Try to describe nature using vivid images. Beautiful descriptions of nature. Description of spring - March

morning sun

Night hid behind a magic cloud, and a pink morning descended on the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people.

But why isn't it there yet? Maybe still sleeping sweet sleep? Or maybe it was in a quarrel with the earth and does not want to shine anymore? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic, beautiful.

A beam of water quickly illuminated the forest, the surrounding fields, and people's houses. sparkled green

Carpeted earth in its radiance. When a ray of sun touched my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and joyfully met a new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the most beautiful time of the year.

In spring, everything on earth wakes up to a new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. Come back to us in the spring migratory birds: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests, prepare housing for future chicks.

I love to watch spring nature. See how everything around is updated, decorated

After winter sleep. Streams sing merrily, feathered musicians glorify the arrival of spring in all voices. The air is filled with the fragrant smell of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. That is why I love her.


I love to meet the first flashes of the awakening of a new day. Long before the east, the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays, extinguishes the dawns.

I love to meet the sun, the play and the thrill of the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around was filled with the sun. And as if for the first time you see a green leaf, a tree that grows right up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown, which wakes up to a new day.

And now the dawn changes into a new day, filled with the worries of people's lives, and I hear a gentle: "Good morning, son!"

Golden autumn

That's gone warm summer. Autumn has come. Imperceptibly she crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, forests. At the end of August, the trees began to take cover with yellow leaves, and now it was already shining in the sun, like gold. The trees stood in crimson, yellow leaves, which slowly fell to the ground. The ground was covered with colored leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love to listen to the rustling of fallen leaves, to look at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. A short Indian summer flashed by, the cold began to blow, the feathered musicians fell silent. So it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Essay-description behind the painting by Ekaterina Belokur “Flowers behind the wattle fence”

In the picture of Ekaterina Belokur there are wonderful flowers against the background of a clear, serene sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, the near one, is in the shade, the second is more expressive, light, overshadowed by the sun's rays. There are few flowers: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors are used.

I think the craftswoman loves nature very much, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallow reach for the sun. A climbing birch trudged along a birch branch. Snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and nasturtium with cherry veins on the petals captivate the eye.

The picture captivates with the harmony of colors and shapes, captures with beauty and craftsmanship.

Essay - description

Nature - the material world of the Universe, in essence - the main object of study of science. In everyday life, the word "nature" is often used in the sense habitat habitat (everything that is not created by man).
A corner of nature can be found everywhere: on the street, at home, at school, at work in the form of simple flower pots or flowers in a vase that people give to please those who they present them to. But I have a difficult, but let’s say, not the worst, task - to describe something so beautiful, charmingly fragile, perfect in its beauty, creative, so that the description of “this” would not bore those reading my essay and, of course, evaluated positively. At the very beginning of my reflections, I thought to describe the nature of my beloved city of Almaty. Trees that in summer give the city a lively blooming view, despite the clutter and a large number of cars spoiling the air. In autumn, the leaves are painted in different tones of yellow, red, green, but in winter this color fades and snow appears on the branches, which shelters them from the cold and wet wind. In the spring we feel the pleasant smell of blooming lilacs, apples, apricots, which subsequently take on appetizing forms and we want to pick, but we are afraid that a neighbor of retirement age will come out and drive her away, with the experience of a soldier driving the enemy from the battlefield behind her shoulders, and such a desired piece of free happiness turns into "quickly hide and rip off."
And yet my thoughts have come to such an urgent solution to the problem, which I hope no one has thought of before me! (At this point, you need to giggle, rubbing your palms together, over the genius and greatness of my imagination) I decided to describe a flower that grows on high limestone mountains and about which legends were made by those who knew how to do it. This flower for me is the most incomprehensible combination of tenderness, vulnerability, beauty, intertwined with a thirst for life, perseverance and determination. I think everyone knows the legend of Edelweiss, scientists call it Leontopodium, which means lion's paw. It has become a symbol of inaccessibility and good luck. Imagine a steep limestone mountain, and somewhere in the depths of the rocks this fragile flower, only 15-25 cm long, is hiding. Its petals seem to be covered with frost, which surround the inflorescence in the form of a star. The size is not at all large, it seemed unremarkable, but there is so much mystery and mystery in it, which fascinates and makes one marvel at such perfect beauty. A soothing beautiful sight, as rare as it is unusual, and found in special places where harmony reigns.

June-Khleborost. Nature woke up by the beginning of summer and now its active growth is coming, therefore the month is called - Khleborost. The rye is earing, the gardens are filled with vigorously blooming greenery. The sun rises high above the sky and begins to bake even stronger, the day becomes long, and the evening is long and warm.

June: warmth envelops the earth

Description of the nature of summer in its very beginning in June(I - II week).
Summer has come. June. Nature blooms and ripens in summer, the gardens are full of greenery, the meadows are covered with a wide train of green grass. Heavy cumulus clouds soar slowly in the sky, like huge ships. And although the month of May at the end spoiled with warm and hot summer days, the first June days often cool, sometimes rainy. You should not be upset, because the protracted cloudy weather at the beginning of the month is not for long. A dry anticyclone will bring warm winds, and the high sun in the sky will provide warm and hot weather. In June, the air temperature is moderate without sharp jumps and averages +15 +17 ° C.

Summer needs time to heat up. There are still long hot, sultry and simply warm pleasant days ahead, when the sun wakes up early and sets very slowly, giving plenty of work up before plunging into twilight. And here the sun begins to bake, hot days come. The greenery is in full bloom, endowing with edible herbs. The sky is blue and clear, from time to time fluffy clouds float across it. Warm air exudes the aroma of flowering.

And, suddenly, unexpectedly, hot summer sun replaced by the rising clouds. The sky is rapidly darkening. After all, there had just been the sun, and now it was swallowed up by formidable darkness, advancing in front, covering all living things in darkness. Nature is on the alert, the birds calm down, only strong gusts of wind grow stronger each time, ready to pluck the branches from the tops of the trees on their way.

Thunder strikes with the first volleys, and then, with water like from a bucket, it charges a downpour. The sky is not visible, only the reflections of lightning with a crackle alternate with peals of thunder. The storm subsides as suddenly as it began. The sky is brightening, lightning flashes are becoming less frequent, thunder is receding. The first rays of the sun peep through, brightly reflected in the puddles. And again the life of the summer forest comes to life, the birds chirp happily, the animals come out of their hiding places. Meanwhile, in the forest, in the most hidden dark places, the first mushrooms appear.

Beginning of summer in the folk calendar

"The swallow begins the morning, and the nightingale ends the evening"

At the very onset of summer, from ancient times in Rus', a unique rite "the cuckoo's baptism" was performed. After the complete departure of winter, cold winds and bad weather, it was necessary to appease the summer nature for new plant forces, good weather and a noble harvest. IN ancient Rus' the description of summer from the first days was like this. Early in the morning on the first Sunday of summer, Russian girls went into the forest to find orchid grass - they called it cuckoo's tears, and then, plucked it, carried it to the hut to sew outfits, each for its own cuckoo. Then the cuckoos cummed, meeting each other, people hugging and kissing. After all, becoming related to each other, becoming closer, together they brought the generosity of summer closer to themselves.

Bread sprouts in June, not for nothing that the month of June was called "grain-growing". Throughout the first ten days of the month, active sowing took place in the fields, starting from the days of Falaley-Borage and Olena, June 2 and 3, from the names of which it is clear that cucumbers, flax, belated wheat, as well as barley and buckwheat were planted these days. On June 7, aphids appeared, feeding on plant sap, releasing honeydew. By June 11, ears of bread were already rising on Fedosya-Chariot, by this time beans were planted. From the earliest dawn until late sunset, people worked in the field in order to be in time before the end of the sowing, which fell on the second half of June on the day of the equinox.

Summer in Russian poetry

Summer… One of the most amazing, beautiful and vibrant seasons. Summer nature is special, impressive. Everyone associates summer with something of their own: sounds, smells, sensations. These are juicy meadow grasses, the aroma of wild flowers, and even dusk, coolness. spruce forest. All the natural splendor of summer is reflected in the work of famous Russian poets. They dedicated beautiful time a huge number of romantic, exciting lines.

A real hymn to awakening nature is Sergei Yesenin's ode to a summer morning. Its summer is warm, washed with silvery dew, charming in its calmness. This delightful natural idyll shatters every day with the onset of the day into fragments of everyday worries, in order to be reborn again the next morning.

Golden stars dozed off,
The mirror of the backwater trembled,
Light shines on the river backwaters
And blushes the grid of the sky.

Sleepy birches smiled,
Tousled silk braids.
Rustling green earrings,
And silver dews are burning.

The wattle fence has an overgrown nettle
Dressed in bright mother-of-pearl
And, swaying, he whispers playfully:
"Good morning!"

Afanasy Fet in his work deeply describes nature in the summer, in particular, the lines of the poem "I came to you with greetings ..." evoke an association with the maturity of feelings, relationships. The allegory of the lines conveys the special sharpness of life and semantic fullness through romantic feelings, the lightness of being and the aura of carelessness.

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The sheets fluttered;

Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
AND full of spring thirst;

Tell that with the same passion
Like yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still the same happiness
And ready to serve you;

Tell that from everywhere
Joy blows over me
I don't know what I will
Sing - but only the song matures.

Summer is different. Everyone sees it in their own way, sometimes experiencing mixed and conflicting, but invariably strong feelings.

June: the sun is turning

Description summer nature June (III - IV week).
The lilac continues to bloom, the smell of fresh grass spreads through the districts. Summer nature fills the air with herbal incense. The poplar has already spread fluff in the seeds, just to wait for light gusts of wind that carry new life around. In the forest, in stalls and ponds, the smell of spices spreads, no longer floral, but sweet herbal.

The greens are ripening with might and main, and now the strawberries have hatched by the end of the month. And blueberries are already keeping up with her, just have time to collect. In the morning, the cry of swallows is heard, in the afternoon frogs croak in the reservoirs, and the evening ends with the lullaby of a nightingale. This time describes summer nature as the most fertile warm time of the year for working in the field, evening walks and nightly gatherings around the fire.

A white blizzard is blowing through the park alleys poplar fluff, a kind of winter in fluffy warm snows. The clearings are covered with white heads of hordes of dandelions, as if hundreds of small astronauts have landed on the ground. Just about the wind, shaking the dandelions from side to side, will pluck the seeds in parachutes and carry them home. The squeak of chicks is heard, coming from the crowns of trees, parents barely have time to feed the voracious maturing chicks. The young growth grows quickly, you will not notice how it will already jump out of the nest, once or twice and flew.

The second half of the month in the folk calendar

"The sun from Petra-turn softens the course, the month goes to profit"

The most blooming in June different plants, medicinal herbs, Ivan da Marya rises, at every step plantains, buttercups, Ivan Chai is smoothed by the warm winds. Forest edges crumble in juicy points of berries. In the forest, you can pick up a lot of ripe strawberries, and a little later, wild strawberries will turn red on the bushes higher.

June 25 is the day of the solstice. From now on, the sun turns in the direction of shorter days. Now, in the morning, cold dew covers the grass low above the ground. This natural water can be drunk because it is very pure, collected from the settled air vapors, summer dew does not contain salt deposits. At the end of June, on the 29th, Tikhon comes, and, indeed, the sun shortens its course, yes, and the birds subside. The sun slowly, with unhurried steps, hangs in the sky. Only in the shadow of hiding deciduous trees there is salvation from the incandescent rays growing in strength. Summer turns into hot July.

Summer in Russian painting

Russian artists convey the picture of the summer landscape in a very colorful and varied way. Here you can see majestic green trees, and an eared field, and an unusual turquoise sky with light gentle white clouds.

(Painting by B. V. Shcherbakov "June in the Moscow Region")

The description of summer nature is unusually colorful in B. V. Shcherbakov's painting "June in the Moscow Region", which depicts the real greenery of the forest. From the front right corner into the depths of the picture, meandering along the laid channel, lies the smooth surface of the river. On both sides of it are mighty trees, it seems that these are pines mixed with hardwoods. To the right, almost by the river, a slender birch stands alone. In the foreground on the left are stacks of harvested hay. The upper part of the picture is clear sky, which shows only fluffy white clouds.

sun day

The night disappeared behind a charming cloud, and a pink morning descended on the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already flashing on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people. But why isn't it there yet? Maybe still sleeping sweet sleep? Or maybe they quarreled with the earth and does not want to shine anymore? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic, beautiful.

A ray of water quickly illuminated the forest, surrounding fields, people's houses. The earth sparkled with a green carpet in its radiance. When a ray of sun reached my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and welcomed the new day with joy.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the best time of the year.

In spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. In the spring, migratory birds return to us: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests, prepare housing for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. To see how everything around is updated, decorated after winter sleep. Creeks sing merrily, feathered musicians praising the arrival of spring in all voices. The air is filled with the aromatic smell of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. That is why I love her.


I love to meet the first flashes of the awakening of a new day. Long before sunrise, the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays, extinguishes the stars.

I love to meet the sun, play and flutter the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson-red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around was filled with the sun. And as if for the first time you see a green leaf, a tree that grows up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown, awakens to a new day.

And now the dawn is replaced by a new day, filled with the worries of people's lives, and I hear a gentle: “ Good morning son!"

Golden autumn

Here comes the warm summer. Autumn has come. Imperceptibly she crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, forests. At the end of August, the trees began to be covered with yellow leaves, and now it was already sparkling in the sun, like gold. The trees stood in a crimson, yellow letter, which slowly came to the floor. The ground was covered with colored leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love to listen to the rustling of fallen leaves, to look at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. A short Indian summer flashed by, midwives began with cold, the feathered musicians fell silent. So it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Essay-description based on the painting by Belokur “Flowers behind the wattle fence”

In the picture Belokur - beautiful flowers against the background of a clear, serene sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, near, is in the shade, the second is more expressive, light, illuminated by the sun's rays. There are few flowers: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors are accepted.

I think the craftswoman loves nature very much, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallow reach for the sun. A climbing birch trudged along a birch branch. Snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and nasturtium with cherry veins on the petals captivate the eye.

The picture captivates with the harmony of colors and shapes, delights with beauty and craftsmanship.

"The fields are spacious, dumb
Shine, doused with dew ...
Silent and faint forest high,
Green, dark forest silent"

The secret of majestic nature

The famous Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, became famous as a master of landscape. In his work, the description of the picture of nature is inseparable from the life of the characters, their mood and inner feelings. The landscapes of the author are not only filled with colorful, realistic and detailed description but also carry a psychological and emotional burden. By describing nature, the author reveals the inner essence of his character. So in the novel "Fathers and Sons", Turgenev, using the landscape of nature, shows how the mood of the hero Arcady himself changes, the author very accurately conveys it inner world. Nature in Turgenev's description is very colorful, the author presents it in such detail that the picture literally comes to life. The words that the writer selects very accurately convey the presented landscape: “golden green, ... shining under the quiet breath of a warm breeze.”

The nature presented in the works of Turgenev is very diverse. In the story “Bezhin Meadow”, the July landscape is vividly represented: “the color of the sky, light, pale purple”, “in the dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat”, at night “steel reflections of water, occasionally and vaguely flickering, indicated it current." The writer is so deeply imbued with the description of nature that his landscapes become so real, as if they come to life. The brilliance of his paintings can be compared with the work of an artist's brush. But with only one difference - Turgenev's landscapes are dynamic, they are in constant motion. The author very colorfully conveys the beginning of the rain in the story "Biryuk" from the cycle "Notes of a Hunter": " Strong wind suddenly roared in the sky, the trees raged, large drops of rain pounded sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain came pouring down."

Turgenev understood nature, bowed before its majesty and rigor of the laws established by it. He noted the powerlessness of man before the power of nature, admired, even with some fear, her power. Nature appears as something eternal, unshakable, as opposed to human mortal existence. The writer tries to see that common link between nature and man, but stumbles over her serene silence. The author has repeatedly noted the independence of the operation of the laws of nature from human aspirations, plans, ambitions and human life in general. Nature in Turgenev's works is simple and open in its reality, but complex and mysterious in manifestations of forces often hostile to man.

He was even frightened by the indifference of nature, embodied in the inviolability of laws over which man had no influence. Everything is in its power, regardless of human desire or consent. The author demonstrates this manifestation especially vividly in the poetic prose "Nature". Here Turgenev turns to mother nature with the question: “What is your thought about? Is it not about the future destinies of mankind ... ”However, his answer amazed him very much, it turns out that at that time she was taking care of improving the life of a flea. “Reason is not my law,” she answered in an iron cold voice.

The endless mysteries of nature and the universe disturb the author and disturb his imagination. The image of nature in Turgenev's works is shown very colorfully and professionally, using rich Russian speech, giving the landscape an indescribable beauty filled with colors and smells.

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