How old is Ekaterina Strizhenova in a year. The charming appearance of Catherine Strizhenova. Biography of Ekaterina Strizhenova

Ekaterina Strizhenova is a famous TV presenter, as well as Russian actress theater and cinema, which won the hearts of many viewers.

In particular, fans of the actress are interested not only in her personal life, but also in her diet, thanks to which she maintains a slim figure.

According to Catherine herself, her nutrition system is a kind of way of life, but if she needs to remove a couple extra pounds ov, she really uses a more rigorous methodology.

Ekaterina Strizhenova was born in 1968 in Moscow, in a family of humanitarian parents: her father Vladimir Illarionovich was a journalist and writer, but died when the girl was only 6 years old. Mother Valentina Yakovlevna devoted her whole life to philology: she taught Russian to foreigners, and later worked in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

Katya took part in the first filming when she was 5 years old: she starred in such programs for children as "Alarm Clock", "Funny Notes" and "ABVGDeyka". At the same time, she began to attend the Kalinka children's dance group.

with husband and youngest daughter Alexandra

In the movie, the actress made her debut, starring in the melodrama "Leader", where she played the role of a ninth grader. During filming, she met her future husband, Alexander Strizhenov, whom they married after coming of age.

After graduating from school, Ekaterina entered the Moscow state institute culture, and later began to participate in performances and television projects, host programs and act in films.

Ekaterina Strizhenova: height 168 cm, weight 60 kg

She has roles in such films as "Insurance Agent", "Save Our Souls", "Sniper", "Save Our Souls", "Angels of Death", "American Grandpa", "Countess de Monsoro", "Vasilisa", “Moo-mu”, “Love-carrot”, “First ambulance”, “Love and a little pepper”, “Everyone has their own war”, “Moms”, “Grandfather of my dreams”, etc.

Unlike many other actresses, Ekaterina Strizhenova married only once and still lives amicably with her husband. They have two daughters: Anastasia, who lives with her husband in New York, and Alexandra, an aspiring actress.

The popular actress never had a tendency to be overweight, so the ratio of height and weight of Ekaterina Strizhenova always remains within 168 cm and 60-65 kg. The only exception is the time after pregnancy, when she had to go on a diet to remove what appeared in 9 months excess weight, with which she brilliantly coped and now keeps herself in shape.

Ekaterina shared her secrets of losing weight relatively recently:

  • She stopped eating after 5 pm, refused fatty and high-calorie foods;
  • The actress regularly visits the pool and dances: such loads simply do not allow her to gain too much;

  • If Catherine does get better, she immediately goes on one of her diets - "Lunar" or "Winter". The first implies the refusal of food 12 hours before the new moon and it lasts a day, and the second involves eating only apples and kefir during the week.

Another question that also worries many is the beauty secrets of Ekaterina Strizhenova, and they are very simple:

  • The actress tries not to use a lot of cosmetics unnecessarily;
  • Perhaps Ekaterina Strizhenova does not age due to regular visits to the bath: as you know, such procedures not only cleanse the body, but also slow down the aging process.

Every woman can now use the recipes for beauty and harmony of Ekaterina Strizhenova, because the actress herself told everything about them in great detail.

Ekaterina Strizhenova is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. Her warm smile regularly greets viewers in the program " Good morning on Channel One.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Strizhenova ( maiden name- Tokman) - a native Muscovite, was born on March 20, 1968 in a family of philologists. Her father, Vladimir Illarionovich, a writer and journalist, was the founder and editor-in-chief of the Student Meridian magazine. And my mother, Valentina Yakovlevna, taught Russian to foreign students, and later worked in the administration of the President of Russia. Katya has elder sister Victoria, who became a famous fashion designer. The girls lost their father early - he died of cancer before he was forty.

Their mother never remarried and devoted her whole life to her daughters. From the age of five, Katya starred in children's programs on central television, danced in the Kalinka ensemble, attended art school and did gymnastics. At the same time, she studied well at school and managed to help her mother around the house.

Actor career

At the age of sixteen, Strizhenova first appeared in a big movie, playing the role of high school student Tanya in the film "Leader". On the set, she met Sasha Strizhenov (son of famous actor Oleg Strizhenov), who soon became her husband.

The birth of a child at the age of 18 did not prevent Catherine from successfully graduating from the Institute of Culture and becoming a professional actress. During her studies, she actively acted in films, and after receiving a diploma, she entered the theater stage. Strizhenova was involved in the performances of the Chekhov Theater and the Theater-Studio of Film Actors, played in traveling entreprises. But the audience remembered her more for her vivid images to the cinema.

Her heroines are strong, beautiful, self-confident women from different eras, such as Madeleine in the continuation of the legendary Musketeers, Madame de Brisac in The Countess de Monsoro, the successful proud Inna in Twists of Fate, the luxurious TV presenter Katya in the TV series " Another life". Catherine also starred in her husband's films more than once, however, receiving not the main, but quite noticeable roles. In addition to roles in more than 40 films, Strizhenova distinguished herself by working on television, for which she even received a psychology degree.

TV career

Her career on the “first button” of the country began with the Good Morning program, which she hosted for twenty years, first with her husband Alexander. Ekaterina deservedly became one of the favorite hosts of the morning program for many viewers.

Ekaterina Strizhenova - Good morning

In 2008, Ekaterina Strizhenova, paired with Alexei Tikhonov, appeared in the show " glacial period” and, despite the injury, reached the final. She was the co-host of Alexander Gordon in the social reality show Pros and Cons.

Their creative union continued in the program "They and Us", which eventually transformed into the project "Man and Woman". Strizhenova's place was taken by Yulia Baranovskaya, and in 2014 Ekaterina moved to the socio-political program "Time will tell".

Personal life of Ekaterina Strizhenova

At the age of 18, Ekaterina became the wife of Alexander Strizhenov, whom she met on the set of the film "Leader" by Boris Durov. In 1988, they had baby Anastasia, and twelve years later, their second daughter, Sashenka.

Born on March 20, Ekaterina is beautiful in spring and has already proved to everyone that after forty a woman can be liked much more than at 30. Over the years, Strizhenova only gets prettier and acquires a unique chic and self-confidence that you can’t buy in any beauty salon. Successful, beautiful, in demand, a wonderful mother and wife - we congratulated her on her anniversary and talked about beauty and life.

"You can't not love me"

Ekaterina, you often said that the most important thing in life for you is your family...

Yes, this is the foundation of my life. I try to always pay attention to the family. On weekends, I cancel everything to relax with loved ones. My husband and I try to make a schedule in such a way that we devote one day a week to children.

And we definitely spend holidays together, we have to. Once a year we all go to the sea together.

Your husband Alexander Strizhenov made a thriller film "Yulechka" in which a girl severely punished her mother's man for his infidelity...

Many men believe that the film showed too severe punishment for going to the left! (Laughs) The women were happy. They joke: look, this will happen to everyone. Sasha said that he made this film a gift to women. You can't have double standards. The child says: "You were with my mother in bed - so get married!" Now the edges are erased. We slept together - this is not a reason to get acquainted, as they say. Don't fool a child! For me, this film is instructive - a child should not be left to himself. Mom is somewhere on dates, and the daughter is alone. And it's not her fault that she's become so cruel. She is looking for her mother worthy man, husband, and sees a potential dad in everyone.

Now male infidelity has become almost the norm ...

I am pleased that my husband raised this question in this film. Although it is necessary to understand why he put it? (Laughs.) According to Freud, this is how the subconscious comes out. But he told me that it is better to do it on the screen than in real life!

They said your husband is amorous!

For me, this is a discovery! Don't know! (Laughs.)

Are you jealous?

I am a confident woman. You can't not love me!

How long have you and your husband been together?

From the moment of acquaintance - 28 years.

Were there family crises?

There were crises. in the tenth year life together we broke up. True, only for two months. Then we realized that we can not live without each other.

Has he left the family?

No. I left.

And why?

He didn't meet me from filming. Always met. And suddenly for the first time in my life I did not meet. For me it was a disaster. And I left ... But now I, probably, have become more calm. In general, we were able to survive our crises. Maybe there will be more? But we managed to save love, because there was something to save.

There is some kind of conflict, and after two days you don’t even remember why there were a lot of quarrels and conversations. In the heat of the moment, you can do a lot of stupid things. I have learned to restrain myself.

What does it take to keep a husband?

No need to hold back - you won’t be forced to be nice. I don't know the recipe. We have developed rules that we follow in relation to each other. We are not apart for more than two weeks. We don't load each other. If someone is delayed, we inform each other so as not to make you worry. We have such acquaintances - a person leaves and comes back three days later: "I went to buy some bread." Sasha always informs me that he is busy. He says somewhere, I believe him. Never checked it. She did not rummage through his notebooks, did not climb into his pockets. Yes, he did not give me a reason!

And more for me important rule: a husband should never be driven out of bed - no matter what conflicts there may be during the day!

Whatever happens during the day, we meet in bed, and again - husband and wife!

Either we both die on the bed... Yes, it's such a happiness just to hug together... Our life consists of meetings and partings because of work. It's hard for me to be apart, I feel lonely. But I know that my husband is waiting for me. The family is waiting. And this is the most important thing!

The world will be saved not by beauty, but by health

Ekaterina, you look great, what is the secret of your eternal youth?

You know, today I would take the liberty of arguing with Dostoevsky, who claimed that beauty would save the world. Modern world, in my opinion, will save health. Health of women and future generations. To keep up with fashion, I try to stay in shape. I am engaged in fitness under the strict supervision of a trainer who does not make me any concessions. I go to the bath once a week. And I do sports massage twice a week. I don't smoke, never smoked or used drugs. I love to sunbathe, in winter and summer. I know that it is very harmful, but I simply cannot live without the sun.

I can spend hours - this is the greatest pleasure for me - to lie with a book under the sun.

Where do you go on vacation?

Wait a minute, now I'll eat a spoon, I have breakfast. I, like Julius Caesar, try to do several things at the same time.

What do you have for breakfast?

Now I eat yogurt. My usual breakfast is a cup of coffee and a slice of cheese. Shrovetide has ended and Lent has begun. And in fasting there will be no more dairy products, but today I eat everything.

As one psychologist correctly said, it is very easy to eat nothing, but it is difficult to eat a piece and not reach for the second. Much more strength for this you need! I've sat for my life not on such a in large numbers diets, but dieting is difficult for me. My approach is to eat less. And when I need to lose weight, I just don’t eat anything after six. And until six I eat only vegetables, fruits - I limit myself. But it is very difficult to do this in winter, because the body protects itself - it's cold, you need to warm up.

You know, it happens that someone says: "Oh, I've gained so much weight" - and you look at him: there are two bones and nothing else. It's just that each person has their own norm. It happens that a kilogram that is not visible to others bothers you. Because you know that you have it. This is our personal experience...

I like to be in good shape! I like to go, in addition to simulators, to all kinds of dance classes that make it possible to move to the music, to stretch.

Are you satisfied with your life?

Yes. I can say that I am a happy person!

Every woman wants to look younger than her age, keeping on long years slimness, attractive appearance and absence of wrinkles. And some people really succeed. At the same time, various public figures attract special attention, because they are constantly in sight, and they rarely manage to hide any of their mistakes from the ubiquitous paparazzi. So Ekaterina Strizhenova also received special attention from the public and the press, because at more than forty-five years her height and weight are ideally correlated with each other, besides, many can envy the appearance of this woman, so her beauty secrets will be useful to each of us.

The fight against excess weight! Height and weight

Ekaterina Strizhenova treats her body weight with particular rigor and pickiness. According to Internet data, the weight of the actress is fifty-three kilograms with one hundred and sixty-eight centimeters in height.

A woman knows that the camera adds at least a couple of kilograms, so she has to control her figure. Even when, after the birth of children, she gained quite a lot of extra pounds, she managed to pull herself together and in a short time regain her former forms. It took her about seven months to restore her former harmony. And the actress claims that the process of losing weight was not easy for her. She had to give up a variety of hazards, systematically arrange fasting days on the same water, and also do shaping every day.

From her experience, Ekaterina learned one very important knowledge, now she is sure that she will adhere to proper nutrition You need to constantly, as well as playing sports. Such a lifestyle helps her always look at the proper level.

Ekaterina Strizhenova strongly recommends going in for sports only under the guidance of a qualified trainer, this helps to save time and maintain health. To train every day, the actress always takes a skipper, as well as a jump rope.

Also, a woman twists the hoop every day for at least a quarter of an hour a day.

After her figure has become perfect, Catherine adheres to the principles of separate nutrition. She has completely given up the consumption of sweets, and says that instead of dessert she prefers to buy herself some kind of new thing. Before going to bed, the actress used to drink low-fat yogurt or green tea.

If you need to urgently lose a few kilograms, Ekaterina switches to protein diet and drink more clean water and green tea. This nutritional program allows short terms lose weight, but you can’t stick to it for a long time, since in this case it can greatly harm your health.

Ekaterina Strizhenova - beauty secrets:

The secret of the amazing attractiveness of Ekaterina Strizhenova is largely due to her daily self-care. She pays special attention to the condition of her skin, because the systematic application of makeup negatively affects the condition of the face. The actress replaced washing with rubbing cosmetic ice, she prepares it herself on the basis of decoctions of chamomile, parsley, as well as calendula with dill. To cook it yourself - just take three branches of each plant (you can not use all) and brew them with one liter of boiled water only. Cool and pour into ice cube trays.

In addition, Catherine is happy to make a variety of masks, pampering her face.
Strizhenova also chooses cosmetics with special care and thoughtfulness, carefully studying its composition. The actress uses cosmetics depending on the season, so in winter time she prefers more fatty compositions, and in summer - light in structure. Extremely important role, says Ekaterina, plays the daily removal of decorative cosmetics before bedtime.

The actress also closely monitors the health of her hair. She uses special shampoos that add volume to her hair. And on vacation, she often applies a variety of masks to her hair and indulges them with restorative procedures. Ekaterina also teaches her daughters to beauty from childhood, so that they themselves would like to look well-groomed.

The actress does not ignore visiting different beauty salons. Most often, she turns to specialists after a long tour, preferring lymphatic drainage, deep cleansing of the skin and facial massage. In addition, Ekaterina Strizhenova gladly makes various kinds of masks in salons, holds paraffin baths for hands, and visits a solarium from time to time. Also, a woman sometimes looks at wrapping and mesotherapy procedures.

Ekaterina Strizhenova claims that one of the secrets of her beauty is attending dances. The TV presenter has been practicing tango for many years, which is rightfully considered a dance of love and passion.

In order to maintain the beauty of her body and its youth, a woman systematically visits a steam room. After such procedures, the skin becomes especially smooth and silky.

Finally, another important and at the same time simple beauty secret from Ekaterina is quality sleep. Every day you need to rest for at least seven hours, and this habit will soon have a positive effect on general condition organism, as well as appearance skin.

The beauty secrets of Ekaterina Strizhenova can be useful to every woman, regardless of her age.

I have always been on a diet. I lost weight according to Atkins, Montignac, Dukan, tried a detox diet. I remember that my friend, actress Olga Mashna, and I decided to "encode" food. Went to a hypnosis session. We were put to sleep, conjured ... After the session, we went to a pizzeria and ate heartily! Here is such an "effective" hypnosis! And three years ago I visited a specialist Yuri Negribetsky, who “stops” the stomach. I came to him, he pressed two fingers on my stomach: "Now you will not want to eat." I don’t know if this is self-hypnosis or something else, but it worked! During the day you can only drink. Ten glasses of liquid per day - water, tea, coffee, kefir, wine, juice and even Pepsi-Cola. As a result, in 24 days I lost 7 kg. But the problem is that I can't explain this "magic" because I'm afraid to abuse it. A couple of years ago, friends "tempted" me with a hunger strike under the supervision of a doctor - every morning my blood pressure and sugar levels were measured. I told Andrey Malakhov about this experiment on myself (in No. 48 of November 28, 2011. - Approx. "StarHit"). Friends lost a kilogram a day, but I only lost 300 grams! At the same time, I wanted to eat incredibly. White flies flew before my eyes, it was so stormy that I could crash into a pole with all my might. It was especially hard to work: I quickly got tired, could not remember the text. And how at that time the family got it - forever gloomy mother! At the end of the week, the daughters prayed: “Mommy, go ahead and eat!”

Now I want to become 12 kg lighter. And also - in three months to change the way of life, so as not to starve yourself anymore. Just after that incident with starvation, my body realized: the supply of food can be blocked for no reason. And he began, as they say, to pickpocket - to hide calories in the corners. During the New Year holidays, I hid so much that, standing on the scales, I could not believe my eyes! But I myself am to blame. How December 31 took last broadcast in the year of Ostankino, so for almost a month I didn’t deny myself anything. Not only ate delicious, but also drank wine, champagne. As a result, the costumes were barely buttoned on me in the theater, and yet I am busy in several productions at once - “The Sons of His Mistress”, “Lady, or the Vicissitudes of Love” and “Abnormal”. In general, it cost me Once again decide to lose weight, a call came from StarHit. Still, it's amazing how material thought is. I took three days to consult with my family. Although I immediately liked the company: I have known Alla Dovlatova for a long time, I fell in love with Sveta Permyakova, even when I “chided” KVN. And I will be happy to meet Natalya Molochkova.

Of my relatives, only my husband is afraid of the upcoming diet. In addition, Sasha believes that I do not need to lose weight. He says that in the new film for me - donuts - there is a good role. A eldest daughter Nastya is still on time new year holidays rolled her eyes and sighed: “Mom, how much can you eat?” She actively goes in for sports, monitors her diet. And here I am - with my favorite pizza, risotto, cakes, fatty market curds and fresh cream ... Upon learning that I was going to lose weight with StarHit, Nastya was delighted: "Mom, I'll be rooting for you!"

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