How much does it cost to repair object 268 in gvt. Upgrading crew skills

High efficiency of use during the years of the Great Patriotic War self-propelled 152-mm guns made this type of equipment one of the most promising. In the eyes of some experts and military self-propelled guns with large-caliber guns have become a universal miracle. Therefore, after the end of the war, work in this direction was continued. Among other production and design organizations, the subject of large-caliber guns for self-propelled guns was dealt with in the design bureau of Plant No. 172 (Perm).

In mid-1954, the designers of the 172nd plant completed engineering work on the M-64 gun project. This 152 mm gun sent an armor-piercing projectile at a target at a speed of about 740 meters per second. At the same time, the range of a direct shot at a target two meters high was 900 m. As for the maximum range of the shot, at the optimal elevation the M-64 threw a projectile 13 kilometers. The military was interested in the project of such a weapon, and in March 1955, Plant No. 172 was tasked with preparing all the documentation for the new gun, assembling a prototype, and also assembling a self-propelled gun armed with the M-64.

The deadline for assembling a prototype of the Object 268 self-propelled gun was December of the same year. The car was based on chassis T-10 tank. Accordingly, all units remained the same. “Object 268” was equipped with a V-12-5 diesel engine with 12 cylinders arranged in a V-shape. The maximum diesel power was 700 horsepower. The engine power was transmitted to a planetary gearbox with a rotation mechanism of the “ZK” system. The transmission provided eight forward gears and two reverse gears. The small track was transferred to the Object 268 without changes, as well as seven road wheels on each side and three support rollers. Hull armor ranged from 50 mm (stern) to 120 mm (forehead).

Instead of the original turret of the T-10 tank, an armored conning tower was installed on the chassis. The welded structure made of even trapezoidal sheets had a solid thickness for those times. Thus, the frontal slab of the cabin had a thickness of 187 millimeters. The side was almost twice as thin - 100 millimeters, and the stern sheet was made only 50 mm thick. It should be noted that only the forehead, sides and roof of the cabin were connected by welding. Since the “Object 268” was conceived exclusively as an experienced self-propelled artillery installation, it was decided to fasten the middle part of the aft deckhouse plate with bolts. Thanks to this, if necessary, it was possible to quickly dismantle the slab and gain access to the insides of the cabin, including the cannon. First of all, this was necessary for the possible replacement of an experienced weapon.

The large caliber of the M-64 gun forced engineers to provide a number of design nuances. Thus, to reduce the recoil length - a very important parameter for a self-propelled gun - the gun was equipped with a two-chamber muzzle brake. In addition, developed hydraulic recoil devices were used. For the convenience of the crew, the gun had a tray-type ramming mechanism. Also, the M-64 was one of the first Soviet guns, which were equipped with an ejector. Thanks to this “growth” on the gun barrel, it was possible to significantly reduce gas contamination in the fighting compartment after firing. The combat rack of the Object 268 contained 35 separate-loading rounds. The entire available range of 152 mm ammunition could be used with the M-64 cannon. The gun mounting system made it possible to aim within 6° from the axis horizontally and from -5° to +15° in the vertical plane. For direct fire, the Object 268 had a TSh-2A sight. Since the designers and military initially intended to use this self-propelled gun for firing from closed positions, in addition to the TSh-2A, a ZIS-3 sight was mounted. The tank commander also had at his disposal a TKD-09 stereo rangefinder, located on the rotating commander's turret directly in front of the hatch.

The self-propelled gun's additional armament included one anti-aircraft machine gun KPV caliber 14.5 millimeters. It was located on the roof of the cabin and had 500 rounds of ammunition. In the future, the self-propelled gun crew of four could also receive weapons for self-defense, for example, Kalashnikov assault rifles and grenades. In addition, the issue of installing a machine gun coaxial with a cannon on the “Object 268” was considered, but the features combat use This class of armored vehicles was not allowed to do this.

The combat vehicle with a combat weight of fifty tons and a 152 mm gun was ready at the beginning of 1956 and soon went to the test site. Updated fighting compartment and new weapons had almost no effect on the driving performance of the T-10 chassis. The maximum speed achieved during testing was 48 kilometers per hour, and one refueling with diesel fuel was enough to cover up to 350 kilometers on the highway. It is not difficult to calculate the specific fuel consumption: the self-propelled gun had five tanks. The three internal ones had a capacity of 185 liters (two rear) and 90 liters (one front). In addition, on the rear of the wings, the designers of Plant No. 172 installed another tank of 150 liters each. In total, about 200-220 liters of fuel for every hundred kilometers. When traveling over rough terrain, speed and range, as well as fuel consumption, changed significantly for the worse.

During test firing, “Object 268” fully confirmed the calculated characteristics of the M-64 gun. The range, accuracy and firing accuracy of this gun were significantly better than the similar indicators of the ML-20 howitzer gun, which was installed on the self-propelled gun of the Great Patriotic War ISU-152. First of all, the barrel length affected the characteristics. In the same time, new gun M-64 had a number of “childhood diseases” that were just beginning to be eliminated.

By the end of the protracted testing of Object 268, American tank builders had created the M60 tank. Soon the English Chieftain was ready. These armored vehicles had very good weapons for its time and no less solid protection. According to Soviet military personnel and scientists, Object 268, having met new foreign tanks in battle, was no longer a guaranteed winner. Moreover, by the time a sufficient number of new self-propelled guns were produced, even more advanced tanks could appear abroad, which the Object 268 would no longer be able to fight. Therefore, at the very end of the fifties, the “268” project was closed and all plans for mass production of new self-propelled guns were canceled. The only collected copy was then sent to the Tank Museum in Kubinka.

So, dear, as you already know, the valiant balance department, led by the best guide-water-tanker in the world, Murazor, decided that the problem of the unpopularity of the alternative branch of tank destroyers of the USSR is not in dull and unplayable tanks from 7 to 9 lvl, but in the very top 10 lvl, and decided to replace the excellent PT Object 263 with an uber-imba - Object 268 Option 4 with a rear-mounted gun (which is very convenient (NO)) and a closed wheelhouse!

And now we will look at it in more detail (within the framework of those performance characteristics that are available on this moment), let's try to guess how he will play, and what perks and equipment he needs first of all...

Performance characteristics of Object 268 option 4:

Judging by the information from the ST, this tank will have a good amount of HP of 2100 units, front armor of about 290 mm at an angle of about 60 degrees, NLD - 250mm, sides 100mm + screens (everyone is familiar with the T-10 chitoboards), stern – 45mm at right angles.

This pepelats will have a 152mm M-53S gun, reload time is 20.5 seconds. with penetration by the main AP projectile of 293mm, gold KS - 360mm, and HE - 90mm, with damage of 750 units (1100 for HE) and DPM of 2200 units.

Distinctive feature This device will have a long reload of 20.5 seconds, and an “amazing” final accuracy of – 0.45 and a fantastic projectile speed of – 760 m/s. The chassis traverse speed is 30 g/s; this tank will spin in place only mediocrely.

The only thing the developers offered us was maximum speed forward 55 km/h, reverse - 22 km/h, which is not so bad, with a mass of 50+ tons. The gun declination angle is -5 degrees, the gun rotation left-right is 24 degrees. Camouflage 24.4%, 14.6% - in motion, 1.97% - after a shot you will glow like Christmas tree. Overview 370m.

Reservation scheme Ob. 268 option 4:

How to play Object 268 option 4:

How will this Wargaming creation be played? Probably the same as object 268 (from the next branch), or those who firmly believed in armor, like the YagPZ E100, but the essence is the same, this tank is an assault tank, designed to push through or defend a direction, but not like the 1st tank line, and not alone, because a long CD and poor maneuverability will not give you the opportunity to conduct an equal battle with the enemy 1 on 1. And with an oblique weapon you will not be able to fire over long distances.

Equipment for Ob. 268 option 4:

Recommended equipment – ​​Rammer, Reinforced aiming drives (this is a must), Improved ventilation (instead you can install Horns, Splinter Lining or Optics, it all depends on your fighting style).

Commander (Radio Operator) – Sixth Sense, Repair, Brotherhood of Battle (BB);

Mech.Water – Repair, Off-Road King, BB;

Gunner – Repair, Smooth rotation of the turret, AP;

Charger – Repair, Non-contact BC, BB;

Loader – Repair, Desperate, BB;

Appearance of Object 268 option 4:

Video review of Object 268 option 4:

Let's sum up the “vanging” result, this tank has good dynamics, armor (I think it will be random like the brothers from the heavy tank branch - screens, bulwarks, etc.) and an average alpha. An oblique (melee) weapon with a long reload time and poor mobility. Time will tell whether this is a worthy replacement for Object 263, but the unique gameplay of PT/ST 263 will no longer exist. All performance characteristics are not final and can be changed by the developers.

Object 268 - anti-tank self-propelled gun USSR level 10. It has an excellent weapon, but mediocre dynamics and weak armor protection, which makes it vulnerable to enemy shells.

Leveling up

  • Research requires 301,000 experience points. The previous tank is Object 704.

Elite equipment

How to play

Object 268 is built on the basis of the T-10 tank, therefore it has good mobility, but it has such disadvantages as insufficient armor protection of the hull and its excessive length.

Nevertheless, frontal armor very insidious: many shells of even the largest calibers often ricochet off the “pike nose”.

The weapon has excellent penetrating power and significant damage. However, due to the design features, the horizontal aiming angle is very small and in order to aim at a moving target, the body has to be turned further.

A review of 370 meters - standard for level 10 vehicles - allows you to detect the enemy at long distances. The low silhouette of the machine, comparable to the Object 704, provides better disguise, compared to analogues from other branches.


  • An excellent weapon in all respects;
  • High maximum speed;
  • Ricochet cutting
  • Good camouflage rate


  • Weak hull armor;
  • Poor agility
  • Small angles VN and GN
  • Low reverse speed

Crew skills and abilities

Camouflage is upgraded with the first skill; it is necessary on any anti-tank self-propelled gun, and the commander should learn the Sixth Sense for situations when a tank destroyer is discovered. The second skill the commander should learn is Camouflage.

The driver must learn the Virtuoso skill - sometimes its “life” depends on the speed of turning of the tank.

Since there are two loaders on a self-propelled gun, the first one can study the Desperado, and the second one can study the Contactless ammo rack. The Gunner can learn the Sniper to improve his effectiveness on the battlefield.

The third skill is to learn Combat Brotherhood for the entire crew; together with ventilation, this will give a good increase to the skill of the crew.

With the fourth and fifth perks, respectively, the commander can learn Radio Interception and Eagle Eye, loaders can take Intuition and Fire Extinguishing, the gunner can take Grudge-Bearing and Master Gunsmith, the driver can learn Smooth Ride so as not to waste unnecessary time when approaching an enemy tank after a stop, and King of the Off-Road .


Those who lack information can install Reinforced aiming drives instead of Coated optics, but personally I like to play due to better review and have the right to the first shot in order to have time to roll away.


Bottom line

Object 268 is armed with a weapon with excellent penetrating power and big damage. However, due to the design features, the horizontal aiming angle is very small and in order to aim at a moving target, the body has to be turned further.

The vehicle has good mobility, which allows you to quickly respond to the current situation, and thanks to its low silhouette, you can quietly move from cover to cover and highlight unsuspecting enemies.

At the beginning of the battle, it is important to take a comfortable position behind some kind of cover with the ability to fire in several directions. Object 268 is famous for its rate of fire, so it would be a shame not to take advantage of this advantage.

In short, the gameplay of Object 268 rests on two pillars: the game of camouflage and training for exposure.

Historical reference

The design of Object 268 was carried out as part of the development of heavy anti-tank self-propelled guns. The first prototype of Object 268 was manufactured in 1956 based on heavy tank T-10.

By the time Object 268 passed tests, English basic ones had been created and put into mass production battle tanks"Chieftain" and American M60.

For effective fight With them, the firepower of Object 268 was not enough, so the vehicle was not accepted for service, and all work on it was stopped.

Guide from XOM9IKOBA9I_PEDISKA on Object 268

Good day to all! In this review we will look at the Soviet anti-tank self-propelled gun tenth level Object 268.

Characteristics of object 268:

1. Engine: V-16FN with a power of 800 hp and a fire probability of 12%

2. Specific power: 15.69 hp/t

3. Maximum speed: 48/18 km/h

4. Agility: 30 °/s


Hull: (front/side/stern) - 187/100/50 mm


1. Gun: 152 mm M64

2. Ammunition: 35 pcs.

3. Damage: 850/850/1100 HP

4. Armor penetration: 303/450/90 mm

5. Rate of fire: 3.53 min-1

6. GN speed: 26°/s

7. HV speed: 23.625°/s

8. GN angles: -6…+6°

9. HV angles: -5…+15°


Overview: 400 m

Communication range:

Communication range: 730 m


  • Commander (Radio Operator)
  • Gunner
  • Driver mechanic
  • Charging
  • Charging


1. Purchase cost: 6,100,000 silver.

2. The cost of a complete repair is from 21,000 silver.

3. The cost of an AP shell is 1650 silver.


1. Rammer. The 268 is famous for its DPM, so by increasing the rate of fire, we make the 268 a support and attack tank.

2. Fan. Just like the rammer, the ventelator emphasizes the advantages of the 268, namely in mobility, rate of fire and reporting speed.

3. It is very popular to install coated optics as the third module, since the network mask and stereo pipes practically do not work due to the small UGNs.


1. Rem. set

2. First aid kit

3. Automatic fire extinguisher. And it’s automatic, since the probability of fire in 268 is not high anyway, so it also decreases, therefore you will burn less and save more.

Crew Leveling:

  • Commander: Combat brotherhood, sixth sense lamp, camouflage, repairs.
  • Gunner: Combat brotherhood, sniper, camouflage, repair.
  • Mechanic driver: Combat brotherhood, king of off-road, camouflage, repair.
  • Loader: Brotherhood of God, camouflage, repair, Desperado.


  • One of the main advantages of the 268 is its mobility (mobility). With its speed of almost 50 km/h, the 268 can quickly occupy key points on the map, and enters the battle on an equal footing with the ST supporting them.
  • With 268 maneuverability, you don’t need to be afraid of enemy STs (if they don’t shoot down the tracks), since you can circle at open area maybe only LT.
  • With proper use of armor, you can get ricochets from the wheelhouse, which, when rotated by 70 degrees and the projectile normalized by 8 degrees, will amount to a reservation of almost 398 mm. Also, if you stand in a clinch with 268, the NLD angle increases and there is a high probability of a rebound.
  • The 268 also has a low silhouette, which makes it easy to hide among vegetation.
  • The DPM 268 is an advantage, since reloading is quite fast and there are no problems with drum reloading like Franz. PT is lvl 10, so on the battlefield 268 can produce stable high damage when it is necessary.


  • The aiming angles of 268 leave much to be desired. If you are fighting an aggressive battle and attack from behind a hill, then the first damage received is 268. Also, due to small UGN, the sight is lost and 268 spends a lot of time only on the report.
  • Although the accuracy of the 268 is high, it loses its significance due to the long flight of the projectile. At long distances, it is necessary to take a large lead, and during the flight of the projectile, the enemy can change its direction, which reduces the number of hits from 268.
  • 268 has the worst armor of its classmates, so being hit by artillery or a Brit shell. PT lvl 10, threatens to lose all HP at once.

Basic principles of combat tactics:

The Object 268 tank is quite mobile and DPM, which makes it convenient for aggressive actions on the battlefield, such as supporting ST at the beginning of the battle (from the side or from the rear) or covering TT. In addition, the low silhouette allows you to occupy close positions from allied TT and ST tanks. It follows from this. that on 268 you shouldn’t stand in the bushes lying near the base, but you need to take positions in a timely manner. But it’s worth remembering that the 268 has weak armor, and you can’t ride mixed with the ST, like Franz, for example. PT lvl 10.

It is necessary to monitor the mini-map, since the mobility of 268 gives an easy change of flank, so keeping the defense at 268 is not recommended. If there is a head-on collision with the enemy, then it is necessary to stand at a right angle to the enemy and at the right moment (the end of reloading of the enemy tank) turn the body in the direction where the opponent’s muzzle is directed, thereby increasing the armor of the cabin + reducing the likelihood of hitting the optics on the roof. If you come across an enemy tank, you need to move away from the walls of the building or rocks so that the enemy cannot “support” the tank from the side. Once the 268 is out of the way, you can start firing at the dizzying ST.

You should not aim the LT, since due to the long flight of the projectile there is a high probability of a miss + there is a chance of being detected.

Thank you for your attention!

Hello, tankers, today we will look at one of the top Soviet tank destroyers Object 268.

Development history
During the Great Patriotic War, tank destroyers with large-caliber guns showed excellent performance as real tank destroyers, so after the end of the war it was decided to develop an even more powerful self-propelled gun. Development of Object 268 began in construction. bureau 172 of the Perm plant.

In mid-1954, work was completed on the development of a 152 mm gun called the M-64. The gun had a tray-type ramming mechanism, which greatly simplified the process of loading the gun. The M64 was also one of the first Soviet guns to be equipped with an ejector.
Object 268, nicknamed “St. John’s Wort,” had 35 rounds of ammunition. The gun had two sights: for direct fire and for shooting from closed positions, for which a ZIS-3 was installed

Tank performance characteristics


Since the tank is level 10, there is no need to research modules (except for some level 10 vehicles). I’ll tell you more about the modules themselves:
152 mm M64 gun
Caliber (mm): 152
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 3.53
Average armor penetration (mm): 303/450/90
Average damage (units): 850/850/1100
Spread at 100 m (m): 0.33
Aiming time (sec): 2.7
Weight (kg): 6500

Engine V-16FN
Engine power (hp): 800
Chance of fire if hit: 12%
Weight (kg): 1024

Chassis Object 268
Maximum load (t): 53.9
Turning speed (deg/sec): 30
Weight (kg): 10000

Radio station R-113M
Communication range (m): 730
Weight (kg): 80

Equipment, equipment and ammunition
Depending on your choice of Object 268's role in combat, there are several equipment options:

Gun rammer - will allow you to fire a shot faster and reload the gun (which is important in any situation,
Improved ventilation - gives a bonus to all tank indicators,
Stereo tube - will allow you to detect a target long before they detect you (can be replaced with optics if you like to rush and not sit in the bushes and wait for the target).

Explanation from the author: When selecting and installing equipment, it is very important to make the tank more mobile, faster-firing and stealth/far-sighted. These are three important components of the advantage of Soviet tank destroyers. There is also a combination of modules in order to optimally realize all the advantages of the tank to suit your playing style.

Combat effectiveness

Object 268 is the final vehicle of the USSR tank destroyer branch. The previous tank was the Object 704, which performed well in battle. His distinctive feature there was good dynamics, stealth and alpha damage from the BL-10 cannon, which everyone without exception was afraid of, but there were also disadvantages such as insufficient armor protection of the hull and its excessive length. Object 268 turned out to be extremely balanced. The shells have excellent penetrating power and high damage. However, due to the design features, the horizontal aiming angle is very small and in order to aim at a moving target, the body has to be turned further. The standard visibility of 400 meters for level 10 vehicles allows you to detect the enemy at long distances.


Upgrading crew skills

Commander: sixth sense, the Brotherhood of War, mentor/repair, eagle eye/jack of all trades,
Gunner: camouflage, combat brotherhood, repair, sniper,
Mechanical drive: camouflage, military brotherhood, repair, virtuoso,
Loader: camouflage, brotherhood, repair, desperate,
Loader: camouflage, brotherhood, repair, intuition.
This is my version of leveling up the skills of the crew, but you can always level them up according to your playing style. It is important to enhance the tank’s camouflage and combat effectiveness as much as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages:

- excellent maximum speed (48 km/h is enough to quickly occupy the firing position you need),
- excellent maneuverability (turning speed is 30 degrees/sec. – try turning it),
- an excellent weapon (good penetration, high damage, fast reloading - everything you need),
- excellent stealth indicators (one of the most invisible tank destroyers in the game),
- rebound cutting of the hull (with correct setting tank successfully catching ricochets)

- insufficient vertical and horizontal aiming angles,
- weak hull armor (100mm in the forehead is not enough),
- long body (our monster cannot be hidden behind a small house)
From all this it follows that the pros still outweigh the cons, since sooner or later you adapt to the corners and weak armor, and the fun of the car outweighs everything else.


City maps are our everything! Here, the full potential of this monster is simply eager to break out and roam to its fullest. I found a narrow, secluded place so that the art wouldn’t bother us and send greetings to everyone who really wants it. Excellent dynamics will allow us to quickly take a convenient strategic direction, but it’s worth planning an escape route in advance (just in case). If your tank is equipped with a stereo tube or coated optics, the enemy will be in trouble and he is unlikely to heroically rush in your direction. If you follow the rule of 15 meters from the bushes, then you will be exposed only when the enemies are close enough. But if you are still exposed, immediately change your location, wait 10 seconds and again take a position that is convenient for you.

Even when I was just in the middle of the leveling branch of Soviet tank destroyers, I understood one rule for myself - you shouldn’t be a hero and rush forward too much, it’s better to calmly stand on the 2nd line of defense and shoot enemies from afar, because insufficiently thick hull armor will not allow you to tank your classmates by level. There are ricochets, but they are very rare, especially at close ranges.
We should not forget about our vulnerable points, such as the NLD, sides, stern, and commander’s hatch strip. When choosing locations, try to cover the tank’s vulnerable spots, which will prolong your life on the battlefield. It would be nice to learn to wait for the enemy, give him the right to make a mistake, and then boldly go and finish off the remaining enemies, but the main thing here is not to go too far with waiting or not to go too early to finish off.
Choosing the right direction of attack is the key to victory for your team. Sometimes we have to cover, sometimes we have to rush with everyone. The versatility of this tank is amazing in its capabilities, and this often brings good benefits for itself. To destroy the gut at the monastery - please return to base and knock down the capture - no problem! Driving the Object 268, you begin to look differently at tank destroyers and their roles on the battlefield.
Always turn your head and look at the situation around you - you will live longer.

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