White rock village Crimea. Ak-Kaya, Crimea (White rock). More detailed location of the rock

There are many sights and beauties in Crimea, but Ak Kaya overshadows them all. Rising impregnably above the Biyuk-Kasu valley, a river that has seen a lot, the White Rock or, as the natives call it, Ak Kai, dazzles with purity and brightness.

It would seem that there are ridges and peaks here, much higher than Mount Ak Kaya, numbering a little more than 325 meters, but the limestone rocks and the artsy shape of the natural monument attract the eyes of travelers and make them look with rapture at the gray-white rock that acts like a frigate's bowsprit. Millennia have not broken the spirit of the mountains, this is a special, wild and majestic beauty, striking with its inescapability and unbridled pride.

Located near Belogorsk, by the way, the city is named after the white rock Ak Kaya, the elevation is part of the Inner Range and continues with a chain of the same limestones that are visible if you look to the east.

Ak Kaya becomes especially beautiful at sunset, when the bulk acquires a golden hue and literally begins to glow.

Interestingly, it is in this part of the Crimea that limestones have a slightly yellowish color, but upon closer examination it becomes clear that shells and other remains give yellowness. life forms Cretaceous when these rocks were formed.

Legends and history of Ak Kai

The legends of the White Rock have been sung for centuries. According to one of the tales, a very long time ago the Ak Kaya rock was the refuge of a dragon or the Gorynych Serpent. He flew freely, dragged cattle from the shepherds, slaughtered domestic animals and, as usual, fell in love with a young girl unearthly beauty. He grabbed the charmer and brought it to him on the cliff. The young woman disliked the monster, refused love, but she was cunning.

And, having cried a little, she decided to flatter the snake, to ask about his death. The monster told that there is a hero in one of the houses, stronger than him, besides, a real sword-treasury hangs on the wall. The girl tore off her sleeve from her clothes, wrote everything that the Serpent told her on the fabric, wrapped a stone in her sleeve and threw it down from Ak Kai.

Of course, the message was found, but that's just no one rushed to the rescue. After a while, the young woman carried her son, and the monster took care of the golden cradle. People heard the cry of a baby snake, and a hero was found, called the Serpent to battle. Both died, the girl took the life of her child and also threw herself to the ground. But the golden cradle remained and still excites the minds of treasure hunters.

The story is certainly mythical, but Ak Kaya is kept by the White Rock and reliable facts. In particular, during the reign of the Tatar Khanate, the place became disastrous for thousands of people objectionable to the khan's gaze, who were thrown down without trial or investigation.

And in 1777, Ak Kaya was the location of Russian troops under the command of Suvorov. Already in 1783, the great Russian commander Prince Potemkin took the oath of allegiance from the beys and murzas to Russia.

The White Rock in the Crimea, like most of the spurs and ridges of the Inner Ridge, is a cuesta, the forms of which are not distinguished by symmetry. Steep slopes compete in beauty with gentle slopes. Due to weathering, grottoes, pillars, niches were formed in the massif various shapes, the scree turned into gentle slopes. A huge number of natural caves and grottoes are striking in their beauty. Since 1981 White Mountain in Crimea, it is recognized as a Natural Monument and therefore is carefully guarded.

It is interesting that the Ak Kaya rock gave clues to many questions of historians. In particular, it was here that a fragment of the skull of an adult Neanderthal was found, as well as various artifacts dating back to later periods. The whole region of the mountain was very favorable for life: water, comfortable pens for animals, rich deposits of flint. The fauna of those times was distinguished by a wide “range”: cave bears, deer, saigas, bulls, onagers - the bones of these animals in petrified form were generously scattered throughout the caves and grottoes.

Mount Ak Kaya is a natural monument for geologists as well. In the layers you can find the fossilized remains of marine animals, even teeth giant shark, which lived on the site of a shallow sea, which once spilled its waters quite widely.

The Sarmatians, one of the most warlike tribes of the Earth, did not bypass Ak Kai. The discovered tamgas, which are generic signs of the tribes, give grounds to state that the Ak Kaya rock was the place of residence of numerous clans and the burial place of the Scythian leaders. And there is documentary and visual confirmation of this - the Scythian fortress White Rock! It is located on the western slope and the road there is difficult to access. Not everyone will dare to try to climb into the hole, the entrance of which is located 52 meters from the sole and 49 meters from the edge of a steep cliff.

The caves and grottoes of Ak Kaya are a different story. Many believe that an extensive network of caves will lead the traveler far to the sea, and the labyrinth ends at the southeastern part. And on the way you will meet a lot of buried treasures, chests with jewelry and other pleasant and useful little things. On the one hand, the Scythians really could hide their wealth here, but on the other hand, geologists have already explored many caves and it is impossible to find something valuable for a person without preparation. But did these considerations alienate someone? And tourists wander through the caves, looking through literally everything that is under their feet, hoping to find Scythian gold.

And the value of Ak Kai is in the caves themselves. Only here you can see the incredible and unique combinations of limestone layers that belonged to different eras our planet. Each layer is a millennium. Until now, the types of remains of shells, and if you look closely, you can see the transition of shades from pinkish, to gray, ashen and white - the differences between periods.

The grottoes of Ak Kaya are a refuge from the scorching summer sun, it is pleasant to sit in them and think about what the White Rock fortress was like in its heyday. Sheer edges give a complete understanding of the failure of attempts to capture the highest flat point, for which there is a lot of historical evidence. The flat top is a huge overview of the Crimean lands. The higher you climb, the fresher the wind becomes, filled with the aromas of flowering herbs and shrubs. And at the very peak of Ak Kaya, the spirit is literally breathtaking from the panorama, the breadth of the view and all the beauty of the picture!

How to get there

If you want to see exactly where such famous films as: "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", "The Leader of the Redskins", "The Mustang Pacer", "Armed and Very Dangerous" were filmed, estimate the size of the height from which the characters of the movie "Mirage" jumped ", and also to get into the fairy tale "Chippolino", you definitely need the White Rock! Getting to Ak Kaya is easy if you set the coordinates in the navigator: N 45.5.53 E 34.38.00 or get to the Belogorsky district - Ak Kaya can be seen from the highway, which is very convenient for all travelers.

Exact location: 50 km from Simferopol and 5 km from the Simferopol-Kerch highway. Buses run to Belogorsk quite often, the trip is inexpensive. And by the way, you can’t drive up by car only from the south side, from the north it is done without any problems. And it is better to drive not to the village of White Rock, but a little further, to Cherry (village), where the road to Ak Kaya begins.

And to make the path pleasant, at the entrance to the road there is a grotto with a source of delicious water.

Except independent travel, you can accept an offer from travel companies Simferopol, where they offer a variety of tours for parents with children over 4 years old.

Caves and grottoes



Excursions to the White Rock

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A vertical white rocky wall rises above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River and is visible long before approaching it at a distance of a kilometer. The height of the peak above sea level is 325 m, and the height difference between the valley and the top of the cliff reaches 100 m.

The bulk of the rock resembles an impregnable fortress and is better visible from its southern side. The rock is a symbol of Belogorsk.

Over many millennia, the sun, water and wind have done their job, forming bizarre shapes that were formed in the process of weathering and destruction by water and temperature changes. Especially on the western wall of the rock, the so-called eolian grottoes, formed under the influence of winds, stand out.

Caves and grottoes

Of particular interest are the caves of Ak-Kaya - lower and upper. The lower cave is a grotto in the middle of the western wall - Bob. Signs belonging to the Sarmatians who lived here in the first centuries of our era were found on its walls. It is believed that once this cave was a sanctuary - ancient temple. The upper cave - which means in translation "Golden Burrow" - behind long years overgrown with legends and legends. The cave is difficult to access: the entrance to it in the form of a round hole is located 52 meters from the sole and 49 meters from the edge of the cliff.


The cave is especially curious for archaeologists, because they managed to establish that many thousands of years ago it was a habitat ancient man. Ak-Kaya served him both as a shelter from bad weather and as a corral during the hunt for animals (according to excavations in the 1960s).

In one of their expeditions, four sites of primitive man of the Mousterian era (100-40 thousand years ago) were partially excavated. Interested archaeologists will be interested in the book by Yu. Kolosov "White Rock", Ed. Tavria, 1977. The author describes in detail how cultural layers with a mass of materials were found, as for the first time in the territory former country found a Neanderthal skull and other rare and valuable finds for science, proving that civilization arose not only in Europe, but also on our territory.


It is believed that Ak-Kaya was a place of execution in the Middle Ages. There is a legend that the young Bohdan Khmelnitsky, who was captured in 1620, was twice brought to this rock, and the captives were thrown in front of him in order to force Bogdan to hurry up with a ransom.

During the Russian-Turkish wars, the headquarters of A. V. Suvorov was located in these places. On the White Rock, the result of the centuries-old struggle of the Russian state for the Crimea was summed up. It was here that on June 10, 1783, Prince G. A. Potemkin ordered the Crimean beys and murzas to appear in order to take their oath of allegiance to the Russian state.

Excursions to the White Rock

And Ak-Kaya is also good because it offers an awesome view of the mountain range in the south and the endless steppe expanses with ridges of ancient barrows in the north. And how beautiful it is in May, when peonies bloom. It becomes clear why the beam located to the north of the rock is called Red. And how does the Kalliston pass look from here, which lies in the south between the two cone-shaped mountains Shuvri and Khrikol!

I recommend climbing the rock in the late afternoon. It’s not hot anymore, the lighting is soft, the distances open up for observation. For those who like to explore all the holes, I recommend walking along the path that runs under the very rocks on the western side of the cliff. This trail will take you to the lower grotto and take great pictures, especially at sunset. And you will also hear the cries of swifts and hawks, who built their nests on impregnable cliffs.

In Crimea, there are many attractions for every taste. There are mosques and waterfalls, gorges and monasteries, museums and cave cities, mounds and quarries, palaces and caves, dolphinariums, parks, gardens, fortresses, observatories, nature reserves, mud volcanoes, an art gallery and even an extinct volcano. You can live your whole life in the Crimea and not see half of it. So it happened with the White Rock. How many times, driving along the Feodosia - Simferopol highway, we saw it in the distance, not even imagining how interesting this place could be. This year we finally went on purpose. My school friend, and part-time Feodosia guide, Elena, went with us.

White Rock - Ak-Kaya, the most beautiful massif of the Outer Ridge of the Crimean Mountains. An almost hundred-meter sheer cliff of limestone rises on a conical base of white marls cut by deep ravines. This landscape, close to the chalk prairie, allowed Soviet filmmakers to shoot westerns and adventure films here: "The Headless Horseman", "The Man from Capuchin Boulevard", "Mustang Pacer", "Leader of the Redskins", "Chippolino", "Armed and very dangerous", "Kings and Cabbage".

Since 1981 it has been a natural monument state significance. The entire area is of great interest to archaeologists. It was here that the remains of a Neanderthal man were discovered for the first time in the USSR. The caves of the White Rock served him as a shelter from bad weather, and its sheer cliffs helped to drive the beast during the hunt. And in a quarry where limestone was mined, in 1981, the bones of an ancient whale that lived 50 million years ago were discovered. This is the first such discovery not only in the Crimea, but throughout Eurasia.

Like most mountains of the Inner Range, this is a typical cuesta, that is, a mountain with asymmetrical slopes - gentle and steep. We are driving from the side of the Golden Field and drive to the White Rock from its flat side, along the road, which is marked on the map as the road to the quarry.

Of course, we did not miss the opportunity to drive closer to the Scythian mounds, of which there are a lot here, from very low to ten meters high. But we will return to this a little later. In this message, I will only talk about the landscape part of our walk. Archaeological deserves a separate story.

If you look to the north, this is the usual Crimean steppe.

which suddenly ends abruptly

revealing the vast valley of the Biyuk-Karasu River (from the Crimean Tatar - big black water).

Here she is, winding like a green snake

Along the entire cliff, you can see cracks separating large blocks from the main massif. Sooner or later they will collapse.

But destruction is ongoing. The white color of the rock is caused precisely by the fact that the rocks from which Ak-Kaya is composed do not have time to change color under the influence of natural influences. The mountain has a two-tier structure - the main massif is Paleogene limestone, and under it there is a cone-shaped slope, consisting of rocks intermediate between limestone and clay, that is, screes formed as a result of the slow destruction of limestone. We will see this later when we go down to the valley and look at the White Rock from below.

I do not risk coming closer to the cliff - a strong gusty wind literally pushes me unexpectedly in the back. Although I really want to go to the very edge and appreciate the height and beauty of the valley.

I must say that we were very lucky with the weather. The cyclone passing at this time gave dramatic landscapes and adrenaline sensations.

The sky is clearing up

then covered in dark clouds

I did not manage to get closer to these interesting boulders - in this place we literally "lay into the wind", trying to move.

With great difficulty, we got to the car and, having descended from the plateau, drove up to the grotto, marked on the map as "disc-shaped".

The grotto was quite large

and inside it is really disc-shaped!

In 1960-70, 20 sites of primitive man of the Mousterian era were excavated at the northern foot of the cliff. Found a large number of silicon points, knives, scrapers. Near the ancient hearths - the bones of extinct animals of the Crimea - mammoth, noble and reindeer, saiga, primeval bull, wild horse, onager, etc.

In the upper part of the rock, weathering has created pillars, grottoes, oval niches. At the bottom - weathering products accumulate: scree, piles of boulders. In places, the erosion is restrained by thickets of wild rose and hornbeam.

We climb the scree to walk along the entire rock at the base of its steep upper part.

First small grotto

And this is a big grotto. Impressive, right? We did not try to climb up without special equipment.))

At this time it started to rain.

If the trail was clay, we would not have gone far in the rain. But the loose rock only sagged under our feet.

Another big grotto. A hawthorn grows at the entrance.

Of particular interest has always been a cave located in the middle of a sheer cliff. Due to its inaccessibility, it has acquired legends and is called Altyn-Teshik, which means the Golden Hole. The entrance to it is located at a distance of 52 meters from the sole and 49 meters from the edge of the cliff.

The photo was taken by my husband on the phone, and these two figures on the left are us.

In the Middle Ages, the Tatar city of Karasubazar grew up 5 km from the rock. Today it is Belogorsk - a modest district town. And during the heyday of the Crimean Khanate, Karasubazar in its significance could be compared with Bakhchisaray. There was a large trading hub here. Numerous slaves captured in the northern lands were driven here, to the market. And at the top of the White Mountain in those days a place of execution was arranged. Convicts were thrown from a steep cliff. This gloomy spectacle was observed in 1620 by the young Bogdan Khmelnitsky. He spent more than a year in Tatar captivity in Karasubazar. He was often led to an ominous cliff, hoping in this way to induce him to more persistently write letters to his relatives asking for ransom. During the Russian-Turkish wars, the headquarters of A. V. Suvorov was located in these places. On the White Rock, the result of the centuries-old struggle of the Russian state for the Crimea was summed up. It was here that on June 10, 1783, Prince G. A. Potemkin ordered the Crimean beys and murzas to appear in order to take their oath of allegiance to the Russian state.

Here Lena shows the continuation of the trail. But because of strong wind and the rain we decided not to walk on it

and go straight down the slope.

And here is Ak-Kaya before us in all its majestic beauty.

By this time, the sky had completely cleared up.

We stopped on the bank of Biyuk-Karasu for a little snack. This one doesn't seem too big big water"? For the shallow Crimea, it is not so small.

Last look at the White Rock from the track.

About Scythian mounds, petroglyphs and meeting with archaeologists - in the next series. In the meantime, a short video.

(Crimea) for modern man is like the Wild West. It is full of mysteries of ancient times, secrets and is one of the unusual, mysterious and attractive places on the peninsula. It is located near the city of Belogorsk. There are almost no crowds of tourists here, so this area retains its charm, it has not yet been spoiled by the benefits of civilization. In addition, the White Rock for lovers beach holiday is of no interest.

First impression of the mountain

This is good, because the beauty provided to us by nature can be quickly destroyed. This is rare in the world, and this is a real miracle of the Crimea. If you find yourself in these places, you need to admire them, only then it will be clear that the peninsula is not only beaches and the sea. Its typical landscapes, reminiscent of the Wild West, were very popular with cinemas and many Soviet-era films were shot here, such as “The Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, “The Headless Horseman” and others.

The action of all the paintings took place among the wonderful landscapes surrounding this place. They call this amazing miracle of nature Ak-Kaya, which translates as “white rock”. Crimea is very decorated with this beauty, which actually has such a color, especially when viewed from afar. Although there is nothing strange here, since the rock consists of limestone. When the sun shines on it, in front of us is a real bewitching sight.

Stunning view - reason for hiking and more

It is advisable to walk through the territory of the entire Ak-Kaya, to visit one of the caves belonging to the Paleolithic period. You will not regret it, because it offers stunning views of the surroundings. By the way, walking is not the only way to travel and get to know this unique wonder. You can also explore these places on horseback.

In this case, there will be much more impressions, as you will feel like a hero of Soviet films shot here. (Crimea) is definitely worth visiting these places. It is far enough away from the noisy and crowded cities, will give you the opportunity to visit the background of the Crimean unique nature, see amazing landscapes, enjoy firsthand its charm.

White rock (Crimea), how to get to this wonderful place

It's time to tell you how you can visit these places. It is advisable to first get to Simferopol. There are several ways here: both from Russia and from Ukraine. We will not consider this. We believe that you are already in If the path is not planned for own car, then from Simferopol we go by any minibus, following in the direction of the city of Belogorsk.

The best reference point for you will be the village of Vishennoe. When you come to its outskirts, you will immediately find yourself not far from the snow-white, wonderful rocks. Now you know how to get to the White Rock (Crimea). Address: Belogorsky district, village of the same name. It is, of course, low, only 325 meters, but it is worth looking at the neighbor of the village of the same name. For the attention of history buffs: until 1948 it was called Ak-Kaya.

More detailed location of the rock

There are people who are not satisfied with this wording of the address. They are not local, and it means nothing to them. For them, there is a special explanation of where the White Rock is located in the Crimea. Its location is 50 kilometers from Simferopol and five kilometers from the highway from the capital of the republic to Feodosia. You need to drive through the city of Belogorsk about one kilometer to the northeast, and then four kilometers to the village of Belaya skala. He is at the very bottom of it. Now, probably, everyone will understand where the local celebrity is located. It remains only to indicate that it rises directly above the valley of the local river Biyuk-Karasu. The height difference between the top of the cliff and the valley is one hundred meters.

The origin of the rock

A very interesting question - where did it come from and how did this unusual beauty? It was formed as a result of weathering and erosion of Paleogene and Cretaceous sandstones and limestones. This process is an example of the well-known cuesto relief. The weathering of the mountain in the upper part created oval niches, grottoes, pillars.

Weathering products are constantly accumulating below - erosion hollows, piles of boulders, scree. Some plants hold back erosion in places. These are thickets of hornbeam and wild rose. All this contributes to the beauty of the White Rock monument (Crimea). The photos posted here convey only part of this splendor.

The history of this cultural monument, excavations

In the sixties and seventies of the last century, at the foot of the cliff, on its northern side, the Crimean expedition of paleontology excavated twenty sites of a primitive man of the Mousterian era. We found a lot of flint points, scrapers, knives. They found a sufficient number of various bone remains of the disappeared fauna of the peninsula near them: an onager, a wild horse, a primitive bull, a saiga, a giant noble deer, a mammoth and others. During the excavations, a fragment of the skull of a Neanderthal, an adult, was first found here, and later the remains of a child of the same time.

The reason is the favorableness of the territory of the White Rock object (Crimea) for housing: river water, many sheds and grottoes, deposits of the necessary flint. Even a high cliff was useful - it was ideal for hunting many animals. Already in our era, in the first centuries, Sarmatians lived here in a cave. According to some assumptions, it then served as a sanctuary, a kind of temple. Tamgas were found - signs belonging to the clans of that time, which were carved in stone and this confirmed the ownership of these territories.

Scythian barrows, caves and place of execution

Many burial mounds are located on the plateau. At the foot of the cliff in the Middle Ages lived Shirin, the leader of one of the wealthy Tatar families. Access to the upper cave is very difficult, since the entrance to it is located at a distance of 52 meters from the sole in the form of a circle-shaped hole and from the edge of the cliff at 49 meters. There are three legends dedicated to Altyn-Teshik:

  1. This cave is the lair of a serpent who was a werewolf. He kidnapped handsome men around and brought them here.
  2. This cave stretches very far - to Feodosia.
  3. Here the robbers hid a chest of gold.

Elder families were elected on the rock, Murzas dissatisfied with the Khan of Crimea gathered here. In the Middle Ages, Ak-Kaya was famous place executions. In front of Bogdan Khmelnytsky, who sometimes visited here, captives were thrown off the cliff in order for the hetman to pay the ransom on time. Suvorov's headquarters was here in 1777. In 1783, the Crimean nobility took the oath of allegiance to Russia here.

What are these places now?

If you are a fan of ancient sights, come to Belogorsk (Crimea). The white rock will enchant you with its beauty. Although, if you get close enough, you will see that the wall of this giant is not white, but has a creamy tint. You can immediately notice a large number of caves and grottoes. In their darkness, one can imagine many dark tunnels that go into the darkness of the dungeons. But in reality, most often they turn out to be small cavities. The white rock has a slightly overhanging “cornice”, under which relief patterns stretch.

They look like honeycombs, some outlandish. They are sometimes called weathering honeycombs, formed as a result of the bombardment of rocks by particles of rocks - sand, which is carried by the wind. The wind that blows here from the west has not only formed small honeycomb shapes, it has also created windows round shape, grottoes, various niches, as well as columns, and they have been propped up for many years upper tier. The “roof” of the entire kilometer of the rock is outlined by a weathering belt - horizontal, about a meter wide. From below, the rocks are covered with cones of rubble talus, which are well cut by erosion furrows and ruts. On them in some places there are blocks of limestone of huge size. It is recommended to climb the rock in the late afternoon: soft lighting, not hot, distances open up for observation. If you want to see all the holes, follow the path located in the west of the cliff. And don't forget to shoot, shoot, shoot all the time. Numerous photographs will remind you of this excursion.

Entertainment for outdoor enthusiasts

If you are bored relaxing holiday, and you want to cheer yourself up well, then for brave tourists there are organized jumps from the White Rock (Crimea), carried out from a height of 120 meters. Since only 20 jumps are possible per day, prior registration is required: the event is organized by the Adrenaline active recreation club. Jumps are performed with a rope, the first - for 1200 rubles, the next - for 900. If you wish, you can climb the rock for 180 rubles on a horse.

The program is very active, including camping and gatherings around a friendly fire. Its cost includes a video-photo report as a keepsake, everything is then laid out on VKontakte. Those who dare to jump are awarded a certificate. Safety is guaranteed, and there are a lot of impressions about 80 meters of free fall.

Fishing at the White Rock

As we have already reported, the local river Biyuk-Karasu flows not far from the rock. One of the best fishing in the Crimea is organized on it. White Rock is a great landmark for this. The area of ​​the reservoir is 4.8 hectares. The pond is equipped in the Belogorsky district, the village of Ukrainka. To get to it, you need to go along the Feodosiya highway from Simferopol to the village of Zuya, this is about 18 kilometers, then turn left to the desired locality(another eight kilometers). Here for carp fishing there is a special reservoir, fishing is carried out according to the “catch-and-release” rule.

You can catch cupid, silver carp, carp - Hungarian, mirror and scaly. You can stay in equipped cabins. That is, those who did not set out to swim in the sea will be satisfied with how they spent their vacation.

How much I traveled around the Crimea, I always had the feeling that on this island of land someone had collected geological and landscape beauties from almost all over the world - so many different reliefs and views can be found here.
One of these places can be called the White Rock, which will be discussed today.
Almost in the middle of the Crimea, between the Main mountain range and the endless steppes, an extremely unusual cuest formation rises more than 300 meters, reminiscent of the world-famous landscapes of Arizona (albeit with the exception of the color scheme) - the vertical wall of Ak-Kaya, or White rock.
It is hard to imagine, but this rock was once the seabed, as evidenced by the huge number of fossilized shells and mollusks that come across here just under your feet.
Ever since Soviet times, this place has been chosen by directors making films about the American West, Indians and not only - in different time on the White Rock they filmed "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", "Mustang Pacer", "The Leader of the Redskins", "Mirage", "Cipollino", "Armed and Very Dangerous", "Kings and Cabbage", "Lobo", "Changers" , "Wonderful Valley", "Headless Horseman", "Airplane Flies to Russia", "Witch Dungeon", "Escape to the End of the World", "Code of the Apocalypse", etc.

2. White rock is located in the Belogorsk region of Crimea above the valley of the Biyuk-Karasu river. If you get to it from the north, you will not immediately realize that you are heading for an incredible cliff - you are driving along steppe roads that roll over hills and suddenly ... there is a sheer wall under you.
From the south, the rock looks exactly like in the photo - Ak-Kaya directly on the left, Mount Ajilar on the right. Between them, a crumbling winding road goes up, along which they used to climb the plateau. Now there is an asphalt road to the right of Ajilar, from which a dirt road already branches off at the top, passing almost along the edge of Ajilar and Ak-Kai.

3. The White Rock was formed by the erosion and weathering of Cretaceous limestones and sandstones over many thousands of years. If you stand under the rock itself, at the foot you can clearly see the mounds of what were once rock walls

4. Plateau on Mount Ajilar. Here, at the foot of Ajilar and further, in the hollow between it and Ak-Kaya, the very films that I mentioned at the very beginning were filmed

5. Views from the plateau of Mount Ajilar

6. Field geometry

7. And in the distance you can already see the White Rock

8. The same giant repeater, which I have already mentioned earlier, is also located here.

9. At the foot of the White Rock, more than one city was built with scenery for filming. Everything that you saw, for example, in "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", was located exactly in this place under the rock.

10. Views from the White Rock

11. The tip of the rock wall. It feels like someone just cut off all the excess with a knife

12. The height here is about 325 meters above sea level

13. The old road that led to the rock. Today, you can climb it only on a well-prepared off-road vehicle.

14. Faults in the upper part of the plateau. There are generally a lot of faults, natural grottoes and caves.

15. Rock wall of the White Rock. Below you can clearly see the scree created by the wind.

16. One day these "small" pieces will fall off and fly down with a roar

17. At the foot of the White Rock in the 70s, about 20 sites of primitive man of the Mousterian era were excavated.
And near the ancient hearths, a large number of bone remains of the extinct fauna of the Crimea were found: mammoth, cave bear, giant and red deer, saiga, primitive bull, wild horse, onager, etc.

18. One of the breaks on the rock wall

19. But once it was the seabed. Yes, it's hard to believe, but it's true. Here and there under your feet you come across such stone blocks, which consist entirely of fossilized shells.

20. Clam frozen in stone

21. Somewhere it's just a piece of rock

22. Some mollusks themselves became pebbles.

23. White rock, view from the road. This is how most people passing by see it.

24. Layer cake created by wind and time...

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