Antonovsky apples - Bunin I.A.

History of creation

At first, Bunin wrote in the form of poems, where he reflected, first of all, his love for his homeland. But gradually the writer began to think about creating prose works, like Antonov's Apples. The writer's desire to convey the whole life of the Russian middle and upper classes in the countryside was first reflected in "Antonov apples", which are rightfully considered worthy of Bunin's pen. The approximate time of their writing refers to the end of the 1890s, and their first publication took place in 1900.


Their plot as a whole is a description of the main character's memories, and in each of the four chapters of the text they are different (although they have a common meaning). So, in the first part, the trade of the townspeople with the famous "Antonov" apples in August is described, in the second - autumn, the noble house where he lived main character and his relatives. The third describes his hunting with his brother-in-law, Arseniy Semyonitch, as well as the onset of winter. In the fourth - the November day of small local people is described.

The patriotism of Bunin himself stands out from the plot, describing the middle (and partially upper) estate in the Russian village, and from the style of writing - the features of the author's artistic word.

Criticism of the story

see also


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The author-narrator recalls the recent past. He recalls the early fine autumn, the whole golden, dried up and thinned garden, the delicate aroma of fallen leaves and the smell of Antonov apples: gardeners pour apples onto carts to send them to the city. Late at night, running out into the garden and talking with the watchmen guarding the garden, he looks into the dark blue depth of the sky, overflowing with constellations, looks for a long, long time, until the earth floats under his feet, feeling how good it is to live in the world!

The narrator recalls his Vyselki, which since the time of his grandfather have been known in the district as a rich village. Old men and women lived there for a long time - the first sign of well-being. The houses in Vyselki were brick and strong. The average noble life had much in common with the rich peasant life. He remembers his aunt Anna Gerasimovna, her estate is small, but solid, old, surrounded by hundred-year-old trees. Aunt's garden was famous for its apple trees, nightingales, and turtledoves, and the house for its roof: its thatched roof was unusually thick and high, blackened and hardened by time. First of all, the smell of apples was felt in the house, and then other smells: old mahogany furniture, dried lime blossom.

The narrator recalls his late brother-in-law Arseniy Semenych, a landowner-hunter, in whose big house a lot of people gathered, everyone had a hearty dinner, and then went hunting. A horn blows in the yard, dogs howl in different voices, the owner's favorite, a black greyhound, climbs onto the table and devours the remains of a hare with sauce from the dish. The author recalls himself riding an evil, strong and squat "Kyrgyz": trees flash before his eyes, the cries of hunters, the barking of dogs are heard in the distance. From the ravines smells of mushroom dampness and wet tree bark. It is getting dark, the whole gang of hunters tumble into the estate of some almost unknown bachelor hunter and, it happens, lives with him for several days. After a whole day spent hunting, the warmth of a crowded house is especially pleasant. When it happened to oversleep hunting the next morning, one could spend the whole day in the master's library, leafing through old magazines and books, looking at the notes in their margins. Family portraits look from the walls, an old dreamy life rises before my eyes, my grandmother is remembered with sadness ...

But the old people died in Vyselki, Anna Gerasimovna died, Arseniy Semenych shot himself. There comes the kingdom of small landed nobles, impoverished to beggary. But this small local life is good too! The narrator happened to visit a neighbor. He gets up early, orders the samovar to be put on, and, putting on his boots, goes out onto the porch, where he is surrounded by hounds. It will be a nice day for hunting! Only they don’t hunt along the black trail with hounds, oh, if only greyhounds! But he has no greyhounds ... However, with the onset of winter, again, as in the old days, small locals come to each other, drink with their last money, disappear for whole days in snowy fields. And in the evening, on some remote farmstead, the windows of an outbuilding glow in the dark: candles burn there, clouds of smoke float, they play the guitar, they sing ...

The great writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote his work “Antonov apples” quickly, in just a few months. But the work on the story was not finished by him, because he turned to his story again and again, changing the text. Each edition of this story was already with a modified and edited text. And this was easily explained by the fact that the writer's impressions were so vivid and deep that he wanted to show all this to his reader.

But such a story as "Antonov apples", where there is no plot development, and Bunin's impressions and memories form the basis of the content, is difficult to analyze. It is difficult to capture the emotions of a person who lives in the past. But Ivan Alekseevich manages to accurately convey sounds and colors, showing his unusual literary skill. Reading the story "Antonov apples" you can understand what feelings and emotions the writer experienced. This is both pain and sadness that all this is left behind, as well as joy and tenderness for the ways of antiquity.

Bunin uses bright colors to describe colors, for example, black-lilac, gray-iron. Bunin's descriptions are so deep that he even notices how the shadow falls from many objects. For example, from the flame in the garden in the evening he sees black silhouettes, which he compares with giants. By the way, there are a lot of metaphors in the text. It is worth paying attention to the sundresses that girls put on at fairs: “sundresses smelling of paint”. Even the smell of Bunin's paint does not cause irritation, and this is another memory. And what words does he choose when he conveys his feelings from the water! It is not easy for the writer to be cold or transparent, but Ivan Alekseevich uses such a description of her: icy, heavy.

What is happening in the soul of the narrator, how strong and deep his feelings are, can be understood if we analyze those details in the work “Antonov apples”, where he gives a detailed description of them. There is also a main character in the story - a barchuk, but his story is not revealed to the reader.

At the very beginning of his work, the writer uses one of the means of artistic expression of speech. The gradation lies in the fact that the author very often repeats the word “remember”, which allows you to create a feeling of how carefully the writer treats his memories and is afraid to forget something.

The second chapter contains not only a description of a wonderful autumn, which is usually mysterious and even fabulous in the villages. But the work tells about the old women who lived out their lives and prepared to accept death. To do this, they put on a shroud, which was wonderfully painted and starched so that it stood like a stone on the body of the old women. The writer also recalled that, having prepared for death, such old women dragged grave stones into the courtyard, which now stood in anticipation of the death of their mistress.

The writer's memories are transferred to the reader in the second part and to another estate, which belonged to Ivan Alekseevich's great-aunt. Anna Gerasimovna lived by herself, so she was always glad to visit her old estate. The road to this estate still pops up before the eyes of the narrator: a juicy and spacious sky blue color, a rolled and well-worn road seems to the writer the most expensive and so dear. Bunin's description of both the road and the estate itself causes a great feeling of regret that all this has gone into the distant past.

The description of the telegraph poles that the narrator met on the way to his aunt reads sadly and sadly. They were like silver strings, and the birds sitting on them seemed to the writer to be notes. But even here, on the aunt's estate, the narrator again remembers the smell of Antonov's apples.

The third part takes the reader already into deep autumn, when, after rains, cold and long, the sun finally begins to peek out. And again the estate of another landowner - Arseny Semenovich, who was big lover hunting. And again, the sadness and regret of the author can be traced that the spirit of the landowner, who honored both his roots and all Russian culture, has now faded away. But now that former life has been lost, and it is now impossible to return the former noble life in Rus'.

In the fourth chapter of the story "Antonov apples" Bunin sums up, saying that no more than the smell of childhood, which was associated with the life and life of the local nobility, the smell of Antonov apples disappeared. And it is impossible to see either those old people, or glorious landowners, or those glorious times. And the last lines of the story “White snow covered the way-road” lead the reader to the fact that it is no longer impossible to return the former Russia, its former life.

The story “Antonov apples” is a kind of ode, enthusiastic, but sad and sad, imbued with love, which is dedicated to Russian nature, life in the village and the patriarchal way of life that was in Rus'. The story is short, but it conveys quite a lot. Bunin is pleased with the memories of that time, they are filled with spirituality and poetry.

“Antonov apples” is Bunin’s anthem to his homeland, which, although it remained in the past, far from him, nevertheless remained forever in the memory of Ivan Alekseevich, and it was for him like the best and purest time, his time spiritual development.

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  1. “I remember early fine autumn. August was with warm rains. After Indian summer cobwebs a lot of villages on the fields. I remember earlier...

"Antonov apples" - Bunin's story, published in 1900. The work is built on a lyrical monologue-memories. What is the main theme of Bunin's Antonov Apples? What events inspired the writer to create this work?

Ivan Bunin

The analysis of the Antonov apples, like any similar task, should begin with brief information about the author. Ivan Bunin entered literature not as a prose writer, but as a poet. However, the debut collection of poems, which was published in Orel, did not cause a special reaction from critics. Bunin received recognition after the publication of the book Falling Leaves, which also included exclusively poems.

Ivan Bunin left a deep and bright mark on Russian literature. In their lyrical works continued classical traditions A. Fet, Y. Polonsky, A. Tolstoy. In stories and novels, he showed, often with a nostalgic mood, both the impoverishment of noble estates, and the cruel face of the village, and the disastrous oblivion of the moral foundations of life. Bunin became a classic of Russian literature, thanks to such prose works as "The Life of Arseniev", "Light Breath", "Cursed Days", "Antonov Apples".

Analysis artwork can't do without brief history creating a work. How did the idea for the story come about?

The history of the creation of "Antonov apples"

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin decided to write this work in the early nineties of the XIX century. Then he stayed at the estate of his relative. Once I went out onto the porch and felt an amazing, unique smell of apples. At the same time, he experienced nostalgia for the serf times.

When analyzing "Antonov's Apples", it should be said that in this work the author sang the old landowner's life. The main theme of the story is lyrical memories of noble culture. Many of Bunin's works, including "Antonov apples", are permeated with nostalgia for the past.

An analysis of the writer's work involves a presentation of the main facts from his biography. As you know, Bunin left Russia. But this happened many years after the publication of the story. However, already at the beginning of the century, Russia was not the same as that depicted in the work “Antonov apples”. Bunin's heroes are images from a past, happier life.


The lyrical hero recalls the past. In his imagination there is an early Golden autumn, a thinned garden, an incomparable aroma of apples. The author recalls Vyselki, a village that has been known in the district since the time of his grandfather as the richest. The houses here were strong, brick. There was also a small estate with an apple orchard.

Arseniy Semenych

The hero also remembers people who have long been gone from the world. And above all, the deceased relative of Arseniy Semyonych. It was an avid hunter. A lot of people gathered in his house. The table was full of food, and after dinner the host went hunting with his guests. The horn blew, the dogs howled. The author recalls riding, the cries of hunters...

Years have passed

But what the lyrical hero recalls is long gone. The village is still the same. What is she without owners? Arseniy Semenych shot himself. The owner of the estate and the apple orchard has died. The kingdom of the impoverished nobles has come.

Happy times are in the past. Now the nobles are no longer the same, they are impoverished. True, they still gather at each other's in the evenings. But life will never be the same. The harsh rural reality is shown. And the author wonders how to live now. But even this life is not so bad ... And again the author indulges colorful description rural life, still not suspecting anything that the petty nobility did not have long to exist.


What problems did Bunin raise in Antonov Apples? The author showed how the patriarchal world is fading into the past, rural estates are being ruined and disappearing. In his work, the writer made a kind of study of the historically established foundations of the Russian village, tried to catch the reasons for their collapse, to understand what new life to every single person.

The story "Antonov apples" is surprisingly poetic. However, the lyrical hero seems to be hidden from the reader. His history remains unknown. The reader only knows that the peasants call him "the barchuk". The emphasis in the work is on associations, memories of the past.

When a person is closer to nature, his life and relationships with others are easier. Bunin clearly showed in this story the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdisastrous and doomed beauty. The thought of the common destinies of the nobility and the peasantry is carried through the whole work. After all, everyone is equally threatened with death.

Image of Russia

The book "Antonov apples" is a kind of look at Russia. For some motherland associated with Antonov apples, honey and morning freshness. For others - with a frosty winter morning. Like no one else, Bunin managed to discover the beauty of Russia, tenderness native nature. After all, even readers who have never been to the countryside and can hardly imagine the smell of apples are imbued with rural old landowners landscapes created by this writer.


In the literary community, the story caused a mixed reaction. Maxim Gorky, after reading Bunin's work, said that the author managed to "sing beautifully, sincerely, juicy." However, the Petrel of the Revolution did not like Bunin's idea. He expressed categorical disagreement with the philosophical concept of the work. Antonovskiye Yabloki was greeted with bewilderment by the most widely read metropolitan newspaper. A well-known publicist noted: "Bunin writes about everything that comes to his hand, and therefore it is impossible to read the main thing."

Five years after the story was published, a parody of Kuprin appeared in the Zhupel magazine. This essay contained the following words: "Where are you, the wonderful time of Antonov apples, serf souls, ransom payments?" There is a version that the parody became Kuprin's revenge on the "nobleman by mother" - this is exactly how the aristocrat Bunin once had the imprudence to call his colleague. By the way, Kuprin called his satirical work not at all poetic - "Pies with milk mushrooms."

"Antonov apples" is Bunin's work, which conditionally ends the early stage of his work. In this article we will analyze the story "Antonov apples" by Ivan Bunin.

The history of the creation of the story "Antonov apples"

The story was published in Life magazine in 1900. Impressed by visiting his brother's estate, he wrote the work. According to Bunin, the garden smelled of Antonov apples, which are impossible to breathe! It is for them that the poet loves autumn.

Before the story saw the light of day, Bunin shortened its content. For example, the first page was removed completely. Some descriptions of noble life were also omitted.

Analysis of the composition and problems of the story "Antonov apples"

The work belongs to the genre of the story in which there is a form of an internal monologue. The story consists of four chapters, each of which contains a description of a new world. But, by combining them together, a whole picture of the world is obtained, which Bunin created so skillfully.

First part: amazing garden, its unity with nature, universal fragrance.

The second part: golden autumn is described, the aroma of apples, village chores.

The third part: the change of foggy autumn to harsh winter, along with which the spirit of the landowners who are ready to leave their native places is fading.

Fourth part: loneliness and longing

Analyzing the story “Antonov apples”, Bunina notes that the work is filled with sounds, as if nature wants to convey something important to the reader. The sounds and noises only increase towards the end of the story. Only Antonov apples remain unchanged. There is an effect of a closed space, it seems that there is nothing in the world except for the estate. There is no usual plot in the story, there is only life cycle filled with feelings and emotions. As much as man experiences, so does nature. After all, everything in life is interconnected.

main theme not only this story, but the entire work of the writer is the theme of Russia. Bunin is worried about the ruined noble estates and estates. This is a lyrical and sincere work, as if immersing in the world of reality and the outgoing Russia. Bunin shows that with the departure of the smell of apples, that former Russia also leaves.

The characters in this story have no names. This technique is used to show that any person can take the place of the characters, there is no specific type. However, along with the successive change of seasons, the main character also changes. He grows from a child into a youth, from a youth into an adult, and then into an old man.

Other details of the analysis of the story "Antonov apples"

The eternal theme of the Motherland is widespread in the work of Russian writers. This is due to their patriotism. They understand that the era that was, can not be returned. Bunin shows himself to be a real master of the pen, introducing symbols into the story. They are easy to read and complete.

As the smell of apples disappears from estates, so does Russia. An analogy can be drawn with the Cherry Orchard. the main idea both works - this is the existence of the human race, the ability to inherit everything valuable and dear to the soul. Pictures of nature are filled with melancholy and sadness. Together with the author, nature is also sad.

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