Three Spas in August: Honey, Apple, Walnut - history, traditions, signs. Honey, Apple and Walnut Spas: traditions and signs of the largest holidays of August

August is rich in holidays dedicated to the harvest. The most significant gifts of Russian nature are honored three times: apples, honey and nuts. Although, strictly speaking, during the three Spas, attention is paid not only to these products..

Honey Spas

Honey Savior is celebrated on August 14 in a new style. Our ancestors believed that after this day the bees begin to bring the "wrong" honey, and therefore they hurried to collect the last gifts of the little workers. This honey was considered especially healing, and it was eaten only after consecration in the church.

On the day of the First Savior, it is customary to give each other jars with this fragrant delicacy, bake honey cakes and gingerbread, and cook mead. Believers come to the temple to consecrate honey - both liquid and in honeycombs. They leave honey offerings in the church, giving them to the elderly, children and those who ask for alms. There is even an old saying in Russia: "On the First Savior, the beggar eats honey."

In addition, on August 14, the priests also conduct a small water blessing. It was the tradition to sanctify water, pre-dug wells and surrounding water bodies that gave the second name to this holiday: “Wet Savior” or “Savior on the Water”.

It is believed that even dew on this day is healing, so that any contact with liquids of natural origin gives health, physical and mental strength, washes away sins, accumulated fatigue and negative energy. In addition, Wet Spas is the last opportunity to swim in a river or lake. After this day, the water blooms and becomes cold.

If you have a well, a spring, or at least artesian well, draw water, eat a spoonful of honey and wash it down with three small sips pure water- it will give you a great charge of vivacity. Just remember that you can afford such a ritual only on Honey Spas. The fact is that usually honey in combination with ice water causes an increase in temperature and provokes a feverish state.

The “hero” of the Honey Savior, in addition to honey itself, is poppy. The third "name" of this holiday is Makovey. We will not go into details of the historical origin given title, but let's just say that along with the gifts of bees, poppy heads are consecrated on this day. Just by this time, the poppy matures completely. Therefore, on festive table they also put dishes in which it is used: poppy seed rolls, poppy seeds boiled in honey, buns, as well as salads, first and second courses, for example, juicy (wheat porridge with raisins, honey, walnuts and poppy).

How and when to celebrate three Spas: Honey, Apple, Walnut

If you are going to celebrate the Honey Savior, focusing on Christian tradition, then remember that August 14 is the first day of the Dormition Fast, so meat and fish dishes are not consumed, and baking is made from lenten dough.

You can protect your home from an evil invasion, from the evil eye and from damage, from quarrels between households and from starvation by scattering consecrated poppy seeds in the corners of the house.

Apple Spas

The next celebration of the gifts of nature is Apple Savior, it is celebrated on August 19 in a new style. By Orthodox canon The Savior coincides with the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, and according to the folk calendar, with the farewell to summer. According to tradition, apples and dishes from them are not eaten until this day. Some time ago, it was even believed that if parents violated this prohibition, then their children, once in heaven, would be deprived of all sorts of delicacies.

How and when to celebrate three Spas: Honey, Apple, Walnut

So our ancestors waited until the Second Savior, and only on this day in the early morning, almost at dawn, did they begin to pick apples or buy them. Then they took them to the church for consecration, after which they arranged a "feast by the mountain." In addition to apples, pears and grapes are consecrated on August 19 and are also served on the festive table raw and cooked.

Lenten dishes are prepared for the holiday - apple pies, compotes, jams, charlottes, as well as apples baked with honey and spices, pears in syrup, etc. Fish are also allowed. However, if you are a non-religious person, you can supplement the menu with duck or chicken with apples, meat in apple-lingonberry sauce, baked apples with soft cheese (or cottage cheese), cheese salad, grapes and ham.

IN Apple Spas it is customary to treat everyone with apples, even strangers. In priority - children and beggars standing on the porch. Moreover, at first the fruits are distributed to others and only then they begin to eat.

Together with apples, you can give relatives and friends pictures or textiles depicting these fruits or souvenir apples made of wood, metal, salt dough. Apples are a symbol of fertility and family well-being, therefore, with your offering, you wish those who are dear to you all the very best.

If you are going to celebrate this Savior, then remember that, in addition to treats and gifts, the celebration also includes evening walks. Go to the park at sunset to spend the summer and meet the fall. It is desirable that you can watch the sun go down - this tradition carries a deep sacred meaning.

How and when to celebrate three Spas: Honey, Apple, Walnut

Seeing the luminary hiding behind the horizon with your eyes, you thank nature for its gifts, for abundance, and ask that the next twelve months be fertile, generous and well-fed, while our ancestors also sang; you too can sing a suitable song or simply address the sun with a monologue.

In addition, according to legend, the last piece of the first apple eaten after the consecration brings good luck - it is carefully chewed, making a wish. It is believed that it will definitely come true.

Walnut Spas

The third Savior is not as popular as the previous two, but of all three it is the most important. Nut Savior is celebrated on August 29 in a new style. By this day, nuts ripen, they begin to be actively collected and eaten. However, the first nut collection is also consecrated in the church.

How and when to celebrate three Spas: Honey, Apple, Walnut

Despite the fact that many people call this Spas Orekhov, its main name is Khlebny. By tradition, on this day, the harvesting of bread ends and the first loaf is baked from the flour of the new crop. Bread is taken to the temple for consecration, and then eaten by the whole family. In some regions of our country, there is still a ritual - the remains of the first rug are wrapped in a canvas cloth and placed behind the icon. Thus, they “lure” well-being into the house, protect the family from hunger.

It is not customary to celebrate the Bread (Nut) Spas in some special way, since at that time the suffering was in full swing, and our ancestors had no time for entertainment. They attended church in the morning, sanctified nuts, bread, grains and set off to prepare a field for winter crops. Nevertheless, some festive customs were still observed - they baked bread for the poor, treated relatives and passers-by with nuts, pies with nuts and other gifts of the outgoing summer were served for dinner.

You can not limit yourself in the celebration of the Walnut Savior. By this time, the post will already be over, and even if you observed it, on this day the menu choice depends only on your imagination. Bake the bread original recipe, prepare dishes that use nuts, such as lobio or chicken salad, with mushrooms, nuts and cheese.

For entertainment, choose fortune-telling on nuts - make a wish and crack one nut. If the core turns out to be good, sweet and large, then your dream will come true. If the nut is empty or black inside, then the wish will not come true.

In addition, present symbolic gifts to relatives, friends and colleagues: nuts, hand-baked buns, or linen towels - fabric products are also directly related to this holiday.

The Transfer of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands took place on August 16, according to the old style (August 29, according to the new one). Since then, this event has been celebrated by Orthodox Christians around the world, and in Russia it coincides with the pagan, national holiday bread and nuts. In memory of the canvas with the manifested image of Jesus Christ, it was customary to trade in fabrics that day.

Three Spas is a great occasion to enjoy what is ripe in forests, gardens and fields. It is believed that these days all the positive energy of the earth is concentrated in fruits, nuts, honey and bread. And seemingly ordinary products become a powerful charge that helps to acquire health, good luck and well-being. What we wish you!

Nadezhda POPOVA

Which religion suits you?

The Orthodox have three holidays in August, three Spas, named after the Savior, the first - "Savior on the Water" on August 14, the second - "on the hill" on August 19, the third - "on the canvas" on August 29. In the article we will tell you in detail about the three Spas in August and where they came from.
The origin of the Feast of the First Savior and Holy Mother of God refers to 1164, to the victory of the Holy Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky of the Volga Bulgars with the help of Vladimir icon and the cross. The first Savior is celebrated on August 14 and is called Savior on the water, wet or. In the temple on this day it is supposed to bless water, honey and poppy seeds, believers take communion. Poppy is associated with the commemoration of the martyrs of Maccabees, who gave their lives for Rus'. In 988, on August 1 (according to the old style), the Baptism of Rus' took place. Since then, according to tradition, at this time, old wells were cleaned or new ones were consecrated, then a religious procession was made to rivers, ponds, lakes to consecrate water. After that, they bathed themselves and bathed cattle in order to wash away sins and be healthier. Later, the "wet Spas" did not bathe.
This Spas is also called Medovy due to the fact that by this day the combs in the hives are already filled with fresh honey and it's time to start collecting. Only from the honey Savior was it allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church. It was believed that honey has healing powers and is suitable for the treatment of many diseases.
The Second Savior - Apple, is celebrated on August 19 and is called the Transfiguration of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.
On this holiday - the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord - the unification of the divine and human principles in the person of Jesus Christ is glorified. To maintain faith in His disciples, when they see His suffering, Jesus Christ showed them His divine face.
Shortly before the crucifixion, Jesus Christ ascended high mountain with three disciples: James, Peter and John to pray. Suddenly they saw that Jesus seemed to be transformed: His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became snow-white. Then two prophets appeared to them, Elijah and Moses, and talked with Him about what was waiting for Him. At the same time, the hearts of the disciples were filled with extraordinary joy. On August 19, they go to Christian churches for divine liturgy people dressed in white is the color of the Transfiguration.
Apple Savior symbolizes the transformation of nature before the onset of autumn. It is believed that from mid-August the nights become cold. By folk omens, apples finish ripening only by the day of the Savior - until then, you can only collect carrion, and very religious people do not eat apples at all until this day. There is a belief that if parents do not eat an apple before the Second Savior, in the next world their children will be given gifts (including paradise apples). And if the parents ate apples, then no. Therefore, most parents whose children have died consider it a great sin to eat apples before August 19th. And from this day on, you can pick different fruits of the new crop, including apples. In general, fruits are harvested in order to consecrate: in Russia these are apples, and the first Christians traditionally brought grapes to the altar. In the villages, it is customary to cook apple jam, bake pies with apples and treat them to all neighbors and acquaintances. Apples consecrated in the Transfiguration had a special power - people, biting and swallowing the first piece, made wishes - it was believed that they would come true. They also say about the Apple Spas - “the first autumns”, that is, the sign of autumn. This holiday is a reminder of the spiritual transformation of each of us. Previously adopted after church service distribute consecrated apples to all those present on it. They handed them home for the sick and infirm, treated all the holy fools and the homeless, gave them to the poor and destitute. According to legend, two birds fly to the apple tree from the Garden of Eden: Alkonost and Sirin, the bird of joy and the bird of sorrow. The Sirin bird is the first to fly towards the apple tree and peck at the apples, flapping its wings covered with dead dew. Therefore, the one who picks an apple ahead of time can get exactly the one that got that dew. Alkonost-bird arrives on the day of the Savior, shakes off living dew from its wings. And all the apples on the trees from that day on are transformed, become healing, life-giving power appears in them.
The girls, picking the first apple and biting it, made wishes about love.
August 29 - the third Savior, popularly called walnut, and also bread or linen, the Savior not made by hands. Nut - because nuts ripen around this time. From August 29, it was allowed to eat this year's nuts. Spas is called bread because the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos was celebrated the day before, and with it they finished reaping bread. On this day, pies were baked from new flour.
August 29 at Orthodox Church big celebration, the transfer from Edessa to Constantinople in 944 of the miraculous image of Jesus - a piece of matter with which, according to legend, the Savior wiped his face, and on which his image remained. In Rus', the image of Christ was treated with great respect. On this holiday they traded in canvases and canvases. One of the most strict posts has ended,

From time immemorial, August has been considered very important events. Let's figure out what the holidays are called, consider their features, as well as the dishes that are cooked these days.


All Orthodox Spas in August, in addition to folk, also have church names. Honey is the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior, Apple is the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Walnut is the Feast of the Transfer of the Image of the Lord Jesus Christ Not Made by Hands.

All three Spas in August have their own unique traditions. There are also dishes that are usually prepared for the festive table.


The first Savior in August is honey. It is celebrated on August 14th. According to the belief of our ancestors, until this day, bees collect the wrong honey. That is why this product could only be consumed after the Savior. Honey, illuminated in the church during the holiday, was considered especially useful. There were even pleasant traditions on this day. For example, it was customary to bake various sweets with honey, as well as to give jars of honey to each other. On the day of the Savior, you need to bring honey to the church, give it to beggars, children and the elderly. Few people know that poppies and water were also celebrated on this holiday. And why? The thing is that the poppy finally ripens for this holiday. Therefore, this product was also consecrated during the honey Savior. And on the festive table that day there were all kinds of treats with poppy seeds. What kind of dishes were not prepared from poppy seeds on the holiday - buns, salads, juicy. No wonder all the same, another name for this holiday is Makoveinik. By the way, by folk beliefs, on this day it was possible to make a charm called "Makoveychik".

As early as the fourteenth of August, the priests arrange a small blessing of water. It was the tradition to consecrate water and reservoirs on this day that gave the third name to the holiday - Wet Spas. It was believed that even the dew on August 14 is able to give spiritual and physical strength and wash away sins, as well as fatigue. On this day, it was customary to swim in various reservoirs. After that, it was impossible to swim, as the water began to cool and bloom.

And what can you cook delicious for Honey Spas in August? Let's take a good recipe as an example.

Honey gingerbread "Kalapush"


  • margarine - 50 grams;
  • sugar - 150 grams;
  • cinnamon - 2 grams;
  • honey - 250 grams;
  • water - 100-150 grams.


  1. Mix honey, sugar and water and boil.
  2. The resulting mass is set to cool.
  3. We make a funnel from the sifted flour and pour the cooled syrup, butter, cinnamon, soda into the middle and knead the dough.
  4. We roll out round cakes from the dough, pierce them with a knife and put in a not very hot oven for 30-40 minutes.

August: Apple Savior

Second Spas - Apple. It is celebrated on August 19th. Before this holiday, it was impossible to eat apples or dishes from them. There was even such a belief that parents who ate an apple before the Savior would have children in paradise deprived of all sorts of goodies. True or not, but people adhered to such a tradition. Therefore, for any parent to eat an apple before it was considered terrible sin. Because they thought about their children, they wanted everything to be fine with them, even in paradise.

What else happened on Spas in August? On this day, relatives and relatives were given souvenir apples made of wood or metal, as well as various pictures with these fruits. In order to collect fruit on a holiday, one had to get up at dawn. Then the apples were to be taken to the church for consecration. It is also noteworthy that before trying at least one fruit on your own, you first had to treat someone - first of all, of course, children and the poor.

There was an abundance of apple dishes on the table that day. These were pies, and compotes, and jams. By the way, on that day, pears could also be seen on the table, they were also consecrated in the Savior.

Another unshakable tradition has become evening walks, which are desirable to take at sunset. Their meaning is to say goodbye to summer and welcome autumn. It is believed that watching the sunset, you thank nature for its gifts. During such a walk, singing is welcome. In other words, if this tradition is not for you, then just talking to the sun will also be appropriate.

Let's take, for example, a recipe for baking, which is customary to cook on

Pie "Boyarskaya hat"


  • sour apples - 4-5 pieces;
  • eggs - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • margarine (butter) - 200 grams;
  • flour - 2.5 cups.


  1. Grind margarine with flour.
  2. Grind 1/3 cup sugar with yolks.
  3. Knead the dough.
  4. Make a ball from the dough and separate a small walnut-sized piece from it.
  5. Sprinkle breadcrumbs on a greased pan.
  6. We spread the dough in it so that it turns out to be a "cap".
  7. We clean the apples, remove the core and three on a grater.
  8. Beat egg whites with remaining sugar.
  9. Three separate pieces of dough on a grater.
  10. We spread the apples on the bottom of the "cap".
  11. Then pour in the cream.
  12. Add grated dough on top.
  13. We bend the edges of the pie and bake it in a hot oven.

Walnut Spas

As you remember, three Spas in August. We have already described two in detail, examined what is being prepared for these celebrations. And what is the third Spas in August? Walnut. It is celebrated on August 29th. It is customary to consecrate the first harvest of nuts in the church. Although this Savior was considered the most important of all three, it was not customary to celebrate it. This is primarily due to the fact that during this period they harvested bread and prepared the field for winter crops. In general, there was simply no time to celebrate. By the way, the second name of the walnut Spas is Khlebny. It was on this day that the first loaf of new flour could be baked. Bread was also customary to consecrate. On this day, our ancestors baked flour products for the poor and treated everyone with nuts.

If you want to please your loved ones with gifts on this day, then you can present nuts, hand-made pastries, or a canvas towel. It is impossible not to mention that the third name of this Savior is Canvas. This is connected with the legend that once upon a time an artist came to Christ from the Prince of Edessa and asked permission to capture Jesus so that his image would help cure the prince. The artist could not manage to convey the face of Jesus. Then Christ washed and dried himself with a canvas, and his features miraculously appeared on it. The cloth helped cure the prince. The canvas became a relic and was kept in Edessa, and then in Constantinople. This event took place on August 29 according to a new style, therefore the Savior is celebrated all over the world and is celebrated on this day by Orthodox Christians.

Let's look at a good dish that is suitable for Nut Spas.

Caviar from bread and garlic


  • olives - 10 pieces;
  • walnuts - 20 pieces;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • wheat bread - 200 grams;
  • salt.


  1. Grind salt and garlic.
  2. Add chopped walnuts to the resulting mass.
  3. We rub everything again.
  4. Soak slices of bread in water, then squeeze.
  5. Mix bread with walnut-garlic mass.
  6. Beat the resulting mass, adding vegetable oil.
  7. In the resulting "porridge" add lemon juice.
  8. You need to decorate the dish with olives, after which it can be served on the table.


Now you know what Spas are in August. We hope that our article will help you properly prepare for them. And also you can, according to all the rules, celebrate the holidays of the Savior in August.

In the last month of summer, Orthodox believers celebrate three major holidays, three Spas - Honey, Apple and Bread (Nut).

Honey Spas

The very first Savior of August is invariably celebrated on August 14 and coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast.

At the heart of the first Savior is a holiday with long name- The Origin of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord.

The tradition of celebrating it came to us from Constantinople - it was here that a part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified was kept. Once a year, the relic was taken out of the temple and walked with it in procession through the capital "to sanctify places and avert diseases." Later, such processions spread to Rus', only our ancestors wore the most common cross.

Time passed - and a new celebration joined the feast of the Cross of the Lord. And it all started with a miracle...

In 1164, completely independently and at a considerable distance from each other, the Byzantine emperor Manuel and the Russian prince Andrei Bogolyubsky defeated the enemies. And there was one and the same sign for both conquerors: from the cross of Christ, the icon Our Lady of Vladimir and the image of the Savior, who were among the troops, radiance emanated. Manuel and Andrei sent messages to each other about their glorious victory and amazing spectacle. What was their amazement when it turned out that the miracle was sent down to both at once! In honor of this great event, the date of the first Savior was set. Soon two celebrations - the feast of the Cross of the Lord and the Savior - merged into one.

The first Savior has several names: Savior on the Water, Wet, or Honey. In the temple on this day it is supposed to bless water, honey and poppy seeds, believers take communion.

August 14, 988 (August 1, old style) is celebrated as the day of the beginning of the Baptism of Rus'. Since then, according to tradition, at this time, old wells were cleaned or new ones were consecrated, then a religious procession was made to rivers, ponds, lakes to consecrate water. After that, they bathed themselves and bathed cattle in order to wash away sins and be healthier.

This Spas is also called Medovy due to the fact that by this day the combs in the hives are already filled with fresh honey and it's time to start collecting. Only from the honey Savior was it allowed to eat honey consecrated by the church.

They say that even the air itself on the day of the First Savior is saturated with honey aroma. After all, the First Spas is honey, it is a holiday of beekeepers. Only after consecration is the first honey ready for use. Russians have long respected honey, because it is one of the most useful and delicious products. According to legend, the honey drink cured Ilya Muromets himself of paralysis.

Part of the honey was always left in the church, part went to treat the poor, and was also carried to the homes of poor neighbors.

From that day on, beekeepers began to collect honey from overcrowded hives. Then the delicacy was carried to the church to consecrate, only after that they tried honey and treated their loved ones to it. From here originates the first, most famous name Spas - Honey.

By August 14, poppy harvesting began, from which various treats for the festive table were made. So the Spas got its second name - Makovy, or Makovey. Poppy Spas folk tradition connected with the church day of remembrance of the seven Old Testament martyrs Maccabees.

On this day, they asked the Lord and the saints for a good harvest and a non-starvation winter. They consecrated the water in the springs and collected herbs for amulets.

Spas was celebrated modestly, because by the beginning of August, work related to the harvest was still in full swing - and there was no time for a magnificent holiday. After a heavy labor day celebrations were organized, accompanied by dances and songs, and on the table were treats with honey and poppy seeds, as well as mead.

Apple Spas

The Harvest Festival, which is celebrated annually on August 19, is timed to coincide with a big church date - the Transfiguration of the Lord.

According to legend, from that day on, nature turned towards autumn and turned away from summer. The earth was transformed and gave people a new harvest of fruits. Apples picked at the end of the summer were taken to church to be blessed, and then cooked from them for Lenten treats.

On this holiday - the day of the Transfiguration of the Lord - the unification of the divine and human principles in the person of Jesus Christ is glorified. According to legend, in order to maintain faith in His disciples, when they see His suffering, Jesus Christ showed them His divine face.

Shortly before the crucifixion, Jesus Christ ascended a high mountain with three disciples: James, Peter and John, to pray. Suddenly they saw that Jesus seemed to be transformed: His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became snow-white. Then two prophets appeared to them, Elijah and Moses, and talked with Him about what was waiting for Him. At the same time, the hearts of the disciples were filled with extraordinary joy.

Since then, on August 19, people dressed in white - this is the color of the Transfiguration - go to Christian churches for the divine liturgy.

Apple Savior is a symbol of the transformation of nature before the onset of autumn. It is believed that from mid-August the nights become cold. According to popular beliefs, apples finish ripening only by the day of the Savior - until then, only carrion can be collected, and believers do not eat apples at all until this day.

There is a belief that if parents do not eat an apple before the Second Savior, in the next world their children will be given gifts (including paradise apples). And if the parents ate apples, then no. Therefore, most parents whose children have died consider it a great sin to eat apples before August 19th. And from this day on, you can pick different fruits of the new crop, including apples.

In general, fruits are harvested in order to consecrate: in Russia these are apples, and the first Christians traditionally brought grapes to the altar.

In the villages, it is customary to cook apple jam, bake pies with apples and treat them to all neighbors and acquaintances. It is believed that apples consecrated to the Transfiguration have a special power: people, biting and swallowing the first piece, made wishes - it was believed that they would come true.

They also say about the Apple Spas - “the first autumns”, that is, the sign of autumn. This holiday is a reminder of the spiritual transformation of each of us.

Previously, it was customary after the church service to distribute consecrated apples to all those present at it. They handed them home for the sick and infirm, treated all the holy fools and the homeless, gave them to the poor and destitute.

According to legend, two birds fly to the apple tree from the Garden of Eden: Alkonost and Sirin, the bird of joy and the bird of sorrow. The Sirin bird is the first to fly towards the apple tree and peck at the apples, flapping its wings covered with dead dew. Therefore, whoever picks an apple ahead of time, it may come across exactly the one that got that dew. Alkonost-bird arrives on the day of the Savior, shakes off living dew from its wings. And all the apples on the trees from that day on are transformed, become healing, according to legend, life-giving power appears in them.

As you can see, religious traditions are closely intertwined in it with pagan rites. This holiday conditionally draws a line between the summer season and autumn, generous with gifts and bringing with it the transformation of nature. The name of the holiday comes from the name of the Savior, who, at the cost of his life, brought hope to people who believed in him. eternal life and the grace of forgiveness.

Part of the consecrated apples was carried to the cemetery that day and placed on the graves of deceased relatives and close people. They also consecrated the ears of corn, which from this were well preserved until the next year.

Girls spoke apples to get married this year and become happy. Eating the fruits, they made a wish for a groom, saying: “What is thought is contrived! What is imagined will come true! What will come true - will not pass!

Despite the fact that work in the fields was still ongoing, the Apple Savior was especially revered, so folk festivals were organized with songs and dances.

The third rescued in August

Third Savior of August, which is popularly called Khlebny, or Nut.

The holiday is celebrated on August 29. It was believed that hazel was ripening by this day (it was collected in the forest and also sanctified in churches), and the first bread was baked from the grain of the new crop.

From August 29, it was allowed to eat this year's nuts. It was believed that the very first collection of hazelnuts should be consecrated in the church and distributed to the suffering and the poor in order to gain grace and health in the future.

Spas is called bread because the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos was celebrated the day before, and with it they finished reaping bread. On this day, pies were baked only from new flour.

There is also a church name - Savior of the Image of Christ the Savior Not Made by Hands. IN Orthodox tradition this story is connected with the sick king of Edessa, Augarius, and Thaddeus' visit to him after the artist sent by him failed to depict Christ. Then Christ washed his face, wiped it with a cloth on which the imprint remained, and handed it to the artist. This miraculous image subsequently worked miracles more than once, healed people, until it was lost during the Fourth Crusade.

As the names suggest, the main dishes of this holiday are freshly baked bread made from new harvest flour and nuts. Bread was served on the festive table and treated to them by loved ones and neighbors. The oldest man in the family was to taste the bread first.

On the third Savior, people went to the forest to collect nuts, after which they poured the entire harvest on the canvas, and next to it they laid a tablecloth on which there were treats. The holiday was celebrated in nature in big circle guests.

On this holiday they traded in canvases and canvases. One of the strictest fasts, Uspensky, was ending, during which even vegetable oil could only be eaten on weekends and which was observed from August 14 to 28. But this is not a burden, because it was allowed to eat berries, fruits, mushrooms.

According to the materials of the sites Dailyhoro and " Scarlet Sails»

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August 13, 2018, 09:58

In August, the Orthodox celebrate three important and beloved ones at once, which symbolize the end of the harvesting work and are closely related to the Christian faith. These are Honey, Apple and Nut Spas

We owe the appearance of these festive dates to the Vyshgorod prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who founded these bright days 950 years ago. Any of the three Spas is a special holiday, because they are named after Jesus Christ, who, by his death, gave salvation to mankind. The symbols of this sacrifice were honey, ripe apples and nuts.

In the Christian faith, the feast of the Honey Savior is the day of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. It was at this time many years ago that part of the cross on which Jesus was crucified was carried through the streets of Constantinople, thus saving the inhabitants of the city from terrible illness and death.

The second name of the holiday "Makovey" appeared due to the fact that on August 14 they celebrate the day of memory of the seven martyrs of Maccabees. Due to the similarity of the names, this holiday was associated with the poppy, which ripens at this time. Therefore, on the first Spas, poppy seeds are added to the traditional honey sweets.

Apple Savior is a kind of farewell to summer. The nights are getting colder, and it's time for the first apple harvest. There was a tradition according to which it was impossible to eat apples before the Savior. Only with the advent of the holiday, fragrant fruits were carried to church, consecrated, and only then eaten.

The last Savior is called Orekhovy or Khlebny because it was at this time that the hazelnuts ripened and the grain harvesting work was completed. Therefore, there was a lot of bread and other pastries on the table. Nuts were brought to church on August 29 to consecrate, only then they were eaten. Another name for this day is Savior on the Canvas, because it was on August 29 that it was customary to buy and sell fabrics for winter needlework. Also on this day there is a big Orthodox holiday- Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.

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