Hammerfish: description and interesting facts. Giant hammerhead shark: description and photo Where does the hammerhead fish live

When encountering a hammerhead shark, you should not consider it for a long time amazing creation. The outrageousness of her exterior is directly proportional to the unmotivated aggression shown in relation to a person. They saw a “sledgehammer” floating at you - hide.

Strange head shape

Thanks to her, you will never confuse the hammerhead shark (lat. Sphyrnidae) with another inhabitant sea ​​depths. Her head (with huge outgrowths on the sides) is flattened and divided into two parts.

The ancestors of hammerhead sharks, as shown by DNA analyzes, appeared about 20 million years ago. Investigating DNA, biologists came to the conclusion that the most typical representative of the Sphyrnidae family should be considered a large-headed hammerhead fish. It stands out from other sharks with the most impressive head outgrowths, the origin of which they try to explain with two polar versions.

Proponents of the first hypothesis are sure that the head acquired its hammer-shaped shape over several million years. Opponents insist that the bizarre shape of the shark's head arose as a result of a sharp mutation. Be that as it may, this marine predators I had to take into account the specifics of their outlandish appearance when choosing prey and lifestyle.

Types of hammerhead sharks

Family (from class cartilaginous fish) called hammerhead or hammerhead shark is quite extensive and includes 9 species:

  • Common hammerhead shark.
  • Large-headed hammerhead fish.
  • West African hammerhead.
  • Round-headed hammerhead fish.
  • Bronze hammer fish.
  • Small-headed hammerhead fish (shovel shark).
  • Panamo-Caribbean hammerhead fish.
  • Small-eyed giant hammerhead shark.

The latter is considered extremely ferocious, agile and fast, making it the most dangerous. It differs from its relatives in its enlarged size, as well as in the configuration of the front edge of the “hammer”, which has a straight shape.

Giant hammerhead fish grow up to 4-6 meters, but specimens approaching 8 meters have sometimes been caught..

These most formidable predators for humans and other representatives of the Sphyrnidae family have taken root in tropical and temperate warm waters ah Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Oceans.

This is interesting! Sharks (mostly females) often gather in groups in underwater rocks. An increased mass character is noted at noon, and at night the predators leave until the next day.

Hammerhead fish have been observed both on the surface of the ocean and at a fairly large depth (up to 400 m). They prefer Coral reefs, often swim in the lagoons and frighten vacationers in coastal waters.

But the largest concentration of these predators is noted near the Hawaiian Islands. It is not surprising that it is here, at the Hawaiian Institute of Marine Biology, that the most serious scientific research on hammerhead sharks is carried out.


Lateral outgrowths increase the area of ​​the head, the skin of which is dotted with sensory cells that help to pick up signals from a living object. The shark is able to catch very weak electrical impulses emanating from the bottom of the sea: even a layer of sand, where its victim will try to hide, will not become an obstacle.

A theory has recently been debunked that the shape of the head helps the hammerhead fish to maintain balance during sharp turns. It turned out that the spine arranged in a special way gives stability to the shark.

On the lateral outgrowths (opposite each other) are large rounded eyes, the iris of which is colored golden yellow. The organs of vision are protected by eyelids and supplemented by a nictitating membrane. The non-standard location of the shark's eyes contributes to a full (360 degrees) coverage of space: the predator sees everything that happens in front, under and above it.

With such powerful systems detection of the enemy (sensory and visual), the shark does not leave him the slightest chance of salvation. At the end of the hunt, the predator presents its last “argument” - a mouth with a row of smooth sharp teeth.. By the way, the giant hammerhead shark has the most terrible teeth: they are triangular, inclined to the corners of the mouth and equipped with visible notches.

This is interesting! A hammerhead fish, even in the darkest darkness, will never confuse north with south, or west with east. Maybe she picks up a magnetic field the globe which helps her stay on track.

The body (against the background of the head) is unremarkable: it resembles a huge spindle - dark gray (brown) above and off-white below.


Hammerhead sharks are classified as viviparous fish. The male performs sexual intercourse in a very peculiar way, piercing his partner with his teeth.

Pregnancy, which occurs after successful mating, lasts 11 months, after which from 20 to 55 perfectly swimming babies (40-50 cm in length) are born. So that the female is not injured during childbirth, the heads of the born sharks are turned not across, but along the body.

Having got out of the mother's womb, the sharks begin to actively move. Reaction speed and maneuverability save them from potential enemies, which often become other sharks.

Hammerhead prey

Hammerhead sharks love to indulge in seafood such as:

  • octopus and squid;
  • lobsters and crabs;
  • sardines, horse mackerel and sea catfish;
  • crucian carp and sea bass;
  • flounder, fish-urchins and fish-toads;
  • sea ​​cats and croakers;
  • mustelid sharks and gray sharks.

But the hammerhead shark has the greatest gastronomic interest.. The predator goes hunting at dawn or after sunset: in search of prey, the shark approaches the bottom and swings its head to raise the stingray.

Having found the prey, the shark stuns it with a head blow, after which it holds it with the help of a “hammer” and bites so that the stingray loses its ability to resist. Then she tears the stingray into pieces, capturing it with her sharp mouth.

Hammerhead fish quietly carry toxic stingray spines left over from their meal. Once, a shark was caught off the coast of Florida with 96 of these spikes in its mouth. In the same area, giant hammerhead sharks (led by their keen sense of smell) often become a trophy for local fishermen, pouncing on baited hooks.

This is interesting! Currently, biologists have recorded about 10 signals that hammerhead sharks exchange when gathering in flocks. Scientists have proven that some of the signals serve as a warning: the rest have not yet been deciphered.

Man and hammerhead shark

Only in the Hawaiian Islands, sharks are equated with sea deities that protect people and regulate the number of ocean fauna. Aborigines believe that the souls of their dead relatives move into sharks, and sharks with hammerheads are shown the greatest respect.

Paradoxically, it is Hawaii that annually replenishes the reports of sad incidents related to the attacks of hammerhead sharks on humans. This is explained quite simply: the predator enters shallow water (where tourists swim) to breed. At this time, hammerhead fish are especially excited and aggressive.

A priori, a shark does not see its prey in a person, and therefore does not specifically hunt him. But, alas, these predatory fish have a very unpredictable disposition, which in an instant can push them to attack.

If you accidentally run into this sharp-toothed creature, remember that sudden movements (swinging arms and legs, quick turns) are absolutely prohibited. You need to swim away from the shark up and very slowly, trying not to attract its attention.

Of the 9 species of hammerhead sharks, only three are recognized as dangerous to humans:

  • giant hammerhead shark;
  • bronze hammer fish;
  • common hammerhead shark.

The remains of human bodies were found more than once in their ripped bellies.

However, biologists believe that in the undeclared war between hammerhead sharks and civilized humanity, humans are winning by a wide margin.

In order for patients to be treated with shark oil, and gourmets to enjoy shark meat dishes, including the famous fin soup, their owners are exterminated by the thousands. In the name of profit, fishing companies do not comply with any quotas and norms, which is why the number of individual species of Sphyrnidae has been frighteningly reduced.

The large-headed hammerhead fish, in particular, fell into the risk group. Her, together with two other quantitatively decreasing related species, international union nature protection called “vulnerable” and included in a special Appendix that regulates the rules of fishing and trade.

One of the most amazing inhabitants of the underwater depths is the hammerhead fish. Although it may seem harmless, in fact, this predator is a danger even to humans.

Hammerhead family

Scientists know of nine varieties of hammerhead sharks, which differ in color, size, head shape and the waters in which they live. All this family is divided into two genera: Eusphyra and Sphyrna. In the first group there is only one representative - this is the winged shark. Her “hammer” is almost half the size of her body, and she differs from the rest of the family in the breadth of her head. There are eight more "sisters" in the second group, the largest of them can reach 6 meters. This entire family is related to cats, mustelids and gray sharks.


Many are attracted by the way the hammerhead fish looks. The body of the predator practically does not differ from the shark we are used to. It has a streamlined shape, and the color varies depending on the genus. Basically, the back is dark (gray, brown), and the belly is light. But it is the head that is of particular interest. Its shape is T-shaped. The structure of the head itself depends on the "breed" of the predator, it can be large or, conversely, have a small size. But the main thing is that each individual has a peculiar shape, which is why it is called the hammerhead fish. Photos can be viewed below. Eyes are located at the ends of the “processes” of the head. These fish are able to see 360 ​​degrees. Interestingly, in these predators, the vision depends on the latitude of the "hammer". The larger it is, the better the view of the area in front of it.

What does it eat

The hammerhead fish is a predator that feeds on other fish, molluscs, pipits, and crayfish. It is known that even stingrays are not afraid of these sharks, so these underwater inhabitants. This fish has a very flexible body, which allows you to make dexterous maneuvers, not giving the victim a chance to break away. In addition, the swiftness of the fish is given by powerful fins. The shape of the head serves as a kind of stabilizer when moving. All these characteristics make the hammerhead shark a winner in fights even with an opponent who surpasses it in size. In addition, dexterity allows her to attack not only predatory fish, but also mammals.

Although the hammerhead fish is a fearless hunter, it is "lazy". Therefore, some sailors noticed how flocks of these sharks followed huge ships for several days, eating waste that people dumped overboard.

Human danger

Looking at the small mouth of the hammerhead shark, located below the head, you can hardly say that it is dangerous to humans. Of course, this predator does not specifically hunt people, but still it is she who is in third place in terms of the number of attacks on vacationers. The fact is that the hammerhead fish becomes very aggressive during the breeding season, and to breed young animals, they swim to warm waters off the coast. It is in these places that holidaymakers usually rest. In a fight with this creature, a person never remains a winner.

But hammerhead sharks also become victims of people, as they are a valuable product of the fishing industry. In cooking, fins, liver and predator meat are highly valued. These pieces are very tasty and are in huge demand. The remains are ground into flour, from which fish products are prepared. In addition, shark skin is no less valuable.


The shape of the head is not the only attraction of the hammerhead fish. The description of how these predators reproduce is also surprising. They are viviparous, while the rest of the fish spawn. Mothers carry their offspring in much the same way as mammals. At birth, the “hammer” of the baby is turned towards the body in order to be born without difficulty. Gradually, the head of the fish becomes like that of adults.

At one time, a mother can bring from 15 to 30 babies who are already “learned” to swim perfectly. Each is about half a meter long. But after a few months they become meter long and show aggression, like all adults.


These sharks prefer to be in temperate and warm waters. They can be found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. While the fish is still young, it stays in shallow water or at the bottom of bays. In these places, it is easier for them to acquire the hunter skill. Growing up, they go to deep sea swimming.

Well, this is, by the way,

Fish from a working family!

Give the fish just a reason

With tool hammerhead fish.

Vitaly Sibirtsev

This nursery rhyme perfectly describes an interesting representative of the sea kingdom. What is this one?

hammerhead fish

Let's find out more. Of course, the most interesting and unusual thing that characterizes the hammerhead fish is its head. Why is her head so weird? Many scientists believed that this fish acquired a hammer-shaped head in the process of evolution, over millions of years. With each generation, the shape of the head expanded by a tiny distance, and now there are hammerheads that we know.

But now the opinion of scientists has changed. They believe that the hammer appeared in the process of mutation. But how is it. Freaks sometimes appear in nature, but they almost never survive. It turns out that the first mutant shark survived, and no matter what to die due to a terribly deformed head and the inability to hunt with the help of vision, she had to adapt to life and develop other organs.

What is she this hammerhead fish? Its length is 3 meters, although there are fish that can reach a length of about 6 meters. The largest hammerhead fish caught off the coast of New Zealand weighed over 363 kg.

Yes, this fish has an impressive size. And also her head, on the sides of which there are large outgrowths. All this creates the impression of a large clumsy fish, which is difficult to move. But this is a misleading impression. The hammerhead fish is an excellent hunter, it always reaches its target, and if it starts hunting, then there is no escape.

How hammer fish hunt

What helps her to be a good hunter? First, it is her vision. The eyes of this fish are set very far from each other, and it would seem that she sees badly, but this is not so. Her eyesight is good, and she is able to see all 360 degrees. So hammerhead fish can see prey not only in front of him, but also under him, he is able to catch the slightest movements of prey around him.

But that's not all, she can see an object with both eyes at the same time, that is, she has binocular vision. This means that the three-dimensionality of the image is created, or such vision is also called stereoscopic. And the wider the head of the hammerhead sharks, the larger the zone where you can see the object with two eyes at once.

One more trait good hunter, lies in the fact that this fish is able to catch electromagnetic impulses that emit any Living being. Hammerhead fish can pick up electrical discharges of one millionth of a volt. Indeed, why does she need vision if she is able to “see” prey under a layer of sand, under a stone or in algae. These receptors (tiny pores) are located in hammerhead fish under the chin. And therefore, when she is looking for prey, her head resembles a mine detector in the hands of a miner. Catching electromagnetic radiation, which comes from the victim, the hammerhead rushes to the prey.

She has powerful fins and strong muscles that help develop tremendous speed. And the hammer-shaped head becomes a movement stabilizer, leaving no chance for prey to escape.

How to eat

These fish feed on crayfish, molluscs, often stingrays are found in their stomachs. The hammerhead fish does not have any direct enemies and this allows it to attack any fish and mammals of the deep sea. The cunning, dexterity and strength of this fish is often the key to victory over an opponent more impressive than it.

It is also dangerous for humans, it ranks third in danger after the white and tiger sharks. Of course, as always, the person himself provokes this predator. Unusual appearance And big sizes hammerhead fish attract curious divers who are not averse to having fun with unusual fish, which is fraught with great trouble. The mouth of this fish is littered with small but sharp teeth, and when meeting with it, staying alive is good luck.

How it breeds

Viviparous fish. It's interesting why? After all, most fish are oviparous. Apparently they have a different strategy. When their cubs are born (females give birth to 15 to 30 cubs), they are already 50 centimeters long and swim well. And this is necessary, since there are many predators, and the faster the offspring moves, the more likely it is to survive.

Where does it live

Hammerfish habitats warm and temperate waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Young sharks live at the bottom of the bays, shallow water, where they learn to hunt. In shallow water, the skin quickly darkens, and the hammerhead shark tans.

This is the only animal, of course, other than man, which is able to sunbathe!

This animal belongs to the class of cartilaginous fish and is part of the carchariformes order. The family to which the hammerhead fish belongs is called the hammerhead shark.

Marine fauna is a mysterious world. More and more often, he reveals his secrets to us, revealing strange animals to the light, many of which are dangerous to humans. One of these creatures can be called a shark. There are a lot of varieties of these fish, some of them have the most bizarre shapes. For example, hammerhead fish.

Hypotheses about the origin of the shape of the head predatory fish variety. Some scientists suggest that this is the result of a mutation that happened once. common shark which later gave birth to offspring. And someone considers the formation of a hammer-shaped head a consequence of evolution.

What is the appearance of the hammerhead shark and how is it different from other fish?

The main "highlight" in the appearance of this fish, of course, is its head, or rather, its shape. The front part ends in long and narrow outgrowths, diverging horizontally to the sides. This whole "construction" resembles a construction tool - a hammer. Hence the name of the animal.

The body length of the hammerhead fish reaches three meters, but there are specimens that grow up to 6 meters! Such a giant representative of this species was once caught in New Zealand. That shark weighed more than 360 kilograms!

The color of hammerhead fish, in most cases, is grayish brown or gray. The abdominal part of the body of the animal differs from the back in a slightly lighter tone.

Hammerhead fish habitats on planet Earth

The hammerhead shark is a resident of temperate and warm waters. Its populations inhabit the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Hammerhead shark lifestyle

An amazing fact about this fish was recently discovered by scientists. It turns out that while in shallow water, it mainly concerns young animals, the sun affects the skin of the shark, and it begins to darken ... The researchers called this phenomenon the tanning effect. Who would have thought that marine animals also love to sunbathe in the sun!

As for the other habits of the animal, it can be noted that these sharks have excellent vision. Despite the fact that the eyes on the muzzle are not so close to each other, this does not deprive their owner of vigilance, but on the contrary, it adds it. Such a natural “device” helps the hammerhead fish to see prey not only in front of itself, but also perfectly catch the slightest movement from the sides. The shark sees all objects with two eyes at once.

The hammerhead fish has very powerful muscles, strong fins that allow it to develop high speeds and instantly overtake prey. And the massive head serves as a kind of motion stabilizer and helps the animal to maneuver in the water column.

Hammerhead shark food

The daily diet of this predator of ocean waters includes crayfish, rays and various mollusks.

Reproduction of hammerhead fish

During the spawning period, these fish lay eggs, which contain embryos - the embryos of future sharks. It is worth noting that before laying, female sharks carry eggs inside themselves for almost 8 months. In the middle of spring, young sharks are born. The size of the young is from 32 to 45 centimeters in length. When young hammerhead sharks reach a height of 110 centimeters, they become sexually mature.

Very dangerous occupation- feeding the shark from the hand.

Natural enemies of hammerhead fish

Due to its size, powerful jaws, and indeed, a creepy look, this predator is devoid of direct enemies in its habitat. It is unlikely that any of the underwater animals will dare to attack such a monster. It is also not recommended for people to approach this insidious creature.

This fish got its name for a reason. It differs in its head shape, which in appearance resembles a hammer.

Family: Hammerhead sharks

Class: Cartilaginous fish

Order: Carchariformes

Type: Chordates

Kingdom: Animals

Domain: Eukaryotes

Parameter name Meaning
Hammerhead size From 0.9 m to 6 meters (The width of the "hammer" can be up to 40-50% of the length of the body)
hammerhead weight From 3 to 500 kg.
What does hammerhead fish eat? The main food is small bony fish, as well as cephalopods and crustaceans.
Where does the hammerhead fish live? The hammerhead or hammerhead shark is found in warm tropical waters coastal strips. You can meet them off the coast of all continents except Antarctica.

Hammerhead video

Reproduction of hammerhead fish

The hammerhead fish is a viviparous fish. The embryo develops inside the mother and is nourished by the placenta. Pregnancy lasts from 8 to 11 months. At one time, an average of 8 to 25 sharks are born. At the same time, their growth is very small - only up to 45 cm.

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