Meaning of the word warm. The meaning of the word warm What does a warm person mean by character

Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language





Dictionary of Efremova


  1. adj.
    1. :
      1. Containing a moderate amount of heat (1 * 1).
      2. Giving warmth.
      3. Having the warmth characteristic of a living organism.
      4. relatively high temperature(water, air).
      5. Having a high average annual temperature air.
    2. Good protection from the cold.
    3. :
      1. unfold Heated (about the room).
      2. Good heat retention.
    4. :
      1. trans. Giving a feeling of kindness, affection.
      2. Friendly.
      3. Expressing warmth.
    5. trans. Pleasant (for sight, hearing, etc.).

Ozhegov's dictionary

WARM, oh, oh; warm, warm.

1. Heated, giving or containing heat. T. a ray of sunshine. Warm room. Warm milk.

2. full f. Knowing no frost, southern (about climate, terrain). Warm countries. T. climate.

3. Well protecting the body from the cold. Warm clothes.

4. full f. Having heating. Warm cottage. Warm half of the hut.

5. trans. Affectionate, friendly. Warm feeling. T. reception. Warm words of comfort.

6. full f. Close to the color of fire. warm tones(red, orange, yellow, brown).

7. warm,in meaning skaz. About the feeling of warmth. It's warm outside today. The house is warm. Feet are warm in felt boots. Neither warm nor cold communes. (the same as neither hot nor cold; see; colloquial). Warm at heart (trans.).

Warm company(colloquial) company, closely soldered for joint, advantages. reprehensible actions.

warm place(colloquial joking) a profitable position.

A few kind words to sayto whom(simple) express displeasure, condemnation; scold.

| noun heat, s, and.(to 1, 2, 5 and 6 values).

| reduce warm, th, th (to 1 and 3 values).

Dictionary Ushakov


warm, warm, warm; warm, warm, warm, warm and warm.

1. Heated, radiating, giving warmth ( cm. 1 to 2 value) filled with warmth. Warm oven. Warm tea. Warm room. Warm weather. Warm ray of sunshine. “Warmed by the warm sun, cheerful pine forests Nekrasov. "He ... He left the warmest corner in the house, behind the stove bench." Goncharov. "The evening was quiet, warm and almost stuffy." Chekhov. "And the evening was warm there, and the night was stuffy." Goncharov. « Wet air filled with the warm smell of rotting swamp grasses. M. Gorky.

| Warming the body, protecting it from the cold. Warm clothes. Warm gloves. A warm scarf.

2. Insulated, having heating, protected from the cold; ant.. Warm hut. Warm restroom.

3. trans. Giving an inner feeling of warmth, warming the soul ( poet.). “On the sea, a wide, warm feeling always rose in him.” M. Gorky.

| Non-stinging hearing, sight, soft ( painting, music). Warm colors of the picture. Warm cello tone.

4. trans. Zealous, imbued with zeal, ardor. Warm prayer.

5. trans. Imbued with an affectionate, cordial attitude, affable, hospitable, sympathetic. “- After all, for the first time I had to meet real warm people in Paris ... People are all sincere.” leykin. The guests were warmly welcomed. Warm welcome. I always remember his kind words about me.

6. trans., only full Rogue, prone to adventurous tricks, fraud ( simple.). “Look, no matter how you get pulled! After all, this is also a warm people. Saltykov-Shchedrin. “Don’t fall into their hands, they’ll give you a drink, they’ll cheat ... Warm guys.” Melnikov-Pechersky . I advise you to stay away from this warm company.

Warm company - 1 ) cheerful, closely soldered ( cf. 5 value; unfold joke.); 2 ) a jointly operating company of swindlers, adventurers, crooks ( cf. 6 value; unfold iron.). Warm place or place ( unfold) - the same as a warm place or place, cm. . “Yes, you can find a patriot there with a candle: get close to the strong, pretend to be a sheep, get a warm place.” Nekrasov.

Sentences with "warm"

Do you rush like a pale breeze over the meadows of the dead, where the mallows and asphodels are, do you howl like a winter storm, squeezing through the cracks of warm human dwellings, do you sing in the sounds of the piano, being born and dying along with the music?

In almost warm, almost summer sunshine the trees stood almost completely bare, only with separate sparkling yellow and red leaves.

The winter was warm, said Atabaly, without snow, and all this rubbish did not freeze.

But if you remember your childhood, then the memories are the warmest.

But because it must have come to our ancestors from the Stone Age itself, because, once heated before dawn, it keeps food and drink for livestock warm, food and water for humans all day long.

He represented the warm cozy look of its evening windows, the mystery of its nooks and crannies, similar to the mystery of the female soul, the protectiveness of its walls, similar to the protectiveness of female care.

And you leave your warm house on a cold morning and go to meet a friend who also does not want to go fishing.

The reason for the mentioned isothermal anomaly and, accordingly, the abnormally warm climate in the Sochi region is the position of the Main Caucasian ridge relative to the coast of the non-freezing Black Sea.

The sealing wax crumbled, the little finger pried the cork, and a warm lump of liquid sank into the stomach, heating the esophagus and causing a storm of gratitude, and the grateful head remembered where her bad legs had brought her.

As for the heating pad, against which Anna Fedorovna objected for the last thirty years, Moore from a young age was accustomed to getting into a heated bed, even in those cases when a warm bubble was not her only nightly companion.



adj., use Often

Morphology: warm, heat, warm, warm; warmer; nar. warm

1. warm what is called that gives a feeling of warmth to the touch, through the air, etc.

Warm stove, battery. | The sun caressed the skin with warm rays. | Warm tea. | Warm milk. | Warm pies, buns, cakes. | Walk barefoot on warm sand.

2. warm place- this is a position, a job in which you do not have to work hard, but for which you pay a lot of money.

Dream of a warm place.

geography, meteorology

3. warm climate call this state external environment at which the air temperature does not drop below zero.

Warm climate. | Warm countries, edges. | Go to the warm sea.

4. warm called something that is associated with an increase in temperature environment.

Warm weather. | Warm spring. | Warm day, evening. | June is a warm month.

5. warm that which possesses the heat characteristic of a living organism is called.

Warm hands. | Warm shoulder. | Warm forehead, belly. | Warm fingers. | She stood up to kiss her husband with warm soft lips.

6. warm called a room that is structurally well protected from the impact low temperatures or wind.

Warm apartment. | Warm house. | Warm barn.

7. warm they call things (clothes, shoes) that protect a person well in cold weather, for example, made of wool, fur, etc.

Warm socks, gloves. | Warm sweater, shawl, hat. | Wear warm shoes, boots. | A warm blanket. | Women in furs and men in warm coats were talking merrily in the cold wind.

9. If someone tells someone a couple of kind words, then this means that this person expresses displeasure, scolds someone.

feelings, relationships

10. warm are called relationships between people in which love, affection, caring prevail.

Warm feeling, attitude towards someone. | Warm friendship. | Warm meeting. | Warm letter. | Nothing contributes to warm contact with listeners more than an informal demeanor.

11. If anyone gives a warm welcome to someone, it means that this person very cordially accepts, carefully meets any person.

12. Warm company call a cheerful, close-knit small team or a group of people prone to adventure and fraud.

13. Warm atmosphere, situation anywhere is a polite, kind attitude towards people.

14. warm called a color close to the color of fire, the sun.

Warm shade. | Warm colors. | Something painted in warm colors. | Porcelain fruits teased him with their brilliance and warm colours.

warm adj.

heat noun, and.

The warmth of the hands.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Dmitriev. D.V. Dmitriev. 2003 .



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    warm- oh, oh; warm, a /, o / and, (nar. coll.), warm, warm and warm / see also. warm 1) a) Giving heat, being a source of heat. T aya stove, battery. That sun. b) resp. Containing a moderate amount of heat, slightly heated ... Dictionary of many expressions

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There are people with whom we are infinitely warm.
(year 2014)

One person was able to place this great truth in my soul. It would seem that I am 17 years old, and why didn’t this truth reach me, a fool, in simple 9 words earlier? Here I don't know. But as they say, better late than...

The most important thing is that when such things happen in your life, you do not notice them, and this has its own, separate, charm. At some point, you realize that in one minute, or as people used to say, in an instant, your life changes completely. Yes, all life. And this happens because of a person who accidentally entered your veil of the soul, and the main magic is that he himself does not know about it. It just happens - and there's no getting around it.

And this is an indescribable state when you do not love and are not even in love, you are just next to a person and you are indescribably warm. Just cozy, like at home reading your favorite book with a cat on your lap, and with a mug green tea. You are just warm.

Was there such a state?

And I had, happened literally, the other day.

It is customary to write about past events years later, but I am writing now. Trying to express his state with every dotted line and every letter.

When I first met my warm person, to whom I later gave a name (yes, this is such a tradition: if you met a person and you feel that your communication is not for one day, then you definitely need to give him a name that only you will call him), I did not I didn't count on it, and I still don't count on it.

Perhaps this is strange for our time now, but I don’t want to sort things out with him, I don’t want to set a conditional framework - limiting myself to the concept of “friend” or “couple”, this puts me in an incredible dead end.

Simply, with this warm man, I understood what freedom is. Every time I am with him, regardless of the mood that was before the meeting, I am truly happy. The way our conversations are about nothing and the laughter, which almost does not stop, gives me an additional sense of life.

At the same time, I don’t want to be jealous of others, I don’t want to think about who we are to each other. We just are - we just live. And this gives me incredible confidence in the future.

I know, and it would be foolish to assume otherwise, nothing lasts forever. But I want to resist the law and prolong this feeling of freedom from myself, from the whole world and unnecessary feelings and emotions that just make it difficult to breathe.

Once in a lifetime, I just - want to be happy. And for the first time in my life, this is actually possible.

At first, through myself, I felt his loneliness, which permeated me exactly to my fingertips. And now, I feel that I can help him overcome his fears, and become more kind to this world.

He has nothing to fear. After all, betrayal here a priori cannot be, because there are no relationships, there is no soil on which it, betrayal, can occur.

And now.

I just look at his light, almost imperceptible smile, folded at the tips of his lips, and without noticing it, I begin to smile.

It's not infatuation, it's not love. For the first time in my life, I do not want to trivialize communication with a person with these words, and this is, in fact, very cool.

And now - I'll just be there. I don't want us to feel alone in our empty rooms. I don't think this will happen as long as we have each other.

Hey. Smile. I'm with you, my warm man.

  • WARM, -and I, -oh; warm, heat, warm, warm And warm.

    1. Giving, exuding warmth. During the day, the sun is warm, and at night frosts shackle the earth. Nikolaev, The Tale of the Director of MTS... || Slightly heated, elevated temperature. Warm tea. Warm bath. Warm rain.The evening air was still and warm. Pushkin, Journey to Arzrum. Previously, they took water from the barrel to water the flowers, but now no one took it, and the water was stagnant - warm and green. Paustovsky, Grandmother's garden. || With elevated air temperature, without cold weather (weather, time of year, day). Warm weather. Warm spring.The days are still warm and gentle in autumn, but the nights are cold. Kuprin, Listrigons. Here [in Donbass] December was warm. Beck, By the blown-up stoves. || only full. f. With a high average annual air temperature (about the terrain, climate). Warm countries.Her health required a warm climate. Turgenev, Noble Nest.

    2. Well protecting the body from the cold. Warm socks. A warm blanket.[Belikov] was remarkable in that he always, even in very good weather, went out in galoshes and with an umbrella, and certainly in a warm coat with wadding. Chekhov, The Man in the Case.

    3. Well retaining heat (about the room). Warm apartment.He is separate from everyone, he lived downstairs, the room is large, warm. Bunin, Good life. || Heated or insulated. Warm corridor. Warm barnyard.Courtyard interior. In the middle of the senets, to the right is a warm hut and a gate, to the left is a cold hut and a cellar. L. Tolstoy, Power of darkness.

    4. trans. Distinguished by inner warmth, warming the soul, affectionate, friendly. Warm meeting. Warm letter.A hard life began for her. Not a single warm word, not a single tender look, not a single caress. Herzen, Past and Thoughts. || Imbued with a kind, loving feeling towards someone, something. Warm gratitude. Warm sympathy.Her [grandmother's] love, indulgence, kindness rest on a warm trust in goodness and people. I. Goncharov, Cliff. Long list his glorious friends ends with such names as Pirogov, Kavelin and the poet Nekrasov, who gave him the most sincere and warm friendship. Chekhov, A boring story. || Expressing warmth. The warm and meek glance of her beautiful at that moment, large radiant eyes rested on the face of Prince Andrei. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace.

    5. trans. Pleasant, caressing sight, hearing, etc. The water was lilac color, so soft and warm, and along it from the moon was a golden stripe. Chekhov, Lady with a dog. His voice is warm, gentle, slightly vibrating. Kuprin, Black fog. The spinners were minted in the bright snow, and so warm and cozy was the yellowish light in some distant window. Sergeev-Tsensky, Snow. || Having the warmth characteristic of a living organism. Her hand was a little smaller than his, but much warmer and smoother and softer. Turgenev, Spring waters.

    Warm company- a group of people close knowing friend friend and usually having fun together.

    warm place cm. place 1 .

    warm tone ( or shade etc.) - red-brown tone of the spectrum (as opposed to blue-blue).

    Say a few kind words (simple.) - to say smth. sharp, to pick someone out

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. lang.; Polygraphic resources, 1999; (electronic version):

1 to 2 meanings), filled with warmth. Warm oven. Warm tea. Warm room. Warm weather. Warm ray of sunshine. Warmed by the warm sun, cheerful pine forests rustle. Nekrasov. He ... left the warmest corner in the house, behind the stove bench. Goncharov. the evening was quiet, warm and almost stuffy. Chekhov. And the evening was warm there, and the night was stuffy. Goncharov. The moist air is filled with the warm smell of rotting swamp grasses. Maksim Gorky. ? Warming the body, protecting it from the cold. Warm clothes. Warm gloves. A warm scarf.

Insulated, having heating, protected from the cold; opposite cold. Warm hut. Warm restroom.

trans. Giving an inner feeling of warmth, warming the soul (poet.). On the sea, a wide, warm feeling always rose in him. Maksim Gorky. ? Unrelenting hearing, vision, soft (painting, music). Warm colors of the picture. Warm cello tone.

trans. Zealous, imbued with zeal, ardor. Warm prayer.

trans. Imbued with an affectionate, cordial attitude, affable, hospitable, sympathetic. - after all, it was only the first time in Paris that I had to meet real warm people ... People are all sincere. Leikin. The guests were warmly welcomed. Warm welcome. I always remember his kind words about me.

trans., only full. forms. Rogue, prone to adventurous tricks, fraud (colloquial). Watch how you don't get pulled over! because they are also warm people. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Don't fall into their hands, they'll give you a drink, they'll cheat you ... warm guys. Melnikov-Pechersky. I advise you to stay away from this warm company. Warm company -

  1. cheerful, closely soldered (cf. above 5 meanings; colloquial jest.);

    a joint company of swindlers, adventurers, swindlers (cf. above 6 meanings; colloquial irony). Warm place or place (colloquial) - a warm place or place, warm. Yes, you can find a patriot there with a candle: get close to the strong, pretend to be a sheep, get a warm place. Nekrasov.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Giving warmth.

    Having the warmth characteristic of a living organism.

    Having a relatively high temperature (water, air).

    Having a high average annual air temperature.

Good protection from the cold.

    1. unfold Heated (about the room).

      Good heat retention.

    1. trans. Giving a feeling of kindness, affection.


      Expressing warmth.

  • trans. Pleasant (for sight, hearing, etc.).


    Warm- a village in the Novokubansky district of the Krasnodar Territory.

    It is part of the Upper Kuban rural settlement.

    Examples of the use of the word warm in the literature.

    In the stove, flaring up, shooting, birch logs boiled hot in the fire, it was drawn by a rustic smoke, it became in the room warmer, more cheerful, and Konstantin, not without interest, looked at the dusty whatnot, littered with books, someone else's old-fashioned and dilapidated furniture, at the shabby carpet in front of the sofa, Voltaire's plaster head near the tall lamp under the lampshade with a skirt - and for some reason it seemed that he unexpectedly lingered in this old , a house smelling of mold, accidentally acquiring comfort, fire, and at dawn you have to move to the Vistula in the damp fog of the morning.

    You knew that with the onset of the evening warm Avern will revive my hand and it will sting me in the face.

    They are of two types: advection fogs, which are formed from the horizontal movement of air, usually warm over cold air, and radiation fogs, caused by the release of heat into space, they sometimes appear on a quiet night and creep low above the ground, resembling a sea that has spilled over the lowlands.

    To prevent shock in the patient warm cover, a beneficial effect is exerted in small quantities by alcohol, vodka, wine, hot coffee or tea, 0.5-1 g of amidopyrine, analgin.

    The professors assumed that such creatures must fall into suspended animation or give spores when the volcano cools, but then he wondered if there might not be species that survive freezing by themselves secreting warm.

    Over the shoulder of the uniform anorak is thrown assault rifle, and the anorak itself looks where warmer than a hooded sweater and Jin's cotton suit.

    This small station on the cold top of the Antarctic became for me, thanks to the people, so my own, so close, so dear, so simply sweet that I wanted to warmer to thank the hosts, but something squeezed my throat, and I didn’t have enough Russian words.

    She sank with pleasure on the warm wool of the familiar Antonov's skin, substituting her wet, reddened knees for the life-giving warm from the furnace.

    Only one thing is missing in this area - natural gas, a source of energy, light and heat, which is so rich in the valleys of the Appalachian mountains.

    A heated iron stove spread dry warm, and we sat down with pleasure on the felt mat, while at the call of the aimak dargah, experts on these places converged in the yurt - elderly arats or quite ancient drivers of former caravans.

    characteristic feature Arsenica is a burning sensation in acute diseases, ameliorated from heat.

    With each lesion of any place in the intestinal canal, there will be a characteristic for Arsenic - burning, relief from heat and bitterness at night.

    Although every day everything became warmer, but it was not difficult to see that icebergs and ice fields were accumulating in the northern part of Baffin Bay.

    He lay down on the carpet, covered himself with a sheepskin coat, because the night air was quite fresh and because Bulba liked to hide warmer when he was at home.

    They put forward the following arguments: from the fact that lice bite the body, warmer does not become.

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