Fauna of the Republic of Belarus: features, examples and photos of animals. Animals of the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus: description with photos and videos of wildlife, features of the animal world of Belarus Animals living in Belarusian forests

Fauna of Belarus animals herbivores insectivores predators (carnivores) omnivores These are herbivores These are carnivores These are omnivores Beasts Birds Reptiles Animals Insects Amphibians Fish Diversity of the animal world BISON What kind of help do people give to bison? Bear A kind hero of Russian fairy tales who loves honey and raspberries. In Belarus lives……… Omnivorous bear Makes a den. He sleeps all winter. ELK Touching the grass with its hooves, a handsome man walks through the forest. He walks boldly and easily, with his horns spread wide. LYNX BOAR What does a wild boar look like? Why? Why does he need big fangs? Tell us about his life in the forest. Raccoon FOX Look how it's all burning like gold. He walks around in an expensive fur coat, his tail is fluffy and large. Fox Does not change color. Doesn't prepare the home. Doesn't make supplies WOLF lx MARTEN The marten lives in .... She eats... How did she adapt to the living conditions? The meaning of marten in nature... I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest, I gnaw nuts in a hollow on an old oak tree. Squirrel Squirrel Changes fur color. Insulates the home. Making supplies. Hare The hare has no den, He does not need a hole. Legs save you from enemies, And bark protects you from hunger. Hare Changes fur color. The house is not being built. He doesn't sleep all winter. HEDGEHOG The angry touch-me-not lives in the wilderness of the forest. There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. Make food chains including the hedgehog. Birds nightingale hawk Capercaillie lives in .... Why is it called that? He eats... Tell us about his lifestyle. Capercaillie Kite Describe appearance kite. Tell us how he adapted to his living conditions. Make a food chain, prove the value of this bird for nature. STORK Describe the appearance of the stork. How is it different from other birds? Where does the stork live? How does it build nests? What does a stork eat? What signs are associated with this bird? Make a food chain including the stork. Owl Describe the bird. Eagle owl lives in... He eats... What kind of life does he lead? Why? The meaning of the eagle owl in nature... Make a food chain including an eagle owl in it. Woodpecker Describe the bird. Tell us about how a woodpecker eats. Does a woodpecker bring benefit or harm? Prove it. Create a food chain that includes a woodpecker. crickets Insects bumblebee Amphibians and reptiles Fish Find out the animal Find out the animal 1 2 3 Find out the animal by description Large animal, lives in mixed forests, lives in families, feeds on vegetation, was exterminated in the 20th century, but now its numbers are recovering. Bison Find out the animal by description A fast, dexterous, predatory animal that lives in our forests, from the cat family. Lynx Make a food chain. Explain. Test yourself Bushes, trees Elk Wolf Continue the statements. Explain them. Hardworking, like Cunning, like Go ahead, like Digging in the ground, like Crackling, like Mumbling, like Roaring, like Pounding, like Big-Eyed, like Quiet, like Ant Fox Elk Mole Magpie Wood grouse Bear Woodpecker Owl Mouse Guess what insect this is? In the fall it will climb into the crack, and in the spring it will wake up. (M......) A violinist lives in a meadow, wears a tailcoat and gallops. (K......) It flutters over the flower, dances, and waves its patterned fan. (B……..) Whoever lives behind the stove doesn’t let me sleep at night. (S……..) The light will go out and then light up at night in the grove. Guess what his name is. (S…….) The blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (S………) The nose is long, the voice is thin. Whoever kills him will shed his blood. (K……….) In the forest by the fire there is bustle, running around: the working people are busy all day. (M……….) She takes the juice from the flowers and stores sweet honey in the honeycombs. (P………) Remember! All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed. Do not kill snakes, even poisonous ones, frogs, toads and their tadpoles. Don't cut cobwebs in the forest and don't kill spiders. Do not catch butterflies, bumblebees, dragonflies and other insects. Do not destroy anthills and bumblebee nests. Don't catch wild animals and take them home. Do not catch and take home healthy baby animals. In nature, adult animals will take care of them. Don't destroy birds' nests. Don’t make noise in the forest, in the park. Don’t leave garbage in the forest, in the park, in the meadow, or by the river. Make and hang birdhouses in the spring and feeders in the winter. Take care of the earth! Take care of the earth! Take care of the lark in the blue zenith, The butterfly on the dodder leaves, The sun's glare on the paths... Take care of Kindness and Pity, So that they fight for the weak. Take care of the future for the sake of... M. Dudin.

Some species of these still exist in other regions, others have disappeared from the face of the earth forever. introduces animals that are no longer in Belarus.

According to former minister natural resources and security environment Belarus Valentin Malishevsky, over the past 200-300 years, approximately 10 species of animals have disappeared from the wild nature of Belarus. In the Red Book of Belarus, some of them are classified as “Regionally Extinct” (RE), others are lost forever.

Baltic sturgeon

Fisherman's Street stretches along the right bank of the Neman in the historical center of Grodno. 500 years ago there was a small settlement here - Fisherman's Suburb. Its residents had state privileges because they were engaged in fishing. Salmon and other fish caught here went to the table of the highest persons.

It was in the Neman that sturgeon was caught. The majestic fish had a length of up to 350 centimeters and a weight of up to 320 kg. Huge sturgeons could carry up to 80 kg of caviar. The fishery was strictly controlled by the state. Sturgeon were found in the North and Baltic Seas, and in May-June they went to spawn in fresh river beds. Traveling several hundred kilometers, the fish often appeared on the territory of Belarus. This continued until the 1910s. Ruthless extermination and economic development of rivers have led to a reduction in the number of swimming individuals and a significant decrease in their size. The “cross” to the spread of Baltic (Atlantic) sturgeon in the country was put by the launch of the Kaunas hydroelectric station, the dam of which blocked the path to the upper reaches of the Neman.

The famous ichthyologist Prokhor Zhukov reports that the last sturgeon in the country was caught in 1958 by workers of the Grodno artel. We haven't seen this fish since then. In the world, the sturgeon fishery has been preserved in North America. There are about 300 individuals left in the Black Sea and Bay of Biscay.


Beautiful and powerful bird last time was observed in the Pruzhany area of ​​the Brest region in 1931. Today the species is considered regionally extinct, and in the world bustards are under threat of complete extinction.

The steppe bird is about 1 m long, and its wingspan can reach 200 cm or more. Bright and rich plumage makes the bustard one of the most beautiful birds. This turned it into a valuable trophy. Mass hunting in the middle of the nineteenth century led to a sharp drop in numbers. It was especially difficult for bustards in the fall: the birds do not have the characteristic gland that secretes an oily liquid that prevents their plumage from getting wet. As a result, with the onset of frost, the bustard’s wings simply froze and people beat them with sticks.

In Belarus, bustards were distributed throughout the south of the country.

Common muskrat

There is unconfirmed evidence that the common muskrat is still found on the territory of the Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve. And 100 years ago, point habitats were noted along the entire course of the Dnieper.

The muskrat has a conical, elongated nose. The body shape of this “living fossil” has not changed in 30 million years. Small size (20 cm), tail of the same length and weight up to 0.5 kg. Muskrat, which in the 18th century was still found in the area of ​​the river. We tried to restore the conversation several times. From 1951 to 1962 V different regions countries released hundreds of animals several times, but failed to achieve a sustainable result. The last time a muskrat was seen was in 1970 on Ptich.

One of the reasons for the disappearance of the muskrat was competition from the American mink. This animal has been bred since 1933. By 1970, about 7,000 individuals were released into the wild. Mink destroys much more birds, than he can eat and behaves very aggressively. As a result, rodents and mustelids began to cede their habitats to the overseas guest.


It is the wolverine that most often serves as the prototype of the legendary “chupacabra”. Very vividly described largest representative mustelid historian Matvey Mekhovsky in the 16th century:

“There is also in Lithuania and Muscovy a very voracious and useless animal, not found in other places, called the wolverine. She is the size of a dog, with a cat's muzzle, body and tail similar to a fox, black in color; feeds on corpses."

Large claws, dangerous fangs, powerful build, length up to 1 meter and weight up to 30 kg - a rather serious opponent for any animal, including humans.

Wolverine prefers to live in quiet places, away from noise and possible meetings with anyone. Therefore, it may be good that there are no wolverines in Belarus today. In search of food, the animal can travel several tens of kilometers per night, which means that encounters with it, given the size of the country, would be more than frequent.

In the XVII-XIX centuries, the wolverine was found in mixed and deciduous forests Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. But by the middle of the 19th century, the species was not found in the country. Wolverine prefers the taiga. Experts note that wolverines lived in Belarus when there was much less civilization here. Today their restoration is impossible. But occasionally penetrating single individuals stimulate the emergence of “urban legends.”

According to the Resolution of the Ministry of Natural Resources of 2014 No. 26, the list of rare and endangered species of wild animals included in the country’s Red Book consists of more than 200 species of fish, animals, birds, insects, and mollusks.

forest cat

An unusual, but rather aggressive predator. Outwardly, it resembles a domestic cat, gray in color and with striped fur. But the dimensions are noticeably larger - body length up to 80 cm, height 35 cm, powerful chopped tail 30 cm and body weight up to 8 kg.

The last individual was recorded in 1927 in the Borisov region. Some experts agree that this specimen came from neighboring countries. There has never been a large stable population of the animal in Belarus.

The cat leads a solitary lifestyle, coming together in pairs only during the mating period. Hunts for small mammals, can sometimes attack the cubs of large animals.

Population restoration project forest cat in the Polesie Radiation-Ecological Reserve was rejected. There is a risk of the cat spreading beyond the territory, and an aggressive animal can be dangerous to households.

The same Minister of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Valentin Malishevsky, stated about 10 years ago that “the Ministry of Natural Resources is initiating the return of fallow deer and tarpan, which disappeared more than 200 years ago, to the wild nature of the republic.”


A subspecies of the steppe tarpan, the forest one, lived in Belarus in the Middle Ages. Since Neolithic times, people have hunted this artiodactyl for its meat and skin. The population began to decline sharply and XVII century It was already quite difficult to meet the animal. The last wild tarpan was killed in 1814 near Kaliningrad. In Belarus they disappeared approximately earlier. And at the beginning of the 19th century, the last tarpans of Belovezhskaya Pushcha were distributed to local residents.

Already in the 21st century, attempts were made to restore the genome of the animal based on tarpan-like horses, but that is a completely different story.


The majestic animal now looks at us only from paintings and frescoes. The tour is considered the progenitor of all major cattle. It was the herds of aurochs that went to feed the army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania on the eve of the Battle of Grundval. For several centuries, the bull population was subjected to merciless extermination, fulfilling the task of supplying warriors. And so the tour disappeared.

The last bull died in 1627 in Poland. The tur had a height of almost 180 cm, and the body weight of an adult male could reach 1000 kg. Head of the beast Such dimensions made the bull the largest animal in the region.

Mostly aurochs lived in the forest-steppe. Often the herds went into secluded forested areas, which determined the distribution of animals in Belarus. Gradually the forests were reduced to arable land. Hunting for the aurochs increased in scale and by 1400 the animal was already protected at the legislative level. But it was not possible to save the hero of epics and myths.

Bonus: one animal that comes back to us


For more than 100 years, the graceful animal has not been found in the country. In the century before last, a large population lived in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. The large artiodactyl has a body length of about 1.5 meters and a height of up to 100 cm. The weight of a male can reach 100 kg.

The fallow deer has always been the desired trophy of the hunter. During the times of the warriors who tormented the territory of Belarus since the time of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, fallow deer were harvested to feed the army. Then hunting for this not at all shy and not secretive animal became entertainment. Gradually, the population depleted and since the end of the 19th century, fallow deer have not been found in the country.

Today, in some hunting farms, as well as in Pripyat national park, small groups of animals undergo acclimatization. Scientists are observing the adaptation of fallow deer to modern conditions countries. In the case of positive dynamics, the species will gradually release into natural environment a habitat. In the north of the country, 300 individuals purchased in Lithuania have already been released into the wild.

The Republic of Belarus is located in Eastern Europe. The borders of this Republic pass through Lithuania, Poland, Latvia, Russia and Ukraine.

Every city in Belarus is historically important for the whole world. Coming here, tourists try to visit every corner of this country: Minsk, Gomel, Polotsk, Vitebsk, Brest. These cities keep many historical secrets. Ancient buildings are a landmark of each of them - Brest Fortress, Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Gorodnenschyna, various palaces and national parks.

Flora of Belarus

The Belarusian flora is quite beautiful and diverse. Forest vegetation predominates over other plant species. Here you can see wide pine forests, and small areas occupied by the remaining forest formations.

Forest-forming trees are: pine, gray alder, birch and oak. Maples, lindens, ash and aspens also grow in the forest spaces.

Pribuzhskoye Popolesie is famous for the fact that its territories contain sandy meadows and floodplain forests. Such vegetation is very rare in Belarus. As a rule, they are represented by taiga forests, juniper woodlands and heather heaths.

In the floodplains of the rivers you can see preserved eutrophic and steppe meadows.

The lands of Pribuzhsky Polesye are suitable for the growth of various vascular plants - majestic chistolista and common stinkhorn. Also growing here are common grass and Australian mistletoe.

Among the subarctic species there are bearberry and wild rosemary, and among the pontic species there are mountain clover, silver cinquefoil, steppe timothy, and Polesie fescue. Representatives of boreal species are: female moss, trefoil, blueberry, bilberry, lingonberry, moss moss, brittle willow and common spruce. Nemoral species are represented by common hornbeam, smooth and rough elm, and linden.

The vegetation of the swamps is also diverse. Forb-sedge, grass-sedge and large-sedge species grow here. The main bog plants are: willow, black alder, downy birch, as well as wild rosemary, cranberry, bog myrtle, and hypnotic mosses.

A lot is growing in Belarus medicinal plants, the main representatives of which are: sage, calendula, sea buckthorn, coltsfoot, valerian officinalis, rose hips, peppermint, plantain, lungwort, thyme, immortelle and marsh cinquefoil.

Poisonous Belarusian plants are belladonna, vekh, spotted hemlock, lily of the valley and wolf's bast.

An interesting insectivorous plant is Aldrovanda vesica.

Fauna of Belarus

The Belarusian fauna is also distinguished by its diversity of species.

Forests are the most populated ecosystems of the Republic. The main representatives of the forests are: elk, wild boars, red deer, roe deer. You can also see hares, hedgehogs, weasels and martens here. Rare representative Red Data Book of Belarus European bison.

But not all forest animals are common. Rare species include the lynx, badger and brown bear., marten. Rare and protected species of animals include: bison (inhabitant of Belovezhskaya Pushcha).

IN deciduous forests There are green and white-backed woodpeckers, woodpeckers, white-necked flycatchers and little flycatchers, spruce crossbills, bullfinches, nutcrackers, pygmy owls and others.

In the areas of rivers and lakes there are bitterns, white-cheeked and white-winged terns, and grey-cheeked grebes.

In the reeds and reed thickets you can see the small crake, whiskered tit and nightingale cricket.

Found in aquatic areas rare view ducks - white-eyed ducks. A rare species of bird that lives in the meadows is the godwit.

Predatory representatives of birds are: white-tailed eagle, osprey, golden eagle, hobby.

Among the bat representatives of Belarus, the most common are: European broad-eared bat and Natterer's bat.

The main inhabitants of the swamps are turtles, reed toads, frogs, lizards, snakes and vipers.

The world of invertebrates is very wide, but little studied. It is known that the hermit waxweed lives in the hollows of trees, and the black Apollo butterfly and large raft spider live in the swamps.


The nature of Belarus is very extraordinary. In the vastness of this country you can meet many wild animals that are one of a kind.

wild nature Belarus is famous for its large number of rare wild animals. The diversity of wildlife is about 457 species of vertebrate animals and about twenty thousand invertebrate animals.

On the territory of the republic you can see more than seventy species of mammals, the most famous and widespread of them are wild boars, wolves, beavers and others.

But one of the more famous is the Belovezhsk bison. Its number has already reached more than 450 individuals. IN northern forests There are at least 100 bears living in Belarus. In addition, there are about two thousand wolves in the country. Also, among vertebrates we can distinguish a large number of birds, namely more than three hundred species. This is almost twice the number of amphibians, mammals and reptiles. Reptiles include a small number of species of turtles, snakes and lizards. The ichthyofauna of Belarus contains about 58 species of fish, 45 of which are indigenous, and the rest were brought for breeding in the vastness of the republic.


Economically - industrial types wild animals

A considerable amount of Belarusian fauna is widely used for the needs of economic production. The most valuable resources for the population are hares, roe deer, elk, and wild boar. In addition, American mink, deer and marten are of considerable importance in the economic industry.

Due to changes in habitat, poaching, and also as a result of wolf pressure, the population of artiodactyls is changing significantly.

Waterfowl species are widely used for sport hunting.

I play all the animals a lot important role in human life and in nature itself. So, animal world Belarus is divided into several groups, according to the meaning of certain animal species in nature.

  • Animals that are very rare and less common: stone marten, ermine, European mink.
  • Animals that are widespread and play an important role in economic production: pine marten, otter, hare, fox - provide expensive fur; wild boar, deer, elk provide high-calorie meat.
  • Animals whose numbers have dropped significantly due to poaching, as well as the hunting of which is prohibited in Belarus, are the European bison and brown bear.
  • Animals that have a bad impact on human life and its industry are mice and voles (they are also the causative agents of many infectious diseases) .
  • Acclimatized animals are mink, raccoon dog, and raccoon itself.

In addition to the above, the common viper is of particular importance to humans. Which, thanks to its poison, provides the necessary elements for the production of drugs, in particular vipraxin.

Brown bear

Thus, we can conclude that animal nature Belarus is unique and inimitable. Many wild animals add to its colorfulness and picturesqueness. The fauna of this republic gives a bright note to the animal world. Nowhere can you find such harmonious and unsurpassed beauty as in the territory and vastness of Belarus.

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