Demo versions of GIA in physics. Demonstration versions of the OGE in physics (grade 9)

control measuring materials for carrying out
in 2017 main state exam in PHYSICS

1. Purpose of CMM for OGE- to assess the level of general education training in physics of graduates of IX grades of general education organizations for the purpose of state final certification of graduates. The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized classes high school.

OGE is carried out in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Documents defining the content of CMM

The content of the examination work is determined on the basis of the Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in physics (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 03/05/2004 No. 1089 “On approval of the Federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education”).

3. Approaches to content selection and CMM structure development

The approaches to the selection of controlled content elements used in the design of CMM variants ensure the requirement of functional completeness of the test, since in each variant the mastery of all sections of the basic school physics course is checked and tasks of all taxonomic levels are offered for each section. At the same time, the most important content elements from a worldview point of view or the need for successful continuation of education are tested in the same version of CMM tasks different levels difficulties.

The structure of the KIM version ensures testing of all types of activities provided for by the Federal component of the state educational standard (taking into account the restrictions imposed by the conditions of mass written testing of students’ knowledge and skills): mastering the conceptual apparatus of a primary school physics course, mastering methodological knowledge and experimental skills, using educational tasks texts of physical content, application of knowledge in solving calculation problems and explaining physical phenomena and processes in practice-oriented situations.

The task models used in the examination work are designed for the use of blank technology (similar to the Unified State Examination) and the possibility of automated verification of part 1 of the work. The objectivity of checking tasks with a detailed answer is ensured by uniform assessment criteria and the participation of several independent experts evaluating one work.

The OGE in physics is an exam of students' choice and performs two main functions: the final certification of primary school graduates and the creation of conditions for differentiating students when entering specialized classes of secondary school. For these purposes, the CMM includes tasks of three levels of complexity. Completing tasks of a basic level of complexity allows you to assess the level of mastery of the most significant content elements of the standard in primary school physics and mastery of the most important types of activities, and completing tasks of advanced and high levels complexity - the degree of preparedness of the student to continue education at the next stage of education, taking into account the further level of study of the subject (basic or specialized).

4. Connection of the OGE exam model with the Unified State Exam KIM

The examination model of the OGE and the KIM Unified State Examination in Physics are built on the basis of a unified concept for assessing the educational achievements of students in the subject “Physics”. Unified approaches are ensured, first of all, by checking all types of activities formed within the framework of teaching the subject. In this case, similar work structures are used, as well as a single bank of task models. Continuity in the formation of various types of activities is reflected in the content of tasks, as well as in the system for assessing tasks with a detailed answer.

It is possible to note two significant differences between the exam model of the OGE and the KIM Unified State Examination. So, technological features conducting the Unified State Exam do not allow for full control of the development of experimental skills, and this type of activity is tested indirectly using specially designed tasks based on photographs. Carrying out the OGE does not contain such restrictions, so an experimental task was introduced into the work, performed on real equipment. In addition, in the examination model of the OGE, a block on testing techniques for working with a variety of physical information is more widely represented.

5. Characteristics of the structure and content of CMM

Each version of the CMM consists of two parts and contains 26 tasks that differ in form and level of complexity (Table 1).

Part 1 contains 22 tasks, of which 13 tasks require a short answer in the form of a single number, eight tasks that require a short answer in the form of a number or a set of numbers, and one task with a detailed answer. Tasks 1, 6, 9, 15 and 19 with a short answer are tasks to establish the correspondence of positions presented in two sets, or tasks to select two correct statements from the proposed list (multiple choice).

Part 2 contains four tasks (23-26), for which you need to provide a detailed answer. Task 23 is practical work, for which laboratory equipment is used.

There is less and less time left until June 3, 2017, and physics is a complex subject. So many students are in a hurry to cheat, looking for ready-made answers to the OGE somewhere on the Internet.

If you don’t understand now what kind of GIA (OGE) this is, let’s give a brief reference. Graduates of the ninth grade take an analogue of the Unified State Exam - GIA, which stands for state final certification. It can be of two types: OGE and GVE. The main state exam (OGE) is taken by the majority of ninth grade graduates. The approach is similar to the Unified State Exam: extreme standardization of the format and testing procedure. The State Final Examination (GVE) is taken by children with disabilities and students of closed educational institutions. The approach to testing here is different: questions and tasks based on tickets.

What will happen at the OGE 2017 in physics

You have to complete 26 tasks in 180 minutes. The exam can be divided into two parts. The first part includes 22 tasks. Here the graduate must either enter a short answer (in the form of a number, a number or a group of numbers/numbers), or select two correct answers from those proposed (multiple choice), or establish a correspondence between two information series, and in one task he will need to give a full, detailed answer.

The second part includes only four tasks, but they all require a detailed answer. And task No. 23 is just laboratory work.

When preparing for the exam, remember that you do not need all of physics in its diversity, but only four of its sections, which the OGE is designed to test: mechanical phenomena, thermal phenomena, electromagnetic phenomena, quantum phenomena. Ideally, of course, school program should have given you comprehensive knowledge on these sections, but in practice this is not always the case. Therefore, do not rely on what you have been taught, and try to follow the officially recommended textbooks by the Ministry of Education and Science (the so-called graded textbooks).

Compared to last year’s OGE, the current one, 2017, has not changed at all in the structure and types of questions, so feel free to use it in your preparation.

Answers to the State Examination (OGE) 2017 in physics

A query in any search engine “Answers to the OGE June 3, 2017” will give you more than a dozen resources that offer to buy “original” 2017 CMMs. We hope you understand that these are scammers who will actually only take your money, but in return they will either give you nothing or demo CIMs or CIMs from previous years. Why pay for something that is already officially stored in open access on the website of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements? This is completely pointless, don't fall for it.

Download the key to solving all tests right now!

What will really help you pass physics successfully is trust in yourself and your knowledge. After all, you studied something for several years, and it couldn’t just disappear from your head. You just need to remind yourself of what you have covered, learn something additional, but the main thing is to bring the accumulated knowledge into a system convenient for you. Write cheat sheets or notes for all sections of the textbook - it’s simple and effective way put the knowledge in your head so that it is easy to apply it in the exam.

OGE in 2017

In addition to the two main subjects - mathematics and Russian language - graduates will also be required to take two optional subjects from the following list: physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social studies, foreign language(English, German, Spanish or French), computer science.

Articles about answers in other subjects:

  • Answers to the OGE in English (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to the OGE in Spanish (May 26 and 27, 2017)
  • Answers to

The collection contains 30 training options examination papers in physics and is intended to prepare for the main state exam. The 31st option is the control one.
Each option includes test tasks different types and level of difficulty corresponding to parts 1 and 2 of the examination paper. At the end of the book, self-test answers to all tasks are given.
The proposed training options will help the teacher organize preparation for the final certification, and students will independently test their knowledge and readiness to take the final exam.

The publication is addressed to 9th grade students to prepare for the OGE in physics.
The benefit includes:
800 tasks of different types;
solving tasks with a detailed answer;
answers to all tasks.
All represented educational topics, knowledge of which is tested by exam.
The publication will assist teachers in preparing students for the OGE in physics.

Download and read OGE 2018, Physics, Collection of assignments, grade 9, Khannanov N.K., 2017

This manual is intended for practicing practical skills of students in preparation for the 9th grade physics exam in the form of the OGE. It contains options for diagnostic work in physics, the content of which corresponds to the test measuring materials, developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for conducting state final certification. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer.

Download and read Physics, Preparation for the OGE in 2018, Diagnostic work, Yakuta E.V., 2018

The approaches to the selection of controlled content elements used in the design of CMM variants ensure the requirement of functional completeness of the test, since in each variant the mastery of all sections of the basic school physics course is checked and tasks of all taxonomic levels are offered for each section. At the same time, the content elements that are most important from an ideological point of view or necessary for the successful continuation of education are tested in the same version of the CMM with tasks of different levels of complexity.

Download and read OGE 2018, Physics, grade 9, Specification, Codifier

Series “OGE. FIPI - school" was prepared by the developers of control measurement materials (CMM) of the main state exam.
The collection contains:
30 standard exam options, compiled in accordance with the draft demo version of the KIM OGE in physics 2017;
instructions for completing the examination work;
answers to all tasks;
solutions and criteria for assessing assignments.
Completing the tasks of standard exam options provides students with the opportunity to independently prepare for the state final certification in grade 9 in the form of the OGE, as well as to objectively assess the level of their preparation for the exam.
Teachers can use standard exam options to organize monitoring of student learning results educational programs basic general education and intensive preparation of students for the Unified State Exam.

Download and read OGE, Physics. Standard exam options, 30 options, Kamzeeva E.E., 2017

The author of the tasks is a leading specialist directly involved in the development teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials of the OGE.
The manual includes 14 training options, which in structure, content and level of complexity are similar to control measuring ones OGE materials in physics.
The reference data that is necessary to solve all the options is given at the beginning of the collection.
After completing the options, the student can check the correctness of his answers using the answer table at the end of the book. The manual provides an analysis of solutions to one of the options. For tasks in Part 2 that require a detailed answer, detailed solutions are provided.

Download and read OGE 2018, Physics, 14 options, Typical test tasks from OGE developers, Kamzeeva E.E., 2018

The simulator in the form of a workbook is intended for preparation for performing experimental tasks included in the OGE in physics. Tasks are grouped thematically. Within thematic sections (mechanical, electrical and optical phenomena) the works are arranged in accordance with the activity principle of constructing experimental tasks of the OGE: direct measurements, indirect measurements, checking rules, studying dependencies.
The manual includes real typical experimental OGE assignments, descriptions of their correct implementation and filling out the OGE forms are provided.
The student gets the opportunity to effectively work out the educational material using large quantities assignments and prepare for the exam yourself.
Teachers will find the book useful for organizing various forms preparation for the OGE.
Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.

Download and read OGE 2018, Physics, Simulator, Experimental tasks, Nikiforov G.G., 2018

This manual is intended for practicing practical skills of students in preparation for the 9th grade physics exam in the form of the OGE. It contains options for diagnostic work in physics, the content of which corresponds to the testing and measuring materials developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for the state final certification. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer. The authors of the manual are developers of training and diagnostic work for the StatGrad system (
The materials in the book are recommended for teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students’ preparation in the subject and determine the degree of their readiness for the state final certification.
The publication complies with the Federal State Educational Standard (FSES).

Download and read OGE 2018, Physics, Diagnostic work, Yakuta E.V., 2017

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