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The harsh taiga region... Krasnoyarsk. The second largest region in Russia. The center of the continent of Eurasia. The Krasnoyarsk region includes Taimyr with the Byrranga Mountains, the Siberian Lowland, the Central Siberian Plateau and the West Siberian Plain, intermountain basins, the Sayans and the Kuznetsk Alatau. Norilsk, Yeniseisk, Divnogorsk, Dudinka. In every city of Krasnoyarsk, pages of history and natural attractions are attractive with their splendor, unique flavor, united by one concept... Siberia.

Online satellite map of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

There are more than 320 thousand lakes in the region! The largest are Taimyr and Khantayskoe. Bolshoye (Parnoye) with a mirror surface of 34 km2 is located in Kuznetsk Alatau. Monastyrskoe water has a red tint due to its high iron content. Lake Krugloye is not round at all, but oval, about 80 m deep, the second largest in Krasnoyarsk and one of the most beautiful. In the old days, Krugloye was called the Bride’s Lake. There is a beautiful legend about this... The healing Uchum, Ladeinoye, Ingol. Big and Small Kyzykul lakes are 4 km from each other. The special charm of the picturesque hilly terrain and dense forest. The aroma of pine needles and fragrant herbs and the Big Kyzykul nature reserve. Krasnoyarsk Territory - more than 10 thousand mineral deposits, 70% of the territory - forested areas.

Maps of cities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory from satellite:

Protected areas- the pride and special wealth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Polar day and night, northern lights, permafrost, colorful lichen tundra with a rainbow palette - from bright yellow to black. Big Arctic Reserve- the largest in Russia. Includes Taimyr and the islands of the Kara Sea. Over 4 million hectares of protected area with the Museum of Arctic Nature, a unique paleontological “Narwhal Cemetery”.
Taimyr Nature Reserve– protection of tundra landscapes, red-breasted goose, the largest population reindeer(700 thousand individuals). The area is more than 2 million 700 thousand hectares. There are exhibitions of the Mammoth Museum, the Museum of Nature and Ethnography.
Putorana Plateau – 250 thousand km2 of protected lands in Taimyr. Protection of mountain-taiga-lake landscapes of the region. Canyons with a flat bottom and vertical slopes, numerous waterfalls, countless lakes (about 25 thousand!). The reserve is included in its list by UNESCO.
Country of bizarre rocks " Krasnoyarsk Pillars" The reserve is located in the spurs of the Eastern Sayans on the right bank of the Yenisei, 3-5 km from Krasnoyarsk. “Pillars” are rock formations made of pink syenite, from 60 to 100 m high. Erosion has done its job and Grandfather, Baba, and Granddaughter “appeared”; Feathers and Golden Eagle, Elephant and Lion Gate, Ermak, Musk Deer, Sparrows. Even “sports stolbism” arose here - the art of conquering poles. The reserve is recognized as one of the wonders of Russia and is awaiting inclusion in the UNESCO Heritage List.
“Mininsky Pillars” on the left bank of the Yenisei, 10-30 m high. The complex is less known than the Krasnoyarsk ones. But no less interesting. A pillar resembling a stack of pancakes with thin trees growing through them. The curved block of Sails, the bowed Sorcerers, the cliff of the Divnogorsk view. Beautiful!
National Park « Shushensky Bor» with the protected Borus ridge, beautiful waterfalls, glacial lakes, and alpine vegetation.
Natural Park“Ergaki” with the majestic 40-meter rock outcrops “Stone Town”. The sculptures resemble the faces of heroes of Sayan tales and legends. Artists' Pass is a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of beauty, with stunning panoramic views. “Sleeping Sayan” is the park’s calling card. A chain of mountain peaks resembling a giant lying with his arms folded on his chest. Taiga guardian, protector of the forest... and again a beautiful legend... The unpredictable “Hanging Stone”. A 10-ton boulder at the top of the peak hangs menacingly over the abyss. But... it has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years.
Sayano-Shushensky biosphere reserve. Habitat of the only population of snow leopards (snow leopards) in Russia.
The protected zone "Anashensky Bor" with a unique pine forest and the status of a natural botanical monument. “Birch-ant grove”, the largest anthill of which is 2 m in diameter and 1.7 m in height. “ Beautiful birch"- a natural monument. Black birch with pyramidal crown of southern cypress.
A natural monument of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are about 70 stalactite-stalagmite Biryusinsky caves with lakes and sleeping bats. Poetic titles Lunar, Pearl, New Year's, Geneva, Royal Gate, Divnogorsk, Seven Wonders of the World. There are also funny ones - Lynx, Surprise, Burnt, Mammoth. Grottoes “Pull Pull”, “Squeezer”, “Aztec”, “Rings of Saturn”.
Near Achinsk there is the Aidashenskaya cave, which once served as a place of worship. Objects, jewelry, and tools from the Neolithic era associated with the culture of the ancient tribes of North Asia were found here.
Natural-historical monument “Geographical Center of Russia” on the shore of Lake Vivi. Protection of ecosystems and historical and cultural sites on an area of ​​about 12 thousand hectares. The center of Russia is located near the fall of the Tunguska meteorite and the mysterious settlement of Mangazeya.
“Shushenskoye” is an open-air museum-reserve. 194 monuments of rural architecture. Recreation of the life of a peasant estate at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.
Permafrost Museum in Igarka. Depth 7-14 m in permafrost soil with constant temperature-5-6oC.
“Roev Ruchey” is a park of flora and fauna on the banks of the Yenisei next to the famous “Pillars”. Even 6 giraffes feel great here. Exotic animals collected from all over the world. There is an exotarium for fish, reptiles and corals. There is an "acularium". Conditions of detention are as close to natural as possible. The park's collection includes more than 400 species of plants collected in wonderful flower beds and a winter garden. "Roev Ruchey" has membership in the Euro-Asian Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZAZA) and the Association of Northern Zoos of the World (Alaska).
Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric power station, impressive with the discharge of Yenisei water. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station is the most powerful in Russia with a dam height of 240 m.
Hand-made reminders and cultural heritage region - Paraskeva Pyatnitsa chapel (XIX century); Church of the Intercession (XVIII century) and Spassky Cathedral in Minusinsk (beginning of the XIX century) in the Siberian Baroque style; Kazan Cathedral in Achinsk. There are an abundance of attractions in Krasnoyarsk - a local history museum with unique collections and world-class exhibitions, house-museums of V. Surikov and V. Astafiev, the Yenisei embankment...

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Krasnoyarsk region formed on December 7, 1934 and is a subject Russian Federation, is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Historical reference. The development of the territory of the Yenisei region took place during the Late Paleolithic period (20-12 thousand years ago) and the Eneolithic period (late 3rd – early 2nd millennium BC). By the time the Russians arrived, many disparate tribes lived in the Yenisei basin - Samoyed (Nenets, Enets, Nganasans, Selkups), Tungus-Manchu (Evenks, Dolgans), Turkic (Yakuts) and Paleo-Asian (Kets) peoples engaged in reindeer herding, hunting and fishing. The development of the region by Russians dates back to the 16th-17th centuries.

The forts they founded, necessary for further advancement to the east and for protection from attacks by nomads, then became large trading and administrative centers: Turukhansk (1607), Yeniseisk (1618), Krasnoyarsk (1628), Kansk (1629), Achinsk (1642), etc. In the middle of the 18th century. The Moscow Highway, which connected it with other regions of Siberia, began to have a noticeable influence on the economy of the region.

In 1822 Siberian provinces Russian Empire divided into Western and Eastern departments. The Eastern Administration includes: the province of Irkutsk, the newly established province of Yenisei and Yakutsk region. The administrative-territorial division of the Yenisei province basically remained unchanged until October 1917. In 1925, the Siberian Territory was formed with its center in the city of Novonikolaevsk (Novosibirsk), the Yenisei province became its integral part.

By resolution of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee on July 30, 1930, the East Siberian Territory was created, and on December 7, 1934, the Krasnoyarsk Territory was formed. The region included 32 districts and districts, separated from the West Siberian and East Siberian territories, the Khakass Autonomous Region, the Taimyr and Evenki national districts.

In July 1991, the Khakass Autonomous Region was transformed into the Republic of Khakassia. From 1992 to 2006, the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki Autonomous Okrugs were independent subjects of the Russian Federation; on January 1, 2007, they became part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory as municipal districts.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in the Asian part of Russia (central part of Siberia), mainly within Eastern Siberia, in the Yenisei River basin. Along the left bank of the Yenisei there is a low-lying valley, and along the right bank there is the Central Siberian Plateau. The length of the region from north to south is almost 3,000 km, from west to east 1,250 km (in the northern part) and 650 km (along the Trans-Siberian Railway).

Borders: in the east with the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and with Irkutsk region, in the south - with the republics of Tyva and Khakassia, in the west - with Kemerovo and Tomsk regions, as well as with the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra and the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

The territory of the region is 2339.7 thousand square kilometers (45.7% of the territory of the Siberian Federal District, 13.7% of the territory of the Russian Federation and the second largest area after the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) - extends from the Northern Arctic Ocean to the southern slopes of the Altai-Sayan mountain system, occupies the central geographical position in Russia. Cape Chelyuskin is the extreme polar tip of Eurasia and the northernmost point of Russia and the mainland parts of the planet. The southern limits of the region abroad correspond to the latitudes of Warsaw, London, central regions Canada. On the territory of the region in the vicinity of the lake. Vivi (Evenki Autonomous Okrug) is located in the geographical center of Russia. The edge contains two autonomous okrugs: in the north - Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets), in the north-west - Evenki.

Within the region are the Taimyr and eastern parts of the Gydan Peninsula. It includes many islands of the Arctic Ocean: the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago, the islands of Nordenskiöld, Vilkitsky, Uedineniya, Oleniy, Sibiryakova, Dikson, etc. The region’s water area includes inland waters(lakes and rivers), Yenisei, Khatanga and other bays, and a strip of territorial waters along the mainland of the Kara and Laptev seas in 12 nautical miles(22.2 km). Territorial waters also include “rings” sea ​​waters the same width around the islands that make up the region.

The population of the region (as of January 1, 2014) is 2.853 million people, about 80% of the inhabitants live in the southern part of the region. Representatives of 124 nationalities live in the region, the majority are Russians - 91.3%, followed by Ukrainians - 1.4%, Tatars - 1.3%, Germans - 0.8%, other nationalities - 5.2%. The indigenous population is Dolgans, Nenets, Evenks, Nganasans, Kets. (Turukhansk Kets (self-name - Keto) are the last representatives of the ancient Paleo-Asian tribes who settled on the banks of the tributaries of the Yenisei. They once lived in the south, in the Minusinsk Basin, as well as in the territory of modern Khakassia. Ket names of rivers and mountains have been preserved there to this day. Then the Kets were gradually pushed north and settled in the southern part of the Turukhansk region, in the 17th century. advanced to Lower Tunguska, later - to the river. Chicken. The Kets are an endangered people: according to the 1970 census there were 1,200 people, and in 1989 – 981 people. The main occupation is hunting and fishing.The origin of the Kets is not fully understood. Linguists pay attention to the similarity of the Ket language with certain isolated language groups: for example, a number of languages ​​of the Caucasian highlanders, Spanish Basques and North American Indians. Some see the Kets as descendants of the ancient Tibetan population, from which the North American Indians, the Athabaskans, descended. The Kets are of great interest to science due to their isolated linguistic position and the peculiarities of anthropological data.A large collection of Ket culture items is located in the Yeniseisk Local History Museum).

The administrative center is the city of Krasnoyarsk (1.035 million people). The distance from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow is 3955 km (the time difference with Moscow is +4 hours).

Administrative division: total 581 municipalities, of which: 44 municipal districts, 17 urban districts, 36 urban settlements, 484 rural settlements.

Large cities: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk (176.6 thousand people), Achinsk (106.5), Kansk (92.1), Zheleznogorsk (84.9), Minusinsk (68.9), Zelenogorsk (64.3) , Lesosibirsk (60.3), Nazarovo (51.4).

Natural conditions (relief features). Almost all landscape and geographical zones of Russia are represented in the region: arctic deserts, tundra, forest-tundra, taiga in its latitudinal varieties, forest-steppe, steppe.

The region includes mountain-forest and steppe regions of the Minusinsk Basin in the south, forest-steppe territories adjacent to the Trans-Siberian Railway; vast spaces of the Yenisei North with numerous islands of the Arctic Ocean; The Central Siberian Plateau with the Yenisei Ridge and a narrow strip of the West Siberian Plain on the left bank of the Yenisei, connecting in the north with the Yenisei-Khatanga lowland. All these territories are connected by the blue ribbon of the Yenisei and the system of its tributaries - the Lower and Podkamennaya Tunguska, Angara, Kan, Tuba.

The river system of the Yenisei basin gives the territory of the region a certain compactness and acts as its unique natural “framework”. This geographical feature was noticed a long time ago, when the territory of the region was called Prienisei Siberia, and later received the official name of the Yenisei province.

Climatic conditions are characterized by significant diversity and contrasts. Belts: arctic, subarctic and temperate. For the central part of the region, predominantly flat, with island forest-steppes and fertile soils, characterized by short hot summers, long Cold winter, rapid temperature changes. In the south of the region - warm summer and moderately severe snowy winters. Dry clean air, abundance sunny days In summer, the healing waters of springs and numerous lakes create favorable conditions for the construction of resorts, sanatoriums and recreation centers.

The average temperature in January is -36 C in the north and -18 C in the south, in July, respectively, +10 C and +20 C. On average, 316 mm of precipitation falls per year, most of it in the summer, in the foothills of the Sayan Mountains 600-1000 mm. Snow cover sets in at the beginning of November and disappears by the end of March. In the Eastern and Western Sayan mountains, snow persists all year round in some years.

Recreational resources, tourism.Dry, clean air, an abundance of sunny days in summer, surpassing Crimea in their number, healing waters of springs and numerous lakes create favorable conditions for the construction of resorts, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers. The most famous all-Russian resort is Shira.

Unique natural and cultural sites - the Stolby reserve, the museum in the village of Shushenskoye “Siberian exile of V.I. Lenin", 2 large local history museums in the cities. Krasnoyarsk and Minusinsk. There are 8 reserves and sanctuaries created for the purpose of preserving natural complexes. Work is underway to create a highly efficient and competitive tourist complex, providing ample opportunities to meet the needs for tourist services of the population of the region, Russian and foreign citizens.

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