Invitation to a children's Christmas tree. Invitation to a New Year's party in kindergarten. Restaurant invitations

Every year before the New Year, not only enterprises hold corporate parties. Workers of preschool and educational institutions organize fun matinees, evenings, competitions and performances for children. Such cultural events are attended by the children’s relatives, management, special guests, etc. Therefore, one of important factors organization is preparing invitation cards.

Where to find invitation templates

In the vastness worldwide network, you can find a huge number of sources. They are distributed on specialized websites, photo hosting sites and blogs dedicated to this topic. Also download for free large selection possible with us. It includes several invitation options:

  1. for Photoshop;
  2. for coloring (popular in kindergarten and primary grades);
  3. pictures that can be printed on a printer or printing device;
  4. templates with ready-made text.

Before you decide what suits you best, you need to know the intricacies of these options:

Pictures for Photoshop are intended for editing in a graphic editor. They are provided in PSD format, thanks to which you can change the display of all elements, add your own content, including text, photos and much more. Of course, you can’t do this without special skills. You need to have at least basic knowledge of working with the application.

Coloring is the most original invitation card. It is ideal for kindergarten or primary classes. The kids will be happy to paint it for their parents. This is another way of development in babies creativity. Also, pupils of older groups of preschool institutions can try to write a short invitation themselves.

Large templates in the most common graphic formats. Such content can be easily printed on a printer. Color laser, inkjet, LED and photo devices are suitable for it. To create an exclusive invitation, you need to use designer paper or high-density A4 office sheets with a matte finish. Photo paper will also work.

Blanks with text– the ideal solution for quickly creating invitations. Such pictures already contain a ready-made message; all that remains is to write the recipient’s initials, address and other information. Such sources are used to convene a large number of guests, for example, to school events or corporate events.

New Year invitation text samples

It must be taken into account that Nice picture- This is an insignificant part of the invitation card. The main component is the text. It depends on what desire the recipient will have after reading it. The goal is not only to simply call a person, but also to convey the importance, energy and atmosphere of the event. Therefore, we included invitations for all occasions in the material, choosing the best (in our opinion) from a huge number of options:

For corporate events

“Dear .....!
In searching for the meaning of life, it becomes obvious that real wealth does not lie in accumulating material goods. It is important to know that there is a faithful friend and partner nearby, proven by time and actions. A reliable ally is a fulcrum in overcoming any obstacles.
We will be glad to meet you at the New Year’s party... date... in a restaurant... We hope that the holiday among friends, partners and colleagues will be a pleasant and interesting event for you.”

For kindergarten and school

It is better to create an original invitation for parents and students in poetic form. Therefore, we have selected some beautiful works:

Now let's move on to the most important thing - choosing templates. Under each gallery poster, you will find a link to view and download sources to your computer. Content posted on Google. The disk is therefore free of viruses and malware.

Download free gallery of invitations for the New Year 2018


For coloring in kindergarten and school

– one of the most favorite holidays for both children and adults. If kids see this day as a fairy tale and an opportunity to receive nice gifts, then it becomes one of the few days when they can really relax. We get together as one friendly company, have fun, walk, see off old year and meet the new one, filled with joy and positivity.

It is very important, if you happen to become the organizer of a holiday, to be able to not only create the right atmosphere for guests, but also elegantly invite them. Your invitations to the New Year 2017 in verse can become no less important a component of the success of the celebration than, for example, competitions or other mini events.

Of course, not everyone can come up with such beautiful invitations on their own, but you will definitely be able to do it, because you have all the resources of the Vlio website at your disposal. We have collected a large collection of invitations in advance that will help you make everything as beautiful and tasteful as possible. Take it, use it, enjoy it and give joy to the people around you.

New Year is knocking on the door,
It'll be fun now.
Come visit us
And we'll make noise and commotion.

We will eat and drink, dance,
Launch fireworks.
The holiday must be celebrated
So, so as not to forget!

I present the invitation,
I'm glad to see you.
I invite you to the holiday,
All of you, my friends.

It will be fun, believe me
The jokes will be great.
Celebrate the New Year together
There is nothing better.

Come to our Christmas tree,
For fun and toast.
There will be a holiday only with you,
Our dear guests!

We will celebrate the New Year together,
And with a feast and with fun.
We need to stock up for the year
The best mood!

New Year is coming soon
The people will celebrate.
So let's get together
And we'll have a blast.

The clink of glasses, fireworks,
Gilded sweets,
Father Frost, Snow Maiden-granddaughter
And there are a bunch of different gifts.

New Year come soon
Bring us all happiness.
Be cheerful and generous,
Take us all to a fairy tale.

Fluffy Christmas trees, sparkling wines,
Sweets and tinsel
Games and masks, fairy tales.
It's time to celebrate the New Year!

Come to us, bring it with you
Joy, smiles and laughter.
There will be a feast - enjoy yourselves!
There's enough holiday for everyone!

In the middle of a cold winter -
A wonderful New Year's holiday.
Come celebrate
Celebrate the New Year together!

Surprises and fun await
And the feast is delicious!
Let's start the year off without a dull moment,
Let's have a fun time!

A New Year's fairy tale calls for you.
The air smells crystal, like pine infusion.
And on the Christmas trees the toys sparkle and jingle,
And the snow crunches and creaks underfoot.

Come visit us for the winter holiday,
And you will be filled with joy until spring.
There will be games, gifts and a table with treats.
Come celebrate the New Year! We are waiting for you!

The New Year will quickly burst into our lives very soon. Many companies will celebrate its arrival with festive corporate parties for employees and partners. You can notify everyone about the place and time of the event by phone at e-mail or by word of mouth. But you want everything to go to the highest standard.

Start over - send out original, targeted invitations to the New Year's corporate party. The text can be poetic, humorous or official - it all depends on the status, personal qualities of the guest and your imagination. There is no time or talent for writing - use ready-made options or slightly improve them. You can even peek at our .

Invitations in verses

New Year's poems, by definition, cannot be serious. Such an invitation is unlikely to be suitable for business partners or company management, but for middle managers and ordinary colleagues it is just right.

Every employee is valuable to us.
New Year is an important holiday,
Excellent for a corporate event
A colleague is calling you personally.

There will be a bright program
Santa Claus and Dog Barbos,
Dancing, competitions and jokes,
And a whole cart of gifts.

Feast for festive table
We look forward to seeing you!
Appearance is at your discretion
Pass – super mood!

Where are we going with our colleague?
There is no secret to this.
We will not let the team down!
Oh no, oh no, oh no!

I received an invitation
I won't break the chain.
The boss invited me
And I'm calling you!

Celebrate this time
Wonderful New Year!
The soul and body will dance,
Or maybe fly away!

We, our brave team:
Indomitable courage awaits us!
Where is the dancing, laughter, program, potion,
We'll have all the fun!

Grab yourself by the neck quickly,
I dare to tell you this.
Because it's New Year,
Waiting for you, me and all of us!

This is not a draft for the army
Not a cinema ticket.
For this time breakthrough
The boss allocated a budget!

And of course, not a game,
Spartak - Lokomotiv!
Dancing, fire, it's heat,
A corporate party is waiting there!

In short, in a tuxedo, or a T-shirt.
Order: don’t be on pins and needles!
It's a Happy New Year!
The whole team is waiting for you there!

Colleague, tirelessly,
We worked together for a whole year!
The road is straight for you and me,
Celebrate temporary flight!

I cordially invite you,
Corporate party buddy!
Here, I am sending an invitation.
There's a big gap waiting there!

In a good establishment
Celebrate the New Year!
Take your mood
And a positive platoon!

Finally, you can specify the time and location of the party by addressing the employee by name.

Texts of invitations in prose

In invitations to corporate events for the company's main specialists and business partners, it is preferable to use a strict, official style, regardless of where you will be: in an office, a country boarding house or a restaurant. But the New Year is a special holiday, which means the text should not be dry and faceless.

In a restaurant

Dear _________, on behalf of Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and our company, we congratulate you on the New Year! We wish you indomitable energy, grandiose plans, stable growth and prosperity. Let the coming year be successful, and let all past failures become a launching pad for a professional takeoff.

We invite you to a New Year's dinner, which will take place at the restaurant ______, (name, date, time). We hope that the festive program and warm atmosphere will bring pleasant, positive impressions.

Sincerely, _______.

To a club or other entertainment venue

Dear _______, please accept sincere, heartfelt congratulations on the New Year from all employees of _______ (company name). We wish you health, prosperity and prosperity. May the coming year be a record year professional achievements, personal victories and successfully completed projects.

We invite you to become a guest at the festive New Year's program and receive a charge of energy, positivity and good mood. We are waiting for you ___________ (name, address, date, time).

Sincerely, _______.

New Year's Eve in the office

Dear _______, ______ (name of organization), wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish that the era of change brings only positive changes, and that behind every smile of fortune there is a clear decision, unbending will and true professionalism.

We invite you to a New Year's corporate party in our office ______ (day, time).

Sincerely, ______.

Invitations to corporate events of a lighter and even humorous nature are perfect for colleagues. They can be just funny or quite cool. It all depends on the number of employees, their degree of creativity, relationships and general mood a team. We have also collected ideas for holding.

In the cafe

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and White Metal Rat are already setting a luxurious table and are waiting for you (you) in the cafe (restaurant) ______ (name, date, time) for a reckless, extravagant, fiery party in honor of the New Year. The program includes: dancing until you drop, songs until you're hoarse, fun until you lose your pulse.

We assure you that the company management will be very upset by your (your) absence - it is not possible to eat and drink everything yourself. So, attendance is strictly required!


Dear colleague, the company’s management sincerely admires your (your) successes and offers to leave all roles in the past in order to enter the image of a cute Rat at a fun New Year’s party, which will take place on _______ (place, date, time). Happy New Year and may it bring only joyful events, and may all bad things disappear like champagne bubbles.


Colleague, leave the old year's tired look, last year's Pig - intractability and arrogance. Load your bones into a formal suit (dress) and at the speed of the symbol of the year - the Rat - rush to the New Year's corporate party, which may not take place without your extraordinary personality. We hope that you will not let us down, and in return we guarantee excellent fun, exquisite bourgeois dishes and, possibly, a personal plate with a face exhausted from drinks.

Don't miss your chance, it's waiting for you _______ (place, date, time).

Invitation templates

New Year's invitations require colorful design. You can create a sketch yourself or involve a support group, but in the pre-holiday bustle there is often no time for this. Another option is to buy ready-made postcards, but they often come with text that does not always correspond to what you want.

The smartest way out is to use a ready-made invitation template. You can print out the form and fill in the missing information by hand. By clicking on the button, you will find two formats: Word (where you can simply correct the text you need) and in image format.jpeg (you can print this picture and enter the data by hand).

Just don't put everything off until the last minute. This is especially important for ladies, because they need to think about the main party of the year. Therefore, it is advisable to send out invitations at least two weeks before the upcoming event. Happy New Year! And may your holiday be at its best.

If a busy program has been prepared for the New Year celebration, but there are no guests to enjoy celebrating the holiday with you, do not despair.

Invite your friends, family, and work colleagues to spend the outgoing year together by preparing original announcements for them on new year holidays.

New Year's announcements for the office

A couple of decades ago, before the holidays, there was a good tradition of congratulating friends and family on the New Year with a colorful postcard. Many people selected original pictures and gave them to colleagues as simple way express your kind attitude and invite you to celebrate the New Year.

Today, postcards are rarely bought; instead, you can use another, no less interesting ideas– send out New Year’s invitations to your office colleagues for a holiday party.

The form for the New Year's announcement about holding a party can be found on the Internet or made with your own hands.

Show your imagination and your own talent as an artist and designer by creating invitation cards in the office:

  1. If the author does not know how to draw, you can use clippings from old newspapers and magazines.
    Using glue, various clippings, letters, pictures are fixed on the form, so New Year's invitation turns out original and memorable.
  2. Company employees can use the company logo or photographs of the workforce, then the invitation will be memorable.
  3. If you want to congratulate a person in a specific profession or an entire work team, when designing a postcard you should use the combination New Year theme with a professional

When designing invitation cards for employees, avoid the following:

  • grammatical errors;
  • vulgarity, familiarity, arrogant tone in the text;
  • too much text;
  • vulgar pictures;
  • use of complex terminology;
  • small font, illegible handwritten words.

Corporate workers love two things: vacations and the festive spirit on New Year's Eve. Therefore, few people refuse to receive an invitation card to a corporate event. At this time, many managers seek to encourage their employees by organizing a fun New Year's party for them.

A beautiful invitation to a New Year's corporate party.

Announcing the celebration verbally is somewhat ineffective because not everyone in the office will hear the information. It is much better to prepare an original invitation for the New Year and stick it on the computer monitor of your office colleague. Moreover, this does not require spending too much time.

New Year's invitations.

Many invitation templates for New Year's celebrations can be found on the Internet. All that remains is to order the invitations to be printed at a printing house and place them on the employees’ desks.

On a note! The more you try to invite your colleagues to the party, the more likely they are to drop whatever they're doing and join you in the celebration.

To make the invited person realize how interesting the holiday will be, the invitation can describe:

  • features of the entertainment program;
  • dishes - highlights of the festive table;
  • artists or singers who will come to the holiday to congratulate the company’s employees.

That is, any information that will be useful for an employee who decides to attend a corporate event on the occasion of the upcoming holiday.

Children spend a huge amount of energy preparing New Year's parties, because they want to dance and sing for their moms and dads, see Santa Claus and receive long-awaited gifts.

Parents should pick up this creative baton and create an invitation to a children's New Year's party with their own hands, placing it under the pillow for boys and girls.

It is not at all necessary to use one template; create two samples: a more strict one for boys and a romantic one for girls. Words cannot express how much joy and delight children who find such a gift after sleep will experience.

Important! Of course, they will not be able to read the information indicated in it, so you should not use many words, small print, or exact numbers. Let the invitation be colorful and contain illustrations on a New Year's theme.

Such invitation cards can also be prepared for grandparents, aunts and uncles, as well as just family friends who want to congratulate the child and share with him the joy of welcoming the coming year.

Let your child present the invitation themselves. This will allow him to feel a certain responsibility, to plunge into fabulous atmosphere holiday.

It is equally important to create memorable and colorful invitations for children to the New Year's performance, if it is organized by charitable foundation, private company, entrepreneurs and big businessmen.

After all, at such children's events, every little thing matters. great importance, being a small brick in a big and important matter - giving children joy and fairy tales.

Announcement of the New Year's party.

Invitations to a New Year's event for children of employees or a specific microdistrict must be made in large quantities, so doing them manually will take too long. Therefore, it is worth using the help of a color printer, having first created a sketch of the invitation on the computer.

Colorful greeting templates with characters from your favorite fairy tales will certainly find a response in children's hearts.


New Year's invitation is a simple and unpretentious way to express a warm attitude to a loved one or a colleague. By creating it with your own hands using paper, glue, pencils or paints, you can show your own talent as a graphic designer.

And if you don’t have free time for this, you can print ready-made templates advertisements from the Internet.

The organization of the New Year's holiday necessarily includes congratulatory invitations, which should lift the spirits, so first you need to choose the right kind words for the celebration or just a congratulatory toast. If this is an invitation card to a party, then the invitation must necessarily evoke a desire to attend the festive evening. After all, nothing can do without such a beginning. gala event.

  • Invitation to a restaurant
  • Invitation to a colleague
  • Invitation to a colleague
  • Invitation for employees
  • Invitation to a colleague
  • Invitation to family
  • Invitation to friends

Invitation to a gala evening

Dear colleague! On December 30, in our office at 17.00 there will be a gala evening in the circle of loyal friends and reliable partners. We will be very glad to meet you at a solemn and interesting party. We hope that this event will bring a lot of fun and unforgettable impressions.

Official invitation to a colleague

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On this solemn day, I would like to congratulate you on the advent of the New Year 2020 and invite you to an unforgettable evening, and also wish you to remain the same interesting and reliable partner. After all, thanks to your efforts, we can rest with complete confidence on a strong and strong shoulder. And may you always be surrounded by only true friends and reliable associates. The evening will take place on December 30 at 17.00 in the Prestige cafe.

Invitation to a restaurant

Dear Ivan Ivanovich! On December 30 at 18.00 there will be a gala event at the Prestige restaurant, where Father Frost, the Snow Maiden and faithful friends will be waiting for you, who will give you a good mood and pleasant surprises! The evening promises to be interesting and fun, so attendance is strictly required!

Invitation to a colleague

Dear Irina Petrovna! On this special day, let me invite you to an unforgettable magical evening, which will take place at 18.00 in the Prestige cafe, and also allow me to wish you health, good luck and prosperity. Let every day in the New Year have grandiose plans that will help you achieve success in your career and achieve your goals. Happy New Year 2020!

Invitation to a corporate party

An important holiday is approaching, which enchants with its magic! To make it memorable for a long time and leave a sea of ​​positive emotions, we invite you to a gala party on December 30 at 17.00 in the Prestige cafe. We hope that the warm welcome and entertainment program will bring a lot of pleasure and leave many positive emotions. Happy New Year!

Cool invitation to a restaurant

Dear Dmitry Ivanovich! On December 30 at 17.00 a festive event will take place at the Prestige restaurant. This evening, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden set a magical table with dishes that you must eat, and then dance and delight everyone with your presence! That is why attendance is required! There will be a lot of fun and nice gifts.

Invitation to a colleague

Dear colleague! I congratulate you and your family on the New Year, and let me invite you all to the gala evening, which will take place in the Prestige cafe at 18.00. And may this evening be unforgettable, and may the coming time bring a lot of luck and success. I wish you a fruitful and worthy New Year career growth. Let every day of the coming time please you with good luck, and let adversity remain beyond the threshold of the old year. Family well-being and all the best!

Invitation for employees

Friends! On this joyful day for everyone, I would like to congratulate you on the New Year and invite you and your family to a gala event, which will be held in a festive atmosphere in the Prestige cafe at 18.00, and also let me wish you and your loved ones only optimism and positivity. May every new day of the coming time bring only ups and stability. I wish that among friends and loved ones there will always be mutual understanding and mutual assistance. Good luck to you and all the best!

Invitation to a colleague

Dear colleague! I congratulate you on the holiday and invite you to a gala event, which will take place at 17.00 in the Prestige cafe, and in the New Year I wish you to fly high career ladder, and after that, stay on top! Let your work bring you only glory, and let those around you benefit and respect. Happy New Year!

Invitation to family

My dear and most beloved relatives! Let the New Year be a time for you to achieve all your goals and objectives. All cherished dreams will definitely come true in the near future. Love to you and reliable friends, and on this festive evening, let me invite you to the “Prestige” restaurant and celebrate this celebration in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

Invitation to friends

New Year is approaching and at this time everyone good mood, and in order to make this holiday truly fun, let’s celebrate it with our friendly company at the festive table! We are waiting for you on December 31 at 18.00. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! I really want to celebrate the holiday with you! Therefore, let me invite you to our festive table! We promise to provide delicious food, loudly burst champagne, and also provide interesting entertainment. This New Year's Eve promises to be fun and interesting. Are looking forward to!!!

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