An ecological fairy tale about Baikal for children. Tales about Baikal Tale: Who gave the Evenks the sun - Baikal Tales




Between high mountains, in the endless taiga lies the world's greatest Lake Baikal - the glorious Siberian Sea.

In ancient times, Siberia was an unknown and mysterious country - wild, icy, deserted. A few tribes of Siberian peoples - Buryats, Yakuts, Evenks, Tofalars and others - roamed the vast Siberian expanses. For their nomads, the most attractive and generous were the shores of sacred Baikal, the taiga and steppes between the mighty rivers Angara, Yenisei, Lena, Lower Tunguska and Selenga, white tundras stretched all the way to the Arctic Ocean.

The fate of the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia was not easy. Harsh climate, dependence on natural conditions, vulnerability to disease, inability to conduct subsistence farming, oppression of petty princes, merchants and shamans - all this shaped special character and the spiritual makeup of the Siberian peoples.

The peoples of Siberia did not have writing. But the thirst for knowledge of the world, its imaginative understanding, the thirst for creation irresistibly pulled people towards creativity. Siberian craftsmen created wonderful crafts from wood, bone, stone and metal. Songs and epics, fairy tales and legends, myths and legends were composed. These creations are the priceless heritage of the Siberian peoples. Passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, they carried enormous spiritual power. They reflected the history of the people, their ideals, their desire for liberation from centuries-old oppression, the dream of a free and joyful life, of the brotherhood of peoples.

Siberian folklore is unique and original. Worldly wisdom, national color, and artistic expressiveness are characteristic of Siberian fairy tales, legends and traditions.

The collection presents various genres of oral creativity of the peoples inhabiting the shores of Lake Baikal and the valleys of the surrounding rivers: fairy tales, legends, traditions and oral stories; social and everyday tales and about animals. Along with old, traditional fairy tales, the collection also includes tales about new life in Soviet Siberia.

The texts of the presented works are not equivalent. Some of them are given in literary adaptation, others were created by writers based on folk tales and legends, others are printed in their original form, as they were written down from the storytellers, with only minor amendments. Some fairy tales may seem unassuming and even primitive. However, this apparent primitiveness conceals living spontaneity, naturalness and simplicity, which constitute the true originality of unique folk art. Of course, no one says that the Evenks gathered from all over the taiga and pushed a mountain into the sea, this only happens in a fairy tale, but there is a great truth in this: the people - enormous strength, he can move mountains; no one will believe that Lenin flew to the Far North to the Evenks on a red deer, rallied them and they defeated their enemies. Lenin never visited the northern tundra. However, the fairy tale inspired, gave birth to faith, and called for fight.

Most of the tales in this collection - Buryat, Evenki and Tofalar - are the work of peoples who have long lived in close proximity to Lake Baikal.

Russians appeared in Siberia more than four hundred years ago. They brought with them everyday experience, their culture, made friends with local peoples, taught them to cultivate the land, grow bread, raise cows and sheep, and build good houses.

Along with the settlers, Russian folk tales also took root in Siberia.

The heroes of Siberian fairy tales, legends and traditions are unique and colorful. In fairy tales, this is Siberian nature itself, lakes and rivers, mountains and forests, which are animated by the people's imagination; These are usually powerful national heroes, gifted with supernatural strength and intelligence, fighting with monstrous or evil heroes for the freedom of the people, for truth and justice. In fairy tales about animals, the heroes are Siberian animals and birds, fish and even insects endowed with human qualities. The characters in social and everyday fairy tales are ordinary people, inhabitants of the taiga, engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, struggling with poverty and with their eternal enemies - the rich.

An interesting and important phenomenon in Siberian folklore were new tales about a free and happy Siberia, a new, revolutionary time, the fresh breath of which reached the most remote corner of the Siberian taiga, to the very extreme point Russia.

This time truly made people happy, inspired them with a dream of a near bright future, of universal equality, brotherhood and justice. All this could not help but stir up and transform traditional folk art. All those events and moods were undoubtedly reflected in the folk tales of the Siberian inhabitants. Fairy tales were told about the great Lenin, about the Russian revolutionary batars who came to the taiga, to the tundra and helped people find the key to happiness and light the sun of a new life.

“Baikal Lake Fairy Tales” is a two-volume publication designed by famous Soviet artists, the Traugott brothers.

Each book has three sections. The first book contains tales about Baikal (“ Magic dreams Podlemorye"), heroic tales glorifying folk heroes-heroes ("Eternal people and living water"), toponymic legends and traditions ("This is how rivers and mountains were born"). The second volume includes fairy tales about animals (“Heavenly Deer”), social and everyday tales (“Happiness and Sorrow”) and today’s, modern fairy tales (“The Sun of the Undersea”).

Compiled by N. Esipenok
Drawings by G. A. V. Traugott



In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.

There was no more beautiful woman on earth.

During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds: geese, swans, cranes descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They spoke:

Is it possible to blacken something light?

Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.

The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear throughout the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.

The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:

Father, I am dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...

Baikal shouted angrily:

I can only give you my tears!..

For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called the Shaman Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...


Who in ancient times was considered the most glorious and powerful hero, whom everyone feared, but also revered? Gray-haired Baikal, a formidable giant.

And he was also famous for the countless, priceless riches that flocked to him from all sides from the surrounding heroes who were conquered by him and subject to tribute - yasak. There were more than three hundred of them. The yasak was collected by Baikal's faithful comrade-in-arms, the hero Olkhon, who had a tough and cruel disposition.

It is not known where Baikal would have put all its production over the years and how much it would have accumulated if not for him only daughter Angara, blue-eyed, capricious and wayward beauty. She greatly upset her father with her unbridled extravagance. Oh, how easily and freely, at any moment, she spent what her father had collected for years! Sometimes they scolded her:

You are throwing good things to the wind, why is that?

It’s okay, it will come in handy for someone,” Angara said, chuckling. - I love that everything is in use, doesn’t sit stale and ends up in good hands.

Angara was the heart of kindness. But Angara also had her favorite, cherished treasures, which she cherished from an early age and kept in a blue crystal box. She often admired them for a long time when she remained in her little room. Angara never showed this box to anyone or opened it for anyone, so none of the palace servants knew what was stored in it.

Only Baikal knew that this box was filled to the brim with magical beads made of multifaceted semi-precious stones. These treasures had amazing power! As soon as they were taken out of the box, they lit up with such bright and powerful lights of extraordinary beauty that even the sun faded in front of them.

Why was Angara in no hurry to put on magic jewelry? She confessed only to her nanny Todokta:

When my favorite friend appears, then I’ll wear it. For him.

But days passed after days, and there was no friend to my liking. And Angara got bored. Everything around her tormented and upset her. There is nothing left of the beauty's former playful disposition.

Baikal noticed such a change in her daughter and guessed: she needed a good groom, it was time for a wedding. And who will you give it to if she hasn’t loved anyone yet? And he decided to notify everyone around him that he wanted to marry off his daughter.

There were many people who wanted to become related to Baikal, but Angara refused everyone. The bride turned out to be picky! According to her, it turned out that this one was narrow-minded, that one had no face, the third - an article.

Baikal no longer only felt sorry for the Angara, but also for all the young heroes.

You never know how much time passed, but one day such an elegant plow sailed into the possessions of Baikal, the likes of which had never been seen here. And he was brought by the young knight Irkut, surrounded by a large, important retinue. He also wanted to try his luck.

But Angara looked at Irkut indifferently and winced:

No, I don’t need that either!

There is nothing to do - he wanted to turn Irkut back, but Baikal stopped him:

Take your time, stay with me for a bit.

And he arranged an unprecedented feast in honor of the guest he liked. And it lasted for several days and nights. And when the hour of parting came, Baikal said goodbye to Irkut:

Although Angara didn’t like you, I love you. And I will try to have you as my son-in-law. Rely on me.

These words were sweeter than honey to Irkut, and he sailed home overjoyed. And from that day on, Baikal began to carefully persuade Angara to agree to marry Irkut. But she didn't want to listen. Baikal fought and fought, and he saw that nothing was working out; he would have to postpone the wedding.

But then came the big summer holiday - Sur-Harban, for which many people flocked to Lake Baikal every year. Oh, how richly and solemnly this holiday was decorated!

The competition had already begun when the last to appear at the festival was the descendant of the proud hero Sayan, the mighty and glorious knight Yenisei, who immediately attracted the attention of all those present.

In archery, wrestling and horse racing, he far surpassed all the heroes - the invited guests of Baikal.

The dexterity and beauty of Yenisei amazed Angara, and she did not take her eyes off him, sitting next to her father.

Yenisei was also fascinated by the beauty of the daughter of gray Baikal. He approached her, bowed low and said:

All my victories are for you, beautiful daughter of Baikal!

The holiday ended, the guests began to leave.

He left the possession of Baikal and the Yenisei.

From then on, Angara became even more bored.

“Isn’t it the Yenisei that my daughter is yearning for?” - Baikal thought with alarm. But he decided to fulfill his promise - to marry his daughter to Irkut. And as soon as possible!

That's what, dear daughter! - he said once. - You won’t find a better groom than Irkut, agree!

But Angara again objected:

I don't need it! I’d rather live alone until I’m old!

And she ran away. Baikal stamped his feet on her in anger and shouted after her:

No, it will be my way!

And he immediately ordered the hero Olkhon not to take his eyes off Angara, so that she would not try to run away from home.

One day Angara overheard a conversation between two seagulls about blue beautiful country, where the Yenisei reigns.

How nice, spacious and free it is there! What a blessing to live in such a country!

Angara became sadder than ever: “I wish I could get to that blue country and live freely with the Yenisei and strive further towards unknown expanses in order to sow the same free, bright life everywhere. Oh, I wouldn’t spare my magic beads for this!”

Baikal noticed the torment of his daughter and gave a new command to Olkhon: to imprison Angara in a rocky palace and keep her there until she agrees to become Irkut’s wife. And so that the crystal box with magic beads was with her.

The groom should see the bride in her best outfit.

Angara fell onto the stone slabs of the rocky palace - a gloomy dungeon, cried bitterly, then calmed down a little, opened a crystal box with magic beads, and they illuminated her face with a bright radiance.

No, I won’t wear them in front of anyone except the Yenisei!

She slammed the Angara box and shouted to her friends - large and small streams:

You are my dear, dear ones! Don't let me die in stone captivity! My father is harsh, but I am not afraid of his ban and I want to run to my beloved Yenisei! Help me break free!

Large and small streams heard Angara's plea and hastened to help the recluse - they began to undermine and break through the stone arches of the rocky palace.

Meanwhile, Baikal sent a messenger to Irkut.

At the end of the night we will have a wedding,” Baikal conveyed to the knight. - I will force Angara to marry you!

Baikal slept soundly that night, tired from the troubles.

I took a little nap, relying on the strong gates of the palace, and the faithful guard - the hero Olkhon.

Meanwhile, the streams and rivulets completed their work - they cleared the way out of the dungeon. Olkhon is enough - no Angara. His alarming cries rolled out like thunder around him. Baikal jumped to his feet and shouted after the fugitive in a terrible voice:

Stop, my daughter! Have pity on my gray hairs, don’t leave me!

“No, father, I’m leaving,” Angara responded as she walked away.

That means you are not my daughter if you want to disobey me!

I am your daughter, but I don’t want to be a slave. Farewell, father!

Wait a minute! I'm bursting with tears of grief!

I cry too, but I cry with joy! Now i am free!

Shut up, infidel! - Baikal cried angrily and, seeing that he was losing his daughter forever, grabbed a rock in his hands and terrible force threw it after the fugitive, but it was too late...

In vain Baikal raged and raged, in vain rushed through the Olkhon mountains - they could no longer catch up or hold the fugitive. She walked further and further, clutching the treasured box to her chest.

Angara stopped for a moment, looked around, opened the crystal box, took out a bunch of magic beads and threw it at her feet with the words:

Let the lights of life, the lights of happiness, the lights of wealth and strength light up here!

It was Irkut, he was in a hurry to block the path of his betrothed bride.

Angara gathered all her strength and broke through, running past him. Irkut cried from bitterness and frustration.

And again she threw a bunch of beads at Angara on her way.

So she ran, joyful and generous. And when she saw the Yenisei in the distance, she took the most beautiful magic beads from the box and put them on herself.

This is how the mighty, handsome man, the glorious knight Yenisei, met her. And they rushed into each other's arms. Although there was no agreement between them, it turned out as if they had been waiting for this hour for a long time.

And now it has come.

Now no force will separate us,” Yenisei said. - You and I will live in love and harmony and wish the same to others.

Yenisei’s words made Angara’s soul feel sweet, and her heart began to beat even more joyfully.

And I will be your faithful wife for the rest of my life,” she said. - And we will distribute the magic beads that I kept for you to people, so that they too will receive joy and happiness from it.

Yenisei took Angara by the hand, and together they walked along the blue sunny road...

Many years have passed since then.

The tears of Baikal, Angara, Yenisei and Irkut, shed by them from grief and joy, turned into water. And only everything insensitive is always like a stone.

The inexorable hero Olkhon, who did not understand what tears were, turned into a large stone. People called the rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara the Shaman’s Stone. A good wishes The hangars were filled: where magic beads with gemstones were thrown by her hand, large and bright lights of life scattered to all ends, cities grew. And there will be even more such cities.


This happened a long, long time ago. The Russians were already fishing for omul on Lake Baikal and in fishing they were not inferior to the indigenous inhabitants of the Glorious Sea - the Buryats and Evenks.

And the first among the skilled breadwinners was Dedko Savely - it was not for nothing that he spent half his life as a leader and fed from the sea since childhood. The old fisherman knew his business well: finding a suitable place and choosing the right time for fishing - this will not jump out of his hands. Saveliy traced his family lineage back to the fishermen of the Russian settlement of Kabansk, and who doesn’t know that Kabansk fishermen throughout the Glorious Sea are considered the most successful fishermen!

Grandfather Savely’s favorite hunting ground was the Barguzinsky Bay, where he most often fished seines. This reach is close to Kabansk, but the Baikal fisherman often has to travel further: you can’t stay in one place in search of omul schools.

One morning, after a successful sighting, the fishermen had breakfast with a fat omul ear, drank strong tea and settled down by the sea to rest. And their conversation flowed about this, about that, and more about the same fish, about its habits, about the secrets of the depths of the sea.

And there was a particularly inquisitive guy in this artel, a great eagerness to listen to experienced fishermen, from whom you could gain wisdom. Don’t feed the young man bread, and if something has sunk into his soul, let him figure it out, without it he won’t go to sleep, he won’t give himself or other people peace. The guy’s name was Garanka, and he was from somewhere far away, that’s why he wanted to know more about the Glorious Sea. It was not for nothing that Grandfather Savely stayed close and always strove to find out something from him, pestered him with all sorts of questions, and he was not in the habit of delaying an answer - he would always respect a person.

And this time Garanka sat next to Grandfather Savely and listened to everything he was talking about, and then suddenly asked him:

Is it true that the local winds have power over the fish?

Dedko Savely did not answer this immediately. He looked at Garanka with surprise and asked:

Have you heard about the barrel? Garanka was even more surprised.

What kind of barrel? I do not know anything…

There is such... omul. She is special - that barrel. Magic...

Garanka even took his breath away from the words he heard, and he pestered Grandfather Savely:

So tell me about her. Tell me, grandpa!

Dedko Savely did not like to show off. He filled his pipe with tobacco, lit it from the coal and, seeing that not only Garanka, but also all the other fishermen had pricked up their ears, he slowly began:

It happened because of our Baikal fish, but how long ago it was and how it was revealed to the world is unknown to me. The old people say, but they have all the faith. At that time, it must be said, giant winds ruled over the fishing grounds here - Kultuk and Barguzin, who were, at first, good friends. And both of them were scary - beyond words! Thick hair is disheveled, they spray foam like those possessed by demons, they go for a walk on the sea - you won’t see white light! They loved to visit each other - to play and have fun. And for fun they had one wonderful toy between them - an omul barrel. It looked simple, ordinary, the kind our coopers still make today, but it had extraordinary power: wherever it floats, the omuls are drawn to it in countless shoals, as if they were asking for the barrel themselves. Well, this amused the giants. Barguzin will fly at Kultuk, make a noise, throw the barrel out of the abyss and boast:

Look how many fish I caught! Visible and invisible! Try to pull it off!

And Kultuk will wait his time, pick up that barrel on the ridge and send it back with a laugh:

No, you better look at my joints and admire them: tea, there will be more!

And so they enraged each other. It’s not that they needed this fish or what kind of wealth they considered it to be, but they just liked to spend their time as mischievously as possible. Figure it out in your head, as if it wasn’t such a tempting activity, but they didn’t get tired of it. And to this day, perhaps, they would have been throwing an omul barrel like that, but suddenly this fun took a turn for them.

And this is what happened.

The heroes fell in love with Sarma, the mountain hero, mistress of the Small Sea. It is called so because Big Sea, Baikal, is separated by the island of Olkhon. But Sarma has laid out her own path along the waves, and if she goes wild at any time, then no good will happen: she has a cooler disposition than Barguzin and Kultuk, and more strength. And who wouldn’t be tempted to have such a powerful wife?

This is when Barguzin says to Kultuk:

I want to marry Sarma - I’ll send matchmakers...

It’s a well-known fact that Kultuk’s words didn’t hurt Kultuk’s heart, but he didn’t even show that they touched a nerve. All he said with a grin:

And that’s just how it looks to her. I’m no worse than you, and I also want her to be my wife. I’ll send my matchmakers, and then we’ll see who Sarma will marry.

That's what they decided on. Without argument or offense, by good agreement. And soon the cormorant, a sea bird, brought an answer from Sarma:

I am not forced to get married yet, but I need to look for a groom. And I like both of you - both prominent and cheerful. However, which of you is better, I will judge later, when I see who is more likely to fulfill my desire. And my desire is this: give me your miracle barrel, I want my Small Sea to be teeming with fish. And whoever I see first with a barrel, I will call him my husband!

The bride's whim seemed quite simple to the heroes; all that was needed was to take possession of the barrel, throw it into the Small Sea, and claim victory - you would become the groom.

But that was not the case! In the chaos that the giant winds immediately raised when the cormorant flew away, it was impossible to determine who would overpower whom. As soon as Barguzin grabbed the barrel, Kultuk immediately knocked it out and tried to keep it behind him, but a moment later the barrel was back in Barguzin’s hands. They don’t want to give in to each other in any way. They became so frantic that all over Lake Baikal you could hear them tossing and turning and roaring. And the barrel got it all right - just know it creaks and flies from place to place.

Finally, the heroes contrived, they immediately grabbed the barrel and froze: neither one nor the other could free the barrel, since both had the same strength. And as soon as they started to fight again - lo and behold, the barrel was suddenly gone, it slipped out of their hands and went into the water...

The enraged giant winds tossed and tossed and then became quiet, exhausted from the vain searches. We decided to wait for the barrel to float up. But they hoped in vain: it was as if the barrel had never existed at all. A day passed, followed by another, then weeks flew by, months, and still no barrel. The heroic winds cannot even understand: why did this happen? They are exhausted from thoughts and heartache, but they don’t know how to make things easier. Afterwards they learned from Baikal himself that it was he who took the barrel from them and hid it in its depths. It was his gift to the winds, but he saw that because of the wonderful barrel there was discord between them and that in good conscience they did not want to resolve the matter, so he immediately took it away. What does he care that Kultuk and Barguzin lost Sarma because of this.

At first Sarma patiently waited to see how the competition would end, and when she found out, she immediately sent her faithful cormorant to tell the heroes that she would not marry any of them. She is not going to marry others either: one is better. And she reproached me so much: what kind of heroes you are, since you couldn’t hold a barrel in your hands! I’m much stronger than you and I’ll somehow get that barrel myself.

Kultuk and Barguzin still don’t know each other - everyone goes their own way. And if, out of old habit, they make forays one towards the other, then alternately, each at his own time, so as not to meet: they are ashamed that they once made a mistake with a barrel. And more than that, they walk around to see if a miraculous loss will appear somewhere? So Kultuk, Barguzin and Sarma went in different directions, and no one knows where the omul barrel is now...

Dedko Savely finished his story and took a breath. Garanka also sighed, as if he had dragged a cart up a mountain. This always happened to him: he listened too much when someone told something amazing - he even turned to stone. He never interrupted the narrator, and took everything unclear into memory, so that later he would not skimp on questions. That’s how it happened here.

Or maybe Sarma actually got that barrel? - he asked Grandfather Savely.

“Nothing surprising,” he replied. - Sarma is the strongest of the giant winds, Baikal itself is afraid of her and cannot resist her, he is ready to fulfill her every whim. But Sarma, Garanka, is like this: she’ll pamper and pamper her and then suddenly she’ll become cold about everything and give up...

From that time on, the thought of a wonderful omul barrel, which Father Baikal hides somewhere in its depths, sank deep into the guy’s head.

“I wish I could attack her and get my hands on her and turn her on myself in our fishing business,” he dreamed at night and kept waiting for such an opportunity to present itself.

And so the artel began sweeping the Barguzin Bay. The fishermen worked together, but this time they were unlucky: the catch turned out to be insignificant. They cast the net a second time - again failure: they pulled out the fish because the cat cried.

Things won’t work that way,” Dedko Savely frowned. - There are no fish here, and it doesn’t seem to be expected. Shouldn’t we sail to the Small Sea, to the Kurkutskaya Bay, maybe we’ll have some luck there...

The fishermen agreed.

They sailed to Kurkutskaya Bay, set up a birch bark hut on the shore and prepared the gear for sweeping.

And the stretch has become so popular that you don’t even need to wish for anything better! Here there are mighty and tall rocks in a row, and the mother taiga is impassable, and seagulls and cormorants fly and scream above the water. The azure sun shines from the azure sky and warms tenderly, and the air is so honeyed around that it’s impossible to breathe.

However, Dedko Savely, looking at the sky, suddenly frowned.

No luck today. You see, over the gorge, white ring-shaped clouds have appeared, like fog, and above them, in the middle of the clear sky, the same ones stand motionless. Sarma will certainly come soon.

Garanka just froze.

Will you really get to see this hero?

It will happen.

Grandfather Savely said this and ordered everything to be tidied up and hidden in the rocks, and the hut to be demolished - anyway, Sarma will destroy it. And as soon as the fishermen had finished their business, a strong wind blew from the gloomy mountains and everything around immediately became pitch-dark.

The Small Sea roared like a beast, centuries-old trees crackled on its shores, huge stones flew from the cliffs into the water...

Although Garanka felt uneasy from such passion, curiosity still took over and he leaned out carefully from behind the shelter.

He sees: hanging over the sea is a huge head of a woman, as if woven from smoke, terrible and shaggy. The hair is ashen-colored with gray, the cheeks are like jelly, they are shaking, thick steam is pouring out of the mouth, and the lips are like the bellows of a blacksmith’s forge, the waves are swelling, driving at each other.

Oh, and the power! - Garanka marveled and quickly crawled back into the shelter.

Dedko Savely met the guy with a smile:

How's Sarma? Did you like it?

Garanka began to shake.

Oh, grandpa, I wish I could never see or meet her!

Yes, Garanya, everyone understands beauty in their own way. It’s scary for you, but for Kultuk or, say, Barguzin, you couldn’t find anything more beautiful. So that.

The enraged Sarma raged for a long time or for a short time, but finally she calmed down. And when the sun shone over Kurkutskaya Bay again, the fishermen came out of their hiding place and saw: on the coastal sand, near their camp, there was a barrel nailed by the waves, and on that barrel a black cormorant, like a charred firebrand, was sitting. He sat for a short time, got up and flew away, and a seagull, white-white, sat in his place and began to dig into its wing with its beak.

The fishermen, of course, were amazed. And one thought immediately struck everyone’s head: was this the wonderful omul barrel that surfaced that Barguzin and Kultuk lost in a long-standing dispute? But they don’t dare say this - they look at Grandfather Savely and wait for what he will say.

Only Garanka lacked patience.

Dedko... she, guess what?

And he himself was dumbfounded, silent and looking at the shore from under his brows. Finally he came to his senses and gave the command:

Follow me!

And he led the fishermen to the sandbank. The seagull, seeing people, flapped its wings, screamed something in its own way, and soared into the air. And then, out of nowhere, other seagulls, and with them the cormorants, flew in, and they became so dark that the sky was no longer visible. And they all began to dive into the sea en masse and get fish and devour them.

Good omen! - said the grandfather.

And when he came up and looked at the barrel, he had no doubts either: by all indications, it was the same barrel - it was made amazingly well, and it looked more beautiful than any others, and the spirit emanating from it was so spicy!

Well, Garanka, now we will have luck,” Dedko Savely told the guy and looked at the sea. And there is also a change. Those were different stripes of water: light - warm, and dark - cold, not tolerable to fish, and here you are: no stripes or layers, one flat, identical surface. And this is Dedko Savely for good omen accepted. He turned to the fishermen and said cheerfully:

It seems to me that there will be a rich catch! There is no need to test the water or look for fish food.

But the fishermen have no time for that anymore - they have a different concern: what to do with the barrel, where to put it, how to preserve it?

Let him lie here for now, let’s not waste time,” decided Dedko Savely.

The fishermen got down to business: they loaded the tackle into the boat and went out to sea to spot it.

So they swim slowly and little by little they throw the net into the water. And when they threw it out, Dedko Savely shouted to the shore:

He presses the stern oar to his hip with one hand and straightens it, while with the other he strokes his beard and smiles. He smells good luck. Looking at the leader, the rest of the fishermen are almost ready to sing songs, but they restrain themselves: they do not want to show their joy ahead of time.

Those remaining on the shore did not sleep either - they began to turn the gates and wind the ends of the net around them in order to pull him ashore. And then the fishermen from the longboat noticed that there was some kind of hitch on the stretch: people stopped.

No, they shouted from the shore. - We can’t hold on any longer, we can’t!

What a misfortune has happened, - the leader was surprised, a local hood, and let’s hurry the rowers to press on. - We need to help the guys.

And now the whole artel stood behind the gates.

Well, go! - Dedko Savely commanded.

The guys leaned down and strained themselves. What's happened? The gate is not moving. And the help was of no use. The fishermen were even more surprised and worried.

This is a poor thing... - the bashlyk sighed and even scratched the back of his head in frustration. I was not happy that I scooped up so many fish with my lucky net.

You can't get it, guys, apparently. What we are going to do?

What was left for the fishermen? There was only one outcome: cut open the string and release the fish into the wild. No matter how much they judged, no matter how much they tried, they just wasted valuable time, but they still agreed on at least pulling out the empty net.

And so they did. We went out to sea at the access point, ripped open the netting of the seine and dragged it ashore. By evening the seine was dried and repaired. And then Dedko Savely, out of his stubbornness, decided to try his luck again - whatever happens.

The fishermen did not object.

But the second notice followed the same pattern.

I had to rip the thread open again. With that we spent the night.

The next morning, Dedko Savely no longer dared to go out to sea, but became prudent.

But something had to be done. Who wants to return empty-handed?

We gathered a council. Dedko Savely suggested:

Guys, we need to throw a magic barrel into the sea. Then everything will go as usual again. Do you agree, or what?

Oh, and the Garanka burst here! He jumped up and shouted:

Is it really possible to throw such a barrel, old man? Happiness is given into our hands, but we refuse it! After all, no one has ever captured so many fish! Yes, with such a barrel you can fill the whole world with fish! Are we really going to be such fools as to throw it away?

Dedko Saveliy listened to Garanka calmly, and then just as calmly said:

You're an eccentric, Garanka! What kind of happiness is it if there are a lot of fish, but you can’t take them? It would be better if there was less, so that everything would fall into our hands. Don’t be greedy, soaring, like Sarma was greedy. She was tired of it herself, so she gave us a problem, the naughty girl...

And Garanka stands her ground:

Let’s get used to it,” he says, “and we’ll pull out as much as we can!” After all, there is a barrel, and there is fish, but no one knows whether it will happen in advance or not.

But Dedko Savely didn’t even listen, he said firmly:

Let's go, guys!

There is nothing to do - the fishermen got up. Reluctantly, Garanka followed them. They stopped near the water, admired the barrel again and pushed it into the sea.

Let him swim all over Baikal, and not in one place,” Dedko Savely waved his hand. - Look, extra fish will go into the Big Sea, and then everywhere will be rich in it. And we can always get fish, as long as we still have our hands and skill.

And Garanka became completely despondent when he saw that the waves had picked up the magic omul barrel and carried it into the distance.

And suddenly the azure sea became dark, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves rose so huge that they covered the barrel.

Dedko Savely frowned.

Barguzin blew, we are not in business even now. Let him pamper...

Garanka heard about Barguzin - where did the offense go!

He rushed to Grandfather Savely:

Will you really get to see this hero?

And look at the sea...

Garanka looked and gasped: behind the distant waves, where the sea met the sky, a terrible head with huge dull eyes and disheveled white hair, from which water flowed in snake-like streams, rose. And then strong, sinewy arms stretched out over the water and echoed across the entire sea like thunder.


The heroic loud cry caused the sea to become even more agitated, and Garanka felt completely uneasy.

Oh, what a monster! Although he’s not Sarma, he’s afraid... But he’s looking at the sea, watching Barguzin.

And that one is his:


And then Garanka noticed that a magical omul barrel had appeared in Barguzin’s hands. And before the boy had time to blink an eye, this barrel was thrown away by the hero far, far away. And at that very moment the sea calmed down: the clouds cleared, and the sun rose over the waters again, and there was no trace of Barguzin.

Dedko Savely smiled:

Apparently, the matter is going global. Kultuk will certainly respond now...

And can we see him? - Garanka gaped.

It seems so.

And as soon as the old cap had time to say these words, the sea turned from azure to dark again, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves all over the sea rose so huge that at first nothing was visible behind them, but only a minute later the green-haired head of another monster appeared, and a thunderclap echoed across the entire expanse of the sea:


Although he was expecting Kultuk Garanka to appear, he still froze from this scream and could not utter a word. And he was even more surprised when he saw a magic omul barrel in Kultuk’s hands, which he threw back a minute later: something will happen now.

But nothing happened. The sea brightened, calmed down, and everything around was illuminated by the sun's rays. Kultuk disappeared, and the wonderful toy of the heroes, the omul barrel, also disappeared.

Peace, guys,” said Dedko Savely. - Apparently, Barguzin and Kultuk will now play with a magic barrel, as they played before, before the quarrel. An agreement was established between them. And they will no longer envy each other - who has more, who has less fish. There's enough for everyone.

Meanwhile, on the sea surface, different stripes appeared again: light blue warm ones, and blue-black cold ones. But this change did not discourage Dedka Savely.

We will fish the same way we caught fish before,” he said. - Let's work with honor - we'll get fish, but if not, we'll tighten our belly. At noon we will notice a net...

And at noon, Dedko Savely led his artel into the sea. They swept out the net and swam back. On the shore, the ends have already begun to pull. Things went well! And what fish were pulled out this time by Grandfather Savely’s team, you can’t say in words: you have to see!

The fishermen cheered up and came to life. Grandfather Savely’s heart also felt lighter. He turned to Garanka and grinned:

Well, are you still going to reproach me with a magic barrel?

Garanka smiled cheerfully and said nothing.


Once upon a time there lived a poor man, Hordei, near the Sayan Mountains. He was tending cattle for a rich man. The owner was very stingy. When the year had passed, he paid Hordeus only three coins for his faithful service. Hordei was offended and decided to seek happiness elsewhere.

He wandered for a long time among the dense taiga, wild mountains and vast steppes, until he finally came to the shore of Lake Baikal. Here Hordei boarded a boat and crossed to Olkhon Island. He liked the island, but before staying on it, he decided to try his luck.

Khordei knew that Father Baikal was not disposed toward every person, and therefore did not accept every offering. So Horday made a wish: “I’ll throw him my three coins, if he likes it, he’ll accept my gift and that means I’ll stay here, and if he throws it back, I’ll move on.”

He made a wish and threw the coins far into the waters of Lake Baikal.

The sea began to play, rumbled cheerfully like a mountain stream, and waved a welcoming wave at the shore. Horday looked at the coastal pebbles, and on it only a scattering of foam sparkled - and nothing more. The poor man rejoiced at such a good omen and remained to live on an island near the Small Sea.

Three years have passed since then. Hordea feels good here - the Small Sea fed him enough, the taiga clothed him. Yes, Khordei got tired of being alone, he wanted to get married. And he became sad.

One day, busy with sad thoughts about his sad and lonely life, Hordei sat on the seashore and watched the seagulls and cormorants that flew over the sea with cheerful cries. “The birds are happier than me, they have families,” he thought enviously and sighed heavily. And then suddenly, in the rustle of the Baikal waves, he heard a quiet voice:

Don't worry, Horday. Your last labor coins, which you did not spare me, were not in vain - I sheltered you once, and now I will help you find a wife. Before dawn, take cover here between the stones and wait. At dawn a flock of swans will fly here. The swans will shed their plumage and turn into slender and beautiful girls. Here you can choose your favorite one. And when the girls start swimming, hide her swan dress. So she will become your wife. She will strongly persuade you to return her clothes, do not give in. And then, when you live with her, do the same. If you forget what I said, you will lose your wife...

And then at dawn he heard the whistling sound of mighty wings in the sky, and a flock of snow-white swans landed on the shore. They threw off their swan outfit and turned into beautiful girls. With cheerful cries, frolicking, they rushed into the sea.

Horday could not take his eyes off the beauties, and he was especially charmed by one swan girl, the most beautiful and youngest. Having come to his senses, Hordei ran out from behind the rock, grabbed the beauty’s swan dress and quickly hid it in the cave, and blocked the entrance with stones.

At sunrise, having swam to their heart's content, the swan girls went ashore and began to dress. Only one of them did not find her clothes on the spot.

She was frightened and began to wail pitifully:

Oh, where are you, my tender, light feathers, where are my fast-flying wings? Who kidnapped them? Oh, how unhappy I am, Hong!

And then she saw Horday. I realized that this was his doing. The swan girl ran up to him, fell to her knees and with tears in her eyes began to ask:

Be kind, good fellow, return my clothes to me, for this I will be forever grateful to you. Ask for what you want - wealth, power, I will give you everything.

But Hordei firmly told her:

No, beautiful Hong! I don’t need anything or anyone except you. I want you to become my wife.

The swan girl began to cry and began to beg Hordei more than ever to let her go. But Horday stood his ground.

Meanwhile, all her friends had already dressed and turned into swans. Hong they did not wait, they rose into the air and flew away with farewell pitiful cries. The clothesless swan girl waved her hand at them, burst into burning tears and sat down on a stone. Hordei began to console her:

Don’t cry, beautiful Hong, you and I will live well, together. I will love you and take care of you.

There is nothing to do - the swan girl calmed down, wiped tears from her eyes, stood up and said to Hordei:

Well, apparently, my fate is such, I agree to be your wife. Take me to your place.

Happy Hordei took her hand and they walked.

From that day on, Hordei lived on Olkhon with his wife Hong amicably and happily. They had eleven sons who grew up and became parents good helpers. And then his sons had families, Hordea’s life became even more fun, his grandchildren and granddaughters did not let him get bored. The beautiful Hong, who had not aged for years, also rejoiced looking at her offspring. She also loved to babysit her grandchildren, told them all sorts of fairy tales, asked them tricky riddles, taught them everything good and kind, and instructed:

In life, always be like swans, faithful to each other. Remember this, and when you grow up, you yourself will understand what loyalty means.

And one day, having gathered all her grandchildren into her yurt, Hong addressed them with the following words:

My good, nice kids! I gave my whole life only to you and now I can die in peace. And I will soon die, I feel it, although I am not aging in body - I will grow old in a different guise, to which I must remain faithful and from which I was once torn. And I believe that you will not judge me...

What the grandmother was talking about and what was on her mind, the grandchildren understood little. But then old man Hordei began to notice that he wonderful wife I started feeling sad more and more often, thinking about something, and even secretly crying. She often went to the place where Hordei once stole her clothes. Sitting on a rock, she looked at the sea for a long time, listening to how the cold surf thundered restlessly at her feet. Gloomy clouds floated past across the sky, and she followed them with longing eyes.

More than once Horday tried to find out from his wife the reason for her sadness, but she always remained silent, until, finally, she decided to have a frank conversation. The couple sat in the yurt near the fire and remembered all their life together. And then Hong said:

How many years have you and I lived together, Hordey, and never quarreled? I gave birth to you eleven sons who continue our family. So, didn’t I really deserve at least a little consolation from you at the end of my days? Why, tell me, are you still hiding my old clothes?

Why do you need these clothes? - asked Horday.

I want to become a swan again and remember my youth. So please me, Hordey, let me be the same at least a little.

Horday disagreed for a long time and tried to dissuade her from doing this. Finally, he took pity on his beloved wife and, to console her, went for a swan dress.

Oh, how glad Hong was to have her husband back! And when she took her dress in her hands, she became even more youthful, her face brightened, and she began to fuss. Diligently smoothing the stale feathers, Hong impatiently prepared to put on the plumage. And at that time Hordei was boiling lamb in an eight-brand bowl. Standing near the fire, he carefully watched his Hong. He was glad that she had become so cheerful and contented, but at the same time he was worried for some reason.

Suddenly Hong turned into a swan.

Gi! Gi! - she screamed shrilly and began to slowly rise into the sky, higher and higher.

And then Hordei remembered what Baikal warned him about.

Poor Hordei burst into tears of grief and ran out of the yurt, still hoping to return his wife to the hearth and home, but it was already too late: the swan was soaring high in the sky and moving further and further with every minute. Looking after her, Hordei bitterly reproached himself:

Why did I listen to Hong and give her the clothes? For what?

Horday could not calm down for a long time. But when the despair passed and his mind became clearer, he realized that although his heart was heavy, he had the right to deprive his wife of her last joy. What is born as a swan is a swan and dies; what is acquired by cunning is taken away by cunning.

They say that any grief, if you have someone to share it with, is only half painful. And Hordei no longer lived alone: ​​he was surrounded by his sons and daughters-in-law and many grandchildren, in whom he found solace in his old age.


There is a scary cave on the island of Olkhon. It's called Shamanic. And it is scary because the ruler of the Mongols once lived there - Ge-gen-burkhan, brother of Erlen Khan, the ruler underground kingdom. Both brothers terrified the inhabitants of the island with their cruelty. Even the shamans were afraid of them, especially Gegen-Burkhan himself. Many innocent people suffered from it.

And at the same time and on the same island, on Mount Izhimei, there lived a wise hermit - Khan-guta-babai. He did not recognize the authority of Gegen-Burkhan, and he did not want to know him himself; he never descended into his possessions. Many people had the opportunity to see how at night he lit a fire on the top of the mountain and roasted a lamb for dinner, but there was no way there - the mountain was considered impregnable. The formidable owner of Olkhon tried to subjugate the hermit sage, but retreated: no matter how much he sent soldiers there, the mountain did not let anyone in. Anyone who dared to climb the mountain fell down dead, because huge stones crashed down on the heads of uninvited guests. So everyone left Khan-guta-babai alone.

It so happened that one islander Ge-gen-Burkhan executed her husband, a young herdsman, because he looked at him disrespectfully.

The young woman fell to the ground in grief, burst into burning tears, and then, inflamed with fierce hatred of Gegen-Burkhan, began to think about how to rid her native tribe of the cruel ruler. And she decided to go to the mountains and tell Khan-guta-babai about the severe suffering of the island’s inhabitants. Let him stand up for them and punish Gegen-Burkhan.

The young widow set off on her journey. And surprisingly, where the most dexterous warriors fell, she rose easily and freely. So she safely reached the top of Mount Izhimei, and not a single stone fell on her head. After listening to the brave, freedom-loving islander, Khan-guta-babai told her:

Okay, I will help you and your tribe. Go back and warn all the islanders about this.

The delighted woman descended from Mount Izhimei and did what the wise hermit had told her to do.

And Khan-guta-babai himself, on one of the moonlit nights, landed on the land of Olkhon on a light white-foamed cloud. He pressed his ear to the ground and heard the groans of the innocent victims killed by Gegen-Burkhan.

It is true that the land of Olkhon is completely saturated with the blood of the unfortunate! - Khan-guta-babai was indignant. - Gegen-Burkhan will not be on the island. But you must help me with this. Let a handful of Olkhon soil turn red when I need it!

And the next morning I went to the Shaman’s cave. The angry ruler went out to the hermit sage and asked him in a hostile manner:

Why did you come to me?

Khan-guta-babai calmly answered:

I want you to leave the island.

Gegen-Burkhan boiled even more:

This should not happen! I'm the boss here! And I will deal with you!

Gegen-Burkhan also looked around and gasped: not far away stood a dense wall of frowning islanders.

So you want to settle the matter by battle! - Gegen-Burkhan cried.

“I didn’t say that,” Khan-guta-babai said calmly again. - Why shed blood? Let's fight better, it will be peaceful!

Gegen-Burkhan fought with Khan-guta-Babai for a long time, but no one could achieve an advantage - both turned out to be real heroes, equal in strength. With that we parted ways. We agreed to settle the matter the next day by drawing lots. It was agreed that everyone would take a cup, fill it with earth, and before going to bed, everyone would place their cup at their feet. And whoever’s land turns red overnight must leave the island and migrate to another place, and whoever’s land does not change color will remain in possession of the island.

The next evening, according to the agreement, they sat down side by side on the felt laid in the Shaman’s cave, placed a wooden cup filled with earth at their feet, and went to bed.

Night came, and with it came the insidious underground shadows of Erlen Khan, for whose help his cruel brother firmly hoped. The shadows noticed that the earth was colored in Gegen-Burkhan's cup. They immediately brought this cup to the feet of Khan-guta-babai, and his cup to the feet of Gegen-Burkhan. But the blood of the ruined turned out to be stronger than the shadows of Erlen Khan, and when the bright ray of the morning sun burst into the cave, the earth in Khan-guta-babai’s cup went out, and the earth in Gegen-Burkhan’s cup turned red. And at that moment they both woke up.

Gegen-Burkhan looked at his cup and sighed heavily:

Well, you own the island,” he said to Khan-guta-babai, “and I will have to migrate to another place.”

And he immediately gave orders to his Mongols to load property onto camels and dismantle the yurts. In the evening Gegen-Burkhan ordered everyone to go to bed. And at night, picked up by the powerful shadows of Erlen Khan, the Mongols with camels and all their property were quickly transported beyond Baikal. The next morning they woke up on the other side.

But many poor Mongols remained to live on the island. It was from them that the Olkhon Buryats, who inhabit this island today, descended.


In one Buryat ulus of Podlemorye lived two twin brothers, Gumbo and Badma. Ayun's mother was also with them. And the five-walled yurt inside was all decorated with the horns of eagles, capricorns and reindeer. Gumbo was famous as the most skillful, brave and hardy hunter, but Badma had been lying on skins motionless since childhood, suffering from some unknown disease, and needed care.

And how Gumbo loved his brother! And Badma answered him with love, but often complained:

Will I ever be able to be useful to you and your mother?

Don’t worry, Badma, the time will come and you will recover, I believe in it.

No, Gumbo, it looks like I’ll never get up again. It's better to die sooner than to be a burden to you.

Don’t say that, Badma, don’t offend me and your mother. Be patient! Everything has its time.

One day Gumbo was getting ready to go hunting and said to his brother:

I want to get you some fresh lamb. Don `t get bored without me.

And this was at a time when in the taiga and loaches of the Barguzinsky ridge there were many Argali snow sheep, which Gumbo hunted.

This time he walked for a long time along the taiga animal path, until it led him into a gorge between the rocks. And then he saw one of the bighorn sheep on the rock.

What a large, slender and powerful ram he was! His head was decorated with large, thick, curled horns, the rings on which showed that the ram was many years old. After all, every year a ring is added to the horns, and the larger the horns become, the heavier they are.

Gumbo raised his gun, took aim and fired. But what is it?

The ram only turned his head towards the hunter and remained standing still. Gumbo fired a second time - the ram just shook his head, calmly looked around and began to climb higher into the mountains.

Gumbo was taken aback. He never doubted his accuracy, but here it is on you! There was reason to be confused. And he decided that it was an enchanted, invulnerable ram.

Gumbo looked up and was even more surprised to see in the place where the bighorn sheep had just stood, beautiful girl in the skin of a lynx.

Who are you? - Having come to his senses, Gumbo asked.

“I am Yanzhima, Heten’s servant,” the girl answered. - And I warn you: don’t chase Ohio, you won’t get him anyway. You'll be trying in vain. And why? Even without the horns, Ohailo, you are healthy and strong, like a hero.

What do these horns have to do with it? - Gambo was wary.

Don’t pretend like you don’t know,” Yanzhima grinned. “You want to get them to become the strongest and most powerful of people.”

“I don’t understand,” Gumbo was embarrassed.

And there is nothing to understand here. Ohio wears magic horns; they are filled with healing juices that can give a person health and heroic strength. And Ohiolo himself is invulnerable while wearing them. So get out of here while you're still alive.

Yanzhima said this and disappeared into the crevice of the cliff. Gumbo stood for a while thinking and left the gorge. This is what Yanzhima expected. She waved her yellow handkerchief, and at the same moment a white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was a girl of indescribable beauty in a robe the color of the morning dawn and in silvery furs. She descended from the cloud to the ground and asked the girl in lynx skin:

What do you say, Yanzhima?

Oh, radiant mistress, owner of all the riches of the Barguzin taiga, beautiful Heten! I must tell you that a brave hunter has appeared here and is chasing your Ohio. He can lasso it or get it with a noose!

Does he need magic ram horns? - Haten said thoughtfully. - What if this is an evil person? You, Yanzhima, must not allow the horns of Ohailo to fall to the hunter.

And Haten returned to her cloud.

Gumbo returned home upset, although he got, as Badme promised, fresh lamb. He was saddened by what he had missed bighorn sheep with magic horns! After all, they could put their brother back on his feet! “Still, I’ll get it!” - Gumbo promised himself and began to get ready.

Before going to the Barguzin loaches, Gumbo punished Ayune:

Take care of Badma, mother, look after him, reassure him...

Gumbo took with him the necessary fishing gear and walked along the shore of Lake Baikal. And then the wind immediately blew, so strong that it became impossible to walk.

“Some force is preventing me,” thought Gumbo, but he didn’t take a step back, he pushed forward. How could he have known that it was Yanzhima who got down to business!

Somehow Gumbo reached a dense pine forest, but then the hooked branches of the pine trees grabbed him and, in order to lift Gumbo higher, they themselves stretched out - even the roots came out. And the sand from the shore fell asleep in Gumbo’s eyes. The pines creaked and crackled, rocked the hunter and threw him far into the sea, while they themselves remained standing on the roots, as if on stilts.

Gumbo fell into the cold waters of Lake Baikal and sank to the very bottom. Out of nowhere, deep-sea golomyankas appeared - fish as transparent as glass, and they began to pinch and grab the hunter from all sides. Gumbo was not at a loss, gathered the golomyankas into a flock and ordered them to raise themselves to the surface. And here seals - Baikal seals - swam.

Gumbo crept up to the largest of them, grabbed the flippers, and it brought him safely to the shore.

Gumbo went further. Passed by the thick dark forest, went out into a bright valley. Walking in open spaces has become more fun. But by evening a heavy black cloud hung over the ravine. And it became cloudy around. Gumbo looked up and was horrified: the cloud had a large shaggy head with deep, dimly flickering eyes and a flattened nose. And this head spoke in a dull, terrifying voice:

Go back, obstinate hunter, or I, the Evening Cloud, will pour you down now so much that you will get wet to the bones and freeze to death overnight!

Gumbo laughed:

Don't scare me, I'm not afraid of you!

In response, lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the cloud burst into an unprecedented stream of water. Gumbo had never seen such rain before, but he did not give in to fear. He undressed and rubbed his body all night. In the morning the rain subsided, but suddenly a thick fog appeared. And the fog turned out to have a large head with bulging gray-ash eyes and a thick whitish nose and milky white hair. And this head spoke in a creaky, cold voice:

I - Morning Mist - command you, daring hunter, leave here or I will strangle you!

And the plump hands of the fog reached out to Gumbo’s neck.

No, I won't give myself to you! - Gumbo cried and began to fight the fog. I struggled for an hour or two - the fog could not stand it and crawled into the mountains.

A white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was Haten herself, all in pink.

Why did you, brave and strong hunter, need the magic horns of my Ohio? You are a hero even without them! - she turned to Gambo.

“Oh, so this is Heten herself, the mistress of the Barguzin taiga!” - Gambo guessed. He answered sincerely:

Not for myself, but for my sick brother.

“That’s good,” Haten beamed. - Caring for others is commendable. So you - good man! What is your name?

Gumbo, hunter of the Undersea.

So continue your search, Gumbo. She said so and turned the cloud back and floated further to the loaches.

Oh, beautiful lady Heten! - with these words the girl in the skin of a lynx greeted the lady. “I did everything to ensure that this stubborn hunter would give up his plan, but no obstacles stop him!”

“They are powerless against him,” Haten said thoughtfully.

And I confess to you, Yanzhima: I like this hunter. His strength captivated me. I love strong and noble people.

What are you saying, beautiful Haten! - Yanzhima was indignant. “Will you really allow this alien to become the owner of Ohiolo’s magic horns?” They belong only to you!

You're right, Yanzhima. But what can I do! I fell in love with this brave, strong hunter.

Haten, come to your senses! - Yanzhima cried. - After all, it is in your power to defeat him... Is he worthy of your love?

Yes, he is worthy! - Haten said firmly. - And let him strive here, let's see what happens next.

Gumbo, meanwhile, walked and walked through windbreaks and lichens, through stormy, rushing streams and stone deposits to his cherished goal. A familiar gorge appeared. I looked at the Gumbo cliff and was stunned: standing on it, as before, calmly, was that same invulnerable bighorn sheep.

“Ohailo! - Gumbo perked up. “Well, now you won’t escape my lasso,” Gumbo spoke. “I will steal you away at all costs and return with magic horns to my brother: may he be healthy and strong!”

“Don’t bother yourself in vain, Gumbo,” Haten’s voice was heard from the crevice. - Come to me, I myself will give you the magic horns of Ohio.

Something, something, but Gumbo never expected this! Barely able to control himself from excitement, He obediently climbed up the cliff.

Don't you notice the change? - Heten asked the hunter, nodding at Ohio.

The ram had ordinary horns on its head, and Haten held the magic ones in her hands.

For a good cause and good man good, not a pity.

“Oh, how kind you are, Haten,” Gumbo grew bolder. - And how grateful I am to you! How can I repay you for your kindness!

Or maybe it will turn into kindness for me, too,” Haten said mysteriously. - After all, I’m grateful!


To my Ohio!

Haten walked up to the bighorn sheep and hugged his neck.

Why should he? - asked Gumbo.

Because he led me to meet you. Haten waved her yellow handkerchief, and a cloud descended from the sky.

“Now we’ll go to you, Gambo,” said Haten and turned to Yanzhima, “don’t forget to take the treasured robe with you!”

The three of them sat on a cloud and floated across the sky. Below them, the dark green taiga bristled, and the rivers stretched like sinuous silver ribbons. And far behind was a cliff on which a bighorn sheep stood and looked after the retreating cloud.

Goodbye, Ohio! - Haten waved her hand at him. - You will not be offended by us: as a gift to you, I am leaving a pasture inaccessible to hunters, where you will be completely safe and loved as a leader by all your relatives.

The seashore approached. And Gumbo sees his mother, Ayuna, standing below near the yurt and looking up.

Meets us! - Gumbo said and waved his hand at her.

A cloud descended, Gumbo, Haten all in pink and Yanzhima in a lynx skin came down to earth with magic horns, and the cloud itself immediately melted away without a trace.

You are my dear children, how glad I am for you all! - Ayuna began to wail. - Come into the yurt!

Gumbo first ran up to his brother lying on the skins.

Well, Badma, I got you the horns of a bighorn sheep. May you be a hero! - and hung the horns over the head of his brother’s bed.

A month has passed. During this time, Badma rose to his feet and turned into a strong and strong hero.

Badma's recovery was a real holiday.

In honor of him, Yanzhima took off her lynx skin and put on a lush robe strewn with gold sparkles.

Having transformed, Yanzhima became even more beautiful.

Seeing her in such an outfit, Badma could not contain his admiration:

There is no flower more beautiful than you, Yanzhima! What a joy it is to look at you just once!

Why not always? - Yanzhima lied.

And so it happened. Soon two weddings took place. And there were no happier people in the world than Gumbo with Heten and Badma with Yanzhima. They often later recalled the misadventures of the magic horn hunter in the Barguzin taiga and commemorated Ohio, the invulnerable bighorn sheep, with kind words.


This happened on Lake Baikal one deep cold autumn, after strong hurricane, when all the birds had long since flown south.

The old fisherman Shono woke up at dawn from the strange cry of a seagull; he had never heard such a loud, such a sad cry. He jumped out of the yurt and saw a huge and strange seagull in the sky, the like of which he had never seen before.

A seagull of unusual size was carried to Lake Baikal by a fierce autumn hurricane. And from the very first day she greatly missed her native Arctic Ocean, because she was an polar gull and never left the north. Such seagulls spend all seasons in their homeland and do not fly south.

How could Shono understand that the bird had suffered great grief? And he hurried to go home as quickly as possible.

Soon, not only the fishermen of the Glorious Sea, but also the hunters of the Baikal taiga and mountains learned about this extraordinary seagull, which brought aching melancholy to everyone with its cries. And they called her the Extraordinary Seagull for her extraordinary size.

And the shamans hastened to announce that the ill-fated bird is an evil spirit, a cruel prophet of future troubles and misfortunes.

Despite the fact that the sea, rich in fish, was spacious and free, Chaika dreamed of the fiery rainbow flashes of the distant northern lights, the polar dull snowfall, the howling of a blizzard, the barking and running of blue foxes, the mighty surf of the icy waves of the ocean and the menacing rustling of wandering icy mountains.

Chaika tried with all her might to return to her homeland. But for many days the fierce northern winds raged and threw it over the Baikal ridges. But then she gathered her last strength, once again rose into the sky and flew over the deserted bay. And she screamed so sadly and hysterically that old Shono could not stand it, grabbed a gun and shot at Chaika.

She fell onto the coastal sand, covered in blood, and fell silent.

Shono approached the dead bird, and when he looked at it, his heart sank with pity and pain. He noticed in the eyes of the Seagull, tears as pure as spring water... On the shells of her motionless eyes he saw frozen rainbow flashes of the cold northern lights... And then Shono realized what an unforgivable mistake he had made in believing the shamans and killing the Extraordinary Seagull. He stood over her for a long time, feeling sorry for her and not knowing what to do next.

And then he remembered that there was a place on the shore of Lake Baikal from where wonderful hot healing springs flowed. And they rise from the depths of the earth along passages that, according to old people, connect Baikal with the Arctic Ocean; underground water heats up. Maybe the water of her native ocean will revive Chaika.

Shono got into the boat, took Chaika with him and sailed across the bay to the treasured place. He scooped up water with a wooden cup and doused the dead bird with it. The water really turned out to be alive: the deep wound healed, the Seagull began to move, and suddenly perked up. She flapped her wings and took off strong, swift, proud. With a triumphant cry she rose into the sky and flew north. And, having overcome the headwind, she soon disappeared from sight. And Shono, looking at her, smiled happily, and his soul felt light and joyful.



"Bogatyr Baikal" The fairy tale was written by G. Kungurov based on a Buryat legend.



“Angara Beads”, “Omul Barrel”, “Horday’s Wife”, “Master of Olkhon”, “Magic Horns of Ohio”, “Unusual Seagull”. The tales were written by V. Starodumov based on Buryat folklore (Omulevaya barrel. Irkutsk,


  • Lyudmila Kuharchik (Timchenko)


    based on fairy tales M. Sergeeva "Sibiryachok"

    The goal is to consolidate knowledge about Baikal; instilling love for the native land; development of creative and artistic abilities of children and adults

    Adult performers: Grandfather Baikal, Crow

    Children performers: Waves, Sea inhabitants, Forest inhabitants, Baikal breeze, Droplets, Irises, Siberian

    Preliminary work:

    Educator - Reading a work "Bogatyr- Baikal» G. Kungurov. Views of the video about Baikal. Learning poetry

    Music director and speech development teacher - holding a musical and literary quiz "Secrets of the Sacred Lake"; learning songs and dances

    Parents - Visit to the city's local history museum, art gallery, photo exhibition "My Baikal»

    Zones have been designated - urban, sea, forest. In these areas before starting representation child participants are located in accordance with their role.

    Progress of the presentation:

    The presenter reads against the background of calm music and splashing. waves:

    Under the eternal sky and sun,

    In a huge bowl between the rocks,

    The planet's favorite pet

    Spread bright Baikal!

    Nothing compares to him

    He's the only one on earth,

    God's gift in the palms of lightning

    With clear crystal water. N. Markakov

    Video demonstration « Baikal expanses»

    1 child:

    What is this, so blue?

    Cold as ice, transparent as glass?

    Perhaps the sky is caught in the pine trees,

    Did glass roll over the rocks and onto the ground?

    2 child:

    And what is this, so golden,

    Shiny like a mirror, blinding your eyes?

    Perhaps this sun went to sleep under the rocks,

    Does it lie tiredly, closing its eyes?

    3 child:

    And what is it like, all the time in restlessness,

    Perhaps it was a cloud stuck among the rocks?

    And this is not a cloud, and this is not the sky,

    And this is not the sun, but a lake Baikal!

    Leading: And so, walking importantly, he came into the hall, gray-haired and mighty Grandfather Baikal

    "Bogatyr Gate" M. P. Mussorgsky

    Grandfather Baikal walks around the entire room.

    Grandfather Baikal: I love my Siberia, where there is space and vastness around,

    Where the taiga stands like a wall, and the water is a continuous wave.

    This is all my Siberia, my Motherland, my world!

    Leading: Said Grandfather Baikal and ordered his waves.

    Grandfather Baikal: Hey, you waves, go wild, splash wide and far! Wash the rocks and shores, make the old man happy!

    Dance composition « Baikal Waltz» trio "Retro-Irkutsk"

    Grandfather Baikal: My waters are deep, they are full of fish.

    Come on, waves, don’t be lazy - brag to the whole world

    1. Pale pink, tender,

    She needs water when it's cold.

    What kind of small fish is this?

    smaller than your mitten?

    2. And in the sun the fish melts,

    fish oil is running out.

    What kind of foreign fish is this?

    This fish. (golomyanka)

    3. Starts with "O",

    oh, and they love him!

    They say he lives in Baikal.

    Have you by any chance heard? (Omul)

    4. They will be born in a snowy lair.

    They are not afraid of catching a cold.

    When they grow up, they start diving,

    change white fur coats.

    If you're very lucky -

    will live fifty years.

    What kind of animal is this with a mustache?

    Well, think about it for yourself! (Seal)

    5. The whole world likes the beautiful seal

    "Aquarium" from the suite "Carnival of Animals" E. Saint-Saens

    Dance miniature “Sea inhabitants”

    At the end of the dance, the children run up to Grandfather Baikal and ask: Grandfather Baikal, tell us fairy tale, but not a simple one, but a Siberian one.

    Grandfather Baikal: I’ve lived for many thousands of years and I’ll tell you everything, and you sit on the bank, yes listen to my story!

    Children run away to the Sea Zone, sit on chairs

    Grandfather Baikal: In the Siberian kingdom, yes Baikal state, on the high bank there lived an ancient Cedar. This cedar blocked out the white light; there is no one in the world higher than Siberian cedars. The cedar is mighty, the cedar is tall, and there is an animal around it. These are foxes, hares, badgers, bears, moose, chipmunks. They gather under the cedar tree, everyone dances and has fun.

    Exit of the beasts "Carousel"(1 verse and chorus)

    1 child - Why are we all dancing here, Why are we singing here?

    All in unison - Because on Baikal We all live very friendly!

    "Dance of the Forest Dwellers" music and poems by E. A. Gomonova

    1 child - one-two-three-four-five, I’ll count you all

    One, two, three, four-five - I invite you to play

    Animal children dance "Carousel"(screensaver from the children's program “Carousel 2 verse and chorus, finish scattered in the hall)

    Grandfather Baikal: The north wind flew in and covered the sky with clouds.

    "Seasons. Summer. The final" A. Vivaldi

    Dance miniature "Breeze"

    Breeze: I am northern Barguzin, above Baikal Mr., as soon as bad weather begins for a week, it will be a misfortune for all the inhabitants of the forest.

    The wind scares the forest inhabitants, they run away into the Forest Zone. The breeze remains in the center.

    Breeze: above Baikal winds - big family. There is a brother, Kultuk, and a sister, Sarma, they are always ready to help. to raise a storm and place everything around

    D.B - What are you talking about, Barguzin, you are enough for us, you scared my animals like that. sent everyone home

    Barguzin - The life of my wind is short, but I will return here again (flies away)

    Grandfather Baikal: My Barguzin got angry, as soon as the rain started to fall. On the ground, on the waves - there is no peace for us.

    Rain children perform "Song of Droplets" poetry and music by E. A. Gomonova

    Dance miniature "Rain"

    Grandfather Baikal: Only the old crow was hiding on the cedar branches. It was hidden from the wind and rain.

    "Sonata" No. 4 in A minor Paganini

    Crow comes out, improvisational dance

    Crow: Thank you, Giant Cedar, you save everyone in such bad weather. My feathers are dry, not a drop of rain on them. And after bad weather - what beauty, above Grandfather Baikal is a rainbow.

    Music from the film "Mustachioed Nanny" A. Rybnikov

    The rainbow is friends with the sun, illuminated by the sun

    How beautifully a rainbow appears in the sky

    Dance miniature "Dance with Ribbons"

    Crow (turns attention to Cedar): Kar, kar, what do I see, is the giant cedar hiding something from me? (removes the bump, examines it, shows it to the children)

    Crow: Kar, kar, the cone is not at all simple, the cedar hid its Siberian secret in it. I will grow the cone, protect it from animals, the cone is magical only for me!

    Crow (addresses Grandfather Baikal) : Grandfather Baikal, give me your little white stones, I’ll take care of the cone, I’ll take care of the cone.

    Grandfather Baikal: There is a lot of this goodness at the bottom of the sea. Together, we’ll save your little bump, crow.

    "Polka" I. Strauss

    Dance miniature "White Pebbles"

    At the end of the dance, the wave girls place pebbles around the bump and go into the Sea Zone.

    Crow (dances around the cone): Kra, kra, beautiful little bump! Pre, pre, beautiful lump, grow, fill up, but don’t fall into the clutches of the beast. And I’ll fly to the city and find something for protection.

    He flies to the City Zone, finds two posters, and carries them back.

    Grandfather Baikal: Although the crow is old, she is wise; she found posters in the city and brought them to the shore.

    Grandfather Baikal: You, crow, put the cone under the cedar, the forest giant will cover it with its paws from bad weather.

    The crow carries the cone under the cedar, places posters near the cone, is reading:

    Everyone, everyone, everyone, dangerous zone, guarded by a crow (sits down)

    Crow: Oh, I have no strength, I’m tired, I’ll sleep for at least two hours. And you sing me a lullaby, but not a simple one, but a Siberian one.

    Children participants approach the crow, sit down and hum a Siberian lullaby “I’m wavering, I’m wavering”

    I ripple and ripple

    father went to get fish

    mother went to milk the cows

    my sister went to wash the diapers.

    I ripple and ripple

    father went to get fish

    grandpa - chopping wood.

    yes grandma - cook fish soup

    I ripple and ripple

    father went to get fish

    Let's cook some fish

    feed small children.

    Grandfather Baikal: Let the crow rest and look after the cone. And I’ll tell you, kids, some clever riddles. Listen, don't yawn - start guessing right away.

    1. The big and brown owner of the forest wakes up in the spring (bear)

    2. Little animal, smart guy. He has a hole, and on his back there is a yellow stripe (chipmunk)

    3. Looks around and bends down to the grass again, a long-legged cow, a whole bush on her head (Elk)

    4. A rope curls, and at the end there is a head (Snake)

    5. The Siberian Sea lies among the rocks; anyone who has seen it will not argue that the sea- Baikal

    Suddenly there is a roar, a crash, and the crow almost falls.


    Grandfather Baikal: The noise spread throughout the entire Siberian region, even animals came running from the forest.

    Animals: What a boom, what a noise, guard, guard!

    Grandfather Baikal: Even the sea inhabitants did not stand aside, they ran to the shore and screamed loudly.

    Sea inhabitants: What a boom, what a noise, guard, guard!

    Grandfather Baikal: There was so much running around, they even scared me, an old man!

    Opera "Faust" Final C. Gounod

    Dance miniature "Excitement"

    Grandfather Baikal: Hush, hush, friends, calm down, Look here, the shell has cracked. A boy suddenly appeared from a cedar cone.

    Overture to the opera "William Tell. Introduction" D. Rossini

    Siberian Boy emerges from behind a tree

    Siberian: I am a forest boy, I am a Siberian, light as a feather, strong as a twig. Animals and flowers are all with me "You". Tells me "Hello" every spider!

    Crow: A real Siberian, dressed in fur, with boots on his feet, and a bump on his head, our Siberian boy.

    They go around the hall together, as if showing everyone the Siberian

    Siberian: Hello, Grandfather Baikal, I slept in the bump for a long, long time.

    I now live in the forest and do my duty there.

    The marvelous beauty of the forest shore.

    Come visit, I'm always glad to see you.

    I am the younger brother of the grass and trees.

    And now I’m ready to start the Siberian dance for you.

    "Siberian round dance"[to the melody of R. n. p. “From under the oak]

    All the children start singing:

    Get ready, people, for the Siberian round dance.

    Whoever loves Siberia with his soul dances and sings!

    All participating children start a round dance. To lose, Sibiryachok dances in the center of the circle, all the children clap, then dance with him. The Siberian leads all the participants in the performance, and they line up in a semicircle in the center of the hall.

    Grandfather Baikal: Be with us, Siberian, little Siberian friend. Don't give cedar any offense, protect my waters! Love fish, seals, be friends with forest animals. Help all the people, glorify the Siberian region!

    All the children sing a song "Beloved Land" words by M. Sergeev, music by L. Yankovsky

    Children participants read poem:

    Crow-. Baikal alone on the entire planet,

    There is simply no other option...

    We are all yours Baikal is my, children,

    And we are destined to live with you!

    2. Don’t offend the sea, people!

    Baikal because he also wants live:

    Play with the wave, arguing with the winds,

    And people serve faithfully!

    3. Protect Baikal is a sacred thing:

    His fate is in our hands!

    Nature itself told us

    May he live Native Baikal through the ages! M. Mityukov

    General dance in a circle "Wider circle" sl. Viktorova, music D. Lvov-Kompaneitsa They leave the hall.


    Title: Buy the book "Baikal-lake fairy tales Volume I section 1": feed_id: 5296 pattern_id: 2266 book_author: _epic book_name: Lake Baikal fairy tales Volume I section 1


    Between the high mountains, in the endless taiga, lies the world's greatest Lake Baikal - the glorious Siberian Sea.

    In ancient times, Siberia was an unknown and mysterious country - wild, icy, deserted. A few tribes of Siberian peoples - Buryats, Yakuts, Evenks, Tofalars and others - roamed the vast Siberian expanses. For their nomads, the most attractive and generous were the shores of sacred Baikal, the taiga and steppes between the mighty rivers Angara, Yenisei, Lena, Lower Tunguska and Selenga, the white tundra all the way to the Arctic Ocean.

    The fate of the indigenous inhabitants of Siberia was not easy. The harsh climate, dependence on natural conditions, vulnerability to disease, inability to conduct subsistence farming, oppression of petty princes, merchants and shamans - all this formed the special character and spiritual makeup of the Siberian peoples.

    The peoples of Siberia did not have writing. But the thirst for knowledge of the world, its imaginative understanding, the thirst for creation irresistibly pulled people towards creativity. Siberian craftsmen created wonderful crafts from wood, bone, stone and metal. Songs and epics, fairy tales and legends, myths and legends were composed. These creations are the priceless heritage of the Siberian peoples. Passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, they carried enormous spiritual power. They reflected the history of the people, their ideals, their desire for liberation from centuries-old oppression, the dream of a free and joyful life, of the brotherhood of peoples.

    Siberian folklore is unique and original. Worldly wisdom, national color, and artistic expressiveness are characteristic of Siberian fairy tales, legends and traditions.

    The collection presents various genres of oral creativity of the peoples inhabiting the shores of Lake Baikal and the valleys of the surrounding rivers: fairy tales, legends, traditions and oral stories; social and everyday tales and about animals. Along with old, traditional fairy tales, the collection also includes tales about new life in Soviet Siberia.

    The texts of the presented works are not equivalent. Some of them are given in literary adaptation, others were created by writers based on folk tales and legends, others are printed in their original form, as they were written down from the storytellers, with only minor amendments. Some fairy tales may seem unassuming and even primitive. However, this apparent primitiveness conceals living spontaneity, naturalness and simplicity, which constitute the true originality of unique folk art. Of course, no one says that the Evenks gathered from all over the taiga and pushed a mountain into the sea, this only happens in a fairy tale, but this contains great truth: the people are a huge force, they can move mountains; no one will believe that Lenin flew to the Far North to the Evenks on a red deer, rallied them and they defeated their enemies. Lenin never visited the northern tundra. However, the fairy tale inspired, gave birth to faith, and called for fight.

    Most of the tales in this collection - Buryat, Evenki and Tofalar - are the work of peoples who have long lived in close proximity to Lake Baikal.

    Russians appeared in Siberia more than four hundred years ago. They brought with them everyday experience, their culture, made friends with local peoples, taught them to cultivate the land, grow bread, raise cows and sheep, and build good houses.

    Along with the settlers, Russian folk tales also took root in Siberia.

    The heroes of Siberian fairy tales, legends and traditions are unique and colorful. In fairy tales, this is Siberian nature itself, lakes and rivers, mountains and forests, which are animated by the people's imagination; These are usually powerful national heroes, gifted with supernatural strength and intelligence, fighting with monstrous or evil heroes for the freedom of the people, for truth and justice. In fairy tales about animals, the heroes are Siberian animals and birds, fish and even insects endowed with human qualities. The characters in social and everyday fairy tales are ordinary people, inhabitants of the taiga, engaged in hunting, fishing, cattle breeding, struggling with poverty and with their eternal enemies - the rich.

    An interesting and important phenomenon in Siberian folklore were new tales about a free and happy Siberia, a new, revolutionary time, the fresh breath of which reached the most remote corner of the Siberian taiga, to the very extreme point of Russia.

    This time truly made people happy, inspired them with a dream of a near bright future, of universal equality, brotherhood and justice. All this could not help but stir up and transform traditional folk art. All those events and moods were undoubtedly reflected in the folk tales of the Siberian inhabitants. Fairy tales were told about the great Lenin, about the Russian revolutionary batars who came to the taiga, to the tundra and helped people find the key to happiness and light the sun of a new life.

    “Baikal Lake Fairy Tales” is a two-volume publication designed by famous Soviet artists, the Traugott brothers.

    Each book has three sections. The first book contains tales about Baikal (“Magic Dreams of Podlemorye”), heroic tales glorifying folk heroes (“Eternal People and Living Water”), toponymic legends and traditions (“This is how rivers and mountains were born”). The second volume includes fairy tales about animals (“Heavenly Deer”), social and everyday tales (“Happiness and Sorrow”) and today’s, modern fairy tales (“The Sun of the Undersea”).

    Compiled by N. Esipenok

    Drawings by G. A. V. Traugott


    In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.

    There was no more beautiful woman on earth.

    During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds: geese, swans, cranes descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They spoke:

    Is it possible to blacken something light?

    Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

    One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.

    The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear throughout the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.

    The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

    The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:

    Father, I am dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...

    Baikal shouted angrily:

    I can only give you my tears!..

    For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called the Shaman Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

    Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...

    Who in ancient times was considered the most glorious and powerful hero, whom everyone feared, but also revered? Gray-haired Baikal, a formidable giant.

    And he was also famous for the countless, priceless riches that flocked to him from all sides from the surrounding heroes who were conquered by him and subject to tribute - yasak. There were more than three hundred of them. The yasak was collected by Baikal's faithful comrade-in-arms, the hero Olkhon, who had a tough and cruel disposition.

    It is not known where Baikal would have put all its production over the years and how much it would have accumulated if not for his only daughter Angara, a blue-eyed, capricious and wayward beauty. She greatly upset her father with her unbridled extravagance. Oh, how easily and freely, at any moment, she spent what her father had collected for years! Sometimes they scolded her:

    You are throwing good things to the wind, why is that?

    It’s okay, it will come in handy for someone,” Angara said, chuckling. - I love that everything is in use, doesn’t sit stale and ends up in good hands.

    Angara was the heart of kindness. But Angara also had her favorite, cherished treasures, which she cherished from an early age and kept in a blue crystal box. She often admired them for a long time when she remained in her little room. Angara never showed this box to anyone or opened it for anyone, so none of the palace servants knew what was stored in it.

    Only Baikal knew that this box was filled to the brim with magical beads made of multifaceted semi-precious stones. These treasures had amazing power! As soon as they were taken out of the box, they lit up with such bright and powerful lights of extraordinary beauty that even the sun faded in front of them.

    Why was Angara in no hurry to put on magic jewelry? She confessed only to her nanny Todokta:

    When my favorite friend appears, then I’ll wear it. For him.

    But days passed after days, and there was no friend to my liking. And Angara got bored. Everything around her tormented and upset her. There is nothing left of the beauty's former playful disposition.

    Baikal noticed such a change in her daughter and guessed: she needed a good groom, it was time for a wedding. And who will you give it to if she hasn’t loved anyone yet? And he decided to notify everyone around him that he wanted to marry off his daughter.

    There were many people who wanted to become related to Baikal, but Angara refused everyone. The bride turned out to be picky! According to her, it turned out that this one was narrow-minded, that one had no face, the third - an article.

    Baikal no longer only felt sorry for the Angara, but also for all the young heroes.

    You never know how much time passed, but one day such an elegant plow sailed into the possessions of Baikal, the likes of which had never been seen here. And he was brought by the young knight Irkut, surrounded by a large, important retinue. He also wanted to try his luck.

    But Angara looked at Irkut indifferently and winced:

    No, I don’t need that either!

    There is nothing to do - he wanted to turn Irkut back, but Baikal stopped him:

    Take your time, stay with me for a bit.

    And he arranged an unprecedented feast in honor of the guest he liked. And it lasted for several days and nights. And when the hour of parting came, Baikal said goodbye to Irkut:

    Although Angara didn’t like you, I love you. And I will try to have you as my son-in-law. Rely on me.

    These words were sweeter than honey to Irkut, and he sailed home overjoyed. And from that day on, Baikal began to carefully persuade Angara to agree to marry Irkut. But she didn't want to listen. Baikal fought and fought, and he saw that nothing was working out; he would have to postpone the wedding.

    But then came the big summer holiday - Sur-Harban, for which many people flocked to Lake Baikal every year. Oh, how richly and solemnly this holiday was decorated!

    The competition had already begun when the last to appear at the festival was the descendant of the proud hero Sayan, the mighty and glorious knight Yenisei, who immediately attracted the attention of all those present.

    In archery, wrestling and horse racing, he far surpassed all the heroes - the invited guests of Baikal.

    The dexterity and beauty of Yenisei amazed Angara, and she did not take her eyes off him, sitting next to her father.

    Yenisei was also fascinated by the beauty of the daughter of gray Baikal. He approached her, bowed low and said:

    All my victories are for you, beautiful daughter of Baikal!

    The holiday ended, the guests began to leave.

    He left the possession of Baikal and the Yenisei.

    From then on, Angara became even more bored.

    “Isn’t it the Yenisei that my daughter is yearning for?” - Baikal thought with alarm. But he decided to fulfill his promise - to marry his daughter to Irkut. And as soon as possible!

    That's it, dear daughter! - he said once. - You won’t find a better groom than Irkut, agree!

    But Angara again objected:

    I don't need it! I’d rather live alone until I’m old!

    And she ran away. Baikal stamped his feet on her in anger and shouted after her:

    No, it will be my way!

    And he immediately ordered the hero Olkhon not to take his eyes off Angara, so that she would not try to run away from home.

    One day Angara overheard a conversation between two seagulls about the beautiful blue country where the Yenisei reigns.

    How nice, spacious and free it is there! What a blessing to live in such a country!

    Angara became sadder than ever: “I wish I could get to that blue country and live freely with the Yenisei and strive further towards unknown expanses in order to sow the same free, bright life everywhere. Oh, I wouldn’t spare my magic beads for this!”

    Baikal noticed the torment of his daughter and gave a new command to Olkhon: to imprison Angara in a rocky palace and keep her there until she agrees to become Irkut’s wife. And so that the crystal box with magic beads was with her.

    The groom should see the bride in her best outfit.

    Angara fell onto the stone slabs of the rocky palace - a gloomy dungeon, cried bitterly, then calmed down a little, opened a crystal box with magic beads, and they illuminated her face with a bright radiance.

    No, I won’t wear them in front of anyone except the Yenisei!

    She slammed the Angara box and shouted to her friends - large and small streams:

    You are my dear, dear ones! Don't let me die in stone captivity! My father is harsh, but I am not afraid of his ban and I want to run to my beloved Yenisei! Help me break free!

    Large and small streams heard Angara's plea and hastened to help the recluse - they began to undermine and break through the stone arches of the rocky palace.

    Meanwhile, Baikal sent a messenger to Irkut.

    At the end of the night we will have a wedding,” Baikal conveyed to the knight. - I will force Angara to marry you!

    Baikal slept soundly that night, tired from the troubles.

    I took a little nap, relying on the strong gates of the palace, and the faithful guard - the hero Olkhon.

    Meanwhile, the streams and rivulets completed their work - they cleared the way out of the dungeon. Olkhon is enough - no Angara. His alarming cries rolled out like thunder around him. Baikal jumped to his feet and shouted after the fugitive in a terrible voice:

    Stop, my daughter! Have pity on my gray hairs, don’t leave me!

    “No, father, I’m leaving,” Angara responded as she walked away.

    That means you are not my daughter if you want to disobey me!

    I am your daughter, but I don’t want to be a slave. Farewell, father!

    Wait a minute! I'm bursting with tears of grief!

    I cry too, but I cry with joy! Now i am free!

    Shut up, infidel! - Baikal cried out angrily and, seeing that he was losing his daughter forever, he grabbed a rock in his hands and with terrible force threw it after the fugitive, but it was too late...

    In vain Baikal raged and raged, in vain rushed through the Olkhon mountains - they could no longer catch up or hold the fugitive. She walked further and further, clutching the treasured box to her chest.

    Angara stopped for a moment, looked around, opened the crystal box, took out a bunch of magic beads and threw it at her feet with the words:

    Let the lights of life, the lights of happiness, the lights of wealth and strength light up here!

    It was Irkut, he was in a hurry to block the path of his betrothed bride.

    Angara gathered all her strength and broke through, running past him. Irkut cried from bitterness and frustration.

    And again she threw a bunch of beads at Angara on her way.

    So she ran, joyful and generous. And when she saw the Yenisei in the distance, she took the most beautiful magic beads from the box and put them on herself.

    This is how the mighty, handsome man, the glorious knight Yenisei, met her. And they rushed into each other's arms. Although there was no agreement between them, it turned out as if they had been waiting for this hour for a long time.

    And now it has come.

    Now no force will separate us,” Yenisei said. - You and I will live in love and harmony and wish the same to others.

    Yenisei’s words made Angara’s soul feel sweet, and her heart began to beat even more joyfully.

    And I will be your faithful wife for the rest of my life,” she said. - And we will distribute the magic beads that I kept for you to people, so that they too will receive joy and happiness from it.

    Yenisei took Angara by the hand, and together they walked along the blue sunny road...

    Many years have passed since then.

    The tears of Baikal, Angara, Yenisei and Irkut, shed by them from grief and joy, turned into water. And only everything insensitive is always like a stone.

    The inexorable hero Olkhon, who did not understand what tears were, turned into a large stone. People called the rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara the Shaman’s Stone. And Angara’s good wishes came true: where the magic beads with gemstones were thrown by her hand, the big and bright lights of life scattered to all ends, and cities grew. And there will be even more such cities.


    This happened a long, long time ago. The Russians were already fishing for omul on Lake Baikal and in fishing they were not inferior to the indigenous inhabitants of the Glorious Sea - the Buryats and Evenks.

    And the first among the skilled breadwinners was Dedko Savely - it was not for nothing that he spent half his life as a leader and fed from the sea since childhood. The old fisherman knew his business well: finding a suitable place and choosing the right time for fishing - this will not jump out of his hands. Saveliy traced his family lineage back to the fishermen of the Russian settlement of Kabansk, and who doesn’t know that Kabansk fishermen throughout the Glorious Sea are considered the most successful fishermen!

    Grandfather Savely’s favorite hunting ground was the Barguzinsky Bay, where he most often fished seines. This reach is close to Kabansk, but the Baikal fisherman often has to travel further: you can’t stay in one place in search of omul schools.

    One morning, after a successful sighting, the fishermen had breakfast with a fat omul ear, drank strong tea and settled down by the sea to rest. And their conversation flowed about this, about that, and more about the same fish, about its habits, about the secrets of the depths of the sea.

    And there was a particularly inquisitive guy in this artel, a great eagerness to listen to experienced fishermen, from whom you could gain wisdom. Don’t feed the young man bread, and if something has sunk into his soul, let him figure it out, without it he won’t go to sleep, he won’t give himself or other people peace. The guy’s name was Garanka, and he was from somewhere far away, that’s why he wanted to know more about the Glorious Sea. It was not for nothing that Grandfather Savely stayed close and always strove to find out something from him, pestered him with all sorts of questions, and he was not in the habit of delaying an answer - he would always respect a person.

    And this time Garanka sat next to Grandfather Savely and listened to everything he was talking about, and then suddenly asked him:

    Is it true that the local winds have power over the fish?

    Dedko Savely did not answer this immediately. He looked at Garanka with surprise and asked:

    Have you heard about the barrel? Garanka was even more surprised.

    What kind of barrel? I do not know anything…

    There is such... omul. She is special - that barrel. Magic...

    Garanka even took his breath away from the words he heard, and he pestered Grandfather Savely:

    So tell me about her. Tell me, grandpa!

    Dedko Savely did not like to show off. He filled his pipe with tobacco, lit it from the coal and, seeing that not only Garanka, but also all the other fishermen had pricked up their ears, he slowly began:

    It happened because of our Baikal fish, but how long ago it was and how it was revealed to the world is unknown to me. The old people say, but they have all the faith. At that time, it must be said, giant winds ruled over the fishing grounds here - Kultuk and Barguzin, who were, at first, good friends. And both of them were scary - beyond words! Thick hair is disheveled, they spray foam like those possessed by demons, they go for a walk on the sea - you won’t see white light! They loved to visit each other - to play and have fun. And for fun they had one wonderful toy between them - an omul barrel. It looked simple, ordinary, the kind our coopers still make today, but it had extraordinary power: wherever it floats, the omuls are drawn to it in countless shoals, as if they were asking for the barrel themselves. Well, this amused the giants. Barguzin will fly at Kultuk, make a noise, throw the barrel out of the abyss and boast:

    Look how many fish I caught! Visible and invisible! Try to pull it off!

    And Kultuk will wait his time, pick up that barrel on the ridge and send it back with a laugh:

    No, you better look at my joints and admire them: tea, there will be more!

    And so they enraged each other. It’s not that they needed this fish or what kind of wealth they considered it to be, but they just liked to spend their time as mischievously as possible. Figure it out in your head, as if it wasn’t such a tempting activity, but they didn’t get tired of it. And to this day, perhaps, they would have been throwing an omul barrel like that, but suddenly this fun took a turn for them.

    And this is what happened.

    The heroes fell in love with Sarma, the mountain hero, mistress of the Small Sea. It is called so because it is separated from the Big Sea, Baikal, by the island of Olkhon. But Sarma has laid out her own path along the waves, and if she goes wild at any time, then no good will happen: she has a cooler disposition than Barguzin and Kultuk, and more strength. And who wouldn’t be tempted to have such a powerful wife?

    This is when Barguzin says to Kultuk:

    I want to marry Sarma - I’ll send matchmakers...

    It’s a well-known fact that Kultuk’s words didn’t hurt Kultuk’s heart, but he didn’t even show that they touched a nerve. All he said with a grin:

    And that’s just how it looks to her. I’m no worse than you, and I also want her to be my wife. I’ll send my matchmakers, and then we’ll see who Sarma will marry.

    That's what they decided on. Without argument or offense, by good agreement. And soon the cormorant, a sea bird, brought an answer from Sarma:

    I am not forced to get married yet, but I need to look for a groom. And I like both of you - both prominent and cheerful. However, which of you is better, I will judge later, when I see who is more likely to fulfill my desire. And my desire is this: give me your miracle barrel, I want my Small Sea to be teeming with fish. And whoever I see first with a barrel, I will call him my husband!

    The bride's whim seemed quite simple to the heroes; all that was needed was to take possession of the barrel, throw it into the Small Sea, and claim victory - you would become the groom.

    But that was not the case! In the chaos that the giant winds immediately raised when the cormorant flew away, it was impossible to determine who would overpower whom. As soon as Barguzin grabbed the barrel, Kultuk immediately knocked it out and tried to keep it behind him, but a moment later the barrel was back in Barguzin’s hands. They don’t want to give in to each other in any way. They became so frantic that all over Lake Baikal you could hear them tossing and turning and roaring. And the barrel got it all right - just know it creaks and flies from place to place.

    Finally, the heroes contrived, they immediately grabbed the barrel and froze: neither one nor the other could free the barrel, since both had the same strength. And as soon as they started to fight again - lo and behold, the barrel was suddenly gone, it slipped out of their hands and went into the water...

    The enraged giant winds tossed and tossed and then became quiet, exhausted from the vain searches. We decided to wait for the barrel to float up. But they hoped in vain: it was as if the barrel had never existed at all. A day passed, followed by another, then weeks flew by, months, and still no barrel. The heroic winds cannot even understand: why did this happen? They are exhausted from thoughts and heartache, but they don’t know how to make things easier. Afterwards they learned from Baikal himself that it was he who took the barrel from them and hid it in its depths. It was his gift to the winds, but he saw that because of the wonderful barrel there was discord between them and that in good conscience they did not want to resolve the matter, so he immediately took it away. What does he care that Kultuk and Barguzin lost Sarma because of this.

    At first Sarma patiently waited to see how the competition would end, and when she found out, she immediately sent her faithful cormorant to tell the heroes that she would not marry any of them. She is not going to marry others either: one is better. And she reproached me so much: what kind of heroes you are, since you couldn’t hold a barrel in your hands! I’m much stronger than you and I’ll somehow get that barrel myself.

    Kultuk and Barguzin still don’t know each other - everyone goes their own way. And if, out of old habit, they make forays one towards the other, then alternately, each at his own time, so as not to meet: they are ashamed that they once made a mistake with a barrel. And more than that, they walk around to see if a miraculous loss will appear somewhere? So Kultuk, Barguzin and Sarma went in different directions, and no one knows where the omul barrel is now...

    Dedko Savely finished his story and took a breath. Garanka also sighed, as if he had dragged a cart up a mountain. This always happened to him: he listened too much when someone told something amazing - he even turned to stone. He never interrupted the narrator, and took everything unclear into memory, so that later he would not skimp on questions. That’s how it happened here.

    Or maybe Sarma actually got that barrel? - he asked Grandfather Savely.

    “Nothing surprising,” he replied. - Sarma is the strongest of the giant winds, Baikal itself is afraid of her and cannot resist her, he is ready to fulfill her every whim. But Sarma, Garanka, is like this: she’ll pamper and pamper her and then suddenly she’ll become cold about everything and give up...

    From that time on, the thought of a wonderful omul barrel, which Father Baikal hides somewhere in its depths, sank deep into the guy’s head.

    “I wish I could attack her and get my hands on her and turn her on myself in our fishing business,” he dreamed at night and kept waiting for such an opportunity to present itself.

    And so the artel began sweeping the Barguzin Bay. The fishermen worked together, but this time they were unlucky: the catch turned out to be insignificant. They cast the net a second time - again failure: they pulled out the fish because the cat cried.

    Things won’t work that way,” Dedko Savely frowned. - There are no fish here, and it doesn’t seem to be expected. Shouldn’t we sail to the Small Sea, to the Kurkutskaya Bay, maybe we’ll have some luck there...

    The fishermen agreed.

    They sailed to Kurkutskaya Bay, set up a birch bark hut on the shore and prepared the gear for sweeping.

    And the stretch has become so popular that you don’t even need to wish for anything better! Here there are mighty and tall rocks in a row, and the mother taiga is impassable, and seagulls and cormorants fly and scream above the water. The azure sun shines from the azure sky and warms tenderly, and the air is so honeyed around that it’s impossible to breathe.

    However, Dedko Savely, looking at the sky, suddenly frowned.

    No luck today. You see, over the gorge, white ring-shaped clouds have appeared, like fog, and above them, in the middle of the clear sky, the same ones stand motionless. Sarma will certainly come soon.

    Garanka just froze.

    Will you really get to see this hero?

    It will happen.

    Grandfather Savely said this and ordered everything to be tidied up and hidden in the rocks, and the hut to be demolished - anyway, Sarma will destroy it. And as soon as the fishermen had finished their business, a strong wind blew from the gloomy mountains and everything around immediately became pitch-dark.

    The Small Sea roared like a beast, centuries-old trees crackled on its shores, huge stones flew from the cliffs into the water...

    Although Garanka felt uneasy from such passion, curiosity still took over and he leaned out carefully from behind the shelter.

    He sees: hanging over the sea is a huge head of a woman, as if woven from smoke, terrible and shaggy. The hair is ashen-colored with gray, the cheeks are like jelly, they are shaking, thick steam is pouring out of the mouth, and the lips are like the bellows of a blacksmith’s forge, the waves are swelling, driving at each other.

    Oh, and the power! - Garanka marveled and quickly crawled back into the shelter.

    Dedko Savely met the guy with a smile:

    How's Sarma? Did you like it?

    Garanka began to shake.

    Oh, grandpa, I wish I could never see or meet her!

    Yes, Garanya, everyone understands beauty in their own way. It’s scary for you, but for Kultuk or, say, Barguzin, you couldn’t find anything more beautiful. So that.

    The enraged Sarma raged for a long time or for a short time, but finally she calmed down. And when the sun shone over Kurkutskaya Bay again, the fishermen came out of their hiding place and saw: on the coastal sand, near their camp, there was a barrel nailed by the waves, and on that barrel a black cormorant, like a charred firebrand, was sitting. He sat for a short time, got up and flew away, and a seagull, white-white, sat in his place and began to dig into its wing with its beak.

    The fishermen, of course, were amazed. And one thought immediately struck everyone’s head: was this the wonderful omul barrel that surfaced that Barguzin and Kultuk lost in a long-standing dispute? But they don’t dare say this - they look at Grandfather Savely and wait for what he will say.

    Only Garanka lacked patience.

    Dedko... she, guess what?

    And he himself was dumbfounded, silent and looking at the shore from under his brows. Finally he came to his senses and gave the command:

    Follow me!

    And he led the fishermen to the sandbank. The seagull, seeing people, flapped its wings, screamed something in its own way, and soared into the air. And then, out of nowhere, other seagulls, and with them the cormorants, flew in, and they became so dark that the sky was no longer visible. And they all began to dive into the sea en masse and get fish and devour them.

    Good omen! - said the grandfather.

    And when he came up and looked at the barrel, he had no doubts either: by all indications, it was the same barrel - it was made amazingly well, and it looked more beautiful than any others, and the spirit emanating from it was so spicy!

    Well, Garanka, now we will have luck,” Dedko Savely told the guy and looked at the sea. And there is also a change. Those were different stripes of water: light - warm, and dark - cold, not tolerable to fish, and here you are: no stripes or layers, one flat, identical surface. And Dedko Savely took this as a good omen. He turned to the fishermen and said cheerfully:

    It seems to me that there will be a rich catch! There is no need to test the water or look for fish food.

    But the fishermen have no time for that anymore - they have a different concern: what to do with the barrel, where to put it, how to preserve it?

    Let him lie here for now, let’s not waste time,” decided Dedko Savely.

    The fishermen got down to business: they loaded the tackle into the boat and went out to sea to spot it.

    So they swim slowly and little by little they throw the net into the water. And when they threw it out, Dedko Savely shouted to the shore:

    He presses the stern oar to his hip with one hand and straightens it, while with the other he strokes his beard and smiles. He smells good luck. Looking at the leader, the rest of the fishermen are almost ready to sing songs, but they restrain themselves: they do not want to show their joy ahead of time.

    Those remaining on the shore did not sleep either - they began to turn the gates and wind the ends of the net around them in order to pull him ashore. And then the fishermen from the longboat noticed that there was some kind of hitch on the stretch: people stopped.

    No, they shouted from the shore. - We can’t hold on any longer, we can’t!

    What a misfortune has happened, - the leader was surprised, a local hood, and let’s hurry the rowers to press on. - We need to help the guys.

    And now the whole artel stood behind the gates.

    Well, go! - Dedko Savely commanded.

    The guys leaned down and strained themselves. What's happened? The gate is not moving. And the help was of no use. The fishermen were even more surprised and worried.

    This is a poor thing... - the bashlyk sighed and even scratched the back of his head in frustration. I was not happy that I scooped up so many fish with my lucky net.

    You can't get it, guys, apparently. What we are going to do?

    What was left for the fishermen? There was only one outcome: cut open the string and release the fish into the wild. No matter how much they judged, no matter how much they tried, they just wasted valuable time, but they still agreed on at least pulling out the empty net.

    And so they did. We went out to sea at the access point, ripped open the netting of the seine and dragged it ashore. By evening the seine was dried and repaired. And then Dedko Savely, out of his stubbornness, decided to try his luck again - whatever happens.

    The fishermen did not object.

    But the second notice followed the same pattern.

    I had to rip the thread open again. With that we spent the night.

    The next morning, Dedko Savely no longer dared to go out to sea, but became prudent.

    But something had to be done. Who wants to return empty-handed?

    We gathered a council. Dedko Savely suggested:

    Guys, we need to throw a magic barrel into the sea. Then everything will go as usual again. Do you agree, or what?

    Oh, and the Garanka burst here! He jumped up and shouted:

    Is it really possible to throw such a barrel, old man? Happiness is given into our hands, but we refuse it! After all, no one has ever captured so many fish! Yes, with such a barrel you can fill the whole world with fish! Are we really going to be such fools as to throw it away?

    Dedko Saveliy listened to Garanka calmly, and then just as calmly said:

    You're an eccentric, Garanka! What kind of happiness is it if there are a lot of fish, but you can’t take them? It would be better if there was less, so that everything would fall into our hands. Don’t be greedy, soaring, like Sarma was greedy. She was tired of it herself, so she gave us a problem, the naughty girl...

    And Garanka stands her ground:

    Let’s get used to it,” he says, “and we’ll pull out as much as we can!” After all, there is a barrel, and there is fish, but no one knows whether it will happen in advance or not.

    But Dedko Savely didn’t even listen, he said firmly:

    Let's go, guys!

    There is nothing to do - the fishermen got up. Reluctantly, Garanka followed them. They stopped near the water, admired the barrel again and pushed it into the sea.

    Let him swim all over Baikal, and not in one place,” Dedko Savely waved his hand. - Look, the extra fish will go into the Big Sea, and then everywhere will be rich in it. And we can always get fish, as long as we still have our hands and skill.

    And Garanka became completely despondent when he saw that the waves had picked up the magic omul barrel and carried it into the distance.

    And suddenly the azure sea became dark, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves rose so huge that they covered the barrel.

    Dedko Savely frowned.

    Barguzin blew, we are not in business even now. Let him pamper...

    Garanka heard about Barguzin - where did the offense go!

    He rushed to Grandfather Savely:

    Will you really get to see this hero?

    And look at the sea...

    Garanka looked and gasped: behind the distant waves, where the sea met the sky, a terrible head with huge dull eyes and disheveled white hair, from which water flowed in snake-like streams, rose. And then strong, sinewy arms stretched out over the water and echoed across the entire sea like thunder.


    The heroic loud cry caused the sea to become even more agitated, and Garanka felt completely uneasy.

    Oh, what a monster! Although he’s not Sarma, he’s afraid... But he’s looking at the sea, watching Barguzin.

    And that one is his:


    And then Garanka noticed that a magical omul barrel had appeared in Barguzin’s hands. And before the boy had time to blink an eye, this barrel was thrown away by the hero far, far away. And at that very moment the sea calmed down: the clouds cleared, and the sun rose over the waters again, and there was no trace of Barguzin.

    Dedko Savely smiled:

    Apparently, the matter is going global. Kultuk will certainly respond now...

    And can we see him? - Garanka gaped.

    It seems so.

    And as soon as the old cap had time to say these words, the sea turned from azure to dark again, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves all over the sea rose so huge that at first nothing was visible behind them, but only a minute later the green-haired head of another monster appeared, and a thunderclap echoed across the entire expanse of the sea:


    Although he was expecting Kultuk Garanka to appear, he still froze from this scream and could not utter a word. And he was even more surprised when he saw a magic omul barrel in Kultuk’s hands, which he threw back a minute later: something will happen now.

    But nothing happened. The sea brightened, calmed down, and everything around was illuminated by the sun's rays. Kultuk disappeared, and the wonderful toy of the heroes, the omul barrel, also disappeared.

    Peace, guys,” said Dedko Savely. - Apparently, Barguzin and Kultuk will now play with a magic barrel, as they played before, before the quarrel. An agreement was established between them. And they will no longer envy each other - who has more, who has less fish. There's enough for everyone.

    Meanwhile, on the sea surface, different stripes appeared again: light blue warm ones, and blue-black cold ones. But this change did not discourage Dedka Savely.

    We will fish the same way we caught fish before,” he said. - Let's work with honor - we'll get fish, but if not, we'll tighten our belly. At noon we will notice a net...

    And at noon, Dedko Savely led his artel into the sea. They swept out the net and swam back. On the shore, the ends have already begun to pull. Things went well! And what fish were pulled out this time by Grandfather Savely’s team, you can’t say in words: you have to see!

    The fishermen cheered up and came to life. Grandfather Savely’s heart also felt lighter. He turned to Garanka and grinned:

    Well, are you still going to reproach me with a magic barrel?

    Garanka smiled cheerfully and said nothing.


    Once upon a time there lived a poor man, Hordei, near the Sayan Mountains. He was tending cattle for a rich man. The owner was very stingy. When the year had passed, he paid Hordeus only three coins for his faithful service. Hordei was offended and decided to seek happiness elsewhere.

    He wandered for a long time among the dense taiga, wild mountains and vast steppes, until he finally came to the shore of Lake Baikal. Here Hordei boarded a boat and crossed to Olkhon Island. He liked the island, but before staying on it, he decided to try his luck.

    Khordei knew that Father Baikal was not disposed toward every person, and therefore did not accept every offering. So Horday made a wish: “I’ll throw him my three coins, if he likes it, he’ll accept my gift and that means I’ll stay here, and if he throws it back, I’ll move on.”

    He made a wish and threw the coins far into the waters of Lake Baikal.

    The sea began to play, rumbled cheerfully like a mountain stream, and waved a welcoming wave at the shore. Horday looked at the coastal pebbles, and on it only a scattering of foam sparkled - and nothing more. The poor man rejoiced at such a good omen and remained to live on an island near the Small Sea.

    Three years have passed since then. Hordea feels good here - the Small Sea fed him enough, the taiga clothed him. Yes, Khordei got tired of being alone, he wanted to get married. And he became sad.

    One day, busy with sad thoughts about his sad and lonely life, Hordei sat on the seashore and watched the seagulls and cormorants that flew over the sea with cheerful cries. “The birds are happier than me, they have families,” he thought enviously and sighed heavily. And then suddenly, in the rustle of the Baikal waves, he heard a quiet voice:

    Don't worry, Horday. Your last labor coins, which you did not spare me, were not in vain - I sheltered you once, and now I will help you find a wife. Before dawn, take cover here between the stones and wait. At dawn a flock of swans will fly here. The swans will shed their plumage and turn into slender and beautiful girls. Here you can choose your favorite one. And when the girls start swimming, hide her swan dress. So she will become your wife. She will strongly persuade you to return her clothes, do not give in. And then, when you live with her, do the same. If you forget what I said, you will lose your wife...

    And then at dawn he heard the whistling sound of mighty wings in the sky, and a flock of snow-white swans landed on the shore. They threw off their swan outfit and turned into beautiful girls. With cheerful cries, frolicking, they rushed into the sea.

    Horday could not take his eyes off the beauties, and he was especially charmed by one swan girl, the most beautiful and youngest. Having come to his senses, Hordei ran out from behind the rock, grabbed the beauty’s swan dress and quickly hid it in the cave, and blocked the entrance with stones.

    At sunrise, having swam to their heart's content, the swan girls went ashore and began to dress. Only one of them did not find her clothes on the spot.

    She was frightened and began to wail pitifully:

    Oh, where are you, my tender, light feathers, where are my fast-flying wings? Who kidnapped them? Oh, how unhappy I am, Hong!

    And then she saw Horday. I realized that this was his doing. The swan girl ran up to him, fell to her knees and with tears in her eyes began to ask:

    Be kind, good fellow, return my clothes to me, for this I will be forever grateful to you. Ask for what you want - wealth, power, I will give you everything.

    But Hordei firmly told her:

    No, beautiful Hong! I don’t need anything or anyone except you. I want you to become my wife.

    The swan girl began to cry and began to beg Hordei more than ever to let her go. But Horday stood his ground.

    Meanwhile, all her friends had already dressed and turned into swans. Hong they did not wait, they rose into the air and flew away with farewell pitiful cries. The clothesless swan girl waved her hand at them, burst into burning tears and sat down on a stone. Hordei began to console her:

    Don’t cry, beautiful Hong, you and I will live well, together. I will love you and take care of you.

    There is nothing to do - the swan girl calmed down, wiped tears from her eyes, stood up and said to Hordei:

    Well, apparently, my fate is such, I agree to be your wife. Take me to your place.

    Happy Hordei took her hand and they walked.

    From that day on, Hordei lived on Olkhon with his wife Hong amicably and happily. They had eleven sons, who grew up and became good helpers for their parents. And then his sons had families, Hordea’s life became even more fun, his grandchildren and granddaughters did not let him get bored. The beautiful Hong, who had not aged for years, also rejoiced looking at her offspring. She also loved to babysit her grandchildren, told them all sorts of fairy tales, asked them tricky riddles, taught them everything good and kind, and instructed:

    In life, always be like swans, faithful to each other. Remember this, and when you grow up, you yourself will understand what loyalty means.

    And one day, having gathered all her grandchildren into her yurt, Hong addressed them with the following words:

    My good, nice kids! I gave my whole life only to you and now I can die in peace. And I will soon die, I feel it, although I am not aging in body - I will grow old in a different guise, to which I must remain faithful and from which I was once torn. And I believe that you will not judge me...

    What the grandmother was talking about and what was on her mind, the grandchildren understood little. But then old man Horday began to notice that his beautiful wife began to feel sad more and more often, think about something and even cry secretly. She often went to the place where Hordei once stole her clothes. Sitting on a rock, she looked at the sea for a long time, listening to how the cold surf thundered restlessly at her feet. Gloomy clouds floated past across the sky, and she followed them with longing eyes.

    More than once Horday tried to find out from his wife the reason for her sadness, but she always remained silent, until, finally, she decided to have a frank conversation. The couple sat in the yurt near the fire and recalled their entire life together. And then Hong said:

    How many years have you and I lived together, Hordey, and never quarreled? I gave birth to you eleven sons who continue our family. So, didn’t I really deserve at least a little consolation from you at the end of my days? Why, tell me, are you still hiding my old clothes?

    Why do you need these clothes? - asked Horday.

    I want to become a swan again and remember my youth. So please me, Hordey, let me be the same at least a little.

    Horday disagreed for a long time and tried to dissuade her from doing this. Finally, he took pity on his beloved wife and, to console her, went for a swan dress.

    Oh, how glad Hong was to have her husband back! And when she took her dress in her hands, she became even more youthful, her face brightened, and she began to fuss. Diligently smoothing the stale feathers, Hong impatiently prepared to put on the plumage. And at that time Hordei was boiling lamb in an eight-brand bowl. Standing near the fire, he carefully watched his Hong. He was glad that she had become so cheerful and contented, but at the same time he was worried for some reason.

    Suddenly Hong turned into a swan.

    Gi! Gi! - she screamed shrilly and began to slowly rise into the sky, higher and higher.

    And then Hordei remembered what Baikal warned him about.

    Poor Hordei burst into tears of grief and ran out of the yurt, still hoping to return his wife to the hearth and home, but it was already too late: the swan was soaring high in the sky and moving further and further with every minute. Looking after her, Hordei bitterly reproached himself:

    Why did I listen to Hong and give her the clothes? For what?

    Horday could not calm down for a long time. But when the despair passed and his mind became clearer, he realized that although his heart was heavy, he had the right to deprive his wife of her last joy. What is born as a swan is a swan and dies; what is acquired by cunning is taken away by cunning.

    They say that any grief, if you have someone to share it with, is only half painful. And Hordei no longer lived alone: ​​he was surrounded by his sons and daughters-in-law and many grandchildren, in whom he found solace in his old age.


    There is a scary cave on the island of Olkhon. It's called Shamanic. And it is scary because the ruler of the Mongols once lived there - Ge-gen-Burkhan, the brother of Erlen Khan, the ruler of the underground kingdom. Both brothers terrified the inhabitants of the island with their cruelty. Even the shamans were afraid of them, especially Gegen-Burkhan himself. Many innocent people suffered from it.

    And at the same time and on the same island, on Mount Izhimei, there lived a wise hermit - Khan-guta-babai. He did not recognize the authority of Gegen-Burkhan, and he did not want to know him himself; he never descended into his possessions. Many people had the opportunity to see how at night he lit a fire on the top of the mountain and roasted a lamb for dinner, but there was no way there - the mountain was considered impregnable. The formidable owner of Olkhon tried to subjugate the hermit sage, but retreated: no matter how much he sent soldiers there, the mountain did not let anyone in. Anyone who dared to climb the mountain fell down dead, because huge stones crashed down on the heads of uninvited guests. So everyone left Khan-guta-babai alone.

    It so happened that one islander Ge-gen-Burkhan executed her husband, a young herdsman, because he looked at him disrespectfully.

    The young woman fell to the ground in grief, burst into burning tears, and then, inflamed with fierce hatred of Gegen-Burkhan, began to think about how to rid her native tribe of the cruel ruler. And she decided to go to the mountains and tell Khan-guta-babai about the severe suffering of the island’s inhabitants. Let him stand up for them and punish Gegen-Burkhan.

    The young widow set off on her journey. And surprisingly, where the most dexterous warriors fell, she rose easily and freely. So she safely reached the top of Mount Izhimei, and not a single stone fell on her head. After listening to the brave, freedom-loving islander, Khan-guta-babai told her:

    Okay, I will help you and your tribe. Go back and warn all the islanders about this.

    The delighted woman descended from Mount Izhimei and did what the wise hermit had told her to do.

    And Khan-guta-babai himself, on one of the moonlit nights, landed on the land of Olkhon on a light white-foamed cloud. He pressed his ear to the ground and heard the groans of the innocent victims killed by Gegen-Burkhan.

    It is true that the land of Olkhon is completely saturated with the blood of the unfortunate! - Khan-guta-babai was indignant. - Gegen-Burkhan will not be on the island. But you must help me with this. Let a handful of Olkhon soil turn red when I need it!

    And the next morning I went to the Shaman’s cave. The angry ruler went out to the hermit sage and asked him in a hostile manner:

    Why did you come to me?

    Khan-guta-babai calmly answered:

    I want you to leave the island.

    Gegen-Burkhan boiled even more:

    This should not happen! I'm the boss here! And I will deal with you!

    Gegen-Burkhan also looked around and gasped: not far away stood a dense wall of frowning islanders.

    So you want to settle the matter by battle! - Gegen-Burkhan cried.

    “I didn’t say that,” Khan-guta-babai said calmly again. - Why shed blood? Let's fight better, it will be peaceful!

    Gegen-Burkhan fought with Khan-guta-Babai for a long time, but no one could achieve an advantage - both turned out to be real heroes, equal in strength. With that we parted ways. We agreed to settle the matter the next day by drawing lots. It was agreed that everyone would take a cup, fill it with earth, and before going to bed, everyone would place their cup at their feet. And whoever’s land turns red overnight must leave the island and migrate to another place, and whoever’s land does not change color will remain in possession of the island.

    The next evening, according to the agreement, they sat down side by side on the felt laid in the Shaman’s cave, placed a wooden cup filled with earth at their feet, and went to bed.

    Night came, and with it came the insidious underground shadows of Erlen Khan, for whose help his cruel brother firmly hoped. The shadows noticed that the earth was colored in Gegen-Burkhan's cup. They immediately brought this cup to the feet of Khan-guta-babai, and his cup to the feet of Gegen-Burkhan. But the blood of the ruined turned out to be stronger than the shadows of Erlen Khan, and when the bright ray of the morning sun burst into the cave, the earth in Khan-guta-babai’s cup went out, and the earth in Gegen-Burkhan’s cup turned red. And at that moment they both woke up.

    Gegen-Burkhan looked at his cup and sighed heavily:

    Well, you own the island,” he said to Khan-guta-babai, “and I will have to migrate to another place.”

    And he immediately gave orders to his Mongols to load property onto camels and dismantle the yurts. In the evening Gegen-Burkhan ordered everyone to go to bed. And at night, picked up by the powerful shadows of Erlen Khan, the Mongols with camels and all their property were quickly transported beyond Baikal. The next morning they woke up on the other side.

    But many poor Mongols remained to live on the island. It was from them that the Olkhon Buryats, who inhabit this island today, descended.


    In one Buryat ulus of Podlemorye lived two twin brothers, Gumbo and Badma. Ayun's mother was also with them. And the five-walled yurt inside was all decorated with the horns of elk, ibex and reindeer. Gumbo was famous as the most skillful, brave and hardy hunter, but Badma had been lying on skins motionless since childhood, suffering from some unknown disease, and needed care.

    And how Gumbo loved his brother! And Badma answered him with love, but often complained:

    Will I ever be able to be useful to you and your mother?

    Don’t worry, Badma, the time will come and you will recover, I believe in it.

    No, Gumbo, it looks like I’ll never get up again. It's better to die sooner than to be a burden to you.

    Don’t say that, Badma, don’t offend me and your mother. Be patient! Everything has its time.

    One day Gumbo was getting ready to go hunting and said to his brother:

    I want to get you some fresh lamb. Don `t get bored without me.

    And this was at a time when in the taiga and loaches of the Barguzinsky ridge there were many Argali snow sheep, which Gumbo hunted.

    This time he walked for a long time along the taiga animal path, until it led him into a gorge between the rocks. And then he saw one of the bighorn sheep on the rock.

    What a large, slender and powerful ram he was! His head was decorated with large, thick, curled horns, the rings on which showed that the ram was many years old. After all, every year a ring is added to the horns, and the larger the horns become, the heavier they are.

    Gumbo raised his gun, took aim and fired. But what is it?

    The ram only turned his head towards the hunter and remained standing still. Gumbo fired a second time - the ram just shook his head, calmly looked around and began to climb higher into the mountains.

    Gumbo was taken aback. He never doubted his accuracy, but here it is on you! There was reason to be confused. And he decided that it was an enchanted, invulnerable ram.

    Gambo looked up and was even more surprised to see in the place where the bighorn sheep had just stood, a beautiful girl in a lynx skin.

    Who are you? - Having come to his senses, Gumbo asked.

    “I am Yanzhima, Heten’s servant,” the girl answered. - And I warn you: don’t chase Ohio, you won’t get him anyway. You'll be trying in vain. And why? Even without the horns, Ohailo, you are healthy and strong, like a hero.

    What do these horns have to do with it? - Gambo was wary.

    Don’t pretend like you don’t know,” Yanzhima grinned. “You want to get them to become the strongest and most powerful of people.”

    “I don’t understand,” Gumbo was embarrassed.

    And there is nothing to understand here. Ohio wears magic horns; they are filled with healing juices that can give a person health and heroic strength. And Ohiolo himself is invulnerable while wearing them. So get out of here while you're still alive.

    Yanzhima said this and disappeared into the crevice of the cliff. Gumbo stood for a while thinking and left the gorge. This is what Yanzhima expected. She waved her yellow handkerchief, and at the same moment a white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was a girl of indescribable beauty in a robe the color of the morning dawn and in silvery furs. She descended from the cloud to the ground and asked the girl in lynx skin:

    What do you say, Yanzhima?

    Oh, radiant mistress, owner of all the riches of the Barguzin taiga, beautiful Heten! I must tell you that a brave hunter has appeared here and is chasing your Ohio. He can lasso it or get it with a noose!

    Does he need magic ram horns? - Haten said thoughtfully. - What if this is an evil person? You, Yanzhima, must not allow the horns of Ohailo to fall to the hunter.

    And Haten returned to her cloud.

    Gumbo returned home upset, although he got, as Badme promised, fresh lamb. He was saddened that he had missed the bighorn sheep with the magic horns! After all, they could put their brother back on his feet! “Still, I’ll get it!” - Gumbo promised himself and began to get ready.

    Before going to the Barguzin loaches, Gumbo punished Ayune:

    Take care of Badma, mother, look after him, reassure him...

    Gumbo took with him the necessary fishing gear and walked along the shore of Lake Baikal. And then the wind immediately blew, so strong that it became impossible to walk.

    “Some force is preventing me,” thought Gumbo, but he didn’t take a step back, he pushed forward. How could he have known that it was Yanzhima who got down to business!

    Somehow Gumbo reached a dense pine forest, but then the hooked branches of the pine trees grabbed him and, in order to lift Gumbo higher, they themselves stretched out - even the roots came out. And the sand from the shore fell asleep in Gumbo’s eyes. The pines creaked and crackled, rocked the hunter and threw him far into the sea, while they themselves remained standing on the roots, as if on stilts.

    Gumbo fell into the cold waters of Lake Baikal and sank to the very bottom. Out of nowhere, deep-sea golomyankas appeared - fish as transparent as glass, and they began to pinch and grab the hunter from all sides. Gumbo was not at a loss, gathered the golomyankas into a flock and ordered them to raise themselves to the surface. And here seals - Baikal seals - swam.

    Gumbo crept up to the largest of them, grabbed the flippers, and it brought him safely to the shore.

    Gumbo went further. He passed through a dense dark forest and came out into a bright ravine. Walking in open spaces has become more fun. But by evening a heavy black cloud hung over the ravine. And it became cloudy around. Gumbo looked up and was horrified: the cloud had a large shaggy head with deep, dimly flickering eyes and a flattened nose. And this head spoke in a dull, terrifying voice:

    Go back, obstinate hunter, or I, the Evening Cloud, will pour you down now so much that you will get wet to the bones and freeze to death overnight!

    Gumbo laughed:

    Don't scare me, I'm not afraid of you!

    In response, lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the cloud burst into an unprecedented stream of water. Gumbo had never seen such rain before, but he did not give in to fear. He undressed and rubbed his body all night. In the morning the rain subsided, but suddenly a thick fog appeared. And the fog turned out to have a large head with bulging gray-ash eyes and a thick whitish nose and milky white hair. And this head spoke in a creaky, cold voice:

    I - Morning Mist - command you, daring hunter, leave here or I will strangle you!

    And the plump hands of the fog reached out to Gumbo’s neck.

    No, I won't give myself to you! - Gumbo cried and began to fight the fog. I struggled for an hour or two - the fog could not stand it and crawled into the mountains.

    A white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was Haten herself, all in pink.

    Why did you, brave and strong hunter, need the magic horns of my Ohio? You are a hero even without them! - she turned to Gambo.

    “Oh, so this is Heten herself, the mistress of the Barguzin taiga!” - Gambo guessed. He answered sincerely:

    Not for myself, but for my sick brother.

    “That’s good,” Haten beamed. - Caring for others is commendable. That means you are a good person! What is your name?

    Gumbo, hunter of the Undersea.

    So continue your search, Gumbo. She said so and turned the cloud back and floated further to the loaches.

    Oh, beautiful lady Heten! - with these words the girl in the skin of a lynx greeted the lady. “I did everything to ensure that this stubborn hunter would give up his plan, but no obstacles stop him!”

    “They are powerless against him,” Haten said thoughtfully.

    And I confess to you, Yanzhima: I like this hunter. His strength captivated me. I love strong and noble people.

    What are you saying, beautiful Haten! - Yanzhima was indignant. “Will you really allow this alien to become the owner of Ohiolo’s magic horns?” They belong only to you!

    You're right, Yanzhima. But what can I do! I fell in love with this brave, strong hunter.

    Haten, come to your senses! - Yanzhima cried. - After all, it is in your power to defeat him... Is he worthy of your love?

    Yes, he is worthy! - Haten said firmly. - And let him strive here, let's see what happens next.

    Gumbo, meanwhile, walked and walked through windbreaks and lichens, through stormy, rushing streams and stone deposits to his cherished goal. A familiar gorge appeared. I looked at the Gumbo cliff and was stunned: standing on it, as before, calmly, was that same invulnerable bighorn sheep.

    “Ohailo! - Gumbo perked up. “Well, now you won’t escape my lasso,” Gumbo spoke. “I will steal you away at all costs and return with magic horns to my brother: may he be healthy and strong!”

    “Don’t bother yourself in vain, Gumbo,” Haten’s voice was heard from the crevice. - Come to me, I myself will give you the magic horns of Ohio.

    Something, something, but Gumbo never expected this! Barely able to control himself from excitement, He obediently climbed up the cliff.

    Don't you notice the change? - Heten asked the hunter, nodding at Ohio.

    The ram had ordinary horns on its head, and Haten held the magic ones in her hands.

    A good deed and a good person do not regret good things.

    “Oh, how kind you are, Haten,” Gumbo grew bolder. - And how grateful I am to you! How can I repay you for your kindness!

    Or maybe it will turn into kindness for me, too,” Haten said mysteriously. - After all, I’m grateful!


    To my Ohio!

    Haten walked up to the bighorn sheep and hugged his neck.

    Why should he? - asked Gumbo.

    Because he led me to meet you. Haten waved her yellow handkerchief, and a cloud descended from the sky.

    “Now we’ll go to you, Gambo,” said Haten and turned to Yanzhima, “don’t forget to take the treasured robe with you!”

    The three of them sat on a cloud and floated across the sky. Below them, the dark green taiga bristled, and the rivers stretched like sinuous silver ribbons. And far behind was a cliff on which a bighorn sheep stood and looked after the retreating cloud.

    Goodbye, Ohio! - Haten waved her hand at him. - You will not be offended by us: as a gift to you, I am leaving a pasture inaccessible to hunters, where you will be completely safe and loved as a leader by all your relatives.

    The seashore approached. And Gumbo sees his mother, Ayuna, standing below near the yurt and looking up.

    Meets us! - Gumbo said and waved his hand at her.

    A cloud descended, Gumbo, Haten all in pink and Yanzhima in a lynx skin came down to earth with magic horns, and the cloud itself immediately melted away without a trace.

    You are my dear children, how glad I am for you all! - Ayuna began to wail. - Come into the yurt!

    Gumbo first ran up to his brother lying on the skins.

    Well, Badma, I got you the horns of a bighorn sheep. May you be a hero! - and hung the horns over the head of his brother’s bed.

    A month has passed. During this time, Badma rose to his feet and turned into a strong and strong hero.

    Badma's recovery was a real holiday.

    In honor of him, Yanzhima took off her lynx skin and put on a lush robe strewn with gold sparkles.

    Having transformed, Yanzhima became even more beautiful.

    Seeing her in such an outfit, Badma could not contain his admiration:

    There is no flower more beautiful than you, Yanzhima! What a joy it is to look at you just once!

    Why not always? - Yanzhima lied.

    And so it happened. Soon two weddings took place. And there were no happier people in the world than Gumbo with Heten and Badma with Yanzhima. They often later recalled the misadventures of the magic horn hunter in the Barguzin taiga and commemorated Ohio, the invulnerable bighorn sheep, with kind words.


    This happened on Lake Baikal one deep, cold autumn, after a strong hurricane, when all the birds had long since flown south.

    The old fisherman Shono woke up at dawn from the strange cry of a seagull; he had never heard such a loud, such a sad cry. He jumped out of the yurt and saw a huge and strange seagull in the sky, the like of which he had never seen before.

    A seagull of unusual size was carried to Lake Baikal by a fierce autumn hurricane. And from the very first day she greatly missed her native Arctic Ocean, because she was an polar gull and never left the north. Such seagulls spend all seasons in their homeland and do not fly south.

    How could Shono understand that the bird had suffered great grief? And he hurried to go home as quickly as possible.

    Soon, not only the fishermen of the Glorious Sea, but also the hunters of the Baikal taiga and mountains learned about this extraordinary seagull, which brought aching melancholy to everyone with its cries. And they called her the Extraordinary Seagull for her extraordinary size.

    And the shamans hastened to announce that the ill-fated bird is an evil spirit, a cruel prophet of future troubles and misfortunes.

    Despite the fact that the sea, rich in fish, was spacious and free, Chaika dreamed of the fiery rainbow flashes of the distant northern lights, the polar dull snowfall, the howling of a blizzard, the barking and running of blue foxes, the mighty surf of the icy waves of the ocean and the menacing rustling of wandering icy mountains.

    Chaika tried with all her might to return to her homeland. But for many days the fierce northern winds raged and threw it over the Baikal ridges. But then she gathered her last strength, once again rose into the sky and flew over the deserted bay. And she screamed so sadly and hysterically that old Shono could not stand it, grabbed a gun and shot at Chaika.

    She fell onto the coastal sand, covered in blood, and fell silent.

    Shono approached the dead bird, and when he looked at it, his heart sank with pity and pain. He noticed in the eyes of the Seagull, tears as pure as spring water... On the shells of her motionless eyes he saw frozen rainbow flashes of the cold northern lights... And then Shono realized what an unforgivable mistake he had made in believing the shamans and killing the Extraordinary Seagull. He stood over her for a long time, feeling sorry for her and not knowing what to do next.

    And then he remembered that there was a place on the shore of Lake Baikal from where wonderful hot healing springs flowed. And they rise from the depths of the earth along passages that, according to old people, connect Baikal with the Arctic Ocean; underground water heats up. Maybe the water of her native ocean will revive Chaika.

    Shono got into the boat, took Chaika with him and sailed across the bay to the treasured place. He scooped up water with a wooden cup and doused the dead bird with it. The water really turned out to be alive: the deep wound healed, the Seagull began to move, and suddenly perked up. She flapped her wings and took off strong, swift, proud. With a triumphant cry she rose into the sky and flew north. And, having overcome the headwind, she soon disappeared from sight. And Shono, looking at her, smiled happily, and his soul felt light and joyful.


    "Bogatyr Baikal". The fairy tale was written by G. Kungurov based on a Buryat legend.

    "Angara beads","Omul barrel","Horday's Wife","Master of Olkhon","The Magic Horns of Ohio","The Extraordinary Seagull". The tales were written by V. Starodumov based on Buryat folklore (Omulevaya barrel. Irkutsk,

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    Once upon a time there lived a man. He had an old father and a little son. And in their village they didn’t keep old people. As soon as he grows old, he stops going out into the fields, he is taken to the remote taiga, and there he is left for the animals to eat - why, they say, is it a waste of bread! This guy needs to take his father to the forest. He harnessed the horse, threw a piece of leaf bark onto the cart, onto this bark of his father...

    In one village, grandfather Ivan and grandmother Marya lived in an old hut. And they had a granddaughter Anyutka. The sprout is small, but she is fast and efficient. Nose covered in hemp. And the eyes are amazing: on a clear day they are light and blue, in bad weather they are dark and gray. And Anyutka goes into the forest - look, they are already green. Grandfather and woman loved their granddaughter, they really doted on her. Yes...

    There lived a guy in the same city. He loved the girl and soon married her. They had a child. And he himself was just hired. When he was drafted into the army, she wrote to him: “We have nothing to eat.” He answers her: “You sell my suit, but support the child. I'll be on vacation soon." And exercises were announced in their regiment. The regiment disbanded and went to the places where they lived...

    That was a long time ago. At that time I didn’t even know my father and mother. And my grandfather and I were the same age. They lived together with him. And why should we quarrel? There’s nothing to divide. But we’re up to our necks in work: sometimes we’re playing the fool, sometimes we’re kicking ass all day long. It used to be that my grandfather and I would go fishing, sit on the river, throw our fishing rods ashore and only manage to pull. Let's catch a whole bunch of fish, spread the sand on...

    A gypsy was driving. They drive into one village, knock on the house - no one answers. He knocks on another house - no one answers. What's taco? I walked around the whole village, there was no one in the huts. At the edge of the village there was a small hut, a gypsy went into it. He sees an old man and an old woman sitting on the stove, trembling with fear and curled up. The gypsies ask: “Why are you sitting on the stove?” Where are the people? ...

    Once upon a time, a poor family had a bull. Once in the forest, seven wolves attacked him. The bull, defensively, backed up and backed up and opened the barn door with his hind legs. Greedy wolves are behind him. The barn door closed. The next day, the poor man, looking for his bull, saw its tracks next to the tracks of seven wolves and became very worried. What to do? I decided to find at least the bones of a bull. The tracks led to...

    One day, yawning with nothing to do, the narrow-minded and wide-assed Khan Olzoy informed his subjects: “Whoever lies so that I don’t believe him will get a teacup of gold!” The first to come was the court baker Malashai: “Great one, my grandfather has a long pole.” At night, my baabay stirs the stars in the sky with this pole, like I stir dough in a bakery...

    Old Alyaday had a piebald horse. On it he plowed his land. One day a bear came up to him and said: “Old Alyaday, what a beautiful horse you have - piebald.” Did you make it like this yourself? “Yes, I myself,” the old man joked. - Make me piebald. Old Alyaday remembered how this bear ravaged his beehives. -...

    Near the chum, three dogs were sitting on the blue snow: the shepherd Oronka, the hunting Laika, and the sled dog Nartka. The dogs were arguing. Oronka boasted. “I’m a man’s first assistant, he’ll throw me a fatty piece... I’ll guard his most precious thing—the deer!” “You stupid Oronka, I’m the best dog,” Nartka answers, “a man will throw me a fatty piece... I drive him...

    On a sultry afternoon, sweating profusely, an old horse was pulling a heavy cart, and a small dog was running alongside, hiding in the shadow of the cart, and barking loudly. By evening the horse barely reached the owner's house. The owner unharnessed her and tied her to a post. The little dog lay down next to him and complained: “Oh, I’m tired!” Life is bad, even if you die. - And what did you do? Why are you tired? -...

    Once upon a time, there lived a devil. Once upon a time he saw that a man was very well: he sat near the fire, warmed himself, fried meat, and delicious food, and warmth for him, the man. The devil became jealous, and he decided to steal fire from a man. The devil comes close to a person's fire, but cannot take him. Damn, damn, he’s afraid of fire and even more afraid of people. In the spring, moths appeared, so small...

    Snow says to the hare: “Something doesn’t feel good.” “You’re probably melting, that’s why you feel bad,” answered the hare. He sat down on a tree stump and cried bitterly. “It’s a pity, I feel sorry for you, snow.” I kept running in the snow, making round holes. From a fox, from a wolf, from a hunter, he buried himself in the snow and hid. How will I live without you? Any crow, any owl will see me...

    One day an old man was walking along the path. He sees a wolf lying in a bag. The old man felt sorry for the wolf. He untied the bag. Released the wolf into the wild. Moves on. And the wolf follows him. Suddenly the wolf says: “Old man, I’ll eat you.” The old man got scared and said: “How can you do such evil?” I just saved you from trouble. The wolf answers: -...

    Hunter Hartagai was traveling through the taiga. I saw a lot of wild chickens in the clearing. He was delighted, wove a net from the hair of his horse’s tail, placed it in a clearing and caught the chickens. He brought them home, wanted to slaughter them and invite guests to a feast. The chickens cried: “Khartagai, Hartagai!” Don’t destroy us, we will give you eggs, you will always be full and rich! Hartagay believed it, but to prevent the chickens from flying away, he cut it...

    There lived a hunter named Chalbacha. One day he went to pick berries and saw a bear in the taiga. The bear says to him: “Great, Chalbacha, where are you going?” - Hello, bear, I'm looking for berries. Do you know where there are a lot of berries? - Of course I know. After all, I am the owner of this taiga. Let's compare our strengths, and whoever is stronger among us will eat these berries. Chalbacha was confused, and then said:...

    A long time ago there lived an old, old old man, and he had the same old horse Savraska, nicknamed Guboslap. The old man loved his Savraska very much and one day bought him good new horseshoes. Savraska was delighted; He couldn’t stop looking at his outfit, couldn’t resist and ran to show himself to his neighbors. He walks and spanks with his lips, and everyone he meets stops and...

    The sun was covered with autumn black clouds, it was blowing cold wind. Migratory birds were preparing to fly to warmer climes. A flock of geese was grazing near a birch thicket. Something piebald flashed near them. This magpie was spinning with envy. “Geese have beautiful feathers,” she thought. She flew up to one sleeping goose, pulled out a feather from her and hid it in her nest. The goose woke up...

    Birds from all over the taiga flew in and began to scold the woodpecker. The cuckoo is the angriest of all: “You give me no peace, woodpecker, you knock, you knock!” “Your knocking makes my head hurt,” the nutcracker complains. - Idlers, you have ready-made food: flies, mosquitoes, boogers, berries, tree buds, nuts. And I need to chisel the tree, look for beetles under the bark. All of you...

    The capercaillie always lived with us. He has enough space and food in the taiga. He is not afraid of Morozov. Sleeping in the snow. And it’s warm for a capercaillie to sleep in the snow, like a person in a good blanket. In spring, many different birds flew into the taiga from the warm side. The black grouse also flew in with them. In the taiga, a black grouse met with a wood grouse. We became friends. We lived through the summer. In the fall, the black grouse prepared to fly back to a warm region. Capercaillie said...

    One day the birds gathered to elect a king for themselves. Almost everyone had arrived, and only one boudin was late. It would be time to choose a king, but there is no Budene. We decided to wait for her for three days. In the old days, birds had this rule: a king cannot be elected if there is not enough consent of at least one of the smallest birds. The crane got angry - he really couldn’t wait to be king. Didn't sleep, didn't eat. The day seemed...

    It was a long time ago, a very long time ago. And you can’t remember when it was. All the swamp birds gathered at the Big Lake. They got together and argued. Each one praises herself: “I’m better than all the birds on earth,” cries the marsh sandpiper, “not a single bird flies faster than me!” - Silly! - the diving duck answers him, - tell me, who dives better than me? Because of the big bump...

    The birds built their nests, raised their chicks, sang songs, and rejoiced. Only the lazy eagle owl was sitting on a branch and basking in the sun. Autumn came, the birds were about to fly south, but the eagle owl was still sitting on the branch and dozing. Winter has come, snow has fallen. The eagle owl began to tremble from the cold and began to look for an old hollow to hide from the frost. I found it, climbed into it and was delighted -...

    The forests have faded. Dry leaves began to swirl, the grass withered, the birds became silent. A flock of geese flew south. A black goose was flying ahead. He considered himself the best goose on earth. The flock obediently hurried after him. The black goose bowed its head and looked at the ground; mountains, fields, lakes, rivers flashed by. The black goose cackled proudly: “Look what I’m like!” The flock started laughing too...

    A beaver and a beaver moved to a taiga river to live. We came and looked at the river. Beavers liked it. They will be the owners. The forest is right on the shore. The trees are different. Bird cherry, rowan, alder, willow. Between them there were spruce, larches, and birches. The beavers liked the river. The pool holes are deep, the rifts are sandy and rocky. Beavers and graylings met in the hole! The fish were afraid of the shaggy beavers. Beavers...

    A gray bird lived in the taiga on a tree. Her name was Bullfinch. And under the tree lived a mouse. The mouse was busy all summer. She was collecting food for the winter. And the bird just sang and flew. Cold winter has arrived. The mouse climbed into the hole. But the bird remained on the tree. The mouse was warm and nourished. And the bullfinch is cold and hungry. One day a mouse came out of its hole. She saw a bullfinch and asked: -...

    September walked hastily across the Sayan Mountains. The days have become shorter, the nights longer and colder. Sokhaty hears: the wapiti screams loudly all night, makes calling sounds, and interferes with sleep. Animals, like people, make themselves known to each other, call, meet, talk to each other, bask and caress. “Wait,” the elk thinks, “tomorrow I’ll meet and talk with...

    The wood sparrow is the same sparrow that has a red spot on its head. A gray mouse is the same mouse that has a wide bone sticking out on its chest, above its front paws. They live in the taiga, next to each other. They meet often, but never say hello. They act as if they are complete strangers. But once upon a time they were friends, and what kind ones! You don't...

    In ancient times, the hare was afraid of everyone: birds flying in the sky, animals walking on the ground, even in front of gray mice trembled in fear. The hare cried with grief. “There is no animal in the world more fearful than me.” I’ll go drown myself in a fast river or burn in a fire... The hare ran to die. He jumped out of the bushes, heard someone got scared of him and rushed to the side. The dry ones rustled...

    There lived a hare by a green stream. His name was Hare-Liar. Why they called it that way, no one knew. However, others guessed but remained silent. One day the Liar Hare ran out into the clearing and froze. A bear, a wolf, a fox and a lynx are sitting nearby. The Liar Hare's heart seemed torn out of fear. He's trembling. Doesn’t feel: the heart is beating or has stopped completely. The Liar Hare lost his legs. There is no strength to run. Stands like a tree stump...

    The fox saw a burbot on the bank of the river. The burbot lay by the stone and did not move. The fox said: “Bubot, they say you can’t run?” Are you lying down or sleeping? “No, fox, I can run as well as you,” answered the burbot. - However, you are bragging. Let's run to the top of the river, then you will see that I will get ahead of you. Burbot agreed....

    The old wolverine and her old man decided to look for new places to live. There was a rumor that beyond the river the forest was thicker and there was more food. So they decided to transport their tent and all their goods across the river and settle there. But they didn’t have a boat for transportation. The wolverine's husband went into the forest to tear up birch bark to make a boat. And the old woman put her goods in bags and sat down on the shore to wait for him. ...

    A mouse and a camel argued. “I’ll see the sun ahead,” said the camel. “No, I’ll see the sun ahead,” answered the mouse. “You are no bigger than my eyelash, and I am a mountain, why are you arguing?” All night the camel looked into the steppe, to the east, so that he could see the sun ahead of the mouse. The mouse sat on the camel's back and looked west.

    A fox is walking along the bank, and a lynx is meeting it. - Hello, fox! - says the lynx. - Hello, lynx! - Oh, what a beautiful skin you have! What do you do to be so beautiful? - Nothing special. You can do this too.

    Previously, the bear did not let anyone live. Big and strong, he will either bark loudly, seriously scare someone, or accidentally, clumsily, crush small animals and birds to death, or break trees and destroy nests made by the inhabitants of the forest with great difficulty and perseverance. He offended many and did not give them peace. Somehow the animals tried to appease the owner of the taiga. Well, where are they, and don’t listen to them...

    Once upon a time there lived a bird whose nest was high in a tree. One day a fox came to the bird and, in order to feast on something, began to ask for an egg, while intimidating it. “If you don’t give me your eggs, then I will climb your tree, and if I can’t climb, then I will cut down the tree.” The bird got scared and gave all its eggs to the fox. The fox ate the bird's eggs and went to her hole....

    The wolf ran to the river. He sees that the foal is stuck in the mud. The wolf wanted to eat him. The foal groaned: “First you pull me out, and then eat me...” The wolf agreed. He pulled the foal out of the mud. The foal looked around. “Wait, wolf, don’t eat me, I’m dirty, let me dry, clean off the dirt, then eat me.” The foal dried in the sun and became clean. The wolf opened its mouth.

    There lived two friends - a bear and a crucian carp. The bear wandered more often, ate nuts and berries, and basked in the sun. And the crucian carp swam in the river, chasing small fish. Friends saw each other often and talked for a long time. One day a bear came to the shore, and a crucian carp was already waiting for him, swimming in the very heat. - Hello, grandfather! - Hello, crucian carp! ...

    The bear slept in its den all winter. Then, when the sun began to warm the earth, the bear crawled out of the den and walked through the taiga. He was hungry, because he had not eaten anything all winter, only sucked his paw. He walks through the taiga, looking for food. He walked and walked and couldn't find anything. He sees that the stump is standing. He grabbed this stump with his front paws, hugged it and started turning it out. The bear has no strength and he can’t do anything...

    A bear with two cubs went to the stream to drink. He looks: the elk is sleeping, resting his head on a stone. The bear rejoiced: “I’ll kill the sleeping one, and I’ll feed you, kids, with the stick!” The cubs jumped and roared: they were hungry. - Hush, he'll wake up! He will flog you with his horns and trample you with your feet!

    Birch gave birth to a girl. The girl ate birch sap. The bear saw her when he passed that place and asked: “Where did you come from, girl?” The girl answers: “I was born from a birch tree, I feed on birch sap.” The bear began to call the girl to him:

    A duck was hatching its chicks in the grass near the lake. A snake crawled up, wrapped itself around the nest and wanted to bite the duck. The duck flapped its wings, flew out of the nest and sat down on the water. The snake swam after her. The duck took off again, circled over the lake, sat down on a coastal stone and looked back in fear. An ant saw her.

    The spring sun came out and warmed the earth. The snow melted and the grass grew. A midge sat on the top of a stem, basks in the sun and sings songs. A strong wind blew and pressed the grass to the ground. The midge, in fear, clings to the stem with its paws, trembles, is about to break away - and then it dies. I could barely resist. The wind died down. Again the midge sits on the top of the stem, laughs and boasts: - Eh,...

    After the winter cold, the mosquito comes to life before the dragonfly. The snow melted, the sun warmed up, and the mosquito came to life. The mosquito lives, rejoices, no one bothers it. The grass grew, the sun began to get hotter, and the dragonfly came to life. She saw that the mosquito had taken the best places, sitting on the tall grass, singing, rejoicing. She also wanted to sit on the tall grass. They began to argue about who owned the tall grass. ...

    A long time ago - the Evenks lived in their clans - the Changita robbers roamed the taiga. The Changits killed all men, even boys. The Evenk hunter Koevai then had a son. He grew up quickly, like an elk, and soon became a hero. Once he was hunting in the taiga. He sees a miracle: a non-taiga man is leaning against a tree, holding a stick in his hand. Fire and smoke jump out of this stick. From the tree where...

    Our valley, Mother Tunka, is large. It stretched from Baikal to another world - to the most foreign country - Mongolia. Used to be here different peoples lived, now they have all suffered. After them, the Buryats and Tungus came to Irkut. Who will remember when they came here? That was a long time ago. Then, they say, Khamar-Daban was still a small hillock, and the Sayan char stretched like gentle mountains....

    Not so far from Baikal, where the Ekhirites now live, before, when there were no cows or horses, there lived three brothers: Bulagat, Ekhirit and Khoridoy, the sons of the old hunter Buryadai. Those brothers lived and knew no grief until a misfortune happened. And misfortune fell on their heads unexpectedly. In previous years, the brothers went hunting and brought back so much game and animals that they had enough...

    In ancient, old times, there lived the beautiful Amorgol. You couldn't find such a beauty in the whole world. Buryats from all over the world came to her to woo her, but she did not want to marry anyone. They say she didn’t want young suitors to quarrel over her. And she had so many suitors that it was possible to flood the great Angara from Lake Baikal to the Yenisei itself. That's how she lived...

    On the left bank of the Irkut, close to the Sayan Mountains, there is a place called Bator. I’ll tell you now where this name came from. About half a thousand years ago, a great hero named Uluntui lived near the Sayan Mountains. Everyone knew that there was no one stronger than him near the Sayans. But no one was afraid of Uluntuy, he never touched anyone with his finger, he did not offend even the smallest midge. Uluntui lived in his...

    Irkut, the son of Ilchir, decided to join the waters of Baikal, but Baikal did not let him in and blocked the road with Mount Sad. Father Ilchir suggested that his son gather his comrades, accumulate joint forces and make a road through the char. Irkut began to gather strength. The first to come to the rescue was the younger brother Bely Irkut. The Black River Kharagol did not refuse Irkut’s request and also quickly came to the rescue. Came from hot waters...

    It was a long time ago. In the Sayan Mountains there lived a terrible and evil shaman. Everything was under his control. Birds and animals obeyed him, the forest did not make noise when he prayed, the cuckoo stopped crowing when he went to bed. He ruled over all nature. His every command was a law for everyone. He had several servants under his command, whom the shaman had never seen, but who were always his...

    In distant, distant times, it was very warm on the shores of the Glorious Sea - Baikal. Large, unprecedented trees grew here and there were huge animals: giant rhinoceroses, saber tooth tigers, cave bears and shaggy giants - mammoths. The lingering trumpet sounds of mammoths shook the mountains. Mammoths were considered the largest and most powerful among all animals on earth, but...

    In ancient times, in the place where Baikal is now, a dense forest grew. There were so many birds and animals in this forest that it was difficult for a person to pass through. Among the birds, one stood out; it was the size of a large sturgeon. Her wings were huge, strong; if she touched a tree, it would fall to the ground with its roots; if it touched a rock, the rock would fly apart. People were afraid of that bird and there was no way to kill it...

    Below the village of Guzhiry there is the Dalkhai area. In this area there is a mountain called Bychya. Here is how it was. Two huge bulls came out of Mongolia. In Mongolia they drank up all the rivers and lakes. They were overwhelmed with thirst. They went in search of water. They walked for a long time, but could not find water. The bulls walked along the Zun-Murino River. They crushed everything in their path, crushed them so much that the trees with their tops...

    BOGATYR BAIKAL"Bogatyr Baikal". The fairy tale was written by G. Kungurov based on a Buryat legend.

    In the old days, mighty Baikal was cheerful and kind. He deeply loved his only daughter Angara.

    There was no more beautiful woman on earth.

    During the day it is light - brighter than the sky, at night it is dark - darker than a cloud. And no matter who drove past the Angara, everyone admired it, everyone praised it. Even migratory birds: geese, swans, cranes descended low, but the Angaras rarely landed on the water. They spoke:

    Is it possible to blacken something light?

    Old man Baikal took care of his daughter more than his heart.

    One day, when Baikal fell asleep, Angara rushed to run to the young man Yenisei.

    The father woke up and splashed his waves angrily. A fierce storm arose, the mountains began to weep, forests fell, the sky turned black from grief, animals scattered in fear throughout the earth, fish dived to the very bottom, birds flew away to the sun. Only the wind howled and the heroic sea raged.

    The mighty Baikal hit the gray mountain, broke off a rock from it and threw it after the fleeing daughter.

    The rock fell right on the beauty's throat. The blue-eyed Angara begged, gasping and sobbing, and began to ask:

    Father, I am dying of thirst, forgive me and give me at least one drop of water...

    Baikal shouted angrily:

    I can only give you my tears!..

    For hundreds of years, the Angara has been flowing into the Yenisei like tear-water, and gray, lonely Baikal has become gloomy and scary. The rock that Baikal threw after his daughter was called the Shaman Stone. Rich sacrifices were made there to Baikal. People said: “Baikal will be angry, it will tear off the Shaman’s stone, the water will gush and flood the whole earth.”

    Only it was a long time ago, now people are brave and are not afraid of Lake Baikal...

    ANGARA BEADS "Angara beads","Omul barrel","Horday's Wife","Master of Olkhon","The Magic Horns of Ohio","The Extraordinary Seagull". The tales were written by V. Starodumov based on Buryat folklore (Omulevaya barrel. Irkutsk, 1979).

    Who in ancient times was considered the most glorious and powerful hero, whom everyone feared, but also revered? Gray-haired Baikal, a formidable giant.

    And he was also famous for the countless, priceless riches that flocked to him from all sides from the surrounding heroes who were conquered by him and subject to tribute - yasak. There were more than three hundred of them. The yasak was collected by Baikal's faithful comrade-in-arms, the hero Olkhon, who had a tough and cruel disposition.

    It is not known where Baikal would have put all its production over the years and how much it would have accumulated if not for his only daughter Angara, a blue-eyed, capricious and wayward beauty. She greatly upset her father with her unbridled extravagance. Oh, how easily and freely, at any moment, she spent what her father had collected for years! Sometimes they scolded her:

    You are throwing good things to the wind, why is that?

    It’s okay, it will come in handy for someone,” Angara said, chuckling. - I love that everything is in use, doesn’t sit stale and ends up in good hands.

    Angara was the heart of kindness. But Angara also had her favorite, cherished treasures, which she cherished from an early age and kept in a blue crystal box. She often admired them for a long time when she remained in her little room. Angara never showed this box to anyone or opened it for anyone, so none of the palace servants knew what was stored in it.

    Only Baikal knew that this box was filled to the brim with magical beads made of multifaceted semi-precious stones. These treasures had amazing power! As soon as they were taken out of the box, they lit up with such bright and powerful lights of extraordinary beauty that even the sun faded in front of them.

    Why was Angara in no hurry to put on magic jewelry? She confessed only to her nanny Todokta:

    When my favorite friend appears, then I’ll wear it. For him.

    But days passed after days, and there was no friend to my liking. And Angara got bored. Everything around her tormented and upset her. There is nothing left of the beauty's former playful disposition.

    Baikal noticed such a change in her daughter and guessed: she needed a good groom, it was time for a wedding. And who will you give it to if she hasn’t loved anyone yet? And he decided to notify everyone around him that he wanted to marry off his daughter.

    There were many people who wanted to become related to Baikal, but Angara refused everyone. The bride turned out to be picky! According to her, it turned out that this one was narrow-minded, that one had no face, the third - an article.

    Baikal no longer only felt sorry for the Angara, but also for all the young heroes.

    You never know how much time passed, but one day such an elegant plow sailed into the possessions of Baikal, the likes of which had never been seen here. And he was brought by the young knight Irkut, surrounded by a large, important retinue. He also wanted to try his luck.

    But Angara looked at Irkut indifferently and winced:

    No, I don’t need that either!

    There is nothing to do - he wanted to turn Irkut back, but Baikal stopped him:

    Take your time, stay with me for a bit.

    And he arranged an unprecedented feast in honor of the guest he liked. And it lasted for several days and nights. And when the hour of parting came, Baikal said goodbye to Irkut:

    Although Angara didn’t like you, I love you. And I will try to have you as my son-in-law. Rely on me.

    These words were sweeter than honey to Irkut, and he sailed home overjoyed. And from that day on, Baikal began to carefully persuade Angara to agree to marry Irkut. But she didn't want to listen. Baikal fought and fought, and he saw that nothing was working out; he would have to postpone the wedding.

    But then came the big summer holiday - Sur-Harban, for which many people flocked to Lake Baikal every year. Oh, how richly and solemnly this holiday was decorated!

    The competition had already begun when the last to appear at the festival was the descendant of the proud hero Sayan, the mighty and glorious knight Yenisei, who immediately attracted the attention of all those present.

    In archery, wrestling and horse racing, he far surpassed all the heroes - the invited guests of Baikal.

    The dexterity and beauty of Yenisei amazed Angara, and she did not take her eyes off him, sitting next to her father.

    Yenisei was also fascinated by the beauty of the daughter of gray Baikal. He approached her, bowed low and said:

    All my victories are for you, beautiful daughter of Baikal!

    The holiday ended, the guests began to leave.

    He left the possession of Baikal and the Yenisei.

    From then on, Angara became even more bored.

    “Isn’t it the Yenisei that my daughter is yearning for?” - Baikal thought with alarm. But he decided to fulfill his promise - to marry his daughter to Irkut. And as soon as possible!

    That's it, dear daughter! - he said once. - You won’t find a better groom than Irkut, agree!

    But Angara again objected:

    I don't need it! I’d rather live alone until I’m old!

    And she ran away. Baikal stamped his feet on her in anger and shouted after her:

    No, it will be my way!

    And he immediately ordered the hero Olkhon not to take his eyes off Angara, so that she would not try to run away from home.

    One day Angara overheard a conversation between two seagulls about the beautiful blue country where the Yenisei reigns.

    How nice, spacious and free it is there! What a blessing to live in such a country!

    Angara became sadder than ever: “I wish I could get to that blue country and live freely with the Yenisei and strive further towards unknown expanses in order to sow the same free, bright life everywhere. Oh, I wouldn’t spare my magic beads for this!”

    Baikal noticed the torment of his daughter and gave a new command to Olkhon: to imprison Angara in a rocky palace and keep her there until she agrees to become Irkut’s wife. And so that the crystal box with magic beads was with her.

    The groom should see the bride in her best outfit.

    Angara fell onto the stone slabs of the rocky palace - a gloomy dungeon, cried bitterly, then calmed down a little, opened a crystal box with magic beads, and they illuminated her face with a bright radiance.

    No, I won’t wear them in front of anyone except the Yenisei!

    She slammed the Angara box and shouted to her friends - large and small streams:

    You are my dear, dear ones! Don't let me die in stone captivity! My father is harsh, but I am not afraid of his ban and I want to run to my beloved Yenisei! Help me break free!

    Large and small streams heard Angara's plea and hastened to help the recluse - they began to undermine and break through the stone arches of the rocky palace.

    Meanwhile, Baikal sent a messenger to Irkut.

    At the end of the night we will have a wedding,” Baikal conveyed to the knight. - I will force Angara to marry you!

    Baikal slept soundly that night, tired from the troubles.

    I took a little nap, relying on the strong gates of the palace, and the faithful guard - the hero Olkhon.

    Meanwhile, the streams and rivulets completed their work - they cleared the way out of the dungeon. Olkhon is enough - no Angara. His alarming cries rolled out like thunder around him. Baikal jumped to his feet and shouted after the fugitive in a terrible voice:

    Stop, my daughter! Have pity on my gray hairs, don’t leave me!

    “No, father, I’m leaving,” Angara responded as she walked away.

    That means you are not my daughter if you want to disobey me!

    I am your daughter, but I don’t want to be a slave. Farewell, father!

    Wait a minute! I'm bursting with tears of grief!

    I cry too, but I cry with joy! Now i am free!

    Shut up, infidel! - Baikal cried out angrily and, seeing that he was losing his daughter forever, he grabbed a rock in his hands and with terrible force threw it after the fugitive, but it was too late...

    In vain Baikal raged and raged, in vain rushed through the Olkhon mountains - they could no longer catch up or hold the fugitive. She walked further and further, clutching the treasured box to her chest.

    Angara stopped for a moment, looked around, opened the crystal box, took out a bunch of magic beads and threw it at her feet with the words:

    Let the lights of life, the lights of happiness, the lights of wealth and strength light up here!

    It was Irkut, he was in a hurry to block the path of his betrothed bride.

    Angara gathered all her strength and broke through, running past him. Irkut cried from bitterness and frustration.

    And again she threw a bunch of beads at Angara on her way.

    So she ran, joyful and generous. And when she saw the Yenisei in the distance, she took the most beautiful magic beads from the box and put them on herself.

    This is how the mighty, handsome man, the glorious knight Yenisei, met her. And they rushed into each other's arms. Although there was no agreement between them, it turned out as if they had been waiting for this hour for a long time.

    And now it has come.

    Now no force will separate us,” Yenisei said. - You and I will live in love and harmony and wish the same to others.

    Yenisei’s words made Angara’s soul feel sweet, and her heart began to beat even more joyfully.

    And I will be your faithful wife for the rest of my life,” she said. - And we will distribute the magic beads that I kept for you to people, so that they too will receive joy and happiness from it.

    Yenisei took Angara by the hand, and together they walked along the blue sunny road...

    Many years have passed since then.

    The tears of Baikal, Angara, Yenisei and Irkut, shed by them from grief and joy, turned into water. And only everything insensitive is always like a stone.

    The inexorable hero Olkhon, who did not understand what tears were, turned into a large stone. People called the rock that Baikal once threw into the Angara the Shaman’s Stone. And Angara’s good wishes came true: where the magic beads with gemstones were thrown by her hand, the big and bright lights of life scattered to all ends, and cities grew. And there will be even more such cities.


    This happened a long, long time ago. The Russians were already fishing for omul on Lake Baikal and in fishing they were not inferior to the indigenous inhabitants of the Glorious Sea - the Buryats and Evenks.

    And the first among the skilled breadwinners was Dedko Savely - it was not for nothing that he spent half his life as a leader and fed from the sea since childhood. The old fisherman knew his business well: finding a suitable place and choosing the right time for fishing - this will not jump out of his hands. Saveliy traced his family lineage back to the fishermen of the Russian settlement of Kabansk, and who doesn’t know that Kabansk fishermen throughout the Glorious Sea are considered the most successful fishermen!

    Grandfather Savely’s favorite hunting ground was the Barguzinsky Bay, where he most often fished seines. This reach is close to Kabansk, but the Baikal fisherman often has to travel further: you can’t stay in one place in search of omul schools.

    One morning, after a successful sighting, the fishermen had breakfast with a fat omul ear, drank strong tea and settled down by the sea to rest. And their conversation flowed about this, about that, and more about the same fish, about its habits, about the secrets of the depths of the sea.

    And there was a particularly inquisitive guy in this artel, a great eagerness to listen to experienced fishermen, from whom you could gain wisdom. Don’t feed the young man bread, and if something has sunk into his soul, let him figure it out, without it he won’t go to sleep, he won’t give himself or other people peace. The guy’s name was Garanka, and he was from somewhere far away, that’s why he wanted to know more about the Glorious Sea. It was not for nothing that Grandfather Savely stayed close and always strove to find out something from him, pestered him with all sorts of questions, and he was not in the habit of delaying an answer - he would always respect a person.

    And this time Garanka sat next to Grandfather Savely and listened to everything he was talking about, and then suddenly asked him:

    Is it true that the local winds have power over the fish?

    Dedko Savely did not answer this immediately. He looked at Garanka with surprise and asked:

    Have you heard about the barrel? Garanka was even more surprised.

    What kind of barrel? I do not know anything…

    There is such... omul. She is special - that barrel. Magic...

    Garanka even took his breath away from the words he heard, and he pestered Grandfather Savely:

    So tell me about her. Tell me, grandpa!

    Dedko Savely did not like to show off. He filled his pipe with tobacco, lit it from the coal and, seeing that not only Garanka, but also all the other fishermen had pricked up their ears, he slowly began:

    It happened because of our Baikal fish, but how long ago it was and how it was revealed to the world is unknown to me. The old people say, but they have all the faith. At that time, it must be said, giant winds ruled over the fishing grounds here - Kultuk and Barguzin, who were, at first, good friends. And both of them were scary - beyond words! Thick hair is disheveled, they spray foam like those possessed by demons, they go for a walk on the sea - you won’t see white light! They loved to visit each other - to play and have fun. And for fun they had one wonderful toy between them - an omul barrel. It looked simple, ordinary, the kind our coopers still make today, but it had extraordinary power: wherever it floats, the omuls are drawn to it in countless shoals, as if they were asking for the barrel themselves. Well, this amused the giants. Barguzin will fly at Kultuk, make a noise, throw the barrel out of the abyss and boast:

    Look how many fish I caught! Visible and invisible! Try to pull it off!

    And Kultuk will wait his time, pick up that barrel on the ridge and send it back with a laugh:

    No, you better look at my joints and admire them: tea, there will be more!

    And so they enraged each other. It’s not that they needed this fish or what kind of wealth they considered it to be, but they just liked to spend their time as mischievously as possible. Figure it out in your head, as if it wasn’t such a tempting activity, but they didn’t get tired of it. And to this day, perhaps, they would have been throwing an omul barrel like that, but suddenly this fun took a turn for them.

    And this is what happened.

    The heroes fell in love with Sarma, the mountain hero, mistress of the Small Sea. It is called so because it is separated from the Big Sea, Baikal, by the island of Olkhon. But Sarma has laid out her own path along the waves, and if she goes wild at any time, then no good will happen: she has a cooler disposition than Barguzin and Kultuk, and more strength. And who wouldn’t be tempted to have such a powerful wife?

    This is when Barguzin says to Kultuk:

    I want to marry Sarma - I’ll send matchmakers...

    It’s a well-known fact that Kultuk’s words didn’t hurt Kultuk’s heart, but he didn’t even show that they touched a nerve. All he said with a grin:

    And that’s just how it looks to her. I’m no worse than you, and I also want her to be my wife. I’ll send my matchmakers, and then we’ll see who Sarma will marry.

    That's what they decided on. Without argument or offense, by good agreement. And soon the cormorant, a sea bird, brought an answer from Sarma:

    I am not forced to get married yet, but I need to look for a groom. And I like both of you - both prominent and cheerful. However, which of you is better, I will judge later, when I see who is more likely to fulfill my desire. And my desire is this: give me your miracle barrel, I want my Small Sea to be teeming with fish. And whoever I see first with a barrel, I will call him my husband!

    The bride's whim seemed quite simple to the heroes; all that was needed was to take possession of the barrel, throw it into the Small Sea, and claim victory - you would become the groom.

    But that was not the case! In the chaos that the giant winds immediately raised when the cormorant flew away, it was impossible to determine who would overpower whom. As soon as Barguzin grabbed the barrel, Kultuk immediately knocked it out and tried to keep it behind him, but a moment later the barrel was back in Barguzin’s hands. They don’t want to give in to each other in any way. They became so frantic that all over Lake Baikal you could hear them tossing and turning and roaring. And the barrel got it all right - just know it creaks and flies from place to place.

    Finally, the heroes contrived, they immediately grabbed the barrel and froze: neither one nor the other could free the barrel, since both had the same strength. And as soon as they started to fight again - lo and behold, the barrel was suddenly gone, it slipped out of their hands and went into the water...

    The enraged giant winds tossed and tossed and then became quiet, exhausted from the vain searches. We decided to wait for the barrel to float up. But they hoped in vain: it was as if the barrel had never existed at all. A day passed, followed by another, then weeks flew by, months, and still no barrel. The heroic winds cannot even understand: why did this happen? They are exhausted from thoughts and heartache, but they don’t know how to make things easier. Afterwards they learned from Baikal himself that it was he who took the barrel from them and hid it in its depths. It was his gift to the winds, but he saw that because of the wonderful barrel there was discord between them and that in good conscience they did not want to resolve the matter, so he immediately took it away. What does he care that Kultuk and Barguzin lost Sarma because of this.

    At first Sarma patiently waited to see how the competition would end, and when she found out, she immediately sent her faithful cormorant to tell the heroes that she would not marry any of them. She is not going to marry others either: one is better. And she reproached me so much: what kind of heroes you are, since you couldn’t hold a barrel in your hands! I’m much stronger than you and I’ll somehow get that barrel myself.

    Kultuk and Barguzin still don’t know each other - everyone goes their own way. And if, out of old habit, they make forays one towards the other, then alternately, each at his own time, so as not to meet: they are ashamed that they once made a mistake with a barrel. And more than that, they walk around to see if a miraculous loss will appear somewhere? So Kultuk, Barguzin and Sarma went in different directions, and no one knows where the omul barrel is now...

    Dedko Savely finished his story and took a breath. Garanka also sighed, as if he had dragged a cart up a mountain. This always happened to him: he listened too much when someone told something amazing - he even turned to stone. He never interrupted the narrator, and took everything unclear into memory, so that later he would not skimp on questions. That’s how it happened here.

    Or maybe Sarma actually got that barrel? - he asked Grandfather Savely.

    “Nothing surprising,” he replied. - Sarma is the strongest of the giant winds, Baikal itself is afraid of her and cannot resist her, he is ready to fulfill her every whim. But Sarma, Garanka, is like this: she’ll pamper and pamper her and then suddenly she’ll become cold about everything and give up...

    From that time on, the thought of a wonderful omul barrel, which Father Baikal hides somewhere in its depths, sank deep into the guy’s head.

    “I wish I could attack her and get my hands on her and turn her on myself in our fishing business,” he dreamed at night and kept waiting for such an opportunity to present itself.

    And so the artel began sweeping the Barguzin Bay. The fishermen worked together, but this time they were unlucky: the catch turned out to be insignificant. They cast the net a second time - again failure: they pulled out the fish because the cat cried.

    Things won’t work that way,” Dedko Savely frowned. - There are no fish here, and it doesn’t seem to be expected. Shouldn’t we sail to the Small Sea, to the Kurkutskaya Bay, maybe we’ll have some luck there...

    The fishermen agreed.

    They sailed to Kurkutskaya Bay, set up a birch bark hut on the shore and prepared the gear for sweeping.

    And the stretch has become so popular that you don’t even need to wish for anything better! Here there are mighty and tall rocks in a row, and the mother taiga is impassable, and seagulls and cormorants fly and scream above the water. The azure sun shines from the azure sky and warms tenderly, and the air is so honeyed around that it’s impossible to breathe.

    However, Dedko Savely, looking at the sky, suddenly frowned.

    No luck today. You see, over the gorge, white ring-shaped clouds have appeared, like fog, and above them, in the middle of the clear sky, the same ones stand motionless. Sarma will certainly come soon.

    Garanka just froze.

    Will you really get to see this hero?

    It will happen.

    Grandfather Savely said this and ordered everything to be tidied up and hidden in the rocks, and the hut to be demolished - anyway, Sarma will destroy it. And as soon as the fishermen had finished their business, a strong wind blew from the gloomy mountains and everything around immediately became pitch-dark.

    The Small Sea roared like a beast, centuries-old trees crackled on its shores, huge stones flew from the cliffs into the water...

    Although Garanka felt uneasy from such passion, curiosity still took over and he leaned out carefully from behind the shelter.

    He sees: hanging over the sea is a huge head of a woman, as if woven from smoke, terrible and shaggy. The hair is ashen-colored with gray, the cheeks are like jelly, they are shaking, thick steam is pouring out of the mouth, and the lips are like the bellows of a blacksmith’s forge, the waves are swelling, driving at each other.

    Oh, and the power! - Garanka marveled and quickly crawled back into the shelter.

    Dedko Savely met the guy with a smile:

    How's Sarma? Did you like it?

    Garanka began to shake.

    Oh, grandpa, I wish I could never see or meet her!

    Yes, Garanya, everyone understands beauty in their own way. It’s scary for you, but for Kultuk or, say, Barguzin, you couldn’t find anything more beautiful. So that.

    The enraged Sarma raged for a long time or for a short time, but finally she calmed down. And when the sun shone over Kurkutskaya Bay again, the fishermen came out of their hiding place and saw: on the coastal sand, near their camp, there was a barrel nailed by the waves, and on that barrel a black cormorant, like a charred firebrand, was sitting. He sat for a short time, got up and flew away, and a seagull, white-white, sat in his place and began to dig into its wing with its beak.

    The fishermen, of course, were amazed. And one thought immediately struck everyone’s head: was this the wonderful omul barrel that surfaced that Barguzin and Kultuk lost in a long-standing dispute? But they don’t dare say this - they look at Grandfather Savely and wait for what he will say.

    Only Garanka lacked patience.

    Dedko... she, guess what?

    And he himself was dumbfounded, silent and looking at the shore from under his brows. Finally he came to his senses and gave the command:

    Follow me!

    And he led the fishermen to the sandbank. The seagull, seeing people, flapped its wings, screamed something in its own way, and soared into the air. And then, out of nowhere, other seagulls, and with them the cormorants, flew in, and they became so dark that the sky was no longer visible. And they all began to dive into the sea en masse and get fish and devour them.

    Good omen! - said the grandfather.

    And when he came up and looked at the barrel, he had no doubts either: by all indications, it was the same barrel - it was made amazingly well, and it looked more beautiful than any others, and the spirit emanating from it was so spicy!

    Well, Garanka, now we will have luck,” Dedko Savely told the guy and looked at the sea. And there is also a change. Those were different stripes of water: light - warm, and dark - cold, not tolerable to fish, and here you are: no stripes or layers, one flat, identical surface. And Dedko Savely took this as a good omen. He turned to the fishermen and said cheerfully:

    It seems to me that there will be a rich catch! There is no need to test the water or look for fish food.

    But the fishermen have no time for that anymore - they have a different concern: what to do with the barrel, where to put it, how to preserve it?

    Let him lie here for now, let’s not waste time,” decided Dedko Savely.

    The fishermen got down to business: they loaded the tackle into the boat and went out to sea to spot it.

    So they swim slowly and little by little they throw the net into the water. And when they threw it out, Dedko Savely shouted to the shore:

    He presses the stern oar to his hip with one hand and straightens it, while with the other he strokes his beard and smiles. He smells good luck. Looking at the leader, the rest of the fishermen are almost ready to sing songs, but they restrain themselves: they do not want to show their joy ahead of time.

    Those remaining on the shore did not sleep either - they began to turn the gates and wind the ends of the net around them in order to pull him ashore. And then the fishermen from the longboat noticed that there was some kind of hitch on the stretch: people stopped.

    No, they shouted from the shore. - We can’t hold on any longer, we can’t!

    What a misfortune has happened, - the leader was surprised, a local hood, and let’s hurry the rowers to press on. - We need to help the guys.

    And now the whole artel stood behind the gates.

    Well, go! - Dedko Savely commanded.

    The guys leaned down and strained themselves. What's happened? The gate is not moving. And the help was of no use. The fishermen were even more surprised and worried.

    This is a poor thing... - the bashlyk sighed and even scratched the back of his head in frustration. I was not happy that I scooped up so many fish with my lucky net.

    You can't get it, guys, apparently. What we are going to do?

    What was left for the fishermen? There was only one outcome: cut open the string and release the fish into the wild. No matter how much they judged, no matter how much they tried, they just wasted valuable time, but they still agreed on at least pulling out the empty net.

    And so they did. We went out to sea at the access point, ripped open the netting of the seine and dragged it ashore. By evening the seine was dried and repaired. And then Dedko Savely, out of his stubbornness, decided to try his luck again - whatever happens.

    The fishermen did not object.

    But the second notice followed the same pattern.

    I had to rip the thread open again. With that we spent the night.

    The next morning, Dedko Savely no longer dared to go out to sea, but became prudent.

    But something had to be done. Who wants to return empty-handed?

    We gathered a council. Dedko Savely suggested:

    Guys, we need to throw a magic barrel into the sea. Then everything will go as usual again. Do you agree, or what?

    Oh, and the Garanka burst here! He jumped up and shouted:

    Is it really possible to throw such a barrel, old man? Happiness is given into our hands, but we refuse it! After all, no one has ever captured so many fish! Yes, with such a barrel you can fill the whole world with fish! Are we really going to be such fools as to throw it away?

    Dedko Saveliy listened to Garanka calmly, and then just as calmly said:

    You're an eccentric, Garanka! What kind of happiness is it if there are a lot of fish, but you can’t take them? It would be better if there was less, so that everything would fall into our hands. Don’t be greedy, soaring, like Sarma was greedy. She was tired of it herself, so she gave us a problem, the naughty girl...

    And Garanka stands her ground:

    Let’s get used to it,” he says, “and we’ll pull out as much as we can!” After all, there is a barrel, and there is fish, but no one knows whether it will happen in advance or not.

    But Dedko Savely didn’t even listen, he said firmly:

    Let's go, guys!

    There is nothing to do - the fishermen got up. Reluctantly, Garanka followed them. They stopped near the water, admired the barrel again and pushed it into the sea.

    Let him swim all over Baikal, and not in one place,” Dedko Savely waved his hand. - Look, the extra fish will go into the Big Sea, and then everywhere will be rich in it. And we can always get fish, as long as we still have our hands and skill.

    And Garanka became completely despondent when he saw that the waves had picked up the magic omul barrel and carried it into the distance.

    And suddenly the azure sea became dark, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves rose so huge that they covered the barrel.

    Dedko Savely frowned.

    Barguzin blew, we are not in business even now. Let him pamper...

    Garanka heard about Barguzin - where did the offense go!

    He rushed to Grandfather Savely:

    Will you really get to see this hero?

    And look at the sea...

    Garanka looked and gasped: behind the distant waves, where the sea met the sky, a terrible head with huge dull eyes and disheveled white hair, from which water flowed in snake-like streams, rose. And then strong, sinewy arms stretched out over the water and echoed across the entire sea like thunder.


    The heroic loud cry caused the sea to become even more agitated, and Garanka felt completely uneasy.

    Oh, what a monster! Although he’s not Sarma, he’s afraid... But he’s looking at the sea, watching Barguzin.

    And that one is his:


    And then Garanka noticed that a magical omul barrel had appeared in Barguzin’s hands. And before the boy had time to blink an eye, this barrel was thrown away by the hero far, far away. And at that very moment the sea calmed down: the clouds cleared, and the sun rose over the waters again, and there was no trace of Barguzin.

    Dedko Savely smiled:

    Apparently, the matter is going global. Kultuk will certainly respond now...

    And can we see him? - Garanka gaped.

    It seems so.

    And as soon as the old cap had time to say these words, the sea turned from azure to dark again, the sky also darkened, became covered with clouds, and everything around began to hum and tremble. And the waves all over the sea rose so huge that at first nothing was visible behind them, but only a minute later the green-haired head of another monster appeared, and a thunderclap echoed across the entire expanse of the sea:


    Although he was expecting Kultuk Garanka to appear, he still froze from this scream and could not utter a word. And he was even more surprised when he saw a magic omul barrel in Kultuk’s hands, which he threw back a minute later: something will happen now.

    But nothing happened. The sea brightened, calmed down, and everything around was illuminated by the sun's rays. Kultuk disappeared, and the wonderful toy of the heroes, the omul barrel, also disappeared.

    Peace, guys,” said Dedko Savely. - Apparently, Barguzin and Kultuk will now play with a magic barrel, as they played before, before the quarrel. An agreement was established between them. And they will no longer envy each other - who has more, who has less fish. There's enough for everyone.

    Meanwhile, on the sea surface, different stripes appeared again: light blue warm ones, and blue-black cold ones. But this change did not discourage Dedka Savely.

    We will fish the same way we caught fish before,” he said. - Let's work with honor - we'll get fish, but if not, we'll tighten our belly. At noon we will notice a net...

    And at noon, Dedko Savely led his artel into the sea. They swept out the net and swam back. On the shore, the ends have already begun to pull. Things went well! And what fish were pulled out this time by Grandfather Savely’s team, you can’t say in words: you have to see!

    The fishermen cheered up and came to life. Grandfather Savely’s heart also felt lighter. He turned to Garanka and grinned:

    Well, are you still going to reproach me with a magic barrel?

    Garanka smiled cheerfully and said nothing.


    Once upon a time there lived a poor man, Hordei, near the Sayan Mountains. He was tending cattle for a rich man. The owner was very stingy. When the year had passed, he paid Hordeus only three coins for his faithful service. Hordei was offended and decided to seek happiness elsewhere.

    He wandered for a long time among the dense taiga, wild mountains and vast steppes, until he finally came to the shore of Lake Baikal. Here Hordei boarded a boat and crossed to Olkhon Island. He liked the island, but before staying on it, he decided to try his luck.

    Khordei knew that Father Baikal was not disposed toward every person, and therefore did not accept every offering. So Horday made a wish: “I’ll throw him my three coins, if he likes it, he’ll accept my gift and that means I’ll stay here, and if he throws it back, I’ll move on.”

    He made a wish and threw the coins far into the waters of Lake Baikal.

    The sea began to play, rumbled cheerfully like a mountain stream, and waved a welcoming wave at the shore. Horday looked at the coastal pebbles, and on it only a scattering of foam sparkled - and nothing more. The poor man rejoiced at such a good omen and remained to live on an island near the Small Sea.

    Three years have passed since then. Hordea feels good here - the Small Sea fed him enough, the taiga clothed him. Yes, Khordei got tired of being alone, he wanted to get married. And he became sad.

    One day, busy with sad thoughts about his sad and lonely life, Hordei sat on the seashore and watched the seagulls and cormorants that flew over the sea with cheerful cries. “The birds are happier than me, they have families,” he thought enviously and sighed heavily. And then suddenly, in the rustle of the Baikal waves, he heard a quiet voice:

    Don't worry, Horday. Your last labor coins, which you did not spare me, were not in vain - I sheltered you once, and now I will help you find a wife. Before dawn, take cover here between the stones and wait. At dawn a flock of swans will fly here. The swans will shed their plumage and turn into slender and beautiful girls. Here you can choose your favorite one. And when the girls start swimming, hide her swan dress. So she will become your wife. She will strongly persuade you to return her clothes, do not give in. And then, when you live with her, do the same. If you forget what I said, you will lose your wife...

    And then at dawn he heard the whistling sound of mighty wings in the sky, and a flock of snow-white swans landed on the shore. They threw off their swan outfit and turned into beautiful girls. With cheerful cries, frolicking, they rushed into the sea.

    Horday could not take his eyes off the beauties, and he was especially charmed by one swan girl, the most beautiful and youngest. Having come to his senses, Hordei ran out from behind the rock, grabbed the beauty’s swan dress and quickly hid it in the cave, and blocked the entrance with stones.

    At sunrise, having swam to their heart's content, the swan girls went ashore and began to dress. Only one of them did not find her clothes on the spot.

    She was frightened and began to wail pitifully:

    Oh, where are you, my tender, light feathers, where are my fast-flying wings? Who kidnapped them? Oh, how unhappy I am, Hong!

    And then she saw Horday. I realized that this was his doing. The swan girl ran up to him, fell to her knees and with tears in her eyes began to ask:

    Be kind, good fellow, return my clothes to me, for this I will be forever grateful to you. Ask for what you want - wealth, power, I will give you everything.

    But Hordei firmly told her:

    No, beautiful Hong! I don’t need anything or anyone except you. I want you to become my wife.

    The swan girl began to cry and began to beg Hordei more than ever to let her go. But Horday stood his ground.

    Meanwhile, all her friends had already dressed and turned into swans. Hong they did not wait, they rose into the air and flew away with farewell pitiful cries. The clothesless swan girl waved her hand at them, burst into burning tears and sat down on a stone. Hordei began to console her:

    Don’t cry, beautiful Hong, you and I will live well, together. I will love you and take care of you.

    There is nothing to do - the swan girl calmed down, wiped tears from her eyes, stood up and said to Hordei:

    Well, apparently, my fate is such, I agree to be your wife. Take me to your place.

    Happy Hordei took her hand and they walked.

    From that day on, Hordei lived on Olkhon with his wife Hong amicably and happily. They had eleven sons, who grew up and became good helpers for their parents. And then his sons had families, Hordea’s life became even more fun, his grandchildren and granddaughters did not let him get bored. The beautiful Hong, who had not aged for years, also rejoiced looking at her offspring. She also loved to babysit her grandchildren, told them all sorts of fairy tales, asked them tricky riddles, taught them everything good and kind, and instructed:

    In life, always be like swans, faithful to each other. Remember this, and when you grow up, you yourself will understand what loyalty means.

    And one day, having gathered all her grandchildren into her yurt, Hong addressed them with the following words:

    My good, nice kids! I gave my whole life only to you and now I can die in peace. And I will soon die, I feel it, although I am not aging in body - I will grow old in a different guise, to which I must remain faithful and from which I was once torn. And I believe that you will not judge me...

    What the grandmother was talking about and what was on her mind, the grandchildren understood little. But then old man Horday began to notice that his beautiful wife began to feel sad more and more often, think about something and even cry secretly. She often went to the place where Hordei once stole her clothes. Sitting on a rock, she looked at the sea for a long time, listening to how the cold surf thundered restlessly at her feet. Gloomy clouds floated past across the sky, and she followed them with longing eyes.

    More than once Horday tried to find out from his wife the reason for her sadness, but she always remained silent, until, finally, she decided to have a frank conversation. The couple sat in the yurt near the fire and recalled their entire life together. And then Hong said:

    How many years have you and I lived together, Hordey, and never quarreled? I gave birth to you eleven sons who continue our family. So, didn’t I really deserve at least a little consolation from you at the end of my days? Why, tell me, are you still hiding my old clothes?

    Why do you need these clothes? - asked Horday.

    I want to become a swan again and remember my youth. So please me, Hordey, let me be the same at least a little.

    Horday disagreed for a long time and tried to dissuade her from doing this. Finally, he took pity on his beloved wife and, to console her, went for a swan dress.

    Oh, how glad Hong was to have her husband back! And when she took her dress in her hands, she became even more youthful, her face brightened, and she began to fuss. Diligently smoothing the stale feathers, Hong impatiently prepared to put on the plumage. And at that time Hordei was boiling lamb in an eight-brand bowl. Standing near the fire, he carefully watched his Hong. He was glad that she had become so cheerful and contented, but at the same time he was worried for some reason.

    Suddenly Hong turned into a swan.

    Gi! Gi! - she screamed shrilly and began to slowly rise into the sky, higher and higher.

    And then Hordei remembered what Baikal warned him about.

    Poor Hordei burst into tears of grief and ran out of the yurt, still hoping to return his wife to the hearth and home, but it was already too late: the swan was soaring high in the sky and moving further and further with every minute. Looking after her, Hordei bitterly reproached himself:

    Why did I listen to Hong and give her the clothes? For what?

    Horday could not calm down for a long time. But when the despair passed and his mind became clearer, he realized that although his heart was heavy, he had the right to deprive his wife of her last joy. What is born as a swan is a swan and dies; what is acquired by cunning is taken away by cunning.

    They say that any grief, if you have someone to share it with, is only half painful. And Hordei no longer lived alone: ​​he was surrounded by his sons and daughters-in-law and many grandchildren, in whom he found solace in his old age.


    There is a scary cave on the island of Olkhon. It's called Shamanic. And it is scary because the ruler of the Mongols once lived there - Ge-gen-Burkhan, the brother of Erlen Khan, the ruler of the underground kingdom. Both brothers terrified the inhabitants of the island with their cruelty. Even the shamans were afraid of them, especially Gegen-Burkhan himself. Many innocent people suffered from it.

    And at the same time and on the same island, on Mount Izhimei, there lived a wise hermit - Khan-guta-babai. He did not recognize the authority of Gegen-Burkhan, and he did not want to know him himself; he never descended into his possessions. Many people had the opportunity to see how at night he lit a fire on the top of the mountain and roasted a lamb for dinner, but there was no way there - the mountain was considered impregnable. The formidable owner of Olkhon tried to subjugate the hermit sage, but retreated: no matter how much he sent soldiers there, the mountain did not let anyone in. Anyone who dared to climb the mountain fell down dead, because huge stones crashed down on the heads of uninvited guests. So everyone left Khan-guta-babai alone.

    It so happened that one islander Ge-gen-Burkhan executed her husband, a young herdsman, because he looked at him disrespectfully.

    The young woman fell to the ground in grief, burst into burning tears, and then, inflamed with fierce hatred of Gegen-Burkhan, began to think about how to rid her native tribe of the cruel ruler. And she decided to go to the mountains and tell Khan-guta-babai about the severe suffering of the island’s inhabitants. Let him stand up for them and punish Gegen-Burkhan.

    The young widow set off on her journey. And surprisingly, where the most dexterous warriors fell, she rose easily and freely. So she safely reached the top of Mount Izhimei, and not a single stone fell on her head. After listening to the brave, freedom-loving islander, Khan-guta-babai told her:

    Okay, I will help you and your tribe. Go back and warn all the islanders about this.

    The delighted woman descended from Mount Izhimei and did what the wise hermit had told her to do.

    And Khan-guta-babai himself, on one of the moonlit nights, landed on the land of Olkhon on a light white-foamed cloud. He pressed his ear to the ground and heard the groans of the innocent victims killed by Gegen-Burkhan.

    It is true that the land of Olkhon is completely saturated with the blood of the unfortunate! - Khan-guta-babai was indignant. - Gegen-Burkhan will not be on the island. But you must help me with this. Let a handful of Olkhon soil turn red when I need it!

    And the next morning I went to the Shaman’s cave. The angry ruler went out to the hermit sage and asked him in a hostile manner:

    Why did you come to me?

    Khan-guta-babai calmly answered:

    I want you to leave the island.

    Gegen-Burkhan boiled even more:

    This should not happen! I'm the boss here! And I will deal with you!

    Gegen-Burkhan also looked around and gasped: not far away stood a dense wall of frowning islanders.

    So you want to settle the matter by battle! - Gegen-Burkhan cried.

    “I didn’t say that,” Khan-guta-babai said calmly again. - Why shed blood? Let's fight better, it will be peaceful!

    Gegen-Burkhan fought with Khan-guta-Babai for a long time, but no one could achieve an advantage - both turned out to be real heroes, equal in strength. With that we parted ways. We agreed to settle the matter the next day by drawing lots. It was agreed that everyone would take a cup, fill it with earth, and before going to bed, everyone would place their cup at their feet. And whoever’s land turns red overnight must leave the island and migrate to another place, and whoever’s land does not change color will remain in possession of the island.

    The next evening, according to the agreement, they sat down side by side on the felt laid in the Shaman’s cave, placed a wooden cup filled with earth at their feet, and went to bed.

    Night came, and with it came the insidious underground shadows of Erlen Khan, for whose help his cruel brother firmly hoped. The shadows noticed that the earth was colored in Gegen-Burkhan's cup. They immediately brought this cup to the feet of Khan-guta-babai, and his cup to the feet of Gegen-Burkhan. But the blood of the ruined turned out to be stronger than the shadows of Erlen Khan, and when the bright ray of the morning sun burst into the cave, the earth in Khan-guta-babai’s cup went out, and the earth in Gegen-Burkhan’s cup turned red. And at that moment they both woke up.

    Gegen-Burkhan looked at his cup and sighed heavily:

    Well, you own the island,” he said to Khan-guta-babai, “and I will have to migrate to another place.”

    And he immediately gave orders to his Mongols to load property onto camels and dismantle the yurts. In the evening Gegen-Burkhan ordered everyone to go to bed. And at night, picked up by the powerful shadows of Erlen Khan, the Mongols with camels and all their property were quickly transported beyond Baikal. The next morning they woke up on the other side.

    But many poor Mongols remained to live on the island. It was from them that the Olkhon Buryats, who inhabit this island today, descended.


    In one Buryat ulus of Podlemorye lived two twin brothers, Gumbo and Badma. Ayun's mother was also with them. And the five-walled yurt inside was all decorated with the horns of elk, ibex and reindeer. Gumbo was famous as the most skillful, brave and hardy hunter, but Badma had been lying on skins motionless since childhood, suffering from some unknown disease, and needed care.

    And how Gumbo loved his brother! And Badma answered him with love, but often complained:

    Will I ever be able to be useful to you and your mother?

    Don’t worry, Badma, the time will come and you will recover, I believe in it.

    No, Gumbo, it looks like I’ll never get up again. It's better to die sooner than to be a burden to you.

    Don’t say that, Badma, don’t offend me and your mother. Be patient! Everything has its time.

    One day Gumbo was getting ready to go hunting and said to his brother:

    I want to get you some fresh lamb. Don `t get bored without me.

    And this was at a time when in the taiga and loaches of the Barguzinsky ridge there were many Argali snow sheep, which Gumbo hunted.

    This time he walked for a long time along the taiga animal path, until it led him into a gorge between the rocks. And then he saw one of the bighorn sheep on the rock.

    What a large, slender and powerful ram he was! His head was decorated with large, thick, curled horns, the rings on which showed that the ram was many years old. After all, every year a ring is added to the horns, and the larger the horns become, the heavier they are.

    Gumbo raised his gun, took aim and fired. But what is it?

    The ram only turned his head towards the hunter and remained standing still. Gumbo fired a second time - the ram just shook his head, calmly looked around and began to climb higher into the mountains.

    Gumbo was taken aback. He never doubted his accuracy, but here it is on you! There was reason to be confused. And he decided that it was an enchanted, invulnerable ram.

    Gambo looked up and was even more surprised to see in the place where the bighorn sheep had just stood, a beautiful girl in a lynx skin.

    Who are you? - Having come to his senses, Gumbo asked.

    “I am Yanzhima, Heten’s servant,” the girl answered. - And I warn you: don’t chase Ohio, you won’t get him anyway. You'll be trying in vain. And why? Even without the horns, Ohailo, you are healthy and strong, like a hero.

    What do these horns have to do with it? - Gambo was wary.

    Don’t pretend like you don’t know,” Yanzhima grinned. “You want to get them to become the strongest and most powerful of people.”

    “I don’t understand,” Gumbo was embarrassed.

    And there is nothing to understand here. Ohio wears magic horns; they are filled with healing juices that can give a person health and heroic strength. And Ohiolo himself is invulnerable while wearing them. So get out of here while you're still alive.

    Yanzhima said this and disappeared into the crevice of the cliff. Gumbo stood for a while thinking and left the gorge. This is what Yanzhima expected. She waved her yellow handkerchief, and at the same moment a white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was a girl of indescribable beauty in a robe the color of the morning dawn and in silvery furs. She descended from the cloud to the ground and asked the girl in lynx skin:

    What do you say, Yanzhima?

    Oh, radiant mistress, owner of all the riches of the Barguzin taiga, beautiful Heten! I must tell you that a brave hunter has appeared here and is chasing your Ohio. He can lasso it or get it with a noose!

    Does he need magic ram horns? - Haten said thoughtfully. - What if this is an evil person? You, Yanzhima, must not allow the horns of Ohailo to fall to the hunter.

    And Haten returned to her cloud.

    Gumbo returned home upset, although he got, as Badme promised, fresh lamb. He was saddened that he had missed the bighorn sheep with the magic horns! After all, they could put their brother back on his feet! “Still, I’ll get it!” - Gumbo promised himself and began to get ready.

    Before going to the Barguzin loaches, Gumbo punished Ayune:

    Take care of Badma, mother, look after him, reassure him...

    Gumbo took with him the necessary fishing gear and walked along the shore of Lake Baikal. And then the wind immediately blew, so strong that it became impossible to walk.

    “Some force is preventing me,” thought Gumbo, but he didn’t take a step back, he pushed forward. How could he have known that it was Yanzhima who got down to business!

    Somehow Gumbo reached a dense pine forest, but then the hooked branches of the pine trees grabbed him and, in order to lift Gumbo higher, they themselves stretched out - even the roots came out. And the sand from the shore fell asleep in Gumbo’s eyes. The pines creaked and crackled, rocked the hunter and threw him far into the sea, while they themselves remained standing on the roots, as if on stilts.

    Gumbo fell into the cold waters of Lake Baikal and sank to the very bottom. Out of nowhere, deep-sea golomyankas appeared - fish as transparent as glass, and they began to pinch and grab the hunter from all sides. Gumbo was not at a loss, gathered the golomyankas into a flock and ordered them to raise themselves to the surface. And here seals - Baikal seals - swam.

    Gumbo crept up to the largest of them, grabbed the flippers, and it brought him safely to the shore.

    Gumbo went further. He passed through a dense dark forest and came out into a bright ravine. Walking in open spaces has become more fun. But by evening a heavy black cloud hung over the ravine. And it became cloudy around. Gumbo looked up and was horrified: the cloud had a large shaggy head with deep, dimly flickering eyes and a flattened nose. And this head spoke in a dull, terrifying voice:

    Go back, obstinate hunter, or I, the Evening Cloud, will pour you down now so much that you will get wet to the bones and freeze to death overnight!

    Gumbo laughed:

    Don't scare me, I'm not afraid of you!

    In response, lightning flashed, thunder struck, and the cloud burst into an unprecedented stream of water. Gumbo had never seen such rain before, but he did not give in to fear. He undressed and rubbed his body all night. In the morning the rain subsided, but suddenly a thick fog appeared. And the fog turned out to have a large head with bulging gray-ash eyes and a thick whitish nose and milky white hair. And this head spoke in a creaky, cold voice:

    I - Morning Mist - command you, daring hunter, leave here or I will strangle you!

    And the plump hands of the fog reached out to Gumbo’s neck.

    No, I won't give myself to you! - Gumbo cried and began to fight the fog. I struggled for an hour or two - the fog could not stand it and crawled into the mountains.

    A white silvery cloud appeared in the sky, and on it was Haten herself, all in pink.

    Why did you, brave and strong hunter, need the magic horns of my Ohio? You are a hero even without them! - she turned to Gambo.

    “Oh, so this is Heten herself, the mistress of the Barguzin taiga!” - Gambo guessed. He answered sincerely:

    Not for myself, but for my sick brother.

    “That’s good,” Haten beamed. - Caring for others is commendable. That means you are a good person! What is your name?

    Gumbo, hunter of the Undersea.

    So continue your search, Gumbo. She said so and turned the cloud back and floated further to the loaches.

    Oh, beautiful lady Heten! - with these words the girl in the skin of a lynx greeted the lady. “I did everything to ensure that this stubborn hunter would give up his plan, but no obstacles stop him!”

    “They are powerless against him,” Haten said thoughtfully.

    And I confess to you, Yanzhima: I like this hunter. His strength captivated me. I love strong and noble people.

    What are you saying, beautiful Haten! - Yanzhima was indignant. “Will you really allow this alien to become the owner of Ohiolo’s magic horns?” They belong only to you!

    You're right, Yanzhima. But what can I do! I fell in love with this brave, strong hunter.

    Haten, come to your senses! - Yanzhima cried. - After all, it is in your power to defeat him... Is he worthy of your love?

    Yes, he is worthy! - Haten said firmly. - And let him strive here, let's see what happens next.

    Gumbo, meanwhile, walked and walked through windbreaks and lichens, through stormy, rushing streams and stone deposits to his cherished goal. A familiar gorge appeared. I looked at the Gumbo cliff and was stunned: standing on it, as before, calmly, was that same invulnerable bighorn sheep.

    “Ohailo! - Gumbo perked up. “Well, now you won’t escape my lasso,” Gumbo spoke. “I will steal you away at all costs and return with magic horns to my brother: may he be healthy and strong!”

    “Don’t bother yourself in vain, Gumbo,” Haten’s voice was heard from the crevice. - Come to me, I myself will give you the magic horns of Ohio.

    Something, something, but Gumbo never expected this! Barely able to control himself from excitement, He obediently climbed up the cliff.

    Don't you notice the change? - Heten asked the hunter, nodding at Ohio.

    The ram had ordinary horns on its head, and Haten held the magic ones in her hands.

    A good deed and a good person do not regret good things.

    “Oh, how kind you are, Haten,” Gumbo grew bolder. - And how grateful I am to you! How can I repay you for your kindness!

    Or maybe it will turn into kindness for me, too,” Haten said mysteriously. - After all, I’m grateful!


    To my Ohio!

    Haten walked up to the bighorn sheep and hugged his neck.

    Why should he? - asked Gumbo.

    Because he led me to meet you. Haten waved her yellow handkerchief, and a cloud descended from the sky.

    “Now we’ll go to you, Gambo,” said Haten and turned to Yanzhima, “don’t forget to take the treasured robe with you!”

    The three of them sat on a cloud and floated across the sky. Below them, the dark green taiga bristled, and the rivers stretched like sinuous silver ribbons. And far behind was a cliff on which a bighorn sheep stood and looked after the retreating cloud.

    Goodbye, Ohio! - Haten waved her hand at him. - You will not be offended by us: as a gift to you, I am leaving a pasture inaccessible to hunters, where you will be completely safe and loved as a leader by all your relatives.

    The seashore approached. And Gumbo sees his mother, Ayuna, standing below near the yurt and looking up.

    Meets us! - Gumbo said and waved his hand at her.

    A cloud descended, Gumbo, Haten all in pink and Yanzhima in a lynx skin came down to earth with magic horns, and the cloud itself immediately melted away without a trace.

    You are my dear children, how glad I am for you all! - Ayuna began to wail. - Come into the yurt!

    Gumbo first ran up to his brother lying on the skins.

    Well, Badma, I got you the horns of a bighorn sheep. May you be a hero! - and hung the horns over the head of his brother’s bed.

    A month has passed. During this time, Badma rose to his feet and turned into a strong and strong hero.

    Badma's recovery was a real holiday.

    In honor of him, Yanzhima took off her lynx skin and put on a lush robe strewn with gold sparkles.

    Having transformed, Yanzhima became even more beautiful.

    Seeing her in such an outfit, Badma could not contain his admiration:

    There is no flower more beautiful than you, Yanzhima! What a joy it is to look at you just once!

    Why not always? - Yanzhima lied.

    And so it happened. Soon two weddings took place. And there were no happier people in the world than Gumbo with Heten and Badma with Yanzhima. They often later recalled the misadventures of the magic horn hunter in the Barguzin taiga and commemorated Ohio, the invulnerable bighorn sheep, with kind words.


    This happened on Lake Baikal one deep, cold autumn, after a strong hurricane, when all the birds had long since flown south.

    The old fisherman Shono woke up at dawn from the strange cry of a seagull; he had never heard such a loud, such a sad cry. He jumped out of the yurt and saw a huge and strange seagull in the sky, the like of which he had never seen before.

    A seagull of unusual size was carried to Lake Baikal by a fierce autumn hurricane. And from the very first day she greatly missed her native Arctic Ocean, because she was an polar gull and never left the north. Such seagulls spend all seasons in their homeland and do not fly south.

    How could Shono understand that the bird had suffered great grief? And he hurried to go home as quickly as possible.

    Soon, not only the fishermen of the Glorious Sea, but also the hunters of the Baikal taiga and mountains learned about this extraordinary seagull, which brought aching melancholy to everyone with its cries. And they called her the Extraordinary Seagull for her extraordinary size.

    And the shamans hastened to announce that the ill-fated bird is an evil spirit, a cruel prophet of future troubles and misfortunes.

    Despite the fact that the sea, rich in fish, was spacious and free, Chaika dreamed of the fiery rainbow flashes of the distant northern lights, the polar dull snowfall, the howling of a blizzard, the barking and running of blue foxes, the mighty surf of the icy waves of the ocean and the menacing rustling of wandering icy mountains.

    Chaika tried with all her might to return to her homeland. But for many days the fierce northern winds raged and threw it over the Baikal ridges. But then she gathered her last strength, once again rose into the sky and flew over the deserted bay. And she screamed so sadly and hysterically that old Shono could not stand it, grabbed a gun and shot at Chaika.

    She fell onto the coastal sand, covered in blood, and fell silent.

    Shono approached the dead bird, and when he looked at it, his heart sank with pity and pain. He noticed in the eyes of the Seagull, tears as pure as spring water... On the shells of her motionless eyes he saw frozen rainbow flashes of the cold northern lights... And then Shono realized what an unforgivable mistake he had made in believing the shamans and killing the Extraordinary Seagull. He stood over her for a long time, feeling sorry for her and not knowing what to do next.

    And then he remembered that there was a place on the shore of Lake Baikal from where wonderful hot healing springs flowed. And they rise from the depths of the earth along passages that, according to old people, connect Baikal with the Arctic Ocean; underground water heats up. Maybe the water of her native ocean will revive Chaika.

    Shono got into the boat, took Chaika with him and sailed across the bay to the treasured place. He scooped up water with a wooden cup and doused the dead bird with it. The water really turned out to be alive: the deep wound healed, the Seagull began to move, and suddenly perked up. She flapped her wings and took off strong, swift, proud. With a triumphant cry she rose into the sky and flew north. And, having overcome the headwind, she soon disappeared from sight. And Shono, looking at her, smiled happily, and his soul felt light and joyful.

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