Fairy tales and jokes for birthdays. The characters in “Tsokotukhi Flies” in a new way. A plot about a mansion in a new way for a fun company

Any holiday will become a million times more interesting if a fairy tale is included in its script. At the anniversary it can be presented in a pre-prepared form. Competitions are often held during the performance - they should be organically integrated into the plot. But a fairy tale at an anniversary, performed impromptu, is also appropriate.

The characters of “Tsokotukhi Flies” in a new way

Often guests present funny fairy tales for their anniversary. For a woman, a reworked work by Korney Chukovsky, which is known to everyone since early childhood. Familiar and even slightly boring stories, presented from a different perspective, evoke genuine interest and infectious laughter among the audience. And “The Cluttering Fly” - this will be exactly the fairy tale for the anniversary that everyone, without exception, will like.

The following characters participate in the fairy tale adaptation offered here:

  • A clattering fly, the lady is pleasant in all respects, sociable and hospitable.
  • Grandma Bee, a person who considers herself smarter than everyone else.
  • Dragonfly, a slender, elegant beauty, unapproachable and proud, about whom all men dream, but are afraid to even talk to her.
  • Moth, a charming young man, unofficially recognized as a local sex symbol.
  • Flea No. 1, Mukha's school friend.
  • Flea No. 2, colleague.
  • Flea No. 3, neighbor in the stairwell.
  • Mosquito-hero, an outwardly inconspicuous man with a deep inner world, an extremely well-read and modest young man.
  • Spider, a harmful and evil bailiff.

To make the presented fairy tale for a woman’s anniversary more funny, artists should be selected according to the principle: “The more it doesn’t fit, the better.” That is, women are suitable for male roles and vice versa. And if the main character, a pleasant lady in all respects, is played by a man, this fact alone will cause the audience to burst out laughing.

Stage costumes

When coming up with funny fairy tales for a woman’s anniversary, you should keep in mind that this part of the preparation for the miniature drawing is extremely important. The success of a dramatization depends half on how creative the characters are. Therefore, in order for the presented fairy tale for a woman’s anniversary to be funny and humorous, you need to choose the right stage costumes.

For example, Dragonfly. Does everyone agree that a stout middle-aged man with a looming or rather prominent belly will play the charming slender woman? She must be in a dress with a deep neckline and huge dark glasses. It is best to entrust Grandma Bee to a young man, wrapping him in a shawl, putting a long, wide skirt on him and putting thick-rimmed glasses on his nose.

Particular care should be taken when making it. It will require sleeves from old clothes and several pairs of gloves. The entire structure will need to be stuffed with synthetic padding, pieces of foam rubber or cotton wool; you can insert wire frames inside the paw sleeves.

“Tskotukha fly” - the exit of the main character

The performance begins with the words of the presenter:

Funny fairy tales for an anniversary

The guests were cooking - look, don’t be timid!

Now the artists will tell us

They will show about Mukha and a skit.

So this Fly

(Not an old woman at all)

Once I was walking down the street.

And on the road,

Looking at your feet

The beauty found the money.

Without thinking for long,

Forgot about the debt -

Take down what you find and give it away.

I just decided

How wonderful it would be

Invite guests to your place.

Since today it has become fashionable to act out musical fairy tales and jokes for anniversaries, it is appropriate to play off the appearance of the Tsokotukha Fly with a phonogram of Verka Serduchka about how she found a pie. The heroine should dance a little to this melody.

Flea Outlets

The fairy tale scene for the woman's anniversary continues to be demonstrated, and one after another the characters of the play being performed appear on stage.

The flea came first -

I brought soap to the fly.

The fly loudly, smiling from ear to ear:

- Come on in, godfather!

(Whispers) God didn't give her any sense!

Who gives soap?

Stupid thing!

He continues loudly:

- What a beauty you are!

I like your dress!!!

Flea number two has arrived

I brought a cake for Mukha.

Fly - loudly, smiling just as charmingly:

- Come in, sit down quickly,

It's my anniversary!

In a malicious whisper to the side:

- I brought a cake, why?

He knows I don't eat it!

Everything will go away on its own...

Look, your belly is like a ball!

Loud and sweet:

- Oh, what kind of boots

At the super fashionable Flea!

Then Flea-three came -

She didn't bring anything.

The clattering fly (speaks loudly and smiles sweetly):

- Hello, dear neighbor!

You are as pretty as candy!

(Evil whisper to the side):

- I was just about ready to eat

For free…(Loud) Can you sit down

At the window. Isn't it blowing?

(Whispers) It still won't blow you away -

Look how much I’ve increased

Kilograms of fat - power!

Moth's appearance on stage

Very often, fairy tales and jokes played out for anniversaries, where close people gather and there are no children, can be somewhat ambiguous. This is where Moth appears on stage, according to the presenter, “a charming young man, unofficially recognized as a local sex symbol.” However, he portrays him young girl- there is also irony in this. And since today people increasingly prefer musical fairy tales for anniversaries, it is appropriate to accompany the release of the Moth with a song. Of course, the words in it will be new, but it’s better to take the melody from a famous hit. This, for example, could be the song “Oh God, what a man!”

The moth carries a huge bouquet of flowers and sings:

- Oh, God, what a fly!

Beautiful clattering lady!

How I want a daughter from you

And a barrel.

I also want a new Mercedes -

You are lovely, you are a peach!

The moth falls on his knee in front of the birthday girl and hands her a bouquet. The fly is embarrassed and answers him in tune with a song to the tune of “The chrysanthemums have long since faded in the garden”:

- Ah, my knight, cowboy,

I give my heart...

You are my dream, my hero!

I'm burning with passion!!!

Exit of Dragonfly and Granny Bee

And then “a slender, elegant beauty, unapproachable and proud, about whom all men dream, but are afraid to even speak,” appears (according to the presenter’s text). In reality, the Dragonfly is performed by a mature man, who, if possible, has no signs of being slender at all. Her release is accompanied by a remake song to the melody “I’m ready to kiss the sand,” in which the pronoun “yours” is replaced with “mine.” She is sad and even wipes her tears with a handkerchief.

The Moth notices a new target for its charms, compares them both with a glance, snatches a bouquet from the enthusiastic Fly and hurries to the Dragonfly. His romance is repeated for her.

I'm not a wasteful man...

I want a car from you!

I want a cool car,

An apartment and a dacha!

The all-knowing Granny Bee takes the stage with a loose sock in one hand and binoculars in the other. The phonogram "Old Grandmothers" is playing. She, approaching the Moth and his ladies almost closely, carefully examines everyone through binoculars from top to bottom. Then he takes out his phone, takes a photo of Mukha and dials the number.

Fight between Spider and Mosquito

The spider takes the stage, loudly singing a song to the tune of "Our service is both dangerous and difficult."

The bailiff service is dangerous and difficult,

But it is immediately visible to everyone.

If someone is somewhere with us sometimes

Something won't pay

We took him by the throat with one hand,

We're already rummaging in our pockets with our other hand,

Let him scream: “Enough!”

The Spider notices the Fly, takes out the phone, compares it with the photo, nods with satisfaction and heads towards the Fly. Grandma Bee is happy, claps her hands, bows to the Spider and leaves.

-Madam, we've heard a rumor...

You have a sin on your hands!

Here's the message: "Fly,

Nicknamed Tsokotukha,

Once I was walking down the street.

And on the road,

Looking at your feet

The citizen found the money.

Without thinking for long,

Forgot about the debt -

Take down what you find and give it away.

I just decided

How wonderful it would be

Invite guests to visit you."

Well, was it like that?

- Leave me alone!

Leave me alone, I ask you from God!

- Yes, I would be happy to

But the treasure must be given to our treasury!

The spider grabs food from the table and stuffs it into its bag, which hangs on its side. There he also puts rings and bracelets taken from the hands of the Dragonfly, gifts from the guests, then pushes the Fleas off the chairs, folds them and also tries to take them with him. But then Komarik appears. Then you can play according to Chukovsky’s fairy tale.

"Sleeping Beauty" - characters

Most often, remade fairy tales have great success. For the anniversary of the young married man, in whose family the computer and the Internet play an important role, “Sleeping Beauty” is perfect. The plot may be based on Pushkin's style. The fairy tale itself, presented to a man for his anniversary, may well develop according to its own, unique pattern.

The presenter reads the text, and the artists appointed by him or volunteered among the guests perform the actions that are offered to them during the course of the plot. To make this fairy tale scene performed by the guests funny, it is recommended to distribute the roles in this order: beautiful spouse (older man), business traveler spouse (young girl), neighbor (young man), computer (older woman).

Preparatory stage before improvisation

Remade fairy tales are often played for anniversaries today. And to make everything look colorful, you should prepare the attributes in advance: a backpack, a fishing rod, and for a “business trip”; a scarf for tears measuring 60 X 60 cm, on which its purpose is written; a box with slits for the eyes, representing a monitor, the cord from the keyboard should fit into it; three-liter jar with the inscription “For salt”.

"Sleeping Beauty" - the beginning

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it -

A lesson to the good fellow:

Leaving - leave,

But, my friend, don't forget,

Call your wife

Smileys came more often,

Virtual confessions

Electronic messages

And free gifts

In Odnoklassniki - without a brand

You can send this now,

That is, to fulfill your duty.

Anniversary fairy tale - act one

The husband and wife said goodbye

Prepared for a business trip,

And the wife is alone

I sat down to wait. And at Kompa

I've already looked through all my eyes -

He is silent! Well, what's the matter?!

And fell asleep dead asleep...

Right there - behind the Computer.

Summer has already been replaced by a blizzard -

Wife sleeping soundly:

Apparently she has a virus

It was infected here.

From the Internet he moved in

Into the woman's body and dug

Right in the heart! There's a neighbor here

I knocked on her door for salt,

He looked around and... stayed.

He despised the Internet

Because I didn’t know that soon

He will get a lot of grief

Through your ignorance.

The husband appeared... “Oh my!” -

He screamed. Right away to the neighbor

Hit me from the right - right into the eye!

He already choked on his tea,

Sneezed, swayed

And he fell on a chair,

I was amazed by the friendly meeting.

"Sleeping Beauty" - act two

The presenter continues reading the text, and the presented one is played impromptu by the guests.

The husband rushed to his wife,

He even kissed me. Attempts

Still didn't bring any benefit.

The wife is sleeping. “Well, go to sleep,”

That's what he said. "Bad luck...

How can I be here? And my husband to the dacha

I drove off to think about it.

I did something stupid again!

"Sleeping Beauty" - act three

It should be clarified that impromptu fairy tales for an anniversary should be played with maximum irony. Therefore, inanimate objects with human characteristics and habits are usually the main characters in the plot. And since the fairy tale is presented for a man’s anniversary, some frivolity and eroticism would be quite appropriate in the acting.

And the wife sleeps blissfully.

The computer is next to her. Undoubtedly

He was in sleep mode -

My husband forgot to turn it off

This complex unit

He was not happy with himself!

This incident happened here -

The computer suddenly turned on,

I looked around and... fell in love!

Only a fool wouldn't fall in love

Our computer was not a simpleton...

Our Computer knew a lot of tales,

Knew how modest bunnies could be

To seduce with impudent flattery,

And which ones - and slander.

And without wasting a minute,

Whispers to the lady: “My bunny!

You make me crazy!

It was then that the lady woke up,

I reached out sweetly,

I looked around slowly

And she said: “Good,

Nothing to say, mistress!

Someone calls me bunny

Well, why am I sitting here?

Am I looking around?

My husband will never say that -

I know his breed!

And the neighbor has no use -

He needs salt."

Suddenly I looked at the monitor -

I guessed what was going on here!

“Well, my Computer, tell me,

Put everything on the shelves!

Where is my husband, answer me, he was hanging around,

Where were you hiding from your wife?”

The Computer gave her the answer:

"Where he was, where he is not

Now, and now at the dacha!”

“Yes, my friend, that’s bad luck.

He is far away, but you are nearby -

Let me sit closer!”

"Sleeping Beauty" - act four, final

When acting out impromptu fairy tales and jokes for an anniversary, the actors must have an excellent sense of humor, because they need to be able to cheer up the whole company with the help of facial expressions and gestures. Therefore, at this point the presenter should take a short break, allowing the artists to show a picture of the Computer and the Spouse flirting. The absurdity of the situation itself is quite ironic, and if the actors have a good sense of humor, this scene can turn out to be super funny.

My wife's soul began to sing.

But... the door creaked quietly,

And then the husband came in! Let everyone

Remembers what suddenly one day

Anything can happen -

And the wife can fall in love.

Your enemy is not always your neighbor,

And sometimes - the Internet!

We wish the hero of the day:

Live together with your wife as a couple,

Stay healthy for many years

Don't let the Internet interfere

Their friendship, love, communication...

Oh, sorry, message

They sent it to me “for soap”!

Goodbye!(Here the presenter addresses the artists) Did you gallop?

An event such as an anniversary is usually celebrated on a grand scale - invited guests at a set table honor the birthday boy, wish him all the best and give him gifts. Then comes the time for entertainment - all sorts of competitions are held to brighten up the boring dinner gatherings.

The decoration of the event will be remade fairy tales for the anniversary, in which the participants of the celebration will be involved. As a rule, there is no end to those who want to play the role of an actor and take part in a comic production, which cannot be said about all the acts offered by the presenters without exception. To participate in others, guests have to be persuaded for a long time. The good thing about the fairy tale is that it will delight both children and adults, will amuse those invited and will be remembered by them for a long time.

Funny fairy tale-sketch about the Tsokotukha Fly

Choosing a fairy tale suitable for an anniversary is not an easy task, especially if you are not very familiar with the hero of the day or do not know about his interests and hobbies.

Do right choice It will be easier if you set yourself the goal of choosing a fairy tale from among the “female” ones - for a woman’s anniversary, or the “male” ones - for a man.

If the hero of the day is a lady, a humorous production of Chukovsky’s fairy tale about the hospitable Tsokotukha Fly, naturally remade for an adult holiday, would be quite appropriate.

A story familiar from childhood, told in a modern way, will become an undeniable hit at any feast.

The main characters of our fairy tale:

  • Mukha-Tsokotukha, a friendly and hospitable hostess, an amorous and trusting person.
  • The Moth, a loving and flighty man, is handsome, the secret passion of the Fly, a gigolo.
  • Moth, who proudly calls herself Butterfly, is a charming, slender coquette, enjoys wild success with men, and is financially secure.
  • Mukha's friends: Flea 1 has known the heroine since school, Flea 2 is a colleague, Flea 3 is a gossip who lives next door.
  • Aunt Bee is a lover of gossip and intrigue, and does not hesitate to poke her nose into other people's affairs.
  • A daring mosquito, a good friend of our heroine, in love with her for a long time, unremarkable in appearance, but intelligent and educated.
  • Spider, a stern and unyielding employee of the bailiff service.

In order for the production to be a success, the characters from the audience need to be chosen as unsuitable as possible - the more absurd the character looks, the louder the audience will laugh.

Coquette Butterfly can represent big man at an age, preferably with a mustache or a beard, a lively young man will do an excellent job with the role of Tsokotukha, for the role of the formidable Spider it is worth looking at someone very miniature, and for the dapper Moth, to everyone’s amusement, you can appoint a grandmother - God’s dandelion.

Required details for the scene

The preparation of costumes should be approached with special care. Do not forget that the success of the skit largely depends not only on the artistry of the performers, but also on their appearance.

It often happens that a character, appearing on stage, delights the audience with his very appearance long before the performance begins.

Accessories will be good helpers in creating a successful image. A revealing dress with an immodest neckline, fishnet stockings, and fashionable Sunglasses will look very impressive on our bearded Butterfly.

Aunt Bee should be given a baggy floor-length skirt, a warm down scarf, and a pair of binoculars hung around her neck. For Tsokotukha, prepare a heavy bag of change with the inscription “Nobody’s”. Give the mosquito a thick book, preferably a dictionary. Space for creativity opens up when preparing the stage image of the Spider.

From old clothes and gloves, you can build a multi-legged spider suit; a wire frame can be inserted into the improvised legs. In addition to the suit, Spider will need a roomy bag.

Entry and exit of the Fly-Tsokotukha

The introduction is read by the presenter:

A performance about Mukha for your anniversary
Accept as a gift from your favorite guests.
Our actors are ready, I note,
Let's give them a warm welcome!
(The audience applauds here)

So, our Fly (that’s lucky!)
One day I was walking down the street,
With a flying gait,
Suddenly he sees - a find!
Money, nobody's - miracles!

With a smile from ear to ear
Our Fly is in a hurry to the store,
Forgetting about taxes and other debts,
Thinking only about fun things.

Today the festivities in the house are mushin -
We need to celebrate the happy occasion!

To make what happens in a fairy tale look even more comical, do not forget about the cheerful musical accompaniment. Verka Serduchka's funny song about a pie will fit well into the beginning of our fairy tale. It will be great if Mucha plays the process of finding money in a dance.

Act two with the participation of Fleas

The fairy tale takes place in Tsokotukha’s house: the hostess receives guests. The flea friends arrive first.

- Here is the first Flea - she brought soap as a gift.

Tsokotuha accepts the gift with a smile, sniffs it, and says loudly:

- Thank you, I’m pleased, the soap is so fragrant!
(whispering): No, well, you have to guess - come to visit with soap!
(out loud): How good you are! I just admire without breathing!

Toastmaster: Here’s another Flea, taking off his shoes in the hallway and handing the cake to the hostess.

Tsokotukha leads her friend by the arm.
(publicly): Glad to see you! How are you? Finally, you have arrived!
(mockingly, in a half-whisper): I won’t eat your cake - I’ll lose weight. You, my dear, are getting fatter from industrial sweets!
(addressing Flea): Well, tell me quickly! How is your husband? In children?

Toastmaster: So the third Flea arrived to visit: I couldn’t choose a gift to match you!

Hostess: Welcome, godfather! The main thing is that she came herself!
(in a sarcastic whisper, addressing the audience): No, tell me, she’s good! I wanted to eat for free!
(Aloud): Where is more comfortable for you to sit? At the window? It's freer here.
(Behind): There should be a separate barn for such “queens”!

Act three - the appearance of the Moth on stage

A loving and flighty man, which is our hero, he can afford somewhat frivolous behavior - ambiguous glances or gestures, of course, all this in a comical form.

The musical accompaniment should also be chosen to match the image of the Moth. For example, excellent option will be a remake of singer Natalie’s famous hit “Oh God, what a man.”

The hero appears on the threshold of the fly's house with a large armful of flowers at the ready, while he certainly shoots his eyes at the other ladies present.

The words in the Moth's song might sound like this: “Oh, my God, that's the Fly! I wish I could hug her belly! It looks like a barrel of honey, I fell in love that’s for sure! Will you give me a new car? And a dacha abroad! There is nothing more beautiful in the world - I’m ready to answer for the market!”

The Moth kneels in front of the Fly and presents her with a bouquet. She, embarrassed, also responds with a song to the melody “The chrysanthemums have long since faded”: “You are my prince, you are a dream, here is my hand for you! I give my heart - and I’m ready for the altar... Congratulations, friends - I will become a Fly Moth!”

Act four - exit of the moth

Here Mol comes on stage, according to the toastmaster - a charming, slender coquette who enjoys wild success among men. The audience sees in front of them a hefty man dressed in women's clothes, who from the threshold asks to call him “Butterfly”.

A lead up to Moly’s exit could be the remade song “I’m Ready to Kiss the Sand” or “Oh, What a Woman.” The butterfly is saddened by something, sighs sadly, wipes away the tears with a handkerchief.

The Macho Moth examines the new guest with interest, then casts a meticulous glance at the Fly, takes the flowers from the hands of the loving Tsokotukha and sets about seducing the Butterfly.

- You won’t meet better than men, I want a car from you, I will live in your apartment, there will be no happier person in the world!

Here, to the song “Grandmothers, grandmothers, grandmothers - old women,” the nosy Aunt Bee appears, unfinished knitting in her hands, and optical binoculars around her neck. Having unceremoniously examined Mukha and her guests through binoculars, he takes a photo of Tsokotukha on his cell phone and calls someone.

Final action

After Aunt Bee's call, Spider appears on stage and, marching to the beat of the song from the TV series "Streets of Broken Lanterns", sings:

Our work is both dangerous and difficult -
Debtor nature, horror, how cunning!
If something someone somewhere suddenly sometimes
He won't pay the cashier,
We will bring justice with our own hand,
According to the Charter, this is not robbery at all,
We get paid for this!

Having finished his song, the Spider stops and looks around. Noticing Mukha, he takes out his cell phone, carefully peers at the photo on the phone, and addresses the audience:

Aunt Bee nods happily and rubs her hands before dancing off the stage.

Spider, addressing Tsokotukha:

Citizen, I must arrange an interrogation!
We received an anonymous denunciation: “A certain Fly,” writes the old woman, was once walking along the street with a flying gait, and suddenly he sees a find! The money is lying there - miracles! With a smile from ear to ear, this Fly runs to the store, forgetting about taxes and other debts, thinking only about fun things to do. “Well, what do you say to this?

Fly: Go away, please, leave me!

Spider: My service asks me to fulfill my duty.
What you get will have to be given back,
And I will help you with this.

After these words, the Spider begins to put treats from the table into his bag, pulls off jewelry, things, shoes from the Fly’s guests, and tries on the table and chairs. At this moment, the Mosquito appears on the scene and enters into an intellectual duel with the Spider. And, of course, he wins.

Mucha's honor is saved. The ending of the fairy tale can be played according to Chukovsky's text - Mosquito confesses to Mukha passionate feelings and proposes marriage.



The Tale of the Sleeping Princess at a party for adults

Remade fairy tales and scenes for the anniversary, the plot of which will be close to the birthday boy, are doomed to success. You can play with humor on his hobbies or moments that arise at work, or an incident in the life of his family.

If the hero of the occasion is a man who is passionate about the computer or spends a lot of time traveling, to the displeasure of his wife, “The Tale of the Sleeping Princess” will be a good choice.

The narration can be in a poetic manner, for example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. The text of the fairy tale does not have to be remade from a finished work, you can come up with new story, which is more suitable for your case.

The story is usually narrated by a narrator. The actors play their roles according to the script, or, if an impromptu fairy tale is being played, where the idea and outcome of the performance is known only to the host, they perform actions during the play.

Required attributes for performing a skit

To make the performance more convincing, take care of the props. So, for “The Tale of the Sleeping Princess” you will need:

  • Fishing supplies for a business trip husband.
  • A huge handkerchief into which the yearning wife will shed burning tears.
  • The Computer Suit is a large box designed in the form of a screen.
  • A large container marked “For salt.”

Introduction to the tale of Sleeping Beauty

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it,
A lesson to good fellows.
Saying goodbye to my young wife,
Having prepared for the journey,
About my darling
You will be able to remember everywhere.

"WITH Good morning!", "How are you?",
“Where did you go?”, “How did you sleep?”,
“What’s in your favorite TV series?”
Send more often to the dear lady.
Don't forget about calls
“Smack-Smack” add!
Wi-Fi world is cooler than guns
On guard of marital fidelity.

Part one - the action unfolds

Our hero, by the will of fate,
He set off on his journey without his wife.
And the swan is alone
I was sad at the computer.

To brighten up the hours of separation,
Muffle the heartache,
Updates time after time
Waiting for messages
From my dear husband,
"Odnoklassniki" friend.

No answer, no hello
She doesn't have her betrothed.
- Oh, keep quiet! - the maiden boiled,
Apparently, she was tired of waiting - her eyes began to close,
And the girl at the computer
She fell into a deep sleep.

That time a neighbor came by -
Like, for salt, for seasoning,
And the hostess is silent, because she is fast asleep.
Deep, uninterrupted sleep.
- I'll wait! - the neighbor decided.

And I turned to the Internet.
Then, with a soft creak, the door opened.
The prodigal husband appeared -
How can there be no losses!

To the miserable neighbor
He didn't let the conversation begin.
And immediately, at that very hour, he hit him in the eye.
Having hit his friend with a blow, our hero is looking for his wife.

Part two - the wife fell asleep

And the wife is neither in sleep nor in spirit -
Her husband whispers in her ear,
He hugged me, touched his forehead -
He doesn't even lead with his eyes.
So deep are her slumbers.

“Okay, sleep,” he said.
- I'm quite surprised.
To solve this problem
I’m going to the dacha.”

He made a speech and was like that.
It's fashionable for men.

Part three with the participation of the hero as a computer

It should be noted that according to the script, cool and funny remade fairy tales for the anniversary always contain a considerable amount of irony, so the actors need to approach the performance of their role with humor. In this fairy tale, the computer is endowed with human qualities, so an actor is also needed for this role.

Since the performance is being performed on a man’s anniversary, the presence of indiscreet jokes will be quite acceptable.

The beautiful maiden sleeps
It's time for her to wake up.
It's quiet here, like a thief,
Suddenly the monitor turned on
Looks around.

He sees a maiden in front of him,
Struck by her beauty
Without wasting time,
He whispers languidly: “Darling, you drove me crazy!”

Then my wife woke up.
She says to herself: “I had a wonderful dream...
About my spouse and neighbor, how I conduct a conversation with the computer..."
(After thinking a little, turns to the computer):
“Tell me, my friend, where hubby is walking!”

The sly man says to her in response: “I’ll give you one piece of advice.
Your husband will not return soon - he is rushing to your dacha,
I’m next to you, driven by love, I beg you, sit closer!”

Final action of the scenario

Here the presenter fades into the background. The actors can act out the scene of the Wife and the Computer flirting without words, however, you need to try to make the pantomime as visual and funny as possible. It would be a good idea to turn on background music.

The presenter returns:

The lady’s heart trembled; she had not known so many tender, passionate words for a long time...
Suddenly there was a creaking sound from the door - a husband was standing on the threshold...
Here I will leave the heroes to sort things out among themselves,
I’ll just give you one piece of advice - it applies to men.

For their legal wives
You don’t skimp on affection, and you give gifts -
A faithful wife will only be carried away by her husband.
The Internet is not a friend, but an enemy - it causes discord in the family!

We wish the hero of the day: Happiness, joy, victories, to be healthy for many years,
So that the house is a full cup,
And hello to your wife!
The host and actors join hands, bow and leave.

4.3 (86.09%) 23 votes

If you want to congratulate the hero of the day in a non-standard and fun way, then a funny fairy tale scenario for adults will come to your aid. It will not require any active actions on the part of the guests; the participants will just have to pronounce their duty phrase on time. Of course, funny fairy tale scenes for adults are performed in honor of the hero of the occasion. Therefore, they require his direct participation. Let us give an example of such a poetic work.

Distribution of roles

The host of the festive event, who will read out the script of the fairy tale for adults, assigns certain roles to the guests. In accordance with them, participants put pre-prepared hats on their heads (they will need to cut out images of animals and stick them on a headband made of paper). Each role is assigned a specific statement.

Phrases for characters:

· Bear (celebrant of the day): “Friends, thank you for coming!”

· Fox: “Here you go!”

· Hare: “We’re sitting so well, friends!”

· Hedgehog: “Well, it’s such a party!”

· Boar: “Will you treat me to a cigarette?”


During the reading of the congratulations, all characters (except for the hero of the occasion) will shout “Happy Birthday” in unison, which they should be warned about in advance. Guests must listen carefully to the host so as not to miss their cues. This unusual and funny fairy tale scenario for adults can be included in any program dedicated to an “adult” birthday.


Once upon a time at the edge of the forest

The beast all gathered in the hut,

To celebrate a birthday together

And congratulations to the birthday bear.

The animals sat down at the table,

Talk about this and that.

And all in one moment

Suddenly they shouted “Happy Birthday!”

Lisa is already a little drunk,

She said in surprise, “Here you go!”

And the bunny is a gray coward

He looked timidly from under the table

And he spoke openly, without hiding:

“We’re having such a great time, friends!”

Only the hedgehog was not in the mood.

He, seeing the general confusion,

Imposingly lounging on the sofa

And he said loudly, “Well, it’s a so-so party.”

But the animals are upon him

didn't pay attention

And again in chorus

"Happy Birthday!" shouted.

And the bear is the hero of the day,

Opening your arms,

He whispered embarrassedly:

The fox, pouring wine for the target,

Suddenly she sharply shouted: “Here you go!”

Here the little bunny, noticeably emboldened,

He said, as if in a chant:

“We’re having such a great time, friends!”

The pig agreed with him.

And her husband is a wild boar

He was already pretty drunk.

He approached everyone with a question:

“Will you treat me to a cigarette?”

Only the hedgehog was lying on the sofa

And he quietly repeated: “Well, it’s a so-so party.”

But, being away from the holiday

under the impression

All the guests hummed again:

"Happy Birthday!"

Suddenly the bear is the hero of the day,

Having cast aside all my doubts,

Confidently said:

“Friends, thank you for coming.”

Here the animals are all having fun,

Apparently they were already full and drunk.

Everyone started dancing together

And invite the birthday boy to dance.

Fox from fatigue

A little pale

While dancing

She often repeated: “Here you go!”

Well, the boar jumped to the ceiling,

He tap-danced with his hooves,

And again he pestered everyone with the question:

“Will you treat me to a cigarette?”

And the whole hedgehog

From cigarette smoke in the fog

He muttered under his breath:

“Well, so-so party.”

But all the forest dwellers are happy.

Everyone drinks, dances - they have fun.

And endlessly scream to themselves in surprise

To the anniversary bear: “Happy birthday!”


In this scenario of a fairy tale for adults, you can involve all the guests present at the celebration. Let them, together with the characters, shout “Happy Birthday!” This collective congratulations The hero of the occasion will certainly like it. Such funny fairy tales/sketch for adults are especially popular mainly due to their originality and originality.

An impromptu fairy tale, especially if chosen in accordance with the composition of the company and the occasion, will become the highlight of the holiday and one of the most fun and bright moments of the program. For a man's anniversary or birthday, it is better to choose fairy tales that are related to the hobbies of the birthday boy or those in which he can play a major role.

Proposed fairy tales and impromptu theater for a man’s anniversary exactly like this: funny and targeted - some can become not just entertainment, but also a lead-in to gift-giving, toast or congratulations.

1. An impromptu fairy tale for a men’s anniversary, “The Emperor’s Dream.”

This, if dressed up, will greatly enliven a festive feast, but even without costumes it is a wonderful surprise for the hero of the occasion, designed to pamper and amuse him. The text is read by the presenter, and the “artists” simply play out everything they hear.


Emperor (celebrator of the day),

Black Ethiopian,

Yellow-skinned slave

The boy is Indian

Blonde girl

Slender Scandinavian,

Humpbacked shaman

Arab girl,

English Great Dane,

Persian cat,


Artists: Caucasian, Spanish, Turkish, Gypsy,

Favorite (wife of the hero of the day)


In some kingdom, in some state, on earth (location of the anniversary) there lived a powerful Emperor.

One day the Emperor was reclining on his favorite golden bed.

Behind him stood a Black Ethiopian with a ring in his ear and lazily waved his fan, creating the illusion of wind.

The yellow-skinned slave massaged the emperor's heels.

A Hindu boy sprinkled rose petals on the emperor.

The blonde girl was gently polishing the delicate nail of the little finger of her right hand.

A slender Scandinavian was holding a tray of food.

The hunchbacked shaman beat a tambourine with his own head, driving away evil spirits.

An Arab girl smoked the emperor with incense.

As always, at the foot of the Emperor's bed, with his tongue hanging out and breathing heavily, lay the Emperor's beloved Great Dane. And the emperor lightly ruffled the fur on his neck.

A Persian cat was caressing, purring and rubbing against his lap at the Emperor’s knees.

A Servant entered the hall and reported to the Emperor that the Artists were ready to bring him joy. The Emperor nodded.

Rushing into the hall like a whirlwind, the passionate Caucasian danced a lezginka for the emperor.

A fiery Spanish woman performed a dance with castanets.

A busty Turkish woman showed off her belly dance.

The black-eyed gypsy woman shook her shoulders and beads for a long time.

But then the Emperor got tired. He signaled for everyone to leave.

And then the emperor’s beloved Favorite entered the hall to give him moments of love. She kissed him deeply, hugged him tenderly, and only the wind ruffled the lovers’ hair.

(Source: forums.vkmonline.com/)

2. Impromptu for a man’s anniversary “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”

The presenter reads the text of the fairy tale, the “actors” play out the action and expressively pronounce a line when their character is mentioned; such impromptu is especially good for the fisherman of the day.

Characters and lines:

Sea: “Don’t worry!”

Seine: “I work here alone.”

Fisherman: “The first guy in the village”

Fish: “I will fulfill any three wishes!”

Girl: “I’m not like that, I’m waiting for the tram!”

Trough: “Indesit is resting”

Grass: “Come, I’ll pet you!”

Apartment: “Come in - don’t be afraid, come out - don’t cry.”


At the very blue sea there lived a Fisherman. The fisherman was full of strength, young and dreamed of catching goldfish. So he threw the Net into the Sea. He sees that the sea is playing up a bit. A Net came with one Sea Grass. Another time, the Fisherman cast a Net.

He sees the blue sea is restless.

The Net came again with one Sea Grass.

For the third time, the Fisherman cast the Net. The blue sea was raging. The Net came with the Fish alone.

With a difficult, but magical Fish.

The Fish inhaled oxygen and turned into a Girl.

Rybak saw such beauty, fell in love and offered Rybka his hand and heart.

Rybka agreed to marry Rybak.

First of all, the young Trough did it for themselves.

The trough washed the Fisherman and the Fish. Then we bought an apartment. The apartment warmed Rybak and Rybka and delighted them with its comfort.

And Rybak and Rybka lived and prospered and made good things.

A fairy tale is a lie and there is a hint in it. If you have a beloved little fish wife, with golden hands and a golden character, then life is golden. (Next is a toast to the wife of the hero of the day)

3. Theater - impromptu for the hero of the day "Like in a fairy tale"

You can do something similar and submit it as comic congratulations from close friends and relatives or from all guests, if there are no more than 12 people, ending with the presentation of gifts. This is great general entertainment based on your favorite fairy tales.


Tsarevich (celebrant of the day),

Chicken Ryaba,


Sister Alyonushka,

Brother Ivanushka,

Varvara beauty - long braid,

Vasilisa the wise,




Princess Nesmeyana,

Ilya Muromets,

Nightingale the Robber.


Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Tsarevich. He lived and one day he realized that he would soon be... years old.

And he decided to invite guests to his birthday and throw a feast (characters exit)
All those invited were delighted and began to prepare properly. Ryaba the Hen began to clean her feathers and beak. The bun was smeared with oil until it shined. Sister Alyonushka washed Brother Ivanushka, Varvara Krasa-Long Braid finally unbraided her braid and began to do fashionable hairstyle. Vasilisa the Wise began to make herself a new dress. The Bear began to rehearse a special congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and Fox began to rehearse a special dance...

Even Princess Nesmeyana smiled her Hollywood smile and giggled! And Ilya Muromets began to plan a new club out of wood - you know, you never know what can happen at the feast!

Then they gathered in a tight circle and thought, what to give to the birthday boy? And they came up with it! They took a big bag and went through the forest to ask who would give what. And they collected a bag full of gifts! (guests give gifts and say wishes in this way) They come back skipping and rejoicing. Suddenly, a terrible, enraged Nightingale the Robber jumps out of the thick thicket with a scream! And let's take away the bag of gifts! Everyone got scared and trembled.

Vasilisa the Wise and Varvara the Beauty lost consciousness... Kolobok rolled under a bush out of fear. Sister Alyonushka covered Brother Ivanushka with her body... The Fox hugged the Ryaba Hen, even the Wolf and the Bear got cold feet and ran away! It was here that the hero Ilya Muromets came out to meet the enemy. He waved his new club once... the Nightingale the Robber began to shake. He waved it a second time and the Nightingale the Robber fell to his knees, and the third time he gave them a bag of gifts and asked for forgiveness. His friends forgave him and decided to take him to the feast with them. They came to the Tsarevich and gave gifts. The bun was smeared with oil until it shined, Sister Alyonushka washed Brother Ivanushka, Varvara the Beauty-Long Braid finally unraveled her braid and began to do a fashionable hairstyle. Vasilisa the Wise began to make herself a new dress. The Bear began to rehearse a special congratulatory growl, and the Wolf and Fox began to rehearse a special dance... And then they stood up in big circle and we all sang a song to the hero of the day (you can have a loaf). This is where the fairy tale ends, and well done to those who listened!!

(Source: banksets.net/)

4. A cheerful fairy tale - a liqueur for the close company "Gypsy Wagon".

Characters and lines:

Horses - 2 girls: “I-go-go!”

Gypsy: “Oh, strays!”

Gypsy: “Ay, romale!”

Gypsy children - One: “Oh!”, Another: “Oh!”,

Wheels - 2 people: “Both-on.”

The characters bring out chairs and place them in pairs in 4 rows. Seating: first couple - Horses, behind themGypsy and Gypsy, Gypsies, Wheels. The one whom the Presenter calls stands up and says his line. At the word “Gypsies,” the Gypsy, the Gypsy, and the Gypsies stand up and each say their own phrase. When the word “Kibitka” is said, everyone stands up and says their phrases. If someone is inattentive or forgets words, they “refresh his memory” - pour a glass of vodka and he drinks. The presenter warns: * Don’t pour water for the Gypsies!”

Text(read by presenter).

Kibitka rolled along the steppe roads. And the Gypsies rode in it: a Gypsy, a Gypsy, One Gypsy and Another Gypsy. And the carriage was carried by bay horses. The horses are dashing. Since the right Horse was lazy, the Gypsy kept grooming this Horse with a whip. The Left Horse was limping, and the Gypsy woman encouraged the Horses all the way. And that Kibitka had two broken-down Wheels. The left Wheel creaked, and the right Wheel bounced, so One Gypsy Little flew off the Kibitka, and the Other Gypsy Little noticed it. The other Gypsies did not see anything, because they sang songs in Kibitka. After all, they were coming to us for a holiday!
“Gypsy” sounds, all participants in the performance dance.

5. An impromptu fairy tale for an anniversary in the Western style “OK - cowboy!”

This one is universal and can be used at any occasion, including an anniversary. The participants’ task is to artistically depict all the actions of their character.


Sheriff Oliver

Sir Tom,

Bandit Sam

Mustang Mike

Groom Nick,

Pretty Mary


Action 1.

The innkeeper hospitably treats Sheriff Oliver and Sir Tom. Sheriff Oliver, having greedily drunk 20 mugs of beer, pays, salutes and leaves with disorganized steps to go to work. The innkeeper Bill stealthily stuffs money into all his pockets (socks). Suddenly the bandit Sam bursts in. "Hands up! Money in the barrel! Trembling with fear, the innkeeper Bill and Sir Tom got everything mixed up. They threw the money up and put their hands on the barrel. The bandit Sam got very angry and killed both of them in a rage: “Puff-puff.” The bodies of the unfortunates fell with a roar. Bandit Sam collected all the money, finished all the beer, and disappeared screaming.
Grif hovered ominously above the lifeless bodies.

Action 2.

Beauty Mary walks carefree across the prairies, collects cacti and stuffs them into her pockets. Grif watches her bloodthirstyly. Then her fiancé Nick appears from a remote canyon in a Mustang. They both smile broadly at the girl. Nick, smiling, jumps down to the girl. Mary rushes into his arms. Mustang Mike laughs furiously. The vulture embarrassedly hides its head under its wing, but still bloodthirstyly watches Mary with one eye. Groom Nick gently takes Mary by the hands, looks tenderly into her eyes and tenderly says: “Mary, be my wife!” Mary shouts: “OK, cowboy!” and faints. Nick says: “Lie here and don’t go anywhere. I rode to your father Sir Tom for a blessing." The groom dashingly jumps on the Mustang and disappears into the canyon. The Vulture hovers ominously above the beautiful Mary.

Action 3.

The mayor's office is in a deep swoon. Bandit Sam rushes across the prairie. Suddenly he stumbles upon Mary and immediately falls in love with her. Sam picks her up and carries her to his bandit lair. Mary, waking up in the arms of an unfamiliar bandit, screams in horror: “Ah!” Nick appears on his Mustang and at full gallop shoots at the bandit Sam, but misses. Sam throws Mary to the ground, grabs a magnum and kills Nick's fiancé and Mike's mustang with one shot. The vulture happily rubs its wings. Mary sobs inconsolably. Sheriff Oliver appears at the sound of a shot. The Sheriff takes the Bandit at gunpoint and sternly says: “Hands up! You have the right to one call to a lawyer.” The bandit mercilessly kills the Sheriff. Beauty Mary, taking advantage of the moment, lifts her skirt, takes a sharp dagger from her boot and plunges it into the Bandit’s heart. Sir Tom, Mary's father, appears crawling on the horizon. With the last of his strength, he crawls to Mary and dies in his daughter’s arms. Beauty Mary wipes away a tear and dies of grief. Grif hovers above the lifeless bodies. The audience is crying and applauding.

Toast in honor of the hero of the day:

There is a nice fellow among us:

Big leg, keen eye.

Today we just drink to him,

We sing praise and honor to him!

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