The man connects with me via chakra. Gender compatibility according to the main chakras. Unfavorable combinations of yoni types for marriage

Peter and Fevronia of Murom

When a man and woman join a family, it often seems to them that this is their conscious choice. In fact, in to a greater extent they are controlled by the energy of the chakras. The chakra that is the leading chakra for a person (and this depends on the level of his consciousness, worldview, karma) and is involved in building relationships between future spouses. People are, as it were, “attracted” energetically at a certain chakra, and their marriage is completely (unless they start working on themselves and changing their consciousness) due to the capabilities of this level. The level of consciousness at which a family union rests determines its fate, the breakdown or preservation of relationships, the difficulties that await a married couple, the relationship of this family with the world and many other aspects of life.

This is how the Vedic lecturer O. Torsunov describes family relationships on different chakras (compilation from various lectures):

Family relationships on the first chakra:

The root chakra is associated with selfishness. The motivation of the spouses is sex, raw pleasure. The worldview of the spouses is such that only sexual compatibility is the basis of the family.
People quickly converge, and a strong emotional connection arises at the level of the root chakra. Energy goes to the genital centers. This couple has no other interests other than sex. In progress family life there is an increase in egoism.
Spouses get bored of each other within 1-3 years. They have no sense of duty or mutual understanding. As a result, many quarrels and scandals occur in the family. In many cases, the couple ends up in divorce. Meeting place: discos, bars, etc. Dating options, motives: a) disco love; b) a girl wants to get rid of loneliness, marries without love, out of necessity; c) both partners have had a blast, are getting acquainted with the idea of ​​having some kind of relationship, have little in common, meeting through an advertisement.
A woman can attract a man with her sexuality, but a man's love quickly fades. Complete exhaustion awaits such relationships, and this is a natural process. People become strangers to each other. The problem is not in one of the partners, but in the motive for creating the relationship. Marriage on the first chakra is the most unfavorable type of marriage.

Family relationships on the second chakra:

The motive for building a family on the second chakra is the creation of a “cozy nest.” Gradually compatibility comes at the coccygeal center.
General desire for material benefits– furniture, money, dacha, house. Eat common Home, but there are no common topics for conversation. Everything gets boring quickly. There is no depth in the relationship. Appears.
Meetings are associated with activity, activity: work, group meetings, hiking, dancing, sports.
Harmony is limited only to common activities (often recreational).
The family is stronger than at the 1st chakra. But husband and wife live together relatively calmly for 6-7 years, after which they often grow cold towards each other.
Dating options, motives: a) common hobbies; b) the girl is looking for a quiet life, a protector; the guy is looking for a calm girl who considers him brave, reliable, and a protector.
Families built on two lower centers inevitably face problems.

Family relationships on the third chakra:

People of the third chakra strive for power and control. A woman is very selective in her choice, looking for comfort and coziness. Spouses can fulfill their duty and raise children together. But it is difficult for them to deeply understand each other, the nature of their partner, their thoughts.
A man experiences peace in the presence of a woman; a woman experiences joy from a man.
Dating options, motives: a) a girl learns to cook well from the very beginning, a man is looking for a woman who knows how to cook well; b) the girl is looking for a respected, prominent person; a man needs to be valued and respected. Both feel happiness from this; c) a woman is seduced by wealth, a man likes that he is loved for his achievements.
The motive for creating such relationships claims stability. But if interests change, misunderstandings may arise. Relationships depend more on the man.
In the next life, when they meet, the partners change places.

Family relationships on the fourth chakra:

At this chakra, there is understanding and peace in relationships. Spouses understand each other's thoughts.
To create such a family you need to work on yourself. In Vedic culture, from the age of 7, girls were taught to understand and show feminine nature (sensitivity, caring, kindness, patience, meekness, etc.).
Places: general company, find each other in conversation. Common goals. First, friendship arises; they agree on good character traits. Strong relationships at the level of the heart center. A woman has the power to save her family. A man influences external environment to support the family.
Dating options, motives: a) a man is looking for a girl with a good upbringing, who knows how she should behave, can consciously choose (asks friends about her, gets to know her family), relationships on a family basis; b) a man occupies a fairly high position in society, his good character qualities bear fruit, and has good connections in society; a woman chooses an ideal, a serious, reliable person; c) a man wants to find the most calm, charming, harmonious woman with an ideal character - in this case, the motive comes from the man.
Guaranteed stable family life.

Family relationships on the fifth chakra:

People of the fifth chakra are characterized by refined activity. Acquaintance takes place in literary societies, theaters, conservatories, etc. Subtle, sublime feelings. Closeness, harmony, love.
Such relationships are impossible without working on yourself.
People of art. Life is like a song. Sublime, self-sacrificing, poetic love, close to selflessness. Trembling happiness, uniqueness of relationships, feeling of happiness next to each other. Marriage is not about emotions.
The relationship is not intimate from the very beginning. There is a gradual rapprochement. The decision to live together comes only after connection at the solar plexus level.
Dating options, motives: a) the tendency of both to search for beauty and harmony, using intuition and creativity; b) deep understanding of beauty from birth (very intelligent families).
Several lives can be together.

Family relationships on the sixth chakra:

A very sublime, deep relationship. Spouses understand each other's thoughts. Honesty, true loyalty high level.
The main asceticism is chastity: girls and boys did not communicate with each other until a certain age (in Vedic times). Separate education was carried out. A man without communicating with women has the power to develop in himself best qualities character. Without communicating with men, a girl can retain the purity and knowledge given to her from birth.
Lack of sexual intercourse before marriage. A very serious approach to the decision to start a family. Deep understanding of the world. From the very beginning, man and woman are comrades, capable of jointly comprehending knowledge.
Dating options, motives: a) choice based on character traits; Chastity is important for a woman; b) rapprochement on the basis of self-improvement with a gradual increase in harmony. Gradual rapprochement at all levels.

Family relationships on the seventh chakra:

People consciously go to God. Such a marriage is very rare. As a result, the spouses go to God together, in spiritual world. Compatibility at the level of the mind. They engage in spiritual practices together.
Dating options, motives: a) a girl is looking for a mentor; b) the girl is attracted by the man’s mission, supports him, wants to be his assistant; c) rapprochement occurs as a result of joint development.
There is a gradual understanding of the need to be with each other. The joint movement towards God always remains the main goal of life.

The lower the level at which the spouses were initially attracted into a couple, the more difficult and less likely it is that they will have harmony on the chakras above. A higher initial level of attraction gradually generates harmony at the chakras below.

This audio lecture by Torsunov O.G. partly (from start to time 1 hour 04 minutes 30 seconds) is dedicated to the topic of creating a family at different chakras (levels of consciousness):

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IN physical reality people interact at different levels.

  • There are relationships that exist only through sexual attraction.
  • There are those that are built on affection for each other.
  • Less common are relationships in which mutual understanding, trust and harmony.

In this article we will tell you how the relationship between a man and a woman evolves. at the fusion of chakras. Why you attract certain partners into your life.

The evolution of relationships between men and women
at the energy level

Let's look at what a relationship looks like when the partners' chakras merge.

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Relationships at the level of the first chakra

The first level of relationships is when partners are connected at the level of one energy center.

The connection occurs at the level of the first chakra.

In such relationships there is a lot of conflicts, there are rare moments of joy. Lack of understanding between people, everything is based on sexual experience.

Relationships at the level of the 2 lower centers

The next level is when two people are connected energetically at two chakra centers.

This is a symbol of duality, when there is 50% understanding and 50% conflict situations.

This is a physiological experience. Balance appears, since 50% understanding is present.

Connecting partners at the level of 3 energy centers

When two people connect at the level of three energy centers - understanding appears.

If conflicts or problems arise, this does not prevent partners from loving each other; on the contrary, it adds passion to the relationship. This is also a physiological experience.

Merger at the level of 4 chakras

When two people merge at the level of four centers - there is a deep understanding, caring for each other. There are moments of harmony.

If you become conscious and begin to focus on ensuring that understanding, care and attention to each other are constantly present in your life together, then you will find harmony in relationships.

Connection at the level of 5 chakras

The next level is when a man and a woman connect at the level of five energy centers.

Two people are still two separate individuals, but there is a feeling between them great harmony. It's like a duet musical instruments that play in unison.

Present here deep fusion, but still two people are two separate units.

Relationships at the 6th chakra level

When the merger occurs at the level of the six energy centers, which is rare, a union arises that is based on deep understanding, constant feeling of harmony and balance.

Merger of partners at the level of 7 energy centers

And the highest level accessible to us is when partners are connected by seven main energy centers.

In the life of such a couple there is always joy, similar to an orgasm. This true spiritual union, unity.

It is a transcendental experience where two people in different bodies feel constant communication each other, no matter where they are.

It is this level of fusion of all seven energy centers that is the main distinctive feature twin flames.

Thus Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, whom we know as Jesus Christ, were connected.

There are actually many more energy centers, but these seven centers are directly connected to the physical body.

The centers, starting from the eighth and above, are located on the etheric and other planes.

At what level does merging occur in your couple?

Most people in relationships connect at one or two chakras according to the principle of opposites.

If a person’s second chakra is closed, then most likely he will attract a partner with an open sacral center.

If a person has an overactive solar plexus chakra, he suppresses and manipulates other people. Accordingly, he will choose a partner with suppressed willpower.

People are attracted to trauma. If one person is hypersensitive, then next to him there will be a low-sensitive partner.

If you are following the path of spiritual growth: engaging in spiritual practices, healing your psychological traumas, opening your chakras, your current relationship may end if you were drawn to trauma by trauma.

You healed your trauma, but your partner still has it. This relationship has nothing left to stand on. There is a rupture.

You are entering a new stage of development, but your partner remains at the same level.

If you have had such a relationship in the past, do this.

Or another option.

You unravel this karmic knot, and the relationship grows into something more. You and your partner are moving to new level. More colors and depth appear.

Perhaps your trauma, a closed energy center, forced the person to behave in a certain way.

You lived with a dictator who suppressed you. He did this to give you willpower. Tyrannized until the feeling of protest exploded from within you.

And you declare: “That’s it! I can't do this anymore! I’m alive, I’m worthy!”

At this moment, the knot breaks, and next to you is a completely adequate person who simply played this role for you.

If you want to merge across all seven chakras with your partner, realize that he may not share this desire of yours. Not everyone wants to get rid of their traumas.

The best you can do is open your heart, fill up healing power love and radiate it into the world around us.

Meditation will help you with this.

Love can heal any wound or injury.

Connect through your heart chakra with your partner without expecting your relationship to change. And they will definitely change.

At what level do you think the merger occurs in your relationship?

You will get answers to the questions: what you need to know before calling on your twin flame and how many twin flames there can be.

It's actually simple. A man and a woman carry different vital energies. The seven chakras distribute it. Three of them are active in women, three more in men, and one, the upper chakra, works the same for everyone. When two people meet, their biofields unite and mutually strengthen. For a harmonious union, there must be a clear distribution of functions in energy centers. You just need to understand who will play what roles.

Vladimir Bodyashko, yoga master, chiropractor:

- For the harmonious opening and functioning of all chakras, it is necessary to engage in daily practices: singing, yoga, techniques that deeply affect our body.
Life is also like a practice: it is important to do everything from a pure heart, with an open vision, to remain aware of the processes that you perform and in which you find yourself. This also applies to family life.
In any state you need to be conscious, understand what you are doing, be in the present. You don’t have to worry about getting a separate chakra to work. We need to think more about the integrity of the work of the whole organism.


The lowest chakra (coccyx area) is responsible for survival and offspring. In a man it is active, in a woman it is the other way around (the man gives energy, and the woman receives it). This means that men's function is to give protection, women's function is to receive it.

By shouldering the worries of survival and making money, the woman ensures that Muladhara begins to work for her according to the male type. This in turn affects the masculinity of the head of the family, in whom this chakra becomes passive.


The second chakra (just below the navel) is responsible for pleasure and desires. For women it is active, and for men it is passive (a woman gives, a man receives).

A woman's task is to provide a man with comfort, Tasty food, sexual satisfaction. “Why should I serve him?” - representatives of the fair sex are often indignant. But this is the only way to achieve harmony.

By the way, you don’t need to think that this must necessarily happen in “slavery” mode. Doing something nice is nice! Even if it's just a meal served with good mood.


The third chakra (navel) is responsible for money, vital energy, and achievements. Active in men, passive in women. “I don’t want to take money from him! It’s easier for me to earn money myself!” Sound familiar? Learn to accept gifts already! And there is nothing wrong with asking either. This stimulates a man to greater achievements, because he is by nature a breadwinner. So give him an incentive!


The heart chakra (heart) is responsible for love. In women it is active, in men it is passive. It is very important for a woman to love. The “It’s better to be loved” scheme doesn’t work! In such a marriage, a woman will always be unhappy, no matter how hard a loving man tries for her.

Harmonious in relationships only loving woman! The man, of course, will also give to her, but at other levels - Muladhara or Manipura. With her love, a woman stimulates a man to perform great deeds!


The fifth chakra (throat) is responsible for self-expression. For a man it is active, for a woman it is passive. It is important for a man to express himself and achieve success in society. A woman should help him with this with her love.


The sixth chakra (“third eye”) is responsible for clairvoyance. For a woman it is active, for a man it is passive.

A woman's intuition is more developed than a man's. It is worth listening to her advice and feelings. Then the path to self-expression, prosperity, and a source of vital energy will be faster and more successful.


The seventh chakra (at the crown) works the same for men and women. This is the connection with God, the center of human perfection. As other centers open, Sahasrara also opens. This provides new opportunities in personal development and relationships. In a harmonious union, the emotional shell will be filled with the highest energies of joy and love, which receive the energy of abundance in everything - in relationships, happiness, health, well-being.

Chakras- centers of power and consciousness located inside the human body and connecting its metaphysical and biophysical energies. Each of them has a close connection with a person’s emotion and can be open or closed, depending on his mood or state. The seven chakras are located along the vertical axis of the human body, they are located in subtle body and correspond to groups of nerve plexuses in physical body. If you open them all, then Vital energy Qi (prana) will flow freely throughout the body.

text: Natalya TYUMENTSEVA

Happiness in a relationship depends on How harmoniously built is communication across the chakras?(energy centers). We interact not so much with the physical, dense body of a person, but with his subtle energy body. The success and longevity of the family depends on how correct our emotional attitude is, how harmonized these centers are.

First level, interaction at the lower center, Muladhare, this is the physical attraction of partners to each other. This is a low level of relationship, people are driven by the desire to enjoy each other’s bodies.

Partners are compatible only in sexual sphere, in the rest they are completely different and incompatible.

If the energy rises higher, the chakra Svadhisthana, there is more romance, more sensitivity in the relationship. Partners not only feel good together sexually, but they also show each other signs of attention, look after each other, paying great importance love games.

Partners are attracted to each other by their beautiful appearance; for them, the main thing is what a person looks like, what his level of sexuality is, and not what he is like as a person.

If the energy rises to the third center, Manipurs, then at this level a standard family can be created. Such people already have an attachment, have some responsibilities, responsibility to each other.

At this level, girls are looking for a reliable man with whom they can feel stable and confident, and men are looking for a good housewife so that she can cook delicious food. This is a household level. The status occupied in society is important to people.

First three levels interactions are called animal level. Partners live to feed, defend and reproduce. Animals live the same way.

Happiness and harmony in such families are often absent, because for full love and unity, compatibility at higher levels is necessary.

If the energy rises to the level of the heart chakra, Anahata, then here people develop friendship and mutual understanding. The spouse becomes a very close friend.

Such people have a very strong telepathic connection; they feel each other at a distance.

From this level, spouses discover what true intimacy and true love are.

If the energy rises higher, to the level of the throat chakra, Vishuddhi, then this is a very close, very intimate relationship.

Very pure, very reverent, very beautiful feelings, people do not show them off, they keep them secret. As a rule, this is a union of two creative personalities, very similar souls in their worldview.

If the energy rises even higher, to the level of the mystical third eye, Ajna, here people have some important spiritual purpose.

They engage in spiritual development together, perform some kind of asceticism, live a common mission, serve people and society. Help other people find love and harmony in their families. This is a very emotionally mature couple.

Highest level, chakra Sahasrara, - spiritual union. This is when each spouse sees their other half as a piece of God.

He feels that this is a piece of God that has been given to me under protection and guardianship. So I have to take very good care of her. People here make no claims or grievances, this is a very highly spiritual union, very pure...

We are born initially for relationships at the highest level. We have the potential to create such pure, elevated relationships and experience divine love in family union. Everything depends on us..

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Chakras and levels of interaction in relationships

According to Vedic knowledge, a person has 7 main chakras, psychoenergetic centers that are in rotation. For men and women, the energy in these centers moves in different directions, which causes activity in some areas and passivity in others.

1-Lower chakra – muladhara (Mars). It is responsible for survival and offspring, and it is designed in such a way that in a man this chakra is active (right-hand rotation), and in a woman it is passive (left-hand rotation). That is, a man gives energy, and a woman receives it. A man’s function is to give protection, ensure security. A woman’s duty in this area is to learn to accept protection, to completely trust a man, to rely on him. Nowadays, many women have problems with this, they try to be men themselves - and since energetically a man and a woman must complement and harmonize each other, the improper functioning (activity) of this chakra in a woman leads to the fact that she associates herself with a man , which, in order to balance the energy, will be flawed in this area and behave passively. Or if a woman has this chakra activated in the presence of her husband, then his muladhara chakra can become passive. That is, he begins to accept, and the woman begins to give, in order to restore a semblance of harmony, although such a situation will not provide mental satisfaction, since it is unnatural.
You must understand that if you have a husband or a young man, but at the same time you prefer to take care of your safety on your own, then you thereby take on a male function, and this damages both your femininity and his masculinity.

2. the next chakra is svadhisthana (Venus). She is responsible for pleasure and desires, and works differently. In women it is active (right-hand rotation), and in men it is passive. A woman gives and a man receives.
The Vedas say that in the male body it is the enjoyer, and the woman is the one through whom they enjoy. A woman’s task is to create a comfortable and cozy world and conditions. Women often protest why they should enjoy men, but there is no injustice in this, there is simply a division of roles.
This sphere includes any pleasure, including sexual, food, etc. That is ideal woman creates a world in which it is easy to be, comfortable and desires for pleasure are satisfied. And moments of intimacy and even just eating food should be arranged by a woman as an act of pleasure, and not a formal performance of duties.

3.– manipura (sun). This is money, vital energy, achievements. It is active in men and passive in women; a man gives to a woman, she receives. And here at modern women again a problem. Someone who wants to build a career and earn money on her own, someone is ashamed to ask her husband for money, or someone supported herself independently before marriage and, having stopped working, finds herself in such an uncomfortable position. And here a serious conflict is possible - if a woman refuses to accept energy (money and benefits), then the man either stops giving it, or his energy becomes less. That is, one of the reasons that inspires men to earn money is women’s requests. A woman should be able to accept this energy, achievements, and gifts from men.
If a woman suddenly begins to earn a lot, she may begin to think that this is her most important goal in life - to feed her family, then contempt for her husband may develop, since by taking on activity at this level, she leaves him a passive role, he has to accept energy from her. A woman must understand that in this case she did not take what was hers, and that the responsibility for the fact that her husband becomes domestic and passive lies with her. Sometimes in such a situation a man can stop working altogether and start living at the expense of the woman or looking for someone who will stimulate him to achieve.

4.-anahata – heart chakra (moon). She is responsible for love and sympathy. This is the female chakra, at this level a man receives energy, and violation of this principle brings psychological dissatisfaction primarily to women. Many people have probably encountered men in their lives who are romantic beyond measure, looking into their mouths and fulfilling every whim. And as a result, such a man does not evoke anything deeper than friendship. And the reason for this is that the man took upon himself the activity of this chakra, he began give, and to the woman you have to take, and not love yourself. And when a woman cannot love, it is very difficult for her. Therefore, rejoice when men do not take responsibility at this level and you can fully open up, realizing yourself in love. A man in return will begin to give to you at his own levels -giving you gifts, surrounding you with care and giving life wisdom.
Do not expect excessive romance from a man and remember that it is your diocese to give pleasure and love. The man will repay you with something else.

5.-vishuddha (mercury) – communication, self-expression. A man gives - a woman receives. In life, it is important for a man to express himself, to realize himself. For a woman, the main fulfillment is the family; fulfillment outside the family is secondary. If a woman gives a man energy at the level of the heart chakra, then this energy rises higher in the man, and he no longer just wants to earn money and provide for his family, but he already wants to leave his mark in the world, a legacy. At this level, men often accomplish feats, great deeds. It’s not for nothing that they say that behind every great man there is a woman! And he does these deeds in the name of a woman. And her task here is to accept, joyfully and with love, so that a man feels that he has someone to perform feats for and save the world. Therefore, learn to love your man, the energy of your love can work miracles.
It should also be remembered that this is also a center of communication and connections. The woman here accepts, and not she, but he introduces you to a certain circle of his friends, creates communication and builds connections between families.

6.-ajna (Saturn). A woman gives - a man receives. Every wife should be the main assistant to her husband. And her main help is to give what he does not have by nature, your feminine intuition. A woman has good intuition and she is able to give a man very valuable advice. And if the exchange of energy at the lower levels is harmonious and the man is realized as the head of the family , a breadwinner and he has a certain mission, a goal in life - he will easily take into account his wife’s recommendations without infringing on his ego. A woman often subtly senses many things, danger, and at this level she is able to protect her family and husband by anticipating the negative development of situations or influence of people.

7.-sahasrara chakra (Jupiter) is our connection with God. It doesn't matter whether we are men or women. First of all, we are souls. Gender differences are important here on Earth in order to fulfill the mission for which we were born. We can say that by giving us the masculine or female body, The Lord narrowed the circle of throwing and more clearly outlined the role that we must play here for implementation. The exchange of energy at this level, this is the exchange of love with God and other souls, this is the level of a holy person. It is not for nothing that halos are painted on the icons over the heads of saints. This is a sign open sahasrara chakra, emitting golden light, the light of love and wisdom.

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