Toroidal transformer. Toroidal transformer Differences between toroidal transformers

A toroidal transformer is an electrical voltage or current converter whose core is bent into a ring and closed. The cross-sectional profile differs from round; the name is still used for lack of a better one.

Differences between toroidal transformers

Michael Faraday is recognized as the author of toroidal transformers. It is possible to come across a utopian idea in Russian literature (especially in communist times): Yablochkov was the first to collect such a thing, comparing the indicated date - usually 1876 - with early experiments on electromagnetic induction (1830). The conclusion is: England is ahead of Russia by half a century. Those interested in details will be referred to the review. Detailed information about the design of the world's first toroidal transformer is provided. The product is distinguished by the shape of the core. In addition to toroidal, it is customary to distinguish by shape:

  1. Armored. They are distinguished by the redundancy of the ferromagnetic alloy. To close the field lines (so that they pass inside the material), the yokes cover the windings from the outside. As a result, the input and output are wound around a common axis. One on top of the other or next to each other.
  2. Rod. The transformer core runs inside the winding turns. The entrance and exit are spatially separated. Yokes absorb a small part of tension lines magnetic field, passing outside the turns. Actually needed to connect the rods.

Toroidal transformer

It’s difficult for a beginner, it’s worth explaining in more detail. The core is the part of the core that runs inside the turns. Wire is wound around the frame. The yoke is the part of the core that connects the rods. We need to transmit magnetic field lines. The yokes close the core, forming a solid structure. Closedness is required for the free propagation of a magnetic field within the material.

The topic Magnetic induction shows that inside a ferromagnet the field is significantly enhanced. The effect forms the basis for the functioning of transformers.

The composition of the yoke core is minimal. In armored armor, it additionally covers the windings from the outside along the length, as if protecting. The name comes from the analogy. Michael Faraday chose the torus rather intuitively. Formally, it can be called a rod core, although the guide of the axis of symmetry of the windings runs in an arc.

The support for the first magnet (1824) was a horse's shoe. Perhaps this fact gave the direction of flight of the scientist’s creative thought the right azimuth. If Faraday used any other material, the experiment would end in failure.

The torus is wound with a single ribbon. Such cores are called spiral, in contrast to armor and rod cores, which appear in the literature under the term lamellar. This will be misleading. Once again it should be said: a toroidal core, being wound with separate plates, is called spiral. You have to break it in parts when there is no tape. This is due to purely economic reasons.

Let's summarize: in its original form, the Faraday toroidal transformer had a round core. Today the form is unprofitable; it is impossible to ensure mass production with the appropriate technology. Although the deformation of the wire at the bend angles clearly leads to a deterioration in the characteristics of the product. Mechanical stress increases the ohmic resistance of the winding.

Toroidal transformer cores

The toroidal transformer is named for the shape of its core. Michael Faraday made a donut using a single round piece of mild steel. The design is impractical at the present stage for several reasons. The main focus is on minimizing losses. A solid core is disadvantageous; eddy currents are induced, strongly heating the material. The result is an induction melting furnace that easily turns steel into liquid.

To avoid unnecessary waste of energy and heating of the transformer, the core is cut into strips. Each is isolated from its neighbor, for example, with varnish. In the case of toroidal cores, they are wound in a single spiral or in strips. Steel usually has an insulating coating on one side that is a unit of micrometer thick.

The mentioned steels are used for construction, which are quite often toroidal in design. Those interested can familiarize themselves with GOST 21427.2 and 21427.1. For cores (as the name of the documents suggests), today anisotropic cold-rolled sheet steel is more often used. The name implies: the magnetic properties of the material are not the same along different coordinate axes. The field flow vector must coincide with the direction of the rolling (in our case it moves in a circle). Previously, another metal was used. The cores of high-frequency transformers can be made of 1521 steel. The features of the materials used were discussed within the site (see). Steel is marked in different ways; the designation includes the following information:

  • The first place is given to the number characterizing the structure. For anisotropic steels, 3 is used.
  • The second digit indicates the percentage of silicon:
  1. less than 0.8%.
  2. 0,8 — 1,8%.
  3. 1,8 — 2,8%.
  4. 2,8 — 3,8%.
  5. 3,8 — 4,8%.
  • The third digit indicates the main characteristic. There may be specific losses, the value at a fixed field strength.
  • Steel type. As the number increases, the specific losses are lower. Depends on metal production technology.

Loses meaning mutual arrangement end and beginning of the tape. To prevent the spiral from unwinding, the last turn is welded to the previous one. spot welding. Winding is carried out with tension; tapes assembled from several strips usually cannot be fitted tightly; the weld seam is overlapped. Sometimes the torus is cut into two parts (split core), but in practice this is required relatively rarely. The halves are pulled together with a bandage during assembly. During the manufacturing process, the finished toroidal core is cut with a tool, and the ends are ground. The coils of the spiral are held together with a binder to prevent it from unwinding.

Winding of toroidal transformers

It is standard practice to additionally insulate the toroidal core from the windings, even if varnished wire is used. Electrical cardboard (GOST 2824) with a thickness of up to 0.8 mm is widely used (other options are possible). Common cases:

  1. The cardboard is wound with the previous turn captured on a toroidal core. The method is characterized as full overlap (half the width). The end is glued or secured with keeper tape.
  2. The ends of the core are protected by cardboard washers with cuts 10-20 mm deep, 20-35 mm in increments, covering the thickness of the torus. The outer and inner edges are covered with stripes. Technologically, the washers are the last to be assembled; the cut teeth are bent. A keeper tape is wound spirally on top.
  3. The cuts can be made on strips, then they are taken with a margin so that more height torus, rings - strictly in width, placed on top of the bends.
  4. Thin strips and rings of textolite are secured to the toroidal core with fiberglass tapes with a full overlap.
  5. Sometimes the rings are made of electrical plywood, getinax, thick (up to 8 mm) textolite with a margin of outer diameter of 1-2 mm. The outer and inner edges are protected with cardboard strips with a bend at the edges. There is an air gap between the first turns of the winding and the core. The gap under the cardboard is needed in case the edges under the wire fray. Then the current-carrying part will never touch the toroidal core. A keeper tape is wound on top. Sometimes the outer edge of the rings is smoothed so that the winding at the corners goes smoothly.
  6. There is a type of insulation similar to the previous one, with inside along the rings on the outer ribs there are grooves to the core, where the strips lie. The elements are made of textolite. A keeper tape is wound on top.

The windings are usually made concentric (one above the other), or alternating (as in the first experiment of Michael Faraday in 1831), sometimes called disk windings. In the latter case, a sufficiently large number of them can be wound through one, alternately: then high voltage, then low. Pure electrical copper is used (99.95%) resistivity 17.24 - 17.54 nOhm m. Due to the high cost of the metal, refined aluminum is used for the manufacture of toroidal transformers of low and medium power. For other cases, restrictions on conductivity and plasticity affect.

In powerful transformers, the copper wire is of rectangular cross-section. This is done to save space. The core must be thick, allowing significant current to pass through, so as not to melt; a round cross-section will lead to excessive growth in size. The gain in uniformity of field distribution over the material would be reduced to zero. A thick rectangular wire is quite convenient to lay, which cannot be said about a thin one. Otherwise (according to design features), winding is carried out in exactly the same ways as in the case of a conventional transformer. Coils are made cylindrical, screw, single-layer, multi-layer.

Definition of Toroidal Transformer Design

For those interested in the issue, we recommend studying the book by S.V. Kotenev, A.N. Evseev on calculating the optimization of toroidal transformers (edition Hotline– Telecom, 2011). We remind you: the publication is protected by copyright law. Professionals will find the strength (means) to purchase a book if necessary. According to the chapters, the calculation begins by determining the idle speed parameters. It describes in detail how to find active and reactive currents and calculate key parameters.

The printed publication, despite some controversial presentation, simultaneously makes it clear why a transformer connected to the circuit, without a load, does not burn out (the current energy is consumed by magnetization). Although it would seem that the obvious outcome of the event was predicted.

The number of turns of the primary winding is selected from the condition that the magnetic induction does not exceed the maximum value (before entering the saturation mode, where the value does not change with increasing field strength). If the design is carried out for a 230 volt household network, a tolerance is taken in accordance with GOST 13109. In our case, this means an amplitude deviation within 10%. We remember: the entire industry switched to 230 volts in the 21st century (220 is not used, it is cited in the literature as a “legacy of a difficult past”).

The “Prices” section shows prices for transformers with standard parameters for power (GOST 9680) and voltage (GOST 21128). For transformers with a rated voltage of more than 1000V (GOST 721), currents of more than 1000A, as well as non-standard, multi-winding and special designs, prices are negotiable. There is a system of discounts for large quantities of transformers.

Parameter name



Transformer type (TOS, TST, other)
Rated power
Number of phases
Group of winding connections
Rated voltage of the supply network (primary winding)
Number of secondary windings
Rated load voltage(secondary winding)
Load power (for multiple secondary windings)
Mains frequency
Execution of conclusions
No-load current, no more
Overall dimensions (for special transformers)
Connecting dimensions (for special transformers)
Weight, no more
Connection diagram (for special transformers)

The customer fills out the “Value” and (if necessary) “Note” columns. For standard TOS and TST transformers given in the price list, only the first nine lines and the “quantity” line are filled in.


TOS – single-phase power transformer

AAA – rated supply voltage, V

ВВВ – rated voltage of the secondary winding, V


TST – three-phase power transformer

ХХХ – rated power in kW

AAA – rated supply voltage, V ( linear value), the default connection diagram is star

ВВВ – rated voltage of the secondary winding, V (linear value), default connection diagram is star

By default, the transformer is manufactured without a housing

Reactors and chokes of the PST and DS type are manufactured by KRUSH LLC in accordance with GOST 16772, current-limiting, smoothing, equalizing, special single-phase and three-phase. Depending on the purpose and area of ​​application, reactors are manufactured as air reactors or with a magnetic core made of electrical steel for voltages up to 10,000V inclusive, rated currents up to 10,000A and inductance without limitation. The reactors are guaranteed for three years. The reactors are manufactured with copper windings impregnated with class F silicone insulation.

Questionnaire for transformer

Parameter name



Reactor type (RST,DS)
Type of current
Number of phases
Mains frequency (first harmonic)
Group of winding connections
Rated supply voltage
Rated current
Inductance at rated current
Version (without housing, with housing - degree of protection)
Execution of conclusions
Short circuit voltage
Dimensions (on request)
Connecting dimensions (on request)
Weight (on request), no more

The “Prices” section shows prices for reactors with standard parameters recommended by manufacturers for frequency converters.

Structure symbol:


PCT – power current-limiting reactor

ХХХ – rated current, A

Three-phase reactors are designated RSTT

Reactors with a rated voltage above 1000V have an additional designation based on the rated voltage in kV


DS – smoothing throttle

ХХХ – rated current, A

AAA - nominal inductance, mH

GRemlin 02-01-2005 02:06

1)TOS-2 Karabas
2) TOS-3 Kirovgrad
Self-propelled Howitzer\Artillery system
3)2A3 Capacitor 2P
4)2B2 Transformer

Donkey 04-01-2005 11:48

quote: Originally posted by GRemlin:
Can anyone provide information and/or photos on the following military equipment:
1)TOS-2 Karabas
2) TOS-3 Kirovgrad
Self-propelled Howitzer\Artillery system
3)2A3 Capacitor 2P
4)2B2 Transformer

Dear Gremlin!
It looks like this is it: “Karabas” and “Kirovograd”, the development of “Buratino”.
About the "Kondensator" I found that it is a self-propelled 406mm rifled gun for firing nuclear shells (vol. 271), a self-propelled gun, similar to the vol. 273 with a 420mm mortar 2B1 "Oka", created on the basis of the T-10 tank, but the number of road wheels was increased from 7 to 8, a lowering idler and hydraulic shock absorbers were introduced to absorb recoil. Both guns are shown at the parade in 1957. I have photos of the self-propelled gun with the Oka, but they’re not very good, if you want, I’ll post them. I don’t know anything about “Transformer”.
Best regards, Donkey

Donkey 05-01-2005 12:01

So I searched again and found: “Oka” and “Transformer” are the same person!
For some reason the pictures in the second link are not loading.
Best regards, Donkey

GRemlin 05-01-2005 09:26

I think TOS-2 and 3 are classified at this moment. Information about their name and year of adoption appeared on one forum... it seems that we will learn more specifically about them later.
Regarding nuclear artillery, thank you for the information, because... I only had a bunch of photos of the American T-131 and information on it, and of ours the Capacitor and Transformer, a photo for each, but they are not particularly beautiful. I would be grateful for a photo of the self-propelled gun with Oka!

Z.Y.: The forum here is very good on the part of the participants - here I found rare photos/pictures of the OTRK Luna-M and a photo of the OTRK Filin. But I didn’t really like the navigation, it was somehow inconvenient...

Z.Z.Y.: Maybe someone has a photo of OTRK 2K5 Mars. Frog-2? I only have pictures of his missiles (I’m not sure about the index)

Student 05-01-2005 12:52

There is... And there is also TOS, and "Oka", and "Mars".
I'm just busy for now
I'll scan it by the end of the week!

Best regards, Student

GRemlin 05-01-2005 01:11

I will be very grateful!
Z.Y.: I also have a session now...

Methanol 05-01-2005 08:38

I also have a video of a shot from a T-131, if anyone needs it I can send it by mail

GRemlin 06-01-2005 08:39

How much does it weigh? Video size?

TT-33 06-01-2005 04:32

Shirokorad has information about these devices.

Student 11-01-2005 03:06


Missile system "Filin"

The first domestic tactical solid-fuel launch vehicles nuclear warheads ZR-1 "Mars" and ZR-2 "Filin" were developed at NII-1 GKOT, modern name- Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering (MIT). The chief designer of the rockets was N.P. Mazurov. Testing of the ZR-2 Filin missiles began in 1955. (Fig. 140, 141)
The above-caliber warhead of the rocket was equipped with a special charge. The rocket was stabilized in flight using wing stabilizers and rotation (to compensate for engine eccentricity). The initial rotation of the rocket was provided by the guide itself. Attached to the longitudinal beam of the guide is a helical leading skid of a T-shaped cross-section, along which the pin moves when the rocket is launched.
The propulsion system is two-chamber, powder. It consisted of head and tail combustion chambers. The intermediate nozzle cover had a transition cone for connection with the tail chamber. Along its circumference there are 12 nozzle holes, the axes of which are inclined to the longitudinal axis of the rocket at an angle of 15". This prevented the impact of the flowing stream of gases on the body of the tail chamber, since the jets of hot gases were directed back and to the side. In addition, the nozzle holes are located under an angle of 3" to the generatrix, which created a torque that imparted a rotational motion to the rocket.
Through the contacts of the pyrocandles, voltage was supplied to the squibs, the hot filament ignited the powder composition, and the resulting beam of fire ignited the black powder of the igniter of the head chamber.
Both cameras started working almost simultaneously. Metal plugs that sealed the nozzles in normal conditions operation, were knocked out by the pressure of powder gases. The rocket began to move along the guide.
SKB-2 of the Kirov plant for the Filin complex developed the 2114 Tyulpan launcher on the chassis of object 804. Object 804 was created on the basis self-propelled gun ISU-152K. Weight launcher with a 40 t rocket. Maximum speed traffic 2114 on the highway is 30 km/h with a rocket and 41 km/h without a rocket. The launcher crew is 5 people.
In 1957, the Kirov Plant produced 10 2P4 launchers, and in 1958 - 26 more.

Data from the first Soviet solid fuel tactical missiles(Fig. 142)
Rocket ZR-1 "Mars" ZR-2 "Philip"
Caliber, mm:
rockets 324 612
over-caliber warhead 600 S50
Rocket length, mm/club 9040/27.3 10370/17

Mars rocket system

The ZR-1 rocket of the Mars complex was fundamentally designed like the Owl. The engine had two nozzle blocks and two chambers (head and tail). The weight of the powder charge is 496 kg of NMF-2 gunpowder. The traction force depended significantly on environment: at +40? C - 17.4 t; at +16?C - 17.3 tons, and at -40?C - 13.6 tons.
The warhead of the rocket with a nuclear charge was covered with a special cover for temperature control. Initially, heating was carried out using hot liquid, and then using special electric heaters (spirals in a case). For this purpose, a special electric generator was installed on the launcher or transport-charging machine.
Rocket exit speed from the launch pad: 37 m/s at + 15? C and 32 m/s at - 40? C.
The minimum firing range of 8-10 km was obtained with a vertical guidance angle of +24". At the minimum range, the dispersion of the missiles was maximum (average dispersion - 770 m). With a maximum firing range of 17.5 km, the missile's flight time was 70 seconds, and the speed at the target 350 m/s, minimum dispersion - 200 m.
The 2P2 self-propelled launcher for the Mars complex was created in 1957-1959 at TsNII-58 under the general leadership of V. G. Grabin. Chief designer Fedorov systems. The launcher was created on the chassis of the PT-76 amphibious tank and received the designation TsNII-58 - S-119A (in a number of documents it was called S-123A). In addition, the 2PZ (S-120) transport-loading vehicle and the S-121 ballistic launcher were designed at TsNII-58.
The 2PZ transport-loading vehicle was also created on the PT-76 chassis. It carried two rockets and a crane.
The groove of the guide for the leading pin of the ZR-1 rocket is made as follows: the 1st section at a length of 1150 mm had zero steepness; The 2nd section at a length of 3000 mm had a progressive steepness with an ascent angle varying from 0? up to G7"; the 3rd section at a length of 2800 mm had a constant steepness with an elevation angle of 1*7".
Serial production of launchers and transport-loading vehicles for the Mars complex was carried out at the Barricades plant in Stalingrad. In 1959-1960, the Barrikady plant produced 25 2P2 launchers and 25 2PZ transport-loading vehicles.
To replace the tracked launcher, an attempt was made to create a launcher on a wheeled chassis. For this purpose, the ZIL plant produced in 1960 two ZIL-135E vehicles for the Mars launcher. On September 20, 1958, the Design Bureau of the Barrikady plant, under the leadership of G.I. Sergeev, began developing the Br-217 launcher and the Br-118 transport-loading vehicle on a wheeled chassis for Mars missiles. However, these launchers were not accepted for service.

Data from the S-122A launcher of the Mars complex
Angle VN, degrees +15?; +60?
GN angle, degrees +5?
Guide length, mm 6700
Distance from the ground to the projectile axis, mm 2650
Distance from the ground to the axis of the PU axles, mm 2100
Clearance PU, mm "400
Weight of the swinging part without rocket, kg 1377
Rotating part weight
(without swinging part and rocket), kg 1105
Weight of artillery unit with rocket, kg 5112
Chassis weight, kg 11329
Total weight of the launcher in firing position, kg 16441
Calculation, pers. 3
Highway range on fuel); km 250
Maximum speed, km/h; charged PU 20
uncharged PU 30-40
Chassis engine power, l. With. 235

The Mars complex also had competitors. So, according to the resolution of the Council of Ministers? 189-89 dated February 13, 1958, the Ladoga solid-fuel rocket was developed at SKB-172 (Perm). According to the original design, the rocket had two stages. However, flight tests carried out in 1960 showed that the two-stage scheme was very complex and “does not provide normal launches.” At the end of 1960, SKB-172 abandoned further development of the two-stage scheme and switched to single stage.
Throw tests of a single-stage rocket in April 1961 gave positive results. During three launches in July-September 1961, the rocket was destroyed in the active part of the trajectory due to loss of stability and destruction of the barrel bell. At the end of 1961 the nozzle block was modified, and at the beginning of 1962 at the factory? 172, the assembly of 12 experimental rockets with a new nozzle block was underway. However, on March 3, 1962, a decree was issued? 213-113, which ordered that all work on the Ladoga be stopped at the stage of flight testing “as an unpromising product.”
At the Uralmash plant under the leadership of II. II. Petrov created the Onega complex with a solid fuel rocket. And “Onega” suffered the same fate as “Ladoga”.

Heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 "Buratino"

The heavy flamethrower system TOS-1 "Buratino" is a 30-barrel system volley fire. The launcher is mounted on the chassis of the T-72 tank. It consists of a chassis, a rotating platform with a swinging part of the launcher, power follower drives and a fire control system.
The swinging part of the launcher has 30 guide tubes of 220 mm caliber for unguided rockets, installed in a common housing with a cradle; through the axis of the trunnions it is connected to the levers of the turntable. The launcher is aimed at the target in the horizontal and vertical planes by power servo drives.
The fire control system consists of a sight, a quantum rangefinder, a ballistic computer and a roll sensor.
An unguided rocket (NURS) consists of a warhead with a filler and fuse and a solid fuel rocket part.
The transport-loading vehicle is designed for transporting NURS, loading and unloading the launcher. The transport-loading vehicle is assembled on the chassis of an off-road truck and has a loading and unloading device.
The weight of the launcher is 42 tons. The maximum firing range is 3500 m, the minimum is 500 m.
The first samples of the Buratino installation were tested in Afghanistan. In the fall of 1999 - winter of 2000, "Buratino" was successfully used in Chechnya, including during the assault on Grozny.

420 mm mortar 2B1 "Oka"

According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of April 18, 1955, the development of the 420-mm 2B1 "Oka" mortar, intended for firing nuclear ammunition, began. The artillery part of the installation was created at the Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau (formerly SKB in Kolomna), and the “Object 273” chassis was created at the Kirov Plant in Leningrad. The barrel was manufactured at the Barrikady plant.
The mortar barrel length was about 20 m, that is, 47.6 caliber. The trunk was smooth. The shooting was carried out with feathered mines.
The mortar shot was called "Transformer". The firing range of a mine weighing 750 kg was 45 km. According to other sources, with a mine weight of 650 kg, the range is 25 km.
There were no recoil devices on the 2B1 mortar. Therefore, a new eight-roller was developed for the self-propelled unit. chassis with lowering slots and hydraulic shock absorbers that partially absorbed the recoil energy. After the shot, the installation rolled back on its tracks for several meters.
The precise horizontal guidance mechanism had an electric drive, and the lifting mechanism had a hydraulic drive. The engine power plant was borrowed from the T-10 tank. The weight of the installation was 55.3 tons.
Rate of fire - 1 shot within 5 minutes.
During the march, there was only one crew member in the installation - the driver.
During testing of the installations, sloths did not withstand firing, the gearbox, etc. was torn off its mounts.
In 1957, the Kirov plant completed four 2B1 installations and on November 7, 1957, the mortar was shown at a parade in Moscow. The system seemed so unnaturally cumbersome that foreign experts watching the parade assured the press that it was just a sham.
In 1957-1960, the mortar was being finalized, and in 1960, a resolution of the Council of Ministers followed to stop work on the 2B1.
The reason for this was, on the one hand, the large weight and dimensions of the vehicle, which significantly limited its maneuverability, and on the other, the reduction in the size of nuclear weapons and the adoption of tactical unguided missiles with heavy warheads.

We produce dry three-phase transformers such as TS, TST, TSZ, TSP, TSZP, TSE, TSZE and single-phase transformers such as OS, OSZ, TOS, OSP, OSZP, OSE, OSZE.
Transformers are manufactured according to GOST 52719–2007 at power from 1kVA to 2.5MVA, for voltages up to 10kV inclusive. Transformers are manufactured with copper windings, impregnated with organic silicon class F insulation(155 degrees). Transformers are manufactured in an open version for installation in cabinets (TS, OS, TSP, TSE, OSE) and in a closed version of varying degrees of protection for a separate installation (TSZ, TSZP, TSZE, OSZ, OSZP, OSZE).

We produce specialized transformers: ovens, loading t transformers.
Let's make transformers for severe operating conditions and aggressive environments ,
Let's make power, converter, high-voltage transformers.
Let's make non-standard transformers with non-standard voltages and according to your technical specifications.

Type: TS, TSZ, OS, OSZ
Power: up to 2.5MVA
Voltage class: 0.66kV and 10kV
Winding material: copper
Isolation class:
Production time: from 30 days.

General industrial dry transformersthree-phase types TS and single-phase OS (with protective housings brand TSZ and OSZ, respectively)designed to work in conditions temperate climate at temperatures from minus 45 to plus 45 degrees at relative humidity air 75% at an ambient temperature of +20 degrees. The environment is not explosive, does not contain dust in concentrations that reduce the parameters of the transformer within unacceptable limits.

We will manufacture dry power high-voltage transformers for voltages of 6 kV/0.4 kV and 10 kV/0.4 kV with a different group of winding connections. A dry transformer does not require knowledge during installation, unlike an oil transformer, and does not require any additional maintenance during operation.

We will produce analogues of other types of transformers, with the required nominal data according to your technical specifications.

Furnace and loading transformers


Power: up to 2.5MVA

Voltage class: 0.66kV and 10kV

TO insulation class: F

Winding material: copper

Production time: from 60 days.

Furnace transformers O They are characterized by an increased inductive resistance of the windings, which is necessary to limit short-circuit currents. Increased mechanical strength of fastening windings and taps, designed for frequent current shocks and short circuits. The ability to regulate voltage under load over a wide range.Additional information on furnace transformers can be found on the website
Load transformers like furnace ones, they are manufactured with increased mechanical strength for fastening windings and taps, with an increased cross-section of wires and winding busbars, designed for long-term flow of rated currents and pulse currents above the rated value.

We will manufacture dry transformers, analogues of oil-fired electric furnace (furnace transformers) transformers TOESZ, TTESZ, EOMK, etc. for voltage classes up to 10 kV inclusive.
By purchasing our transformer, you save yourself from all those problems associated with maintaining an oil transformer.

Estimated cost of transformers of typical capacities and voltages.
ATTENTION!!! The cost of transformers depends on the number of windings, voltages, currents, as well as the market price of copper. For the exact cost and production time of transformers, please contact our specialists. The prices indicated in the table are approximate. There is a discount system.WITH rock making from 3 weeks. The cost of transformers is indicated without protective housings.
Three-phase transformer type TS (TST) winding connection Y/Y Single-phase transformer type OS (TOS)
(RUB) with VAT
(RUB) with VAT
TS-1 380/220 7600 OS-1 380/220 6200
TS-5 380/220 18000 OS-5 380/220 15000
TS-10 380/220 55600 OS-10 380/220 36000
TS-25 380/220 93000 OS-25 380/220 77500
TS-50 380/220 178000 OS-50 380/220 158000
TS-100 380/220 282000 OS-100 380/220 235000
TS-150 380/220 400000 OS-150 380/220 350000
TS-200 380/220 640000 OS-200 380/220 500000
TS-250 380/220 774000 OS-250 380/220 660000
TS-400 380/220 1100000 OS-400 380/220 910000
TS-630 380/220 1700000 OS-630 380/220 1486000
TS-1000 380/220 2500000 OS-1000 380/220 2100000
TS-25 6(10)k/0,4 143000 OS-25 6(10) To/0,4 135000
TS-100 6(10) To/0,4 380000 OS-100 6(10) To/0,4 280000

Dry transformers provide complete environmental and fire safety, can be installed in places requiring increased safety (metro, mines, cinemas, residential and public buildings), in places with increased requirements for environmental protection (water intake stations, sports facilities, resort areas), on industrial enterprises, metallurgical plants, chemical production, power plants in close proximity to the load center, which avoids costs associated with the construction of substations, ensures savings in distribution busbars and low-voltage cables, and reduces electricity losses in them.

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