Named asteroids and fictitious points. How is it in practice

On September 1, 2017, the asteroid Florence flew dangerously close to Earth. This exciting public event attracted interest ordinary people to the asteroids. Far from astronomy, people began to be interested in the most significant big asteroids which may soon approach the earth. Astronomers attribute the importance of asteroids to their size. As a result, the most interesting in the non-professional environment are 10 the largest and most dangerous asteroids in the universe. The value is classified according to their diameters. Although in some cases, due to the complexity of the shape, it has not been possible to determine its diameter for centuries.

10. Euphrosyne

Opened in September 1854. It is a rapidly rotating asteroid with a diameter of 250 km. The asteroid is a dark formation rich in carbon compounds with an unusual orbit. Euphrosyne is only visible in the northern hemisphere. The density of the Euphrosyne asteroid is very high and with its influence it drives small celestial bodies out of their orbits. The asteroid got its name from the ancient Roman goddess of fun.

9. Hector

Astronomers discovered it in February 1907. Diameter 205 km. This is a strange elongated figure. It is believed that this is a connection of two asteroids, which are held by gravity. Some scientists have suggested the artificial origin of the asteroid, which could explain the unusual orbit of Hector, its difference from all other asteroid orbits. Many astronomers believe that Hector migrated from the far Kuiper asteroid belt. Its composition is similar to that of the asteroids in this belt. Named after the mythical Greek hero Troy.

8. Sylvia

Opened in May 1866. Its diameter is 232 km. It has a couple of satellites, which were named Romulus and Remus. The asteroid is incredibly porous, with emptiness accounting for 60% of its size. This leads some astronomers to consider it not a monolith, but a collection of debris. Sylvia's moons are also a gravity-bound collection of debris. The asteroid has an elongated shape. The asteroid got its name from the mythical character - the mother of the brothers of the founders of Rome.

7. David

An asteroid was discovered in March 1903, but so far its diameter has not been accurately determined. Astronomers disagree on estimates of the diameter at 60 kilometers. Approximately it is equal to 270 km. A very massive asteroid. A giant crater was discovered on its surface. The shape of the asteroid is unknown, as it always looks to the side. north pole. The asteroid is named after the professor of astronomy who discovered it.

6. Europe

It is a dark asteroid with a diameter of 302 km. It was opened in 1858. The asteroid differs from other similar space formations in its low mass and high porosity. It contains a lot of carbon in its composition. In general, little is known about the structure of this asteroid. Named after the mythical Greek character daughter of a Phoenician king.

5. Interamnia

This little known general public a large asteroid was discovered in 1910. It is so dark that astronomers were able to detect it 100 years after the discovery of the first asteroids. So far, Interamnia has been little studied. Astronomers only understand that its surface consists of regolith and is covered with a large layer of dust. No traces of water were found on this asteroid. The name is unusual, meaning "between the rivers".

4. Hygiea

This asteroid was discovered in April 1849. The diameter is about 400 km, it has not yet been possible to determine more precisely. When Hygiea is closest to Earth, it can be viewed with binoculars. But most of the time it moves at a great distance from the Sun. It is a very dark asteroid. There are problems with the definition of its composition. Name received from Greek goddess, helpers of the god of healing.

3. Pallas

It was the second largest asteroid, but after clarifying the size of Vesta, it became the third. The diameter of Pallas is 2 times less than that of Ceres - 512 kilometers. This asteroid was discovered in March 1802. Pallas has the shape of an ellipse. It contains a lot of carbonaceous chondrids. It got its name from the Greek goddess.

2. Vesta

After the transfer of Ceres to the planets, it became the first largest asteroid. Its diameter is 525 km. The asteroid was discovered in March 1807. It is the brightest asteroid that can be seen with binoculars. Astronomers refused to classify Vesta as a dwarf planet because of its asymmetrical shape. Vesta has an iron and nickel core and a stone shell. The asteroid was named after the Roman goddess.

1. Ceres

The largest asteroid, with a diameter of 950 kilometers. It was opened in January 1801. It is so large that since 2006, astronomers have considered Ceres to be a small planet. It is the largest object in the asteroid belt, with a regular spherical shape that astronomers find surprising. Ceres is composed of a rocky core and an icy shell. Water vapor was found on its surface. The asteroid is named after the Roman goddess.

Asteroids (asteroid - "star-like", from the Greek aster - "star" and eidos - "view"), small planets, planetoids -
planets solar system, which differ from other planets in small sizes (diameter is approximately from 1 to 1000 km). Unlike comet nuclei, asteroids have a rocky composition; the composition of the surface material of many asteroids is similar to that of meteorites.
The largest of the asteroids: 1 Ceres (diameter 913 km), 2 Pallas (523 km), 4 Vesta (501 km), 10 Gigia (429 km), 511 David (337 km), 704 Interamnia (333 km), 52 Europa (312 km), 15 Eunomia (272 km), 87 Sylvia (271 km), 16 Psyche (264 km), 31 Euphrosyne (248 km), 65 Cybele (245 km) and 3 Juno (244 km).
In astrology, asteroids are actively used by some astrologers, but have not yet been fully recognized. Alan Leo also tried to arouse interest in them; the first astrologer who really succeeded was Eleanor Bach (USA). In January 1973, she published the first astrological ephemeris of the "Big Four" and her interpretation of the action of these asteroids. She regarded Ceres and Vesta as the rulers of the sign Virgo, and Juno and Pallas as the rulers of Libra. Exploration of the first four asteroids was continued by Zippora Dobyns and Emma Bella Donat. And now most often when interpreting a horoscope, these four asteroids are used (see Phaethon (I, III)).
But other asteroids also have astrological significance. For better orientation, they can be grouped by value and only those that are most relevant from each group can be used. In accordance with the names, four semantic categories of asteroids can be distinguished:

  1. Asteroids named after mythological characters and deities. According to their astrological significance, based on mythological plots that are typical, these asteroids are associated with archetypes of the human psyche, less global and more specific than the main planets. They can be used in the field of psychoanalysis to determine the role aspects of personalities.
  2. The first group of asteroids adjoins a fairly small group of asteroids named after any general concepts: Fides (faith), Amicitia (friendship), Elpis (hope), Principia, etc. Their meaning is clear enough and can be used in almost any card.
  3. A large number of asteroids are geographical names: countries, cities and historical regions. They can symbolize a person's attitude to those places that are significant in his destiny, and are also widely used in mundane astrology.
  4. Asteroids of individual use associated with the names and surnames of people: the asteroid of the same name designates a person with that name in the map. Some of these asteroids are named after prominent people - they reflect the image that this person left in life, and in a personal horoscope they can indicate the attitude towards this or that genius and his legacy in the soul of a particular person.

Among astrologers - researchers of the significance of asteroids, American astrologers Demetra George and Douglas Bloch, Laurie Eifen, Lee Lehman, Martha Lang-Wescott and Jacob Schwartz can be especially noted.
J. Schwartz notes that the names of asteroids can indicate relationships between people, between certain regions, between people and regions. This is true even for asteroids, which were discovered and named long before such connections arose on Earth. What looks like just a coincidence in the names of asteroids relates to earth events no less than planetary influences, and the combination of very personal names of asteroids with consideration of the meanings of the planets will make the portrait of a personality much richer.
L. Leman suggests the following methods for working with asteroids:

  1. Watch for the use of the name of the asteroid in everyday life. For example, the asteroid Apollo may "float" in the map of a person involved in the Apollo space program.
  2. Use mythological information as a guide to understanding the meaning of asteroids. But one should get acquainted not only with numerous interpretations, but also with the essence of the myth itself.
  3. Use historical information related to the name of the asteroid. This helps to capture the development of the idea of ​​the symbol.
  4. The method associated with the first three is to work with various cards to track the action of asteroids.

It can also be very fruitful to study astronomical information related to asteroids: physical features, orbit location, the presence of other asteroids with similar orbits, etc.
Note that despite deep astrological research, the interpretation of almost any of the asteroids is far from unambiguous and needs serious improvement and experimental verification.

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Translated from Greek, an asteroid sounds like "similar to a star." These are small celestial bodies compared to the planets, moving in orbit around the Sun. Asteroids are predominantly composed of various metals and rocks.


Daughter of the ancient Greek god Triton. The asteroid was discovered on March 28, 1802 by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers. It happened in Bremen (Germany). The dimensions of the asteroid are 582x556x500 km, density 2.7 g/cm3, rotation period 7.81 hours,
surface temperature -109 °C.


Ancient Roman goddess, wife of Jupiter; goddess of marriage, birth and motherhood. The asteroid was discovered on September 1, 1804 by the German astronomer Carl Ludwig Harding. This happened at the Lilienthal Observatory, (Lilienthal, Germany). The dimensions of the asteroid are 320x267x200 km, density 2.98 g/cm3, rotation period 7.21 hours, surface temperature -110 °C.


Ancient Roman goddess, patroness of the family hearth and sacrificial fire. The asteroid was discovered on March 29, 1807 by the German astronomer Heinrich Wilhelm Olbers. It happened in Bremen, Germany. The dimensions of the asteroid are 578 x 560 x 458 km, density 3.5 g/cm3, rotation period 5.34 hours, surface temperature -95 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of justice, daughter of Zeus and Themis. The asteroid was discovered on December 8, 1845 by the German astronomer Carl Ludwig Henke. It happened in Drezdenko (Poland). The dimensions of the asteroid are 167x123x82 km, density 2.7 g/cm3, rotation period 0.7 days, surface temperature -106 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of youth, daughter of Zeus and Hera. The asteroid was discovered on July 1, 1847 by the German astronomer Carl Ludwig Henke. It happened in Drezdenko (Poland). The dimensions of the asteroid are 205x185x170 km, density 3.81 g/cm3, rotation period 0.303 days, surface temperature -103 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of the rainbow, daughter of Taumantus and Electra. The asteroid was discovered on August 13, 1847 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The dimensions of the asteroid are 240x200x200 km, density 3.81 g/cm3, rotation period 0.2975 days, surface temperature -102 °C.


Ancient Roman goddess of flowers and spring. The asteroid was discovered on October 18, 1847 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The dimensions of the asteroid are 136x136x113 km, density 3.13 g/cm3, rotation period 0.533 days, surface temperature -93 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of wisdom. The asteroid was discovered on April 25, 1848 by Irish astronomer Andrew Graham. This happened at the Markry Observatory (County Sligo, Ireland). The dimensions of the asteroid are 222x182x130 km, density 4.12 g/cm3, rotation period 0.2116 days, surface temperature 100 "C.


Ancient Greek goddess of health. The asteroid was discovered on April 12, 1849 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The dimensions of the asteroid are 530x407x370 km, density 2.08 g/cm3, rotation period 27.623 hours, surface temperature -109 °C.


Siren, who founded the city of Parthenope, currently Naples. The asteroid was discovered on May 11, 1850 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The diameter of the asteroid is 153.3 km, the density is 3.28 g/cm3, the rotation period is 9.43 hours, and the surface temperature is -99 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of health. The asteroid was discovered on September 13, 1850 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The diameter of the asteroid is 112.8 km, the density is 2 g/cm3, the rotation period is 8.66 hours, and the surface temperature is -95°C.


Ancient Roman water nymph. The asteroid was discovered on November 2, 1850 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The diameter of the asteroid is 207.64 km, the density is 3.46 g/cm3, the rotation period is 7.04 hours, and the surface temperature is -99 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of peace. The asteroid was discovered on September 13, 1850 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The diameter of the asteroid is 152 km, the density is 4.42 g/cm3, the rotation period is 15.06 hours, and the surface temperature is -198 °C.


Ancient Greek ora, daughter of Zeus and Themis. The asteroid was discovered on July 29, 1851 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The dimensions of the asteroid are 357x255x212 km, density 3.09 g/cm3, rotation period 6.083 hours, surface temperature -107 °C.


Personifications of the soul ancient Greek mythology. The asteroid was discovered on March 17, 1852 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The dimensions of the asteroid are 240x185x145 km, density 6.49 g/cm3, rotation period 4.196 hours, surface temperature -113 °C.


Nereid, daughter of Nereus and Dorida. The asteroid was discovered on April 17, 1852 by the German astronomer Robert Luther. This happened at the Düsseldorf Observatory (Düsseldorf, Germany). The diameter of the asteroid is 90 km, the density is 3.21 g/cm3, the rotation period is 12.27 hours, and the surface temperature is -100 °C.


Ancient Greek muse of tragedy. The asteroid was discovered on June 24, 1852 by the English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The dimensions of the asteroid are 170x155x129 km, density 1.69 g/cm3, rotation period 11.57 hours, surface temperature -96 °C.


Ancient Roman goddess of fortune. The asteroid was discovered on September 13, 1850 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The dimensions of the asteroid are 225x205x195 km, density 2.70 g/cm3, rotation period 7.44 hours, surface temperature -93 °C.


Greek name for the French city of Marseille. The asteroid was discovered on September 19, 1852 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The dimensions of the asteroid are 160x145x132 km, density 3.54 g/cm3, rotation period 8.098 hours, surface temperature -99 °C.


Latin name of the French city of Paris. The asteroid was discovered on September 13, 1850 by German-French astronomer Hermann Goldschmidt. This happened in the dimensions of the asteroid 132x101x76 km, density 3.4 g/cm3, rotation period 8.16 hours, surface temperature -101 °C.


Ancient Greek muse of epic poetry. The asteroid was discovered on November 16, 1852 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The dimensions of the asteroid are 235x144x124 km;


Ancient Greek muse of comedy and light poetry. The asteroid was discovered on December 15, 1852 by English astronomer John Russell Hynde. This happened at the Bishop Observatory (London, England). The diameter of the asteroid is 107.5 km, the density is 2 g/cm3, the rotation period is 12.308 hours, and the surface temperature is -109 °C.


Ancient Greek goddess of justice. The asteroid was discovered on April 5, 1853 by the Italian astronomer Annibale de Gasparis. This happened at the Capodimonte Observatory (Naples, Italy). The asteroid has a diameter of 107.5 km, a density of 2.78 g/cm3, a rotation period of 8 hours and 23 minutes, and a surface temperature of -114°C.

Asteroids are small rocky worlds that rotate in outer space around our sun. They have too small size to be called planets. They are also known as planetoids or small planets. IN total, the mass of all asteroids is less than the mass of the earth's moon. However, this is their size and relatively small mass, does not make them safe space objects. Many of them have fallen to the Earth's surface in the past and will continue to fall in the future. This is one of the reasons why astronomers study asteroids and are ready to learn their orbits and physical characteristics.

Most asteroids are in a huge ring between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This place is more commonly known as main belt asteroids. Scientists estimate that the asteroid belt contains about 200 asteroids larger than 100 kilometers in diameter, more than 75,000 asteroids larger than 1 kilometer in diameter, and millions of smaller bodies.

Approximate number of asteroids N with a diameter greater than D

D 100 m 300 m 1 km 3 km 10 km 30 km 50 km 100 km 300 km 500 km 900 km
N 25 000 000 4 000 000 750 000 200 000 10 000 1100 600 200 5 3 1

However, not all objects in the main asteroid belt are astroids - recently comets have been discovered there, in addition, there is Ceres, an asteroid that, due to its size, has been raised to the status of a dwarf planet.

The location, as well as the size of the asteroids, can also vary. For example, asteroids called Trojans are found along the orbital path of Jupiter. Asteroids from the Amur and Apollo groups, due to their proximity to the center of the solar system, can cross the Earth's orbit.

How are asteroids formed?

Asteroids are leftover material from the formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago.

The process of their formation is similar to the process of formation of planets, but until Jupiter has gained its current mass. After that, more than 99% of the total mass of the formed asteroids was thrown out of the main belt by the gravitational influence of Jupiter. The remaining 1% is what we see in the main asteroid belt.

How are asteroids classified?

Asteroids are classified depending on the location of the orbit of its movement and the elements of which they are composed. At present, three main classes of asteroids have been accurately identified, depending on their chemical composition.

C-class: More than 75% of known asteroids belong to this class. In their composition in large numbers carbon and its compounds are present. This type of asteroid is widespread in the outer region of the Main Asteroid Belt;

S - class: This type of asteroids account for about 17% of known asteroids, which are mainly located in inner area asteroid belts. Their basis is stony rock.

M-class: This type asteroids consists mainly of metallic compounds and occupies the remainder of the known asteroids.

It should be noted that the above classification covers most of the asteroids. But there are other quite rare species.

features of asteroids.

Asteroids can vary greatly in size. Ceres is the most big representative The main asteroid belt is about 940 kilometers in diameter. One of the smallest representatives of the belt, called 1991 BA, was found in 1991 and is only 6 meters in diameter.

10 first discovered asteroids

Almost all asteroids have irregular shape. Only the largest ones are approximately spherical in shape. Most often, their surface is completely covered with craters - for example, on Vesta there is a crater with a diameter of about 460 kilometers. The surface of most asteroids is covered with a deep layer of cosmic dust.

Most asteroids quietly rotate in elliptical orbits around the Sun, but this does not prevent individual representatives from creating more chaotic trajectories of their movement. Currently, astronomers know about 150 asteroids that have small satellites. There are also binary or double asteroids of approximately the same size orbiting around the center of mass they created. Scientists also know the existence of triple asteroid systems.

According to scientists, many asteroids in the process of formation of the solar system were captured by the gravitational attraction of other planets. So, as an example, we can cite the moons of Mars - Deimos and Phobos, which in the distant past were most likely asteroids. The same story could happen with most of the small moons located in orbits around the gas giants - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The temperature on the surface of most asteroids does not exceed -73 degrees Celsius. Asteroids for the most part remained untouched by space bodies for billions of years. This fact allows scientists, by conducting their research, to understand and study the process of formation and evolution of the solar system.

Are asteroids dangerous for the Earth?

Ever since the Earth formed 4.5 billion years ago, asteroids have been constantly falling to its surface. However, the fall of large objects is a rather rare event.

The fall of asteroids with a size of about 400 meters in diameter can lead to a global catastrophe on Earth. The researchers calculated that the impact of an asteroid of this size could lift enough dust into the atmosphere to create a "nuclear winter" on Earth. The fall of such objects occurs on average once every 100,000 years.

Small asteroids, which can destroy a city or cause a huge tsunami but do not lead to a global catastrophe, fall to Earth a little more often, approximately every 1000 - 10000 years.

Last a prime example, is the fall of an asteroid with diameters of about 20 meters in the Chelyabinsk region. As a result of the impact, a shock wave was formed on its surface, from which more than 1,600 people were injured, most from broken glass. general power explosion according to various estimates amounted to about 100 - 200 kilotons of TNT.

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deep sky objects

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