The largest statue in the world is 148 meters. The most famous statues in the world. Peter I. Russia

A statue is a sculpture that is a three-dimensional image of a human figure, an animal, and sometimes a fantastic one.

Most of the tallest statues in the world are located in China, but Russia also has its own record holders. As usual, let's start from the last place.


Place: Volgograd, Russia
Total height of the monument: 57 meters
Year: 1973

Monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin at the entrance to the Volga-Don shipping canal. It is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the world's largest monument erected to a real living person.


Place: Moscow, Russia
Total height of the monument: 58 meters
Year: 1937

"The ideal and symbol of the Soviet era." The famous sculptural group of two figures with a hammer and sickle raised above their heads.

According to the sculptor's idea, the boy and girl represent the owners of the Soviet land - the working class and the collective farm peasantry.

“Worker and Collective Farm Woman” is a symbol of the Mosfilm film studio.


Place: Kyiv, Ukraine
Total height of the monument: 61 meters
Year: 2000—2001

Monument dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. The monument is located in the center of Kyiv on Independence Square.


Place: Leshan, China
Total height of the monument: 71 meters
Year: 713

The Buddha statue was carved into the rock in Mount Lingyunshan at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan and for more than a millennium was the tallest piece of sculpture in the world.


Place: Foshan, China
Total height of the monument: 77 meters


Place: Wuxi, China
Total height of the monument: 88 meters
Year: 1996

Considered to be the largest bronze statue in the world:


Place: Ang Thong, Thailand
Total height of the monument: 92 meters
Year: 2008


Place: New York, USA
Total height of the monument: 93 meters
Year: 1886

She is one of the most famous sculptures in the USA and in the world. Since its discovery, the statue has served as a navigational landmark and has been used as a lighthouse.

The crown, reached by a staircase of 365 steps, offers expansive views of New York Harbor:


Place: Moscow, Russia
Total height of the monument: 98 meters
Year: 1997

The work of Zurab Tsereteli, commissioned by the Moscow Government on an artificial island built near the division of the Moscow River. (Photo by Yuri Dmitrienko):

Then the monument caused almost unanimous rejection in the circles of the public and architects due to its appearance and lack of value for the city.


Place: Changsha, China
Total height of the monument: 99 meters
Year: 2009


Place: Sendai, Japan
Total height of the monument: 100 meters
Year: 1991

Statue of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.

There is an elevator inside the statue that takes you to the very top.


Place: Kyiv, Ukraine
Total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1981

The monument-sculpture “Motherland” is located on the high right bank of the Dnieper.

In one hand the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons.


Place: Volgograd, Russia
Total height of the monument: 102 meters
Year: 1967

Monument to the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad on Mamayev Kurgan. The size of the sculpture can be estimated by the people nearby:

Large and tall statues have been built since ancient times. For example, the Great Sphinx, built by the ancient Egyptians, was 20 meters in height. However, over the last century, a number of statues have been built that are much taller than the ancient wonders of the world. In this list I will list the 7 tallest statues in the world at the moment

7. Sculpture Motherland in Kyiv

This is a monument in honor of the Great Patriotic War calling for patriotism. The creation of the sculpture was completed in 1981, the statue itself rises 62 meters, and together with general structure the height is 102 meters. The weight of the statue is 560 tons. Interestingly, the sculpture Motherland in Volgograd, on Mamayev Kurgan, is much more famous, but its height is 54 meters

6. Sculpture of Emperors Yan and Huan

This sculpture was carved into the rock, taking more than two decades to complete. Its creation was completed in 2007. the total height of the sculpture is 106 meters. For those who do not know, the sculpture is dedicated to the two very first emperors of China - Yan Di and Huan Di

5. Guan Yin Statue in China

The 108-meter-tall statue of Huan Yin Bodhisattva is located on the southern coast of Hainan Island in China. It took 6 years to create the statue, the work was completed in 2005

4. Cristo Rey Statue

This statue was built under inspiration from the famous Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro in 1959. It took 10 years to build and the statue is exactly the same size as the one in Rio. the total height of the monument is 110 meters

3. Ushiku Daibutsu Statue in Japan

The Ushiku Daibutsu statue is dedicated to Amitabha Buddha and is located in the city of Ushiku in Japan. It was built in 1995. This is the third tallest statue in the world, the total height of the monument is 120 meters. There is an elevator inside the statue that takes you to the observation platform at the top of the statue.

2. Laykyun Setkyar in Myanmar

This statue is the second tallest in the world. It is built on Kaung Hill in central Myanmar. At his feet is also the largest reclining Buddha statue in the world. The reclining Buddha was built in 1991, and the tall Laykyun Setkyar in 2008

1. Spring Temple Buddha

This is the largest and tallest statue in the world. The total height of the entire monument is 153 meters. Construction of this sculpture began after terrorists blew up the Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan. The statue was completed in 2008

The graph below clearly demonstrates the size of the Spring Buddha in relation to the Statue of Liberty, the Motherland in Volgograd and Christ the Redeemer

Any country in the world tries to show its uniqueness and stand out from other states, glorify itself, its gods and great figures who played a significant historical role. Exist different ways attracting the interest of a large number of people, one of which is the erection of statues, so colossal that they can be seen from the far corners of the planet. The tallest statues in the world are erected for centuries, as a sign of the steadfastness and power of the country, as well as as historical value for subsequent generations.

The Statue of Liberty and the Washington Monument are the pride of Americans

Many people believe that the Statue of Liberty is the tallest statue in the world. Indeed, this majestic monument, which is American symbol, causes awe and admiration.

However, its height of 93 meters today does not cause the same surprise, because there are higher monuments in the world. Which statue is the tallest in the world?

Against the backdrop of monuments existing on Earth, the monument to the first President of the United States of America, George Washington, stands out in its enormous size, which was considered the tallest building on the planet before its construction Eiffel Tower. Located between the Capitol and the White House, it is a giant marble-clad stele. Its base is surrounded by fifty flags representing the 50 states of the Union. The shape of the obelisk resembles a pencil, which is why it is called that among Americans.

History of the Washington Monument

The design of the monument lasted almost a hundred years, including a 25-year break due to Civil War and the slow recovery of the country. The first call for construction took place back in 1738, when the Continental Congress decided that in honor of the American victory under George Washington in the Revolutionary War, an equestrian statue should be erected in his honor. Due to limited resources in those days, the monument was never built. The fulfillment of the long-standing dream of the Americans to create a monument that the world had not yet seen found its continuation in 1838, when a collection of donations for its construction was started and a competition was announced for best idea. Robert Mills won, proposing a stunning project that turned out to be unaffordable, but was nevertheless taken as the basis.

The first stone of the future masterpiece was laid on July 4, 1848, using a shovel that was used to lay the foundation for the Capitol half a century before the event described by Washington himself. Construction was completed in 1884, and the monument was officially opened in October 1888. At the same time, a steam elevator was installed on it, which gave way to an electric one in 1901. From the top of the monument on the observation deck you can see the Capitol building, Thomas Jefferson, and the White House.

Victory Memorial - the pride of Russia

What is the tallest statue in the world after the Washington Monument? With a difference of 30 meters - this is the Victory Monument, erected in 1995 on May 9th. It is part of the Moscow-based Poklonnaya Hill. The height of the monument - 141.8 meters - was chosen deliberately: 10 centimeters for every day of the war.

The shape of the obelisk resembles triangular bayonet, covered with bronze bas-reliefs. On a granite podium at the foot of the monument there is a statue of St. George the Victorious, slaying a snake with a spear - a symbol of evil. At the 100-meter mark there is a 25-ton group of sculptures, which includes a bronze figure of Nike, the goddess of Victory, bearing a crown, and two cupids proclaiming a joyful event.

Tallest statues in the world: Spring Temple Buddha

The statues of the world, which are huge in size, mostly depict Buddha. For example, the height of the tallest statue in the world, the Buddha of the Spring Temple, is 128 meters, of which 28 meters are given to the lotus-shaped pedestal. Such a grandiose structure is located on a 25-meter pedestal, to which a staircase leads, consisting of 365 steps and 12 flights, symbolizing the number of days and months in a year. Erected in 2002, the tallest Buddha statue in the world rises above the village of Zhaocun in Henan Province, China.

This sculpture represents one of the five sacred Buddhas, embodying Wisdom. It was made from separate parts (about 1100 pieces), then folded into one whole. 15 thousand tons of steel, 33 tons of copper and about 108 kilograms of gold were spent on its production, and the total cost of the entire project was about $55 million. The idea of ​​erecting such a colossus arose after the Taliban blew up two of the world's tallest statues of Buddha in Afghanistan. In 2010, the hill on which the giant statue sits was converted into two stone steps, increasing the height of the sculpture to 208 meters. This served as the basis for its inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records.

Japanese Buddha

No less impressive in its size is the tallest Buddha statue in the world (after the Spring Temple Buddha), located in Japan in the city of Ushiku - the 120-meter Amitahba Buddha statue, created in 1995. Its construction took about 600 bronze plates connected to each other; The weight of the graceful colossus, according to rough estimates, is about 4000 tons.

Being a true work of art and a living embodiment of modern engineering thought, the sculpture inside is equipped with museums and observation decks, which offer stunning views of the world. There are also special rooms inside the monument; You can leave a sign with your innermost desires in them. There are also small tombs, a place in which can be purchased by any Japanese at a price of 3,000 to 10,000 euros. Each tomb is marked with a plaque with the names of the buried people. The location for the statue was chosen deliberately: it was in Usika after for long years Solitary life and meditation received the enlightenment of Dharmakara and became Buddha Amitabha. By the pose of the statue, one can determine that the Buddha passes on his knowledge and teachings to his followers, helping them achieve enlightenment.

The Buddha's headdress is not an ordinary one; on his head is a hat in the shape of his reduced face.

Lezhong Sasaja - 116-meter Buddha

A religious sculpture in Myanmar (Sikaing District) is the statue of Lezhong Sasazha. The 116-meter tall Buddha statue, mounted on a 13.4-meter-high pedestal, stands next to another Buddha that was built 17 years earlier.

Officially, the monument, which took 12 years to build, was opened in 2008 and was the tallest sculpture at that time. The predominant color of the architectural structure is yellow.

Tallest statues in the world: Goddess Guanyin

The pride is the beautiful statue of the Goddess Guanyin, erected in 2006. Its height is 108 meters. This majestic sculpture is located on an artificially created island, which is reached by an originally designed road through a green park. Three-faced goddess White color which harmoniously combines with the blue sea and water, attracts many tourists from all over the world.

One face of the goddess is facing the island of Hainan, the other two are directed into the sea, symbolizing the protection of the whole world. In her hands the goddess holds a rosary, the number of beads of which is 108. According to Feng Shui, this is a sacred number, considered auspicious by the Chinese. By the way, 108 monks were also present at the opening of the monument in 2008. On the other hand, the goddess holds a book in her hands and the name Guanyin means “looking at the suffering of the world,” and the goddess personifies mercy and wisdom. People come to her to pray for the children; at the foot of the statue there is even a certain place where you can stand and ask the goddess for the most secret things.

All the statues that will be discussed are world landmarks and are located in most interesting countries peace. They are all different and not alike, but we have all heard about them at one time or another, because they are cultural heritage of all humanity.

Statue of Christ the Redeemer

Located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This is one of the most famous and popular monuments in the world. Every year, at least 1.8 million tourists climb to its foot, from where a panorama of the city and the coast with the picturesque Pan di Azucar mountain opens up.


Located on Easter Island, Chile. These are stone statues made from compressed volcanic ash. All moai are monolithic, meaning they are carved from a single piece of stone rather than glued or fastened together. The weight sometimes reaches more than 20 tons, and the height - more than 6 meters (in addition, an unfinished sculpture was found 20 meters tall and weighing 270 tons). There are a total of 997 moai on Easter Island; how and why they were built is unknown. All of them, except for seven statues, “look” into the interior of the island.

"Little Mermaid"

Located in the port of Copenhagen, Denmark. This is a statue depicting the heroine of the fairy tale of the same name by Hans Christian Andersen. She is only 1.25 m tall and weighs about 175 kg, but this does not stop her from being one of the most iconic sculptures. Its construction was ordered in 1909 by Carl Jacobsen (son of the founder of the Carlsberg company) after he was fascinated by the ballet of the same name.

Buddha statue in Leshan

It is located in the thickness of Mount Lingyunshan at the confluence of three rivers in the Chinese province of Sichuan. It is one of the tallest Buddha monuments and was once the tallest piece of sculpture in the world (which it has been for over a thousand years). Work on its creation took place during the reign of the Tang Dynasty (713) and lasted ninety years. The height of the statue is 71 m, the height of the head is almost 15 m, the shoulder span is almost 30 m, the length of the finger is 8 m, the length of the toe is 1.6 m, the length of the nose is 5.5 m. It is recognized as a monument World Heritage UNESCO.

"Great Sphinx"

Located on the west bank of the Nile in Giza, Egypt. The oldest surviving monumental sculpture on Earth. Carved from a monolithic limestone rock in the shape of a colossal sphinx - a lion lying on the sand, whose face, as has long been believed, was given a portrait resemblance to Pharaoh Khafre (c. 2500 BC), whose funeral pyramid is located nearby. The length of the statue is 73 meters, height is 20 meters; Between the front paws there was once a small sanctuary.

Statue of Liberty

Located on Liberty Island, about 3 km southwest of the southern tip of Manhattan, in New Jersey. It is often called a symbol of New York and the USA, a symbol of freedom and democracy. It is noteworthy that main symbol The US built it and was given to them by the French.

Venus de Milo

Located in the Louvre. This is the famous ancient Greek statue of the goddess Aphrodite, created approximately between 130 and 100 BC. Perhaps the most famous statue and one of the oldest in existence. The broken hands give it a special flavor.

Nelson's Column

Located in the center of Trafalgar Square in London. The column was built between 1840 and 1843 in memory of Admiral Horatio Nelson, who died at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The 5.5-meter statue is located on top of a 46-meter granite column. The statue looks south towards the Admiralty and Portsmouth - the site of Nelson's flagship, the Royal navy Great Britain HMS Victor. They say that Hitler wanted to take the convoy to Berlin after the successful capture of Great Britain.

"Manneken Pis"

It is one of the most famous landmarks in Brussels, Belgium. Exact time and the circumstances surrounding the appearance of the statue are unknown. According to some information, the statue existed already in the 15th century. Some Brussels residents say that it was installed as a reminder of the events of the Grimbergen War, when a cradle with the son of Godfrey III of Leuven was hung on a tree in order to inspire the townspeople with the sight of the future monarch, and the child from there urinated on the soldiers fighting under the tree. According to another legend, the statue was originally intended to remind the townspeople of the boy who extinguished the ammunition laid out by the enemy under the city walls with a stream of urine.

Shiva statue in Sanga, or Kailasnath Mahadev

It is located on the border of Bhaktapur and Kavrepalankok districts in Nepal. This is the tallest statue of the god Shiva and one of the tallest statues in general. Completed just a few years ago, it is made of copper, cement, zinc and steel and is one of Nepal's first modern landmarks.

These 15 statues are the most enormous and impressive sculptures that exist in the world. Their size makes tourists exclaim in amazement. Finding yourself next to them, it is simply impossible not to remember the story of Gulliver.

Buddha statue in Leshan

Leshan, China.

The statue was carved into the rock 1200 years ago. Its height reaches 71 m, it is the largest stone Buddha statue in the world.

Goddess Guanyin statue in Sanya

Sanya, China.

The fourth largest statue in the world.

Great Buddha of Thailand

This statue took 18 years to build and was completed in 2008. Its height reaches 92 meters.

Genghis Khan statue

The $4.1 million statue is made from 250 tons of stainless steel. Its height reaches 40 meters (excluding the ten-meter pedestal).


Kamakura, Japan.

The Amida Buddha statue from 1252 is made of 850 tons of bronze and reaches 11 meters in height.

Giant reclining Buddha

The statue reaches 180 meters in length and 30 meters in height.

God Shiva statue

The height of this statue is 37 meters.


After a 16-year break, construction of this statue resumed. Now only the head of the monument reaches 65 meters in height.

African Renaissance Monument

Dakar, Senegal.

The monument celebrates Senegal's independence from France. The height of the statue reaches 49 meters.

God Murugan, Batu Caves


If you combine 250 tons of steel, 1.5 million liters of concrete and 79 gallons of gold paint, you will get a statue of a Hindu god.

Big Buddha

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