Children of Hitler and Eva Braun. Hitler's biological children - truth or myth? Version by Alessandro Giovenese

Death of Hitler, Eva Braun and Goebbels' children. How all this happened and who was the perpetrator of this terrible scenario is shown by recently discovered archival materials. None of Goebbels' children knew that they were destined to die.

In 1945, along with Adolf Hitler, six young children were killed in a Berlin bunker: five daughters and the son of propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. They were poisoned immediately before the suicide of the Goebbels couple. How all this happened and who was the perpetrator of this terrible scenario is shown by recently discovered archival materials.

Death of Hitler, Eva Braun and Goebbels' children

None of Goebbels' children knew that they were destined to die. Not twelve-year-old Helga, not eleven-year-old Hilda, not eight-year-old Holda, not six-year-old Hedda, not four-year-old Heida, not nine-year-old Helmut. Each name in honor of the Fuhrer began with “H” (like Hitler).

Goebbels' children did not like Hitler's bunker, where the Reich Chancellery was located: dark concrete, low passages, dim lights. Gloomy impression. Probably no one could feel comfortable here. Moreover, just a few weeks ago, the children were far from the capital of Germany, in a village where they carefreely played with their peers and ran wherever they pleased.

What a bunker! The whole of Berlin, being destroyed, at the end of April 1945 was a pitiful sight. Russian soldiers were only a few hundred meters from the bunker, so its inhabitants urged the propaganda minister to send the children to safety. But the minister’s wife, Magda Goebbels, remained adamant. “My children would rather die than live in shame and humiliation,” she said. “Besides, my husband is afraid that they might fall into the hands of Stalin, who will turn them into communists.” No, it’s better we take the children with us.”

On April 30 at 15.30, Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. This became a signal for the rest of the inhabitants of the Reich Chancellery. A day later, all six Goebbels children were dead. First, to turn off consciousness, they were given injections of morphine, and then poisoned with hydrocyanic acid. Death came instantly.

At the end of the 50s everything forensic investigations the deaths of the last inhabitants of the bunker were stopped, and the documents were transported to state archive city ​​of Munster. Until recently, researchers were not given the opportunity to familiarize themselves with them. Several years ago, the German authorities opened the archives to those interested. This makes it possible to reconstruct what happened to the Goebbels' children in the last days of the Thousand-Year Reich.

Helmut Kunz: dentist and member of the SS

Almost the main thing actor in these archival documents - Helmut Kunz, born in 1910 in the city of Ettlingen. First he studied law, then medicine (specialization - dentistry). Koontz's dissertation is entitled "Studies of Caries in Children school age taking into account the questions breastfeeding" From 1936 Kunz practiced near Leipzig, and the following year he joined the SS (company 10/48).

When did the second one begin? World War, Kunz served as an officer in an SS medical battalion. In 1941, Kunz was seriously wounded, and after recovery he was transferred to Berlin. In April 1945, Kunz, with the rank of Sturmbannführer, was sent to the Reich Chancellery. Undoubtedly, for a man “with a completely soldier’s mentality” (as eyewitnesses spoke of him), such an appointment became the ultimate dream.

Direct order from Hitler?

On April 22, 1945, the Goebbels left their apartment on Hermann Goering Strasse. The children began to say goodbye to their teacher Katie Huebner. “We are going to the Fuhrer in his bunker,” said little Helmut. -Are you coming with us? Huebner didn't go anywhere. Magda Goebbels told her that she would “completely voluntarily go with the Fuhrer to the very end.”

In the Reich Chancellery, the wife of the Minister of Propaganda became Kunz’s first patient: Magda Goebbels developed suppuration in lower jaw. After a while, she took the doctor aside and asked if he could “help kill the children” (this is how the doctor later conveyed the request to Frau Goebbels). Koontz refused, saying that he had lost two daughters in an air raid several months earlier. After what happened, he “simply is not able to help Frau Goebbels carry out her plans.”

However, Magda Goebbels found a way out. After some time she told Koontz that we're talking about“not about her desire, but about a direct order from Hitler.” Goebbels also asked “whether it is enough that she conveys this order orally, or whether it is necessary for the Fuhrer to convey it personally.”

Koontz allegedly responded, “Your words are enough for me.” On the evening of May 1, 1945, the Goebbels children were put to bed. “Don’t be afraid,” their mother told them. “The doctor will give you an injection, which is given to children and real soldiers.” After this, Magda Goebbels left the room, and Kunz administered morphine injections "first to the two older girls, then to the boy, and then to the rest of the children, which took about 10 minutes."

As soon as the children quieted down, Goebbels entered the room, holding capsules of hydrocyanic acid in her hands. A few seconds later she burst into tears and said: “Mr. Doctor, I can’t do this, you do it.” “I can’t either,” Kunz replied. Then Goebbels asked: “Call Dr. Stumpfegger.” Ludwig Stumpfegger was a year younger than Kunz and was one of the confidants of SS chief Heinrich Himmler.

A week later, Russian doctors autopsied the corpses of Goebbels’ children and came to the conclusion that “death was the result of poisoning with cyanide compounds.” The children's parents were dead. Stumpfegger died while trying to escape from Berlin.

Kunz, the only participant in the incident, survived. He could slander others and save himself. On July 30, 1945, he was taken to Moscow. The doctor spent six and a half years in prison, and in February 1952 stood trial as a member of the Nazi Party and the SS, and also (according to Kunz himself) as the alleged murderer of Goebbels’ children.

Germany commutes punishments for Nazis

By the time the Kunz case was considered in Moscow Nuremberg trial was behind. Justice in West Germany gradually began to soften in relation to Nazi criminals. A special 131 article was introduced into the country's Constitution, which protected the interests of people whose alleged crimes during Nazi times were related to the execution job responsibilities. This article amnestied many former civil servants and opened up opportunities for them to return to work in government agencies. Already in 1949, the first wave of amnesty took place, and in 1954 the second followed. According to the amnesty law, “certain crimes committed during National Socialism should not be prosecuted or should be mitigated in the presence of mitigating circumstances.”

Hitler's officials were primarily subject to this law. For them, the document contained a special clause that the law applied to persons “who, from October 1944 to July 31, 1945, were on duty and committed certain crimes on the direct orders of their superior.”

The law came into force on July 18, 1954. Of course, for Helmut Kunz, who spent time in Soviet prison for almost 10 years, it had a life-changing effect. The USSR released the former doctor on October 4, 1955 and handed him over to the German authorities. A little later, German authorities resumed their investigation into the circumstances of the death of Goebbels and his family. The witness in the case was former SS Oberscharführer Harry Mengershausen.

Judge: “The death of children is incomprehensible to me”

Mengershausen talked about Hitler's suicide and then moved on to Goebbels. Judge Heinrich Stephanus asked him again: “The death of the children is completely incomprehensible to me: it is not known who is guilty of it. Some call a certain Dr. Kunze...” It is significant that neither Stephanus nor Mengershausen could name Kuntze accurately.

Meanwhile, Kunz himself settled in Münster. He took a job as a volunteer at a university dental clinic and then took a position as a doctor in the German armed forces. Local prosecutor Middeldorf initiates a preliminary investigation into the murder of the Goebbels children. The case is numbered 1041/56.

Over the next few months, Middeldorf recruits as witnesses people who were in Hitler's bunker during the last days of the war. Hitler's secretary Traudl Junge, valet Heinz Linge, driver Erich Kempka and pilot Hans Baur were interrogated. Some of the witnesses had never heard of Koontz, some knew his story. However, Middeldorf did not need classic prosecution witnesses: Kunz admitted during the first interrogation that he had injected the children with morphine, but after that he left the room in which Magda Goebbels and Stumpfegger remained. A few minutes after this, Frau Goebbels left the room with the words: “Finally, everything is over!”

Kunz is not a murderer, but an accomplice to murder

In January 1959, the Koontz case was reclassified not as murder, but as assistance in organizing the murder of six people. The prosecutor also wanted to exclude the possibility of applying an amnesty to Kunz. He explained this by saying that the murder of children is “a daring crime for which there can be no justification; besides, it cannot be done by order.” Moreover, Middeldorf insists that Magda Goebbels simply could not have given the order to Kunz, and if something like that happened, the doctor misunderstood the woman and should not have obeyed.

However, the prosecutor failed to prove his position. The Münster Criminal Board determined that in any case the amnesty law applied to Kunz, since if he had not carried out the order, even if given by Magda Goebbels, he would have been punished as a war criminal. The investigation was stopped, and all charges against the doctor were dropped.

Some judges were Nazis

An interesting detail of the investigation is that the criminal board included rehabilitated Nazis Gerhard Rose (head of the board, born in 1903, personal number 4413181) and Gerhard Alich (born in 1905, personal number 4079094). By a strange coincidence, both of them joined the NSDAP on May 1, 1937, on the same day as Kunz.

Kunz lived to old age

Kunz died in 1976 in Freudenstadt. Before last day In his life he had extensive practice, and few people remembered his involvement in the murder of Goebbels’ children.

According to the decision of Soviet forensic experts, the remains of Goebbels' children were buried near Berlin. After some time, the Politburo decided to open the burial in strict secrecy and destroy the remains. The operation was entrusted to the KGB and received the code name “Operation Archive”.

On the night of April 5, 1970, the graves were opened, the remains were removed and burned. The ashes were scattered over the Elbe.

Who is Joseph Goebbels

Paul Joseph Goebbels (October 29, 1897 - May 1, 1945) - Nazi criminal, German statesman and politician, orator, Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda of Germany (1933-1945), Imperial head of propaganda of the NSDAP (from 1929), Reichsleiter (1933) , penultimate chancellor of the Third Reich (April-May 1945), Commissioner of Defense of Berlin (April 1945).

After graduating from the gymnasium in Reidt from 1917 to 1921, Goebbels studied at the universities of Freiburg, Bonn, Würzburg, Cologne, Munich and Heidelberg, where he studied philosophy, German studies, history and literature. In 1921, at the University of Heidelberg, Goebbels defended his dissertation on romantic drama, receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. During the First World War he was declared unfit for military service due to lameness.

In 1922, Goebbels joined the NSDAP, initially joining its left socialist wing, whose leaders were the Strasser brothers.

In 1924, Goebbels moved to the Ruhr and tried his hand at journalism as an editor. At the same time, he sent 48 articles to one of the largest newspapers in Germany in the 20s, the Berliner Tageblatt, but all of them were rejected by the editors due to their anti-Semitic tone. This period, colored by the fierce polemics between the Strassers and Hitler about the degree of socialism in the National Socialist movement, belongs to the famous statement of Goebbels: “The bourgeois Adolf Hitler must be expelled from the National Socialist Party!”

However, in 1926, his political sympathies changed sharply in favor of the future Fuhrer. Goebbels began to perceive him “either as Christ or as St. John.” “Adolf Hitler, I love you! ", he wrote in his diary. Subsequently, Goebbels repeatedly spoke in public about Hitler in excellent terms, as a result of which in 1926 he was appointed Gauleiter of the NSDAP in Berlin-Brandenburg.

In 1928, Goebbels was elected as a member of the Reichstag from the Nazi Party, and in 1929, Hitler appointed Goebbels as the Reich Director of Propaganda for the Nazi Party.

In 1932, Goebbels organized and led Hitler's election campaigns for the presidency.

Having become chancellor, Hitler appointed Goebbels Reich Minister of Public Education and Propaganda on March 13, 1933.

During the suppression of the July 1944 Plot, Goebbels showed great activity, after which Hitler appointed him chief commissioner for mobilization for “total war.”

In his political testament, Hitler appointed Goebbels as his successor as chancellor, but the very next day after the Fuhrer's suicide, Goebbels and his wife Magda committed suicide, having first poisoned their six children. On May 1 at 21.00 Goebbels shot himself, having previously shot his wife at her request.

Tags: World, Society, Hitler

Hitler's wife is an extraordinary person. Not every woman is ready to put up with what the Fuhrer’s legal wife suffered. Although the word “legal” is quite symbol. When she was 17 years old, a fortune teller predicted for her such a love that the whole world would talk about not only during her lifetime, but also after. Did she know in what negative way this fame would be? The woman's name was Eva Braun. Her biography is very tragic, but at the same time there is something fascinating about it. This is what will be discussed in this article.


The future wife of a Bavarian corporal, and later the leader of the German nation, was born on February 6, 1912. Her father, Friedrich Braun, worked as a teacher. Mother is a dressmaker. Eva Braun, whose biography is complex and interesting, was the second daughter in the family. In total, Friedrich and Franziska Braun had three daughters. All of them were brought up in the spirit of traditional Christian traditions.

Education and upbringing

Hitler's future wife graduated from a convent school. After her - the Lyceum in Munich. Francis's mother monitored her daughters very strictly: they were forbidden to even call without her permission, not to mention dates and meetings with friends. Eva’s future, according to her parents, is to get married, have children, and lead the same traditional Christian life. However, there was a rebellious spirit hidden in Eve; she did not think of putting up with this state of affairs.


Eva loved novels and cinema, dreamed of beautiful life. Living in captivity and raising children was not for her. She got a job in a photo studio. Ironically, the company belonged to a fan of the Nazi Party - Adolf Hitler's personal photographer. Eva was far from politics, she was never interested in it, but she was a purposeful person. In 1929, the future Fuhrer visited the studio for pre-election photographs. It was then that Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler first met.


The naive and fragile girl immediately liked the future leader. This is not surprising: all of Germany submitted to the Bavarian corporal, what can we say about the quiet Christian girl. The aura of power and influence always attracts the weaker sex. Many girls liked Adolf Hitler. In addition to charisma and success, Adolf knew how to speak very beautifully and give compliments.

Was Eve Jewish?

After meeting, Eva Braun was carefully checked: nationality, family. Adolf liked the young girl’s naturalness, spontaneity, youth, but Aryan blood was even more important future wife. By the way, scientists just recently made a shocking statement: Eve may have had Jewish roots. In one of Hitler's residences they found a comb in a box that belonged to Eva. DNA analysis showed that Hitler's wife had Jewish roots. The DNA contains mutations that are typical of Ashkenazi Jews. If Hitler had known about this earlier, we think that history would have taken place in a slightly different vein, and maybe Eva simply would not have been the wife of the Fuhrer of the Aryan nation.

Features of relationships

For Adolf, the most important thing in life was his political career. He always said that his bride was Germany. However, he always found time to visit the theater, cinema, and go on picnics with Eva.

To be fair, let’s say that Hitler was not a monogamist at all. He also attended public events with other women. There was no secret in this for Eva. She was patient and understanding: her Christian upbringing made itself felt.

Adolf Hitler was surrounded not only beautiful girls, but also death. More than once, many representatives of the fairer sex, intoxicated by the demonic charms of the Fuhrer, committed suicide. Among them was Hitler's niece, to whom he showed signs of attention. After one of the quarrels with her uncle, a young girl shot herself.

The Fuhrer himself strictly conspired to love relationship with Eve, I didn’t want anyone to know about them. He believed that this could harm his position in society and damage his political career. The girl accepted the rules of the game with dignity, since she believed that she could not find a more profitable game. However, Eva also thought about suicide several times, but she never thought about parting with the possessed Fuhrer. This confirms the magnetic influence on people that Adolf Hitler had. Young girls were ready to put a bullet in their heads, but they never thought of breaking up with him.

The attitude of Eva's parents towards her chosen one

Eva’s parents, without suspecting it themselves, on a subconscious level strengthened the girl’s desire to be with Hitler. They were categorically against it, they believed that the girl was making a mistake, and the forbidden fruit was always sweet. Eva Braun always believed that someday she would become the first lady of the state, so she endured any hardships. However, it is not worth saying that she was motivated only by calculation - she sincerely loved Adolf and completely lived his life.

"Captive" at the Berghof

After Hitler became Reich Chancellor, the girl became his secretary. The unofficial couple moved to a residence in the Berghof. Eva got into golden cage. On the one hand, she was with her beloved, the owner of the apartment, on the other hand, Adolf himself chose the time for visits; she was forbidden to even call on the internal telephone. Hitler called first. Eva was allowed to communicate only with trusted people of Adolf. When high-ranking politicians and prominent figures appeared at the residence, it was hidden from prying eyes.

Eva's entertainment and desires

Hitler's common-law wife not only sat in the room all alone waiting for the Fuhrer - the girl had her own entertainment. She loved shopping, visited the best stores in Europe, was proud of her status as a fashionista, and could change clothes six times a day.

Eva's second hobby was photography. She dreamed that one day her photographs of the German Chancellor would form the basis of a biographical Hollywood film about the great man.

The girl herself dreamed of acting in films all her life. She thought that one day the world would want to make a movie about her and her beloved, and she also wanted to personally star in this film. She perfected her figure with daily exercises. Some shots showed her in complex acrobatic poses.

Best time for Eve

Only then will the whole world hate Hitler and consider him a monster. But the thirties of the twentieth century are the best time for Adolf and Eva. At this time, Hitler becomes the undisputed leader of the German nation, the world massacre has not yet begun. Eve believed that soon the whole world would idolize Adolf, but history showed that exactly the opposite happened.

Eva could not truly rejoice at Hitler's successes - she was upset by the Fuhrer's attitude towards her. Only the closest people knew that they were in a relationship. The broad masses did not know this. Adolf categorically did not want to show his relationship in public. To outsiders, it was as if she did not exist.

Life in a fantasy world

The girl’s change of consciousness occurred during the times of mass global slaughter and genocide. Hitler himself did not personally execute his prisoners, did not take part in torture, and did not visit concentration camps. At home there was a categorical ban on talking about such topics. Eve understood: she didn’t want to know anything more, she realized that there would be no world triumph and glory; rather, on the contrary, her beloved would be despised and hated.

Happiness comes late

The beginning of the end of Germany becomes best time for Eva. After Soviet troops turned the tide of the war with Nazi Germany, Adolf began to withdraw into himself. His entourage and he himself pretended that everything was going well, there was no panic. At this time, Hitler and Eva became closer than ever. He stopped shunning her and began to publicly show his love. It was then that the German people, and the whole world, learned about such a person as Eva Braun.

Love and support loved one Adolf needed them: defeats at the front did not give him peace. Eve herself did not want to think about the hundreds of thousands who were tortured and killed. She saw good in Adolf, a good man. This is a trait of any loving woman, ready to turn a blind eye to the bad deeds of her man.

Did Eva Braun have children?

Many people are wondering: did Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun have children together? No. The girl often persuaded her lover, but the Fuhrer categorically refused. Even in the most difficult moments for Germany, when it was clear that there would be no victory, he was still unshakable and did not go towards a woman who exchanged her life for pipe dreams. Hitler delayed the official wedding until the last moment, but decided at the very last moment.

wife for a day

Eva's dreams did come true: she became the Fuhrer's wife, but only for one day. On April 29, 1945, Hitler proposed to her, and on April 30, their lives were cut short. How did Hitler's wife die? Eva committed suicide after her official wedding night. This proves that she truly loved Hitler. The woman paid for her fame with her life.

Only the kids from kindergarten. Her name has gone down in history for a long time, although she was neither a singer, nor a dancer, much less a famous actress or politician. The reason for such worldwide fame is a fatal love affair with the tyrant and dictator Adolf Hitler. In addition to the fact that their love was the last in the life of a young German woman, it brought upon her the hatred of millions of women around the world. All those whose lives were ruined by her husband sent terrible curses on the heads of Hitler, her and Eva Braun's children. Perhaps it was this message to the Universe that caused their death.

It all started in 1929, when Eva Braun was only 17 years old. Young and enthusiastic, dreaming of love and family, she was still too naive and easily fell under the influence of her much older lover. Can you blame her for this connection? She invented her love. Eva Braun was so distant from real life, that she didn’t even recognize at the first meeting of her new acquaintance the one whose portraits were hung all over the photo studio in which she began working as an assistant. The people of Germany, as well as all other peoples to whom war suddenly knocked on their doors, did not even suspect for many years about the relationship between their leader and a simple German girl. Everything was in the strictest secrecy. There really was love between them, but this love was one-sided - having invented an ideal for herself, Eva Braun fell in love with him without looking back, and the Fuhrer favorably (and sometimes not so much) accepted her love. Of course, there were some feelings on his part too. Otherwise, why would he drag out this affair for 16 long years and in the end marry Eva Braun? As we know from history lessons, she became the wife of her idol only for a day and only in order to accept death together the next day.

In the photo - Adolf Hitler holds Ursula in his arms, whom scientists consider his and Eva Braun's daughter

Given all this secrecy, it is curious to know at least something about whether Eva Braun had children from Hitler. Because even if there were, this fact was probably carefully hidden and veiled. For example, scientists from Great Britain believe that little Ursula, who often appears in photographs taken by Eva Braun, is their daughter with Adolf Hitler. Eva Braun herself calls her the daughter of her friend Hertha Schneider. But it is a historically proven fact that Gerta had only one daughter, whose name was Gita, and this girl did not look like Ursula at all. You can approach these studies in different ways: to believe it or not is everyone’s personal choice. But the fact that Eva Braun still had a child with Hitler should probably mean something.
Also interesting.

Booker Igor 04/17/2019 at 16:00

We sometimes make the mistake of calling the Fuhrer's wife and long-term mistress Eva Braun. She passed away like Eva Hitler. Such was her fate that she became Eva Hitler just a few hours before she and her husband committed suicide. Most historians treated Eve as a beautiful toy, but the latest research refutes this point of view.

Of all Hitler's women, she is perhaps the most famous, although not the most beloved. Future husband cheated on Eve. Which he most likely did not do when he had an affair with his beautiful relative from Linz named Angela Raubal, or, affectionately, Geli. It was his daughter sister became Hitler’s very first and greatest love. Although it ended tragically in the suicide of the 23-year-old niece of the future dictator.

This happened even before the Nazis came to power, but Geli Raubal’s place in mass consciousness Another girl, whom the Fuhrer was introduced to by his personal photographer Heinrich Hoffmann, firmly occupied. Their first meeting took place in 1929, when Eva Anna Paula Braun was working in Hoffmann's Munich atelier.

“Hitler immediately really liked the 17-year-old, inexperienced, blonde student of a convent school and the daughter of a teacher from Munich, although he loves Geli, who has only been living with him in Munich for one year,” wrote the German historian Werner Maser. “Whenever he came to Hoffmann, and this happens often, he is looking for a meeting with Eva Braun, who dreams of Hitler."

Hitler, with true Viennese charm, lured a teenage girl into a love network: “Permit me to invite you to the opera, Fraulein Eva? You see, I am always surrounded by men, so I know how to appreciate the happiness of being with a woman.” A girl who dreamed of the world of cinema and loved fashion magazines succumbed to the charms of a much older man who had not yet become a war criminal. Meanwhile, the Nazi Party security service was already in full swing checking Braun's pedigree for the presence of Jewish ancestors in her family tree.

Decades later, staff admitted that servants looked for traces of love affairs on the sheets and beds after Hitler left Brown's bedroom. Former SS man Herbert Döhring once told television that, having found nothing, he concluded that the dictator's relationship with a woman 23 years his junior could only be platonic.

Unlike most citizens of the Third Reich, Döring belonged to a narrow circle of insiders who knew about Adolf Hitler's secret mistress. It was only after the end of World War II that the general public learned of the existence of an attractive blonde who, 40 hours before her death, became the wife of the Fuhrer.

The feigned secrecy was based on political calculation. “Many women are attached to me because I am not married,” Hitler reasoned, “it’s the same as with a film actor: if he is married, he definitely loses something in the eyes of the women who adore him, he is no longer their idol.”

The interest that arose in the personality of the woman who had been close to the Fuhrer for a decade and a half was immediately dampened by historians, and one of the first - British researcher and intelligence officer Hugh Trevor-Roper, who interviewed Hitler's entourage after the war - issued a verdict that Eva Braun is “uninteresting.” This would later be confirmed by each of the venerable authors who wrote about Hitler.

Recently, the Berlin historian Heike Görtemaker published the first scientific biography Eva Braun. A strictly academic approach allowed us to avoid many of the anecdotes that filled the pages of popular biographies dedicated to Hitler's passion.

For example, that in the Fuhrer's bunker, Eva Braun allegedly constantly argued with Adolf about food. Hitler, who was reputed to be a vegetarian, demanded that the poor thing eat oatmeal jelly or mushroom sauce that she was disgusted with (“I can’t eat this garbage!”). Or an episode that one of Hitler’s secretaries told about: allegedly Eva was so jealous of the Fuhrer’s beloved German shepherd named Blondie that she secretly did all sorts of nasty things to her.

According to the historian, such versions coming from Hitler’s inner circle are as little use as analysis bed linen. In her research, Frau Goertemaker starts from normal, intimate relationships, as Brown’s friends and relatives later talked about it. How Eva must have giggled as she looked at a photograph of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in 1938, sitting in Hitler's Munich apartment on his sofa: "If only he knew the history of that sofa!"

The author argues that Eva Braun was more to Hitler than an “attractive young lady” in whom the dictator, “despite, or perhaps precisely because of, her inconspicuous and stupid appearance, found the calm and reassurance that he was looking for,” as he claimed later the Fuhrer's personal photographer Heinrich Hofmann.

Already in his will, which Hitler wrote in 1938, he names the name Braun immediately after mentioning the NSDAP. The party had to pay her a high pension from his inheritance throughout her life. Minister of Propaganda and close friend Hitler Joseph Goebbels repeatedly noted how much the dictator valued his girlfriend - “a smart girl who means a lot to a leader.” Hitler planned to fly Eva out of surrounded Berlin, but she rejected his offer.

In 1945, Hitler ordered the destruction of his personal archives. It is likely that his correspondence with Eva Braun also disappeared at the same time. We have to restore true story bit by bit, turning to Eva Braun's private correspondence with friends and relatives, fragments from her diary (the authenticity of which is disputed by some experts) from 1935, the memoirs of Hitler's servants, drivers and bodyguards, in whom the researcher, and not without reason, does not trust.

In 1932, Eva made an unsuccessful attempt to shoot herself. After Geli Raubal committed suicide with a pistol shot in September 1931, Hitler, who persistently strove to become Reich Chancellor, simply could not allow another young girl with him to commit suicide. So the girl found herself both in the retinue and under supervision at the same time. That, however, did not stop her from making a second suicide attempt in 1935. For this I used sleeping pills.

Parents Adolf Hitler were close relatives. His mother Clara was the niece of the Fuhrer's father to Alois. It is believed that this is why Hitler was afraid to have children - he believed that the child might be born with deformities.

At the same time, young Adolf enjoyed success with women (some of them even donated money to him for the party) and could well have turned out to be a father without knowing it.

Potential mothers

Researchers name the seven most famous women, with whom Hitler had connections. Among them is his niece Angelika (Geli) Raubal, with whom Hitler is believed to have had a close relationship since 1925. Even when the future Fuhrer met in 1929 Eva Brown, he seemed to continue the affair with both girls. In 1931, Geli committed suicide, according to some reports, while pregnant. It is no longer possible to find out whose child Raubal carried under her heart.

At first, the relationship between Eva Braun and Hitler, who was already pursuing an active political career, was purely platonic. But just in case, he ordered to check the Aryan origin of the 17-year-old girl.

She boasted to her friends that she would certainly marry the head of the NSDAP. This plan of hers almost fell through, because Hitler, inspired by his successes, declared everywhere that “his bride is Germany.” Then Eva made her first suicide attempt.

After that, Hitler seriously believed that the girl was devoted to him, and did not let her go until the end, which came for them at the same time.

If we do not take into account the conspiracy theory that in May 1945 Hitler and his newly married legal wife Eva Hitler fled to Argentina, then we can say with confidence: they did not have children.

Sin of youth

Hitler's most famous "son" Jean-Marie Lauret. This version has the right to life thanks to the following fact from Hitler’s biography. In 1916, a 27-year-old corporal from Bavaria, participating in the First World War, stood with a regiment in French Flanders. Hitler was a messenger and lived in civilian apartments. 16 year old Charlotte Lobjoie I met Adolf when he was drawing in the meadow. She spoke good German.

It has been authoritatively proven that in 1916 Hitler painted a portrait of Charlotte with her breasts half-open. Therefore, it is quite possible that the child who was born to a French woman in March 1918 could well be the son of the future tyrant.

A boy named Jean-Marie acquired a new surname after his abandoned mother handed him over to an orphanage and he was adopted by the Loret couple. Only before her death, in the early 50s, Charlotte admits to Jean that he is the son of a defeated dictator.

Not a single examination was carried out, the results of which would clearly indicate the relationship of Jean-Marie Lauret with Adolf Hitler. However, there was not a single one that would refute this.

It is known that Hitler's alleged son left nine children. His wife left him when she learned about Jean Lauret's origins.

English trace

Speaking about the alleged descendants of Hitler, it is impossible not to mention one more person - a British aristocrat Unity Mitford, relative Churchill.

From her youth she was an ardent admirer of Hitler and his ideas. She was influenced by elder sister Diana who married the leader of the British fascists Oswald Mosley. Together they will travel to Nuremberg in 1933, where a grand rally will be held in honor of Hitler’s rise to power. A couple of years later, Unity would arrange a meeting with the Fuhrer at the Munich restaurant Osteria Bavaria.

Then the girl represented the German standard of beauty - blonde with a straight nose and impeccable pedigree. Hitler invited her to his table. Of course, he did not remain indifferent to what Unity told him. Their meeting, she said, was predicted by fate. Unity was conceived in Swastika, Canada, and her middle name is Valkyrie(opera heroine Wagner, Hitler’s favorite composer – ed.).

Researchers count at least a hundred meetings between the young Englishwoman and the Fuhrer. But no one can say whether there was an intimate relationship between them. At the time, the German propaganda machine was using Unity to its advantage, generating headlines like: "Britain needs to follow Germany's path." It is also known that Eva Braun was incredibly jealous.

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