Relatives of Elena Karimova, who killed two of her children: “She divorced her husband only two months ago. What is known about the woman who tried to burn the corpses of her children Who killed the children of Elena Karimova

For three days now, Nizhny Novgorod has not been able to recover from the monstrous murder of two tiny children - 4-year-old Khadizhe and 2-year-old Suleiman. As it turned out, the kids became a victim of their own mother - 27-year-old Elena Karimova first strangled, and then doused with gasoline and burned their bodies in cold blood in an abandoned vegetable store near Nizhny Novgorod.

Immediately after the arrest, the woman fully admitted her guilt and stated that lack of money forced her to commit murder. Like, after a divorce from her husband, there was nothing to keep the crumbs. However, her friends and acquaintances still do not believe what happened.

I did not expect this from Lena. Even on social networks, you can see how much she loved her kids, - her colleague Hazrat is horrified (the name of the hero has been changed - ed.) - So she often visited Moscow, but the kids in Lately sick, and she had to live with her parents in Nizhny Novgorod. Suleiman recently had chicken pox, so she dropped everything and rushed to him.

However, Elena Karimova demonstrated her love for children in in social networks. Just two weeks ago, on April 12, 2018, she wrote very touchingly about her daughter.

She is my soul, my dearest little man, my most long-awaited daughter. The one for which I am always on my feet, the one for which I live. She's my copy, just as bad as me. My air, my most affectionate, smartest girl.

However, two weeks later, she brutally dealt with the kids.

In an old five-story building on the outskirts of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, they talk about their neighbor, 27-year-old Elena Karimova, only in a whisper. In a house built like a hostel, everyone knows each other - after all, there is one long common corridor and forty apartments on the floor. It’s not that you can’t get through, you won’t even be able to breathe imperceptibly. Therefore, the news about the monstrous murder committed by Elena was perceived especially sharply here.

We have been living in this house since 1989, and Lenochka was born in 1991. So I know her, one might say, from the cradle, - recalls the sister of Elena's ex-husband Aziz Karimova. - She was always a very cheerful and sociable girl. I liked her very much. Therefore, when between Lena and mine younger brother love broke out, I was only glad.

At that time, the girl had just finished school. The chosen one, A. Karimov, was three years older. Soon the young people got married and moved to live in Belgium. Luckily, my husband had an older brother living there.

They lived there for eight months. They didn’t get a job anywhere - they just rested and visited their brother, ”says Aziza. - And then they returned back, and soon divorced. I don’t know what happened to them - and he loved her, and she loved him. It is understandable - after all, her first man.

However, even after the divorce from her brother, Aziza did not break off relations with ex-daughter-in-law- whatever one may say, but native person. True, Elena herself did not stay long in Nizhny Novgorod. Soon after the divorce, she moved to Moscow.

I don't know how she lived there and what happened to her. It seems that she worked at a gas station, - the woman says. - Only then did I see her with her new husband - such a healthy, tall man. Although he is much older than her - he looks to be over forty. He comes from Azerbaijan. But he lives in Moscow. There she married him.

From a new spouse, Elena soon gave birth to a daughter, Khadizhe, and a couple of years later, a son, Suleiman. All acquaintances unanimously assure that she did not have a soul in children.

Nobody loved them like she did. I used to shake over every sore, ”recalls Aziza. Whether a pimple jumps up, whether the temperature rises - she does not sleep at night. She always asked me for advice: what pills to give, how best to take care of. I do have two children of my own. All in all, she was a wonderful mother. I don't even think that she could have killed them.

But Elena's relationship with the father of these children has not gone well lately. Therefore, last year the girl moved back to Nizhny Novgorod, to her mother.

In December 2018, her father died. Although they were divorced from her mother, she maintained a relationship with him. I was very worried after his death, - says Aziza Karimova. “Since last year, she has lived mostly here. Occasionally only went to his KIA in Moscow. I haven't seen her new husband since. And two months ago, in March, they officially divorced. As Elena explained, he began to raise his hand against her with the kids.

Elena's husband, apparently, did not show interest in his children. At least, all her acquaintances assure that he did not pay alimony. The girl herself, who was recently on maternity leave, did not officially work anywhere. True, she did not complain about financial difficulties - she managed to earn a living by distributing cosmetics. Elena was seriously interested in network marketing and sold household chemicals, sports nutrition, cosmetics. The fact that she had nothing to support the children, no one could even think. Although it was this version that she voiced to investigators.

The hardest thing now is Elena's mother. Because of severe stress The woman's health was seriously deteriorating. She lives in the same house as Aziza Karimova, but she flatly refuses to communicate with journalists.

We will not comment on anything. Let the investigation look for her second husband, - Elena's relatives shouted through the door.

Elena Karimova herself is now in custody. By the decision of the court of the Moscow district of Nizhny Novgorod, she was arrested for two months. The investigation into this heinous crime continues.

Elena Karimova, a Nizhny Novgorod resident suspected of killing two of her young children, has had her detention extended until August 25, 2018. Now the woman is being tested for sanity in one of the Moscow psychiatric clinics.

Recall that on April 28, 2018, two small children, 4-year-old Khadizha and 2-year-old Suleiman, were found strangled and burned in an abandoned vegetable store near Nizhny Novgorod. Soon, on suspicion of committing this crime, she was detained own mother killed kids - 27-year-old Elena Karimova. She did not deny and admitted that she went to the murder because of the lack of money for the maintenance of children.

For two weeks now, both Elena herself and her mother have been in Moscow, ”said “ Komsomolskaya Pravda» in Nizhny Novgorod, a friend of the girl Aziz. - There she is undergoing a medical examination for sanity.

By the way, Elena Karimova herself, who at first admitted her guilt, now began to deny her involvement in the crime.

Now Elena claims that this crime was committed by other people, - the head of the first department for especially important crimes of the Investigative Committee of the ICR for Nizhny Novgorod region Andrey Kirillov. - Nevertheless, the investigation has no reason to suspect that someone other than the mother of the children may be involved in this murder. It has now been established that it was Elena Karimova who bought all the substances necessary for the destruction of the corpses of children. Currently, we are waiting for the results of the latest examinations, after which the case can be taken to court.

True, the relatives of Elena Karimova herself still do not believe in her involvement in the crime. Together with their neighbors, they have already written a collective letter in her defense.

We can't believe that Lenochka could do such a thing! Aziz says. - Moreover, during a recent meeting with her mother, she said: “Do not trust anyone! I didn't kill anyone!"

True, in response to the question of who then is behind this crime, both relatives and familiar girls only shrug. At first, they asked to find her second husband, the father of her two murdered children, who was on the international wanted list. So far, however, the search has yielded no results.

A month before the murder, Elena decided to deprive him of parental rights, says Aziza. - She considered that the status of a single mother would give her more rights and benefits. But in response, he began to threaten her, and then completely went on the run. She just told her mother about it.

Meanwhile, Elena Karimova's relatives now and then go to the cemetery where 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman are buried. Although Elena's mother still does not believe that her grandchildren are buried there.

She keeps saying: “Even if it’s not them, I’ll still take toys to them,” recalls Aziza. - Therefore, there are always a lot of all sorts of bears and seals. Although recently vandals plundered everything there. I don't know who needed to steal toys from the cemetery.

Court in Nizhny Novgorod on petition Investigative Committee arrested 27-year-old local resident Elena Karimova, accused of the brutal murder of her two children - a four-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son. She strangled them with her hands and then tried to burn the bodies twice to cover up the marks. Karimova herself cannot clearly explain her brutal act. She claims that she dealt with the children because she was tired of raising them alone and allegedly could not support them. It is already known that she network business, lived for some time in Moscow, where she has a brother, but got into debt there, after which bailiffs opened enforcement proceedings against her.

First of all, a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination will be appointed, which should answer the question of the woman's sanity. In addition, the investigators will check the information that Karimova professed radical religious views.

The court session was held behind closed doors: the press was taken out of the hall because Karimova's lawyer feared for the life of her client. . When asked by one of the journalists whether her parents knew about the murder of her grandchildren, she replied that they would probably find out soon. Karimova looked quite adequate in court, she was sitting behind bars, her head bowed low.

The brutal murder of a four-year-old girl and a two-year-old boy became known by accident. On April 26, residents of the Osinki village in the Semyonovsky district of the Nizhny Novgorod region called firefighters - an abandoned granary on the outskirts of the village, located on the 65th kilometer of the Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov highway, was on fire. When the firefighters coped with the fire, they made a terrible find - charred small bodies. The forensic experts who arrived at the scene examined the bodies and tentatively established that they were children who had been killed before the fire, and then tried to burn them.

Daughter H. (4 years old) and son S. (2 years old). Photo © LIFE SHOT

And the detectives of the criminal investigation department began to look for the parents of the children and eyewitnesses who would help restore the picture of the brutal murder.

Late in the evening, operatives detained the children's mother, 27-year-old resident of Nizhny Novgorod Elena Karimova. At the first interrogation, she admitted that she had killed her own children. According to Yulia Sklyarova, a representative of the regional Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the investigators managed to detain her thanks to the help of one of the bystanders.

Investigators of the Investigative Committee thank the man, who became an indirect eyewitness of the incident, for his active citizenship, - said Sklyarova.

According to her, many residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Semenovsky district responded to the call of detectives to assist in the investigation of this terrible crime.

So far, the picture of the murder looks like this: on April 25, 2018, early in the morning near the house on Busygin Avenue in the Avtozavodsky district, Karimova put her son S. and daughter H. in the back seat of a KIA Rio car, which she rented in one of the local car sharing. After that, she strangled the children with her hands and began to think about what to do next with the bodies. It was decided to burn the bodies in a deserted place.

She drove to the nearest gas station, where she bought ignition fluid, and went to the forest near the village of Shaldez, Semyonovsky District, where she doused the bodies of the kids with a special liquid and set them on fire. However, the mother was afraid that the hunters might notice her, so she knocked out the fire, put the bodies of the children in the back seat of the car and returned home to Nizhny Novgorod.

The next day, she again took the bodies of the murdered children to the Semyonovsky district to hide them. Not far from the village of Osinki, she found an abandoned building, brought the bodies of her son and daughter there, set fire to the premises, and left herself.

The reasons why the woman personally dealt with the children are not yet known. Karimova herself says that poverty allegedly brought her to the murder: she divorced her husband, did not work anywhere, she had nothing to support her children. All this turned out to be a lie. Although Karimova is divorced, she had money. At least the carsharing company told investigators that it was spending roughly $40,000 a month on car rentals. In addition, during a search of the apartment, the operatives found a newly purchased tour package abroad.

At the same time, Elena Karimova had large outstanding loans at least until 2016. Life learned about this from judicial sources and from the database of bailiffs. In 2016, a woman was issued a writ of execution on the forced collection of a debt to a bank, as she was late in payments.

As it turned out, she lives in two cities - Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod. She works in an online cosmetics store, which she reports on her Instagram page. Moreover, the girl turned out to be quite a popular Instagram blogger: more than 21 thousand people subscribed to her. According to some reports, her husband, with whom she had two children, is married for the second time. Wherein ex-wife sued him for not paying alimony to the first family.

"She is my soul, my dearest little man, the most long-awaited daughter. The one for which I am always on my feet. The one for which I live. She is my copy, as harmful as I am. My air, my most affectionate, most intelligent girl," Karimova wrote under a photo of her daughter on April 21.

A few days ago, she posted a video on her Instagram, showing them having fun in a car with the kids.

"Yes, I'm not an ideal daughter. Even sometimes a bastard‍. For all my 26 years I have never listened to anyone since the age of 15. Always on my own mind ... In any matters relating to my life! I became independent early ... Even very early ... Despite all the obstacles from the outside ... Know, mom, life is not without mistakes, I built myself, every cell, every part of my brain. I know that I offended you very often over the past 11 years Walking like a sheep to my ideas, stepping over you, stepping over everyone who at least somehow tried to teach me about life. I don’t regret anything. And you don’t regret it. And remember always! , your daughter has a head for life and will never lose her! she wrote a message to her mother on Instagram last year.

Karimova's friend can't believe what happened. Irina N. believes that Elena is simply not capable of such a thing.

In general, where does this information come from? This a priori cannot be. She just threw off a joke to me yesterday on WhatsApp, we just joked, laughed, - the shocked woman recalls in a conversation with Life.

She characterizes Elena as gentle and caring mother who adored her children and literally "breathed over them."

It can't be, I don't believe in it, it's some kind of your duck. Idiocy, a cruel joke, - the woman continued. - She just breathed over her children. She breathed over her children! God forbid, she catches a cold or something ... she ran to them!

First of all, the investigators ordered a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination to understand the state of Karimova. In addition, there is information that recently Karimova has become interested in radical religious trends.

03.05.2018 A friend committed a murder in a clouded mind

Relatives of the young woman still do not believe that the burnt remains in the abandoned vegetable store are their babies. They do not allow the thought that loving mother killed her daughter and son.

Pages of Elena Karimova in social networks exploded with curses. This story is so monstrous that no one remained indifferent. People are perplexed, indignant, offer versions, come up with excuses. Up to the point that the husband stole the children, and the woman slandered herself under his threats.

There are many photographs on its pages. None of them portend a terrible outcome. beautiful, young, well-groomed woman with extended eyelashes and an expensive manicure, she smiles, hugging her daughter and son. On numerous videos, he flirts in front of the camera to the songs of pop artists.

She is my soul, my dearest little man, my most long-awaited daughter. The one for which I am always on my feet. The one I live for. She's my copy, just as bad as me. My air, my most affectionate, smartest girl, Karimova signed a photo of her daughter on April 21.

Lots of thoughts that claim to be thoughtful. However, they talk about the presence of education and the ability to express their thoughts. It is only in the light of recent events that her remarks take on an ominous meaning.

Never judge a dog or a person at first sight. Because a simple mongrel can have the kindest soul, and a person of pleasant appearance can turn out to be a rare saint ...

Publication from K A R I M O V A L E N A(@karishalena) Apr 23, 2018 at 5:59 am PDT

Native women - mother, aunt, godmother - hope that the children are alive. They can't believe Elena could have killed them.

We don't believe in it! She is a loving mother! How could she kill her children? the girl's aunt, who refused to introduce herself, told LIFE. - What happened, we do not know, we do not trust anyone.

As an argument in favor of the version that the murder was planned in advance, they cite the found ticket to Turkey. Godmother Valentina Rebel assures that it was her gift. Elena was going to leave the children to her grandmother.

We love her very much like our own daughter. She loved children. Everything was fine, she repeated. - It can not be. She is my favorite girl!

We do not believe that these are our children there, - the mother of the suspect, Natalya Testenkova, says sobbing.

Karimova's friends are in the same mood. They confirm that after the divorce, it became difficult for her financially - her husband did not help with money. They admit that she wanted to establish a personal life and even return to the father of the children. But the thought that she could get rid of the children for the sake of a man is not allowed.

But one friend admitted to Open Nizhny that Karimova suffered from depression and excessive irritability. She suggested that Elena was out of her mind if the suspicions of the investigation were justified.

Lena loved children very much and wanted to give them all the best. But the funds were not enough, because ex-husband didn't help. Lena's mother is sick, she has serious problems with health. Therefore, she also could not leave Khadija and Suleiman with her grandmother, - said a friend. - Of course, all this depressed Lena. Her mood often changed, she could be sad, or she could get irritated over trifles and cry. If she really committed the murder, then because of a clouding of her mind. She did everything else out of fear of prison. I'm sure the investigation will look into everything. And if Lena's guilt is proven, she should be treated.

Interestingly, it is precisely this behavior, according to forensic psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov, that is characteristic of excitable psychopathy. This is a personality disorder in which a person develops irritability, irascibility, conflict and aggressive behavior. At the same time, such people can be flattering, pedantic and neat to the point of fanaticism.

The worst thing is that it is almost never possible to predict and prevent such a terrible outcome in advance. Although it is worth noting that such hysterics do not always resort to criminal measures, the psychiatrist told LIFE. - Outwardly, such women do not cause any suspicion. Usually they are well educated, with normal speech, with normal appearance, flirtatious, smiling. Her acquaintances are probably now in shock from her act and grab their heads - how is this possible?

According to Vinogradov, the kids prevented the woman from going on vacation abroad. There was no one to leave them with, but to hand them over to Orphanage she was not allowed by bureaucratic red tape and possible public censure. The criminalist believes that the forensic medical examination will recognize Karimova as sane, and she will be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

April 26 near the village of Osinki in the Semyonovsky district April 26 while extinguishing the old building of the vegetable store. The next day, on suspicion of killing babies, Elena Karimova. , she strangled 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman in a car, and then drove their corpses for two days and tried to burn them.

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