How to resurrect after death. Resurrection from the dead. Is this really possible? "Soon it will be possible to revive people a day after death."

Is it possible to resurrect a person from the dead? The ritual of resurrection from the dead is perhaps the most mystical of the rituals practiced by voodoo priests. But is a miracle really happening, or are all the manipulations of priests and sorcerers explained only by the effect of some drugs and a hypnotic effect on a living person? Is it possible that all the stories about the miraculous resurrection of people by them are nothing more than a skillful falsification?

This is how the French traveler Francois Alexis, who visited the Republic of Benin, describes the ritual of resurrection.

“It was about three weeks after my arrival in Abomey before I, with the help of a fair amount of ten-franc notes, succeeded in persuading Ngambe to show me one of the resurrection ceremonies.

We rode a few miles from Abomea and reached a gorge into which a road rather like a path led. Winding along the slope, it climbed up a steep valley. At the end of the climb there was a small clearing. Ngambe warned me to remain completely silent. I don’t know what he wanted - either to hide my presence, or to make me feel how difficult it was for him to arrange this “secret” visit.

From Ngambe's explanations it was clear that we were present at a ceremony for the resurrection from the dead of a person who had been attacked by spirits sent by a medicine man from a neighboring village. The fetish priests of the village of the unfortunate man gathered to destroy or neutralize the power of the spirits who “killed” their ward.

We took cover in the bushes about fifty feet from a clearing where a group of natives had gathered. It was clear to me that Ngambe, in order to “arrange” my presence, shared the money he received from me with the ceremony participants. Although it was getting late in the evening, I still took my camera with me, but, to my great regret, there was not enough light for filming.

The man was lying on the ground, showing no signs of life. I noticed that one of his ears was half chopped off, but it was an old wound

no further signs of violence were visible. A group of blacks stood around him, some were completely naked, others were wearing long, unbelted shirts. Among them were several priests, who could be distinguished by a tuft of hair on their shaved heads. A steady noise of voices could be heard: preparations were underway for the ceremony.

Everything was in charge of an old man in an old, faded army jacket that hung loosely to his knees. He shouted at the others, waving his arms. On his wrist was an ivory bracelet. The old man was obviously the chief priest of the fetish, and he was supposed to drive out evil spirits today.

Suddenly, several people quickly approached the lifeless body stretched out on the ground, lifted it, carried it to the center of the clearing and very casually lowered it to the ground. One could believe that the person was dead or very close to death. The two men began beating drums made from hollow stumps of tree trunks.

The drummers were young guys who clearly did not belong to the temple servants. Their muscles stood out like tight knots under their dark shiny skin, their faces were motionless. The rhythmic movements of their hands had a hypnotizing effect. Their hair was braided in braids, decorated with white and red bone beads.

The chief priest, whose clothing consisted only of a red jacket and beads, began to dance rhythmically around the body stretched out on the ground, muttering something in a low monotonous voice. His robe fluttered comically as he danced, revealing his black, shiny buttocks as he swayed from side to side to the rhythm of the drums. I leaned over and said to Ngamba, “I am a doctor. I would like to examine the person and make sure that he is really dead. Can you arrange this?

Ngambe resolutely refused, but eventually stood up and walked forward. Brief negotiations took place: the old priest stopped his dance, said something sharply, the rest nodded their heads in agreement. Finally Ngambe returned. “Are you really a doctor?” - he asked. I confirmed, having decided not to go into the subtle differences between my profession as a dentist and other fields medical practice. Ngambe signaled to follow him.

"Don't touch!" - he ordered sharply. I nodded in agreement and knelt next to the prostrate body. The dance stopped and the spectators gathered around, watching me with curiosity. Lying on the ground was a healthy young guy, over six feet tall, with a broad chest and strong hands. I sat down so as to shield him with my body, and with a quick movement I lifted his eyelids to check his pupillary reaction. There was no reaction. I also tried to feel the pulse. He was absent. There was no sign of a heartbeat.

Suddenly there was a noise from behind, as if everyone sighed in unison. I turned to Ngamba. Malice sparkled in his eyes, and his face was distorted with horror. "He will die!" - he told me in French. - “You touched him. He will die". “He’s already dead, Ngambe,” I said, getting up. - "It is a crime. I must inform the French police."

Ngambe was still shaking his head when the old priest suddenly resumed his dance around the body. I stood at a distance, not knowing what to do. The situation was not pleasant. Although I did not feel much fear, knowing that the fear of the French police would protect me from any violence, there was much in the actions of these people that I did not understand, and they could easily turn out to be dangerous. I remembered the story of a Belgian policeman who was killed, torn into several hundred pieces and made into fetishes because he interfered with the ritual of the tribe's worship of their fetish.

We were surrounded by a group of thirty people. In low voices they sang a rhythmic song. It was something between a howl and a growl. They sang faster and louder. It seemed that the dead would hear these sounds. Imagine my surprise when that’s exactly what happened!

The “dead” suddenly ran his hand across his chest and tried to turn around. The screams of the people around him merged into a continuous scream. The drums began to beat even more furiously. Finally, the lying man turned, tucked his legs under him and slowly stood up on all fours. His eyes, which a few minutes ago had not responded to light, were now wide open and looking at us.

I would need to take his pulse to know if there was any drug involved. However, Ngambe, concerned about my presence at such a moment, tried to take me away from the circle of dancers. Then I asked him if this man was really dead. Ngambe, shrugging his bony shoulders, replied: “Man does not die. The spirit is killing him. If the spirit no longer desires his death, he lives.”

He spoke a mixture of Kiswahili with Portuguese, French and English. The meaning of his words was that the person on whom the ritual had just been performed was “killed” by a spirit sent by the keeper of the fetish, who acted at the instigation of his enemy. This spirit entered the human body and first caused his illness and then his death. However, in a short period after death, it is still possible to return a person’s soul to the body if he is expelled from there evil spirit. By touching the man with my hands, I almost ruined the whole thing.

It seems to me that this man was given some kind of alkaloid, which caused a state of catalepsy or trance, and his body seemed lifeless. On the other hand, he could be in a state of deep hypnotic sleep. The most amazing thing to me was that a man who was in a state in which he did not respond to ordinary tests was brought out of it without the help of drugs or known stimulants, and even without the touch of human hands.

Later, when telling a representative of the French administration about this matter, I became convinced that I was not the only white person present at such a ceremony. It was not difficult to obtain the consent of the fetish priest, naturally, for the appropriate fee. Although the voodoo cult is officially prohibited, the French police do not want to quarrel with the priests and turn a blind eye to their activities.

But their activities cause great great harm. Using drugs or hypnosis, they completely enslave their victims. Under the psychological pressure of the priest, people become his weak-willed tools. It is impossible to imagine even approximately how many hidden crimes the voodoo priests commit in this way.”

Illustration copyright Thinkstock

A radical procedure, during which the patient’s blood is replaced with a chilled saline solution, can bring a person who is in a state of clinical death back to life, a correspondent claims.

“If your body temperature is 10⁰C, your brain shows no signs of activity, your heart has stopped, there is no blood in your body - it’s unlikely that anyone will argue that you are dead,” says Arizona State University researcher Peter Rea. “But we can bring you back.” you to life."

Peter Rea isn't exaggerating. Experiments he conducted with his colleague at the University of Maryland, Samuel Tisherman, proved that the body can be maintained in a state of suspended animation for hours. Their technique, which has so far only been tested on animals, is one of the most daring in medicine.

During this procedure, all blood is removed from the patient’s body, and the body is cooled by more than 20⁰C. After surgery, blood is pumped back into the body and the body slowly warms up.

“As soon as blood is pumped into the body, the skin immediately turns pink, and at a certain temperature the heart turns on spontaneously,” says Peter Rea. “This is quite curious: at a temperature of 30⁰C, the heart begins to beat on its own. Then, when the body becomes even warmer, it independently restores normal rhythm."

The amazing thing is that the animals on which this experiment was carried out, after returning to life, show very few signs of any side effects. “They are unsteady on their feet for a while, but the next day they behave absolutely normal,” says Samuel Tisherman.

Tisherman gained worldwide fame after his announcement of his willingness to apply this technique to patients in Pittsburgh hospitals. According to him, these should be those who received bullet wounds and were in critical condition when the heart had already stopped. For such people, the technique proposed by Tisherman is the last hope.

“Cheat death with suspended animation” - this is how CNN reported about this idea. The New York Times wrote about Tisherman's technique under an even more scathing headline: "Killing a Patient to Save His Life."

Unnecessary sensation

Such sensational coverage of his experiments sometimes hurts Samuel Tisherman. During the conversation, he gives the impression of a thoughtful, balanced person who does not seek to present his research in a sensational light.

The scientist is especially careful in using the term “anabiosis.”

Illustration copyright Getty Image caption Peter Rea (pictured right) suggests that salt anabiosis could be used for quite some time

"It doesn't bother me that they might be inaccurate. But when people hear that term, they think of Han Solo from" Star Wars"or space travelers who can be frozen and sent to Jupiter, where they will be revived," he says.

"This distorts the meaning of my research. It is important to understand that this is not science fiction. This theory is based on experimental work and is tested in strict accordance with scientific methodology before it is used to save people from death," says Samuel Tisherman.

His research partner, Peter Rhee, gained widespread fame after treating US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords. In 2011, an attempt was made on her life, she received a severe wound to the head, but doctors managed to save her.

Peter Rea has bolder plans for using “salt suspended animation” than Tisherman. He does not exclude the possibility of maintaining the body in this state for a long time. Although, according to him, this is a matter of the distant future. "What we're doing now is just the beginning of the experiment," he says.

40-year-old man survives without any brain damage after three and a half hours of CPR

Samuel Tisherman began studying the problems of resuscitation in medical school, where he was mentored by Peter Safar. In the 1960s, Safar pioneered cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Now indirect cardiac massage or compression chest- this is a well-known procedure: rhythmic pressure is applied to a person’s chest to force the heart to start working again.

Peter Safar's work has changed our understanding of death as a momentary phenomenon. "We tend to think that death is instantaneous, and once we die, there's no going back," says Sam Parnia of the State University of New York at Stony Brook.

"That used to be the case. But with the advent of CPR, we realized that the cells in our body do not die for several hours after we are in a state of clinical death. So, even after you have become a corpse, you can be returned to life," explains Sam Parnia.

Death: moment or process?

Tisherman considers death to be the moment (obviously subjective) when doctors stop cardiopulmonary resuscitation, seeing that it will no longer help. But, in his opinion, even after this some people could be brought back to life.

In December, the attention of many doctors was attracted Research Article in the journal Resuscitation, which stated that half of the emergency physicians surveyed had at least once witnessed the so-called “Lazarus phenomenon” (autoresuscitation), when a patient’s heart spontaneously began to beat after doctors had already given up all hope.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption The stronger the decrease in body temperature, the higher the chances of resuscitation

But getting the heart back to work is only one of the tasks facing the resuscitator. Lack of oxygen as a result of cardiac arrest can cause serious damage to vital organs. internal organs and, above all, the brain. “Every minute that these organs are not getting oxygen, a process of dying occurs,” says Samuel Tisherman.

To solve this problem, his former mentor Peter Safar proposed using therapeutic hypothermia - cooling the body to about 33⁰C. To do this, the patient's body, for example, can be covered with ice. At low temperatures, the vital activity of cells slows down, their metabolism decreases, and, consequently, ischemic tissue damage, which is caused by a lack of oxygen.

The use of machines that maintain artificial blood circulation and supply it with oxygen has helped extend the time between cardiac arrest and brain death. A Texas clinic recently reported that a 40-year-old man survived without any brain damage after three and a half hours of CPR.

He was given an indirect cardiac massage, taking turns from doctors, nurses and even medical students who happened to be nearby. “Everyone in the room who could help was asked to participate,” recalls Dr. Scott Taylor Bassett.

However, such cases are rare. Bassett says doctors continued resuscitation only because the patient regained consciousness during the procedure, even though his heart was still not beating.

“During resuscitation, he was able to talk to us, and we understood that he had not yet suffered neurological damage,” says Dr. Bassett. “I had never seen anything like this, either before or after this incident. That is why we decided to continue.” .

Timing is everything

Such prolonged cardiopulmonary resuscitation is currently not possible for those whose cardiac arrest occurs as a result of a severe gunshot wound or trauma - such as that sustained in car accident. Now for a surgeon in this situation the best option- close the arteries leading to the lower part of the body, then open the chest and massage the heart to supply a small amount of blood to the brain while the wounds are treated and sutured. But, unfortunately, in such cases only one person out of ten survives.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption Indirect cardiac massage in combination with other procedures can help maintain life for quite a long time

It is for this reason that Samuel Tisherman wants to cool the body to 10-15⁰C. This could give doctors more than two hours to operate. Such cooling is sometimes already used during heart surgery, but Tisherman’s technique is the first example of reviving a patient who is in a state of clinical death.

Perhaps the most surprising thing about this procedure is that doctors must drain all the blood from the patient's body and replace it with a cooled saline solution. Because the body's metabolism has stopped, it doesn't need blood to keep cells alive, and saline is the quickest way to cool a patient, Tisherman says.

Samuel Tisherman, along with Peter Rea and other colleagues, spent two decades building the evidence that the procedure was safe and effective. This is proven by numerous experiments on pigs that received injuries that were practically incompatible with life. During these operations, doctors saw that the animals were already far beyond the line of life and death, and, nevertheless, they were saved.

Patients with bullet wounds were chosen for the first trials because in such cases it is easier to localize the site of bleeding

“The pig turned as white as possible,” says Peter Rea. “It turned into pale refrigerated meat.” However, if the animals could be cooled quickly enough - by about 2 degrees Celsius per minute - almost 90% of them survived when blood was pumped back into their bodies. Even after they lay there lifeless for over an hour. “It was an amazing sight for those present to see the animal's heart begin to beat again,” says Peter Rea.

After the test pigs returned to their normal state, the researchers ran a series of tests to see if their brains were damaged. To do this, before the procedure, they trained the pigs to open a container of a certain color in which an apple was hidden.

After being revived, most of the animals remembered where to look for the treat. Other pigs that were not taught this before the operation learned to do it soon after. They grasped the task as quickly as the others. This suggests that the procedure did not have any negative effect on their memory.

It is clear that it was very difficult to obtain permission for the same experiment with people. Earlier this year, Tisherman was finally allowed to use his technique as a test trial on patients who suffered gunshot wounds in Pittsburgh.

Many of us agree that to preserve the brain, the body needs to be cooled much more than is currently the case. But we don't dare to do this Sam Parnia

For surgery in this hospital American city One or two such patients are admitted every month. This suggests that over the past months, Tisherman’s technique has been tried on some of them. Although he himself does not want to share the results of this work yet. Tisherman intends to conduct similar trials in Baltimore, and if all goes well, Peter Rhee will begin the same work at a trauma center in Tucson, Arizona.

As with any medical research, transferring these trials from animals to humans presents some challenges. For example, at the end of the experiment the animals receive their own blood, while people will need donated blood that has been sitting in storage for weeks. The animals were under anesthesia during the operation, but people will have to do without it.

All of this can affect how the body reacts. But Samuel Tisherman remains optimistic. "Dogs and pigs are thought to react to bleeding in the same way as humans," he says.

Doctors are watching these experiments with great interest. “This is very bold,” says Sam Parnia. “Many of us agree that to preserve the brain we need to cool the body much more than is currently being done. But we are hesitant to do this.”

If the trials go as planned, Tisherman intends to apply his method to treat other types of injuries. Patients with gunshot wounds were chosen for the first trials because in such cases it is easier to localize the site of bleeding.

But he hopes that eventually it will be possible to treat cases of internal bleeding in the same way - for example, as a result of the same road accidents. It is possible that someday this technique will be used to treat patients who have survived myocardial infarction and suffer from a number of other diseases.

The success of the tests may open the way to research into other forms of suspended animation. Some scientists would like to test whether a set of medications added to a saline solution could further slow down metabolism and prevent damage to body tissue.

Illustration copyright Thinkstock Image caption A defibrillator is a powerful tool, but often provides only a temporary effect

One promising candidate for this role is hydrogen sulfide (hydrogen sulfide), chemical compound, giving rotten eggs their unpleasant smell. It has also been found to reduce metabolism in some animals. However, there is little evidence yet that hydrogen sulfide, a poisonous compound, can improve the chances of survival from cardiac arrest. Tisherman believes that it would be better to instead find powerful antioxidants that can destroy chemical elements, affecting cells.

Peter Rea is convinced that the “salt suspended animation” technique needs to be tested and implemented as quickly as possible. He told me about a patient whom he had seen in the hospital the day before our conversation.

“He was shot in the center of the abdomen, just below the rib cage,” he says. “The doctors did everything they could, but he died. This is exactly the kind of patient who we hope can be brought back to life when the doctors There will be more time for the operation."

based on the book V.A. Shemshuk "BABA YAGS - who are they?"
Postal address of the publishing house: 123182, Moscow, p.o. box, Shemshuku V.A.
Email: [email protected]

How to revive a dead person

Russian healers could revive killed or dead people. I was particularly interested in this question and found ancient way of revival, described in the 19th century by Zabylin, but before that I myself discovered a similar method. I will give my observations and reasoning on this issue.

Most failures in resuscitation of people who died violently from suffocation (hanging), drowning, electric shock, freezing, shock, poisoning, heart attack are associated with ineffective methods of resuscitation And with the misconception that brain cells die within the first five to six minutes. In reality, this is not so; nerve cells, on the contrary, live much longer than all other cells, since they are most protected from external and internal influences.

As a student at the Medical Institute and working as a paramedic on a rescue team, I became familiar with the statistics of water rescues over many years.

As a rule, if a person was without air for 4-6 minutes, he was able to start his heartbeat and breathing, but it was not possible to bring him to consciousness and the ambulance taking him to the hospital was forced to turn into the morgue. People who were without air for more than this time never returned to life.

The reason for dying lies not in the weak viability of brain cells, but in a decrease in the temperature of the blood of the head, and since most of the vessels in the head are thinner than a human hair, the blood, thickened by cooling, becomes impossible to move through the thinnest capillaries, and therefore the power of the brain is turned off. This is why it is not possible to bring a person to his senses (consciousness), despite the fact that his heartbeat and breathing are restored, even after three hours of being in the water.

To the person caught in clinical death , it is necessary, first of all, to warm up the head, and if he has rigor mortis, then the whole body. Therefore, the Russians used a bathhouse when reviving.

It is known from physiology that biochemical reactions in the human body occur at a temperature of 36.6, and in order to start them, a temperature of 38 ° C is needed. Therefore, a bathhouse was necessary.

Working as a paramedic in a rescue team, my duties included checking the condition of divers before they dived. Since such dives were extremely rare, I was assigned to one of the city’s beaches. We didn’t have days off as such; it was believed that we took them off in the winter, so we had to be on the beach every day without any days off.

We agreed with my partner, also a lifeguard, to change periodically, and then one day, when it was my turn to be on duty alone, I did not have a rescue boat, because the motor was damaged, and the partner who was responsible for it could not fix the problem in time. I, like all the vacationers, was just sunbathing with everyone else on the beach.

And suddenly, the people lying next to me ran - an emergency occurred - a girl drowned. I first noted the time and, after questioning eyewitnesses, I also climbed into the water to save. The girl was pulled out of the water by those who came to the beach with her. I looked at the time - 12 minutes had passed. They pumped the water out of her and began giving her mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration. Although it was my job, no one perceived me as a rescuer, and also as a paramedic.

Fearing legitimate popular anger, they say, why do we need such rescuers who don’t even have a proper boat (and even more so possible dismissal, because for me, a medical student, better work: it wasn’t), I modestly stood nearby and gave advice, although the guys did everything correctly without my advice.

Her heart began to beat and she began to breathe, although every doctor knows; that this could only be a temporary effect, the main thing was that she regain consciousness. According to all today's canons, she had no chance of salvation.

When I suggested that someone warm it up with their body (as the peoples of the north do when they revive frozen people, and as the Germans learned to revive it in SS dungeons), my proposal remained unheeded. However, when she Once again her heart stopped again and, after stimulating it, I suggested rubbing her temples with vodka and applying a rag with vodka to her forehead (there was nothing else at hand) to warm up her brain and then turn her over so that fresh blood would get into the front lobes of the brain, my proposal was accepted and implemented.

On top of the vodka compress I put a plastic bag, which I pressed with my hands to her head. Although she did not come to her senses, her heart did not stop. And so, as it seemed to me, after an infinitely long time, she moaned and her body shook. She slowly came to her senses. The ancient method of revival worked.

I did not report this case to my superiors, because for me it would mean dismissal, since we could not repair the boat in time, and most importantly, I would have to say goodbye to my dream of graduating from the Medical Institute. But apparently, one of the vacationers nevertheless reported this incident to my superiors and that during the incident the rescuers were not on site. In any case, my relationship with them suddenly deteriorated and my partner and I were soon fired.

Of course, this revival could have been a pure coincidence and I could not prove it to anyone using one example. That's why I began to collect cases of revival when not 10 minutes passed, but several hours, days and even months. I did not stop my research and already, as a student at the Faculty of Biology (I had to leave the medical institute because there was no evening department there, and I had to work somewhere), I went to do coursework at the morgue.

As a result of my research, I discovered that almost up to three days in humans, biologically active points continue to function in the same way as in a living person, and in people who died a violent death, they persist for up to a month, or maybe more, they just didn’t bring in other corpses during the period of my work on the coursework.

Although the topic course work I was eventually cheated on, but it was at that time that I came to the conclusion that there is no difference between suspended animation in animals, lethargic sleep, and death in humans.
Rodents, bears and other higher species of mammals, each time hibernating, actually seem to die, but come to life as the ambient temperature rises.

John Wright in his book “Witness to Witchcraft” described how African shamans revive warriors who were killed a day ago. Before being revived, he recorded a cat-like pupil and the absence of any pulse in all of them. And after the ceremony, to which he was not allowed, all the dead were alive.

The main thing when reviving is that the body temperature does not fall below 36.6, especially the head temperature.

And second, a person must periodically roll over onto his or her back, since the center of will (consciousness), located in the central frontal lobe of the brain, should not be drained of blood. Because when the heart stops as a result of prolonged lying on your back, there is a natural outflow of blood from the forehead.

There is no death at all, but there is, as it were, unfavourable conditions, in which the body is forced to stop all processes occurring in it, but if you correctly prepare the body for revival, then death can always be defeated.

Pathanatomists know well that if the heart of a deceased person is touched after opening the chest, the whole body shudders, and often the heart then begins to beat. In this case, teachers say; that these are residual reflexes, in fact, this is evidence that the deceased person is alive and ready to wake up and live if they do not cut him and then bury him in the ground.

If you have left your body and are watching how they are trying to resuscitate you, then know that these attempts will be ineffective on the part of the doctors if you do not enter back into your body.

If the doctors were unable to resuscitate you and gave up their attempts, and you know that you can still live and live, then leave the body again and begin to stimulate your life energy.

Mentally lift your right and left arms in the rhythm of your heartbeat - 12 times. Then, with the same frequency, tilt your neck forward and back, also 12 times. After this, bow 180 degrees also 12 times. After this, tense all the muscles in your body. If you fail to wince, repeat these exercises again in the same sequence. Don’t let yourself be distracted by any visiting relatives or “good beings.” You are more needed here.

There is practically no death as such. In our Russian language there are no words denoting death. The word “death” itself means “in moderation”, other words: introduce yourself, rest, move away, kill, die, play in the box, death etc. in the past meant completely different actions, which follow from the analysis of the roots of these words, but not death at all.

And this indicates that death on Earth as a phenomenon appeared quite recently, since the original meaning of the words meaning death today has not yet disappeared. The Old Russian name for a deceased person, preserved to this day, is “deceased”, i.e. asleep. In other words, our ancestors, unlike us, knew well that death is just a dream that ends one day.

Judging by the crypts and dolmens that are still found in some places in Russia, we can conclude that until quite recently our ancestors treated death not as a departure from life, but as a transformation. After all, you can leave both the crypt and the dolmen.

With the advent of Catholicism in Russia, it was prescribed to bury the dead in the ground, and crypts and dolmens were prohibited, despite this, the Cossacks continued to leave “pipes” for the dead so that the resurrected deceased could call for help and would not suffocate in his coffin.

If you look at the entire established tradition of funerals, you can come to the unequivocal conclusion that everything was and is being done so that a person, having recovered from suspended animation, could not get out of his burial place.

First they came up with the idea of ​​putting a stone on the grave. Since this did not help and some still managed to somehow get out, they came up with a gravestone covering the entire grave. However, there were cases when people somehow got out of it, tearing off their nails and tearing their fingers bloody, which, by the way, were preserved in stories written in the 19th century and told even in our time in pioneer camps.

Naturally, such cases excited the public. Therefore, it was invented to use wooden coffins with a lid nailed down, and the revived person had no chance of getting out of it.

After the establishment of Soviet power, when Catholicism, as a tradition, was freely introduced into Russian culture, mandatory autopsies of dead people were prescribed so as not to leave the dead any chance of resurrection, and cries for help that were periodically heard from the graves no longer aroused the public against doctors.

But doctors, of course, are not to blame. The occupiers are to blame for imposing the idea of ​​death on us.
There is no death as such in nature, there is only our idea of ​​it as a certain inevitable necessity, which affirms death on Earth. In fact, death is indistinguishable from lethargic sleep - suspended animation, through which many animals go through every year.

Lethargic sleep (death) was created by our ancestors specifically as a protective reaction of the body, having passed through - which, a person was rejuvenated, due to autolysis (dissolution) - of accumulated protein globules that clogged the cells of the body.

But in medicine, the opinion is being propagated that autolysis supposedly processes all the insides of the cell, which is absolutely not true. In a lethargic sleep, a person hears and even sees everything, but cannot move until transformation processes take place in him. It is no coincidence that people who have gone through lethargic sleep (death) have many sensitive abilities.

All of the above allows us to draw an unambiguous conclusion that the illusion of death, imposed on us by the invaders as a means of punishing a person, has become a reality, although in essence it remains imaginary.

It is no coincidence that excavations of old cemeteries when there were no autopsies yet show that buried people find themselves upside down in their coffins.

In other words, almost all people who have died, if there was no autopsy, come to life again and discover with horror that they are buried alive. Therefore we need to reconsider modern conditions burials of people. And again begin to bury (i.e., hide from animals and birds, and not bury in the ground) dead people in crypts.

Since for many today the crypt will not be affordable, you can use the ready-made premises of the upper Tartarus, which are located under all the currently existing cities and are now empty. Or caves where the temperature is the same in summer and winter.

Before placing a person in a crypt, he must in modern ways cleanse the stomach, intestines, mouth and ears and perform resuscitation every nine months in the ancient Russian way.

Here comes a row philosophical questions– is it necessary to do this? Is it worth reviving many dead?? A small survey on how long people would like to live showed that people do NOT want to live until old age, because of a difficult, joyless and unpromising life.

Resurrect me in three hundred years.
(...or a hypothesis about the possible resurrection of a person after death in the future using scientific methods).

As is known, identifying the attitude of adults to the problem of immortality allows us to divide them into three main categories: those who believe that practical, material immortality is both unnecessary and unattainable; those who are inclined to believe that it, alas, is unattainable, no matter how sad it is; and finally, those who think that it may someday become feasible, but that there is no need for it. But there is a fourth point of view...

Andrei Svetov is interested in the problem of immortality in a very practical way: he is part of the organizing committee to create a repository of genetic information about everyone who wishes to live after death.

I became interested in the topic in 1982, when I read Nikolai Fedorov’s one-volume book. It was he who inspired Tsiolkovsky to create spacecraft. I thought, if the second part of Fedorov’s project was realized, then why couldn’t the main one be realized? And very soon he collected material that clearly showed the direct path to human immortality.

But my book would not have existed if I had not learned about the research of molecular biologist Raoul Cano, who brought back to life organisms that died approximately 25-30 million years ago (!).

I contacted professors from the Institute of General Genetics and Defense Enterprises. Most of them are confident in the theoretical possibility of eternal life for humans.

It is known that Japanese scientists are working on creating an artificial brain, but you are convinced that it is possible to resurrect the dead. How can this be done practically?

The genetic material must be well preserved. What American cryogenic centers are doing is a scam pure water. They freeze entire corpses, which is not necessary, and they freeze them gradually. In this case, the crystallizing water breaks the cell membrane, every single cell nucleus located in these bodies is destroyed and it is no longer possible to restore them.

There are other technologies and they were developed in one of the closed enterprises in Moscow. This technology is for instant freezing of biological material while maintaining the integrity of all cell structures.


The first client of the cryogenization center that opened in America in the early 60s was James Bedford, whose cancer-ridden body is now stored at a temperature of about 200 degrees below zero. More recently, there were 4 cryogenization centers in America, containing more than 30 frozen corpses of millionaires and several hundred heads. The number of clients is constantly increasing, despite the considerable fees: 125 thousand dollars for storing a body or 50 thousand dollars for storing a head. Cryogenization centers exist in France and Japan.

But a storage facility in which thousands of corpses will be frozen will occupy a huge area?..

There is no need to freeze the entire body. Biomolecular research suggests that the genetic material in the nucleus of a single cell contains all the information about the species, including even memory. One cell is enough to store all the information about an individual.

In what form will man be resurrected again?

I think that in the future a person will be able to choose the age at which he will return to life. But if a five-year-old child is resurrected, he will have the experience of a person the age at which the DNA was taken for storage.

We have no evidence that human consciousness continues to exist after physical death. The works of Robert Moody show that after the physical death of a person, consciousness continues to exist for several hours. But it is not known how long this period of time is. Currently, scientists engaged in deciphering the material contained in the genetic material have not determined the content of 98 percent of the genes. 2 percent carry information about eye color, hair, height, skin color... There are skeptics who claim that 98 percent of genes are ballast, but nature is extremely economical in its manifestations. But there are researchers who suggest that “junk” genes contain information about a person’s personality. It was recently discovered that in the process of human learning, new genes are formed in the subcortex of the brain


In particular, according to academician P.K. Anokhin, in a person’s “silent genes” all the information about what happens to a person during life is automatically encoded, and this molecular memory is much more complete and perfect than our ordinary memory associated with brain function.

So humanity can live forever?

I didn't think that all people would want this. Most people do not know what to do with one life, and they have no need for eternal existence.

But theoretically, everyone can want it, but the earth's resources are not unlimited. Then it is necessary to stop the birth?..

Fedorov discussed this. He came to the conclusion that man is not at all doomed to live on earth. In his opinion the planet solar system and the more distant worlds are our property, the rights of ownership of which we have not yet entered into.

Humanity needs to explore space, whether people will return to life or not. The world's population is steadily increasing. According to the forecasts of scientists from the Roman Club of Futurologists, we are allotted 50 years of carefree life. After this, irreversible processes in the environment will begin.

What is needed in order to build a repository of information material of biological objects?

No less than 5 million dollars. You can use one of the old mines ballistic missiles. You can build a room: it will be smaller in area than the Cosmos Hotel.

Will such a storage be able to exist automatically?

Yes. Several years ago, in one of the closed Moscow institutes, a completely autonomous system for maintaining the temperature of liquid helium was developed.

I don’t know for what military purposes this was needed, but there is experimental equipment that works in this mode.

Is it possible to resurrect Lenin?

Don't think. It is unlikely that his genetic material was stored properly, most likely his DNA chains were destroyed.

Andrey Svetov about DNA.

"... You are surprised by the reality that the nuclei of the somatic cells of our body are capable of accumulating, encoding and storing in their DNA chains all information not only about phylogeny and ontogenesis (which, in fact, is what is meant when they talk about “ genetic information"), but also all other information related to a specific person, that is, information of a mental nature?

The last statement is not generally accepted even among molecular biologists, but, paradoxically, could become an unconditional axiom for everyone who is even slightly familiar with quantum physics. In fact, if we already know that any elementary particle, for example, a quark, from which our Universe is built, like “bricks”, contains all the information about the entire Universe: about its past, present and future, then It will no longer seem strange to us that objects are much more “bulky”, and therefore much more “capacious” in terms of the volume of information that can be accumulated, than a quark; for example, objects such as the nuclei of the cells of our body are capable of containing all the information about man (an object much more modest in structural complexity and size than the visible universe).

All this can be substantiated right now, moving from the physics of subatomic particles to neurophysiology: The memory capacity of a mentally healthy adult contains at least 10 16 - 10 18 bits of information. However, nervous system human contains only 10 10 neurons. Consequently, each neuron must process and serve 10 6 - 10 8 bits of information, and this far exceeds all conceivable physiological capabilities of a neuron. Consequently, a person constantly uses mental information not only from his brain, but also from some other sources located in the body, but outside the brain. But to the question: “What structures of the body, in addition to the brain, are involved in the accumulation, storage, use of information, and any other manipulation of information?”, there can be only one possible answer: information molecules - DNA molecules - contained in the nuclei of cells .

Moreover, there are many documented facts indicating that such a system for processing and storing information as the brain is not even the main one! (Which physiologist does not know the story of Phineas Gage, who for many years led a full life with an almost complete absence of a brain! - although this is no longer a sensation, but rather an everyday reality. Note by V.K.) Another thing is that we We still know little about the biological mechanisms that a somatic cell uses to accumulate and encode mental information."

Modern science is working hard to solve one of the few problems of humanity that directly interferes with our lives... Taxes. Joke. For thousands of years, people have been looking for the key to immortality, and so far it is somewhere out there, far from our understanding. Now we can cheat death by freezing ourselves, uploading our minds into a computer, changing DNA, etc. But for now these are all games with death, and so far it wins us dry. Or not?

Luz Miraglos Veron

Analia Bouter was pregnant with her fifth child when she went into labor at 12 weeks ahead of schedule. After the birth, the doctors told her that the child was dead, and her husband was given a paper in which the fact of the child’s death was recorded. But the parents decided to return 12 hours later to see their daughter’s body, which by that time was already lying in the refrigerated chamber of the morgue. After the birth, all doctors diagnosed death, but when the parents opened the refrigerator box, the child began to cry, and they realized that their daughter had come to life. The girl was named Luz Miraglos (Wonderful Light) and the latest data about her says that the girl is stronger and completely healthy.

Alvaro Garza, Jr.

Alvaro Garza Jr. was born and lived in North Dakota, USA. He was 11 years old when he fell through the ice. The rescuers took a very long time to get to the place and by the time they arrived, Alvaro had already been under water for a full 45 minutes. When he was pulled out of the river, doctors declared clinical death: he had no pulse, and his body temperature dropped to 25 degrees. When he was brought to the hospital, he was connected to a heart-lung machine and he came back to life.

The explanation for this whole story is that Alvaro fought for his life for several minutes before he went under the ice. During this time, the body realized that there was a struggle for life, the body temperature dropped and the need for oxygen decreased to almost zero. Four days after the incident, he was able to communicate, and 17 days later he was discharged. At first, his limbs didn’t obey him well, but gradually everything returned to normal. Now he is completely healthy.

Risen at the polling station

Ty Houston, a nurse from Michigan, was filling out her ballot in 2012 when she heard a cry for help. Running to the crowded place, the nurse saw an unconscious man. He had no pulse and no breathing. She began artificial respiration and after 10 minutes the man came to life. And his first phrase was: “Haven’t I voted yet?”

Resurrection in the morgue refrigerator

In July 2011, the owner of a morgue in Johannesburg (South Africa) was brought the body of a man who, by all indications, was dead. He was put in the refrigerator waiting for his relatives to pick him up. Twenty-one hours later, the dead man woke up and began screaming. It is clear that the owner of the morgue did not expect this. Frightened, the owner called the police and began to wait for them to arrive. The police opened the cell and pulled out a “dead” man who was showing signs of life. He was rushed to the hospital. The man fully recovered, and the owner of the morgue underwent a course with a psychiatrist.

Kelvin Santos

Kelvin Santos, a two-year-old boy from Brazil, died after complications from bronchial pneumonia that caused respiratory arrest. He was placed in a body bag and given to his family three hours later. When his aunt came to say goodbye to him, the body, as she said, began to move, after which the boy sat down in his coffin in front of the whole family, and asked his father for a sip of water. The family thought he had resurrected, but unfortunately he immediately lay down again and died again. He was taken to hospital, but doctors pronounced him dead a second time.

Carlos Camejo

Carlos Camejo was 33 when he was involved in a highway accident. He was pronounced dead and taken to the local morgue. His wife was notified of the death and invited to identify the body. Pathologists had already begun the autopsy when they realized that something was wrong. Blood began to flow from the wound. They began to stitch it up, and at that moment Carlos woke up, as he said, because the pain was unbearable. When his wife arrived, he was already conscious and was taken to the hospital. He has fully recovered (judging by the photo)

Erica Nigrelli

Erica Nigrelli, teacher in English from Missouri, was 36 weeks pregnant when she became ill and passed out while at work. Her husband Nathan, a teacher at the same school, called 911 and reported that Erica was having a seizure. Erica's heart stopped. Ambulance arrived and took Erica to the hospital. The heart was still silent. The decision was made to save the child. After an emergency caesarean section Erica's heart started beating again. She was kept in an induced coma for five days, and as a result it was discovered that she was suffering from a heart condition known as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. She had a pacemaker installed. After some time, Erica and her daughter, Elania, were discharged alive and well.

Incident at the MaNdlo Hotel

In March of this year, prostitutes in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, stopped showing signs of life during the “work process” in a MaNdlo hotel room. An ambulance and police arrived to pronounce the death. A crowd of onlookers gathered around. She had already been placed in a metal coffin, when suddenly the prostitute began screaming: “You want to kill me!” Naturally, the number of onlookers immediately became much smaller. The client whom the girl was serving wanted to run away, but he was stopped and explained that the authorities and the hotel had no claims against him. And from the hotel he received a big discount for staying in a room. So if you are staying at a hotel and want to get a big discount, let a prostitute die in your room and come to life in front of everyone.

Li Xiufeng

Li Xiufeng was 95 years old. And one morning a neighbor found her without signs of life on own bed. The neighbor then called the police, who pronounced him dead. The grandmother's body was placed in a coffin and left until the day of the funeral. On the day of the funeral, relatives came and found the coffin empty. A minute later they found her in the kitchen. drinking tea. As it turned out, this “death” was the result of a head injury suffered two weeks earlier.

Lyudmila Steblitskaya

Lyudmila was also diagnosed with death and placed in the morgue, where she later woke up. What makes her different from the guy who spent 21 hours in the morgue, she spent three whole days in the cell.

In November 2011, her daughter Nastya went to the hospital to visit Lyudmila and was met by a nurse who said that her mother had died. The body was in the morgue, and the morgue was closed because... It was already Friday evening. The daughter prepared for the funeral and invited 50 people. To pay for the funeral, the daughter borrowed about $2,000. On Monday, Nastya entered the morgue with the opening and found her mother in perfect health. After this discovery, the daughter ran out of the morgue screaming. The hospital declined to comment on the incident.

Nastya took a long time to recover from the shock, and Lyudmila paid the money in the amount of $2,000 from her salary for a long time. About a year later, she “died” again for an hour. Now the daughter has decided to wait at least a week before recognizing her mother’s death.

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