Secrets of the correct address to the service center. Warranty obligations. How to force a service center to repair equipment under warranty for free

“We will do everything for you for 1000 rubles!” - employees of service centers cheerfully report by phone in response to the question of how much repairs will cost. But as soon as the client arrives at the office, the pricing policy changes dramatically.

You begin to voice at best real, and at worst - inflated prices. The technique works to ensure that a person comes. Standing in front of the receptionist, it is much more difficult to refuse the service, because you have already taken time off from work and spent time on the road.

What to do? First, feel free to call several services to find out for yourself average price repair your problem. Secondly, do not be afraid to leave if you feel a catch.

The price on the website and when contacting does not match

On their websites, some service centers draw very beautiful price tags. But it is worth reaching the stage of handing over the gadget for repair, as it turns out that it is absolutely impossible to meet this amount.

What to do? Perhaps the second named amount will fit within the bounds of decency, but in any case, this is an indicator of a not very conscientious service. Better look for an alternative.

True sign good service: for the price indicated on the site or announced by phone, you get the whole package of services. That is, work, spare parts and warranty service.

Alexander Levchenko

Artificial value creation

There are also such situations: you come to service center fix a broken iPhone button. It costs a maximum of 2.5 thousand. The master opens the phone, sighs heavily and sadly declares: “Everything is bad here - pay 7 thousand or take the device away.”

The client is shocked: he was frightened and they are trying to refuse to repair. The master, as if by chance, recalls that he had already encountered such a case and successfully solved it, although it was long and difficult. Most people at this point agree to the renovation without going into details.

As a result, the client is indeed repairing the button, but not for 2.5 thousand, but for the very 7 thousand to which he himself “subscribed”. Most often, such situations happen when contacting tiny service centers in the electronics markets like Savelovsky and Gorbushka in Moscow. The reason is a very high rent, which employees try to cover by all available means.

What to do? If the master does not bother explaining, but simply calls the sums from the ceiling, then you must immediately run away from such a service. There is no charge for the initial inspection. By changing the service initial stage you don't lose anything.

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Additional work without approval

Repair mobile devices- it's a complicated matter. This is still microelectronics and it is not always possible to track all malfunctions even at the stage of receiving equipment.

If hidden breakdowns are possible, then the master of good service will definitely warn you about it. And he will certainly call to agree on the cost of repairs if he finds something.

The master of bad service will carry out additional work without notifying the client about them. And it’s not yet a fact, by the way, that they really were carried out - you still won’t be able to check.

What to do? In no case do not pay for those works for which you did not agree. In any case, the service will not be able to prove your consent to them, but the solution to the problem, alas, is only legal - with filing claims and subsequent lawsuit.

Absolutely always, the service center must coordinate its actions with the client. What exactly to do with the device, and whether to do it at all, is up to the customer. The task of the master is to offer options.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

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Agreed price changes without explanation

The method of the simplest and most cynical divorce for money looks like this. You agreed on the cost of the repair and handed over the smartphone to the service, and after a couple of days they call you and say something like this: “Dude, this is a complete mess, we urgently need another five - there’s no other way.”

What to do? First of all, ask to explain why you are being asked for money. If an explanation cannot be achieved, then the repair must be abandoned. If the explanation is confusing, then you need to come to the service and ask the master to show you the fault found, which was not declared at the time of acceptance.

Warranty Disclaimer

The service center must accurately and clearly explain to the customer the rules of warranty service, since the warranty periods for different spare parts differ. It happens that some manipulations are carried out at the risk and peril of the customer in agreement with him, and guarantees do not imply at all.

The service center is not interested in re-repairing devices under its warranty. If the obligations are fulfilled honestly, then this is an indicator that you have a good service.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

By the way, in no case should you think that by changing the screen you get a guarantee for the entire smartphone. The warranty is given only for the spare part with which the master worked!

What to do? First you need to try to solve the problem with the service and discuss everything with the managers. If they do not meet halfway, then look for the manager. If even this did not help, and a reasoned refusal is still not received, then you will have to go to court. To do this, be sure to save all contracts and other documents.

An error occurred during the download.

How not to fall for the bait?

The stories above may scare you, but in no case should you be afraid of service centers. Of course, there are deceivers, but the services still earn money on repairs. And this is almost always cheaper than buying a new smartphone in these difficult times.

Finally, here are a few useful tips from the owner and leading specialist of the Tech-Town service center Alexander Levchenko:

1. Check all functions of the phone before handing it in for repair, and record all faults on paper with the receiver. This insures against possible risks in the future. Not only you, but the service itself.

2. Check all the details before starting the repair. If you feel a catch, then do not be afraid to change the service. It is better to spend an extra day than a bunch of nerves and money.

3. Feel free to call several services to understand the order of prices for repairing your malfunction.

4. If the repair price at all stages is the same, you are called exact dates and do not change them in the future, and the master regularly reports on the progress of work, then you definitely got into a good service.

5. At the time of issuing the repaired device, the smartphone must also be checked. Again, both you and the service center need this. You will make sure that everything is in order, and the master will fix the fact that further responsibility for the smartphone lies with the client.

The work of a SC specialist saves your time for your money. Do not devalue his work by coming to the service with the installation “everything is simple here - I can do it myself, give me only a tool, spare parts, a place and time to figure it out ...”. It may seem that repairs are unreasonably expensive, but the point here is expensive spare parts, the price of which is tied to the exchange rate, not greed. However, sometimes it really makes no sense to restore equipment.

Alexander Levchenko

Owner and Lead Specialist at Tech-Town Service Center

12/06/2012, Thu, 15:12, Moscow time

The relationship between service centers and customers is far from a simple "bring it in for repair - take it back" scheme. Most often, problems arise during the delivery and registration of equipment that is under warranty. Sometimes they are associated with well-known tricks and tricks that customers try to use to get free repairs.

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The client most often carries faulty equipment to where he bought it - to the store or supplier. But if the trade organization does not have its own authorized service center, it would be more correct to immediately send the device to the manufacturer's SC - anyway, the store will do the same, only it may be longer. Time gain is especially important for small companies, who independently maintain their fleet of computer and office equipment and often do not have enough replacement stock for the period of repair.

The performance of the device and the elimination of factory defects are guaranteed by the manufacturer, and not by the store, supplier company or authorized service center. In terms of warranty repairs, sales organizations and service centers are guided by the instructions received from the vendor or the main service provider.

Double standards

Typically, the warranty period for technical products ranges from 6 months to 3 years, depending on the type of device and the specific manufacturer. Interestingly, the term rarely depends on the reliability, technical complexity and size of the device. For example, a computer system unit may have only a year of warranty, and a small navigator - two. Often this turns out to be a marketing ploy by the manufacturer in order to attract buyers.

The warranty period rarely depends on the reliability, technical complexity and size of the device.

Already at the stage of establishing the warranty period, various tricks begin. Trade organizations can “play” with them, providing themselves with more favorable working conditions. For example, a product may have a 2-year warranty, but the seller announces only 1 year. This can be a sin for small shops and points of sale that do not want to deal with after-sales service.

Why is this happening? Service center employees know that there are two warranty periods: one - from the date of sale - is set for the buyer, the second - from the date of production - for the trade organization. Due to the fact that the devices go quite a long way from the factory to the cash register (transportation, customs clearance, warehousing), the second warranty period is longer. For example, with a warranty of 3 years from the date of sale, the maximum warranty period from the date of manufacture is 3 years 6 months.

As soon as the established period from the date of production expires, the manufacturer declines responsibility for warranty repairs. And, if there is a guarantee on the coupon, but in reality it has ended, this only means that the product has not been sold for too long. Claims should be presented not to the manufacturer or service center, but to the store. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention also to the date of manufacture of the device.

Insuring themselves against such cases, stores independently reduce the warranty period for some types of goods. Especially the discrepancy between the terms of the warranty applies to computer components.

How to hand over the goods

There is a popular belief that service centers do their best to refuse warranty repairs to customers. This is usually not the case. Although an authorized service center does not charge for warranty repair, this work is paid to him by the manufacturer or central service provider. That is, even on warranty repairs, the SC earns money. Therefore, it makes no sense for him to evade repairs or "kick back" the client for various reasons.

However, there are certain rules for accepting equipment and conditions for warranty service. Accordingly, the employees of the service center have certain instructions for receiving warranty equipment. To recognize a breakdown as a "warranty case", both certain documents and the compliance of the state of the equipment with certain criteria are required. And here situations may arise when the SC is released from obligations for warranty repairs.

The client must have a receipt or delivery note with the date of sale of the goods and a completed warranty card. However, by law, the absence of a warranty card is not a reason for denial of warranty. In theory, the main thing for the SC is to identify the product. Its employees can do this by the serial number and find out if the product with this number was produced at all, when it was manufactured and whether the warranty period has expired. This is what many companies do.

If the employees of the service “screw up”, they can make a claim to the manufacturer of the goods.

How to competently act as a consumer in order to achieve compensation

I took my mobile to a service center for warranty repairs. Two weeks later I came to pick it up, and it turned out that the service center was no longer there: there was a lock on the door, the name plate had disappeared. Friends advise me to contact the police, but I understand that this will drag on God knows how long and is unlikely to help at all. Can you suggest something more efficient? Victor

Here is how the lawyer of the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Public Control" Dmitry LESNYAK advised to act in such situations, speaking on the radio station "Komsomolskaya Pravda":

If the service center disappeared along with your equipment or other goods handed over for warranty repair, redirect your claim to the seller or to the representative office of the manufacturer of the goods.

The position of the consumer is substantiated as follows. Service centers are authorized organizations with which stores and manufacturers enter into customer service agreements. As a rule, such contracts contain a clause stating that the trade organization and (or) the manufacturer controls the fulfillment by the service of its obligations to consumers.

Based on this, the buyer, whose demand is not fulfilled by the service center, has the right to redirect the claim to the seller or manufacturer. Accordingly, in exchange for a missing defective product handed over for warranty repair, you can demand a refund for a low-quality product or a replacement for a new high-quality product. Reference should be made to Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights".

The relationship between service centers and customers is far from a simple "bring it in for repair - take it back" scheme. Most often, problems arise during the delivery and registration of equipment that is under warranty. Sometimes they are associated with well-known tricks and tricks that customers try to use to get free repairs.

The client most often carries faulty equipment to where he bought it - to the store or supplier. But if the trade organization does not have its own authorized service center, it would be more correct to immediately send the device to the manufacturer's SC - anyway, the store will do the same, only it may be longer. Saving time is especially important for small companies that maintain their own fleet of computer and office equipment and often do not have enough replacement stock for the repair period.

The performance of the device and the elimination of factory defects are guaranteed by the manufacturer, and not by the store, supplier company or authorized service center. In terms of warranty repairs, sales organizations and service centers are guided by the instructions received from the vendor or the main service provider.

Double standards

Typically, the warranty period for technical products ranges from 6 months to 3 years, depending on the type of device and the specific manufacturer. Interestingly, the term rarely depends on the reliability, technical complexity and size of the device. For example, a computer system unit may have only a year of warranty, and a small navigator - two. Often this turns out to be a marketing ploy by the manufacturer in order to attract buyers.

The warranty period rarely depends on the reliability, technical complexity and size of the device.

Already at the stage of establishing the warranty period, various tricks begin. Trade organizations can “play” with them, providing themselves with more favorable working conditions. For example, a product may have a 2-year warranty, but the seller announces only 1 year. This can be a sin for small shops and points of sale that do not want to deal with after-sales service.

Why is this happening? Service centers employees know that there are two warranty periods: one - from the date of sale - is set for the buyer, the second - from the date of production - for the trade organization. Due to the fact that the devices go quite a long way from the factory to the cash register (transportation, customs clearance, warehousing), the second warranty period is longer. For example, with a warranty of 3 years from the date of sale, the maximum warranty period from the date of manufacture is 3 years 6 months.

As soon as the established period from the date of production expires, the manufacturer declines responsibility for warranty repairs. And, if there is a guarantee on the coupon, but in reality it has ended, this only means that the product has not been sold for too long. Claims should be presented not to the manufacturer or service center, but to the store. Therefore, when buying, you need to pay attention also to the date of manufacture of the device.

Insuring themselves against such cases, stores independently reduce the warranty period for some types of goods. Especially the discrepancy between the terms of the warranty applies to computer components.

How to hand over the goods

There is a popular belief that service centers do their best to refuse warranty repairs to customers. This is usually not the case. Although the authorized service center does not charge for warranty repairs, this work is paid for by the manufacturer or central service provider. That is, even on warranty repairs, the SC earns money. Therefore, it makes no sense for him to evade repairs or "kick back" the client for various reasons.

However, there are certain rules for accepting equipment and conditions for warranty service. Accordingly, the employees of the service center have certain instructions for receiving warranty equipment. To recognize a breakdown as a "warranty case", both certain documents and the compliance of the state of the equipment with certain criteria are required. And here situations may arise when the SC is released from obligations for warranty repairs.

The client must have a receipt or delivery note with the date of sale of the goods and a completed warranty card. However, by law, the absence of a warranty card is not a reason for denial of warranty. In theory, the main thing for the SC is to identify the product. Its employees can do this by the serial number and find out if the product with this number was produced at all, when it was manufactured and whether the warranty period has expired. This is what many companies do.

An additional advantage of checking by serial number is the ability to filter out "gray" devices. The SC will not repair free of charge goods that are imported unofficially and, accordingly, do not have a guarantee. Sometimes information is received that, for example, among scanners of a certain brand, only 10% of all those sold by retail were officially delivered. Accordingly, only a small part of all sold goods is subject to warranty service and special attention is paid to this model during testing. Most of the equipment will be denied warranty repair with the wording: "Due to the absence of this serial number in the database of devices officially supplied to Russia."

If the serial number is missing or illegible, the service center has the right not to perform warranty repairs. However, many believe that the guarantee is carried out primarily by check and is counted from the date of sale. This opinion is supported by large shopping centers who carry out streaming trading without filling out a warranty card in each case. They usually tell customers the phrase: "Guarantee - by check." Yes, the store can accept faulty equipment according to the document of sale. In fact, it often happens that its employees send a client with a faulty device to a service center in order to save themselves from unnecessary trouble. And the client comes to the SC with a completely empty warranty card, which creates the risk of refusing free repairs.

Attempts to outwit

Sometimes the manufacturers of some devices themselves instruct sales organizations to accept goods for a guarantee against a sales receipt. This is convenient for end customers, but creates the basis for fraudulent activities. Some consumers are trying to return the device with an expired warranty on a different, more recent check. For example, it happens that clients use set-top boxes to organize gaming salons. Since they have several similar products, they can take advantage of the fact that the serial number is not indicated on the receipt and try to return the old prefix with a new receipt.

Although disassembly and assembly can be carried out by the customer carefully, without any traces of opening, service engineers are still able to detect tampering.

In this case, the countdown of the warranty period from the date of production, which was mentioned above, just comes into force. The expiration date is checked by the serial number. As a result, the customer may be denied the repair of the old product.

There are also attempts to self-repair or unsuccessful assembly of the product from two similar devices. And after these actions, people carry a non-working item to hand over under warranty. Although disassembly and reassembly can be carried out carefully by the customer, without any traces of opening, it is still possible for service engineers to detect tampering. For example, an ordinary consumer does not know all the degrees of protection and methods for their verification, which are indicated in the recommendations of vendors, issued with the mark "confidential for service centers."

The protection against consumer fraud can be the presence of another serial number, which must match the number on the outside of the device. Or it could be a sticker that changes color when heated or soaked in water, when you try to carefully remove it and then stick it in place. Or special kind a seal that does not look like a sticker - they do not pay attention to it during disassembly and are simply removed or displaced. Then the technical conclusion indicates the reason for the refusal of warranty service.

Defective consumables

A typical example of how customers try to deceive a service center is the delivery of goods damaged by low-quality consumables. Many companies, especially among SMBs, skimp on printer consumables and buy "compatible" or continuous ink systems despite vendor warnings.

Warranty cards usually say something like: "The warranty is void if damage to the device is caused by the use of non-standard or low-quality consumables." Consumers know this and change cartridges or ink tanks back to the original ones before handing over for repair, hoping that the trick will not be revealed.

Indeed, if the malfunction is not directly related to the use of "non-native" consumables, the service may not pay attention to this and accept the equipment under warranty. For example, the scanner unit of an all-in-one cannot possibly be broken by a cartridge. But if the print head of an inkjet printer is faulty, then the service center can conduct an examination and establish whether the client used the “correct” consumable.

Complex Devices

Some products, such as system blocks, consist of several replaceable parts. The warranty covers the entire device, and only those components that were originally included in it are subject to replacement. In principle, you can open the case system block to install additional accessories (for example, add HDD). However, you must not remove or change existing parts - this will void the warranty. For control in the places of attachment or connection of components, special stickers are glued, which are damaged when the part is removed.

In addition to stickers, there may also be a sticker with the logo of the assembly company and the warranty period. And, finally, in the warranty card or in the attached invoice, the complete set of the system unit is usually prescribed, indicating the models. And if the client does not provide these documents, then the seller can take his copy from the database and find all the necessary data. Therefore, the substitution trick usually does not work. True, few people specifically go for such tricks. Usually the situation occurs due to the ignorance of the client. For example, if a company, before installing a computer on workplace The IT department has replaced something in the system unit.

Quite often, laptops with a flooded keyboard come in for repairs. Of course, before handing over to the SC, the laptop is thoroughly cleaned and wiped to hide the incriminating fact. However, some of the liquid still gets inside the device, on the electronic board or other parts. Therefore, during disassembly, traces are found in the form of stains or sticky streaks, depending on the type of spilled liquid. If service engineers are at a loss to determine whether or not a warranty case is covered, they can take photographs, describe the problem, and request a solution from the service provider or manufacturer's representative.

Fear of substitution

Many users fear that during repairs, some components will be removed from the device and other, older parts will be installed. And instead of a faulty component, an obsolete or used spare part will be installed. But this is elementary checked, since the owner knows the composition of his computer and, as we said, there is even a written list of components of the system unit.

A separate issue is the installation by a service center of a non-similar spare part. Since the line of components is updated in a year and a half, something is discontinued, another part with the corresponding old characteristics can be supplied: a Hitachi hard drive instead of Samsung, etc.

It is important that neither the regional service center, nor even the service provider and the manufacturer are interested in deceiving the owner of the warranty equipment. On the contrary, the entire repair process for warranty equipment is designed to ensure quick repair and exclude the possibility of any fraud. Therefore, if some unpleasant moments happen on the part of the service center, then this is almost always a human factor, a violation of instructions by a specific employee.

When replacing components, for example, in a laptop, the numbers of the old and new parts are overwritten. This data is included in the repair report and defective parts are sent back to the manufacturer. Sometimes, after repairing equipment, vendor representatives check the quality of work. Since the repair reports include customer contact details, they may be called to ask if they are happy with the result and what exactly was done. And, if any discrepancy is found, appropriate sanctions can be applied to the service center.

Most often, disputes between equipment owners and service centers occur due to software failures. Although the warranty cards always state that the incorrect operation of the software is not a warranty case. Since the manufacturer is only responsible under warranty for hardware, especially since third-party software is usually used.

The argument is simple: since I bought the device bundled with this software That means everything should be repaired under warranty. This is not true, but often service centers go towards customers and restore the work of programs. And, since this is a common practice, the manufacturer can even pay for such actions to the service center, at a low rate.

Some users strongly demand that the service center provide them with a similar device during the repair, referring to the law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". However, at the beginning of the 1990s, a decision of the Supreme Court was issued on this occasion, which states that articles 20 and 21 of the law apply only to reimbursable relations. In other words, you can get equipment for use during warranty repairs only at the organization where the device was purchased. And the service center is a third-party organization, and it is not obliged to provide a replacement.

Behavior rules

We briefly summarize the above, so that the repair takes place without conflict situations and within a reasonable time.

When buying, you need to require a completed warranty card. The store may close, the customer may move, and in the service center one of the requirements is the presence of a completed warranty card.

In the event of a malfunction, it is better to immediately contact an authorized service center, without wasting time on trade organization. The store will still send the equipment to the service, but directly it will turn out much faster.

During operation, it is important not to overwrite the serial number of the device. If the number is not readable, the service center may refuse warranty service.

Careful attitude to technology will help to avoid problems. And if third-party factors or the client himself are to blame for the malfunction, then warranty repairs are not performed.

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