Nikolai Baskov: biography, personal life, family, parents. Basques and other dynastic-pederastic marriages of Svetlana Spiegel Svetlana Spiegel biography personal life children

Cunning reporters tracked down Nikolai Baskov in the Crimea, where the "Children's New Wave" is now taking place. After the interviewer talked with the popular singer about the contestants, the journalist showed the artist photographs of the boy, inviting Baskov to guess what kind of child it was.


Nikolai scrolled through the pictures on his phone for a long time, plunging into an oppressive silence. "This is your son Bronislav. He is ten years old. When you last time Have you seen it?" the reporter asked.

The Basque became visibly sad and literally lost the power of speech, looking at the photographs of the boy. Finally, the "natural blond" managed to pull himself together and find the words to answer the question. “It’s hard for me to talk about it, this is a very difficult situation for me and ... Time will put everything in its place,” quotes the frustrated Baskov.

Young Bronislav Spiegel lives with his mother in Moscow, in an elite gated community. In April, the boy turned ten years old. By the way, his father Nikolai Baskov will also celebrate his anniversary this year. "Natural Blonde" turns 40 years old. At the same time, relatives did not see each other for almost all of Bronislav's life.

Recall that Nikolai Baskov married for the first time at the age of 24. The wife of the artist was Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of an entrepreneur and public figure, as well as producer Baskov at that time, Boris Shpigel. However, the marriage did not last long. They say that Svetlana is tired of waiting for her husband from endless tours. However, later Baskov himself admitted that, due to his youth, he could not appreciate all the responsibility that fell on his shoulders with his marriage, preferring a career to his family.

The divorce of Nikolai and Svetlana was very long and difficult. As a result, Spiegel ensured that her son Bronislav stayed with her. At the same time, Svetlana forbade Nikolai to see the boy.

"Natural Blond" Russian stage the last two years has been dating the singer and own director Sophie Kalcheva, appearing in public in the company of not only a burning brunette, but also her nine-year-old heir named Bogdan. Everyone knows that the singer himself also has a child from his marriage to Svetlana Spiegel. How old is Baskov's son? Nikolay cannot be seen today in the photographs next to the boy. How is his fate?

The birth

N. Baskov became a father at 29, after 5 years of marriage with the daughter of the pharmaceutical king, Boris Spiegel. A young woman gave birth at the age of 24 in Moscow in a separate ward of a family planning center, without resorting to surgical intervention. The date of the birth of the baby is 04/04/2006. The son of Nikolai Baskov weighed 3500 g with a height of 52 cm, information about which immediately spread through the media. Everyone wanted to know the name of the newborn, but in advance it was not discussed out of superstition.

The family council determined that the boy would have other heirs for lack of other heirs from his billionaire grandfather. So, in the birth certificate there was an entry Basque-Spiegel. They also came up with a sonorous name - Bronislav. The dark, curly-haired baby turned out to be very similar to his mother's relatives, and in the arms of his star father he seemed like an angel.

What preceded this?

Preceded by the baby happy marriage two young people: an ambitious conqueror of the pop scene and a nineteen-year-old beauty from rich family. By that time, personal life and creative way which is known to every music lover, broke up with his first producer - Rashid Dairabaev, with whom he had collaborated since the age of 19. After victories in competitions for young performers, a student of the Academy of Music. Gnesinykh decided to go headlong into show business.

Starting with fees of $ 200, the Basques began to be invited to conduct various events that bring solid income. Soon rising star became the son-in-law and business project of one of the richest people countries. His career skyrocketed. Wife Svetlana accompanied her husband everywhere, becoming his director.

The marriage began to crack at the seams after the birth of the first child. The woman dissolved in the child, and Baskov continued touring and filming.

Scandalous divorce

Loud followed divorce proceedings, lasting almost a year and ending in 2008. The son of Nikolai Baskov does not actually remember his father. In rare pictures, the singer holds a very tiny child in his arms, and after parting with his wife, dating the boy became impossible. At first there were grievances, and then Svetlana left for Israel and created new family with the Ukrainian oligarch from the team of V. Yanukovych Vyacheslav Sobolev.

Nikolai Baskov, who left with one suitcase, had to start a lot from scratch. But talent, ambition and understanding remained with him, that in show business the artist's engine is PR. Performing a duet with Montserrat Caballe, the artist deliberately created the impression that they were connected with the singer's daughter by something more than friendship. For some time, in parallel, N. Baskov sang classical arias at the Bolshoi and provincial opera houses. This was done in order to achieve the title People's Artist, which he will receive at the age of 33.

Separated from son

The singer's novels followed one after another. The townsfolk have ceased to understand where the real relationship is, and where the PR and the game. And what about the son? Nikolai Baskov was impossible to talk about the relationship with the heir. It's the only thing that really touched him. The two-year relationship with Oksana Fedorova, the stormy romance with Anastasia Volochkova, and the alleged secret passion for Taisiya Povaliy did not end with anything. There were rumors, initiated by the offended Dairabayev, that the “golden voice” of the country had a non-traditional sexual orientation.

He really spends money on extravagant costumes, drives women crazy, but does not lead anyone to the registry office, and even more so does not have children. Maybe deep down the wound does not heal from the fact that he did not become a good father for own son, and is it too painful to step on the same rake a second time? In 2012, it became known that the son of Nikolai Baskov, Bronislav, no longer bears the name of his star father. Former spouse changed the child's documents. From now on, he, like his grandfather, is Spiegel. This greatly upset the singer.

Return to Russia

B. Spiegel and his new son-in-law developed business in the east of Ukraine until the tragic events 2014. After the failure to implement the Novorossia project, Vyacheslav Sobolev turned into an ally of P. Poroshenko, dreaming of a deputy chair. Demonstrating loyalty to the authorities, he refused a Russian wife. In March 2016, after a divorce, Svetlana Shpigel, son of Nikolai Baskov and daughter Nina, together with Sobolev, returned to a family mansion near Moscow.

The paparazzi, knowing the whereabouts of the ten-year-old heir to the star, took several pictures where a plump curly boy rides an expensive Segway scooter. He seemed to them a cheerful, kind and glorious young man. The photos were posted on the Life page, instantly scattered across the Web.

Screaming headlines that the father will finally be able to see his son in 10 years appeared in the year of the singer's 40th birthday. Baskov Nikolai, a biography whose personal life is of real interest, celebrated his birthday on 10/15/2016 on a grand scale. The cost of the show exceeded 2 million euros. I would like to believe that the next time the public will see his son in a place of honor.

At only son Nikolai Baskov from marriage to Svetlana Spiegel began absolutely new life. A life in which six-year-old Bronislav will no longer be reminded of his famous father.

Even the legal surname is Basque. According to the documents, the sole heir to the golden voice of the Russian stage is now ... Bronislav Spiegel.

The long-awaited son was born to Nikolai and Svetlana in April 2006. Baskov turned 30 that year, Svetlana - 25. Despite the fact that Kolya and Sveta were connected by passionate love for five years, the couple was in no hurry with the children. They themselves were still children - Svetlana had just turned 19 in the year of their wedding, Kolya was a little over twenty.

The day when he found out that he would have an heir, Kolya remembered to the smallest detail.

I flew with wings! And I even know for sure the day when we conceived a child - it was in America, in a very beautiful environment, - said Baskov.

The couple could not get enough of the appearance of the baby, but it seemed that Sveta's father, businessman Boris Shpigel, was the happiest of all. The baby was named Bronislav, at the request of his grandfather. Baskov, inspired by the birth of his first child, did not even resist when Boris Isaakovich wished to give his grandson a double surname. According to the documents, the child became Bronislav Nikolaevich Shpigel-Baskov.

However, in 2007 happy family life Nicholas and Svetlana gave a crack.

Kolya and I ended up different people, we just stopped understanding each other, ”Svetlana explained to them with Nikolai the decision to leave.

Bronislav turned six last year. According to the stories of friends of the Spiegel family, little Bronik is a cheerful and cheerful child. The same joker and joker, like his father. The boy is already attending elementary courses for admission to an economic school, studying several languages ​​and studying in a dance studio.

But in the class magazines of teachers, the boy is not recorded at all under the name of his famous dad. As Life Showbiz managed to find out, from now on Bronislav bears only a "single" surname - Spiegel. So Svetlana herself wanted.

In a conversation with Nikolai Baskov, he confirmed that he was aware that his son now had a different surname.

Yes, she called me ex-wife and said that she wanted the child to have only her last name. The fact is that when we got married, her last name became Spiegel-Baskova. When we divorced, Sveta again became Spiegel, and the child became Basque-Spiegel. But now she wanted to remove my last name. I didn't mind. After that, it’s funny that they ask me questions about the fact that I don’t communicate with the child. It was Svetlana's initiative to take my last name. Thank God, until my middle name was taken away. I did not start any scandals about the surname. Let it be as their family wants. For my part, I fulfill all the conditions of the contract that we made when we divorced Sveta. There are items that relate to my child. For example, I do not pay child support - this is Svetlana's decision. Apparently, so that I did not appear in any way in the life of a child. Or, for example, a clause that says that our meeting with him is possible only at a certain hour and in a certain place, which his mother will choose and only in the presence of nannies and security. Also, this is possible only at a time when the child is not busy with lessons, language classes and dancing ... By the way, when Sveta and I talked, I suggested that maybe we should finally see each other somehow: she, me and Bronislav? But I did not see any initiative on her part. Well, well, I still hope that someday this will happen and Bronislav and I will see each other and talk ... Let's wait until he grows up.

Many of the fans Nikolai Baskov do not know that he was married and even managed to become a father. The singer married the bonds of a barque in 2001 with the daughter of his producer Svetlana Spiegel, which in April 2006 gave birth to his son Bronislav. But less than a year after the birth of the baby, the couple divorced.

After the separation of the spouses, a lot of gossip appeared in the press that the ex-wife categorically forbade Baskov to see and communicate with the heir. But after this, the media reported that Svetlana did not mind the boy spending time with his father. According to her, she did not interfere with Bronislav's meetings with Nikolai, and the artist himself did not show a desire to communicate with the child. However, the ex-wife of a celebrity unilaterally deprived her son of his father's surname and gave him her own. Now Baskov's son's name is Bronislaw Spiegel.

Recently on site life photos of a grown boy appeared. The ten-year-old heir of the singer in a loose T-shirt and long shorts rides a Segway and plays with friends. As the portal reported, Bronislav lives with his mother in an elite gated community in the Moscow region. The journalists showed these pictures to Nikolai, who is now in Crimea for "Children's new wave", and asked him to guess who is imprinted on them. The artist flipped through the photo for a long time, and then the reporter told him that the boy in the pictures was his ten-year-old son, and asked when the artist had last seen him.

This question took Baskov by surprise. According to eyewitnesses, Nikolai became noticeably sad and lost the power of speech. But after a few minutes, he pulled himself together and answered: “It’s hard for me to talk about this, this is a very difficult situation for me and ... Time will put everything in its place.” Official representative The celebrity also noted that the artist never discusses this topic with anyone.

Journalists shared photos of the grown-up son of the golden voice of Russia, Nikolai Baskov. In the pictures, the boy, dressed in a T-shirt and long shorts, cuts through the Segway and plays with friends. According to the portal, young Bronislav Spiegel lives with his mother in Moscow, in an elite gated community.


In April, the boy turned ten years old. By the way, his father Nikolai Baskov will also celebrate his anniversary this year. "Natural Blonde" turns 40 years old. At the same time, relatives did not see each other for almost all of Bronislav's life.

Recall that Nikolai Baskov married for the first time at the age of 24. The wife of the artist was Svetlana Shpigel, the daughter of an entrepreneur and public figure, as well as producer Baskov at that time, Boris Shpigel. However, the marriage did not last long. They say that Svetlana is tired of waiting for her husband from endless tours. However, later Baskov himself admitted that, due to his youth, he could not appreciate all the responsibility that fell on his shoulders with his marriage, preferring a career to his family.

The divorce of Nikolai and Svetlana was very long and difficult. As a result, Spiegel ensured that her son Bronislav stayed with her. At the same time, Svetlana forbade Nikolai to see the boy.

By the way, after a divorce from Baskov, Spiegel connected her life with businessman Vyacheslav Sobolev, but this marriage also fell apart. In turn, Nikolai is also free. He never married after breaking up with Svetlana. However, the press attributed to him novels with Oksana Fedorova and Anastasia Volochkova. Now the "golden voice of Russia" is meeting with singer and producer Sophie Kalcheva.

“I don’t want to lie to my beloved. I want to meet a woman and feel: this is the one for whom I will make concessions, I will sacrifice something. And most importantly: I must love her, feel happy with her. not in my environment," Baskov said in a recent interview.

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