Louise hey I can read everything online. Read online “Healing powers are within us”

More than two decades ago, Louise Hay's books became a revelation for people living in former USSR. A certain life-giving breath of esoteric knowledge, which was deprived of people who knew nothing but dialectical materialism with its main postulate: “being determines consciousness.”

And here, this woman claims completely the opposite. Louise Hay says that there is a hidden power within us that can change our existence and change the world around us. Make it better. And judging by the circulation of her books, by the fact that they are translated into dozens of languages ​​and read all over the world, everything she says in them is the pure truth.

Moreover, this woman, by her own example, proved the truth of her words by overcoming the consequences of the psychological trauma that happened to her in her youth and managed to cure herself of cancer.

She gave hundreds and hundreds of lectures and wrote dozens of books. You can take any one and immerse yourself in such an unusual world, filled with optimism and boundless faith in your capabilities. But when it comes to power, this is best explained in the book “The Power Is Within Us.”

Usually, when we hear the word esoteric, we think of something unusually difficult to perceive. However, Louise Hay's enormous talent lies in the fact that she can even talk about complex things in a very plain language. Here it is in this book. She easily tells the reader about what may have been passed on in great confidence in various esoteric schools.

Let's go in order. What is the power within us that can change our lives? Can make it richer, healthier and more interesting. Make her rich, finally. What is this powerful and amazing force that can cure our ailments. The power that cured such a terrible disease as cancer in the author himself?

This power is complex. It is made up of the power of love and the power of thought. When Louise talks about love, then, first of all, she means love for oneself. And this is the cornerstone of the entire teaching, the entire system. Some may say that they love themselves anyway. But most people just hate themselves. They hate you for your mistakes, for the fact that you cannot achieve something in life. Louise Hay talks about how there is a baby inside of us. Small child who just craves affection. Every baby just dreams of being cuddled by his parents. And he is very worried that his parents always don’t have enough time to give him at least a little attention.

And ours inner child cries because we are busy with everyday life and don’t even try to turn our gaze inside ourselves, find this baby there, pat him on the head and tell him how wonderful and wonderful he is. Tell him how much we love him.

If we don’t love ourselves, then the world doesn’t love us either. After all, he is a reflection of us inner world. And if he doesn’t love us, then he acts towards us accordingly. This is where various troubles, misfortunes and illnesses arise. They can be either trivial or quite heavy. It all depends on the degree of self-dislike.

Get rid of grievances

Second important point, what Louise Hay says in her work “The Strength Within Us” is that if we want to live happily, we simply must get rid of grievances. Everyone has grievances. First of all, these are grievances against parents. Because they, most often, did not live up to our hopes. And these are not theoretical calculations. Louise Hay herself suffered such resentment from her childhood. In her books she says that negative emotions give rise to various diseases. So, it is resentment that gives rise to such a terrible and incurable disease as cancer.

The power within us is the power of thought

It was from the books of Louise Hay that people first learned that our thoughts influence the world that surrounds us. What we think about in the morning largely determines how our day will go. Louise gives wonderful recommendations that can bring more positivity into our lives. These recommendations are elementary simple. But are people ready to follow them?

  • Never judge anyone;
  • Don't rehash bad news. Good ones, on the contrary, need to be retold many times;
  • Don’t blame yourself for your mistakes, but praise yourself as often as possible.

The way we treat ourselves determines the world's attitude towards us. It simply reflects our own attitude.

The power is within us - affirmations

The writer’s contribution to changing people’s consciousness is difficult to overestimate. After all, it was thanks to Louise that we all first heard about affirmations. About a powerful weapon that can change our existence. We learned that simply by saying certain phrases to yourself or out loud, you can cure illnesses and improve your situation.

So what is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a statement. An affirmation of what has already happened. A classic example is the affirmation of a sick person, which he repeats every morning when he wakes up: “I am completely healthy. My body works like a well-oiled clock.” If a person repeats with deep faith in his words, then the disease gradually recedes. Of course, these are not miracles. But the world turns its face, sends a good doctor, creates favorable conditions for recovery. This is how affirmation works.

Or the affirmation of a person who is very financially constrained: “I am rich. I can afford to buy everything I want." And again the world turns to face man. And it provides conditions under which you can earn money. But whether he will take advantage of these conditions is still a question. He may miss them and then claim that the affirmation does not work. But there were conditions. You just had to reach out.

One famous preacher was asked: “If I ask God for a large sum of money, will he give it to me?” To which the preacher replied, “He will give, but you will have to reach out your hand to take it.”

So is affirmation. The world provides opportunity. You need to look at it and take advantage of this opportunity.

The power exists within us. She is reality. Anyone who has ever read any of Louise Hay's books is convinced of this. And although quite a lot of literature of this direction has now appeared on the market, the writer’s books have not lost their significance. On the contrary, they benefit from the fact that when we read these books and compare them with others that are similar, we understand that the author knows what he is talking about!

Louise HAY


Translation from English by N. Litvinova


This book contains a large number of information. Don't think that you have to understand it all the first time you read it. Some ideas you will accept immediately. Try to implement them first. If you don't agree with something, just ignore it.

If you take at least one useful idea from this book and use it to improve the quality of your life, then I did not write it in vain.

As you read the book, you will find that I use many similar terms: Power, Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, High power, God, Universal Power, Inner Wisdom and the like. I do this to show you that you can choose any name for the Power that rules the Universe and lives within you. If you don't like a name, replace it with another that suits you better. Sometimes, while reading a book, I even crossed out words and expressions that I didn’t like and wrote in those that suited me better. You can do the same.

You may notice that sometimes I deviate from the spelling rules.

For example, I write the name of the disease AIDS in lowercase letters: AIDS, in order to reduce the power of this word, to reduce its significance.

This reduces the strength of the disease he identifies. This idea comes from Reverend Stefan Peters. We welcomed her with enthusiasm at Hay House and invite our readers to join us.

Let this book reveal your true power.


I'm not a healer. I don't heal anyone.

In my opinion, I am a support on a person’s path to self-discovery. By teaching people to love themselves, I create a world where they can discover how stunningly beautiful they are. That's all. I just support people. I help them take responsibility for their lives and discover their strength and inner wisdom.

I help them overcome obstacles and barriers so that they can love themselves regardless of life circumstances. This does not mean that they do not have any problems, but the attitude towards them changes dramatically.

Over the years, I have conducted many individual consultations for my clients, hundreds of seminars and intensive training programs throughout the country and abroad, and I have made a discovery: there is only one solution to any problem - self-love. It's amazing how much people's lives improve when they begin to love themselves more and more every day. They feel better. They get the job they want. They get as much money as they need. Their relationships with other people either improve, or they leave bad relationships and start new ones. It's such a simple rule to love yourself. I have often been criticized for being simplistic, but I have discovered that simple things are usually at the core of everything.

One person said to me recently: “You gave me the most wonderful gift - you gave me myself.” Many of us hide from ourselves and don't even know who we are. We do not understand our feelings and desires. And life is a journey in which we discover ourselves. To me, enlightenment means going within ourselves and realizing who we really are and that we can change for the better by loving and taking care of ourselves. Self-love does not mean selfishness.

It purifies us so that we can love ourselves enough to love others.

When we move to the individual level from a space filled great love and joy, we can truly help our entire planet.

The force that created this amazing Universe is often called love. God is love.

We often hear the statement “Love makes the world move.” All this is true. Love is the connecting link that ensures the unity of the Universe.

For me, love is a feeling of deep gratitude. When I talk about self-love, I mean a deep appreciation for who we are. We accept everything about ourselves: our little oddities, hesitations, everything that we don’t quite succeed in, along with all our wonderful qualities. We lovingly accept all of this as a whole. And without any conditions.

Unfortunately, many of us cannot love ourselves without meeting certain conditions: loss excess weight, getting a job, getting a raise, winning a fan, or anything else. We often put conditions on love. But we can change. We can love ourselves without delay, just the way we are!

There is also a lack of love on our entire planet.

I believe that the planet is sick with AIDS, from which everyone dies every day more people. This challenge to the physical existence of humanity has helped us overcome barriers, transcend our moral standards, differences in religious and political beliefs and open our hearts to each other. The more people who can do this, the faster we will find answers to humanity's challenges.

We are now in the midst of enormous change on a global and individual level. I believe that all of us living at this time consciously came here to become part of these changes, to guide them, transforming the world and establishing a new one filled with peace and love instead of the old way of life. In the Age of Pisces, we looked outside for a savior, crying out, "Save me! Save me! Please take care of me." Now, as we move into the Age of Aquarius, we are learning to look within ourselves for the savior. The strength we have been looking for is within ourselves. And we are responsible for our lives.

If you don’t want to love yourself today, you won’t do it tomorrow, because everything that hinders you today will continue to exist tomorrow. Perhaps in 20 years you will have the same reasons for not loving yourself, and you will cling to them for the rest of your life. Today is the day when you can love yourself in all your integrity and without any conditions!

I want to help create a world in which we can love each other without fear, in which we can express ourselves, where others accept us and love us without judging, without criticizing, free from prejudice. Love begins at home. The Bible says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." In reality, we cannot love someone outside of us if love has not originated within us. Loving ourselves is the most valuable gift we can give ourselves, for if we love ourselves as we are, we will not hurt ourselves or others. When peace reigns in us, there will be no wars, no criminal gangs, no terrorists, no homeless people. There will be no disease, AIDS, cancer, poverty, hunger. This is my recipe for world peace: let peace reign among us. Peace, mutual understanding, empathy, the ability to forgive and most importantly - love. We have the power within us to bring about these changes.

We can choose love just as we choose anger, hatred or sadness. We can choose love. The choice is always ours. So let's choose love right now, without delay. She is the most powerful healing force.

This book reflects part of the content of my lectures given over the past five years.

She is another support on your path to self-discovery, an opportunity to learn a little more about yourself and realize the potential given to you from birth. You are given the opportunity to love yourself more and become part of amazing world love. Love originates in our hearts, it begins with us. And may your love help heal our planet.


When we expand the scope of our thoughts and beliefs, love flows freely from us. When we narrow it, we cut ourselves off from the world.


Who you are? Why are you here? What do you believe in in life? For thousands of years, searching for answers to these questions meant going inward. But what does it mean?

I believe that within each of us lives a Power that can lovingly show us the path to excellent health, ideal relationships, brilliant career and prosperity in any area of ​​life. In order to achieve this, you must first believe that it is possible. Then we must truly want to get rid of the habitual patterns of behavior that create the conditions in which, as we claim, we do not want to live. This is achieved by immersing ourselves and turning to the Inner Power, which knows what we need. If we are determined to turn our lives around by turning to the great Power within us that loves and supports us, then we can make our lives prosperous, filled with love and success in life.

I believe that the mind of an individual person is always connected with the One Infinite Mind, which means that all the knowledge and all the wisdom of humanity is available to each of us at any time. We are connected to this Infinite Intelligence, to this Universal Power that created us, through the inner spark of light, our Higher Self, or the Force within us. The Universal Power loves all its creatures. This is the Power of Good, it guides everything in our lives. She knows no lies, hatred, or punishment. She is the personification of love, freedom, understanding and compassion. It is important to turn our lives towards our Higher Self, for through it we become familiar with goodness.

We must understand that the choice of how to use this power is ours. If we choose to live in the past, reproducing all the unfavorable situations and conditions that occurred before, then we remain in place. If we make a conscious decision not to become victims of the past, but to create for ourselves new life, then we are supported by this inner Power and new happy times begin. I don't believe in two forces. I think there is only One Infinite Spirit. It's too easy to say, "It's the devil's fault" or "they're to blame." In reality, only we exist, and either we use the power within us correctly, or we do not know how to use it. Does the devil live in our hearts?

Hey Louise Healing powers inside us

Louise Hay

Louise HAY


Translation from English by N. Litvinova


This book contains a wealth of information. Don't think that you have to understand it all the first time you read it. Some ideas you will accept immediately. Try to implement them first. If you don't agree with something, just ignore it.

If you take at least one useful idea from this book and use it to improve the quality of your life, then I did not write it in vain.

As you read the book, you will find that I use many similar terms: Power, Intelligence, Infinite Intelligence, Higher Power, God, Universal Power, Inner Wisdom and the like. I do this to show you that you can choose any name for the Power that rules the Universe and lives within you. If you don't like a name, replace it with another that suits you better. Sometimes, while reading a book, I even crossed out words and expressions that I didn’t like and wrote in those that suited me better. You can do the same.

You may notice that sometimes I deviate from the spelling rules.

For example, I write the name of the disease AIDS in lowercase letters: AIDS, in order to reduce the power of this word, to reduce its significance.

This reduces the strength of the disease he identifies. This idea comes from Reverend Stefan Peters. We welcomed her with enthusiasm at Hay House and invite our readers to join us.

Let this book reveal your true power.


I'm not a healer. I don't heal anyone.

In my opinion, I am a support on a person’s path to self-discovery. By teaching people to love themselves, I create a world where they can discover how stunningly beautiful they are. That's all. I just support people. I help them take responsibility for their lives and discover their strength and inner wisdom.

I help them overcome obstacles and barriers so that they can love themselves regardless of life circumstances. This does not mean that they do not have any problems, but the attitude towards them changes dramatically.

Over the years, I have conducted many individual consultations for my clients, hundreds of seminars and intensive training programs throughout the country and abroad, and I have made a discovery: there is only one solution to any problem - self-love. It's amazing how much people's lives improve when they begin to love themselves more and more every day. They feel better. They get the job they want. They get as much money as they need. Their relationships with other people either improve, or they leave bad relationships and start new ones. It's such a simple rule to love yourself. I have often been criticized for being simplistic, but I have discovered that simple things are usually at the core of everything.

One person said to me recently: “You gave me the most wonderful gift - you gave me myself.” Many of us hide from ourselves and don't even know who we are. We do not understand our feelings and desires. And life is a journey in which we discover ourselves. To me, enlightenment means going within ourselves and realizing who we really are and that we can change for the better by loving and taking care of ourselves. Self-love does not mean selfishness.

It purifies us so that we can love ourselves enough to love others.

When we move to the individual level from a space filled with great love and joy, we can truly help our entire planet.

The force that created this amazing Universe is often called love. God is love.

We often hear the statement “Love makes the world move.” All this is true. Love is the connecting link that ensures the unity of the Universe.

For me, love is a feeling of deep gratitude. When I talk about self-love, I mean a deep appreciation for who we are. We accept everything about ourselves: our little oddities, hesitations, everything that we don’t quite succeed in, along with all our wonderful qualities. We lovingly accept all of this as a whole. And without any conditions.

Unfortunately, many of us cannot love ourselves without meeting certain conditions: losing excess weight, getting a job, getting a raise, winning a fan, or something else. We often put conditions on love. But we can change. We can love ourselves without delay, just the way we are!

There is also a lack of love on our entire planet.

I believe that the planet is sick with AIDS, from which more and more people die every day. This challenge to the physical existence of humanity has helped us overcome barriers, transcend our moral standards, differences in religious and political beliefs and open our hearts to each other. The more people who can do this, the faster we will find answers to humanity's challenges.

We are now in the midst of enormous change on a global and individual level. I believe that all of us living at this time consciously came here to become part of these changes, to guide them, transforming the world and establishing a new one filled with peace and love instead of the old way of life. In the Age of Pisces, we looked outside for a savior, crying out, "Save me! Save me! Please take care of me." Now, as we move into the Age of Aquarius, we are learning to look within ourselves for the savior. The strength we have been looking for is within ourselves. And we are responsible for our lives.

If you don’t want to love yourself today, you won’t do it tomorrow, because everything that hinders you today will continue to exist tomorrow. Perhaps in 20 years you will have the same reasons for not loving yourself, and you will cling to them for the rest of your life. Today is the day when you can love yourself in all your integrity and without any conditions!

I want to help create a world in which we can love each other without fear, in which we can express ourselves, where others accept us and love us without judging, without criticizing, free from prejudice. Love begins at home. The Bible says, "Love your neighbor as yourself." In reality, we cannot love someone outside of us if love has not originated within us. Loving ourselves is the most valuable gift we can give ourselves, for if we love ourselves as we are, we will not hurt ourselves or others. When peace reigns in us, there will be no wars, no criminal gangs, no terrorists, no homeless people. There will be no disease, AIDS, cancer, poverty, hunger. This is my recipe for world peace: let peace reign among us. Peace, mutual understanding, empathy, the ability to forgive and most importantly - love. We have the power within us to bring about these changes.

We can choose love just as we choose anger, hatred or sadness. We can choose love. The choice is always ours. So let's choose love right now, without delay. She is the most powerful healing force.

This book reflects part of the content of my lectures given over the past five years.

She is another support on your path to self-discovery, an opportunity to learn a little more about yourself and realize the potential given to you from birth. You are given the opportunity to love yourself more and become part of the wonderful world of love. Love originates in our hearts, it begins with us. And may your love help heal our planet.


When we expand the scope of our thoughts and beliefs, love flows freely from us. When we narrow it, we cut ourselves off from the world.


Who you are? Why are you here? What do you believe in in life? For thousands of years, searching for answers to these questions meant going inward. But what does it mean?

I believe that there is a Power within each of us that can lovingly show us the path to excellent health, ideal relationships, brilliant careers and prosperity in every area of ​​life. In order to achieve this, you must first believe that it is possible. Then we must truly want to get rid of the habitual patterns of behavior that create the conditions in which, as we claim, we do not want to live. This is achieved by immersing ourselves and turning to the Inner Power, which knows what we need. If we are determined to turn our lives around by turning to the great Power within us that loves and supports us, then we can make our lives prosperous, filled with love and success in life.

I believe that the mind of an individual person is always connected with the One Infinite Mind, which means that all the knowledge and all the wisdom of humanity is available to each of us at any time. We are connected to this Infinite Intelligence, to this Universal Power that created us, through the inner spark of light, our Higher Self, or the Force within us. The Universal Power loves all its creatures. This is the Power of Good, it guides everything in our lives. She knows no lies, hatred, or punishment. ...

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