Indigirka river source and mouth. Indigirka - Free Wind Travel Club. Chokurdakh settlement and natural park "Kytalyk"

The largest settlements are: Chokurdakh, Khonuu, White Mountain, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon. The main marinas are: Tabor, Khonuu, Chokurdakh, Druzhina.

The river can be reached along the M56 Magadan - Yakutsk highway and the Ust-Nera - Kadykchan highway.

The source of the Indigirka River contains major tributaries: on the right side is the Nera River. On the left side are the rivers: Kuidusun, Elgi, Kuente. The lower course of the Indigirka River includes large tributaries: on the right side, these are the Badyarikha and Moma rivers. On the left side are the rivers: Uyandina, Selennyakh, Allaikha, Berelyokh. Small tributaries of the Indigirka River: on the right side: Chubukalakh, Nelkan, Chiya, Echenka, Tikhon-Yuryakh, Khatys-Yuryakh, Ilin-Eselyakh, Berelekh, Dakhatekha, Uchyugey, Berezovka. Good .

On the left side: Achchygyi-Chagachannakh, Tyi-Yuryakh, Ulakhan-Chagachannakh, Sarylakh, Inyali, Volchan, Taskan, Tirekhtyakh, Atabyt-Yuryakh, Kieng-Yuryakh, Arga-Yuryakh, Talbykchan. Choose here.

The upper reaches of the river are the slopes of the Halkan mountain range. When the rivers Tuora-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh, Indigirka merge, they flow along the lower part of the Oymyakon highlands. When the waters cross the Chemalginsky Range, just above the mouth of the Moma River, the Indigirka flows through the Momo-Selennyakhskaya Basin. Bypassing the Momsky mountain range, the Indigirka River flows through the lowland plains. After it flows through the Yano-Indigirskaya and Abyi lowlands. The Indigirka River has a basin, which is located on the territory of permafrost rocks, it is for this reason that the formation of large ice floes can be explained.

The soil near the river near the village of Vorontsovo is of alluvial origin, since the Indigirka River brings a large number of plant particles, characteristic morphology.

river flora

The territory of Yakutia, where the Indigirka River flows, is located almost from the southern to the northern border of the republic. Yakutia belongs to the boundaries of four zones of geography: taiga forests(80 percent of the republic's area), forest-tundra, tundra, arctic desert.

The river has a length of 1726 kilometers. The drainage basin has an area of ​​360,000 square kilometers. On average, water is consumed at Ust-Nera in the amount of approximately 428 cubic meters per second. The largest flow reaches 10,600 cubic meters per second. Near the village of Vorontsov, from 1,570 cubic meters per second to 11,500 cubic meters per second.

The water level fluctuates from 7.5 - 11.2 meters. The highest water level can be observed in June or early July. According to its structure, the riverbed, the high-speed flow, and the structure of the valley - Indigirka is conditionally divided into two zones: the upper mountain length is 640 kilometers and the lower flat length is 1086 kilometers. After the Chersky mountain range, the valley acquires a width of 500 meters to 20 kilometers, the high-speed current is 2-3.5 meters per second. During the crossing of the Chemalginsky mountain range, the Indigirka river flows in a deep cave and creates rapids, the current in this place has a speed of 4 meters per second.

In the Momo-Selennyakhskaya basin, a lower river section appears. The valley of the Indigirka River in it begins to expand, the bed has shallows and spits, sometimes branches into branches. But on the Abyi lowland, the river begins to wind. On the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland, the Indigirka River is characterized by open long stretches, their width reaches 350-500 meters.

At 130 kilometers from the mouth, the Indigirka River begins to divide into tributaries (Russian mouth, Kolyma, Sredny). A delta of 5,500 square kilometers is formed. Directly from the East Siberian Sea, the river mouth is isolated by a shallow sandbank. The Indigirka River is fed by rain, snow, and glaciers. The spill happens in the warm season. The river begins to be covered with ice in October, and to open from ice almost in June. The Indigirka River is the coldest river on the planet. Winter in this area is severe, the air temperature on average reaches minus 50 degrees, and then the river freezes through. There are a lot of fish in the Indigirka River.

Lena, Yana, Indigirka and Kolyma are the main waterways Yakutia. Where does the Indigirka river flow? What are the major tributaries of the Indigirka River? Nutrition and economic use Indigirka river - all answers to questions in 33 facts and 12 photos.

  1. The river flows into the Kolyma Bay, the East Siberian Sea.
  2. Indigirka, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is one of the most major rivers Siberia.

  3. In terms of river catchment area, the Indigirka basin ranks 3rd in Yakutia (after Lena and Kolyma) and 10th in Russia.

  4. To get to the Indigirka River, you need to move along the M56 Magadan - Yakutsk highway and the Ust-Nera - Kadykchan highway.
  5. The area is sparsely populated. The main settlements on the river are Chokurdakh, Khonuu, Belaya Gora, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon.

  6. The Indigirka River freezes in October and remains under ice until May-June. Some believe that this is the coldest river on the planet.
  7. The harsh winter of this area - the Oymyakon depression received world fame as the cold pole of the northern hemisphere. The average temperature in January is about -50°C, and the absolute minimum of -71.2°C was recorded in 1926.
  8. The Indigirka River is located in the zone of permafrost, and its area is characterized by the formation of accumulations of giant ice.
  9. The Indigirka is navigable for 650 miles, but only from June to September, when it is ice-free.
  10. Main piers on the river:
    ⦁ Honuu
    ⦁ Squad
    ⦁ Chokurdakh
    ⦁ Tabor
  11. Gold mining in the Indigirka River basin has been going on for decades. Ust-Nera is a gold mining center and the largest settlement on the river.
  12. Indigirka is teeming with fish. The most valuable are whitefish, vendace, broad whitefish, muksun, whitefish (nelma), omul, and grayling.
  13. The village of Russkoe Ustye is located in the delta of the Indigirka River. Russian settlers live here, whose ancestors came here several centuries ago. Historians believe that the Russian Ustye was settled in the early 17th century by the Pomors.
  14. Ivan Rebrov reached Indigirka in 1638. Elisey Buza first laid a land route along the Indigirka River system in 1636-42. At about the same time, Postnik Ivanov ascended a tributary of the lower Lena, crossed the Verkhoyansky Ridge along the water of the Upper Yana, and then crossed the Chersky Ridge along the water of the Indigirka. In 1642 Stadukhin reached Indigirka by land route from Lena.
  15. The village of Zashiversk on Indigirka was an important colonial outpost beyond the Arctic Circle in the early days of Russian colonization. It was left in the 19th century.
    Chapel in Zashiversk

  16. Other historical settlements that have long been abandoned are Podchiversk, Polostny, Yandinsky Zimovye. These are such polar cities of Kitezh. They fell into decay as soon as the fur-bearing animal was exterminated.
  17. Baron Eduard von Toll conducted geological surveys in the Indigirka basin (among other Far Eastern Siberian rivers) on assignment Russian Academy sciences, in 1892-94. Within one year, the expedition covered 25,000 km, of which 4,200 km traveled along the river with geodetic surveys en route.
  18. The Indigirka forms a large delta, consisting of several streams.

    Each such branch of the river on Russian maps is designated as a Channel. 100 kilometers before reaching the East Siberian Sea, the river is divided into 3 main channels:
    ⦁ Russo-Ustinskaya Protoka
    ⦁ Middle Channel
    ⦁ Kolyma Protoka
  19. The Indigirka descends from the Verkhoyansk Range, flows from south to north, its length is 1726 km. Indigirka is divided into two stages: the upper mountain (640 km) and the lower plain (1086 km). The water level (river depth) has a variability of 7.5 - 11.2 meters.

  20. After the confluence of the Tuor-Yuryakh and Taryn-Yuryakh rivers, the Indigirka flows in the lower part of the Oymyakon Highlands, cuts through a series mountain ranges Chersky Ridge. Flow rate 2-3.5 m/s.
  21. When passing the Chemalginsky Range, the Indigirka River flows in a deep gorge, forming rapids; flow velocity 4 m/s. This place is not suitable even for rafting.
  22. From the mouth of the Mama River, from the Momo-Selennyakh depression, the lower part of the Indigirka begins. The riverbed is expanding. In the plain, the Abyi lowland, the section of the Indigirka is very winding.
  23. On the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland, the width of the Indigirka is 350-500 m. These are straight, long stretches.
  24. Rain and melt waters are involved in the nutrition of the Indigirka.
  25. The main tributaries of the Indigirka are the Moma, the Badyarikha, the Selennyakh, the Uyandina, the Allaikha, and the Berelyokh.
  26. The name of the river, from the Even "indigir" - means "indie people". Indi is an Evenk clan. The Evenks also designated it with the word "lamu" - it means "a river flowing into the sea." In the Yukaghir language, the word "laame" means "dog". Therefore, the Yukaghirs understood the name of the river as "dog's river".

  27. Economic activity in the Indigirka basin is limited to fishing, reindeer breeding, gathering mammoth bone, gold mining.
  28. Indigirka is the only transport artery in the region.
  29. The river flows to the Arctic Ocean - a distant, wild, uninhabited river.
  30. Yukagirs, Evens, Yakuts and Russians live here.

  31. The village of Ust-Nera is located at the intersection of two transport arteries - the Indigirka and the Kolyma highway (the only highway connecting Yakutsk with Magadan).
  32. Indigirka works as a transport highway in summer and winter. The winter road along the Indigirka carries out all cargo transportation between the settlements. And summer navigation is possible only for small boats - from Ust-Nera to a place called the Indigirskaya Pipe (here the river enters a narrow gorge of the mountains of the Chersky ridge).
  33. Indigirka is a paradise for a landscape photographer. The river has amazingly beautiful landscapes. Of the aesthetic attractions: Lake Labynkyr, Oymyakonskie Kisilyakhi (granite miraculous remnants / on Evenksom, Kigilyakh - humanoid), the mouth of the Inyali River, the Indigirskaya pipe (Moldzhogoydokh valley), the mouth of the Chibagalakh River, Mount Sogo-Khaya.

Indigirka- a Russian river flowing through the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Refers to

It flows from south to north. The river originates at the confluence of the Taryn-Yuryakh and Tuora-Yuryakh rivers flowing from the Halkan Range. Not far from the village of Orto-Balagan, Oymyakonsky district of the Republic of Yakutia. Then it flows through the Momsky and Abysky regions and 120 km from the village of Oyotung in the Allaikhovsky region of Yakutia flows into the East Siberian Sea.

Oymyakonsky district: Orto-Balagan, Crossing, Yurdya Bank, Chagachannakh, Tyumsu, Tarynnakh, Chervovo, Teryut, Taryn, Lesnaya, Birch, Nersky, Ust-Nera, Zakharenko, Autumn, Predporozhny.
Momsky district: Sobolokh, Kumakh-Sysy, Khonu, Buor-Sysy, Ymyyakhtakh, Kulun-Elbut.
Abyisky district: Krest-Mayor, Druzhina, Suturuokha.
Allaikhovsky district: Ozhogino, Pokhvalny, Vorontsovo, Olenegorsk, Shamanovo, Kotenko, Chokurdakh, Oyotung.

The largest settlements are Chokurdakh, Belaya Gora, Khonuu, Ust-Nera, Oymyakon.

Main piers: Tabor, Chokurdakh, Druzhina, Khonuu.

Routes (access roads).
You can get to the river along the M56 Yakutsk-Magadan highway and along the Kadykchan-Ust-Nera road.

main tributaries.
IN upstream The Indigirka River receives large tributaries:
on the right is the river Nera.
on the left - the Kuydusun river, the Kuente river, the Elgi river.

In the lower reaches, the Indigirka River receives large tributaries:
on the right - the Moma River, the Badyarikha River.
on the left - the Selennyakh river, the Uyandina river, the Allaikha river, the Berelyokh river.

Smaller tributaries of the Indigirka River:
on the right: Chubukalah, Chiya, Nelkan, Echenka, Hatys-Yuryakh, Tikhon-Yuryakh, Ilin-Eselyakh, Berelekh, Dakhatekha, Berezovka, Uchyugey,
left: Achchygyi-Chagachannah, Ulakhan-Chagachannah, Tyi-Yuryakh, Sarylakh, Volchan, Inyali, Taskan, Ytabyt-Yuryakh, Tirekhtyakh, Arga-Yuryakh, Kieng-Yuryakh, Talbykchan.

Relief and soils.
The source of the river is the slopes of the Halkan Range. After the confluence of the Taryn-Yuryakh and Tuora-Yuryakh rivers, the Indigirka flows along the lower part of the Oymyakon Highlands, then cuts through a number of mountain ranges of the Chersky Range. Then it crosses the Chemalginsky Range. Above the mouth of the Moma River, the Indigirka flows through the Momo-Selennyakh depression. Having rounded the Momsky Range, the Indigirka River flows through a low-lying plain. Then it flows along the Abyiskaya and Yano-Indigirskaya lowlands.
The basin of the Indigirka River is located in an area of ​​permafrost rocks, as a result of which the formation of huge icings is typical for the river.
The soils near the river near the village of Vorontsovo are of alluvial origin, since the Indigirka River during the flood carries many small plant particles of exactly the characteristic morphology.

The territory of Yakutia, through which the Indigirka River flows, lies practically from the southern to the northern border of the republic. Yakutia is within the four geographical areas: taiga forests (80% of the republic's area), tundra, forest tundra and arctic desert.

hydrological regime.
The length of the river is 1726 km. Square drainage basin 360 thousand km². Average consumption water at Ust-Nera 428 m³ / s. Maximum flow 10,600 m³/s. Near the village of Vorontsovo from 1,570 m³/s to 11,500 m³/s. The range of water level fluctuations is from 7.5 to 11.2 m. Max Level water in June - early July.

According to the structure of the river bed, the speed of the flow and the structure of the valley, Indigirka is conditionally divided into two sections: the upper mountain section, 640 km long, and the lower plain, 1086 km long. After the Chersky ridge, the width of the valley is from 500 m to 20 km, there are many shivers, the channel is pebbly, the speed of the current is 2-3.5 m/s. When crossing the Chemalginsky ridge, the Indigirka flows in a deep gorge and forms rapids, the flow velocity here is 4 m/s. In the Momo-Selennyakh depression, the lower section of the river begins. The Indigirka valley widens in it, the channel with shoals and spits, in some places branches into branches. In the Abyi lowland, the river winds a lot. On the Yano-Indigirka lowland, the Indigirka is characterized by straight long stretches, the width of which is 350-500 m. At 130 km from the mouth, the Indigirka is divided into tributaries (Russian mouth, Sredny, Kolyma) and forms a delta with an area of ​​5,500 km². The mouth of the Indigirka River is separated from the East Siberian Sea by a shallow sandbar.

The nutrition of Indigirka is rain, snow, glacial and icy.
High water occurs during the warm part of the year. The river is covered with ice in October, opens in late May - early June. The Indigirka is considered the coldest river on the planet. Winter in this area is very severe. in winter average temperature air minus 50 and the river freezes through.

The Indigirka River is rich in fish. species composition The ichthyofauna of the river has about 29 species of fish. Fishing for whitefish, vendace, nelma, whitefish, whitefish, omul, and burbot is carried out in the mouth. The main commercial fish are the omul, vendace and whitefish, the catch of which in 2000 was 28.6% of the total catch of these species in the rivers of Yakutia. fishing concentrated mainly in the delta and near-delta sections of the river.

In addition to the main commercial fish, endangered species such as:

Siberian sturgeon, which comes across from the seaside to the settlement of Krest-Mayor and sometimes reaches Zashiversk. In the river delta, this fish is found in the Russko-Ustyenskaya channel. The population is low and pronounced trend to a decrease. The Siberian sturgeon is endangered. In catches, sexually mature individuals are rare. The Indigirka and Kolyma sturgeon populations are included in the Red Book of the North far east Russia".

Nelma fish in Indigirka is found up to the Kuidusun River. Its numbers have dwindled to a critical level.

The Siberian vendace lives from the seaside to the village of Krest-Mayor, and also enters many tributaries of the Indigirka. The number over the past 10 years has decreased by 78 times compared to the beginning of fishing. The Indigirka and Kolyma populations are included in the Red Book of the North of the Far East of Russia.

Spawning grounds for whitefish (genus - whitefish) are located in the lower reaches of the river. According to the results of observations and analysis of the state of the Indigirka population of whitefish, it was repeatedly noted that in order to increase the number of whitefish, it is necessary to introduce a complete ban on its catch.

The least studied fish in the river are chum salmon and pink salmon. These are migratory salmon fish that come to spawn. Pink salmon is found in the river singly and not annually. Spawning is autumn, the fecundity of 1 specimen is approximately equal to 2.9 thousand eggs.

Attractions, tourism and recreation.
Currently, Indigirka is one of the main waterways in the North-East of Russia. Located on the Indigirka North Pole cold - the village of Oymyakon. Near the river is the city-monument Zashiversk. Rafting and fishing are popular on the river.

Reference Information.

Length: 1726 km.
Basin area: 360,000 km².
Basin: East Siberian Sea.
Source: confluence of the Taryn-Yuryakh and Tuora-Yuryakh rivers.
Location: Halkan Ridge
Coordinates: 63°4′9.9″ s. sh., 144°12′56.45″ E d.
Mouth: East Siberian Sea
Location: 120 km from the village of Oyotung in the Allaikhovskiy district of Yakutia.
Coordinates: 71°18′25.21″ s. sh., 150°29′3.48″ E d.

The river, more than 1.7 thousand km long, with its source at the junction of two rivers flowing through the territory of the Yakutsk region (Sakha Yakutia) to the East Siberian Sea, flowing into it with four mouths, is the Indigirka.

The name of the Indigirka River comes from the Even "Indei", which means "hello", "live"; "indigir" is ancient family Evens who lived on the banks of the river.

According to Russian documents of the 17th century, the river passed as Indiger or Indigir.

Indigirka characteristic of the river

Where is the river Indigirka

It's cold amazing river that flows among the snows to the North Arctic Ocean, where it flows into four mouths, the eastern of which is called the Kolyma, and the western mouth is called the Russian.

Indigirka, source and mouth, basin

The source of the Indigirka, as mentioned above, is at the junction of the two Yakut rivers Tuora-Yurakh and Taryn-Yuryakh, which run from the slope of the Halkan mountain range.

According to the structure, the Indigirka River is divided into two sections: the mountainous upper and the flat lower, which is twice as long as the first.

In the upper reaches of the Indigirka, it is a fast river with many rifts. The most dangerous area is considered to be the "Indigirskaya pipe".

In this place, the river seems to be squeezed between the rocks, among which it runs along the mountain range for about 100 kilometers. Where the Indigirka runs through the mountains, it is absolutely impassable.

In the lower reaches, the river is slow, monotonous and has a width of 300 to 800 meters.

Starting from the confluence of the Moma River, the Indigirka is navigable, then it diverges into branches, where rafting is carried out, and forms a delta.

The Indigirka River is fed by rain, snow and glaciers.

It is covered with ice in early October, and opens only in June. The Indigirka is the coldest river on our planet!

Settlements on Indigirka

The village of Oymyakon is located on the river, the so-called northern pole of cold, which competes for this title with Verkhoyansk, where the temperature in winter drops to minus fifty.

Zashiversk is a city-monument that died out in the 19th century from smallpox.

The main piers on the Indigirka River: Druzhina; Honuu; Camp; Chokurdakh

The main tributaries of the Indigirka

These are the rivers:

  • Cuente;
  • Nera;
  • Moma;
  • Elgi;
  • Kuidusun;
  • Badyarikha;
  • Allah;
  • Uyandina;
  • Boreloh;
  • Selennyakh.

Indigirka fishing

The Indigirka basin is a very rich region. Gold is still being mined here, and the shores are a haven for amateur fishermen.

These places are famous for fish species, among which are rudd, catfish, roach, burbot, omul, nelma, muksun, whitefish, and vendace.

The Indigirka River on the map of Russia

In summer, the Indigirka River is one of the most popular objects among tourists and travelers.

Fascinating excursions and trips along the Siberian rivers!

The feeding of the river is mixed: rain (50–65%), snow (20–40%), and underground (5–10%).

The average long-term water consumption at the Vorontsovo hydrological post (g/p) (350 km from the sea) is 1600 m 3 /s (annual runoff volume is 50.498 km 3).

The river is characterized by the East Siberian type of water regime: spring-summer flood, summer-autumn flood period, short low water in autumn and low low water in winter. The high water passes in May-June for 55 days; it accounts for 46% of the river's annual flow. The average flood flow is 7,850 m 3 /s, the maximum flow of the river is from 3360 to 11700 m 3 /s. The second high-water phase is associated with rain floods, which form a single wave of increased runoff. The maximum water flow during the passage of floods varies from 1500 to 11100 m 3 /s. The runoff of water during the flood period is 18% per annum. The duration of individual floods is on average nine days. The minimum water flow for the period of the open channel (638 m 3 / s) is observed before freezing. During the winter low water in the lower reaches, water discharges decrease to 6.8 m 3 /s.

In early June, a sharp rise in water levels begins: 51–56 cm/day in the middle reaches, 7–14 cm/day in the delta. Down the river, the height of the spring rise in water levels decreases: c. Vorontsovo (350 km from the sea) - 8.8 m, maximum 11.1 m, pos. Chokurdakh (187 km from the sea) 7.5 m and 8.9 m, at the top of the delta (130 km from the sea) - 4–5 m, near the village. Tabor (24 km from the sea) - 2.6 m and 3.2 m, on Nemkov Island (0 km) - 1.1 m and 1.6 m. the recession of the flood wave is superimposed by rain floods. In the summer-autumn flood period, the rise in levels near the village. Vorontsovo reaches 1.4 m (maximum 4.5 m), near the village. Chokurdakh 1.4 m (2.8 m), near the village. Tabor - up to 0.5 m (1.2 m), near Nemkov Island - 0.4 m (1.05 m). The tides on the estuarine seashore reach 30 cm; near Nemkov Island - 5–7 cm. Chokurdakh (187 km from the sea).

The average thickness of ice near the village. Vorontsovo in early May 125 cm, near the village. Chokurdakh - 174 cm, near Nemkov Island - 213 cm. Spring ice drift lasts an average of seven days. In the delta, the duration of the period without ice events is 100–107 days.

The average consumption of suspended sediments at the village. Vorontsovo - 372 kg / s, the annual sediment runoff is 11.7 million tons. The average long-term water turbidity in the lower reaches is 231 g / m 3, during floods - about 300 g / m 3, during rain floods - 200–300 g / m 3 , in winter - from 10-12 to less than 3 g / m 3.

In the upper reaches of the Indigirka there is a mountain and semi-mountain (59% of the length) river, the channel is pebbly, there are many stone ledges (shiver) at the bottom of the river. When crossing the Chemalginsky ridge, the river flows in a deep gorge, forms rapids (the largest is Busika). Below the mouth of the river Momy Indigirka crosses the Momo-Selennyakh depression, becomes flat river, the channel branches into two or three equivalent branches. Frequent outcrops of rocks in the channel. When crossing the Momsky Range, the Indigirka again becomes a semi-mountain river with rapids and shivers. The width of the channel is 50–80 m. Below the village. Krest-Mayor Indigirka finally becomes a flat river, pebble deposits are replaced by sandy ones. On the Abyi lowland, the riverbed is winding, on the Yano-Indigirskaya lowland, a straight channel 350–500 m wide prevails. The width of the river is 600–800 m, the depth at rifts in low water is about 2 m. Along the primary banks, the channel is relatively straight, unbranched (near Olenegorsk, Chokurdakh). The delta begins 130 km from the sea. The river is divided into two main branches - the Russko-Ustinskaya and Srednyaya channels. At the exit of the branches to the estuarine seashore, there are numerous shallow-water estuarine bars. The rate of advancement of the sea edge of the delta into the sea is insignificant.

The waters of the Indigirka are distinguished by low mineralization and hydrocarbonate composition, the predominance of calcium and sodium cations. Mineralization of water in spring period in the upper reaches 20–50 mg/l, in the lower reaches 40–70 mg/s, during summer floods it varies from 40–65 to 50–85 mg/l, respectively. The average long-term ion sink near the settlement Vorontsovo (350 km from the sea) is 3.040 million tons/year.

Economic activity in the Indigirka basin is limited to fishing and reindeer breeding, and the collection of mammoth ivory. Indigirka is rich in fish, in the mouth - fishing for vendace, whitefish, muksun, nelma, omul, whitefish. Gold is mined in the basin. Water intake - 0.008 km 3 / year, wastewater discharge - 0.004 km 3 / year.

Indigirka is the only transport artery in the region. Navigation - from the mouth of the river. Momy (1154 km from the sea), in the delta - along the branch-channel of the Middle, entry into which from the sea is limited by the mouth bar with depths of 0.5–0.6 m. Russian Mouth. Main piers: Khonuu, Druzhina, Olenegorsk, Chokurdakh, Tabor, Russian Mouth. In 1974–1975 a canal 7 km long, 40 m wide, and up to 2.5 m deep was built on the Indigirka bar. sea ​​waters into the river.

On Indigirka there are proud and populated areas of Oymyakon, Ust-Nera, Khonuu, Belaya Gora, Chokurdakh. Oymyakon - the famous pole of cold; considered the coldest point in the Northern Hemisphere and the coldest locality on the ground.

V.N. Korotaev, R.S. Chalov

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