.

Just this was enough for her, and she didn’t even think about a serious modeling career. And what could one even think about if here, like a train, her gloomy and dysfunctional state of the family trailed behind her. Director of the Model Academy lucrative contracts did not offer, she was rarely invited to the most interesting events... Natasha remained a supporting model.

At that time there were many such modeling agencies in our country. For the most part they resembled a school good manners.

But the incredible happened. In the modeling agency where Natalia Vodianova worked, the Parisian agency Viva organized a casting. Moscow photographer Alexey Vasiliev noticed Natasha, and they became interested in her. An offer was received to work in Europe. But to do this, you need to learn the language in two months.

It wasn't easy at first. Suddenly she didn’t suit the Viva agency, and she didn’t like the other one. But Natasha has a persistent and persistent character. The president Russian agency“Grace Models” once again took Natasha to the same agency “Viva”. And suddenly she was not only invited to work there, but they almost fired those managers who refused Natasha the first time.

However, the first year was difficult - there were no prestigious contracts, she earned only $100 a week. She had to travel from one end of the city to the other, but she persistently appeared at every casting, even going to a casting where a different type was required. She was used to working so hard that she no longer had any strength left. And her life in Paris was a fairy tale compared to Nizhny Novgorod.

At the end of 2000, she starred in two photo shoots. One was published in The Face magazine, where the photographer was Felix Lammers, known for his advertising shoots for Wella, Nivea, Bourjois, and collaboration with Elle and Vogue magazines. This shoot was a success for Natasha, and offers followed. The second photo shoot was published in the Italian Marie Claire in March 2001, and was taken by Jacques Olivard. He collaborated with German and English Vogue.

A series of photographs was published under the title “Lolita 2001”. The image of a tender and seductive girl has become business card Natalia Vodianova. After these two sessions, the wave of proposals continued to grow. Natasha began to participate in fashion weeks in Milan, Paris, London, where she demonstrated the collections of “Christian Dior”, “ Pierre Balmain", "Vivien Westwood", "Yohji yamamoto", "John Richmond", "Blumarine" and many other fashion houses.

Natasha became a star. It was around this time that she met Lord Justin Portman. Soon she found out that she was having a child. What to do? In the modeling business, this situation is not easy. On the one hand, your figure may deteriorate, at least for a while, but on the other hand, you need to leave the podium for about six months. At a time when your star has just begun to shine, leaving the fashion world for six months means stopping your career. Then Natasha was only 19 years old, and she made the decision to have a child.

From the point of view of the modeling business, this is madness, but from an everyday point of view? Single mother - this word is painfully familiar to her. She didn't know how her relationship with Justin would develop. But Natasha has a strong character. In the situation she found herself in, what would each of you do? But Natasha knew that life is not just camera flashes. The birth of a child might put her career at risk, but her baby’s life was more valuable.

Natasha gave birth to her little Lucas, and after a while there was an official marriage to Portman. The beautiful Russian girl was wearing Wedding Dress from the Gucci house, which was made for her by the creative director of the House - Tom Ford. No one expected Natasha to leave the podium during the birth of her son. And when she came back a few weeks after the birth, it was again a surprise. But Natasha has a strong character. After that, she reached extraordinary heights in the fashion world.

The number of offers grew, the number of photographs on the covers of glossy magazines grew. And not only that, she starred in Roman Coppola’s film Agent Dragonfly, modeled for the Pirelli calendar three times, and became the face of Calvin Klein in 2003. Fabien Baron - creative director of Calvin Klein - one of the most influential people fashion world, saw in Natasha that this girl was not just a portrait that would be forgotten in a season, he understood that there was something in her that would make the fashion world see her as its heroine for many years.

Subsequently, Natasha was filmed famous photographers fashion world, who were able to make their model a star of the first magnitude. Natasha appeared not only on magazine covers, but also in artistic photographs. And this was another recognition of her perfection. Natasha in these photographs was seen as a person with deep character. But this is what it is - an amazing girl who has gone through many difficulties in her life. And this left an imprint on her soul and attitude towards life.

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