We are opening a cocktail bar. Business selling oxygen cocktails

Nowadays you can make money on almost everything and even on air, that is, on oxygen cocktails. This brings good profits and pays off in a short time, which is quite important. The most important thing is to find buyers who will be happy to buy your product.

Modern people have begun to think more often about their health, so cocktails saturated with oxygen have become in great demand. They are an oxygen-enriched drink that is recommended for athletes, pregnant women, and people with a lack of oxygen in the blood. During times Soviet Union such cocktails were offered in sports complexes and various medical institutions, for example, in . Now such drinks are served in restaurants.

Where to begin?

If you are interested in oxygen cocktail as a business, you should know that the demand for this drink is constantly growing. Today it has become more in demand than several decades ago. To make a profit, you need to sell about 30 servings per day. This business does not require large investments, and the profit will be decent.

Healthy drinks can be sold in restaurants and shopping centers. It is better to locate an oxy-bar in places with a large flow of visitors, but at the same time, customers should feel comfortable and cozy. You can prepare a portion of the drink in literally 5 minutes.

Price policy

Entrepreneurs implementing a business plan oxygen cocktails, develop it taking into account other services that they offer comprehensively.

To prepare one cocktail you need to spend:

  • Fruit juice – 30 ml;
  • Special syrup – 5 ml;
  • Disposable tableware – spoon and glass.

All this will cost 2.22 rubles. For the year, expenses will amount to 35 thousand rubles per year. Salary for implementers is 6 thousand rubles. If there are two retail outlets, 144 thousand rubles will be spent on the salaries of salespeople per year. Renting a retail outlet will cost approximately 36 thousand rubles. Total expenses will be 245 thousand rubles per year, and the sale of oxygen cocktails will bring 780 thousand rubles, provided that 50 drinks are sold per day at 50 rubles. Such a business usually pays for itself in literally 4 months.

It is advisable to sell cocktails in places where there are large crowds of people. The highest profitability is in entertainment and shopping centers. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on raw materials. The biggest expense is the purchase of equipment. It pays for itself in literally six months.


To sell oxygenated drinks, you will need a retail outlet with an area of ​​1-2 square meters. meters.

In addition, you need to purchase:

  • Apparatus for making cocktails – 50 thousand rubles;
  • Bar counter – 30 thousand rubles;
  • Chair – 2 thousand rubles;
  • Cash register – 15 thousand rubles;

Menu with prices

You will have to spend about 55 thousand rubles on equipment for oxygen cocktails. It will take another 5 thousand rubles to complete the documents. You need to have this money on hand immediately.

To prepare cocktails you will need an oxygen concentrator and a cocktail maker. All equipment operates from the mains.

Where to sell oxygen cocktails?

Best sold in health related establishments and high traffic areas such as .

You can sell such drinks in:

  1. In hospitals;
  2. Swimming pools;
  3. On children's playgrounds;
  4. In shopping centers;
  5. In sports schools.

Profit largely depends on the traffic of the point and the cost of one cocktail. For example, in elite fitness clubs and beauty salons there are few visitors, but the cost of one drink is high, so the profit will be decent.


To sell health drinks you will not need any certificates, since the equipment is certified government agencies, like household appliances.

To get started, just register as individual entrepreneur. It is better to pay taxes using a simplified system. You do not need permission from the SES, since all ingredients for preparing drinks are certified.


In a bar selling such drinks, main man- this is oxyjay. He communicates with clients and offers them “oxygen sessions.” He must be able to create the right bouquet and mix different scents. In addition, the seller must correctly select the appropriate cocktail depending on the age and condition of the client.

Finding workers for such a bar is not difficult, since this is an elite profession that pays well.

Before opening an oxygen bar, you need to familiarize yourself with some simple rules:
  1. Don't skimp on buying a cocktail. It should be convenient, productive and attractive. The equipment should be placed in the most visible place so that customers can see how their order is being prepared. A solid installation inspires trust and respect.
  2. It should be remembered that making an oxygen cocktail is not an easy task, which requires certain knowledge and skills. It is important to know how to properly create various compositions and use special ingredients. The new mixtures have a pleasant taste and balanced composition. They are designed for the mass buyer.
  3. There should be a friendly OJ working at the bar. He talks about the benefits of drinks and communicates politely with customers. Hire only open, friendly employees. Thanks to this, you can significantly increase your sales.
  4. Of course, you can prepare an oxygen cocktail at home without equipment. To do this, use an oxygen mixer or cocktail. But many people don't do this. They go to oxygen bars to relax and also enjoy a cozy and healthy atmosphere.

Video on the topic Video on the topic


The highest profitability of the cocktail business is in the regions. Usually in Not big cities rental prices for retail space are much lower. In addition, wages are low here. Despite the fact that the attendance of points in the regions is lower, the profit can be much greater. This niche is available in many cities. Therefore, you need to think about whether this might be worth doing.

You can negotiate with the administration and sell drinks in schools or kindergartens. The state provides subsidies for this social cause. If the business develops successfully, the profit from one school will be 21 thousand rubles. One set of equipment can be transported to different schools and kindergartens on certain days. Thanks to this, your income will increase by 1.5 times. The initial investment will pay off in literally 2–3 months.


Selling cocktails with oxygen foam is a simple and straightforward business in which there is no seasonality factor. In addition, this is a very useful thing that gives people health.

Thanks to the educational activities of fitness clubs and sanatoriums, the demand for such products is constantly growing. At minimum investment an oxygen bar will pay for itself in a few months.

-> Entertainment and hotel business, tourism, catering, beauty, health, medicine

What is an oxygen cocktail

Oxygen cocktails– these are tasty and satisfying drinks that are foam from a huge number of bubbles that contain high concentrations of oxygen. Oxygen cocktails remove toxins from the body, normalize metabolism and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, help get rid of depression and migraines, improve complexion and increase performance.

The idea of ​​oxygen cocktails was invented in the 60s of the last century by our compatriot, scientist N.N. Sirotinin. Thanks to your beneficial properties These cocktails quickly became popular. They were mandatory introduced into the diet of schoolchildren, athletes and pregnant women. But, over time, this health-improving and preventive trend in our country came to naught. Today, the need to drink an oxygen cocktail has been discussed again, which is due to the increase in the number of health institutions - fitness centers, sanatoriums.

Why are oxygen cocktails a profitable item of trade, and how do they attract their customers?

Firstly, oxygen cocktails are a great treat. Made with egg powder and fruit syrup, they are delicious.

Secondly, oxygen cocktails are a product instant cooking, In this sense this product competes successfully with ice cream, popcorn and other similar treats.

And, most importantly, oxygen cocktails in highest degree good for the health. One glass of this delicacy saturates the body with oxygen no less than a long walk on the fresh air in the summer park.

Taking into account all these factors together, it should not be surprising that cocktail machines can now be found in many sports complexes, fitness centers or swimming pools; establishments that offer oxygen cocktails to customers are much more popular than similar establishments in the neighborhood that lack this services.

Today, each person can completely independently create business for the production and sale of oxygen cocktails. This business does not require large capital investments and has a very high return on investment.

The production and sale of oxygen cocktails will be especially relevant in large cities, where the air is heavily polluted by car exhaust fumes and people are especially concerned about their health.

Points selling oxygen cocktails can be installed in pharmacies, schools, kindergartens, sanatoriums, shopping centers, large cinemas, sports complexes, fitness clubs and swimming pools. Oxygen cocktails will also be popular among visitors to beauty salons due to their positive effect on skin condition and appearance.

Opening a business selling oxygen cocktails

To prepare this tasty and healthy drink in mass quantities, you need special equipment - oxygen concentrator and oxygen cocktailer, in which foam is formed from the filled liquid base. The cost of equipment today is quite low, which will allow you to open your own profitable business for selling oxygen cocktails without large initial investments.

To evaluate the idea of ​​organizing a business selling oxygen cocktails, let's look at approximate costs of starting and running this business at the initial stages.

One-time expenses:

  • Oxygen equipment (oxygen concentrator and mixer for making cocktails) – about 30,000 rubles,
  • Cash register - about 10,000 rubles,
  • Bar counter where cocktails will be prepared - about 30,000 rubles,
  • A chair for an employee costs about 2,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses:

  • Renting a retail space (2-3 sq.m. is enough) - on average about 5,000 rubles,
  • Packaged juices, syrups and foaming agent - the costs are small, taking into account the fact that 60 servings of cocktail can be prepared from 1 liter of juice, and the foaming agent is included with the equipment,
  • Disposable spoons and cups – about 1200 rubles,
  • The salary of one employee varies depending on the region.

To open an oxygen bar you do not need any special permits. It is enough to have printed certificates for the equipment, the foaming mixture and the seller’s medical book. It is also necessary to register the products and retail outlet with the SES (Rospotrebnadzor), which will additionally cost approximately 15,000 rubles.

Now let's count how much can you earn from this.

The cost of one serving of cocktail (400 ml) is no more than 8 rubles. The price of the same portion for the end consumer usually ranges from 50-100 rubles. Not bad?!

An example of calculating the profitability of an oxygen bar.

average price sales of a portion of an oxygen cocktail in Moscow - 70 rubles. Gross profit per serving of cocktail is 62 rubles

In Russian regions – 40 rubles. Gross profit is 32 rubles

The number of cocktails sold per day is difficult to predict and depends on many factors, including the taste of the product, your pricing policy and the traffic of the place where the outlet will be located.

Let's say you sell 50 cocktails a day. Based on the fact that the price of one cocktail sold will be 50 rubles, daily revenue will be 2,500 rubles, and monthly – 75,000 rubles.

Thus, one outlet pays for itself in 2-3 months.

Especially profitable business the sale of oxygen cocktails may become worse in regions where wages are low and rental prices are lower than in the capital; Despite the relatively low traffic to retail outlets, business income in the regions may ultimately be higher.

The business of producing oxygen cocktails is a niche that has not yet been occupied in many regions. Check to see if oxygen cocktails are sold in your city, and if not, think about maybe this could be your business.

Some practical tips on how to open a profitable outlet selling oxygen cocktails.

  • The first thing you need to choose for your oxygen bar is oxygen cocktailer.
    An oxygen cocktail is a device from which an oxygen cocktail will come out. The cocktailer is connected to a source of oxygen, and the output is oxygen-enriched foam.
  • Don't skimp on purchasing an attractive, convenient, and productive cocktail maker.
    Place the oxygen concentrator in a visible place! Clients will see that in order to prepare oxygen cocktails, you specifically purchased a solid installation. This inspires respect and trust.
  • Proper Use special ingredients and compositions!
    In order for oxygen the cocktail was delicious, it's important to know the secrets to getting the best flavor. The taste is determined by the consistency (thickness), the type of water base (water, juice, syrup) and the foaming extract. It is especially necessary to take into account that some people have already tried an oxygen cocktail based on an outdated foaming composition with licorice extract. Now there are new mixtures that are distinguished by a balanced composition and pleasant taste, designed for the mass consumer.
  • Friendly Oxyjay(oxygen bar operator)!
    When a person who preparing an oxygen cocktail, is polite with people and talks with inspiration about a tasty and healthy oxygen cocktail, then sales statistics increase many times over. Hire friendly and open people for the position of OJ.

A modern way to make money is the oxygen cocktail business. We will describe in detail the profitability of the project and offer ready business plan on its implementation. After all, this business is not only promising, but also useful.

In the 60s of the last century, Russian scientists proved the healing effect of oxygen drinks and compared their use to a walk in the forest. This provoked a sharp increase in the installation of such devices in all sanitary resort areas of the country. Now the fashion for a healthy lifestyle is returning, so preparing and selling such a product is very profitable.

Business prospects

This project deservedly considered highly profitable. Its attractiveness is justified by the following factors:

  • The drinks are very tasty.
  • The benefits of oxygen for the body are confirmed by doctors and fitness trainers.
  • It improves concentration, increases strength and performance, improves metabolic processes, which immediately affects feeling good.
  • Preparing an oxygen cocktail does not require special knowledge and skills from the seller.
  • To organize activities, you do not need to fill out a lot of paperwork and purchase expensive equipment.
  • Competition in most cities is still low.

Kiosk format

You can start a business in different options:

  1. As a stationary point, located in a crowded place, where healthy drinks are offered on an ongoing basis. In this case, you can even arrange several chairs or tables for the convenience of visitors.
  2. A movable stand that can be easily placed anywhere. Depending on the situation and events in the city, you can set up a stall every day on new territory. Thus, they serve various parties, concerts, presentations, participate in master classes, etc., which is also advertising.
  3. Combined option - implies a combination of the two previous directions. At the same time, your stall has a stationary point, but when the opportunity arises to serve any event, you go there with a folding stand.

You can download it here for free as a sample.


Oxygen cocktails as a business do not require a particularly complex organization procedure. For this it is enough:

  • Register as an individual entrepreneur.
  • Choose a simplified taxation system.
  • Obtaining permission from the SES, which will be quite simple, since the ingredients used to make the drinks are already certified.

The entire registration procedure takes a minimum of time and costs little. And since you are not opening a separate building where visitors eat food, you can avoid various inspections by regulatory authorities.


You can install an oxy-bar in any crowded place. To do this, you need to rent an area of ​​2-5 square meters. m. on the street or, for example, in a shopping center. As such, no design or cosmetic repairs will be required. It is enough to place a bright and noticeable sign and conveniently arrange all the equipment and display case.

It is more important to pay attention to the place where the oxygen bar will be installed. The number of customers and daily revenue, and therefore the success of the entire business, largely depend on this. Experienced entrepreneurs advise considering the following accessible points:

  1. Fitness centers where health-oriented people come, they know about the benefits of oxygen for the active work of muscles during exercise.
  2. Cinemas and other entertainment centers, where there are quite a lot of visitors who can be attracted by a fashionable and healthy drink.
  3. Parks, beaches, recreation areas for families with children and tourists - they are not averse to pampering themselves with something interesting and tasty.
  4. Business centers – here you need to emphasize that an oxygen cocktail will help improve performance and increase the energy level of an office worker.
  5. Sanatorium and resort institutions, where such products are considered the most popular.
  6. A shopping center where there are quite a lot of visitors who sometimes want to relax and saturate their body with a healthy and nutritious drink.

Such oxy-bars are also appropriate to be located in educational and medical institutions. The main thing is to set up a stall in a visible place where many people want to try your product.

What do you need to open?

As already mentioned, not much special equipment is required. All you need to do is purchase:

  • the sales stand itself;
  • chairs for staff and visitors (optional);
  • cocktailer - a device for mixing ingredients.

To make an oxygen cocktail you need to constantly purchase necessary products. This drink is characterized by the presence of air bubbles mixed with a liquid base. To do this, you will need water or juice, syrup for taste and oxygen itself, sold in cylinders. Using a special apparatus, they create fruit foam that is very tasty, healthy for the body and aesthetically attractive.


To save money, you can make cocktails yourself. But with a large influx of people, it is advisable to hire two bartenders who will work in shifts. This way you can ensure sales every day without interruption.

There are no special requirements for personnel. It is enough for the sellers to be friendly and able to talk about the benefits of oxygen cocktails. It’s easy to learn how to operate the machine and mix a suitable base in 1-2 days.

To attract customers and spread information about your business, you can use different channels:

  1. Word of mouth – Ask your friends to tell everyone they know about your oxy bar.
  2. Advertising in local media - television, newspapers and magazines.
  3. Internet - creating a page with interesting information about the product, communication in in social networks, groups, on forums.
  4. Use a bright and attractive sign above the counter.
  5. Participate in various social and youth events, set up a stall at the venues of sports competitions, music concerts, children's festivals, etc.

Financial part

It is not for nothing that experts say that organizing a business selling oxygen cocktails is a very profitable and highly profitable project. Let's write down all the numbers in the table.

It is important to include monthly expenses in your business plan.

The cost of one serving is about 1.5 rubles. And if you sell at least 30 drinks a day for 100 rubles, then in a month you can earn 90,000. This means that in a short time you will cover all the initial costs of organizing a business and will be able to expand. If demand is high, over time you can create a franchise and teach other entrepreneurs to open similar stalls under your brand in different cities and regions.

Video: oxygen cocktail as a source of health.

As they say, everything new is well forgotten old. We all remember the cocktails made from licorice root that were given at school and kindergarten. Today, oxygen treats are again at the peak of popularity. A novice entrepreneur should pay attention to the given business plan for an oxygen bar with calculations.

Where to begin?

Before you create an oxygen bar business plan, you need to enter all the initial data.

  • Type of activity: oxygen bar.
  • Area: 8 sq. meters.
  • Premises: rent in a shopping center.
  • Number of seats: 4 seats.
  • Opening hours: from 10:00 to 21:00.
  • Form of ownership: individual entrepreneur.
  • Taxation system: UTII.

Menu includes:

  • Oxygen cocktails on different bases (juices, tea, milk, herbal preparations).
  • Teas and herbal infusions.
  • Healthy snacks.
  • Inhalations through a headset.

Organizational aspects

In the case of an oxygen bar, there is no need to create a limited liability company. There is no sale of alcoholic beverages here, no large areas and numerous staff. In addition, the individual entrepreneur has the right to apply “preferential” taxation systems (patent system).

Accounting will be carried out independently using an online service.

To open, you must go through the following steps:

Event type Price, rubles
Registration of individual entrepreneur (state duty) 800
Ordering and making a seal 1 000
Registering a cash register
Opening a current account 2 000
Registration with the tax service
Rental agreement for one year* 40 000
Notification of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of activities
Coordination of the production control program with Rospotrebnadzor
SES permission
Development and coordination of dish recipes

*The rental price is indicated for the first two months, including a deposit, then the rent is paid monthly.

The cost of registering a business and initial documents will be 43,800 rubles and about two weeks of time.

Technical equipment

Let's consider necessary equipment and furniture to fully equip an oxygen bar:

Name Quantity, pcs. Price for 1 piece, rubles Total, rubles
Oxygen concentrator (volume 5 liters) 1 25 0000 25 000
Mixer cocktail 1 5 000 5 000
Fridge 1 15 000 15 000
Bar counter 1 40 000 40 000
Bar chairs 4 10 000 40 000
Oxyj chair 1 5 000 5 000
Sink 1 5 000 5 000
Tap 1 5 000 5 000
Electric kettle 1 5 000 5 000
Cash machine 1 20 000 20 000
Headset 4 5 000 20 000
Kitchenware 5 000
Bar accessories (shaker, dispensers, etc.) 5 000
TOTAL 190 000

Raw materials

To make one cocktail you will need:

  • Base (fruit juice, tea, herbal infusion, milk) – 40 ml.
  • Foaming syrup – 10 ml.
  • Disposable tableware – glass, spoon and plastic straw.

At the very beginning, for the specified range you need to buy the following ingredients and consumables.

Name Quantity Price for 1 conventional unit product, rubles Total, rubles
Orange juice 10 l 100 1 000
Apple juice 10 l 100 1 000
Cherry juice 10 l 100 1 000
Other types of juices at your discretion 15 l 100 1 500
Green loose tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
Black loose leaf tea 1 kg 2 000 2 000
Herbal collection 1 kg 1 500 1 500
Milk 2.5% fat 10 l 70 700
Sugar syrup 5 l 200 1 000
Vanilla syrup 3 l 250 750
Chocolate syrup 3 l 300 900
Spoom mixtures for foam formation 15 packs of 100 pieces 400 6 000
Oxygen for the headset 4 cylinders of 5 liters 500 2 000
Muesli bars 150 pcs. 30 4 500
Disposable cups with logo 1,500 pcs. 5 7 500
Plastic spoon 1,500 pcs. 1 1 500
Plastic straws 3,000 pcs. 0,7 2 100
TOTAL 36 950

At the first stages, it will be difficult to determine the range of fruit juices, teas and herbal infusions. Only with experience will you be able to determine the required proportions of purchases. However, you will need 36,950 rubles monthly to purchase raw materials, provided that every day you sell 40 cocktails, 15 inhalations, 5 bars, 1 glass of tea, 1 glass of juice.


To sell cocktails at first, you need to hire 2 bartenders, who will become oxidizers in the oxygen bar. They will work in shifts, 15 days a month each. Bartenders must have a valid health certificate.


Without a competent PR campaign it is unlikely that you will be able to launch successful business. Let's give an example of how you can formulate a marketing strategy.

Also, do not neglect participation in exhibitions and presentations. As a rule, the organizers of these events pay the performer by the number of hours worked, and not by the products sold. However, there are also advantages: at such exhibitions you can acquire work contacts and advertise your bar for free.

Volume of capital expenditures

Schedule of work to launch the project

Planned performance indicators

One of the main advantages of opening an oxygen bar is the lack of seasonality. The launch of the project does not need to be tied to the time of year. It is possible to reach the break-even point within 3 months after opening.

To increase the flow of clients it is planned:

  • An hour before the bar closes, offer a 10% discount on the entire range.
  • Offer discounts on the cocktail of the day.
  • Offer sets of inhalation and oxygen cocktails at a lower price.

The establishment's revenue will consist of the following items:

  • Oxygen cocktails – 70%.
  • Inhalation through the nose – 20%.
  • Healthy snacks – 9%.
  • Tea and juices – 1%.

Expenditure part

This section can be divided into 2 components:

Part 1 is the cost of production. If you plan your purchases correctly, it will always pay off, since markups of about 300% will apply. At the planned capacity, about 37,000 rubles will be spent monthly on raw materials.

Part 2 includes general business expenses:

  • Rent of premises and utilities – 16,000 rubles.
  • Salary with deductions – 97,650 rubles.
  • Other consumables (cleaning products, wipes, garbage bags, air flavorings) – 5,000 rubles.
  • Advertising – 5,000 rubles.
  • Taxes – about 6,000 rubles per quarter.
  • Other expenses – 10,000 rubles.

The fund has the largest share in the structure of expenses wages(about 57%), raw materials (21.5%) and rent (9%).

Now let's calculate the profitability.

Product name Average market value of 1 piece, rubles Number of sales per day Number of sales per month (30 working days) Total amount, rubles
Oxygen cocktail 150 40 1 200 180 000
Oxygen inhalation 100 in 5 minutes 15 450 45 000
Muesli bar 60 5 150 9 000
1 glass of tea 50 1 30 1 500
1 glass of juice 90 1 30 2 700
Oxygen set (oxygen cocktail + inhalation) 200 3 90 18 000
TOTAL 65 1 950 256 200

Thus, monthly revenue will be 256,200 rubles. Net profit – 83,550 rubles. Profitability – 33%. It will take several months to reach such figures, so it is worth having a reserve Money 2-3 months in advance.

Financial plan

Index 1 year 2 year 3 year
Revenue 2 437 200 3 072 000 3 457 200
Net income 669 300 1 000 200 1 257 840
Efficiency 27,5% 33% 36%

Thus, the initial investment will pay off in less than one year.


  • Project start: any month.
  • Bar opening: in 4 months.
  • Reaching operational break-even: third month after opening.
  • Reaching projected income: fifth month after opening.
  • The payback period for the cafe-bar is 11 months.

A few nuances

There are a few details worth noting:

  • Install the equipment in a visible location.
  • Give the client the opportunity to see the cocktail preparation process.
  • Of great importance is the ability of the oxidizer to predict the desires of the visitor and create unique flavor mixes.
  • Bright flyers with introductory information on the counter will attract additional attention.


If you decide to open an oxygen bar, you don’t have to stop at detailed analysis competitors (just check their presence). This niche is still free. Within a year after opening a “flying shop” in a good location and under favorable circumstances, you will be able to open another outlet or create a traveling bar. The target audience is extremely wide: children, teenagers, athletes, people leading healthy image life and watching their diet. Even if an oxygen cocktail has a minimal therapeutic effect, it certainly does not harm the body. But no one has canceled the effect of placebo. Pleasant taste, a bright sign, a smiling waiter - this is what customers come and return for.

Also, before opening an oxygen bar, research all the small business support programs in your area. This project falls under a socially significant cluster, so you may have the opportunity to repay part of the initial investment through government grants and subsidies or receive a tax holiday.


Oxygen cocktails are health drinks invented by a Russian doctor in the 1970s. This unique product, actively consumed by people in relevant bars, has received international recognition as an effective medical remedy that promotes weight loss and improved sleep. Drinks based on fruit juice, enriched with oxygen, have a healing effect on the body of adults and children.

This product is especially relevant in regions with high level air pollution in megalopolises and big cities, so the business of selling oxygen cocktails is very relevant. It is believed that such a new generation drink is equivalent to a three-hour walk in the forest.

It is worth basing a business on these cocktails in recreation areas, entertainment centers, where there are a lot of children and vacationers. The ideal place to sell drinks would be a bar or club. In such establishments, the cocktail will take its rightful place among the desserts offered, because previously it was possible to try this health product only in sanatoriums and other health centers. Thanks to the pricing policy of restaurants, a portion of oxygen foam can be sold 2-3 times more expensive. This dietary dish Thanks to the foam, it fills the stomach and reduces the feeling of hunger.

Opening an oxygen business means supporting a healthy lifestyle for people. The cocktail is in great demand in business centers and fitness clubs; thanks to the invigorating effect of the drink, many office workers and athletes actively consume it. It provides oxygen to the muscles and enhances their contraction.

How to open a cocktail business: stages

Little competition and comparatively small investment, in order to open a bar, make the business very promising.

Selecting a room

It is worth opening an oxygen bar in a room with high traffic and low rent. The choice is huge; it can be a small retail outlet in the hall of a cinema, a store, in front of the entrance to a park, in entertainment centers, etc. Finding such a room is not difficult - from 2 to 20 m² is enough. So, even in the center of Moscow, where most retail outlets are occupied, you can occupy a couple of meters of comfortable space.

Renting a small room will cost 20 thousand rubles per month, given the large flow of people, the funds will quickly pay for themselves. Shopping centers offer comfortable premises that you can furnish to your taste and hang themed paintings. In the worst case, you can make repairs, which will cost about 8 thousand rubles.


Basic equipment needed to open such a bar:

  • Oxygen Concentrator;
  • special mixer;
  • foaming agent;
  • cash machine.

The entire set with bags for creating foam can be bought for 30 thousand rubles.

Also included in the price (in thousands of rubles):

  • bar counter – 10;
  • table for equipment – ​​3.

High and comfortable chairs are sold complete with the bar counter.

Cocktail preparation technology: The filler is mixed with oxygen liquid using a mixer, the foam covering the glass retains oxygen there.


Behind the bar there should be a professional who can not only make a cocktail, but also serve it beautifully, and also tell customers about the benefits of this drink. You can find a good OJ by posting an ad on the Internet. Ideally, it is better to hire two OJs for shift work.

The service sector for preparing such cocktails is practically undeveloped in our country, but there are many who want to drink them. Therefore, we must try to prepare drinks according to the most interesting recipes and, if possible, send your OJ to training courses.

Business advertising

You can open a business selling these cocktails without stopping at market analysis. This niche is still free. For people who spend more than half of the day in offices, a great desire will be to improve their health with the help of these drinks. Young people are happy to try everything new and fashionable, but the older generation knows well the pleasant taste and benefits of cocktails since Soviet times, so they will also be happy to buy them. To ensure the success of your business, you can start with an advertising campaign.

Advertising can be distributed in the form of leaflets. Information about your bar can be distributed near educational institutions, large offices, shopping centers, schools, etc. Advertising will interest potential clients, and your services will be in demand from the very first days.

Advantages of business on oxygen cocktails

The advantage of this business is inexpensive equipment. To start a business, you need very little: investing in renovation of the premises, purchasing equipment and furniture. In addition to these funds, you should be prepared for monthly costs for renting premises and the bartender's salary.

The bar will initially sell approximately 45 glasses of drink per day, and over time the number of visitors will increase. The cost of one serving of cocktail is 9-10 rubles, they are sold for 70-90 rubles. The profit even with a minimum number of visitors will be 73,000 rubles. According to experts, the payback period for a business is from 4 to 6 months.

It should be taken into account that this business may develop and expand over time. Success depends on the resourcefulness of the entrepreneur; you can not only sell cocktails, but also offer oxygen inhalation services.

Lack of public awareness about the benefits of such cocktails can negatively affect business, so you must do everything to widely expand the benefits of the product you offer. You should tell customers that this is not only a pleasant-tasting and light drink, but also a health-improving liquid. The task of your employees should include educational work, they should talk about the benefits of the cocktail. The success of your business largely depends on the politeness and neatness of your employees.

How to register a business?

First, you need to register as a state of emergency, and choose a taxation system, register a bartender. To conduct this business, permits from the SES are not required, since certified ingredients are used.

Purchasing ingredients for cocktails

Juices of various fruits are used as ingredients. The more flavors there are, the more people want to try the drinks. Cocktails are becoming popular precisely because they are prepared on the basis of natural juices, so you need to find a reliable supplier and enter into an agreement for regular supplies. You can even use homemade juices. To prepare one cocktail you need 30 ml of fruit juice, 5 ml of special syrup, and disposable tableware.

The target audience

The target audience of your business will be children, youth, athletes, as well as people leading a healthy lifestyle. Developing a business development strategy should focus on finding the ideal location, choosing the optimal opening hours and impeccably preparing cocktails.

A cozy cafe where people feel comfortable always attracts people. And healthy drinks enriched with oxygen will attract much more more people. The preparation time for the product is approximately 5 minutes. The bar's specialty could be offering cocktails for different people age.

The big advantage of this business is that no certificates are needed to sell drinks. The purchased equipment is certified as household appliances.

Secrets of success

  • Don't skimp on purchasing a cocktail.
  • Install attractive equipment in a visible place.
  • Making it possible to clearly see the preparation of the drink.
  • The ability to create various, pleasant-tasting compositions.

Opening a business on these cocktails means providing oxygen therapy to everyone. Thanks to your business, people with seasonal allergies will have the opportunity to quickly recover, middle-aged people will be able to rejuvenate, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases and rheumatic diseases will undergo preventive measures.

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